Cap Set... B Pretest2

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1. One (1) Nautical mile is equivalent to

a. 2.00 km b. 2.20 km
c. 1.85 km d. 2.50 km
2. One (1) statute mile is equivalent to
a. 1.86 km b. 1.61 km
c. 1.90 km d. 2.00 km
3. One (1) shackle of cable is equivalent to
a. 15 fathoms b. 30 fathoms
c. 35 fathoms d. 40 fathoms
4. An instrument to measure atmospheric pressure
a. Altimeter b. Barometer
c. Fishfinder d. Thermometer
5. How many points in a compass
a. 32 b. 18
c. 36 d. 42
6. South in the compass has a reading in degrees
a. 90o b. 180 o
c. 270 o d. 210 o
7. It is a delicate instrument used for measuring the angles subtended between any two objects. It is use to
measure above the visible horizon the angular heights or altitudes of such celestial bodies.
a. Station pointer b. Gyro compass
c. Sextant d. pelorus
8. The tides which occur soon after new and full moon. The range is greater than the mean
a. Spring b. Neap
c. Tidal stream d. Current
9. The rising tide is called
a. Ebb tide b. Flood tide
c. Low water d. High water
10. It is a Republic Act which provides for Strategic Agricultural and Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZ)
which are special areas set aside for agricultural and agro-industrial development.
a. Fisheries Code of 1998 (RA 8550) b. National Integrated Protected Areas Act
c. Local Government Code (RA 7160) d. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act
11. The ultimate consideration in developing, managing and conserving fisheries and aquatic resources under
the fisheries code.
a. Food Security b. Sustainable Fisheries
c. Protection of Fisherfolk d. Fishermen empowerment
12. This group of island, islets, reefs, shoals, cays and banks commonly known in the international community
as the Spratly’s. The other name is called:
a. Scarborough Island b. Kalayaan Island
c. Turtle Island Group d. TubattaSa Reef
13. The current that approach the eastern Philippines from the Pacific Ocean is called:
a. Equatorial Countercurrent b. South equatorial current
c. North Equatorial Current d. Kuroshio current
14. A type of deep-sea conditions where nutrient-rich deep water is transported into the surface layer,
promoting multiplication of phytoplankton and producing concentration of food.
a. Upwelling b. Frontal Zone
c. Eddies d. Divergence
15. It is an instrument or equipment onboard fishing boats to determine the sea depth, fish school and bottom
topography where the transducer is fixed permanently at the bottom or side of the boat and use the beam
a. Sonar b. Fish finder or echo sounder
c. Radar d. Global Positioning System (GPS)
16. It is an instrument or equipment on board fishing boats to determine fish school where the transducer can
be tilted around 360o arc.
a. Sonar b. Fish finder or echo sounder
c. Radar d. Global Positioning System (GPS)

17. The current originates in the east of the Philippines and passes through Taiwan to the east of Japan is
a. Oyashio current b. Kuroshio current
c. Alaska current d. Humboldt Current
18. It is a system with the main purpose to plan, develop and manage fisheries in a manner that addresses the
multiple needs and desires of societies, without jeopardizing the options for future generations to benefit from
the full range of goods and services provided by marine ecosystem.
a. Ecological approach to fisheries b. Biological diversity
c. Ecosystem approach to fisheries d. Right-based management approach
19. It is a tool that can show the catch of fish or fishery for a given fishing gear and level of effort over time
that fishing gear is applied.
a. Fish catch b. Catch per unit effort (CPUE)
c. Fish mortality d. Fish recruitment
20. It is reached when the amount of fishing effort is beyond biological limits of a certain resource. It is the
point when fish catch exceeds the Maximum Sustainable Yield.
a. Overfishing b. Sustainable fisheries
c. Yield d. Open access
21. Fish are caught below the size or age required for reproduction.
a. Growth overfishing b. Recruitment overfishing
c. Ecosystem overfishing d. Economic overfishing
22. Fishers, getting little or no catch and believing they have little choice left, use illegal and destructive fishing
gear to improve their catch.
a. Economic overfishing b. Ecosystem overfishing
c. Malthusian overfishing d. Fisheries overfishing
23. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has classified various regions of the world in
terms of statistical areas. One of the statistical area is the Southeast Asia including the Philippines. Which
number does the Philippines included?
a. Statistical Area #54 b. Statistical Area #71
c. Statistical Area #57 d. Statistical Area #85
24. Tuna is one of the major exports of the Philippines and some species are the Thunnus albacares (yellowfin
tuna) and Katsuwonus pelamis (skipjack). The tuna belongs to what family?
a. Leiognathidae b. Carangidae
c. Scombridae d. Serranidae
25. It is autonomous intergovernmental body established as regional treaty organization in Southeast Asia in
1967 to promote fisheries development through training, research and information services. Which is this
regional organization?
26. It is an international agreement between governments with the aim of ensuring that international trade in
specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival and consists of three appendices.
a. Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
b. Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and
Central Pacific Ocean
c. International Plan of Action (IPOA)
d. United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
27. It is one of the first regional fisheries agreements to be adopted since the conclusion in 1995 of the United
Nation Convention of the Law of the Sea and deals with the Conservation and Management of Highly
Migratory Fish Stocks. It was adopted in Honolulu, Hawaii on 5 September 2000.
a. Compliance Agreement
b. Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and
Central Pacific Ocean
c. Convention and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks of UNCLOS
d. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
28. Highly migratory fish stocks means all fish stocks of the species listed in Annex 1 of the 1982 United Nation
Convention on the Law of the Sea. Which of these species is/are considered highly migratory.
a. Albacore tuna b. Pomfrets

