Pokemon Infinite Fusion Walkthrough

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Pokemon Infinite Fusion Walkthrough (for 5.3)

Written by Knuckles3&Knuckles

This is a guide of where to go and what to do to progress through Pokemon Infinite

Fusion. For the most part the game follows the general progression of the Kanto games,
but there are some minor differences and additions.
> This guide was last updated when the most recent game version was 5.3.4

Guide for version 5.0.36:


If you have questions that weren’t answered here, you can check out the wiki or ask in
the Discord server
Wiki: https://infinitefusion.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Infinite_Fusion_Wiki
Discord server: https://discord.gg/vY8Y2m2

Gonna try adding a table of contents maybe

Selecting game options

The controls for the game can be seen and changed by pressing F1. The 4 boxes next
to each button name are 4 keys that each correspond to the same button. Click on one
of the boxes and you can change it to a different key. There is also a button to reset the
controls to the defaults the game uses.

When starting a new game, you will be able to pick which game mode you would like.
By default, you can only choose classic mode. If you have an existing save file, you can
also choose modern mode, randomizer, or special modes. Modern mode changes the
wild Pokemon and trainer Pokemon to use more Pokemon from later generations rather
than the majority being Kanto Pokemon. Randomizer lets you randomize the Pokemon
and items in the game. Currently the only special mode is single species mode, which
changes all opponent Pokemon into fusions involving a single Pokemon that you can
More info on randomizer: https://infinitefusion.fandom.com/wiki/Randomized_Mode

After you have set your age, gender, and name, you will select the game’s difficulty,
whether to use standard or reversed mode, and if you would like autosave turned on.

The game has a description of reversed mode and more specifics about the difficulty
options can be found here: https://infinitefusion.fandom.com/wiki/Difficulty_settings

For this guide, I will be selecting classic mode, normal difficulty, and standard mode.

The Beginning and Badge 1

Pallet Town
You start out in your bedroom. Before going downstairs, you can go to your laptop and
take out a potion. This can be helpful for the first battle against your rival. Speaking of
him, once you go downstairs your mom congratulates you on being accepted as a
trainer and asks what you’d like to call him. I’ll stick to the canon name, Blue.
Once your leave your house, Blue will appear and talk to you. He tells you Professor
Oak is planning to give each of you a Pokemon, but he went to Viridian City on an
errand. After Blue leaves, head north towards the patch of grass. Oak will stop you and
then bring you to his lab to choose your starter Pokemon.

After choosing your starter, Blue will take the remaining starters and fuse them. What a
cheap tactic! If you got that potion out of your PC earlier, it can come in handy here.
After the battle, Oak asks you to pick up a package for him in Viridian city. But before
doing that, pay a visit to Blue’s house and talk to his sister to obtain a map.

After that, head north to route 1.

Route 1
This route is a straightforward path. On the way you can talk to a Pokemart employee
who gives you a potion, talk to a girl who will battle you, and pick up an item.
Unfortunately, you won’t have any Poke Balls yet, so you can’t catch any Pokemon.

Viridian City
Once you reach Viridian City, go to the Pokemart and pick up Oak’s parcel. As a bonus,
you get a free DNA splicer. You’ll have to deliver the parcel to buy anything else or to
proceed north, as the north path is blocked by a drunk old man. Go back to Pallet Town
and give Oak his parcel and he’ll give you 5 Poke Balls and the Pokedex. Talk to the
male scientist and he’ll give you an additional 2 Poke Balls. Now that you’ve delivered
Oak’s parcel, go back to Viridian City.

Back in Viridian, the Pokemart has now opened up and you’re able to buy Poke Balls,
potions, DNA splicers, and more. In addition, if you have closed and reopened the game
at least once while having an existing save file, a deliveryman will now appear inside.
He will give you a Pyukumuku. If you’ve caught a Spearow, a youngster in the Pokemon
Center will trade a Bellsprout for it. The drunk man in the north has now moved so
you’re able to progress that way. But first, you may want to visit route 22.

Route 22
You don’t technically need to go through this route yet, but there is some benefit. After
battling some youngsters, you’ll run into Blue and battle him again.
Blue’s team:
- Pidgey lv 7
- Starter fusion lv 8

After the battle, Blue gives you some DNA splicers, but there’s a greater reward just for
beating him. If you then try to enter the Pokemon League gate, Brock will stop you and
tell you to come challenge him. Now head back to Viridian City.

Bonus: Secret Garden

If you choose to do the optional rival battle on route 22, you can unlock a secret area.
Go back to route 1 and walk to the right here. You will find yourself in the secret garden,
where you can find some rare Pokemon and useful items. How are you supposed to
learn about this? Well, by reading this walkthrough of course!

Note: if you beat Brock without doing the route 22 rival fight, you cannot unlock the
secret garden

Route 2 & Viridian Forest

North of Viridian is route 2. It has some grass patches to catch more Pokemon, but it’s
mainly just a short path leading to Viridian Forest. In the gate to the forest is a girl who
will teach your Pokemon fury cutter.
Viridian Forest has many trainers and items strewn about. If you see mushrooms on the
ground, pick them up. They have a low chance to be tiny or big mushrooms, which sell
for a lot, but they also can be poison mushrooms or wild Paras. You’ll also find spider
webs on the trees which either have items or wild Spinarak on them.

After a short while, you’ll be back on the main route again, with Pewter City due north.

Pewter City
Welcome to Pewter City, home of Brock. There are a few important things that first
appear here that will be present throughout the game. First, the Pokemon Center now
has a second floor. Here you can find the move reminder, wonder trade center, and the
update man. The move reminder takes money in this game, no need to go farm heart
scales. The girl at the counter will let you do a wonder trades for tickets, though you
eventually will be able to buy an unlimited pass. Also note that the game will
automatically save after a wonder trade and traded fusions cannot be unfused. The
update man is the man in a suit and sunglasses; if your game is experiencing some
glitches or you want to edit your game settings, he can help with that.

Almost all Pokemon Centers in cities have 2 floors

Next is the hotel. These buildings will let you take a rest for a small fee, allowing you to
change the time of day. But what’s more important is the top floor. This is where you will
meet the questmaster. Throughout the game there will be NPCs who ask you to do
favors for them and in exchange they will give you helpful items or even Pokemon.
Hotels contain several of these NPCs in the rightmost room, but there are also many
strewn throughout the overworld. The questmaster will also reward you for doing certain
amounts of quests. Pewter hotel’s quests are to find a youngster’s lost revive on a
bench in the city, find 3 tiny mushrooms for a cook, and show a bug catcher a fully
evolved bug type Pokemon. If you complete 1 quest, the questmaster will reward you
with HM08, flash.

Pretty much every town from this point on will have a hotel

Out on a bench you’ll find this hiker. He says he’ll give you a special flute for beating the
gym leader. He appears in every town with a gym leader to give you a flute after you
beat the gym.

Now for the things that are specific to Pewter. Inside the Pokemon center is a boy who
will trade a Tyrogue in exchange for a Mankey. On the north end of the city is the
Pewter museum. If you enter the museum and go into the right room, you can find the
fossil restoration machine. Unfortunately it’s not working yet. There is also a metronome
move tutor if you feel like trying your luck during battle.
You may also notice an entrance on the right side of the building blocked off by a
cuttable tree. If you so wish, you can come back here later with cut and do a quest to
obtain Old Amber.

Pewter Gym
Now for the main event, the Pewter gym. Brock is a rock leader, so bring a water, grass,
or fighting type. First, talk to the man in sunglasses to obtain a fresh water. This guy
appears in every gym to give you a fresh water and tell you about the gym leader. There
are 2 gym trainers, but you only need to fight 1 to reach Brock.

Lass’s team: Geodude/Nidoran F lv 9

Youngster’s team: Geodude/Caterpie lv 7, Sandshrew/Geodude lv 7

Now for the main man Brock. He informs you that in this game you will only be able to
use the same number of Pokemon as the leader. Since Brock uses 2 Pokemon, you are
only allowed to use 2 Pokemon.

Brock’s team:
- Geodude/Pidgey lv 9
- Diglett/Onix lv 12

After winning, you are awarded the Boulder Badge! Brock also gifts you TM39 rock
tomb and your first wonder trade ticket.

Now that you have beaten the gym, it’s time to head east towards Cerulean City.

Badge 2

Route 3, Mt. Moon, and Route 4

When you first walk to route 3, you’ll be interrupted by a scientist. She is an aide of
Professor Oak, and she has come to inform you of a hidden ability outbreak. During this
event, Pokemon with their hidden abilities will appear in the wild for a limited time. If you
encounter a Pokemon with a hidden ability, it will be shown at the start of the battle.
Later in the game there will be ways to tell what area has an outbreak occurring at that

This route has several trainers along the way, including youngster Ben with his famous
line about comfortable shorts. Some of them will even offer to trade Pokemon. At the

end of the route is a Pokemon Center. Inside you’ll find the nurse is absent. There is
also a man who will sell you a Magikarp. Go outside to find the nurse tending to a
trainer’s Geodude. It seems some trainers have been beating it much more harshly than
in a normal battle. Talk to the nurse and Brock will show up to help. The nurse will
return to the Pokemon Center and Brock will ask you to investigate Mt. Moon to see if
anyone suspicious is around.

Inside Mt. Moon, you’ll find a bunch of people who say they were beaten unfairly by a
group of people dressed in black. Head right to find some Team Rocket grunts! They’ve
blocked the path with some rocks. Go back outside and tell Brock what you saw and
he’ll give you TM94 rock smash. Teach this move to one of your Pokemon and you’ll be
able to break through the rocks and go further in the cave.

Here is a map of Mt. Moon with a line to show you what route to take to get through it.
Feel free to deviate from the path to find extra items and stuff. (Only the necessary
rooms are shown to get through the cave.)

On Mt. Moon BF2, you can also find an exit to the cave blocked by some rocks in the
bottom right. It leads to Mt. Moon square, an open area with a house where an old
couple will sell you some items. If you come here at night, Clefairys will show up and
leave a moon stone for you by the white rock to the left of the house. As you progress
through the cave, you’ll eventually run into a group of Team Rocket grunts and
Giovanni. It seems they’re doing some sort of experiment, trying to fuse 3 Pokemon.
Giovanni forces a hostage scientist to fight you.

After beating him and the triple fusion experiment failing, you can continue onwards and
pick up a fossil. The helix fossil is for Omanyte and the dome fossil is for Kabuto. The
scientist takes the fossil you didn’t select. Continue onwards to exit the cave and enter
route 4. Route 4 is a short path with some ledges and a patch of grass that leads to
Cerulean City. In the bottom left there is a cave entrance where you can get some TMs
and items, but it requires rock smash and strength to collect everything.

Cerulean City
Cerulean City is the home of the water type leader, Misty. Besides the gym, there are a
few things you can do. Inside the Pokemon Center you can find Oak’s lab assistant.
She will give you an exp. share if you have fused Pokemon at least 5 times, then leave
for route 24. There is a bike shop in the bottom left of the city, but don’t buy the
expensive bike since you can get a free voucher for it later. In the top right is a house
occupied by Team Rocket where a grunt will sell you a moon stone for an absurd price.

The south exit is unfortunately blocked by a policeman at the moment and the east exit
is blocked by a small tree. If you instead go north towards route 24, you will encounter
Blue and fight him again.
Blue’s team:
- Pidgeotto lv 18
- Abra lv 15
- Mankey/Rattata lv 16
- Starter fusion lv 19 (the body Pokemon has evolved at this point)

You can then choose to continue north and do the events there if you please, or you
can go straight to the gym to fight Misty. I recommend training on route 24 to level up
and be more prepared for the gym. But for consistency, I’ll be giving info about the gym
first and route 24 after.

Cerulean Gym

This is a water type gym, so grass or electric Pokemon are recommended. There are 2
gym trainers here, with only the male swimmer being skippable.
Male swimmer’s team: Shellder/Krabby lv 16, Ekans/Horsea lv 16
Female swimmer’s team: Staryu/Diglett lv 19

Next is the gym leader herself, Misty. She only uses 2 Pokemon, and as such you also
only get to choose 2 to use.
Misty’s team:
- Jigglypuff/Goldeen lv 19
- Oddish/Staryu lv 22

After beating Misty, you obtain the Cascade Badge! This allows you to use cut outside
of battle to cut down small trees. She also gives you TM55 water pulse and a wonder

trade ticket.

Route 24, Route 25, and Cerulean Cape

The first thing you’ll encounter is the aptly named Nugget Bridge. You’ll have to fight 5
trainers to get through, and will win a gold nugget that you can sell at shops. Do
remember that you’re not forced to fight them all in a row, you can go heal if needed.
After the 5 trainers are beaten, a Rocket grunt will ask if you’d like to join Team Rocket.
Answer either way, you’ll still have to fight him.

In the grass on the left side, you’ll find Oak’s assistant again. She’s looking for Abras on
this route, so run around in the grass to find and catch one. For showing the assistant
an Abra, she’ll give you the Pokeradar. This page contains info about how the
Pokeradar works: https://infinitefusion.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9radar
Note: you will need to use repels for the Pokeradar to work properly.

Catching an Abra is also helpful since teleport can be used to warp to any town you
have previously visited, though you will need to beat Lt. Surge to be able to do so. Head
east and come to route 25.

