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1. Republic Act 8550

a. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act
b. Enabling Act of a University
c. Fisheries Code of 1998
d. Presidential Decree 704

2. Republic Act 8435

a. Fisheries Code of 1998
b. Modernization of Agriculture Act
c. Modernization of Fisheries Act
d. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act

3. The raising of two or more species of fish or crustaceans in a pond

a. monoculture
b. polyculture
c. monosex culture
d. integrated farming system

4. The first species of tilapia being introduced in the Philippines

a. Oreochromis niloticus/ Tilapia nilotica
b. O. spilurus/ T. spirulus
c. O. aureus/ T. aureus
d. O. mossambicus/ T. mossambica

5. Aquaculture is synonymous to
a. pen culture
b. cage culture
c. fish culture
d. tank culture

6. This fish culture method requires the use of enclosures in shallow protected areas of
inland water generally in lakes or lagoons
a. cage method
b. pond method
c. fish pen method
d. tank method
7. The process of releasing fish fry or fingerlings in a body of water like a fishpond or lake
a. planting
b. stocking
c. rationing
d. fishing

8. These are microscopic plants in pond

a. zooplankton
b. plankton
c. macrophytes
d. phytoplankton

9. This is the number of fish seed material stocked in a given area of water
a. stocking biomass
b. stocking rate
c. stocking replacement
d. stock enhancement

10. The release of fish in natural body of water

a. capture fisheries
b. fish culture
c. stock enhancement
d. mariculture

11. Fish with uniform size are stocked in progressively larger ponds as more space is
a. multi-size stocking
b. multi-stage stocking
c. mono-size stocking
d. double cropping

12. Includes fish, all other aquatic flora and fauna and other living resources of the aquatic
environment, including, but not limited to salt and corals
a. coastal area
b. artificial reefs
c. aquatic resources
d. coral reefs
13. A stationary weir or trap devised to intercept and capture fish consisting of rows of
bamboo stakes, plastic nets and other materials fenced with split bamboo mattings or
wire mattings
a. fish cage
b. fish corral or “baklad”
c. fish net
d. fish pen

14. People directly or personally and physically engaged in taking and/or culturing and
processing fishery and/or fishery resources
a. fisherfolk
b. fisherman
c. fish culturists
d. aquaculturists

15. The biggest lake in the Philippines

a. Lake Buhi
b. Lake Lanao
c. Taal Lake
d. Laguna de Bay

16. Adult bangus

a. sabalo
b. malaga
c. dago
d. mako

17. The incumbent director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
a. Felix Gonzales
b. Guillermo Morales
c. Malcolm Sarmiento
d. Dennis Araullo

18. This consists of the microscopic plants and animals found in the bottom of ponds
a. lablab
b. phytoplankton
c. zooplankton
d. periphyton
19. Local name for milkfish fry
a. bidbid
b. bulan bulan
c. kawag kawag
d. tiki tiki

20. This method of culturing milkfish is also known as the deep water method
a. lablab method
b. lumut method
c. plankton method
d. platform method

21. A fish that holds fertilized eggs in its buccal cavity for rearing
a. pouch breeders
b. mouth brooders
c. substrate spawners
d. nest builders

22. A fishing gear made of synthetic netting used for harvesting fish
a. seine
b. fyke net
c. baklad
d. trap

23. The culture of fish with rice in paddies

a. rice-fish culture
b. polyculture
c. poultry-fish culture
d. none of the above

24. Genetically male tilapia (GMT) is a product of

a. GIFT Technology
b. sex-reversal
c. monosex
d. YY-male Technology

25. An act providing for the development, management and conservation of the fisheries
and aquatic resources. Integrating all laws pertinent thereto, and for other purposes.
a. Republic Act 8435
b. Republic Act 8550
c. Republic Act 7210
d. Republic Act 8120
26. The art and science of catching fish for livelihood
a. aquaculture
b. fisciculture
c. fish capture
d. sea ranching

27. The process of preserving foods in hermetically-sealed containers like tin cans and jars
or bottles through the application of heat to sterilize the food and the container
a. drying
b. boiling
c. canning
d. salting

28. This is the method of processing fish by lowering its water content through exposure to
the sun
a. fermentation
b. drying
c. salting
d. smoking

29. This is defined as the total amount of salt in grams contained in one kilogram of
seawater (SW) when all the carbonate has been converted to oxide, bromine, and
iodine, replaced by chlorine and organic matter less completely oxidized
a. alkalinity
b. salinity
c. hardness
d. ph

30. Inversion of prospective genetic tilapia females by feeding a male synthetic hormone
a. YY-male technology
b. radiation
c. sex reversal
d. sterilization

