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Wp416 Vivado Design Suite

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White Paper: Vivado Design Suite

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Vivado Design Suite

By: Tom Feist

The Vivado™ Design Suite is a new IP and system-centric

design environment that accelerates design productivity for
the next decade of All-Programmable devices.

All-Programmable devices go beyond programmable logic

and I/O, integrating various combinations of 3D stacked
silicon interconnect technology, software programmable
ARM® processing systems, programmable Analog Mixed
Signal (AMS), and a significant amount of
intellectual-property (IP) cores. These next generation devices
enable designers to go beyond programmable logic to
programmable systems integration, to incorporate more
system functions into fewer parts, increase system
performance, reduce system power, and lower BOM cost.

Built from the ground up over the last 4 years, the Vivado
Design Suite attacks the key design bottlenecks in
programmable systems integration and implementation to
enable up to a 4X productivity advantage over competing
development environments. For traditional logic-centric
FPGAs, it also enables designs to be created more easily, meet
timing more quickly, and automate—not dictate—the
developer's preferred design flow.

© Copyright 2012 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United
States and other countries. AMBA, AMBA Designer, ARM, ARM1176JZ-S, CoreSight, Cortex, and PrimeCell are trademarks of ARM in the EU and other countries. PCI,
PCI Express, PCIe, and PCI-X are trademarks of PCI-SIG. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 1


Vivado Design Suite has been under development since May of 2008, and in beta with
over 100 customers since April 2011, leveraging technology from some key Xilinx
acquisitions, including Hier Design, PwrLite Inc., and AutoESL Design Technologies,
Inc. In addition, Vivado Design Suite introduces several new technologies, including a
shared scalable data model, RTL synthesis, and place and route technology.
The core Vivado Design Suite technology is designed to scale to support massive
devices with half the memory footprint and up to a 4X run-time advantage compared
to competing programmable logic development environments.
Accelerated design integration is achieved through IP and system-centric design flows
that quickly turn user designs and algorithms into reusable IP that can be assembled
abstractly without errors.
Accelerated design implementation is achieved through analytical place and route
technology in a tightly integrated environment that concurrently optimizes for
congestion, wire length, and timing. Vivado Design Suite is an open design
environment that embraces industry standards to leverage the designer’s experience
while broadening third-party support.

Accelerating Time to Integration

FPGAs and EPPs enable developers to implement complex systems on a single device.
Xilinx 7 series FPGAs and Zynq EPPs come equipped with a wealth of dedicated hard
IP blocks for implementing high-speed interfaces, memory interfaces, processing
systems, signal processing, and video algorithms while being supported by extensive
portfolios of soft IP from Xilinx, third parties, and customers themselves. Vivado
Design Suite has been developed to simplify the task of integrating this IP to assemble,
verify, and implement and system designs.

High-Level System Integration

The Vivado IP integrator is an interactive design and verification environment,
enabling the user to build and verify a hierarchical system by graphically connecting
IP provided by Xilinx, third parties, or the developer's propriety IP, using interface
level connections, such as AXI, as illustrated in Figure 1. Support for hierarchical
design entry matches typical designer flows, and eases creation and reuse of complex
subsystems. Interactive design rule checking (DRC) checks guarantee that the system
design is structurally correct by construction. In turn, the design itself can then be
packaged as an IP and placed in the Vivado IP catalog for later reuse. The Vivado IP
integrator supports processor or processor-less design creation equally well.
As a result of tight integration within the Vivado IDE, the Vivado IP integrator
subsystems can be rapidly integrated into the overall design. Designers can also take
advantage of the Vivado IDE's Tcl-based environment and build subsystems using
scripts, or a combination of graphical and scripting methods. Advanced design
services in the Vivado IP integrator perform DRC during design assembly, recognize
and alert the designer to common design errors, handle automatic parameter
propagation between IP blocks, and perform system-level optimizations.