There are no wild Pokemon on route 25 that you can encounter, just trainers. Make your
way to the east and reach Cerulean Cape. Go inside the building to witness Bill fuse
himself with a Rhydon.

After speaking to him, interact with the laptop on his desk. He’ll come out of the capsule
as a human once more. As thanks, he gives you a ticket for the S.S. Anne. Now that
you have that ticket, head back to Cerulean City.

Badge 3

Route 5 and Route 6

Now that you have your 2nd badge and a ticket for the S.S. Anne, head south to route
5. You may notice a building, but that is blocked off by small trees for now, so just
ignore it for the moment. If you go through the south gate, you’ll find a Rocket grunt is
preventing you from proceeding to Saffron without paying a high fee. You can pay this,
but there is another way to Vermillion City than going through Saffron City. In the bottom
right corner of route 5 is a small building that is an entrance to an underground passage
leading to Vermillion.

At the end of the underground path, you’ll end up in route 6. Go south and you’ll end up
in Vermillion City.

Vermillion City
Vermillion City is the first city where you can’t access the gym immediately. It’s blocked
by small trees that you’ll need cut to get rid of. In the meantime, you can visit the
Pokemon Fan Club. There are several different trades you can do here. Talk to the
president to get a bike voucher. Take this back to the bike shop in Cerulean to get a
bike. Near the Pokemon Fan Club building is a woman with a Krabby who will give you
a sun stone.

In the building left of the Pokemon Center is a fisherman who will give you the old rod.
Now you can fish up some water Pokemon. The move deleter also lives here, but since
HM moves can be forgotten at any time he’s rather pointless. Something that is rather
helpful can be found on the northeast side of the city behind a ton of rocks. Dig your
way to the green item ball to find the pickaxe. This is one of the HM replacement items,
key items that let you use field moves such as rock smash without needing to teach
your Pokemon the move.

Optional: Route 11
To the east is route 11. There isn’t anything necessary here, but you can fight some
trainers and play blackjack against the gambler trainers to try to make money. Further
east is route 12. There’s a sleeping Snorlax blocking you from progressing further.
You’ll also see Janine is stopped by this Snorlax too. Remember this for later in the

S.S. Anne
Back in Vermillion, find the dock and follow it to board the S.S. Anne. A member of staff
will inform you that your room is #2. Inside your room is a bed you can use to heal your
team. There is also a super potion in the trash can.

Throughout the ship are many rooms, some containing items or trainers to battle. From
the main entrance, go up the stairs and through the door on the north wall to enter a
restaurant. It has a few items to buy, a PC, trades, and a hyper voice move tutor. The
scientist who shared his fossil with you back in Mt. Moon is also sitting here and will
battle you. When you win, you can choose between the root fossil for Lileep or the claw
fossil for Anorith. If you then go back into the main room and go right, you’ll find the
captain’s room is locked. You’re gonna have to find the key to unlock it.

To get the captain’s key, take the top left door and continue through that hallway to end
up on the exterior of the ship. Battle the trainers there and go right to find a green item
ball containing the key. Now go back the way you came, but make sure to stop by your
room to heal.

On your way up to the captain’s room, Blue interrupts you. It’s time for another fight.
Blue’s team:
- Pidgeotto lv 22
- Staryu/Kadabra lv 18
- Mankey/Raticate lv 20
- Starter fusion lv 22 (both halves are now evolved into their middle stages)

After beating Blue, you can then unlock the captain’s door. Turns out he’s seasick. Your
character rubs his back to help make him feel better and in return the captain gives you
HM01 cut. Teach it to a Pokemon so you can cut down small trees and finally make it
inside Lt. Surge’s gym.

Vermillion Gym
Welcome to the gym of the lightning American, Lt. Surge! He uses electric Pokemon, so
bring a ground type. This gym is the first to have a puzzle in it. Two of the trash cans in
the gym contain switches you must press. It’s random which trash cans are correct.
Once you find the first switch, the second switch will be in one of the trash cans next to
it. The second switch can be in a trash can that you previously checked. If you select
the wrong second trash can, the switches reset (Note: it is also possible to experience a
glitch where none of the trash cans contain a switch; if this happens, leave and reenter
the gym to reset the switches.) There are 3 trainers in the gym and you may be able to
avoid fighting any of them if you’re careful and get lucky with the switch placement.
Sailor’s team: Pikachu/Seel lv 20
Engineer’s team: Voltorb/Oddish lv 21, Voltorb/Bellsprout lv 21
Gentleman’s team: Magnemite/Machop lv 23

Now you can fight Lt. Surge. He uses 3 Pokemon, so you are allowed 3 Pokemon as
Lt. Surge’s team:
- Voltorb/Krabby lv 24
- Pikachu/Diglett lv 24
- Raichu/Electabuzz lv 26

Beating Lt. Surge will earn you the Thunder Badge. With this, you can now use teleport
outside battle to warp to cities you’ve visited. Surge also gives you TM73 thunder wave
and a wonder trade ticket. Conveniently enough, a scientist comes out to greet you
when you leave the gym. He gives you HM07 teleport and tells you the Pewter fossil
restoration machine is working again. Your next destination is back to Cerulean, but
there are some optional things to do before then.

Optional: Shears
If you went east of Vermillion City earlier, you may have noticed a cave entrance. This is
Diglett’s Cave, which fittingly enough has Digletts and Dugtrios to encounter. Follow the
cave to end up back on route 2, but on the right path behind the small tree instead. Of
course, you could just teach a Pokemon teleport and warp to Pewter and then cut down
the tree instead. Anyways, there’s a house here where a hiker will offer to trade and a
maid will offer to make items out of mushrooms. But what we’re interested in is to the
south through the gate.

Continue south to find a house with a ton of small trees in the backyard. Talk to the man
inside and offer to cut these trees, then go out the backdoor and cut all the trees down.
After doing so, talk to the old man to receive the shears, the HM replacement item for

Optional: Old Amber

Next, we’ll be visiting the Pewter museum. Here, you can revive your fossils. If you
instead decide to cut down the tree and enter from the right side, you can activate a
quest. Some scientists have found a fossil in Viridian Forest, but some Beedrills are
swarming around it and preventing them from taking it. Go to Viridian Forest and find
the area blocked off by small trees. Cut them down to go fight the Beedrills, and after
beating them you can obtain an Old Amber. Unfortunately the Pewter fossil machine
isn’t advanced enough to revive Aerodactyl, so you’ll have to wait until getting to
Cinnabar Island.

Optional: Pokemon Daycare

Now, head back to Cerulean City. South of Cerulean City back on route 5 you can now
cut down the trees to access the daycare. You can leave 2 Pokemon here to raise their
levels while you adventure and breed 2 Pokemon to produce an egg (though breeding
fusions is rather buggy.) You can enter the back room in the daycare and obtain a
Togepi egg from the nanny. She will also have quests for you to do and will reward you
with more eggs for completing them.

Badge 4

Route 9 and 10
Go east of Cerulean to reach route 9, which you can now access by cutting down the
small tree. This route has quite a few trainers to battle. When you reach the water and
go south you’ll end up on route 10. This route has a Pokemon Center so you can heal.
To the south is the power plant, which you can’t access most of at the moment, but you
can still find some electric Pokemon to catch. There are some move tutors by the
Pokemon Center as well, and a cave entrance. This is the entrance to Rock Tunnel.

Rock Tunnel
The first thing you may notice is that you can’t see anything. Rock Tunnel is fully in the
dark except for a small circle around your character. You’ll need to have done some
quests and talked to the questmaster in order to get flash or the lantern, the HM
replacement item for flash.

Here’s a map of Rock Tunnel with a path to follow to get through.


In the 4th room of Mt. Moon, you can find a ladder surrounded by breakable rocks. Go
up the ladder into an open area, then into another cave to find an old man. He’ll give
you a Honedge and spout a classic line from The Legend of Zelda!

Eventually you’ll make it out of the cave and on to the other side of route 10. There’s a
hiker to fight and a drill run tutor. After a short walk you’ll enter Lavender Town.

Lavender Town
Welcome to the home of creepypastas, Lavender Town. There is no gym in this town.
The main attraction is Pokemon Tower, a large tower with many graves for Pokemon.
Rather dour. If you want, you can enter the house left of the Pokemart at daytime to
receive a sun stone and during night to receive a moon stone. There is also a tent-like
building where the name rater resides. Since you can nickname your Pokemon in the
party menu, he instead will simply gift you TM87 swagger if you show him a Pokemon
with a specific nickname. The nickname will have to start and end with the same letter
as the Pokemon’s name (for example, a Hoothoot named Hoot.)

Now, enter Pokemon Tower. On the first floor you can find a kid who will give you the
Odd Keystone, which you can use to obtain Spiritomb. Just defeat 108 ghost type
Pokemon in battle. Now go up the stairs to find Blue. It’s time for another rival battle.
Blue’s team:
- Cubone/Pidgeotto lv 25
- Gyarados lv 23
- Staryu/Kadabra lv 22
- Starter fusion lv 25

After beating Blue, you’ll both hear some yelling and walk over to find Team Rocket
persecuting Mr. Fuji. They’ll then take him upstairs. Blue tells you it’s impossible to
progress further without a Silph Scope due to the next floor being filled with ghosts. If
you go to the next floor and manage to avoid the Haunter-esque ghosts, you’ll still be
stopped at the next staircase by a Gengar-esque ghost and expelled. You’ll need to go
to Celadon City to get a Silph Scope.

Route 8 and 7
Go out the west gate to enter route 8. There are many trainers to fight along this route.
The west gate of this route leads to Saffron, which is still blocked off by Team Rocket,
so instead take another underground passage. Go through the passage to get to route
7. You can go east to fight some trainers, but otherwise go west to reach Celadon City.

Celadon City
If you walk around Celadon, you’ll notice some Rocket grunts around. Before getting to
solving that, let’s take a look around the city. First you can check out the tall building left
of the Pokemon Center; it’s the third building over. On the second floor is an NPC
representing the game dev.
Note: streamers be careful, as he reads out your PC name.
He’ll give you a special item for catching all 420 unfused Pokemon in the game, so
remember that for much later if you wish. Go to the roof and enter the small room to find
a Poke Ball. A woman will then enter and ask you to take her Eevee for a walk. You’ll
then have Eevee following you outside its ball. After walking for a while, return here and
talk to the woman and you’ll obtain said Eevee.

To the far left you’ll find the Celadon Department Store. Here you can buy a ton of
useful items, including TMs and evolution stones. However, not all evolution stones are
available here.

This city also houses the game corner. You can play slot machines here and then go
next door in the small building to spend the coins on items and Pokemon. But you’ll
need a coin case first. Go to the bottom right area and enter the building right next to
the hotel. Talk to this old man to receive a coin case.

You can also talk to the scientist in the cafe to find he’s the fossil maniac you’ve
encountered twice before. Battle him and you can get the armor fossil for Shieldon or
the skull fossil for Cranidos. If you come back at night time, the place will be dark and
deserted, with the flower pots at the top of the room removed. Enter the door they were
blocking and you’ll find the black market, where you can buy randomized fusions from
Team Rocket. Do remember that these fusions cannot be unfused.

If you enter the building to the right of the cafe and talk to the blue haired girl, you can
obtain super splicers, a superior version of DNA splicers.

Celadon Sewers
Now on to the main quest of this city. Go to the south end of the city, cut down the trees,
and meet Erika. After telling her about Team Rocket kidnapping Mr. Fuji, she will join
you in the sewers, which Team Rocket has taken as a base. Erika will heal your
Pokemon after each battle.

The sewer puzzle involves raising and lowering the water level, as well as wooden
boards. Walking over the wooden boards hanging off ledges will make them fall off.
They can then be used as bridges when the water level is raised. The PCs that raise
and lower the water level can be found up ladders throughout the sewers.

As you get to the end of the sewers, you’ll find a hallway with a split path. Pick one path
or the other and Erika will go through the path you didn’t pick, also blocking it for now.
This also means she won’t be healing you any more. Both rooms have arrow blocks that
will push your the direction they’re pointing. Pay attention to which way they point to
reach the other end of the room.

After reaching the end of that room, you’ll end up in a new room where Giovanni is
waiting. You’ll have to fight him now.
Giovanni’s team:
- Arbok/Onix lv 32
- Haunter/Kangaskhan lv 35
- Rhyhorn/Lapras lv 32

After beating Giovanni, he will flee the sewers. Erika also returns to her gym to await
your challenge. Grab the green item ball on the table to obtain the Silph Scope. On your
way back, feel free to go through the room you didn’t pick earlier.

You can next choose whether to fight the gym or rescue Mr. Fuji next. I’ll be fighting
Erika first.