c. Marlins d. All of the Above

29. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea consists of 320 articles, nine (9) annexes and four
associated resolutions, establishing a comprehensive regime dealing all matters to the law of the sea. When
was it signed:
a. 28 February 1998 b. 13 June 1997
c. 05 September 2000 d. 10 December 1982
30. The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and
Central Pacific Ocean applies to all species of highly migratory stocks as defined in Annex 1 of UNCLOS within
the Convention Area. However, one species is exempted. The species include:
a. Tuna b. Dolphins
c. Sharks d. Sauries
31. Appendix 1 of the CITES includes species threatened with extinction. Trade in specimens of these is
permitted only in exceptional circumstances. Which one or groups are under Appendix 1.
a. Marine dolphins b. Sperm whale
c. Dugong d. All of the above
32. The Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization called for the development of
new concepts leading to responsible, sustained fisheries. It provides principles and standards applicable to the
conservation, management and development of all fisheries and adopted on 31 October 1995. What is this
a. UNCLOS b. Declaration of Cancun
c. UNCED Agenda 21 d. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
33. The absence of adequate scientific information should not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to
take measures to conserve target species, associated or dependent species and non-target species and their
environment. This kind of strategy in fisheries management is called:
a. Selectivity b. Responsible Fisheries
c. Sustainability d. Precautionary approach
34. One concept in management is the requirement of fishing gear, methods and practices to minimize waste,
discards, catch of non-target species, and others. This concept in fishing gear is called:
a. Selectivity b. Ecolabelling
c. Gear Markings d. Energy optimization
35. Bluefin Tuna - a type of tuna mostly found in southern temperate countries is managed by a Commission.
The name of the commission is:
a. South Pacific Fisheries Commission (SPFC)
b. Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)
c. Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT)
d. Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
36. It is a plan that a state designs, implements and monitors to reduce the incidental catch of seabirds in
longline fisheries. The name of Plan.
a. International Plan of Action for Reducing Bycatch
b. International Plan of Action to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
c. International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
d. International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity
37. These are activities which are conducted by national or foreign vessels in waters under the jurisdiction of a
state, without the permission of that state or in contravention of its laws and regulations or in violation of
national laws or international obligations including those undertaken by cooperating states to a relevant
regional fisheries management organization.
a. Destructive fishing activities b. Illegal fishing activities
c. Unreported fishing activities d. Unregulated fishing activities
38. These are fishing activities undertaken in the area of competence of a relevant regional fisheries
management organization which have not been reported or have been misreported, in contravention of the
organization. These activities are called:
a. Illegal fishing activities b. Unreported fishing activities
c. Destructive fishing activities d. Unregulated fishing activities
39. These are fishing activities in areas or for fish stocks in relation to which there are no applicable
conservation or management measures and where such fishing activities are conducted in a manner

