Language Linguistic Discrimination

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It is usually stereotypes and prejudices that lead to discrimination.

Discrimination and the need to integrate into a globalized world are reasons why indigenous languages
tend to disappear. "Of six thousand registered languages, three thousand are at risk, and it is estimated
that one dies every 12 weeks," says the deputy director of
I nali, María de Lourdes rosTorres. The specialist highlighted that due to necessity,
more people born in indigenous communities learn to speak other languages.

Overt discrimination based on race and nationality becomes less and less tolerable in
society, such discrimination "covers up" and takes more useful forms that include
discrimination based on characteristics related to the language of individuals.
It affects one of the most vulnerable populations in our society: recent immigrants who are at the
bottom of the socioeconomic ladder and who struggle to learn another language, hold down low-
paying jobs, or access much-needed social services.

 Causes:

a) Socio-economic circumstances:
Social and economic circumstances can be determining factors for the emergence of
discriminatory behavior, since a poor socio-economic situation establishes an environment
more prone to discrimination.
Motivational factors

From this approach, discrimination is the result of tensions, emotions, fears and needs of the
subject. This behavior serves to reduce negative emotional states or satisfy basic needs. Within
the motivational factors we can distinguish:

 Frustration and scapegoats . As Berkowitz defined, interference in the

achievement of goals (frustration) produces emotional activation (anger) that
sometimes culminates in aggression. Scapegoat theory holds that life's various
frustrations can generate displaced aggression that reduces and vents this level of
frustration. Often the recipients of displaced aggression are members of groups to
which we do not belong.
 The theory of social identity . This theory indicates that we are motivated to
maintain an overall positive evaluation of ourselves that is determined by personal
identity and social identity. Personal identity is based on personal achievements
and how we value them in comparison to others. And on the other hand, social
identity is based on belonging to certain groups. We usually assign a greater value
to the groups to which we belong and therefore take it away from the groups to
which we are not a part. In this way, by favoring the perceptions of our groups and
disdaining groups to which we do not belong, our social identity improves.
Sociocultural factors

Some researchers point out that discrimination, like prejudice, is learned. This learned
information usually comes from three different sources:

 Parents or reference persons . In a study conducted in the 1950s by Bird,

Monachesi, and Burdick , they found that almost half of the white families they
interviewed had prohibited their children from playing with black children.
Furthermore, these parents used to place special emphasis on any news of criminal
acts by this group to demonstrate that they were right regarding this prohibition.
As a result, another study carried out in the 90s by Rohan and Zanna concludes
that the levels of racial prejudice of parents and children coincide to a large extent.
Another consequence of this discrimination factor is that children from different
countries or regions of the same country learn to hate different ethnic groups.

 The mass media . Although in recent years we have tried not to transmit prejudice
or discrimination through these media, even today sexist or racist attitudes can be
seen in advertisements, television programs, etc. although in a more subtle way or
that goes more unnoticed than a few years ago.

Personality factors

Different studies have concluded that there is an authoritarian personality type, and that the
most authoritarian individuals tend to be more racist. In this way, it has been shown that
personality factors can also influence whether a person uses discrimination or not.

Like the others, it is not a determining factor. It may happen that an individual has an
authoritarian personality but never exercises discrimination.

Cognitive factors

The belief that a group has negative characteristics generates dislike towards it and therefore
discriminatory behaviors. The main component in this case is negative prejudices about that
group. For example, a fundamental aspect of the Nazi campaigns against the Jews was the
negative propaganda they spread about them.

In this way they justified the arrests and subsequent murders. They showed the Jews as
conspirators, dirty and dangerous and therefore it was necessary to control them. The
formation of these negative stereotypes that lead to discrimination can come from two

 Categorization . This process consists of placing a person, object or stimulus in a

group. It is about making assumptions about the characteristics of that element
that it shares with the other members of the group in which we are including it.
This categorization is necessary to function on a daily basis and on many occasions
those assumptions that allow us to classify are correct. But on other occasions the
categorization is incorrect, and this usually happens mainly with human groups. We
tend to attribute the same characteristics to all members of a group, which in turn
make them different from our own group.
These prejudices are once again usually learned from parents, peers and institutions. They are
also acquired through the experiences that have been lived with that group, which are
generalized to all members.