Celadon Gym
The Celadon Gym is located just past the entrance to the sewers. Erika uses grass
Pokemon, so fire, flying, and ice types will help take her down. This gym is a maze
made of hedges. There are a whopping total of 8 trainers. You should be able to avoid
most of the trainers if you’re careful.
Trainer 1’s team: Oddish/Growlithe lv 34
Trainer 2’s team: Bellsprout/Bulbasaur lv 34, Weepinbell/Ivysaur lv 34
Trainer 3’s team: Oddish/Exeggcute lv 36

Trainer 4’s team: Bellsprout/Caterpie lv 31, Weepinbell/Beedrill lv 33

Trainer 5’s team: Oddish/Pidgey lv 32, Gloom/Farfetch’d lv 34
Trainer 6’s team: Bellsprout/Oddish lv 32, Weepinbell/Gloom lv 32,
Bellsprout/Gloom lv 32
Trainer 7’s team: Pikachu/Oddish lv 30, Pikachu/Weepinbell lv 34
Trainer 8’s team: Weepinbell/Doduo lv 35

Erika will use 3 Pokemon for here battle, so you get use 3 as well
Erika’s team:
- Exeggutor/Doduo lv 33
- Tangela/Primeape lv 33
- Vileplume/Victreebel lv 35

Defeating Erika will net you the Rainbow Badge! Erika also gives you TM22 solar beam
and 2 wonder trade tickets. Next is to rescue Mr. Fuji from Team Rocket in Pokemon

Pokemon Tower
Now that you’ve got the Silph Scope, head back to Lavender Town. Before going in
Pokemon Tower, I’d like to mention a helpful item you can obtain. If you talked to the old
lady in the Celadon hotel, she’ll say to ring the bell in Lavender Town at night when the
time is right. What this means is to ring it at 3:15 AM, when both hands on a clock are
pointing right. Do so, and you’ll uncover a tomb where you can obtain a reaper cloth,
used to evolve Dusclops.

Now go in to Pokemon Tower. When you reach the 3rd floor you’ll find the Haunter-
esque ghosts from before have been replaced by ghostly ladies. They have been
possessed and will battle you as trainers if you run into them. Keep going up the floors.
On floor 5 will be a white area on the floor that will heal your team when you walk into it.
On floor 6 when you try to walk up the stairs, a ghost will stop you to fight.

She’ll be using a Gengar/Marowak, a clear reference to the ghost Marowak from the
original games. Now you can finally reach the top floor. You’ll find Mr. Fuji alone. Seems
Team Rocket stole the Master Ball prototype he had. He then gives you the Poke Flute,
which can wake up sleeping Pokemon.

Badge 5

Now that you have the Poke Flute, you can wake up the Snorlax on route 12 and the
Snorlax on route 16. You can choose either path to travel to reach Fuchsia City, but
there are important things to do on each side. Wake up the Snorlax on route 12 and
catch him if you so choose. This will let Janine through so she can get back to Fuchsia.
On route 16, cut the small tree near the start of the area and enter the house. The man
inside will give you HM02 fly, which has the same use as teleport.

After doing those things, you can choose which route you’d like to take to reach Fuchsia

Path #1: Route 16, 17, and 18

Going through the gate on route 16, you’ll end up on route 17, the Cycling Road. You’ll
only be able to traverse this area on a bike. The main path is a straight shot, with only a
few biker trainers that may heed your progress.

You’ll eventually emerge on route 18. Most of the route is unavailable since it requires
surf, so just proceed to Fuchsia City.

Path #2: Route 12, 13, 14, and 15

This path is much longer than the other choice. Route 12 mostly consists of a boardwalk
over the sea. There is a building partway through where you can obtain the good rod,
which can catch higher leveled and more varied Pokemon than the old rod.

Eventually you’ll reach a beach on route 13. This area has quite a few trainers. To the
north is a maze of fences. There is a nurse there who will heal your Pokemon any time
after you beat her. When you reach the muddy path, there will be a blackbelt that
wishes to push his Rhyhorn to the beach using strength. Remember this for later when
you have strength.

Continue onward to come to route 14. There are several trainers here, before it quickly
becomes route 15. Here, there’s another nurse who will heal your Pokemon if you beat
her. You may also notice a north path behind a ledge. You cannot access the special
area up there until you can use strength and surf. Now, go through the west gate to
reach Fuchsia City.

Fuchsia City
Fuchsia City is the home of the Safari Zone, as well as gym leader Koga. You can fight
Koga immediately if you’d like, but there are some other things you’ll need to do
eventually. Go into the house next to the hotel. Janine should be there since you moved
the Snorlax off route 12 for her. She gives you HM04 strength. This move can push
boulders on the overworld, but you’ll need to beat Koga in order to use it.

In the house directly left of the Pokemon Center is an old woman with a Musharna. She
will tell you which area currently is having an outbreak of Pokemon with hidden abilities.

Next, go to the Safari Zone.

Safari Zone
The Safari Zone is a special area where you can catch rare Pokemon, but cannot use
your Pokemon to battle them. You’re given 30 Safari Balls and will be forced to quit the
game if you use all of them or take 600 steps. The reason we must go into the Safari
Zone is to find the HM for surf.

Here is a path to follow in order to reach the house with surf.


In this building a man will give you HM03 surf. You can use this to surf on your
Pokemon to traverse water, but not until you’ve beaten Sabrina.

Fuchsia Gym
Koga’s gym is a poison type gym, so ground and psychic types are an effective choice.
The gym first appears to be an empty room with trainers standing about, but there are
actually a bunch of invisible walls creating a maze. Below is a map of the maze, the
blue tiles representing walls. There are 6 gym trainers, and you can avoid all but 1 of
them if you’re careful and patient.
Trainer 1’s team: Weezing/Wigglytuff lv 36
Trainer 2’s team: Raticate/Drowzee lv 36
Trainer 3’s team: Nidorina/Sandshrew lv 32, Nidorino/Rhyhorn lv 34
Trainer 4’s team: Zubat/Venonat lv 32, Venonat/Lickitung lv 35
Trainer 5’s team: Ekans/Zubat lv 34, Grimer/Arbok lv 36
Trainer 6’s team: Venonat/Paras lv 35, Paras/Golbat lv 35

Koga will use 4 Pokemon in battle, so you get to use 4 Pokemon as well.
Koga’s Team:
- Venomoth/Grimer lv 35
- Magnemite/Koffing lv 36
- Beedrill/Scyther lv 36
- Chansey/Muk lv 38

For beating Koga, you obtain the Soul Badge. This lets you use strength outside of
battle. Koga also gives you TM06 toxic and 2 wonder trade tickets.

Badge 6

Now that you have strength, you can help the blackbelt on route 13. He wants you to
push his Rhyhorn to the beach towel on the opposite shore. You must push Rhyhorn
through the maze of fences up above. Don’t worry if you get Rhyhorn in a position
where you can’t push him anymore, Rhyhorn will also walk around on his own. After
doing so, the blackbelt gives you the handtruck, the HM replacement item for strength.

Now, onwards to Saffron City.

Team Rocket in Saffron City

If you remember, Saffron City’s gates were blocked off by Rocket grunts. At this point in
the game, you can now talk to them to fight them. Defeat them and all of the grunts will
leave their gates.

Silph Co.
Now enter Silph Co. It has been taken over by Team Rocket and there are employees
scattered throughout the building. You’ll have to save them all.

Silph Co. has many floors with warp panels that will let you travel between them. As you
travel, make sure to talk to any NPCs who aren’t Rocket grunts. Most of them are
hostages you need to save. Throughout the building you’ll also find barriers that require
a card key to open. You’ll have to find this card key. By the way, there is a bed on 8F
you can use to heal your team.

To find the card key, go to 5F. Go down the left path. You’ll need to get on the path
behind the warp panel, so walk on it and it will teleport you to 9F. You must then walk
back on the warp panel to go back to 5F and walk down. The card key will be in a green
item ball.

Now that you have the card key, you can open all the barriers. This should make it
much easier to traverse the building and save all the employees. After saving the
employees, go to 3F and take the yellow warp panel. This will take you to a room where
an employee is waiting. Once you’ve saved all the employees, he will give you a Lapras
as thanks and then let you take a warp panel to confront Giovanni.

If you interact with the electronic panel on the wall where you end up, the warp panel
will turn yellow and now warps you to 1F. As you approach the room where Giovanni is,
suddenly Blue shows up and challenges you to a battle.
Blue’s team:
- Nidoking/Pidgeot lv 44
- Electabuzz/Gyarados lv 42
- Tauros lv 45
- Staryu/Kadabra lv 42
- Start fusion lv 41

After beating Blue, he heals your team and joins you to confront Giovanni. Walk into the
next room to find Giovanni threatening the Silph Co. president. Apparently they were
able to make 3 Master Balls for some purpose, but Giovanni wants more. Walk further
into the room and Giovanni will then battle you and Blue in a double battle.
Giovanni’s team:
- Primeape/Nidorino lv 45
- Rhydon/Lapras lv 45
- Gengar/Kangaskhan lv 47
- Sandslash/Nidoqueen lv 51

After beating Giovanni, Team Rocket flees Saffron City. Blue then leaves to challenge
the Elite 4. Talk to the Silph president and he will let you have one of the Johto starter

Now that you’ve saved Silph Co., you can buy some great items from a lady at the front
desk on 1F, such as exp. shares and upgrades to evolve Porygon. She even gives you
a free upgrade for saving the employees. Also make sure to visit floor 6 to find the Poke
Ball creation machine has produced 1 more Master Ball. Feel free to take it.

Now that Saffron is liberated, it’s time to explore the city.

Saffron City
The gym leader of this city is Sabrina, but there is another gym building in the city. It is
known as the fighting dojo and it was the gym until Sabrina came and took over. As the
name implies, they use fighting Pokemon. You won’t get a badge for beating the leader
here, but you will get a Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop.

In a building left of the Pokemon Center you can find a lady who will give you a shiny
stone. There are also several move tutors scattered throughout the various buildings. If
you go towards the north exit and walk to the building on the right, you can find a
special shop for unique Poke Balls. Talk to the ranger and he will give you a sample of 5
balls, and you will then be able to buy those balls from the maid next to him. If you then
catch a Pokemon in that specific ball, he will give you a sample of another ball type and
the maid will then sell those as well. You can do this until each ball is unlocked for
purchase. These Poke Balls have a low catch rate, but apply special effects such as a
faster exp gain or making the Pokemon have a perfect IV.

You can also go to the train station to buy a ticket to visit Goldenrod City in Johto. There
are some items you can buy in the department store here, such as evolution stones.
There is also a special item to be obtained in the basement of the store. The elevator is
undergoing inspections right now, so you must climb the stairs and battle the trainers
along the way. At the top, walk into the elevator and take it down to the basement. Head
right into another room and you can find a green item ball. This is the teleporter, the HM
replacement item for teleport and fly.

The rest of Johto can only be explored in the postgame after becoming champion. Now,
back to Saffron to take on the gym.

Saffron Gym
Sabrina’s gym uses psychic type Pokemon, so using dark, ghost, or bug types will be
effective. Sabrina’s gym is set up as several rooms connected through warp panels. If
you’re lucky, you can avoid fighting most of the trainers, only 2 are unavoidable.
Trainer 1: Drowzee/Slowpoke lv 38, Machoke/Slowbro lv 38, Kadabra/Slowpoke
lv 38
Trainer 2: Weepinbell/Kadabra lv 38, Slowpoke/Ponyta lv 38, Poliwhirl/Mr. Mime
lv 38
Trainer 3: Alakazam/Gastly lv 39, Gengar/Abra lv 39
Trainer 4: Dewgong/Slowbro lv 43
Trainer 5: Mr. Mime/Kadabra lv 43

Here is a guide of the quickest way to Sabrina.

Sabrina will use 4 Pokemon, so you get to use only 4 as well.

Sabrina’s team:
- Hypno/Mr. Mime lv 41
- Espeon/Umbreon lv 41
- Alakazam/Slowbro lv 42
- Gengar/Alakazam lv 45

For defeating Sabrina, you earn the Marsh Badge. You will now be able to use surf
outside of battle to traverse bodies of water. Sabrina also informs you that you can now
purchase the unlimited wonder trade pass and gives you TM03 psyshock and 3 wonder
trade tickets.

Now that you can use surf, there are some optional areas I would like to mention.

Optional: Creepy House

Go to route 14 and break these rocks. Then on route 15, push the boulders out of the
way and surf over to the house.

Walk into the house and there will be a staircase in the top right. The room is dark, so
using flash or the lantern will be helpful.

To solve the puzzle in this house, first go in the left room containing a piano. Play the
piano until you hear the sound of a Pokemon fleeing. Now, search through the rooms to
find dolls lying around. They will only appear if you’ve been in the room before, so you
may need to walk out of the room and back in for it to spawn. Each time you find a doll,
go back and play the piano again.

After finding all 4 dolls, play the piano once more. You’ll then see Mimikyu walk up, then
flee. Go back into the entrance room to fight it. As a bonus, when you go back upstairs,
you can find another doll on the table. Interact with it to fight a Banette.

Optional: Route 23 and Crimson City

If you go back to Cerulean Cape, you can find a body of water you can surf through. Do
so and you’ll end up on route 23. There are many trainers and items throughout the
route. Keep progressing through the route and you’ll reach Crimson City. This is one of
the only cities without a Pokemon Center. Inside the hotel is a woman who will buy the
Mankey paw item for a lot of money daily. In conjunction with a Rocket grunt in Saffron
who sells Mankey paws, this can be a quick way to make a lot of money.

To the north is a house on a small island where you can buy ability capsules. These will
let you swap the ability your Pokemon has to their other normal ability if they have one.
In the northwest is a small cave where you can find Mawile.

Optional: Secret Forest and Viridian River

The Secret Forest is a secret area you can only enter after obtaining 4 badges. The
more important location inside here requires surf. There are two entrances, one on
route 16 and one on route 2.

