07 Chapter 7

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FUNG Assignment Series Ch 7: Oscillations

7. Oscillations


SHM and uniform Mass spring

Pendulums Resonance
Circular moiton executing SHM

Simple Damped
Instantaneous Hooke's law pendulum Oscillation

Seconds Sharpness of
Instantaneous Phase Angle Pendulum Resosnace



 Vibratory motion is that in which a body moves to and fro about a fixed position along same path.
(i) Motion of simple pendulum
(ii) Motion of molecules of a solid
 Simple harmonic motion(SHM) is a special type of vibratory motion in which;
(i) a  -x
(ii) a is directed towards mean position.
 Restoring force is always directed towards mean position hence assigned negative sign.
 Periodic motion is that which repeats itself after equal time intervals.
 Vibration is one complete round trip of a body about its mean position.
 Time period is defined as time taken by vibrating body to complete its one vibration and denoted
by T.
 Frequency is number of vibrations per second and denoted by f so f 
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FUNG Assignment Series Ch 7: Oscillations
Its unit is Hz, other units are vibrations/s, cycle/s, rev/sec
 Amplitude is maximum distance from mean position
 Angular frequency is ω = 2/T → ω = 2f
 Phase is the angle which specifies the displacement and direction of motion of the point executing
SHM i.e phase =  = ωt
 Initial angle at t = 0 is called phase constant and denoted by 
 If phase constant  =900, then displacement x=x0 sin (ωt+900) = x0 cos ωt, and simple harmonic
oscillator starts its SHM from positive extreme position.
 For spring, Hooke’s law states that;
strain  stress (within elastic limits)
Where k= is called spring constant or force constant.
If a spring is cut into two equal parts then spring constant of each spring is doubled.
 Mass attached to spring has SHM. a=  x
For spring mass system doing SHM  
a  –x
 Mass-spring system has S.H.M and we can trace its waveform (pictorial display between time and
displacement for S.H.M) by following relation;
 2 
x  x osin   t

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Spring in Series
The resultant of spring constant in case of the series combination is
1 1 1
 + 
k k1 k 2

Spring in Parallel
The resultant of spring constant in case of the parallel combination is
k  k1  k 2  
This behaviour of springs resembles with capacitances in series and in parallel combinations.
 Time period of single mass attached to spring is given as; T  2
T m T
Its displacement is given as; x = x0 sin t
 Instantaneous velocity of mass ‘m’ attached to a spring is given as;
x2 x2
vins 

k 2
xo  x2  
x o l  2  v max 1  2
x0 xo
 Maximum speed of mass attached to spring is given as;
v max  vo  x o
 Instantaneous velocity of spring – mass system doing SHM is proportional to
constant of proportionality being the maximum velocity. 1 
x o2
 In case of vertical spring F = mg = kx
m x
  (Here x is elongation)
k g
 x
Then time period T  2
At mean At extreme
position max position zero
At mean At extreme In a one complete vibration a body
covers a distance equal to four times
Acceleration position is positions is
of the amplitude.
minimum maximum

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 Motion of projection of a body moving in a circle, on the diameter with constant speed is S.H.M
 Its acceleration is given as; a = -ω2 x
 Time period of projection is given as; T 

 Speed of projection is given as;
V   r 2  x 2 where r = radius of the circle = amplitude of S.H.M
 Projection speeds up when moving towards the centre of circle.
 Projection slows down when moving away from the centre of circle.
 If speed ω of body in circular motion is not constant then projection does not have S.H.M but has
vibratory motion, which is non-S.H.M.

It consists of a heavy point mass suspended from a rigid support by means of almost weightless and
inextensible string.
 Galileo invented simple pendulum.
 Motion of simple pendulum is S.H.M if there is no damping.
 Damping force reduces the amplitude of simple pendulum continuously and finally its motion is

 In absence of damping force, restoring force on simple pendulum is given as;

Fr = -mg sin, and for small amplitude oscillations Fr  mg .

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 Equation of acceleration of simple pendulum for small amplitude is;

a   x
Thus   for simple pendulum and does not depend on mass like the mass-spring system
 Time period and frequency of simple pendulum are given as;
l 1 g
T  2 and f=
g 2 l
 If amplitude of simple pendulum is not small then, it has non-S.H.M as a = -g sin and we know
that sin=  only when  is small.
 Pendulum Suspended in a Lift: If the pendulum is suspended in a lift ascending up with
uniform acceleration ‘a’ then its time-period is T  2
 If the pendulum is suspended in a lift descending down with acceleration ‘a’ then
T  2

The time period of simple pendulum is independent

of its mass and its amplitude.