inconsistent with State responsibilities for the conservation of living marine resources under international law.
These activities are called:
a. Unregulated fishing activities b. Destructive fishing activities
c. Unreported fishing activities d. Illegal fishing activities
40. Fisheries Administrative Order # 155-1 amended FAO # 155 regulating the use of fine meshed nets. The
prohibition of FAO 155 does not apply to three (3) types of fishing gear with a minimum limit of 1.9 cm (17
knots) mesh size.
a. Purse seine, bagnet and ringnet b. Purse seine, trawl and bagnet
c. Danish seine, paaling and gillnet d. none of the above
41. The Fisheries Decree of 1975 was promulgated under what Presidential Decree (PD)?
a. PD 43 b. PD 704
c. PD 1596 d. PD 1599
42. It is an act providing for the development, management and conservation of the fisheries and aquatic
resources integrating all laws pertinent thereto and for other purposes and known as the Philippine Fisheries
Code of 1998.
a. RA # 8435 b. RA # 7611
c. RA # 8550 d. Republic Act # 7160
43. Section 35 of R.A. # 8550 provides for incentives for commercial fishers to fish farther in the Exclusive
Economic Zone, and an executive order was promulgated defining the guidelines and procedures for the
availment by commercial fishers of tax and Duty Exempt Importation of fishing vessels, equipment and tax and
duty rebates on fuel consumption.
a. Executive Order 1047 b. Executive Order 209
c. Executive Order 117 d. Executive Order 1328
44. It is comprehensive and integrated strategy of the Department of Agriculture to address the basic
problems confronting the sector nationwide. It was set in motion in 1990 and is supported by the ADB and the
Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan. It has six components and conducted in 12 priority bays.
a. Ginintuang Masaganang Ani for Fisheries b. Fisheries Resource Management Project
c. Fisheries Sector Program d. Expanded Fisheries Production Program
45. An example of catadromous species which means a freshwater species that grow in freshwater
environment but descends to the ocean to spawn or lay eggs.
a. salmon b. grouper
c.eel d. slipmouth
46. An example of anadromous species which means a marine species that grow in saltwater environment but
ascends rivers to lake areas at certain seasons to breed.
a. salmon b. grouper
c. slipmouth d. eel
47. The Department of Agriculture on June 15, 1990 promulgated a Memorandum Order defining guidelines
for the establishment of Fish Sanctuaries.
a. DA General Memorandum #5 b. DA General Memorandum #3
c. DA General Memorandum #4 d. DA General Memorandum #2
48. The responsibilities and jurisdictions of DA and DENR issued on May 2000 in identifying/defining areas of
cooperation in the implementation of R.A. #8550 is found in a Memorandum Order:
a. Joint Memorandum #01 b. Joint memorandum #02
c. DA Memorandum #3 d. none of the above
49. Local government units (LGUs) are mandated to establish marine protected area in the form of fish refuges
or sanctuaries and fishery reserves as per R.A. #8550 and R.A. #7160. What percentage of their municipal
waters are delineated as MPAS.
a. 10% b. 15%
c. 20% d. 30%
50. It is the classification and administration of all designated protected areas to maintain essential ecological
processes and life support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable use of resources found
therein and to maintain their natural conditions to the greatest extent possible.
a. Marine Protected Areas (MPA) b. National Integrated Protected Areas System
c. Fish refuge d. Fish Sanctuary
51. The NIPAS is implemented by what agency.

a. DA b. DENR
52. It is the decree that laid the basis for requiring Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for all projects and
programs that effect environment quality.
a. PD 43 b. PD 1151
c. PD 73 d. PD 704
53. A decree declaring as State Policy to prevent and control the pollution of seas by dumping of wastes and
other matter which create hazards to human health, harm living resources and marine life, damage overtime
or interfere with the legitimate uses of the sea within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.
a. PD 73 b. PD 979
c. PD 1151 d. PD 1586
54. It is the law on Agriculture and Fisheries establishing the Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development
Zones (SAFDZ).
a. R.A. #7160 b. R.A. #8435
c. R.A. # 8550 d. R.A. 7161
55. It is the Act creating the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development and the Strategic Environment Plan
- a policy framework for sustainable development.
a. R.A. 7611 b. R.A. 8435
c. R.A. 8550 d. R.A. 7160
56. The first fisheries act in 1932 where fisheries management was under the Secretary of Agriculture and
Natural Resources.
a. Act # 115 b. Act # 4003
c. R.A. # 294 d. R.A. # 462
57. The Fishing Industry Development Decree of 1972 created the Fishery Industry Development Council.
a. R.A. # 4850 b. R.A. # 6451
c. PD 43 d. PD 73
58. The Coral Resources Development and Conservation Decree of 1976 provided the framework for
regulation of the exploitation of coral resources within the territorial waters.
a. PD 73 b. PD 1698
c. PD 1219 d. PD 1058
59. Establishing Marine Protected Areas is now one of the key strategies of integrated coastal management. To
date, about 439 MPAs have been legally established. The first municipal marine protected area is located in:
a. Tubattaha Reef b. Sumilon Island
c. Apo Reef d. Hundred Islands
60. Marine Protected Area (MPA) is a general term used to refer to areas of the sea protected whether by law
and/or in fact one or more activities. There are many kinds of MPAs.
a. No-take zones b. Sanctuaries
c. Reserves d. All of the above
61. Philippine marine fisheries today are characterized by the following:
a. depleted fishery resources b. degraded coastal environment and critical
fisheries habitats
c. low catches/income and dissipated resource rents d. all of the above
62. Overfishing is rooted in the de facto "open access regime" that prevails in marine capture fisheries. It
means that:
a. resources is open for everyone b. fisher decide where to fish, when to fish
c. decide the amount of fish to catch, what gear to apply d. all of the above
63. It is a type of overfishing where excessive fishing results in an ecological imbalance and eventual changes in
the fishery. When one species disappears from the food web, others may replace it, thereby changing the
whole system through an "ecosystem shift" that effects other marine organisms.
a. Recruitment overfishing b. Ecosystem overfishing
c. Malthusian overfishing d. Growth overfishing
64. It is an agreement negotiated by governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) 3-14 June 1992 at Rio de Janiero, Brazil dealing with the protection of the oceans, all
kinds of seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas and coastal areas and the protection, rational use and
development of their living resources.
a. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries b. Agenda 21, Chapter 17