The Secret Forest itself isn’t that impressive. It simply has a lot of grass patches and
several items strewn about. The important area it contains is the entrance to Viridian
River. When you walk through this entrance, you can hear the sound of Pokemon
fleeing. Inside, you can then find random starter Pokemon from gen 1-4 standing about.
Each time you leave and reenter and hear that sound, new starters will have spawned.

There is also a much rarer Pokemon you can find here. You’ll need good karma though.
Good karma can be gained by doing a lot of quests. If you walk into Viridian River and
hear a special chime, that’s the signal that the mythical Pokemon Mew has spawned.

Badge 7

Route 19 and 20
Our next destination is Cinnabar Island, so head to Fuchsia City and go out the south
gate to route 19. Now that you’ve beaten Sabrina, a man appears near the start of the
route and will challenge you to a surfing race. Beat him to obtain the surfboard, the HM
replacement item for surf.

Route 19 is a route across the sea, so you’ll meet a lot of water Pokemon and battle a
bunch of swimmers. It will then transition into route 20. Eventually you’ll reach this set of
cave entrances. These lead to the Seafoam Islands, but you can’t explore the area yet,
so just continue on to Cinnabar.

Cinnabar Island
Welcome to Cinnabar Island. If you were thinking about challenging the gym right away,
it’s unfortunately locked at the moment. We’ll unlock it after exploring a bit. To the west
you can find an Absol to catch.

To the southeast is a boat you can enter to receive the super rod. If you surf to the
southwest, you can find a lone house on an island. Here, you can pay to have your
Pokemon’s nature randomized to another nature. Save beforehand and you can
continuously soft reset by selecting the quit game option in the menu to get the right

To the left of the Pokemon Center is a large building, the Cinnabar lab. At the moment,
only the third door has anyone in it.

There are 3 scientists that offer several different trades, a tutor for ancient power, and a
scientist who has a more advanced fossil reviving machine than the one in Pewter. This
machine is able to revive Aerodactyl and any fossils revived are instant instead of
having to wait a while.

To the south you can see some Rocket grunts around a sailor. I’ll be fighting the gym
first, so go to the Pokemon Mansion, the building that was near where Absol was
standing. Blaine is in the basement of this mansion and we need to go find him.

Pokemon Mansion
Pokemon Mansion is a haven for thieves. When you defeat these trainers in battle, they
drop blue item balls holding money. As you explore, you will find gates blocking off
certain areas. Interacting with the statues around the area will deactivate those gates
and activate other gates. Our goal is to find the ledge on the third floor that you can
jump off to reach the basement entrance. Make your way through to find Blaine.

Below is a guide of how to reach Blaine.


Cinnabar Gym
Now that Blaine is back in his gym, it’s time to challenge it. Blaine uses fire types, so
water, ground, and rock type Pokemon are effective choices. This gym has gates
blocking the way, and you must answer quiz questions in order to progress. If you
answer wrong you’ll have to fight a gym trainer, and that will also open the gate. Even if
you open the gates, you still have the option to talk to the trainers to fight if you wish.
Questions and answers:
1. Q: What level does a Charmander and Ponyta fusion evolve at?
A: 16
2. Q: Which of these Pokemon is not steel type?
A: Nosepass
3. Q: Which type is super effective against a fire/grass Pokemon?
A: rock
4. Q: A fusion with Rhyhorn as the head and Oddish as the body would have which
A: ground/poison
5. Q: How many types are not very effective against fire type Pokemon?
A: 6
6. Q: Which TM contains the move Tombstoner?
A: none
Trainer teams:
Trainer 1: Vulpix lv 39, Primeape/Ninetales lv 41, Vulpix lv 39
Trainer 2: Parasect/Vulpix lv 39, Parasect/Ninetales lv 41, Parasect/Vulpix lv 39
Trainer 3: Ivysaur/Charmeleon lv 45
Trainer 4: Pikachu/Charmander lv 36, Pikachu/Charmeleon lv 40,
Pikachu/Charizard lv 43
Trainer 5: Dugtrio/Dugtrio lv 45
Trainer 6: Growlithe/Vulpix lv 43, Charmander/Growlithe lv 43

Blaine will use 4 Pokemon in the fight, so you get to use 4 as well.
Blaine’s team:
- Gloom/Rapidash lv 47
- Ninetales/Arcanine lv 47
- Magmar/Rhydon lv 49
- Charizard/Aerodactyl lv 51

Beating Blaine will net you the Volcano Badge! Blaine also gives you TM38 fire blast
and 3 wonder trade tickets.

Badge 8

The Seagallop, Stolen!

Now, go south to the Cinnabar harbor. There are some Rocket grunts harassing a
sailor. Talk to any of them and the grunts will proceed to enter the harbor and steal the
Seagallop boat.

A scientist then runs up, worried that Team Rocket is going to Mt. Ember to disturb
Moltres. She asks you to follow her so you can reach Mt. Ember. She tells you to surf
south through some rough waters to follow Team Rocket.

Offshore Road
Out here in the sea there are many water tiles that push you back. You must find the
gaps in the currents to make progress, as well as letting the current carry you in several
areas. Eventually you’ll find your way to lighter colored water, indicating you have
reached the waters of the Sevii Isles.

Map provided by indi_dude on Discord


Mt. Ember
This lighter colored water leads to Kindle Road. Now go north and you’ll find the
Seagallop docked on a beach, which is at the base of Mt. Ember. Continue north and
find a cave entrance to the interior of the volcano.

The interior of Mt. Ember has several Rocket grunts throughout, including ones named
Jessie and James. Several mention they’ve been after the legendary birds. You’ll
eventually find a gate that needs to be deactivated. There’s a switch a bit further on that
deactivates it. You can also find the ice pick and power plant key here, needed to
access the areas where 2 of the legendary birds nest later.

Past the gate is a ladder that leads to the center of the volcano. There you’ll find
Giovanni confronting Moltres. He reveals he has already captured Articuno and Zapdos
with Master Balls, then proceeds to do the same with Moltres. As you approach,
Giovanni lets out all 3 birds and tells his grunts to fuse them all together!

Approach Giovanni and he reveals he knew you had infiltrated Mt. Ember to stop Team
Rocket. He then engages in battle with you, sending out the triple fusion, Zapmolcuno.
This battle is unique as Zapmolcuno acts like 3 separate Pokemon. Each head has the
typing of 1 of the legendary birds. They all have the ability pressure. You still can only
use 1 Pokemon at a time to battle it and must deplete the HP of each head to win.

After beating Zapmolcuno, the bird unfuses and they flee. Giovanni, disillusioned with
his loss, leaves to think over the future of Team Rocket. After Team Rocket leaves,
Moltres returns and you are able to battle and capture it. Moltres will be lv 50.

Now exit Mt. Ember and you’ll be greeted by several people. The scientist tells you
Articuno went to the Seafoam Islands and Zapdos went to the abandoned Power Plant.
Blue says you should next check out Viridian City’s gym. The sailor gives you a
Seagallop pass and then asks where you’d like to go next. The Sevii Isles can’t be
explored proper until the postgame, so just head back to Cinnabar.

I’ll next go over the other locations that house the legendary birds.

Power Plant
The power plant is located on route 10. You must cut down a tree and go south to reach
it. Now that you have the power plant key, you can open the gate and go deeper inside.

Throughout the facility you will find item balls. Some will contain cell batteries, others
will turn out to be Voltorbs or Electrodes. You’ll need to collect 5 batteries in order to
power the gate and open it.

Below is a map, with the item balls that contain cell batteries circled in green.

Zapdos will be lv 50.


Seafoam Islands
The Seafoam Islands that house Articuno are located on route 20. You’ll remember
them from earlier, the short cave with an icy wall you couldn’t get past. Now that you
have the ice pick, you can scale the wall and explore the cave.

You’ll come to an area with several ladders leading further into the cave. Go down the
second ladder you find and you’ll soon see one of the main puzzles of this area, an ice
slide puzzle. Stepping on to this area will make you slide in that direction until you hit a
wall. You must figure out which tiles to slide on and from what direction. Eventually
you’ll reach the bottom floor filled with water. You can see Articuno, but cannot reach
him yet. You’ll have to go up and around.

Below is a map showing a path to take to reach Articuno.


Articuno will be lv 50.

Optional: Robot R.E.D.

Before going to Viridian gym, there’s something helpful back in Cinnabar lab that was
unlocked after saving the legendary birds. Enter the first door to see some scientists
surrounding what appears to be a clone of the male player character.

Talk to the scientist and he’ll tell you this is a robot they’ve been developing named
R.E.D. It is designed to be a powerful Pokemon trainer. He says if you beat the robot,
you’ll get a nice reward. R.E.D. uses only 1 Pokemon, so you’re only allowed to use 1
Pokemon as well. What’s worse is that his Pokemon is a level 100 Blissey/Ditto fusion
holding leftovers. At such a high level, it can easily OHKO your Pokemon. A ghost type
with a move like toxic or will-o-wisp can be helpful as it is immune to the opponent’s
normal type attack and can stall them out.

For defeating R.E.D., you get the infinite splicers, a reusable key item version of DNA

Surf north of Cinnabar along route 21 and you’ll find yourself back in Pallet Town! If you
go to your house and talk to your sibling, they’ll give you a Pokemon egg.

Viridian Gym

The final gym is in the second city we visited, Viridian City, and the gym leader is
Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket. This is a ground type gym, so water, grass, and ice
are good choices. This gym has many long passages that you can only enter by
stepping on arrow panels that make you run all the way to the end of the hall. Most of
the time you can look ahead to see which path leads to a trainer fight and avoid it if you
want. There are # trainers in this gym.
Trainer 1: Persian/Rhyhorn lv 48
Trainer 2: Cubone/Machop lv 46, Starmie/Piloswine lv 46
Trainer 3: Marowak/Machoke lv 48
Trainer 4: Nidorino/Sandslash lv 44, Cubone/Nidoking lv 44, Sandslash/Rhyhorn
lv 44
Trainer 5: Sandslash/Arbok lv 44, Rhyhorn/Tauros lv 44
Trainer 6: Weepinbell/Rhyhorn lv 43, Raticate/Nidoqueen lv 43, Marowak lv 43
Trainer 7: Machop lv 44, Machoke/Nidoking lv 44, Golduck/Machoke lv 44
Trainer 8: Golduck/Sandslash lv 42, Jolteon/Onix lv 42, Lickitung/Marowak lv 42,
Pinsir/Graveler lv 44

Giovanni will use 5 Pokemon, so you only get to use 5 as well.

Giovanni’s team:
- Rhyperior/Lapras lv 50
- Electabuzz/Dugtrio lv 50
- Golem/Machamp lv 52
- Gliscor/Tyranitar lv 54
- Rhydon/Snorlax lv 54

After beating Giovanni, he then gives you the Earth Badge, the 8th and final gym badge
needed to fight the Elite 4. He also gives you TM26 earthquake and 3 wonder trade
tickets. Now you can finally take on the Pokemon League!

The Pokemon League

Now it’s time to go to the Pokemon League. Go to Viridian and walk west to route 22.
Blue will meet you along the way.
Blue’s team:
- Marowak/Pidgeot lv 47
- Tauros/Exeggcute lv 45
- Magmar/Rhyhorn lv 45
- Electabuzz/Gyarados lv 47
- Staryu/Alakazam lv 50
- Starter fusion lv 53 (the head will now be fully evolved)
After beating Blue, he leaves to challenge the league. Continue through the gate and
the guard will let you through now that you have 8 badges.

Route 26 and 27
Now you’re on the road to the Pokemon League. Route 26 and 27 have many trainers
along the way, and some areas you need to surf across. Eventually you’ll reach Tohjo
Falls, but you just need to continue through to route 27

As you continue north on route 26, you’ll find an RV where an old lady will heal your
team for you. Shortly after that, you’ll reach a gate. This leads to Victory Road, the last
leg of the journey before fighting the Elite 4.

Victory Road
Victory Road is a long and grueling cave filled with many strong wild Pokemon and
trainers. The main puzzle throughout involves pushing boulders with strength into divots
to remove barriers blocking the way.

You’ll also eventually meet a trainer who says he pushed one of the boulders you need
onto an upper floor. You have to go to that floor and then push it through a hole in the
floor to get it back down to this level.

On that upper floor is also a ladder that leads to Entei. You may catch him if you please.

Below is a map showing how to push the boulders into their holes. There is a black
circle to represent where the bolder on the top floor will land when you push it through
the hole.

After a while, you’ll make it out of Victory Road and onto Indigo Plateau, the final

The Elite 4
Stock up on healing items like full restores and revives for the upcoming battles. They
are rather tough and once you walk through that entrance you can’t come out until you
beat the league or lose.

