B.SC - I Geography NEP 2022

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Accredited By NAAC with ‘A++’ Grade

Syllabus For
B. Sc. Part - I
(Syllabus to be implemented from June, 2022 onwards)

Shivaji University, Kolhapur

as per the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) designed in accordance with
Learning Outcomes-Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)
of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020
B. Sc. Part-I Geography Degree (Basic/Honours)
w.e.f. Academic Year 2022-23 and onwards

1. TITLE: Physical Geography and Human Geography

1) (Semester – I) i) DSC 19 A - Physical Geography Paper-I
ii) DSC 20 A - Physical Geography Paper-II
2) (Semester – II) i) DSC 20 B - Human Geography Paper-I
ii) DSC 20 B - Human Geography Paper-II

Optional Subjects under the Faculty of Science.

Revised Syllabus will be implemented from June, 2021 onwards.
The Geography students of B. Sc. Part-I can better understand all latest concepts in Physical
Geography and Human Geography in brief but in adequate manner.
The objective of this course is to introduce the latest concepts in Physical Geography and
Human Geography, Specifically in Atmosphere, Composition of the Earth, Fluvial Cycle,
Hydrosphere, Human races, Population growth and distribution, Characteristics of Population and
The course shall be a full time course.
Pattern of Examination will be Semester for Theory.
As per eligibility criteria prescribed for each course and the merit list in
qualifying examination.
The medium of instruction shall be in English.

FIRST YEAR (Each of Papers- I & II)
Sr. No. Subject or Paper Marks
1 Physical Geography (Papers- I & II) 100
2 Human Geography (Papers- I & II) 100
Practical (Pattern of Examination will be ANNUAL.) 50
The scheme of teaching and examination should be given as applicable to the
course / paper concerned.
Teaching Scheme (Credits / Week)
Sr. No. Subject or Paper
Credits Theory Practical Total

1 Physical Geography 04 04 -- 04

2 Human Geography 04 04 -- 04
Practical 02 -- 02 02
(Pattern of Examination will be ANNUAL.)


Question Paper will be set in the view of the / in accordance with the entire
Syllabus and preferably covering each unit of syllabi of each semester.
As per Prescribed rules and regulation for each degree / programme.

B. Sc. Part – I Semester I

(w.e.f. June, 2022)
DSC- 19 A: Geography (Physical Geography) - I
Marks: 50 Credits: 02
Title No. of Lecture Credits

Module I: Introduction to Physical Geography 19 (1)

1.1 Definition, Nature and Scope of Physical Geography
1.2 Branches of Physical Geography
1.3 Components of Earth systems
1.4 Importance of Physical Geography
1.5 Interior of the Earth: Structure of the Earth’s interior, Density and Temperature in the
interior of the Earth.
1.6 Forces of the Earth Crust: Endogenetic forces, Diastrophic forces: Epeirogenetic
Forces, Orogenitic Forces
1.7 Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift.
1.8 Theory of Plate tectonics: Plates and boundaries and associated landforms
Module II Denudation 19 (1)
2.1 Concept of Denudation
2.2 Weathering: Concept, Types of Weathering: Mechanical, chemical and Biotic
2.3 Fluvial Cycle of Erosion: W. M. Davis
2.4 Evolution of Landforms: Erosional and Depositional
2.4.1 Fluvial
2.4.2 Aeolian
Reference books:
1. Conserva H. T. 2004: Illustrated Dictionary of Physical Geography, Author House, USA.
2. Christopherson, R.W. 2000, Geo-systems, Prentice Hall, INC. USA. Hamblin, W.K., 1989: The
Earth’s Dynamic Systems, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
3. Gabler, R. E., Peterson,J. F. and Trapasso, L. M., 2007: Essentials of Physical Geography (8th
Edition), Thomson, Brooks/ Cole, USA.