2 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Accelerating Time to Integration

X-Ref Target - Figure 1


Memory Interfaces

PCIe Display

Embedded Interconnect

User IP Xilinx IP 3rd Party IP

Processing Datapath

Figure 1: Vivado IP Integrator

The Vivado IP integrator accelerates IP and system-centric design implementation by

providing the following:
• Tight integration within the Vivado IDE
• Seamless inclusion of IPI subsystems into overall design
• Rapid capture and packing of IPI designs for reuse
• Tcl scripting as well as graphical design
• Rapid simulation and cross-probing back between multiple design views
• Support for all design domains
• Support for processor or processor-less designs
• Integration of algorithmic and RTL-level IP
• Combination of DSP, video, embedded, connectivity and logic
• Hierarchy support
• Matches typical designer flows
• Easy to reuse complex subsystems
• Advanced design services
• DRCs on complex interface level connections during design assembly
• Recognition and correction of common design errors
• Automatic IP parameter propagation to interconnected IP
• System-level optimizations

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 3

Accelerating Time to Integration

Package and Deployment of System-Level IP

The Vivado IP packager enables Xilinx, designers, and third-party IP providers to
package a design with its constraints, test benches, and documentation to make it
available in an extensible IP catalog on a local or shared drive.
Unique in the industry, Vivado Design Suite is the only FPGA/EPP design
environment that provides the ability to package IP at any level of the design flow:
RTL, netlist, placed netlist, even placed and routed netlist, to ensure performance. The
Vivado Design Suite IP flow is illustrated in Figure 2.
X-Ref Target - Figure 2

Extensible Interface

Source (C, RTL, IP, etc.) IP Catalog Memory


Simulation Models PCIe

IP Xilinx IP
Example Designs 3rd Party IP Embedded
Test Bench User IP User IP Xilinx IP 3rd Party IP



Figure 2: Vivado Design Suite IP Flow

The Vivado IP catalog provides an inventory of Xilinx, third-party, and intra-company

IP that can be shared across a design team, a division, or a company in an easy-to-use
manner. Based on the IP-XACT standard format, all Xilinx IP — including embedded,
DSP, interface, building block, and connectivity IP — is consolidated into a view that
can be accessed consistently, regardless of the end application being developed.
Support for multiple physical locations, including shared networked drives, allows
users or organizations to leverage a consistent IP deployment environment for
third-party or internally generated IP.
Vivado Design Suite shatters the RTL design productivity plateau by providing more
effective design reuse. The Vivado IP catalog is an extensible IP repository, providing
the framework for an IP and system-centric design flow. This catalog consolidates IP
from all sources, including all Xilinx IP, IP obtained from third parties, and end-user
designs targeted for reuse, into a single environment that can be deployed throughout
the user’s company with a consistency that simplifies its use. Support for open
industry IP standards enables third-party vendors to expand their IP portfolios, which
can then be included in the Vivado IP catalog. Users can package their own
C/C++/SystemC or MATLAB®/Simulink® algorithms or system designs into the IP
catalog using Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS) or System Generator for DSP with
the Vivado IP packager. Once cataloged, the integration of this broad portfolio of IP
into verified, system-level designs can then be accomplished abstractly at the interface
level using Vivado IP integrator with design rule checking that minimizes user errors.

4 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Accelerating Time to Integration

Integrated Verification of Mixed-Language IP

Mixed-language designs assembled from IP can be verified using the Vivado
simulator. This simulator is tightly integrated into the Vivado Integrated Design
Environment (IDE) to shorten learning curves. Users can launch behavioral
simulations with a single click of the mouse and view results using a common
waveform viewer. Simulations are accelerated at the behavioral level, using a new
performance-optimized simulation kernel that executes up to 3X faster than the
Xilinx® ISE® Design Suite simulator. Gate-level simulations can also be accelerated
up to 100X using hardware co-simulation.