c. FAO Compliance Agreement d. UNCLOS

65. It is a type of resource enhancement structures aimed to restore the productivity of damaged habitats to
their former levels and even to further increase the ecosystem's natural production capacity. They are used to
illustrate their value as tools for the rehabilitation and enhancement of degraded coral reefs and other
important marine habitats.
a. fish sanctuary b. artificial reefs
c. marine reserve d. marine parks

66. It is the closure of an entire fishing ground for a particular fishing gear or a part of it, for the protection of a
section of a population such as spawners and juveniles, the whole population or several populations. The
closure is usually seasonal abut it could also be permanent.
a. Marine Reserve b. Closed Area/Season
c. Sanctuaries d. Marine Parks
67. It is an executive order signed by President GMA on 02 April 2004 devolving to municipal and city
governments the registration of fishing vessels three (3) gross tonnage and below.
a. E.O. # 117 b. E.O. # 209
c. E.O. # 209 d. E.O. # 304
68. It is an Executive Order referring to the guidelines and procedures for the availment by commercial fishers
of the tax duty exempt importation of fishing vessels and Tax and Duty Rebates on fuel consumption.
a. E.O. #117 b. E.O. #209
c. E.O. #305 d. E.O. #1047
69. In terms of commercial fisheries production, the two (2) most productive fishing gears are the following:
a. Trawl and purse seine b. Purse seine and ringnet
c. Danish seine and ringnet d. Bagnet and Trawl
70. It is a type of fishing gear to catch demersal fishes and whose horizontal opening of the net is openend by
wooden or steel boards and dragged by a powered boat.
a. ringnet b. trawl
c. pushnet d. Danish seine
71. It is a type of fishing gear resembling an inverted mosquito net which is lowered underneath a boat to
impound school of fish attracted by light. Majority of fish caught are pelagic fishes.
a. pushnet b. bagnet
c. purse seine d. beach seine
72. It is three-layered nettings used to catch garfish. It is set to drift with the current where fish caught are
impounded in the middle layer of the net.
a. set gillnet b. gillnet
c. trammel net d. drift gillnet
73. It is a type of fishing gear which is set along shallow areas of the coastal waters to block migratory fishes. It
is either made up of bamboo or nets with compartments. Major species caught are tuna, caranx, mackerels
and scads.
a. fish corral b. beach seine
c. ringnet d. purse seine
74. It is a type fishing gear towed by a banca to catch pelagic fish such as mackerels, tuna and other small
a. hook and line b. troll line
c. bottom set longline d. drift longline
75. To estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of Philippine marine waters, two different approaches
have been used. One approach estimates of potential productivity per square kilometer of continental shelf
and deeper waters and then multiples these estimates by the total area. The research approach is:
a. total catch of all fishing boats b. catch and effort data by species
c. depth of area d. productivity
76. The Philippines is one of the countries located in the tropical region and the fishery is unique. It is
characterized with what type of fisheries?
a. multi-gear and multi-species fishery b. single species fishery
c. limited fishery d. all of the above