Kinds of pendulum
(a) simple pendulum
(b) compound pendulum or physical pendulum
(c) torsion pendulum
 A second pendulum has following characteristics:
Time period 2 seconds
Frequency 0.5 Hz
Length 0.99 or 1 meter
 Its K.E is given as;
1 2 x2 
K.Einst = k x o 1  2 
2  xo 
 K.E max  kx o2 It is at mean position.
(K.E) min = 0 It is at extreme position.
 x2 
K.Einst   K.E max 1  2 
 xo 

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 Its P.E is given as;

1 2
P.Einst  kx
 P.E max  kx o2
It is at extreme position.
(P.E)min = 0
It is at mean position.
 Total energy of system  kx o2 energy remain conserve in SHM In one vibration K.E. attains its
maximum value twice.
 Oscillation of a system is called free vibration if it oscillates without the interference of an external
 Frequency of free oscillation is called natural frequency of the system
 When a system performs oscillation in the presence of external periodic force its vibration is called
forced oscillation.
 A physical system under going forced vibration is known as driven harmonic oscillator.
Such oscillations in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are called as damped
 In shock absorber of a car critical damping is applied.

Phenomenon of increase in amplitude of a body (capable of vibrating) under the action of a
periodic force whose time period is equal to natural time period of body.
Specific response of a system to external periodic force whose time period is equal to natural time
period of a body.

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Process in which one body transfers its vibrations to nearby body whose natural time period is
agreeable to it.

Damping is a process whereby energy is dissipated

from the oscillating system.

 For tuning circuit of T.V or radio or mobile phone, electrical resonance takes place at following
2 LC
 Magnetic resonance imaging is a resonance phenomenon using radio frequency waves. Magnetic
field. It is less damaging than X-rays imaging process.
 Suspension bridge may break down due to vibration with increased amplitude caused by resonance.
 We get tired on walking briskly because of forced oscillations fed into our legs for resonance.
 Loose parts of car produce noise at specific speed due to resonance.
 Amplitude of vibration decreases with damping force
 Amplitude of vibration remain constant with undamped force
 Smaller the damped force, sharper is the resonance and vice – versa.

A microwave oven generates high frequency waves,

which heat up water and fat molecules by large
energy absorption, and hence food is cooked.

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(1) The length of the seconds’ pendulum on the surface of Earth is 1m. Its length on the surface of
Moon, where g is th the value of g on the surface of Earth, is
(a) m (b) 6m
(c) m (d) 36m
(2) Which graph correctly represents the variation of acceleration a with displacement x for a body
moving in simple harmonic motion?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(3) An oscillatory motion must be simple harmonic if:
(a) the motion is along the arc of a circle
(b) the potential energy is equal to the kinetic energy
(c) the acceleration varies sinusoidally with time
(d) the amplitude is small
(4) The displacement of a particle in simple harmonic motion in one time period is (where A is the
(a) A (b) 2A
(c) 4A (d) zero
(5) The acceleration of a projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle is
(a)  x (b)  x
2 2

(c) –  x
(d) –  x 2
(6) Total energy of a body executing S.H.M, is directly proportional to
(a) square root of amplitude (b) the amplitude
(c) reciprocal of amplitude (d) square of amplitude
(7) The graph shows the variation of displacement of a particle executing S.H.M. with time. We
infer from this graph that:

(a) the p.e. is equal to total energy at time t/2

(b) the acceleration is maximum at time t
(c) the velocity is maximum at time t/2
(d) the force is zero at time 3t/4

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(8) A simple pendulum is oscillating in an elevator having time period T, as the elevator accelerates
upward with a = g/4, then the time period will be
(a) T/2 (b) T
5 2
(c) T (d) T
2 5
(9) The time taken for a pendulum t1 swing from X to Y 1.5s, then its frequency is

1 1
(a) Hz (b) Hz
1.5 3
1 1
(c) Hz (d) Hz
6 4
(10) As a body performs S.H.M., its potential energy U. varies with time as indicated in

(a) (b

(c) (d)
(11) The tension in the string of simple pendulum is
(a) constant (b) maximum at the extreme position
(c) maximum at the mean position (d) zero at the mean position
(12) The velocity-time diagram of a harmonic oscillator is shown in the adjoining figure. The
frequency of oscillation is

(a) 50 Hz (b) 33.3 Hz

(c) 25 Hz (d) 25.5 Hz
(13) A body of mass 0.01 kg executes simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) about x=0 under the
influence of a force shown below : The period of the S.H.M. is