4. Garrette, N., 2000: Advance Geography, Oxford University Press.

5. Goudie, A., 1984: The Nature of Environment: An Advanced Physical Geography, Basil Blackwell
Publishers, Oxford.
6. Husain, M., 2001: Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Rawat Publication, Jaipur.
7. Kale,V. S. and Gupta, A.,2001: Introduction to Geomorphology, Orient Longman, Calcutta.
8. Monkhouse, F. J., 1996: Principles of Physical Geography, Hodder and Stoughton, London.
9. Robinson, H., 1969: Morphology and Landscape, University Tutorial Press Ltd, London.
10. Siddhartha, K., 2001: The Earth’s Dynamic Surface, Kisalaya Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
11. Strahler, A.A. and Strahler, A. N., 2002: Physical Geography: Science and Systems of the Human
Environment, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

B. Sc. Part – I Semester I

(w.e.f. June, 2022)
DSC- 19 A: Geography (Physical Geography) - II
Marks: 50 Credits: 02
Title No. of Lecture Credits

Module I: Introduction to Climatology 19 1

1.1 Definition and Scope
1.2 Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
1.3 Elements of Weather and Climate
1.4 Insolation: Insolation: Definition, solar constant, factors affecting on distribution of
Insolation, Distribution of Insolation and Heat Balance of the Earth.
1.5 Temperature: Controlling Factors of Temperature, Distribution of Temperature:
Vertical and Horizontal.
1.6 Atmospheric Pressure: Definition, Affecting Factors and Distribution of air pressure:
Vertical and Horizontal, Pressure Belts, Shifting of Pressure Belts.
1.7 Winds: Planetary Winds
1.8 Climate Change: Concept, Natural and Human Causes of Climate Change
Module II: Oceanography 18 1
2.1 Definition
2.2 Surface Configuration of Ocean Floor
2.3 Temperature of Ocean Water: Factors Affecting on Horizontal Distribution of
Temperature of Ocean Water, Vertical Distribution of Temperature Ocean Water
2.4 Salinity of Ocean Water: Affecting Factors on salinity of ocean water, Distribution of

salinity – Horizontal and Regional

2.5 Ocean Currents:
2.5.1 Factors affecting on ocean currents and Types of Ocean Currents
2.5.2 Ocean Currents: Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean
2.6 Man and Ocean

Reference books:
1. Conserva H.T., 2004: Illustrated dictionary of Physical Geography, Author House, USA.
2. Critchfield, H.J., 1997: General Climatology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Dasgupta, A. and Kapoor, A.N., Principles of Physical Geography. Grald, S., General
3. Gabler R.E., Petersen J.F. and Trapasso L.M., 2007: Essentials of Physical Geography
(8th edition), Thompson, Brooks/Cole, USA.
4. Garrett N. 2000: Advanced Geography, Oxford University Press.
5. Goudie A., 1984: The nature of the environment an advanced physical geography,
Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
6. Hamblin W.K., 1995: Earth’s Dynamic System, Prentice Hall, N J.
7. Husain M., 2002: Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Ravat Publication, Jaipur.
8. Lutgens, F.K. and Tarbuck, E.J., 2007: The Atmosphere, Pearson Prentice Hall, New
Jersey. Pirie, R.G., Oceanography (Contemporary).
9. Monkhouse F.J. 200: Principals of Physical Geogeaphy, Platinum Publishers, Kolkatta.
10. Ross, D.A., 1988: Introduction to Oceanography. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
11. Sharma, R.C. and Vatel. M., Oceanography for Geographers.
12. Strahler, A.A. and Strahler, A. N., 2002: Physical Geography: Science and Systems of
the Human Environment, John Wiley and Sons, INC.
13. Strahler, A.H. and Strahler, A. N., 1992: Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley and
Sons, INC.
14. Strahler, A.N., 1965: Introduction to Physical Geography, John Wiley and Sons,
15. Strahler A.N., Strahler A.H. 2008: Modern Physical Geography. John Wiley and Sons, New
16. Trewartha, G., Introduction to Weather and Climate. King, C.A.M., Oceanography for
Geographers. Lake, P., Physical Geography.