The first Elite 4 member is Lorelei. She uses ice type Pokemon, so fire, steel, and
fighting types can be useful.
Lorelei’s team:
- Magmortar/Dewgong lv 54
- Mamoswine/Slowbro lv 54
- Tentacruel/Cloyster lv 53
- Weavile/Lapras lv 57
- Jynx/Tangrowth lv 57

Next you will fight Bruno. Despite his lair being filled with lava, he is a fighting type user.
Flying, fairy, and psychic Pokemon should be effective against him.
Bruno’s team:
- Machamp/Electivire lv 53
- Steelix/Machamp lv 53
- Magnezone/Onix lv 57
- Marowak/Hitmonchan lv 54
- Scizor/Heracross lv 57

Next up is Agatha, an old acquaintance of Professor Oak. She uses ghost types, so
bringing dark types or ghost types of your own should be helpful
Agatha’s team:
- Mismagius/Crobat lv 57
- Umbreon/Haunter lv 55
- Snorlax/Gengar lv 58
- Wobbuffet/Gengar lv 55
- Gengar/Houndoom lv 55

Finally we reach the last Elite 4 member, Lance. He is a dragon type master, so bring
your own dragons, fairy, or ice to deal with them.
Lance’s team:
- Dragonair/Gyarados lv 55
- Togekiss/Dragonite lv 58
- Tyranitar/Aerodactyl lv 59
- Typhlosion/Dragonair lv 59
- Porygon2/Kingdra lv 54

After beating Lance, he congratulates you on becoming champion. But turns out he was
just messing with you, Blue came in before and beat the Elite 4 first and became
champion! The final battle is against your rival.
Blue’s team:
- Nidoking/Pidgeot lv 59
- Tauros/Exeggutor lv 59
- Starmie/Alakazam lv 58
- Rhyperior/Magmortar lv 60
- Electivire/Gyarados lv 61
- Starter fusion lv 64 (fully evolved)

Once you’ve beaten Blue, you’re now the Pokemon League Champion! Professor Oak
then barges in. He was coming to congratulate Blue, but finds he has already lost. He
chastises Blue, then takes you to the next room to record your victory.

Congratulations on beating Pokemon Infinite Fusion!

Now, there is a postgame to go through.


After the credits, you’ll wake up in your room. Go downstairs to have your mom
congratulate you on becoming champion. She also mentions Prof. Oak is looking for
you to talk about a legendary Pokemon. Go to Oak’s lab and he’ll tell you that his
colleague Prof. Elm in Johto would like to give you a Pokemon, as well as discuss a
vicious legendary Pokemon. Go to Saffron City and take the train to Goldenrod City,
you’ll just have to buy a ticket.

Badge 9

Goldenrod City
Now that we’re in Johto, let's explore Goldenrod a bit. The Goldenrod gym is now open
since you’ve beaten the league, so we’ll do that soon. On the east side in a small alley
is a house where a hiker will give you several evolution stones at different times of day.
Behind the Pokemon Center and behind the train station are entrances to the
underground. You’ll remember this area from when you left the dept. store. You can find
several unique shops here. There is also a scam artist named Eusine who tries to trick
you into trading a Pokemon for his Mewtwo, but he actually gives you a Meowth/Ditto

In the southeast corner of the city there is a building with a flickering TV inside. Go
inside at night time and turn it off to encounter Rotom.

If you go into the radio tower and go to the second floor, you can find some radio hosts
at their broadcasting station. Talk to one and you can participate in a quiz where you
guess a fusion’s head and body. You can spend the points you accumulate for prizes by
talking to the other host.

If you manage to get 3500 point or more in a game, you obtain the box link. This will let
you access your PC boxes from anywhere.

Another fun area to check out is the Goldenrod museum. This area will display 6 custom
sprites made by a certain user that changes daily. You can sometimes also find the
artist here and battle them.

Goldenrod Gym

Whitney is the leader of Goldenrod gym. She uses normal types, so fighting types are
your best bet, though she also has fairy types that used to be normal type before fairy
was introduced, so bring poison or steel as well. For this gym, you’ll have to memorize a
group of Pokemon that run by and then answer a question about them. Succeed and
the gate will open, fail and you’ll have to fight a trainer to open the gate. There are 4
gym trainers total.
Trainer 1: Pidgeotto/Raticate lv 44, Ledian/Raticate lv 44, Crobat/Raticate lv 44
Trainer 2: Ninetales/Persian lv 46, Arcanine/Persian lv 46
Trainer 3: Clefairy/Wigglytuff lv 45, Wigglytuff/Chansey lv 41, Togetic/Wigglytuff
lv 45
Trainer 4: Granbull/Tauros lv 49

Whitney is the first gym leader that will let you use 6 Pokemon, though she only uses 5.
Whitney’s team:
- Lickitung/Granbull lv 55

- Dunsparce/Kangaskhan lv 56
- Girafarig/Lanturn lv 55
- Aipom/Tauros lv 56
- Chansey/Miltank lv 58

For beating Whitney, you get the Plain Badge, your first Johto gym badge. She also
gives you TM98 baton pass and 3 wonder trade tickets.

Optional: Route 35. 36, and National Park

The path to progression is south, but if you choose to go north you’ll be on route 35.
There are trainers along the path and you can eventually reach a gate leading to the
National Park. There is also a small entrance to route 36 to the right of the gate. Near
the entrance you can find the Johto daycare man, who will give you an egg. The main
area of the park is a large grassy area where you can find Pokemon and fight trainers.

Take the east exit out of the park and you’ll be on route 36. There is a small rocky well
here that can help fill the quota of 108 ghost types defeated to fill the Odd Keystone.
The well will do this once a day. If you continue east, you’ll find out why we can’t take
this path. A Sudowoodo is blocking the way. You need to get the Squirtbottle, which a
lady in Goldenrod says she leant to her friend in Ecruteak. So now go back to
Goldenrod and go south.

Badge 10

Route 34 and Ilex Forest

Route 34 leads to Ilex Forest. On the route you can find the Johto Pokemon daycare/
Unfortunately they won't raise your Pokemon in this game, but the man will sell
incubators that help hatch eggs faster. If you go into the outside fenced off area, there’s
an egg. You can steal it, but don’t feel too bad if you do. If you then talk to the
policeman outside nearby, he’ll say the egg was abandoned and you might as well keep

Before becoming champion, Ilex Forest had many large trees blocking the way. A man
was having his Scyther chop them down, and now he’s finally carved a path through. As
you progress, you can find a shrine. If you have done 30 quests, you can obtain the GS
Ball from the questmaster in hotels and encounter Celebi here. You can also find a
Shedinja static encounter to the east.

Azalea Town
When you enter Azalea Town, you’ll find it has been flooded and overrun with
Slowpokes! Go talk to the old man north of the gate named Kurt. After he laments about
the predicament, go east and find that swindler from Goldenrod underground, Eusine.

Talk to him, then talk to him a second time to battle him. After beating him, Eusine
admits he clogged Slowpoke Well with Shellder for a reason he won’t reveal. Then he
flees. Now go back to Kurt to tell him about the situation. He gives you HM06 dive so
you can dive into the well and solve the issue. Dive also lets you dive underwater where
dark spots appear on the water.

Inside the well, you’ll find 4 Slowpokes swimming and 4 Shellders blocking the drain.
You must push the Slowpokes into the Shellders using strength to evolve them into
Slowbros. They will then swim away. If you get a Slowpoke to evolve and leave, they
will not reappear when you exit and reenter the well, so you should be able to just focus
on one Slowpoke at a time.

After draining the well, Kurt will come to thank you. He also reveals he is the gym leader
of this town. Bugsy is still too young in this game to be a gym leader if you were
wondering where he was.

Azalea Gym
Kurt uses bug type Pokemon, so fire, flying, and rock types will be good choices. To get
through the gym, you’ll need to interact with the white webs in the correct order and
then interact with the yellow webs to make them disappear. The order is randomized
each time you exit and reenter the gym. There are 4 gym trainers here, one of them
even being Bugsy.
Trainer 1: Bellossom/Parasect lv 49, Chikorita/Parasect lv 49
Trainer 2: Primeape/Ledian lv 49, Ledian/Machoke lv 49
Trainer 3: Butterfree/Ariados lv 47, Swinub/Araidos lv 47
Bugsy: Scyther/Pinsir lv 51

Up next is gym leader Kurt. He uses 5 Pokemon.

Kurt’s team:
- Beedrill/Ariados lv 56
- Forretress/Cloyster lv 56
- Yanmega/Kingdra lv 58
- Slowbro/Scizor lv 58
- Blissey/Shuckle lv 62

For defeating Kurt, you receive the Hive Badge. Kurt also gives you TM99 quiver dance
and 3 wonder trade tickets. He then goes back to his house. If you visit him there, you
can buy special Poke Balls that have a chance to apply status ailments to wild

Badge 11

Route 33, Union Cave, and Route 32

Now that the way is clear, go east to route 33 and find the entrance to Union Cave. If
you walk a short way into the cave, you’ll find it blocked by Gravelers. The nearby
blackbelt will say he’ll have to go around the long way, so that’s what we have to do as
well. Go left and surf down the small pond to reach a ladder.

As you go through the cave, you can find a couple exits that lead to certain chambers in
the Ruins of Alph. Specifically chamber D and chamber E. Remember this for later.
These don’t lead to anywhere else though, so continue through the cave.

Eventually you’ll end up on the other side of the path the Gravelers are blocking. Smash
the rock in the middle of them and they’ll wake up and flee, clearing the path. After a
while, you’ll find the exit and reach route 32. There is a Pokemon Center nearby to heal
your Pokemon if they’re weary from battle.

Along the route is a split path where you can choose to go through a bunch of tall grass
or walk across a boardwalk and fight some fishermen. Before long you’ll reach a
crossroads. West leads to the Ruins of Alph and north leads to Violet City. Go north to
encounter Eusine again. He’ll then say he’s going to the Ruins of Alph, so let’s follow

Ruins of Alph
Find chamber A of the ruins. Go inside and you’ll find Eusine. Go down the ladder and
walk through the basement and you’ll eventually find a strange beast. When you
approach, it will flee.

When you exit chamber A, a scientist will tell you to come see him in the building near
the east entrance. Now talk to Eusine and he’ll reveal that the beast was a
Raikou/Suicune fusion he accidentally created. He flooded Azalea Town to attract
Suicune, but a thunderstorm also caused Raikou to appear. Eusine then threw DNA
splicers into the water, fusing them, though they then fled. After telling his story, Eusince
tells you to visit him in Cherrygrove City if you ever catch a legendary bird of Kanto or
beast of Johto.

Now go into the building near the gate and the scientist will give you a tracker. You can
use it to determine where Raikou/Suicune currently is. It will appear in the places where
wild Pokemon appear. Whenever you encounter it, it will run away. You can use a
trapping ability or move to keep it from running. This is also a good choice to use the
Master Ball on.

In the chambers, you will find worn out tablets with only parts of the text legible. Put
together, they read “A-B-D-E-C-B-A THE ORDER MUST BE RESPECTED.” You must
go into each numbered chamber and touch the tablets in that order. Remember that
chamber D and E are only reachable through Union Cave. Once you’ve done this, you’ll
fall through a hole in chamber A into a small room. You can find a daily respawning pink
item ball containing a random Arceus plate here. There is also a bowl that you can put
plates into, then use the tablet on the left and it can teach your Pokemon a hidden
power that matches the type of the plate you added. You can pick the plate back up
from the bowl after using it.

You can also find the fossil maniac nearby. If you beat him one last time, he’ll tell you
that you can sometimes find fossils when using rock smash. Now head to Violet City.

Violet City
Violet City has several points of interest besides the gym. Towards the east is the
Pokemon school, where you can find an old man who will make a Pokemon forget its
original trainer for 50,000 Pokedollars, allowing you to unfuse traded Pokemon. South of
that you can find Giovanni’s house, where he lives with his son, Silver. He doesn’t give
you anything, but he does tell you he gave the Viridian gym over to Blue.

In the north is Sprout Tower. There is an item you’ll need to get here to beat the

As you go up the levels, you’ll have to avoid monks, Bellsprouts, and Weepinbells, as if
they catch you you’ll be sent back down a level. Once you reach the top floor and avoid
the Victreebels, you can then obtain the Golbat boots. The Golbat boots will let you
jump over small gaps in several areas. You can also pick up the golden Bellsprout
statues, which sell for a lot but lower your karma.

Violet Gym
Falkner is the gym leader of Violet gym. He uses flying types, so it is effective to use
electric, rock, or ice types. The first floor of this gym is a simple room, just walk north to
the elevator to take it up. On the top floor, wind will blow every 1 second, indicated by a
noise. The wind will push you down 2 tiles. You’ll have to place yourself properly and
move quickly to get through the path. If you fall back to the first floor, the wind will blow
the whole time and you’ll have to exit and reenter to stop it. There are 3 gym trainers
Trainer 1: Misdreavus/Fearow lv 53, Aipom/Fearow lv 53
Trainer 2: Hitmonlee/Pidgeotto lv 51, Hitmonchan/Pidgeotto lv 51,
Hitmontop/Pidgeotto lv 51
Trainer 3: Chansey/Butterfree lv 53, Beedrill/Crobat lv 53

Falkner will use 5 Pokemon.

Falkner’s team:
- Xatu/Noctowl lv 58
- Granbull/Honchkrow lv 58
- Skarmory/Houndoom lv 60
- Marowak/Togekiss lv 61
- Ursaring/Pidgeot lv 63

After beating Falkner, you get the Zephyr Badge. He also gives you TM100 defog and 4
wonder trade tickets.

Badge 12

Route 31 and 30
On route 31 you can find Dark Cave, which leads to Blackthorn City. But first, go south
towards New Bark Town where Prof. Elm is waiting. On route 30 you can find Mr.
Pokemon’s house. He will tell you about Arceus and a strange flute related to it. He
asks you to tell him if you ever find out more info about this. Continue south and you
can find a fisherman who will upgrade your fishing rods to reel in automatically when
they get a bite.