(a) 0.52 s (b) 0.25 s

(c) 0.30 s (d) 1.05 s
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(14) It is required to double the frequency of simple harmonic oscillator. It can be done by reducing
the suspended mass to
1 1
(a) of initial mass (b) of initial mass
2 4
1 1
(c) of initial mass (d) of initial mass
8 16
(15) A body performs S.H.M. Its kinetic energy K varies with time t as indicated by graph

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(16) Which of the following is a necessary and sufficient condition for S.H.M.
(a) proportionality between acceleration and displacement from equilibrium position
(b) proportionality between restoring force and displacement from equilibrium position
(c) constant acceleration
(d) constant period
(17) A small body of mass 0.10 kg is executing S.H.M. of amplitude 1.0 m and period 0.20 sec. The
maximum force acting on it is
(a) 985.96 N (b) 76.23 N
(c) 100.2 N (d) 98.596 N
(18) A body executing simple harmonic motion has a maximum acceleration equal to 24 meters/sec2
and maximum velocity equal to 16 metres/sec. The amplitude of the simple harmonic motion
(a) 3/32metres (b) 32/3metres
(c) 1024/9metres (d) 64/9metres
(19) Which one of the following statements is true for the speed v and the acceleration a of a particle
executing simple harmonic motion
(a) value of a is zero, whatever may be the value of v
(b) when v is zero, a is zero
(c) when v is maximum, a is zero
(d) when v is maximum, a is maximum
(20) The amplitude and the periodic time of a S.H.M. are 5cm and 6sec respectively. At a distance
of 2.5cm away from the mean position, the phase will be
(a) π/3 (b) π/6
(c) π/4 (d) 5π/12
(21) A particle executes a simple harmonic motion of time period T. Find the time taken by the
particle to go directly from its mean position to half the amplitude
(a) T / 8 (b) T / 12
(c) T / 4 (d) T / 2

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(22) A particle execute SHM. Its initial position is mean position. The K.E of a particle against time
period is represented by curve?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(23) Which of the given equation is correct in SHM
(a) T.E = kxo 2 (b) T.E = K .Emax
(c) T.E = P.Emax (d) All are correct
(24) A system exhibiting S.H.M. must possess
(a) elasticity only (b) inertia only
(c) elasticity as well as inertia (d) elasticity, inertia and an external force
(25) Three identical springs A, B, C are shown in the figure below. When a 4 kg weight is hung on
A, it descends by 1 cm. When a 6 kg weight is hung on C, it will descend by

(a) 1.5 cm (b) 3.0 cm

(c) 4.5 cm (d) 6.0 cm
(26) The potential energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 2.5 J, when its displacement is half of
amplitude. The total energy of the particle be
(a) 10 J (b) 18 J
(c) 20 J (d) 12 J
(27) There is a body having mass m and performing S.H.M. with amplitude a. There is a restoring
force F=−Kx , where x is the displacement. The total energy of body depends upon
(a) K, x (b) K, a, x
(c) K, a, v (d) K, a
(28) When K.E of SHM is maximum, its
(a) P.E is zero (b) acceleration is zero
(c) restoring force is zero (d) all P.E, acceleration & restoring force are zero
(29) A body of mass m hangs from three springs each of spring constant as shown in fig. If the mass is slightly
displaced and let go, the time period of oscillations of system is:

m 3m
(a) 2 (b) 2
3k 2k
2m 3k
(c) 2 (d) 2
3k m
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(30) A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E.), the kinetic energy
(K.E.) and total energy (T.E.) are measured as a function of displacement x. Which of the
following statements is true.
(a) K.E. is maximum when x is maximum (b) T.E. is zero when x = 0
(c) K.E. is maximum when x = 0 (d) P.E. is maximum when x = 0
(31) A particle executes free simple harmonic motion of time period T. The time period with which the
potential energy changes is:
(a) T/2 (b) T
(c) 2T (d) 
(32) The kinetic energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 16 J when it is at its mean position. If the
mass of the particle is 0.32 kg, then what is the maximum velocity of the particle
(a) 5m/s (b) 15m/s
(c) 20m/s (d) 10m/s
(33) A simple harmonic oscillator has a time period of 10 seconds. Which equation relates is
acceleration a and displacement x?

