f1 Math Paper

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Tak Nga Secondary School

2012-2013 1st Term Test
Form 1 Mathematics
Time allowed: 1 hour
Instructions: Answer ALL questions. Write ALL the answers on the answer sheets provided.

Section A: Multiple-choice Questions (24 marks)

1. Evaluate 3  2(1) .
A. - 1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 5

2. Which of the following expressions has a positive value?

 1  1  1 ( 4)(6) 4
A.         5    6  B. C. D.
 2  4  2 5 ( 5)(6)

( 4)(8)( 20)

3. Which of the following expressions has a value that is NOT equal to the value of
 1   3
    ?
  3  5 
1 3  1  3  1  3   1  3
A.  B.    C.     D.   
3 5  3 5  3   5  3 5

4. The following table shows the average temperatures of four cities P, Q, R and S in December.
City P Q R S

Average +13C – 4C +27C –12C

According to the above table, arrange the average temperatures of the four cities in descending order.
A. R, P, S, Q B. R, P, Q, S C. S, Q, P, R D. Q, S, P, R

5. Find the value of R in the following figure.

A. +10 B. +5 C. +1 D. –5

6. Which of the following is NOT a geometric sequence?

A. 1, 3, 9, 27, 81 B.  , 1, –4, 16, –64
C. 12, 6, 0, –6, –12 D. –4, –8, –16, –32, –64

7. Jackie walks 9 km at a speed of a km/h and swims 4 km at b km/h. How much time does she take for
the whole journey?
 9 4  a b
A. (9a + 4b) hours B. 36ab hours C.    hours D.    hours
 a b  9 4
8. Represent the word phrase ‘divide m by the product of 2 and n and then subtract the sum of 6 and m
from the result’ by an algebraic expression.
mn mn m m
A. 6m B.  (6  m) C. 6m D.  (6  m )
2 2 2n 2n

9. M is the smallest number among three consecutive integers. Find the sum of these three numbers.

A. M+2 B. 3M C. 3M + 3 D. 3M + 6

10. It is known that the 11th and the 13th of the Fibonacci sequence are 89 and 233 respectively. Find the
12th term of the sequence.
A. –55 B. 144 C. 161 D. 322

n 2  3n
11. It is known that the number of diagonals D of a polygon can be calculated by the formula D 
, where n is the number of sides of the polygon. Find the number of diagonals of a heptagon (7-sided
A. 7 B. 14 C. 21 D. 23

12. Which of the following pair are like terms?

1 4
A.  4x3 ,  4x 2 B. 7 xy ,  6 yx C. 11x 2 y , 3 xy 2 D. 2abc, a bc

13. Which of the following is not a polynomial?

4x3  2x  8 x 3  4x  9 11x 3
A. B. C.  9  4x 2  D. ax 3  bx  c
3 2x 7

14. Simplify (3x 5 y 2 ) 4 .

A. 3x 9 y 6 B. 12x 20 y 8 C. 81x 9 y 6 D. 81x 20 y 8

15. Simplify –2x2 + 3x + 2 – 6 + 2x + 4x2.

A. 9x – 4 B. 2x2 + 5x – 4 C. 2x2 + 5x + 4 D. 6x2 – 5x – 4

16. ( x  x )( y  y  y ) =
A. 6xy B. 2x + 3y C. x2y3 D. 6x 2 y 3

Tak Nga Secondary School

2012-2013 1st Term Test
Form 1 Mathematics
Answer Sheet

Name: ___________________________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________

Section A – Multiple-choice Questions (24 marks, @1.5 marks)

Please put  in the correct box for each question.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Section B – Conventional Questions (51 marks)

1. Express the following statements by using algebraic expressions.

(a) Subtract 3b from 2a and then divide the result by the product of c and two-third of d. (2 marks)

(b) The product of 3x and 2y is subtracted from the sum of 5k and 6m. (2 marks)


2. Complete the following table:(3 marks)

Polynomial Coefficient of: Constant Degree of
x4 x3 x2 x term polynomial
–5x 4 + – 6x + 5
6 6

3. Evaluate ( 10)( 3)  9  ( 4.5) .  1  3  10

4. Evaluate   2     1   . (3 marks)
(3 marks)  2  10  3

v2  u2 6. In a quiz, each class had to answer 10 questions.

5. Let s  . If v = 7, u = 9 and a = 4, find
2a For each question, 10 marks would be awarded
the value of s. (2 marks) for a correct answer and 5 marks would be
deducted for a wrong answer or no response.
1A class got 7 correct answers and the rest are
wrong answers. What was its score? (3 marks)

7. A pack of chocolate is divided among 5 persons. 8. Simplify –2m4n3 ÷ 2m3n2. (2 marks)

Each person gets n pieces and 3 pieces are left.
How many pieces of chocolate can each
person get when the chocolate is evenly
distributed among 6 persons? (2 marks)

9. Simplify (4k3 – 7k2 + 6k) – (–2k3 + 9k – 3). 10. Expand (2w – 2) (w2 + 5w – 6). (3 marks)
(2 marks)

11. Simplify 3a2b – [2ab2 – 2(3a2b + 2ab2)]. 12. Expand ( x  2) 2  3 . (3 marks)

(3 marks)

13. The figure shows a trapezium of upper base (5x – 2) cm, lower base (3x + 4) cm and height (3y + 7) cm.
(a) Write down the formula for the area A of the trapezium.
Give the answer in expanded form. (3 marks) (5x – 2) cm

(3y + 7) cm

(3x + 4) cm

(b) If x = 2, y = 3, what is the area of the trapezium? (2 marks)

14. In the first quarter of last year, Mr Chan’s average loss on stock investment per month was $4 500. In the
second quarter of last year, the stock market declined and his average loss per month doubled. In the third
quarter of last year, the stock market rebounded and his average gain per month was $2 000. In the last
quarter of last year, his average gain per month was 4 times that of the previous quarter.

(a) How much did Mr Chan lose in the first half of last year? (3 marks)

(b) How much did Mr Chan lose or gain last year? (4 marks)

15. Consider the sequence 2, 6, 10, 14, ….

(a) Write down the next three terms of the sequence. (2 marks)

__________, __________, __________

(b) Use an algebraic expression to represent the nth term of the sequence. (2 marks)

(c) Find the 100th term of the sequence. (2 marks)

~~End of Paper~~

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