Cherrygrove City
Cherrygrove City is a small town with not much to see. The middle house here belongs
to Eusine.

Go inside to find he has 6 Dittos surrounding a table with a strange flute. If you show
Eusine a legendary bird or beast you’ve caught, one of the Dittos will transform into it.
After showing him all 6, Eusine will give you the flute, named the Azure Flute.

If you take it back to Mr. Pokemon and talk to him, he’ll tell you to play it on the highest
peak of the region to reveal a staircase to Arceus. We’ll do this later.

Route 29 and 46
Go east onto route 29, a short route full of tall grass that leads to New Bark Town. On
this route there is also a gate to the north that leads to the optional route 46. Up there
you can find a static Slaking encounter.

New Bark Town

Now that you’re in New Bark Town, you can finally meet with Elm. He tells you the
legendary Pokemon he’s learned about is Mewtwo, but you’ll need 2 Johto badges for
him to give you more info. Luckily we have 3 Johto badges.

Elm then tells you that Mewtwo is in Cerulean Cave in Kanto. He gives you HM05
waterfall so you can reach the cave by climbing the waterfall nearby. Elm also lets you
select one of the Pokemon on his table, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile.

I might as well also mention that if you go back to route 10 and climb the waterfall in the
northeast, you will find a blue haired guy. He wants you to show him a Pokemon that
knows aqua jet, waterfall, and fly. You can get a Pokemon like this easily by fusing a
water type that can learn aqua jet and waterfall with a flying type. Show him this
Pokemon to obtain the jetpack, the HM replacement item for waterfall.

Cerulean Cave
Cerulean Cave is fittingly located near Cerulean City, on route 4. Surf and climb the
waterfall to reach it. This purple cave has several floors all filled with powerful evolved
Pokemon, leveling in the high 50s.

Go up a ladder and you’ll end up in a dark cave. Light it up with flash or the lantern to
find it’s filled with impenetrable rocks creating many pathways, as well as holes in the
floor. You’ll have to climb the correct ladder and fall down the correct hole to find the
chamber with Mewtwo.

Below is a map showing which ladders to take and which holes to go down with
numbers showing which order to go in.

Eventually you’ll reach a ladder going up in the dark area. This leads to Mewtwo’s
chamber, where no more wild Pokemon can be encountered. Now’s your chance to
catch Mewtwo.

Dark Cave
Now, go back to route 31 and enter Dark Cave. As the name implies, the cave is
completely dark, so you’ll be using flash or the lantern once more. On the east side of
the cave, you’ll find the path is blocked by a huge boulder. The nearby officer says his
mean who are nearby should have dynamite sticks that can blow it up.

Go back the way you came and find the 3 workers scattered about. You must battle
them in order to obtain the dynamite. Then bring the dynamite back to the officer and
he’ll use it to blow up the rock. After that, it’s just a short surf and walk to exit the cave to
Blackthorn City.

Blackthorn City
This is one of the few cities that has grass patches where you can find wild Pokemon,
since the exit of Dark Cave spits you out in a small area that leads to the main city. Surf
behind the gym and you can find a cave entrance. This leads to the Dragon’s Den.
There is a gift Pokemon you can receive here, but it becomes much easier to obtain
after beating the gym leader.

Blackthorn Gym
The leader of Blackthorn gym is Lance’s cousin, Clair. Fittingly, she is also a dragon
user, so ice, fairy, and your own dragon types are good picks. Blackthorn gym consists
of several platforms surrounded by lava. You’ll have to go to the top floor and use
strength to push boulders through the holes in the floor, creating bridges in the lava you
can pass over. (Note: if you do get stuck here by falling through a hole onto a platform
with no way back, use the debugger key item to warp to the Pokemon Center.)
Trainer 1: Charmeleon/Seadra lv 57, Quilava/Seadra lv 57
Trainer 2: Seadra/Dragonair lv 59
Trainer 3: Bayleef/Dratini lv 54, Quilava/Dratini lv 54, Croconaw/Dratini lv 54
Trainer 4: Metapod/Dragonite lv 62

Clair will use 5 Pokemon in the battle.

Clair’s team:

- Feraligatr/Gyarados lv 62
- Donphan/Dragonair lv 62
- Glaceon/Kingdra lv 63
- Ariados/Charizard lv 63
- Garchomp/Aerodactyl lv 66

For beating Clair, you get the Rising Badge. She also gives you TM101 dragon dance
and 4 wonder trade tickets. Now, go into the Dragon’s Den behind the gym. The
whirlpool tiles in the water will sweep you away if you touch them. Before beating Clair,
they could also spawn underneath you, but now they won’t, making it easier to reach
the other side. On that other end is a small house where an old lady will give you a

Badge 13

Ice Mountains, Hall of Origin, and Sinjoh Ruins

Go east and then north to find the entrance to the Ice Mountains. This is the path you’ll
have to take to reach Mahogany Town. To access the main area of the mountain, you’ll
use the Golbat boots obtained in Violet City’s Sprout Tower to jump over a gap.

Eventually you can find a path that leads east and to a small cave called the Ice Cavern.
There is an entrance to another chamber where you can find a Mamoswine to catch.
Back in the main cavern, go north to find an exit onto a high peak of the mountains.

On this peak, you will find a strange circle on the ground. If you stand in the circle and
then interact with it, it will ask if you want to play the Azure Flute if you obtained that
from Eusine in Cherrygrove. Play the flute and a pathway will appear leading into the

Follow the path to reach the Hall of Origin. Here, you can find Arceus awaiting you. Now
you can catch him.

After catching Arceus, you’ll spawn back at your house in Pallet Town. Also good to
note is that the 18 plates of Arceus have now been scattered about the world in item
balls. The wiki has a page listing the locations of each plate. While we’re here in Pallet,
might as well grab a Hoenn starter from Prof. Oak. Now fly back to Blackthorn to get
back to the Ice Mountains.

Now, let’s go back to route 30 and show Mr. Pokemon that we caught Arceus. He will
ask that you come to the Ruins of Alph with him. Suddenly Arceus and you will be
teleported to a strange room.

Walk outside to be greeted by a hiker. He tells you these are the Sinjoh Ruins and
invites you to come to his cabin. He says a visitor from Sinnoh is also residing there.

Inside the cabin you will find Cynthia, champion of Sinnoh. Talk to her and she’ll notice
Arceus and ask you to come to the interior chamber with her. Step up to the circle and
Arceus will then cry out. A strange bunch of images will flash on the screen with a rune
over them, then you’ll be back in the main chamber. In each of the larger runes on the
ground will be an egg containing one of the legendary creation trio, Dialga, Palkia, and
Giratina. Pick up each egg, then talk to Cythia to be warped back to the Ruins of Alph

These 3 eggs take a very long time to hatch since they contain legendary Pokemon.
They are a good choice to use super incubators on. The hatched Pokemon will all be lv

Route 44
Back at the Ice Mountains, just keep moving forward. You’ll eventually end up on route
44. Route 44 is a short path with few trainers leading to Mahogany Town.

Mahogany Town
There isn’t much to see in Mahogany Town besides the gym. The only other thing is an
old woman who serves as the Pokemart for this town.

Mahogany Gym
Pryce is the leader of the Mahogany gym. He uses ice types, so fire, fighting, and steel
types are good choices. The gym is designed after a hockey rink. You’ll have to push
the Poke Ball across the ice and into the goal on the right end of the gym to unlock the
gate. Push the ball into the moving hockey players in order to get it in the correct
position, and move into the alcoves in the walls to position yourself. If it gets in a
location you don’t want it, the machine near the entrance will reset its position, or just
walking in and out of the gym will too. 4 of the players are also trainers that will battle
Trainer 1: Jynx/Miltank lv 57, Jynx/Tauros lv 57
Trainer 2: Glaceon/Vulpix lv 56, Glaceon/Ninetales lv 59
Trainer 3: Glaceon/Luxray lv 62
Trainer 4: Piloswine/Steelix lv 62

Below is a path showing you what path to push the ball on.

Pryce uses 5 Pokemon

Pryce’s team:
- Dewgong/Slowking lv 65
- Infernape/Weavile lv 65
- Jynx/Wailord lv 65

- Probopass/Cloyster
- Mamoswine/Bastiodon lv 64

Beat Pryce to earn the Glacier Badge. He also gives you TM79 frost breath and 5
wonder trade tickets.

Badge 14

Route 42 and Mt. Mortar

On route 42, you can choose to either surf to get through the route or go through Mt.
Mortar, a dark cave.

In Mt. Mortar, you can climb a waterfall to find a static encounter. The Pokemon can be
one out of several, and a new encounter will spawn here daily.

Take either path and you’ll reach the gate to Ecruteak City.

Ecruteak City
There are quite a few things to do in Ecruteak. First, let’s finally get the Squirtbottle so
we can move that Sudowoodo out of the way on route 36. Go out the south gate of
Ecruteak onto route 37 and then go further south to find it.

Now back to Ecruteak. Left of the Pokemon Center is a house where an old woman will
tell you how good your karma is. Karma is used to get a couple legendary Pokemon.

Outside you’ll also meet a backpacker asking for directions. Give her the correct
directions to get good karma, and the wrong directions for bad karma. She will then
leave this city and go to the city you pointed her in the direction of. Give her directions
again and you can continue farming karma.

In the northeast of Ecruteak is a house where a boy is having terrible nightmares.


If you get a lot of bad karma and then enter the house, the boy will be alone and
standing up. Step forwards and you will get in bed. Then you will wake up on Newmoon
Island where you can catch Darkrai. After catching Darkrai, you will wake up in the
house and the boy will be freed from his nightmare.

If you decide to go to the Bell Tower, you’ll find a monk is blocking the way. He says
there is strange energy around the tower at the moment, and Alder, champion of Unova,
has come to investigate.

You can find Alder in the house right of the Pokemart. He asks you to beat the Kimono
Girls in battle. After doing so, Alder tells you the energies around the Bell Tower
resemble those of the Unovan legendary Pokemon. He will then give you the dark stone
and the light stone, which contain the spirits of Zekrom and Reshiram.

Now go back to the Bell Tower and the monk will let you through. The Bell Tower puzzle
will require you to interact with statues to remove barriers from blocking the way
forwards. One side of the room will be visible and the other side covered in shadow.
The visible side can be swapped by ringing the bell. The visible side will be blocked by a
barrier and the shadowed side will have the barrier down. You will have to memorize
one side while it is visible, then ring the bell and walk through to the statue in the dark.

If you’re having trouble with the puzzle, I have included maps showing both sides of
each room.

At the top of the tower, interact with the bell. The dark and light stone will react and
create a vortex. Interact with the vortex to encounter a Reshiram/Zekrom fusion!

If you try to go into the gym, you’ll find it’s locked. The old man standing outside tells
you the gym leader, Morty, has gone to the Burned Tower to train.

Now go inside the Burned Tower. To progress, you’ll have to jump off the boards to the
basement, then climb up the ladder.

On the 2nd floor, you’ll find Morty. He wants you to come talk to him on his side of the
room though. His plank of wood is disconnected from the ones around it, so you’ll have
to go up to the top floor and drop down to land in front of him. Talk to him and he will
return to the gym to await your challenge.

Ecruteak Gym
Morty is a ghost type user, so dark types and ghosts of your own are good picks. This
gym is set up in a dark room where the only way to walk through is on the skull
platforms. Every second they will flash from white to red, revealing different parts of the
path. The trainers in this gym walk around, and after you defeat them they will
disappear if you talk to them again.
Trainer 1: Mawile/Dusclops lv 62
Trainer 2: Bayleef/Doublade lv 63
Trainer 3: Duskull/Slaking lv 56, Duskull/Cradily lv 56
Trainer 4: Doublade/Gastly lv 53, Doublade/Gastly lv 53, Doublade/Haunter lv 57
Trainer 5: Misdreavus/Haunter lv 54, Mismagius/Hypno lv 57

Full map of the gym’s paths:


Morty will use 5 Pokemon in battle. One of his Pokemon has wonder guard and is only
weak to fairy type attacks.
Morty’s team:
- Gengar/Dusknoir lv 65
- Hitmonchan/Dusknoir lv 67
- Weavile/Shedinja lv 63
- Snorlax/Aegislash lv 64

- Clefable/Spiritomb lv 65

For beating Morty, you earn the Fog Badge. He also gives you TM97 nasty plot and 5
wonder trade tickets. Next, you may notice that there is no gate on the west side of
Ecruteak. In fact, that whole area isn’t in this game. Instead, the Olivine and Cianwood
gym leaders are located in the Sevii Isles.

Route 43 and The Lake of Rage

Let’s go north of Mahogany Town to check out the Lake of Rage next. You’ll first pass
through route 43 to reach the lake. There is a gate on the right, but there’s a Pokemon
battle going on so you can’t pass through that way. Instead, go left through the path with
tall grass.

Once you reach the Lake of Rage, you’ll find Colress inspecting an icy rock. For now,
let’s just surf to the center of the lake.

At the center of the lake appears to be a red Gyarados. But when you enter battle with
it, it turns out to be a red impostor! It was not a shiny Gyarados, but a
Magikarp/Gyarados fusion.