B. Sc. Part – I Semester - II

(w.e.f. June, 2022)
DSC-19B: Geography (Human Geography) -I
Marks: 50 Credits: 02
Title of the Unit No. of Lecture No. of Credits
Module I Human Geography and Human Race 18 (1)
1.1 Definition and Nature, Scope of Human Geography
1.2 Branches of Human Geography
1.3 Importance of Human Geography
1.4 Human Races: Classification and World Racial Groups
1.5 Human Life: ESKIMO (Cold) and PYGMY (Hot)
(Location, Geographical environment, Physical traits, Food & clothing and
Economic activity)

Module II Population 19 (1)

2.1 Population Growth: Concept and Population Growth in India
2.2 Factors Affecting on the Distribution of Population
2.3 Distribution of the World Population
2.4 Population Growth Theories: Malthusian Theory and Notestein’s Theory of
Demographic Transition
2.5 Demographic Transition in India

DSC-20B: Human Geography-II

Marks: 50 Credits: 02

Module I Composition of Population and Population Migration 19 (1)

1.1 Age Composition: Factors Affecting on Age Composition and Age Composition in
1.2 Sex Ratio: Factors Affecting on Sex Composition and Sex Composition in India.
1.3 Migration: Concept, types and Causes
1.4 Consequences of Migration.
1.5 Population Policies of India and Population Projections

Module II Settlements 18 (1)

2.1 Definition and Types of Settlements
2.2 Pattern of Rural Settlements
1.3 Functions of Rural Settlement

1.4 Urbanization
1.5 Classification of Urban Settlement
1.6 Functions of Urban Settlement

1. Bergwan, Edward E 1995: Human Geography; Culture, Connections and Landscape,
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
2. Carr, M. 1987: Patterns, Process and change in Human Geography. MacMillan
Education, London.
3. Fellman, J. L. 1997: Human Geography—Landscapes of Human Activities. Brown and
Benchman Pub., U.S.A.
4. De Blij H. J. 1996: Human Geography, Culture, Society and Space John Wiley, New York.
5. Johnston, R.J. (editor). 1994: Dictionary of Human Geography Blackwell, Oxford.
6. Mc Bride, P. J. 1996: Human Geography Systems, Patterns and Change, Nelson, U.K. and
7. Michael, Can 1997: New Patterns: Process and Change in Human Geography Nelson,
8. Rubenstein, J.H. and Bacon R.S. 1990: The Cultural Landscape — an Introduction to
Human Geography. Prentice Hall, India, New Delhi.
9. Singh, K.N. 1992:People of India, An introduction Seagull Books.
10. Spate O.H.K. and Learmonth A. T. A. 1968: India and Pakistan Methuen, London.
11. U. V. Jagdale& P. G. Saptarshi (2007): Human Geography, Diamond Publication (Marathi)

12. Johnson R. Gregory D, Pratt G. et al. (2008) The Dictionary of Human Geography

13. Chandna, R.C. (2010) Population Geography, Kalyani Publisher.

14. Hassan, M.I. (2005) Population Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur

15. Johnston R; Gregory D, Pratt G. et al. (2008) The Dictionary of Human
Geography, Blackwell Publication.
16. Jordan-Bychkov et al. (2006) The Human Mosaic: A Thematic
Introduction to Cultural Geography. W. H. Freeman and Company, New
17. Kaushik, S.D. (2010) Manav Bhugol, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
18. Maurya, S.D. (2012) Manav Bhugol, Sharda Pustak Bhawan. Allahabad.
19. Hussain, Majid (2012) Manav Bhugol. Rawat Publications, Jaipur
20. Beaujeu Gamier : Geography of Population, Longman, Lindon-1978
21. Clarke J.I. : Population Geography, Pergam on Press Oxford – 1972

22. Chandana R.C. : Geography of Population, Kalyani Pub. Ludhayana 1988

23. Hagget Petter : Human Geography
24. Ghosh B.N. : Fundamentals of Population Geography
25. Hussin M. : Human Geography 1994
26. Money D.S. : Human Geography
27. Perpillou A.V. : Human Geography, Longman, London- 1986
28. Robinson H. : Human Geography, 1976
29. Mishra &Puri : Indian Economy 2004
30. India- 2008 : Govt. of India
31. Hassan Mohammead I. : Population Geography, 2005
32. Bhende Asha & Kanitkar Tara : Principlas of Population studies
33. Perillouav : Human Geography, 1986
34. Singh, R.Y. : Geography of Settlement, 1998
35. Singh, Gopal : Mapwork & Practical Geography, 1999
36. Sawant S.B. & Athavale A.S. Population Geography, Mehta publishing house, Pune.
B. Sc. Part – I Practical-I (Based on paper I & II)
(w.e.f. June, 2022)
Marks: 50 (Credits: 02)
General Cartography (Practical)