 Selective information processing . On the one hand, people tend to see what we
want to see. We pay special attention to information that confirms our
expectations or stereotypes and omit information that denies them. In addition,
research has also shown that information consistent with these stereotypes is
remembered better. In a study conducted by Cohen in 1981, participants were
shown a video of a woman having dinner with her husband to celebrate his
birthday. When the subjects were told that the woman was a waitress, they
remembered that in the scene she drank beer and had a television. When they
were told that she was a librarian, they remembered that she wore glasses and was
listening to classical music. The stereotypes they had about waitresses and
librarians caused them to remember only the facts that were consistent with those

Therefore, biases or errors when processing information strengthen negative beliefs or

stereotypes about a group, even if they are erroneous.

Consequences of discrimination

We can list consequences of discrimination at different levels:

1- For the victim or target of discrimination

Firstly, members who belong to a minority against which discrimination is exercised are
objectively worse off than they would be if such prejudices did not exist against them. They
have psychological, economic and physical effects.

Some studies have indicated that belonging to a minority may be a risk factor for developing
some mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety . Furthermore, members of minority
groups have fewer jobs, have more difficulties accessing a job, are in positions with less
prestige and lower salaries than members of the majority.

On the other hand, individuals who belong to minority groups are more likely to be victims of
violence from subjects who are part of majority groups.

2- At the community level

Discrimination affects different areas of society, in many cases preventing its own growth
because a social fracture occurs and prevents taking advantage of the benefits of diversity.

Furthermore, the group tends to be marginalized, contact with them is avoided and they are
excluded from society. Usually this marginalization leads to more serious problems such as the
formation of gangs that engage in illegal and criminal acts.
3- Negative attitudes

Discrimination also generates in people a series of negative attitudes and behaviors such as
anger and aggressiveness against members who do not belong to their group.

On many occasions this leads to verbal and physical violence between members of different
groups that can have very serious consequences such as murder.

Ways to combat discrimination

As we have seen, discrimination has very diverse causes and that is why it seems difficult to
eliminate discrimination and negative prejudices completely.

But numerous studies have been carried out aimed at reducing them and several techniques
have been pointed out that may be useful for this.

1- Conscious control of stereotypes

At the end of the 80s, Devine carried out a series of investigations that indicated that even
subjects who in principle do not have prejudices, sometimes had discriminatory behaviors or
thoughts because there are a series of prejudices that are acquired unconsciously.

On the other hand, from these same investigations he concluded that individuals without
prejudice consciously control their thoughts about the minority group, although they know
what the negative stereotypes of that minority are, they do not believe in them and they do
not use them to discriminate against them.

So this author indicates that instilled prejudices can be overcome, although it requires an
effort of attention and time because it will not happen automatically. It is about consciously
controlling the effects of stereotypes on one's own judgments about minority groups.

2- Legislation against discrimination

It seems difficult to eliminate discrimination through laws, because you cannot control a
person's prejudices and stereotypes, just as you cannot control their thoughts.

But laws can ensure that members of minorities are not treated differently, and anti-
discrimination laws reduce the frequency and severity of these acts.

Another function of laws is to establish norms and indicate what is acceptable and what is not
in a society. To the extent that the individual understands that discrimination is not accepted
in their environment, they will be less likely to undertake these acts.

Over time, non-prejudiced attitudes end up being internalized, because these behaviors
become routine, non-discrimination becomes a habit. It is not stopped because of fear of the
laws but because the person already understands it as behavior that is not correct.
3- Contact between majority and minority groups

As Pettigrew states, the contact hypothesis states that contact between members of different
groups leads to more positive attitudes towards each other. This contact will help people from
the majority group verify that the stereotypes that exist about the minority group are not

Although it has also been seen that this contact has to have a series of characteristics to be
effective against discrimination. These requirements are above all that the context in which
the encounter occurs is one of cooperation between the members of both groups and that the
individuals have an approximate social position.

It is also advisable that this contact begin to occur at an early age because children can more
easily modify their prejudices than adults who have had a certain belief for years.
language use such as certain accents can result in harm individual

This is usually the case of those who speak within a standard norm, associated with better
formal education, within high socioeconomic strata.
Is it discriminated against based on origin or lack of education?

Linguicism is linguistic discrimination

 Tove Skutnabb-Kangas: captured this idea of discrimination based on
language than the concept of linguicism. Kangas defines
linguicism as the "ideologies and structures that are used to
legitimize, effectuate and reproduce the unequal division of
power and resources between groups that are defined on the
basis of language.

 Gustavo Faverón Patriau : Peruvian linguist

 John Baugh: experiment with African Americans and European Americans

African Americans were more discriminated against, a large percentage were
denied services

 Miryam yataco: sociolinguist

 Miguel rodriguez Mondoñedo: linguist

the philologist Luis Jaime Cisneros, former president of the Peruvian Academy
of Language (and my former professor of Golden Age Literature at the PUCP)

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