Now back to the icy rock, if you talk to Colress he’ll mention the rock has a strange
energy, similar to the energy he scanned in Giant Chasm. If you’ve played a gen 5
game, you’ll remember that’s where Kyurem was located. Now that you have the light
and dark stone obtained from Alder in Ecruteak, touch the icy stone. The lake will then
freeze over! You also won’t be able to leave the area while it’s frozen.

Now you can slide over the icy lake. You must slide in the correct way to hit rocks and
get to the left side of the lake.
Here’s a map showing a path to take to get to Kyurem.

After getting through the icy slide puzzle, you’ll reach Kyurem.

Talk to Colress and he’ll deduce that Kyurem was drawn here as it sensed that Zekrom
and Reshiram had fused. The 3 of them were once one Pokemon after all. Colress will
then decide to research how Team Rocket was able to create a triple fusion. Now
simply touch the icy rock again to revert the Lake of Rage back to normal.

Sevii Isles

Badge 15
The last 2 Johto gym leaders are in the Sevii Isles. Go back to Cinnabar and take the
boat to Knot Island, or simply fly there if you have been there earlier.

Knot Island
Knot Island is the first of the Sevii Isles. You’ll recognize it if you went to find Moltres
earlier. There are several things you can do here. In the Pokemon Center you can find 2
men who will sell you Pokemon eggs for heart scales, as heart scales are commonly
used as currency in the Sevii Isles. Near the PC you can find the people who made and
manage the Pokemon storage system, Celio and Bebe. It seems Celio dropped a
network chip on Kindle Road. We’ll be able to find it later once we go there.

In the house to the right of the Pokemon Center is the move expert. For 2 heart scales,
he can teach Pokemon rare moves. These include moves that are exclusive to certain
Pokemon not in the game, such as Greninja’s water shuriken, but the Pokemon must fit
a certain description, such as a water type fused with Pokemon that resemble ninjas.
On the west side of the island is a red house known as the triple battle lounge. You can
participate in triple battles using certain Pokemon to earn a certain prize. The Pokemon
and prizes change daily.

Optional: Treasure Beach

If you go to the west side of the island and surf south, you can reach Treasure Beach.
This is a small beach where you can find a bunch of items (the heart scales in pink item
balls respawn every day) and tall grass. During rainstorms, Pyukumuku can be found as
static encounters.

Kindle Road and The Battle Facilities

Surf east of Knot Island to enter Kindle Road. If you then surf you will continue on
Kindle Road, but surf further east to reach the Battle Factory and Battle Tower.

In the Battle Factory, you participate in battles using Pokemon you rent from the facility.
You can choose single or double battles. The Pokemon are randomly generated fusions
that have custom sprites made for them. When you win a battle, you can choose to
swap out some of your Pokemon for the opponent’s Pokemon, but you cannot see the
summary of them.

The Battle Tower is the same idea, but you use 3 of your own Pokemon.

Win battles to earn Factory tokens. These can be used to buy things from the 3 people
through the doors that lead to the space between both facilities. The old man is a tutor
who will teach egg moves to your Pokemon. The first saleswoman and the salesman on
the far right sell various battle items. The second saleswoman sells TMs.

Back on the main path of Kindle Road, you’ll eventually come to a small pool and a
giant boulder. There is a green item ball in front of the boulder which contains the
network adapter Celio was looking for. The path on the left leads to Moltres’s chamber
in Mt. Ember, as explained earlier in this guide. Also to the east of that is a static Flygon
you can catch.

If you go back to Knot Island and give the adapter to Bebe, she will give you a Sinnoh
starter Pokemon. Back on Kindle Road, dive into the water to get around the boulder.
You can then talk to the worker on the other side and you’ll both push the boulder into
the water, clearing the path.

Mt. Ember and The Ruby Chamber


If you surf north, you’ll find yourself on the right side path of Mt. Ember. Walk through
this area and you can find a cave entrance dyed deed crimson. This is the Ruby

Go down the first ladder and you’ll find an old man. He says the lower levels are too hot
to traverse, but he could do so if he had some fire gems to make a special cream. If you
don’t have any fire gems, you can buy them in Cinnabar Pokemart. After giving him the
fire gems, he gives you some heatproof cream and leaves. Now you can go down the
ladders into the lower levels. There will be Slugmas and Magcargos wandering about as
you continue downwards.

Our goal is to go down the correct path of ladders and find the ruby. Then we must go
back up and find the correct path down to a lava pool.
To reach the ruby, go right, left, and right.
To reach the lava pool, go left, right, and left.

In the lava pool area, the ruby will react. Throw it into the lava to summon Groudon.

After catching Groudon, he leaves behind a vortex that will warp you outside Mt. Ember.

Brine Road
East of Kindle Road, you can surf onto Brine Road. This path has a swimmer who asks
for 5 deepsea scales. You can find them in the deep sea to the south. If you give him
those, he will give you the scuba gear, the HM replacement item for dive. Just past that
is an old shipwreck. Up the north path is Boon Island.

Before progressing, let’s surf south of the swimmer who gives you the scuba gear.

Deep Sea and The Sapphire Cave

The deep sea is an ocean area where it is constantly storming, preventing you from
surfing through it. Instead, use dive to go underwater. Underwater, you can find
seaweed where you can encounter Pokemon and various water Pokemon swimming
about. There is also a deep crevice you can drive deeper through.

In the next room there will be more holes you can dive down. You’ll need to keep taking
the correct paths to find what you’re looking for. The deeper rooms will be dark, so you;ll
need to use flash.

One of the areas you can find is Togepi Island, where you can find wild Togepi and

What we’re looking for is the sapphire. Once we get that, we can unlock a secret path in
one of the other rooms leading to the Sapphire Cave.
To reach the sapphire, go right, then right.
To reach the Sapphire Cave, go right, left, down, and right

Insert the sapphire into the sealed entrance and it will break open. In the Sapphire
Cave, you will find Kyogre.

After catching Kyogre, a vortex will appear that warps you back to the entrance of the
deep sea.

Boon Island
Boon Island is the first of the Sevii Isles to have a gym leader. Chuck is visiting from
Cianwood City. There are other things to find on the island though. Inside the Pokemon
Center you can find a group of people watching the TV. Go up to the TV and it will
report that a red Pokemon and a blue Pokemon have been sighted roaming around the
islands. If you use the tracker you obtained back at the Ruins of Alph, it will tell you that
Latias and Latios are roaming somewhere. They act the same way the Raikou/Suicune
fusion did. As such, bringing a trapping move or ability will prevent them from fleeing,
but arena trap will not work as they have levitate. If you still have the Master Ball, these
are also good choices to use it on.

On the east side of Boon Island is a house where the legendary move expert resides.
Like his brother, he can teach rare exclusive moves to your Pokemon, but his moves
are all signature moves of legendary Pokemon.
Go to the north end of the island to find Chuck, gym leader of Cianwood City, sitting
under the waterfall. He is a fighting type leader, so flying and psychic Pokemon are
good picks to fight him. Talk to him and he’ll request you stand on the opposite end of
the shore to battle him.

Chuck will use 5 Pokemon in battle

- Kabutops/Machamp lv 62
- Poliwrath/Primeape lv 64
- Blaziken/Infernape lv 62
- Lucario/Flygon lv 63
- Hitmonchan/Snorlax lv 64

Beating Chuck earns you the Storm Badge. He also gives you the Navel Ticket. This
can be used at the Boon dock to visit Navel Rock, where a legendary Pokemon is said
to reside.

Navel Rock
Now that you have the Navel Ticket, talk to the man in the port on Boon Island to have
him take you to Navel Rock. Past a small pond and waterfall is a cave entrance. It leads
to an area that has many ladders you must take to climb higher. There will also be
various bird Pokemon hopping and flying about that you can avoid or battle.

Once you reach the peak, walk across the thin path and a Pokemon will come down to
battle. It turns out to be a fusion of Ho-Oh and Lugia! Now’s your chance to catch it.

To leave the area after catching Ho-Oh/Lugia, go back down and talk to the boat

Badge 16

Brine Road Continued

Now we’re going back to Brine Road to visit that shipwreck. Go into the hole the black
belt bashed into it. There’s a small gap you can jump over using the Golbat boots
obtained in Violet City’s Sprout Tower.

You may have noticed Corsola blocking paths around the islands throughout your
journey. Well, now the Corsola are blocking your way forwards. We’ll have to go north to
Kin Island to get the item needed to clear the path.

Kin Island
Kin Island doesn’t have a gym leader visiting, but there are several other things to do. In
the Pokemon Center you can find Bebe. She will give you the other 2 Sinnoh starters
you didn’t pick earlier to congratulate you on becoming champion.

In the hotel, talk to the girl with glasses to learn there’s a meteor that crashed near Bond
Bridge. We’ll check that out later. If you go into the northeast house and talk to the old
man, he will talk about Sky Pillar. If you’ve captured Groudon and Kyogre, he will then
ask you to come to the harbor.

Sky Pillar
After talking to the old man on Kin Island, go to the harbor and he’ll tell his son to take
you to Sky Pillar. Once there, you’ll enter a small cave and then exit to find the entrance
to the tower.

To traverse Sky Pillar, you’ll have to use the bike to ride over the cracked tiles. If you go
too slow or stop for a second, you will fall through and back to the lower floor. If you’re
using the racing bike, you can hold the run button to move slower and have more

At the top of the tower, Rayquaza awaits.


After catching Rayquaza, a vortex will appear that takes you back to the start of the

Bond Bridge and Berry Forest

In the northeast of Kin Island is Bond Bridge. Despite the name, most of this area is
grassy ground with tall trees. Some of these trees have bananas that you can pick and
use as healing items. Cross the bridge and you will reach the entrance to the Berry

When you walk into the forest you’ll be greeted by Jasmine, gym leader of Olivine City.
She says she’s visiting some family in the area, but her nephew and his friends have
gotten lost in the forest. She asks you to find them all. Walk through the area and you’ll
find her nephew by an RV. He’ll say there are 6 of them total, including him. Now that
you’ve spoke to him, the other kids will be able to be found throughout the forest

Once you find all the kids, go back to the RV. They’ll count off and see that there’s one
more kid that there’s supposed to be. Talk to each of them, and suddenly one of the
children will bark and transform into Zoroark to attack you.

Go back to Jasmine and talk to her. She thanks you and then tells you to follow her to
battle on the nearby bridge.

She uses steel types, so fire, ground, and fighting are good picks to deal with her. She
will use 5 Pokemon.
Jasmine’s team:
- Skarmory/Dodrio lv 66
- Magnezone/Blastoise lv 66
- Scizor/Bisharp lv 67
- Metagross/Rhydon lv 67
- Aggron/Steelix lv 68

Beat Jasmine to earn the Mineral Badge, the last Johto badge and final badge overall.
She also gives you a Mareanie doll. Mareanie is the natural predator of Corsola, so any
Corsola blocking your path will be scared off by this doll.

Even though you now have all 16 badges, there are still more optional things to do in
the Sevii Islands.

Back at Bond Bridge, if you surf under the bridge and go up the waterfall in the north,
you can find the meteorite the girl in the hotel was talking about. 2 agents are standing
by it, and if you talk to one he will reveal they believe it is actually a part of an alien
spaceship. He’ll then ask you to find the other 2 parts of it, located east of Goldenrod
and south of Fuchsia.

One spaceship part can be found by diving underwater on route 20, and the other one
can be found on route 32.

Now bring the spaceship parts back to the agent. Using them, he deduces that the main
ship is on an island near Cinnabar Island, so he asks you to go there and talk to the the
man in the ship port. He’ll take you to Birth Island.

Birth Island
In the middle of Birth Island is a strange object. Interact with it and it will teleport around
the island and start moving in a spiral. Interact with it to make it move again. After doing
this 3 times, it will go into the center of the island and turn into Deoxys. You can then
battle it.

After catching Deoxys, go back to Kin Island.


Water Labyrinth and Sealed Chamber

Now go back to Brine Road and you can clear away the Corsola with the Mareanie doll.
Now you can go south to the water labyrinth. This is an area in the sea where the water
will sweep you along. You must look at which way the water flows to determine how to
reach the other side.

There is a dive spot you can reach inside the labyrinth. It leads to the Sealed Chamber.
There is a triangle design on the ground and 3 bowls on each of the vertices that you
can place Pokemon in.

What you must do here is place 3 different fusions into the bowls with certain type
Type combos:
- ice/steel in the right bowl
- steel/rock in the left bowl
- rock/ice in the middle bowl
It doesn’t matter which of the types is listed first. Do this and a new cave entrance will
appear. Make sure to pick the Pokemon back up from the bowls before leaving.

In the next room, you’ll find Regigigas. Talk to it to enter battle.


After catching Regigigas, go back to the main room. Exit through the south entrance to
end up back in the water labyrinth.

Optional: Resort Gorgeous

Once you exit the water labyrinth on the east side, you can go north to find Resort
Gorgeous. This place has a small cottage on a small island. Inside is a maid and a
Master Ball lying on the table. After this, she will give you rare candies instead for
showing another fusion each day.

The maid will ask to see a fusion of certain Pokemon. Show her the fusion and you’ll
receive the Master Ball.

Chrono Island
Go south after passing through the water labyrinth to reach Chrono Island. On the east
side of the island is a strange building. Go inside to find Rocket grunts walking about.