(a) a  10 x (b) a     x

 10 
(c) a    20  x (d) a    20  x

(34) A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping. When the displacement of the bob is less
than maximum, its acceleration vector a 2 , is correctly shown in fig.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(35) In case of a forced vibration, the resonance wave becomes very sharp when the
(a) applied periodic force is small (b) quality factor is small
(c) damping force is small (d) restoring force is small
(36) A simple pendulum is made of a body which a hollow sphere is containing mercury suspended
by means of a wire. If a little mercury is drained off, the period of pendulum will

(a) increase (b) decrease

(c) remain same (d) none of these
(37) A pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T, when the train is at rest.
When the train is accelerating with a uniform acceleration a, the period of oscillation will
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remain same (d) none of these

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(38) A simple harmonic oscillator consists of a particle of mass m and an ideal spring with spring constant
k. Particle oscillates as shown in (i) with period T. If the spring is cut in half and used with the same
particle, as shown in (ii), the period will be

(a) T (b) T/2

(c) (d) 2T
(39) In case of a simple pendulum, the cause of damping is
(a) drag force of air (b) gravity
(c) tension in string (d) none of these
(40) A simple pendulum executes SHM from x = 0 with an amplitude xo and time period T, the speed of
the pendulum will be when x = o
πx 3 πx o 3
(a) o (b)
T 2T
πx o 3π 2 x o 3
(c) (d)
(41) A simple pendulum executing S.H.M. is falling freely along with the support. Then
(a) its periodic time decreases (b) its periodic time increases
(c) it does not oscillate at all (d) none of these
(42) The time period of a simple pendulum is 2 sec. If its length is increased 4 times, then its period
(a) 16 sec (b) 4 sec
(c) 8 sec. (d) 12 sec
(43) A simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion with a time period T. If the length of
the pendulum is increased by 21%, the percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum
of increased length is
(a) 10% (b) 21%
(c) 30% (d) 50%
(44) If length of a pendulum becomes 42 times, then its time period will become
(a) four times (b) six times
(c) eight time (d) two times
(45) If the length of simple pendulum is increased by 300%, then the time period will be increased
(a) 100% (b) 200%
(c) 300% (d) 400%
(46) A particle executes S.H.M. with a period of 6 second and amplitude of 3 cm. Its maximum
speed in cm/sec is
(a) π/2 (b) π
(c) 2π (d) 3π
(47) If the displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by y=0.30sin(220t+0.64) in metre,
then the frequency and maximum velocity of the particle is
(a) 35 Hz, 66 m / s (b) 45 Hz, 66 m / s
(c) 58 Hz, 113 m / s (d) 35 Hz, 132 m / s
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(48) Two particles P and Q start from origin and execute Simple Harmonic Motion along X-axis
with same amplitude but with periods 3 seconds and 6 seconds respectively. The ratio of the
velocities of P and Q when they meet is
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2:1
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2
(49) A particle executing simple harmonic motion with amplitude of 0.1 m. At a certain instant when
its displacement is 0.02 m, its acceleration is 0.5 m/s 2. The maximum velocity of the particle is
(in m/s)
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.05
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.25
(50) A particle is performing simple harmonic motion with amplitude A and angular velocity  .
The ratio of maximum velocity to maximum acceleration is
(a)  (b) 2 
(c) 1/  (d) 2/ 
(51) Time period of vertical mass-spring system is T  2 . What will be its time period on the
surface of moon?
(a) (b) T
(c) 2T (d) 6T
(52) A machine part is undergoing SHM with a frequency of 5Hz and amplitude 1.8 cm. How long
does it take the part to go from x  0 to x  1.8cm ?
1 1
(a) sec (b) sec
20 15
1 1
(c) sec (d) sec
10 30
(53) The work done by a simple pendulum in one complete oscillation is
(a) equal to Ek (b) equal to U
(c) zero (d) equal to U + Ek
(54) Which of the following is not essential for the free oscillations of a mass attached to spring?
(a) elasticity (b) gravity
(c) inertia (d) restoring force
(55) Restoring force in SHM is
(a) conservative (b) non-conservative
(c) frictional (d) centripetal
(56) The time period of a simple pendulum as seen by an astronaut in a space ship is
(a) 84.6 mints (b) 2 sec
(c)  (d) 0
(57) The displacement equation of an oscillator is y = 5 sin  0.2 t  0.5  in S-I units the time
period of oscillation is
(a) 10 sec (c) 0.2 sec
(b) 1 sec (d) 0.5 sec

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(58) What is constant in S.H.M?