Title of the Unit No. of Credits

Module I Map (0.25)

1.1 Map: Definition, Elements and Types
1.2 Maps and Globe – Similarities and Differences
1.3 Significance and uses of Maps and Globes

Module II Map Scale (0.50)

2.1 Meaning and Definition
2.2 Methods of Representation of scale
i) Verbal
ii) Numerical
iii) Graphical
2.3 Construction of Graphical Scale
i) Simple (Plane Scale)
ii) Time and Distance Scale
iii) Diagonal Scale
Module III Map Projection (0.25)
3.1 Definition and Classification of Map Projection
i) Based on the methods of Construction –
Perspective and Non-perspective
ii) Based on Developable Surface used -
Conical, Cylindrical, Zenithal, Conventional.
iii) Based on Position of Tangent Surfaces – Polar,
Equatorial (normal), and Oblique.
iv) Based on Position of view point or light –

Gnomonic, Stereographic, Orthographic

v) Based on Preserved qualities -
i) Equal area projection (Homolographic)
ii) Orthographic Projection
iii) Azimuthal Projection (True Bearing Projection)
3.2 Graphical Construction of the following Projections:
i) Zenithal Polar Gnomonic Projection
ii) Cylindrical Equal –Area Projection
iii) Simple Conical Projection with one standard Parallel
iv) Mercator’s Projection
Module IV Representation of Statistical Data (0.50)
4.1 Graphs and Diagrams
i) One Dimensional Diagrams:
a) Climograph
b) Hythergraph
4.2 Two Dimensional Diagrams:
a) Divided Circle
b) Divided Rectangle
4.3 Three Dimensional Diagram:
a) Cube Diagram
b) Proportional Spheres
4.4 Distributional Maps
a) Choropleth Map
b) Isopleths Map

Module V Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS (0.50)

5.1 Remote Sensing

a) Definition and Concept of Remote Sensing
b) Elements of Remote Sensing: EMR, Sensors and Platforms.
c) Application of Remote Sensing in Geography
5.1 GIS (Geographical Information System)
a) Definition and Concept of GIS
b) Elements of GIS

c) Application of GIS in Geography

5.3 GPS / GNSS (Geographical Positioning System / Geographical Navigational
Satellite System)
a) Definition and Concept of GPS / GNSS
b) Application of GPS in Geography
c) Field Work – Determining Latitude, Longitude and Altitude.

Reference Books
1. Buoygoot, J. (1964): An Introduction to Map work and Practical
Geography. University Tutorial, London.
2. Monkhouse, F. J. and Wilkinson, H. R. (1971): Maps and Diadgrams.
Mathuen, London.
3. Raisz, E. (1962): Principals of Cartography, McGraw Hill Book Com.,
Inc, New York.
4. Robinson, A.H. and Shale, R. D. (1969): Elements of Cartography. John
Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York.
5. Singh, L.R. and Singh, R., (1973): Map work and Practical
Geography. Allahabad.
6. Curran, P. (1989): Principles of Remote Sensing, Longman, London.
7. Lo C. P. and Young A. K. W., (2011): Concepts and Techniques of
Geographic Information Systems, PHI Learning Private Lim., New Delhi –
8. Dickinson, G.C., (1979): Maps and Air Photographs, Arnold Publisher,
New Delhi.
9. Mishra, R.P and Ramesh A., (2000): Fundamentals of Cartography.
Concept Publ. Com., New Delhi.
10. Burrough, P. A. and McDonell, R., (1998): Principles of
Geographical Information Systems, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

i) The details of field work, seminar, Group Discussion and Oral examination be
given wherever necessary.
ii) General/Specific instructions for Laboratory safety should be given wherever necessary.

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