Which of The Following Is A Set of Rational Numbers?

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1. Which of the following is a set of Rational Numbers?

A. { π , √ 2 , 4 ,6 , 8 } {
B. 5.272727 ,0 ,25 ,
5,, } C. {√3 7 , √3 8 ,3 , 9 }

D. { √ 2 , √−1 , 0 ,1 , 5 }

2. Which of the following is the simplified radical form of

√ x− √ y .
√ x+ √ y
x+2 √ xy− y x−2 √ xy− y x−2 √ xy + y x−√ xy + y
A. B. C. D.
x+ y x+ y x− y x− y
3. Which of the following is the simplified radical form of √9 125 x 6 y 6 .

A. √3 5 x2 y 2 B. √9 52 x 2 y 2 C. √3 53 x 2 y 2 D. √9 53 x 3 y 3
64 a 2 b5 c 6 1
4. Solve for the simplified form of ( 81 a2 b1 c 2 )2❑ .

16 a2 b4 c 4 9 b2 c 2 8 a2 b4 c 4 8 b2 c 2
A. B. C. D.
9 a2 c 2 8 a2 c 2 9 9

5. Solve for the value of



8 8 2 2
A. 729 B. C. D.
¿ 9 9 27
6. The complete factoring of 3x( w – 4z) + 4y( w – 4z) is:
A. (3x -4z)(w + 4y) B. (w – 4z)(3x + 4y) C. (3x + 4y)(w + 4z) D. (3x – 4y)(w + 4z)
7. The complete factoring of x 3 y 2 +3 x 2 y ❑+3 x y 2 + x y3 is:

A. (x + y)3 B. (x + y)(x2 + 2xy + y2) C. (x + y)(x2 – 2x2y + y2)

D. (x – y)(x2 + 3xy + y2)
8. The complete factoring of (x3 + y3) is:
A. (x + y)(x2 + xy + y2) B. (x + y)(x2 – xy + y2) C. (x – y)(x2 + xy + y2)
D. (x - y)(x2 - xy + y2)
9. The complete factoring of (9x2 - 16y2) is:
A. (9x – 4y)(x + 4y) B. (3x - 4y)(3x – 4y) C. (3x – 4y)(3x + 4y)
D. (9x + 4y)(x – 4y)
10. Solve for the value of x in the equation, √ x+ 3=5.
A. x = 14 B. x = 13 C. x = 20 D. x = 22
11. Solve for the value of x in the equation, 4(x + 3) = 6(x – 5):
A. x = 20 B. x = 24 C. x = 23 D. x = 21
12. Which of the following is not a prime number?
A. 109 B. 107 C. 77 D. 79
13. Find a number so that 6 more than twice the number is one-third the number.
A. – 5 B. – 3 C. 3 D. – 4

14. Find three consecutive integers so that twice the second less the first is twice the third.
A. – 1, – 2, –3 B. – 2, – 1, 0 C. 1, 2, 3
D. – 3, – 2, –1
15. Solve for the perimeter of the triangle if one side is 20 feet, another side is three-fifths the
perimeter, and the third side is one-fourth the perimeter.
A. 113.333 ft B. 123.333 ft C. 213.333 ft D. 133.333 ft
16. An old piece of equipment can print, stuff, and label 38 mailing pieces per minute. A newer model
can handle 82 pieces per minute. How long will it take for both equipment to prepare a mailing of
6,000 pieces? (Hint: Use Quantity = Rate X Time for each machine.
A. 50 mins. B. 40 mins C. 45 mins D. 55 mins
17. A casino boat takes 1.6 hours longer to go 36 miles up a river than to return. If the rate of the
current is 4 miles per hour, what is the speed of the boat in still water?
A. 12 miles/hour B. 13 miles/hour C. 14 miles/hour D. 15 miles/hour
18. One pump can fill a gasoline storage tank in 7 hours. With a second pump working simultaneously,
the tank can be filled in 2.5 hours. How long would it take the second pump to fill the tank
operating alone?
1 3 2 3
A. 1 hour B. 1 hour C. 1 hour D. 1 hour
3 4 3 4
19. How many liters of a mixture containing 70% alcohol should be added to 6 liters of a 30% solution
to yield a 40% solution?
A. 1.8 liters B. 2 liters C. 2.1 liters D. 2.2 liters
20. A chemical storeroom has a 90% acid solution and a 40% acid solution. How many centiliters of the
90% solution should be added to 50 centiliters of the 40% solution to yield a 50% solution?

A. 12.5 centiliters B. 13 centiliters C. 13.5 centiliters D. 12 centiliters

21. A jetliner takes 1.2 times as long to fly from Paris to New York (3600 miles) as to return. If the jet
cruises at 550 miles per hour in still air, what is the average rate of the wind blowing in the
direction of Paris from New York?

