Dual Award Programme Individual/Group Assignment Cover Sheet

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Dual Award Programme
Individual/Group 4. ……………………………………………………………………

Assignment Cover Sheet

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A. A feedback form template needs to be included with each assignment. Please complete all details clearly.
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Assignment topic as stated in the guidelines provided:

B. This section will be completed by the lecturer/tutor assessing your GROUP/INDIVIDUAL assignment:

General Comments:







-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----





Assessed by: Date:

Sample Moderated by (if any): Date:

M arking Rubric

Content (20 Marks) Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

0 – 0.99 1-1.99 2-3

Question (i)
Briefly explain the selected Fairly clear Detailed description
(MLO1)-TGC1.2 financial institution setting description of the of the selected
and nature of business selected financial financial institution
operations institution setting setting and nature of
and nature of business operations
business operations

0 – 2.99 3-4.99 5-6

1. Low-Brief and little discussion 1. Fair-Some 1. Excellent- Detailed

and clarification on the discussion and discussion and clarification
Question (ii) prospective risks clarification on the on the prospective risks
2. No evidence is given and prospective risks 2. Clear evidence and
(MLO1)-TGC1.1, no example 2. Evidence is appropriate example
TGC1.2 provided but lack of to illustrate the
example to illustrate prospective risks
the prospective risks

0 – 2.99 3 – 4.99 5-6

1. Lack of detail in assess and 1. Good assess and 1. Very Insightful and well
classification of risks classification of risks assessed and classified of
Question (iii)
2. No more than 2 latest with some depth but lack risks
references to support your of insight 2. More than 4 latest
(MLO1)-TGC1.1, TGC1.2
viewpoints 2. More than 3 latest references to support your
references to support viewpoints
your viewpoints

Assignment readability, format consistency and tidiness. Harvard referencing style, the style of writing, interesting,
systematic flow of ideas, and engaging presentation with logical idea connections. The overall work impression: neat,
consistent, alignments are justified and consistently indented, tables and idea tabulation whenever necessary, diagrams to
illustrate sophisticated / bulky facts and figures and so on.

Communication Skills Rubric (5 Marks)

Traits Performance Levels Score Wt. Marks
Poor (1 2 3) Fair (4 5) Good (6 7) Excellent (8 9 10) %
1 Purpose/Aim The purpose The organization, The organization, The organization, 25
and the aim of style and content style and content style and content
the paper are sometimes are good and the are excellent and
not clear to the interfere with the explanation the explain the
reader purpose and aim purpose and aim purpose and aim
of the paper of the paper of the paper very

2 Explanation Most Ideas are Present ideas but Supports most Explores ideas 25
of Ideas unsupported the supports are ideas with good with sound
and very inconsistent. evidence and arguments and
confusing. The Reasoning is not reasoning evidences.
reasoning is clear Reasoning is very
flawed Effective
3 Logic & Does not Develops and Develops unified Develops ideas 20
organization develop ideas organizes ideas in and coherent cogently and
cogently and the paragraphs ideas within logically with very
logically, that are not well paragraphs and good connection
ineffective connected. There the transition Between
organization, is some evidence from one paragraphs.
unclear of organization. paragraph to Organization,
introduction Introduction and another is good. introduction and
and conclusion. conclusion not Organization, conclusion are
well focused. introduction and very good.
conclusion are

4 Language Uses words that Word forms and Word forms and Employs the most 20
usage are unclear, sentence sentence apt words and
sentence structures are structures are Sentence
structure lacks adequate to effective. There structures are
clarity, errors convey basic are errors but concise and very
are seriously meaning. these do not effective.
distracting However, there cause distraction
are errors that
cause distraction.
5 Spelling and Writing contains Frequent errors There are minor The writing is 10
grammar numerous in spelling and errors. But the error free in term
spelling and grammar general of spelling and
grammatical interfere with conventions of Grammar
errors. Very comprehension spelling and
difficult to grammar been
comprehend. followed

After comprehending the groupings of risks faced by the financial institutions from the various viewpoints,
you are required to provide the detail of the information as stated follows: (1500 words)
(i) Explain briefly on the selected financial institution setting encompassing primary activities and the
competitive environment in banking industry. (300 words)
(3 marks)

(ii) Risk Identification and Analysis: Clarify the prospective risks encountered by the financial
institution. (600 words)
(6 marks)

(iii) Risk Evaluation and Categorization: Based on question (ii), assess and classify the risks that
have been discovered into various type of risks. (600 words)
(6 marks)

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