31. This is define as the amount of feed needed to produce a kilo of flesh
a. feed ration
b. feed conversion ratio
c. feed conversion efficiency
d. feed coefficient
32. Nets in the form of a conical bag with the mouth kept open by various devices and the
entire gear towed, trailed or trawled usually in the bottom of the sea to capture
submerged species that naturally stay near the sea bottom
a. tuck seines
b. trawls
c. trammel nets
d. ring nets

33. Baited devices made of bamboo, rattan, or chicken wire formed into regular receptacles
and having a non-return value which provides easy entrance but difficult exit of fish
a. fish pots
b. fish shelters
c. fish corrals
d. fish nets

34. Variously shaped and framed small bag nets used entirely by hand or partly by
mechanical power in which fish are captured by scooping
a. hoop nets
b. dip nets
c. drag seine
d. fyke nets

35. A mixture of freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW)

a. freshwater
b. brackishwater
c. marine water
d. saline water

36. The sperm of fish

a. milk
b. white liquid
c. milt
d. semen

37. An animal that feeds on minute organisms suspended in water

a. plankton feeder
b. fish eater
c. insect feeder
d. egg eater
38. Juvenile fish stocked in ponds or other units of culture
a. fry
b. breeders
c. fingerlings
d. none of the above

39. Native catfish

a. Clarias batrachus
b. Clarias macrocephalus
c. Clarias gariepinus
d. none of the above

40. The scientific name of mudfish

a. Chanos chanos
b. Channa striata
c. Trichogaster pectoralis
d. Oreochromis niloticus

41. These are small ponds in milkfish ponds used exclusively for rearing fry to fingerlings
a. nursery ponds
b. transition ponds
c. catching pond
d. feed ponds

42. Live fish boat for transporting milkfish fry

a. wooden boat
b. petuya
c. fishing vessel
d. fishing boat

43. Harvesting method in milkfish culture operation where it takes advantageous of the
tendency of the fish to swim against the current
a. pasubang method
b. total drainage
c. seining
d. netting

44. The collective terms for microscopic organism suspended in water

a. zooplankton
b. phytoplankton
c. plankton periphyton
45. It is the energy that is released as heat when a substance is completely oxidized to
CO2, nitrous oxide and H2O.
a. total heat production
b. intake energy
c. gross energy
d. digested energy

46. The total amount of energy contained in a diet is usually determined through
a. bomb calorimetry
b. respiration
c. bomb colorimetry
d. chemical analysis

47. Which of the following is not an essential amino acid (EAA)

a. lysine
b. tyrosine
c. valine
d. methionine

48. The carbohydrate storage molecules found in plants is

a. glycogen
b. starch
c. sugar
d. cellulose

49. The breakdown of glucose liberating energy is known as

a. gluconeogenesis
b. glycogen synthesis
c. glycolysis
d. glycogenolysis

50. It is an expression which relates the gram of weight gained to the grams of crude
protein fed
a. net protein utilization
b. protein efficiency ratio
c. protein nutritional value
d. conversion ratio

51. Are the major lipid components biological membrane

a. triglycerides
b. sterols
c. fatty acids
d. phospholipids
52. Are organic molecules that act as cofactors or substrates in some metabolic reactions
a. protein
b. vitamins
c. minerals
d. lipids

53. Insulin is importance in fish for

a. amino acid metabolism
b. carbohydrate metabolism
c. glucose level in blood
d. lipid metabolism

54. The ratio of the length of the digestive tract to body length of fish is known as
a. relative gut length
b. intestinal length
c. ratio of gut length
d. gut body length ratio

55. Which of the following plays very important role in fat digestion?
a. pancreas
b. stomach
c. intestine
d. liver

56. Freshwater fish from cold water have an essential requirement for fatty acids of the
a. n-3 series
b. n-6 series
c. n-9 series
d. combination of n-3 and n-6 series

57. Marine fish oils are dietary sources of essential fatty acids (EFA) of the
a. n-9 series
b. n-6 series
c. n-3 series
d. both n-3 and n-6 series

58. Which of the following is not a function of carbohydrates in aquaculture diets

a. cheap source of protein
b. cheap source of energy
c. binding agent
d. enhance palatability of feeds
59. Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamins
a. ascorbic acid
b. tocoperol
c. vitamin B12
d. inositol

60. One calorie is equal to

a. 4,184 joules
b. 4,481 joules
c. 4,814 joules
d. 4,841 joules

61. Which of the following is not a wet feed

a. whole trash fish
b. chopped trash fish
c. fish silages
d. fish meals

62. Which of the following is a major mineral required by fish

a. iron
b. magnesium
c. iodine
d. copper

63. Which of the following is not secreted in the pancreas

a. chitinase
b. trysin
c. chymotrypsis
d. amylase

64. Major nitrogen containing compounds present in both plants and animals are
a. nucleic acid
b. proteins
c. organic acids
d. ammonia

65. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide

a. xylose
b. fructose
c. ribose
d. sucrose
66. Which of the following is a polysaccharide
a. glyceraldehydes
b. cellobiose
c. cellulose
d. raffinose

67. The main storage carbohydrate of animals is

a. glucose
b. glycogen
c. chitin
d. starch

68. Proteins have approximately

a. 6-8% H
b. 50-55% H
c. 15-18% O
d. 20-23% C

69. Fatty acids that lack double bonds between carbons are known as
a. monosaturated fatty acids
b. unsaturated fatty acids
c. saturated fatty acids
d. monounsaturated fatty acids

70. One of the phases of aquaculture

a. recirculating system
b. nursery
c. tanks
d. floating cages

71. One of the systems of production

a. intensive
b. tanks
c. floating cages
d. recirculating system

72. The choice of production system depends on

a. stocking density of animals
b. provision of aeration
c. feed requirements
d. exposure to stress
73. Factor that often leads to disease
a. host
b. pathogen
c. environment
d. exposure of the animal to stress

74. One advantage of tilapia pond culture is that the fish

a. able to swim freely
b. feed on natural food
c. able to breathe freely
d. able to be captured easily

75. The study of genes and genotypic frequencies within a population

a. quantitative genetics
b. population genetics
c. mendelian genetics
d. molecular genetics

76. Component that is due to the additive effects of the genes

a. additive variance
b. epistatic variance
c. dominance variance
d. additive and dominance variance

77. Variance that is due to the interaction of alleles between two or more loci
a. additive variance
b. epistatic variance
c. dominance variance
d. additive and dominance variance

78. It is a breeding program in which individuals or families are chosen in an effort to

change the population mean in the next generation
a. hybridization
b. cross breeding
c. selection
d. triploidy

79. Variance that is transmitted in a predictable and reliable manner

a. additive variance
b. epistatic variance
c. dominance variance
d. genetic variance
80. The raw material with which the animals breeder most work
a. genetic variation
b. phenotypic variation
c. environmental variation
d. genetic and environmental variation

81. The proportion of individuals in the population with a particular genotype

a. genotypic frequency
b. gene frequency
c. allele frequency
d. effective population number

82. Component that is due to the interaction of the alleles at each locus
a. additive variance
b. dominance variance
c. epistatic variance
d. genetic variance

83. The observable or measureable differences among individuals within a population for a
particular trait
a. genetic variation
b. phenotypic variation
c. environmental variation
d. additive variation

84. Only a small random sample of parents variance is inherited by its progeny
a. additive variance
b. dominance variance
c. epistatic variance
d. non-additive variance

85. It does not depend on interactions or combinations of alleles

a. additive variance
b. dominance variance
c. epistatic variation
d. genetic variation

86. Considered as the governor in any selection program

a. realized response
b. genetic variance
c. heritability
d. epistatic
87. Describes a diploid organism that carries two different alleles at one or more genetic loci
a. homozygous
b. heterozygous
c. in-breeding
d. gene pool

88. Offspring of two different varieties or two different species

a. diploid
b. polyploidy
c. hybrid
d. triploid

89. Organism that has been genetically engineered to contain one or more novel genes,
taken from one or more different species and inserted into its genome
a. transgenic
b. selected line
c. hybrid
d. triploid
90. Loss or alteration of genetic identity in wild population of organisms that may result from
interbreeding of genetically distinct stocks introduced to the wild either intentionally or
a. genetic engineering
b. genetic plasticity
c. gene probe
d. genetic dilution

91. Feed cost is not a major expense item under this culture system
a. cage culture
b. tank culture
c. extensive culture
d. intensive culture

92. The most likely effect of a subsidy on inputs in fish production

a. increase in output price
b. increase in production
c. increase in demand
d. increase in profit

93. Cultivation of only one target species at a given time and place
a. fish culture
b. polyculture
c. monoculture
d. simultaneous culture
94. A sequence of organism, each of which provides food for the next, beginning with
primary producers and extending to carnivores
a. food chain
b. photosynthesis
c. food web
d. food channel

95. The process by which green plants algae and other primary producers produce food for
their own growth, plus oxygen from CO2 and water and in the presence of light
a. photoinhibition
b. photosynthesis
c. photolytic
d. phototactic

96. Most are of earthen construction

a. tanks
b. pens
c. ponds
d. cages

97. It must be available in the necessary quantity and quality

a. water
b. soil type
c. fertilizer
d. pond vegetation

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