Accelerating IP Development with High-Level Synthesis

Advanced algorithms used in communications, medical, defense, high-performance
computing, and consumer applications are more sophisticated than ever before. This
complexity, combined with aggressive development and verification schedules,
challenges even the most experienced RTL teams. Vivado HLS (built on AutoESL™
tool technology) accelerates design implementation and verification by enabling C,
C++, and SystemC specifications to be directly synthesized into VHDL or Verilog RTL,
after exploring a multitude of micro-architectures based on design requirements.
Functional simulation can be performed in C, providing an order of magnitude
acceleration over VHDL or Verilog simulation. This provides designers and system
architects with a faster and more robust way of delivering quality designs. In one
example, a video motion estimation algorithm, the C input to Vivado HLS executed
10 frames of video data in 10 seconds, while the corresponding RTL model took
roughly two days to process the same 10 video frames.
The Vivado HLS flow is illustrated in Figure 3.
X-Ref Target - Figure 3

• Architectural Exploration Design
– Pipe Lining C
– Unrolling Test Bench
– Interfaces
1 Synthesis

Functional Verification
• GCC/G++
RTL • Visual C++

2 Simulation


Architectural Verification
3 Implementation • SystemC
Vivado Design Suite
IP Packager

• IP Integrator
• System Generator

Figure 3: Vivado HLS Flow

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 5

Accelerating Time to Integration

The keys benefits of Vivado HLS are:

• Integrated Eclipse C Development Tool (CDT) environment to specify, compile,
simulate, and debug C/C++/SystemC:
• C with arbitrary precision specification and simulation
• C++ with classes for complex data types and interface models
• SystemC for explicit parallelism and multiple clock domains
• Algorithm verification speeds up to 100X faster than RTL
• Quality of results that rivals hand-coded RTL:
• Automatic extraction of parallelism at instruction level and task level
• Flexible implementations of floating point algorithms
• Architecture-aware inference of DSP48, on-chip memories, and SRL
• Fast design exploration that creates results in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemC
• Micro-architecture exploration that enables easy trade-off of utilization,
power, throughput, and latency
• Automated RTL verification through co-simulation with original C-based test
• Plug-and-Play IP generation streamlining integration:
• AXI4-based interface synthesis
• Comprehensive packaging of RTL results with the Vivado IP packager
For an industry-independent report on the value of high-level synthesis, see the BDTI
white paper: An Independent Evaluation of High-Level Synthesis Tools for Xilinx FPGAs.
[Ref 2]

Standards-Based IP and System-Centric Environment

Xilinx has taken advantage of industry standards when developing Vivado Design
Suite to improve ease of use by supporting already familiar standards for constraints
and interfaces as well as to expand third-party ecosystem support for IP and tool
Vivado Design Suite supported standards include:
• AMBA® AXI4 interconnect (AXI): ARM Standard for defining IP interconnect.
• Liberty Modeling Library (.lib): Used by virtually all EDA implementation,
analysis, and library characterization tools as the library model exchange for
timing, noise, power, and test behavior.
• Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC): Widely-used design constraints format that
describes the “design intent” and surrounding constraints for synthesis, clocking,
timing, power, test, and environmental and operating conditions. SDC has been in
use and evolving for more than 20 years, making it the most popular and proven
format for describing design constraints.
• IP-XACT: An XML format that defines and describes electronic components and
their designs. IP-XACT was created by the SPIRIT Consortium as a standard to
enable automated configuration and integration through tools—approved as
IEEE Std 1685-2009. [Ref 1]
• Tool Command Language (Tcl): A powerful interpreted programming language.
Commonly used for rapid prototyping of scripted applications.

6 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Accelerating Time to Implementation

• Verilog Netlists: Provided to convey connectivity information and provide

instances, nets, and some attributes for interoperability between EDA tools.
• IEEE P1735: IP Security standard that specifies embeddable and encapsulating
markup syntaxes for design IP encryption and rights management.

Accelerating Time to Implementation

Vivado Design Suite accelerates the implementation process by delivering more turns
per day while helping to reduce the number of design iterations needed. A
revolutionary, shared, scalable data model delivers up to 4X faster run times and half
the memory footprint of competing solutions. Vivado Design Suite provides early
access to critical design analysis metrics such as power, timing, and resource
utilization with increasing accuracy as the design progresses through the elaboration,
synthesis, and placement and routing processes. These metrics allow design and tool
setting modifications to occur earlier in the design processes where they have less
overall schedule impact. Vivado Design Suite's analytical place and route technology
delivers more predictable design closure by concurrently optimizing for congestion,
wire length, and timing. Vivado Design Suite's incremental design flow lets users
quickly make changes late in the design cycle while preserving the performance of the

