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Individual Assignment Business Economics Coverpage

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#Economic T3

Modular Programme Assignment

Cover Sheet
(Individual Applied Wri ng Assessment)

Please complete the form (in capital letters) and attach it securely to the front of your assignment before
submitting your assignment.

Student ID:


Name of module: BUSINESS ECONOMICS Name of tutor:


Module code: E C N 6 1 7 0 4

Assignment title:

Submission Date: 4th July 2024 (11:59 pm) (week 11)

Submission mode : Online via Turni n (Link on myTimes)
Weigh ng: 35%

I have read and understood the Taylor’s University Dual Award Regula ons on chea ng, plagiarism and
collusion and state that this piece of work is our own and does not contain any unacknowledged work from
any other sources.
I authorise the University to test any work submi ed by me, using text comparison so ware, for instances of
plagiarism. I understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a
database to be used in future to test work submi ed by others.

Note: The a achment of this statement on any electronically submi ed assignments will be deemed to have
the same authority as a signed statement.

Signed: Date:

Taylor's Graduate Capabili es Marking Rubric (Effec ve from March 2023 semester onwards)
MLOs Weightage Heading assessed Outstanding Mastering Developing (50- Beginning
assessed A ributes Sub a ributes (35%) (80-100%) (65-79%) 64%) (0-49%) Score
4-5 3.25 - 3.95 2.5 - 3.20 0 - 2.45
TGC 2a : Problem solving

Detailed evidence of Adequate key relevant key
Introduc on correct key points from Correct key points points provided point and
ar cle and ra onale/ from the ar cle and and jus fied the limited

jus fica on of topics clear ra onale of relevant topics to jus fica on of

5% /models chosen chosen topics some extent topics.
Defini on of the 4-5 3.25 - 3.95 2.5 - 3.20 0 - 2.45
chosen relevant Adequate Too li le
Iden fy the theories Explained the relevant Defined the theories defini on of explana on
TGC 2a.1 problem 5% theories in depth. clearly. relevant theories. on the theory.

8 - 10 6.5 - 7.9 5 - 6.4 0 - 4.9

TGC 2b : Cri cal and crea ve

Applica on of the Applied the chosen Limited

relevant theore cal topics effec vely to applica on in
models to the key analyze ar cle content Able to link the connec ng
thinking skills

issues discussed in in depth and pro chosen topics to the Adequate theory and
the ar cle. detailed conclusions ar cle content applica on ar cle
10% based on the analysis. correctly provided content
4-5 3.25 - 3.95 2.5 - 3.20 0 - 2.45
Conclusion and Detailed summary of Failed to
Analyse and Sugges on analysis and applicable Adequate summary Limited summary provide
synthesize real world solu ons provided with some and solu ons summary and
TGC 2b.4 the evidence 5% provided solu ons. provided solu ons
4-5 3.25 - 3.95 2.5 - 3.20 0 - 2.45
TGC 3 : Communica on skills

Very clear and detailed Good and clear Limited

Diagram diagram explana on explana on of diagram
explana on which flows well. diagram and explana on
Linked the changes in evidence of link Adequate which does
the diagram to content between diagram explana on of not flow and

5% in the ar cle. and ar cle content. diagrams. is not clear.

4-5 3.25 - 3.95 2.5 - 3.20 0 - 2.45
Limited use of
Referencing “Harvard”
Use Adequate referencing or
suppor ng Followed “Harvard” Followed “Harvard” referencing and no
TGC 3.4 evidence 5% referencing with minor errors cita ons referencing
Total out of 35

Any addi onal comments:

1. Areas of strength:

2. Areas of weakness:

3. How to improve:

Assessed by: Date:

Sample Moderated by (if any): Date:

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