(a) restoring force (b) kinetic energy
(c) P.E (d) periodic time
(59) The potential energy of a particle executing S.H.M is 2.5J, when its displacement is half of
amplitude. The total energy of the particle be.
(a) 18J (c) 12J
(b) 10J (d) 2.5J
(60) A body falling freely on a planet covers 8m in 2 sec. The time period of a one meter long
simple pendulum on this planet will be______
(a) 1.57sec (c) 6.28 sec
(b) 3.14 sec (d) none


1 a 11 c 21 b 31 A 41 c 51 b
2 d 12 c 22 b 32 D 42 b 52 a
3 c 13 c 23 d 33 B 43 a 53 c
4 d 14 b 24 c 34 C 44 a 54 b
5 c 15 c 25 b 35 C 45 a 55 a
6 d 16 b 26 a 36 A 46 b 56 c
7 a 17 d 27 d 37 B 47 a 57 a
8 d 18 b 28 d 38 C 48 b 58 d
9 c 19 c 29 b 39 A 49 c 59 b
10 a 20 b 30 c 40 A 50 c 60 b

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(1) T  2  g T  constant 
At moon,

6 6
Length of second pendulum at moon   m
6 6
Tm  2  2sec
g/ 6
(2) a  x
(3) a  a o sin t
(4) In one time period, oscillator comes to initial position, so displacement = zero

(5) Fr  kx
ma  kx
k k
a x  a  2 x 2 
m m
(6) T.E  kx 2o  T.E  x 2o

(8) T  2
4 2
   2 T T
gg/4 5 5
(9)  1.5  T  6s
1 1
f   Hz
T 6
(10) PE varies from zero to maximum. It is always positive sinusoidal function
(11) T  mg cos 
At mean position
  0
Tmax  mg

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1 K
(14) f
2 m
(15) Kinetic energy varies with time but is never negative
(16) Characteristic of SHM


(19)  V  x o2  x 2 and a  2 x

When x  x o
vmin  0 and a max  2 x o
2t 2t 2t 
(20) Equation of motion is y  5sin . For y = 2.5 cm 2.5 = 5sin   
6 6 6 6
1 2t 
t  sec and phase  
2 6 6

(21) x  x o sin t
xo t T
 x o sin 2  t 
2 T 12
(22) At mean position K.E is maximum.
(23) T.E  kx o2
P.E max  kx o2
1 2
K.E max  kx o
(24) Definition

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(25) Fr  kx
mg  kx
mA kx1

mC k x
mA x
2 1
mC x2
2x1m C
x2 
1 a
m 2 y 2
Potential energy (U) 2 y 2
2.5  2 
(26)   2 So  2  E  10 J
Total energy (E) 1 a E a
m a
2 2


(28) At mean position  x  0 

Fmin.  Kx  0, P.E min.  ½ Kx 2  0, a min.  2x  0
1 1 1
(29)  
k eq k k P
1 1 1
 
k eq k 2k
1 3 2
  k eq  k
k eq 2k 3
T  2
(30) In S.H.M., at mean position i.e. at x = 0 kinetic energy will be maximum and P.E will be
minimum. Total energy is always constant.
(31) f P.E  2fS.H.M
1 1
 TP.E

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 2 

(33) a   x  a     x

 T 
(34) Two accelerations are acting on the bob.
(i) centripetal acceleration ac
(ii) Tangential acceleration at. a = at +ac

(35) Less damping force gives a taller and narrower resonance peak

(36) When a little mercury is drained off, the position of c.g. of ball falls (w.r.t. fixed and) so that
effective length of pendulum increases hence T increase.

(38) T  2
When spring is cut into half the spring constant is equal to 2k, so T  
(39) Due to drag force of air, amplitude of vibrating body decreases
 x2 
(40) v x 2
o  x 2   v    x o2  o 
 4 

2  4x o2  x o2  2  3 2 
v  v  xo 
T  4  T 4 
2 3x o 
v v 3x o
T 2 T

Department of Physics STEM 135

FUNG Assignment Series Ch 7: Oscillations

T1 2
(42) T   1
   T2  4sec
T2 2 T2 4
(43) %   100%  21%
%   121%
or   1.21
T 

T 1.21

T  1.21T

(44) T  2
T  2
T  4T





Department of Physics STEM 136

FUNG Assignment Series Ch 7: Oscillations

(51) T  2 6 T
T 1 1
(52) T   sec
4 5  4 20
(53) For complete oscillation displacement zero. So W  Fd cos
W 0
(54) T  2 , Fr   Kx
(55) Restoring force is conservative force.
l l
(56) T  2  g  0  T  2 
g 0
(57)   0.2  T   10sec
(58) S.H.M motion is periodic motion.
(59) At x  o
P.E  T .E
T .E  4  P.E
T .E  4  2.5  10 J

1 2 1
S gt  8  g  2   g  4ms 2
2 2
l 1
T  2  2   sec
g 4

Department of Physics STEM 137

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