Vivado Design Suite Shared Scalable Data Model

Vivado Design Suite employs a new shared, scalable data model to accommodate the
largest programmable logic devices. This single data model is used throughout the
implementation process, enabling users to gain visibility into key design metrics such
as timing, power, resource utilization, and routing congestion much earlier in the
design process. These estimates become progressively more accurate throughout the
design flow, enabling faster design closure with fewer iterations.
The data model is illustrated in Figure 4.
X-Ref Target - Figure 4

Progressive Estimation Accuracy Across the Entire Flow

Reduced Iterations
Late in the Cycle

IP Integration RTL Design Synthesis Place & Route

Shared, Scalable Data Model


Figure 4: Vivado Design Suite Shared Scalable Data Model

Analytical Place and Route Engine

Traditional FPGA implementation tools use simulated annealing as a placement
optimization algorithm. This algorithm starts with a random placement and then tries
to optimize a cost function — typically a timing cost — by exploring part of the
solution space with local placement moves and calculating the cost after each move.
This is illustrated in Figure 5.

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 7

Accelerating Time to Implementation

X-Ref Target - Figure 5

Initial Random

f(x) Not Routable

Best Solution
Found Optimal Solution
(Not Found)

Placement Solution x
(Found by Random Moves)

Figure 5: Traditional Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Given the random nature of the initial solution and the subsequent moves, traditional
simulated annealing algorithms do not scale to million-LUT designs. Because it works
with local moves, this traditional optimization method is blind to global design
metrics, such as the level of congestion of the solution or the total wire length.
Vivado Design Suite models the placement solution space into a large mathematical
equation and uses an analytical solver to find a solution that minimizes a given cost
function. An optimal placement solution depends on multiple dimensions, such as
timing (T), wire length (W), and congestion metrics (C). Vivado Design Suite uses a
multi-variable cost function to find the optimal placement, allowing the designer to
quickly find a routable solution that maximizes performance while minimizing wire
length, and therefore, dynamic power. This is illustrated in Figure 6.
X-Ref Target - Figure 6

Vivado Implementation Finds Global Minima’s

of Cost Function:
f (T, W, C) Not

Cost (T)

Cost (C)

Wire Length
Cost (W)

Figure 6: Vivado Design Suite Analytic Place and Route

8 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Accelerating Time to Implementation

Table 1 compares the traditional place and route processes to the Vivado placer.
Table 1: Traditional Place and Route Compared to Vivado Placer
Traditional Place and Route Vivado Place and Route
“Cost” 1 Dimension: Timing minimization 3 Dimensions: Timing, congestion,
Criteria wire length minimization
Primary Simulated Annealing: Local, Analytical: Solves an equation to
Algorithm iterative search based on initial globally minimize all dimensions
random seed
Run Time Unpredictable (due to random Very predictable: Grows linearly
nature of algorithm): Increases with design size
exponentially with congestion
Scalability Poor results as design approaches Handles 10M+ logic cells with
1M logic cells predictable results

The graph shown in Figure 7 highlights both the run-time advantage and the
predictable behavior of the Vivado Design Suite place and route engine. Run times are
consistently up to 4X faster than alternative solutions, while the variance in results is
much tighter, enabling design closure with fewer iterations.
X-Ref Target - Figure 7

Vivado Design Tools

20 ISE Design Tools

Routine (hours)



0 500K 1M 1.5M 2M

Design Size (Logic Cells)


Figure 7: Predictable Place and Route Results

Hierarchical Design Flows

Vivado Design Suite also supports hierarchical design flows that enable team design,
design reuse, and partial reconfiguration.
In a team design, blocks can be implemented independently and simultaneously. This
allows each block to be individually designed, implemented, and verified out of
context with the rest of the design. When all blocks are complete, the entire design is
brought together in an assembly run with the top-level design, while maintaining the
results for each module.
As illustrated in Figure 8, this “out of context” flow enables placed or routed blocks to
be imported once or multiple times in any designs. This facilitates design reuse and
the ability to create system-level IP, enhancing productivity for anyone targeting
FPGAs or EPPs.