A. 60 mi/hr B. 55 mi/hr C. 65 mi/hr D. 50 mi/hr

22. Two sides of a triangle measure 20 cm and 8 cm. The third side may be

A. 12 cm B. 13 cm C. 10 cm D. 11 cm
23. The observed interior angles of a triangular piece of land ABC are as follows:
A = 35ᵒ14’37″ B = 96ᵒ30’09″ C = 48ᵒ15’05″
The most probable value of angle C is nearest to:
A. 96ᵒ30’15″ B. 48ᵒ15’08″ C. 48ᵒ15’12″ D. 96ᵒ30’12″
24. A flagpole 3.5 m high stands at the top of a pedestal 1.5 m high located at one side of a pathway.
At the opposite side of the pathway directly facing the flagpole, the flagpole subtends the same
angle as the pedestal. Solve for the width of the pathway.
A. 3.21 m B. 2.37 m C. 4.47 m D. 5.37 m

25. A circle of radius 9 cm is circumscribed about a triangle whose area is 48.23 sq. cm. If one side of
the triangle measure 18 cm, solve for the length of the shortest side of the triangle.
A. 6.64 cm B. 4.37 cm C. 2.34 cm D. 5.64 cm
26. Two sides of a triangle measure 15 cm each. Solve for the maximum possible area of the triangle.
A. 100 cm2 B. 110.5 cm2 C. 112.5 cm2 D. 98 cm2
27. Two sides of a parallelogram measure 70 cm and 85 cm and the shorter diagonal is 45 cm. Solve for
the smallest interior angle of the parallelogram.
A. 32.27ᵒ B. 25.87ᵒ C. 21.65ᵒ D. 31.92ᵒ
28. Triangle ABC has side AB = 160 cm, BC = 190 cm, and CA = 190cm. Point D is along side AB and AD =
100 cm. Point E is along side CA. Solve for the length of AE if the area of triangle ADE is 3/5 the
area of triangle ABC.
A. 165.3 cm B. 154.2 cm C. 182.4 cm D. 173.9 cm
29. An observer wishes to determine the height of the tower. He observed the top of the tower from A
and got an angle of elevation of 32ᵒ. He then walked 20 m closer to point B and observed the angle
of elevation of the top of the tower as 45ᵒ. Points A and B are at the same elevation, and on a
direct line with the tower. Solve for the height of the tower.
A. 33.32 m B. 43.21 m C. 46.32 D. 36.27 m
30. The sides of a triangle are 18 cm, 24 cm, and 34 cm, respectively. Solve for the length of the
median to the 24-cm side, in cm.
A. 24.4 B. 21.9 C. 23.4 D. 20.4
31. What property of real numbers is used in the statement, -(2 + x) + (2 + x) = 0.

A. Identity Property B. Inverse Property C. Associative Property D. Zero Property

32. Remove the grouping symbols and simplify by combining like terms the expression,
3 + {[(3x – 5y) – (2x – 3y) + 2} A. x – 2y + 5 B. 5x – 8y + 5
C. x – 8y + 5 D. 6x – 2y + 64

33. Remove the grouping symbols and simplify by combining like terms the expression,
– x{(5 – 2x) + [(3x + 1) – 6(2 – x)] – 2x} A. -5x + 6 B. -5x2 + 6x
C. 7x – 6 D. -7x - 5x - 6

34. Remove the grouping symbols and simplify by combining like terms the expression,
3{2x2 + 4[x – (3 – x) + 2x] + 4x} A. 4x 2 + 12x - 9 B. 6x2 +10x - 12
2 2
C. 6x + 60x - 36 D. 6x + 20x - 12

35. For the expression (x - 3y)6, find the middle term. A. 540 x2y4 B. 1215 x3y3
C. – 540 x3y3 D. 240 x 4y2

36. Simplify the expression without zero or negative exponents, (-x) 2y2(x3 + 3x2y2). A. – x7y6
B. x5y6 C. – x5 y2 + 3x4y6 D. x5y2 + 3x4y4

37. Simplify the expression without zero or negative exponents, (3x) 2(5x)2x-4. A. 15x8
B. 225 x8 C. 45 x6 D. 75 x6
38. Simplify the expression without zero or negative exponents, (p-2r4q-4)-3∙(20r-3)-2 A.
5 7 6 12 3
p q p q p 1
B. C. D.
p q12 r 16
r 12 r 16 12 16
q r
39. Find the term involving x6y12 in the expression, (3x2 - 4y3)7. A. – 20412x6y12
B. 81648x6y12 C. – 181440x6y12 D. 241920x6y12


40. What property of real numbers is used in the statement, 4p(q 2 r3) = 4(pq2) r3. A. Associative
Property B. Distributive Property C. Identity Property D. Inverse Property

41. Solve for x in the equation 5( x + 2) = 4(x - 3). A. – 11 B. -20 C. – 22

D. -15

42. Solve 7 x_ + 1_ = 5 x - 3_ A. 1 B. 10 C. 11 D. 1

5 2 2 5

43. Solve for x in the equation __5____ = 1. A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1

2 x + 3 x

44. Solve the system of equations below.

2x – y = 3 (1)
X + 3y = 5 (2)
A. x = 1, y = 2 B. x = 2, y = 2 C. x = 2, y = 1 D. x = 1, y = 1

45. Remove the grouping symbols and simplify the expression, 2{3x + 4[2x – (4 – x) – 3(4x – 3y)]}.
A. 60 x - 72 y - 16 B. -66x - 72y - 32 C. -56x + 72y -32 D. – 66x + 36y - 36

Situation 1 - Use the basic identities to find the values of the other five trigonometric functions, given
Sin x = - ½ and tan x < 0.

√3 √3 √3
46. The value of cos x is: A.
B. -
C. √3 D.
1 −1 −1
47. The value of tan x is: A. B. C. - √ 3 D.
√3 √3 3
−1 −1
48. The value of csc x is: A. B. C. 2 D. – 2
2 √2
−√ 3 −2 2 √3
49. The value of sec x is: A. B. C. D.
2 √3 √3 2

√2 2
50. The value of cot x is: A. √3 B. - √ 3 C.


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