Battle through the Rocket grunts to reach a control room. Some Team Plasma grunts
are there arguing with a Rocket grunt, then leave. Now go in there and battle her. After
beating the grunt, she leaves. If you want, you can press the switch in the room and
unlock the door on the right side to find a Klinklang. After that, exit the building

The Plasma grunts will be outside. They’ll talk about an experiment they’ve been
developing and that they have a boat waiting for them before leaving. Now, go to the
Chrono harbor and you’ll see the Plasma grunts leave. Talk to the man and he’ll
suggest we follow them. Accept his proposal and he’ll take you to the P2 Laboratory.

Enter the lab. You’ll find several Plasma grunts to fight, as well as item balls containing
4 drives. After beating them all, they will flee the complex.

In the next room you can find a hostage scientist who says he was forced to create a
powerful Pokemon. Further up in the room you’ll find a capsule containing Genesect.
Open it to engage in battle.

After catching it, you can talk to the scientist to learn that the different drives change the
type of Genesect’s signature move, techno blast.

I Dream of Jirachi
I couldn’t think of a good place to put this, so right here is good enough. Once you’ve
encountered 777 different Pokemon, take a rest in a hotel. You’ll then find yourself in
what appears to be your room at home. However, you can find many things amiss by
interacting with them or walking around. Blue’s house leads to your living room, Oak’s
lab is a gym, the north and south entrances are blocked off.

Walk into the gym to find Jirachi. Talk to it and it will urge you to pick a Pokemon from
the Master Balls on the table. However, it will make each ball disappear as you pick

Now talk to Jirachi and it will ask you to select your strongest fighter. Pick one of your
Pokemon and Jirachi will then battle you. Jirachi is lv 20, which may seem like easy
pickings compared to your Pokemon. However, if you check your stats, you’ll find
they’ve been lowered drastically to make this an even fight. No matter what the outcome
of the fight is, you will wake up in your room with Jirachi in the last slot of your party
(and your 6th Pokemon will be in the PC.)

Note: If your Pokemon appears to still have lowered stats, simply win a battle with them
involved and they will go back to normal.

Mt. Silver
Now that you have all 16 badges, go back to Pallet Town and visit Prof. Oak. There,
Oak is talking with Blue and the champion of Sinnoh, Cynthia. Apparently strange
distortions in space-time have been detected at the peak of Mt. Silver. Cynthia believes
these to be related to the legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh. Cynthia has already asked
Blue to accompany her to check it out, and she asks you to join her as well. She and
Blue will then go to the base of Mt. Silver. It is located to the left in the Pokemon League

The policeman on the left will now let you through to Mt. Silver after Blue and Cynthia
convince him. This area is home to many strong wild Pokemon. After a short grassy
area you’ll reach the cave entrance to the mountain.

Mt. Silver is a dark cave, so you’ll want to use flash to make navigating the cave easier.
You’ll also need rock smash, surf, and waterfall in order to traverse the area.

Head north and you’ll find another cave entrance. On the other side Blue will run up and
challenge you to a battle.
Blue’s team:
- Arcanine/Tyranitar lv 69
- Mismagius/Alakazam lv 69
- Crobat/Pidgeot lv 68
- Aegislash/Aerodactyl lv 69
- Starter fusion lv 72

After beating Blue, he will give you HM10 rock climb. This will allow you to climb ledges
that you normally can only jump down.

Optionally, you can now go back to the ice mountains to obtain the key item to replace
this HM. Enter the mountains from Blackthorn City and you’ll find some ledges you can
now climb before the gap you jump. After those ledges, go west to find more ledges
leading to a hiker. He will give you the climbing gear, allowing you to climb ledges
without needing rock climb.

With rock climb, you can now fully explore Mt. Silver, both on the inside and the outside.

Eventually you’ll run into Cynthia again, who is fleeing from the peak. She panically tells
you to escape since the beast at the top is much too powerful. Seeing you won’t back
down however, Cynthia challenges you to battle in order to test if you’re strong enough
to face it.

Cynthia’s team:
- Porygon-Z/Spiritomb lv 71
- Roserade/Gliscor lv 72
- Togekiss/Glaceon lv 71
- Vaporeon/Garchomp lv 73
- Milotic/Jolteon lv 71

After beating Cynthia, she acknowledges your strength and heals your Pokemon, letting
you proceed to the peak. At the peak, your movements will be slowed due to the power
of the Pokemon. Press onwards despite this.

Eventually you’ll reach the beast. Walk to it and it will be revealed as Paldiatina, a triple
fusion of the main legendary trio of Sinnoh! It is lv 75. Like Zapmolcuno, Paldiatina has
3 separate health bars, each with a typing of one of the legendary Pokemon, and
attacks thrice each turn. Even though this is a wild Pokemon, you will be unable to
capture it, so you must defeat it!

After beating it, Paldiatina will vanish into a vortex. You can then enter this vortex as
well, sending you 3 years into the future.

Walk forward and suddenly someone will appear behind you. Gold, protagonist of the
Johto games, has climbed Mt. Silver in order to challenge you.

Gold’s team:
- Sudowoodo/Shuckle lv 76
- Meganium/Entei lv 77
- Typhlosion/Suicune lv 77
- Feraligatr/Raikou lv 77
- Togekiss/Umbreon lv 78
- Dragonite/Gyarados lv 79

After beating Gold, you’ll be sent back to the past, spawned in your room. Walk
downstairs and your mom will give you a package containing the shiny charm, which
makes shiny Pokemon more likely to appear. You’ve now beaten the main challenge of
the postgame! There are still some things you can do though.

Time, Space, and Antimatter

After Paldiatina vanished into the vortex, the triple fusion split apart and now reside in
other vortexes throughout the world. You may have noticed areas throughout the game
with long rows of ledges. The vortexes lie beyond these. Unlike the eggs Arceus
created, these legendary Pokemon will be lv 75.

Dialga is at the north end of Boon Island.


Palkia is below Blackthorn City.


Giratina is on route 4.

Triple Fusion
If you have caught Kyurem, you can now visit Mt. Moon and make your way through it
until you reach the room where Team Rocket was testing triple fusion. Here you will find
Colress, who has made it possible to create your own triple fusions using the machine.
The triple fusions you can make consist of legendary trios and fully evolved starter
Pokemon. You must have all 3 Pokemon, then Colress will create an egg containing the
triple fusion. These take a long time to hatch, so they are a good choice to use super
incubators on. You can also only make 1 triple fusion of each trio.

Pokemon League Rematch

If you decide to go back and fight the Elite 4 again, they will now have stronger
Pokemon. Blue will also still be there to fight for the champion’s spot at the end.

Lorelei’s team:
- Magmortar/Dewgong lv 72
- Mamoswine/Slowbro lv 72
- Tentacruel/Cloyster lv 71
- Weavile/Lapras lv 74
- Jynx/Tangrowth lv 74

Bruno’s team:
- Machamp/Electivire lv 72
- Steelix/Machamp lv 73
- Magnezone/Onix lv 75
- Marowak/Hitmonchan lv 72
- Scizor/Heracross lv 74

Agatha’s team:
- Mismagius/Crobat lv 72
- Umbreon/Haunter lv 75
- Snorlax/Gengar lv 74
- Wobbuffet/Gengar lv 72
- Gengar/Houndoom lv 74

Lance’s team:
- Dragonair/Gyarados lv 72
- Togekiss/Dragonite lv 74
- Tyranitar/Aerodactyl lv 76
- Typhlosion/Dragonair lv 74
- Porygon2/Kingdra lv 72

Blue’s team:
- Nidoking/Pidgeot lv 75
- Tauros/Exeggutor lv 75
- Starmie/Alakazam lv 76
- Rhyperior/Magmortar lv 76
- Electivire/Gyarados lv 75
- Starter fusion lv 82

Gym Leader Rematches

Go to Vermillion to check out that construction site that was there earlier. You’ll find the
building there has been completed. Inside is a large room and the guy from gym
entrances who gives you advice. He’ll tell you this is an arena built for strong trainers to
have fights, and suggests you invite gym leaders to come fight here. You can find all 16
leaders strewn about the world at certain times of day.

● Brock: Mt. Moon, day
● Misty: Cerulean Cape, morning
● Lt. Surge: Power Plant, day
● Erika: National Park, day
● Koga: Victory Road Entrance, evening
● Sabrina: Goldenrod City, night
● Blaine: Seafoam Islands, day
● Giovanni: Crimson City, evening
● Whitney: Violet City, evening
● Kurt: Viridian Forest, morning
● Falkner: Celadon City, morning
● Clair: Dragon's Den, night
● Morty: Lavender Town, night

● Pryce: Ice Mountains, day

● Chuck: Saffron City, evening
● Jasmine: Bond Bridge, morning

Each gym leader will now use a full team of 6 in battle. They can also be rematched

Brock’s team:
- Pidgeot/Golem lv 69
- Yanmega/Omastar lv 69
- Aerodactyl/Bastiodon lv 71
- Onix/Steelix lv 71
- Mawile/Armaldo lv 72
- Scizor/Kabutops lv 72
Misty’s team:

- Wigglytuff/Seaking lv 69
- Garchomp/Gyarados lv 72
- Kingler/Quagsire lv 69
- Feraligatr/Lapras lv 71
- Starmie/Spiritomb lv 72
- Golduck/Lanturn lv 69
Lt. Surge’s team:
- Jolteon/Raichu lv 69
- Raichu/Pidgeot lv 71
- Rhyperior/Electivire lv 72
- Electrode/Kingler lv 69
- Ampharos/Ambipom lv 71
- Porygon-Z/Magnezone lv 72
Erika’s team:
- Bellossom/Jumpluff lv 69
- Victreebel/Tentacruel lv 71
- Exeggutor/Tangrowth lv 69
- Sunflora/Vileplume lv 71
- Steelix/Venusaur lv 72
- Girafarig/Meganium lv 72
Koga’s team:
- Gengar/Weezing lv 69
- Tentacruel/Crobat lv 71
- Ariados/Nidoking lv 71
- Beedrill/Venomoth lv 71
- Quagsire/Arbok lv 69
- Gardevoir/Muk lv 72
Sabrina’s team:
- Mr. Mime/Hypno lv 69
- Espeon/Lucario lv 71
- Gallade/Absol lv 72
- Alakazam/Butterfree lv 69
- Magnezone/Metagross lv 71
- Gengar/Alakazam lv 72
Blaine’s team:
- Magcargo/Muk lv 69
- Typhlosion/Blaziken lv 71
- Charizard/Aerodactyl lv 72
- Seaking/Rapidash lv 69
- Houndoom/Arcanine lv 71
- Cradily/Magmortar lv 72

Giovanni’s team:
- Rhyperior/Lapras lv 73
- Gliscor/Tyranitar lv 73
- Tyranitar/Garchomp lv 76
- Golem/Machamp lv 75
- Rhydon/Snorlax lv 76
- Electabuzz/Dugtrio lv 74
Whitney’s team:
- Licktung/Granbull lv 83
- Dunsparce/Kangaskhan lv 85
- Garchomp/Slaking lv 86
- Girafarig/Lanturn lv 83
- Ambipom/Tauros lv 85
- Chansey/Miltank lv 86
Kurt’s team:
- Beedrill/Ariados lv 83
- Armaldo/Mawile lv 85
- Forretress/Cloyster lv 86
- Yanmega/Kingdra lv 83
- Slowbro/Scizor lv 85
- Blissey/Shuckle lv 86
Falkner’s team:
- Xatu/Noctowl lv 83
- Dusknoir/Aerodactyl lv 86
- Marowak/Togekiss lv 85
- Ursaring/Pidgeot lv 86
- Granbull/Honchkrow lv 83
- Skarmory/Houndoom lv 85
Clair’s team:
- Feraligatr/Gyarados lv 83
- Ariados/Charizard lv 85
- Dragonite/Sceptile lv 86
- Donphan/Dragonair lv 83
- Glaceon/Kingdra lv 85
- Garchomp/Aerodactyl lv 86
Chuck’s team:
- Kabutops/Machamp lv 83
- Lucario/Flygon lv 84
- Poliwrath/Primeape lv 85
- Hitmonchan/Snorlax lv 85
- Blaziken/Infernape lv 83

- Gliscor/Gallade lv 84
Morty’s team:
- Gengar/Zoroark lv 85
- Gengar/Gengar lv 86
- Weavile/Shedinja lv 83
- Hitmonchan/Dusknoir lv 85
- Clefairy/Spiritomb lv 85
- Aegislash/Dusknoir lv 85
Pryce’s team:
- Dewgong/Slowking lv 85
- Mamoswine/Bastiodon lv 85
- Infernape/Weavile lv 86
- Jynx/Wailord lv 86
- Probopass/Cloyster lv 86
- Lapras/Electrode lv 87
Jasmine’s team:
- Skarmory/Dodrio lv 85
- Aggron/Steelix lv 87
- Aegislash/Magmortar lv 86
- Scizor/Bisharp lv 85
- Metagross/Rhydon lv 85
- Magnezone/Blastoise lv 86

Completed Pokedex
If you catch all 420 of the unfused base Pokemon, go back to Celadon Condominiums,
Talk to the game creator and he will give you the Magic Boots! These can be worn to
access debug mode, which lets you basically do anything at all. Walk through walls by
holding ctrl, press F9 to give yourself items, warp to areas, make your Pokemon

however you want, etc. This is basically an unlock just for fun and messing around in
the game.

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