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 9

Accelerating Time to Implementation

X-Ref Target - Figure 8

IP Catalog IP

Xilinx IP Reuse in Different Designs

3rd Party IP IP
User IP Reuse Multiple Times


Figure 8: IP Reuse

These reusable blocks maintain their timing and do not consume additional CPU
cycles during implementation.
Partial Reconfiguration
Xilinx partial reconfiguration extends the inherent flexibility of the FPGA by allowing
specific regions of the FPGA to be reprogrammed with new functionality while
applications continue to run in the remainder of the device. Partial reconfiguration
addresses three fundamental needs by enabling the designer to:
• Reduce cost and/or board space
• Change a design in the field
• Reduce power consumption
Vivado Design Suite extends the software support established in prior generations of
Xilinx tools, adding significant enhancements to the quality and capabilities of this

Faster Design Closure with Design Analysis

The key to providing more turns per day is Vivado Design Suite's early estimates for
power, performance, and utilization. At each stage of the design (post synthesis, post
placement, and post routing), estimates can be generated to gauge how well the
design requirements are being met. The further along in the flow, the more accurate
the estimation.
Vivado Design Suite also supports “what-if analysis,” which is the ability to try
various configurations of the design and compare reports at the same stage. For
example, a designer can easily generate multiple reports to estimate power under
different operating conditions or activity patterns and compare results side by side.
The designer can also add timing exceptions and re-run timing analysis without
reimplementing the design.

Easier Design Debug with Cross-Probing

Vivado Design Suite is designed and structured to work off a common data model in
memory. This architecture enables extensive cross-probing between design sources,
schematic views, hierarchy browsers, design reports, messages, floor plan, and Vivado
Device Editor views. This unique capability enables faster debug and timing closure
by providing the design feedback, pointing to where in the design the issues are
coming from. This is illustrated in Figure 9.

10 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Accelerating Time to Implementation

X-Ref Target - Figure 9

Entity FIR is
port (clk : in Timing Path #1
rst : in Timing path #2
din : in Timing Path #3
RTL Reports

Figure 9: Vivado Design Suite Design Debug

Incremental Implementation with Vivado Device Editor

Using the Vivado device editor on a routed design, a designer has the power to make
incremental changes, such as moving instances, rerouting nets, tapping a register to a
primary output for debug with scope, or changing the parameters on a Mixed-Mode
Clock Manager (MMCM), late in the design cycle without needing to go back through
synthesis and implementation. No other FPGA design environment offers this level of
flexibility. Once made, these edits can be saved to Tcl commands and included in
repeatable implementation scripts.
Incremental flows allow for small changes to be quickly processed by reimplementing
only a small part of the design, making iterations faster after each change. They also
enable performance preservation after each incremental change, thus, reducing the
need for multiple design iterations.

Design Flows Tailored to the Designer’s Needs

A key consideration when designing Vivado Design Suite was to make it intuitive for
all users, from new to expert. This includes the individual designer who works with
an Artix®-7 device to handle a few thousand LUTs to large design teams using
Virtex®-7 2000T FPGAs, handling over a million LUTs. Ease of use is addressed in a
variety of ways, including:
• Preconfigured pushbutton flows for new users
• Advanced analysis-driven flows for expert users
• Support for already familiar industry standards
• Exceptional cross-probing and design navigation from RTL to layout to reports
• Highly readable and interactive schematic viewer that highlights RTL coding
• Simplified method for design creation and system assembly
To accommodate batch mode users, every action in the GUI issues an equivalent Tcl
command, so that anything that can be done in the GUI can also be automated by
For new users, an intuitive toolbar guides the designers through all the setup and
implementation steps necessary to generate a programming file from RTL source.
Users who want a pushbutton flow and do not need access to more advanced tool
options or design analysis can choose to proceed directly to the final implementation
process step, and in doing so, perform all implementation steps necessary to generate
the programming file.
Figure 10 illustrates three use models:

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 11

Accelerating Time to Implementation

X-Ref Target - Figure 10

Vivado Design Suite

Pushbutton Interactive TCL

proc reportCritHFNS {{sortBy slack} {limitFO 256} {limitSlack 0}} {
set count 0
global slackList
Project Setup Project Setup global fanoutList
if {$sortBy != "slack" && $sortBy != "fanout"} {
return "ERROR: Unknown sortBy value"
Analysis foreach net [get_nets * -hierarchical -filter \
{FLAT_PIN_COUNT >= $limitFO && TYPE != "Global Clock"}] {
set driver [get_pins -leaf -of $net -filter "DIRECTION == OUT"]
set slack [get_property SETUP_SLACK $driver]
RTL Design set fanout [get_property FLAT_PIN_COUNT $net]
if {$slack > $limitSlack} {
set slackList($net) $slack
Analysis set fanoutList($net) $fanout
puts "$net $slack $fanout"
incr count
Synthesize puts "NET FANOUT SLACK"
if {$sortBy == "slack"} {
foreach net [lsort -command lsortSlack [array names slackList]] {
puts "$net $fanoutList($net) $slackList($net)"
Analysis }
} else {
foreach net [lsort -command lsortFanout [array names slackList]] {
puts "$net $fanoutList($net) $slackList($net)"
Pushbutton Place and Route }
puts "INFO: Found $count critical high fanout nets"


Figure 10: Vivado Design Suite Use Models

Alternatively, expert users can progress step-by-step through the implementation

process using a common data model that provides early access to key design
information — such as resource utilization, timing, power, and noise — that becomes
increasingly accurate as the design progresses through the flow. This analysis-driven
design flow helps to identify design issues early in the implementation flow where
they can be addressed with shorter iteration times, ultimately reducing the number of
design iterations required to complete a design.
In addition, Vivado Design Suite allows designers to configure, launch, and monitor
multiple synthesis and implementation runs either locally or on remote Linux servers.
This enables faster “What If” analysis with different command options, constraints,
and devices.

12 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

Vivado Design Suite Software Editions

Vivado Design Suite Software Editions

Vivado Design Suite is offered in three variants, as shown in Table 2:
Table 2: Vivado Software Offerings
WebPACK™ Tool
Feature Design System
(Device-Limited Free Edition)

Vivado IDE ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado IP Catalog ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado Synthesis ✓ ✓ ✓

Power Optimizer ✓

Vivado Simulator ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado Implementation ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado RTL Analysis

Vivado Synthesized Design Analysis ✓ ✓ ✓
Implemented Design Analysis

Vivado Static Timing Analysis ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado Pin Planner ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado Device Editor ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado IP Packager ✓ ✓ ✓

Vivado IP Integrator ✓ ✓ ✓

Software Development Kit (SDK) ✓ ✓ ✓

Logic Analyzer
✓ ✓
Serial I/O Analyzer

Vivado High-Level Synthesis ✓

System Generator for DSP ✓

Additional Information
To learn more about the Vivado Design Suite, go to www.xilinx.com/vivado or talk to
a local Xilinx representative.

1. IEEE Standards Association: IEEE Standard 1685-2009, IEEE Standard for IP-XACT,
Standard Structure for Packaging, Integrating, and Reusing IP within Tool Flows
2. Berkeley Design Technology, Inc.: An Independent Evaluation of High-Level Synthesis Tools
for Xilinx FPGAs

WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012 www.xilinx.com 13

Revision History

Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document:

Date Version Description of Revisions

04/24/12 1.0 Initial Xilinx release.
06/07/12 1.0.1 Minor typographical edits.
06/22/12 1.1 Updated Table 2.

Notice of Disclaimer
The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use
of Xilinx products. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available
“AS IS” and with all faults, Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS,
(2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory
of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under, or in connection with,
the Materials (including your use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental,
or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage
suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably
foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. Xilinx assumes no obligation to
correct any errors contained in the Materials or to notify you of updates to the Materials or to product
specifications. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display the Materials without prior
written consent. Certain products are subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranties which
can be viewed at http://www.xilinx.com/warranty.htm; IP cores may be subject to warranty and support
terms contained in a license issued to you by Xilinx. Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be
fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance; you assume sole risk and liability
for use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications: http://www.xilinx.com/warranty.htm#critapps.



14 www.xilinx.com WP416 (v1.1) June 22, 2012

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