77. One method of detecting overfishing is the determination of the change in biomass over time of two major
fisheries. What we regard today as a "healthy" fish population based on the 1950s figures (example) is in fact
already significantly changed from the actual baseline. This is called:
a. archipelagic baseline b. shifting baseline
c. fisheries baseline d. fisheries indicator
78. Cyanide fishing is not the only threat to the coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems of the Indo-Pacific
Region. Cyanide fishing targets a very specific and high-end market, live food and aquarium fish but very
destructive to coral reefs, the fishery resources and the environment. With these, the International Marine
Life Alliance introduced a program that puts emphasis on cyanide detection technology, monitoring, inspection
and sampling of live ref fish, etc. the program is called:
a. Live reef trade program b. International Coral Reef Initiative
c. Cyanide Fishing Reform Program d. Coral Reef Information Network
79. Marine fisheries refers to all activities (fishing, culturing, preserving, processing, marketing, developing,
conserving and managing) of living resources in the coastal and open seas in the service of human needs or
markets. Marine fisheries resources include fishes, invertebrates, etc. In the Philippines, the distinct sectors in
marine fisheries production are:
a. commercial marine fisheries b. aquaculture fisheries
c. municipal and commercial fisheries d. municipal and inland fisheries
80. It is a technique for the estimation of the potential yield of the Philippine marine fisheries. It is essentially
an approach for helping experts in a certain area to reach a usable consensus on a given controversial issue in
their area of expertise. It allows for an increasing consensus through an anonymous process which completely
eliminates the nefarious group-dynamics effect of normal committee work.
a. Precautionary Approach b. Delphi Method
c. Maximum Sustainable Yield d. Modern Theory of Fishing
81. _______produces rising air over the entire region involved. Under such conditions, stratus-type clouds
often develop
a. Horizontal divergence b. Vertical divergence
c. Evaporation d. Cyclone
82. The freshwater fishery and brackishwater fishponds
a. Aquaculture b. Silviculture
c. Inland Fishery d. Fish Culture
83. Example of soft fiber used in making nets
a. hemp b. flax or linen
c. jute d. all of the above
84. Example of hard or leaf fibers
a. abaca b. sisal
c. henequen d. all of the above
85. ____________ includes the under deck tonnage, permanently enclosed spaces above the tonnage deck,
except for certain exemptions
a. Gross tonnage b. Net tonnage
c. Cargo bulk d. Maximum tonnage
86. When the humidity capacity of the air has been reached, it is called ___________.
a. mixing ratio b. capacity of the air
c. saturation d. saturation deficit
87. Classification of fishing boats as to form of the hull or style of structure
a. round bottom b. V-bottom
c. all of the above d. none of the above
88. _________ are fibers produced by chemical process where-in different substances are mixed until a
complex and totally new material with distinct characteristics or properties is formed
a. abaca b. hemp
c. cotton d. synthetic fibers
89. Firms or companies related to the supply, construction and maintenance of fishing vessels, gears, nets and
other fishing paraphernalia; fishery machine shops; and other facilities such as hatcheries, nurseries, feed
plants, cold storage and refrigeration, processing plants and other pre-harvest and post-harvest facilities.
a. Fishery enterprise b. Ancillary Industries
c. Spin-type industries d. Fishery cooperatives

90. ___________ is one who owns and provides the means including land, labor, capital, fishing gears and
vessels, but does not personally engage in fishery.
a. Fisherman b. Fishery operator
c. Capitalist d. businessman
91. The spacing of loops formed when hanging netting to a line by lifting a number of meshes and hitching at
a. stapling b. mending
c. flymeshing d. patching
92. Approximately __________% of municipal waters of a municipality within 3 nautical miles of the coastline
is considered overfished.
a. 25% b. 45%
c. 65% d. 85%
93. NAFES means
a. National Agriculture and Fisheries Education System b. National Agriculture and Fisheries
Enhancement System
c. National Amelioration and Food Emancipation of Society d. New Areas for Fisheries Enlargement
94. Type of biological overfishing except...
a. growth overfishing b. recruitment overfishing
c. ecosystem overfishing d. industrial overfishing
95. _________ is any condensed moisture that falls to the ground surface
a. Precipitation b. Evaporation
c. Condensation d. Sublimation
96. The top 4 fishing grounds (1992-1995) of the country: (in order; high to low)
a. Bohol Sea, East Sulu Sea, Samar Sea, Guimaras Strait
b. West Palawan Waters, South Sulu Sea, Visayan Sea, Moro Gulf
c. Sibuyan Sea, Tayabas Bay, Manila Bay, Guimaras Strait
d. Samar Sea, Moro Gulf, Tayabas Bay, Sibuyan Sea
97. A body immersed in liquid seems to lose weight. This apparent loss of weight is exactly equal to the weight
of the fluid displaced by the body.
a. Allee's principle b. Archimedes Principle
c. 2nd Law of thermodynamics d. Pascal's law
98. ________ humidity is the ratio to which reference is made
a. Specific b. integral
c. relative d. absolute
99. One (1) fathom is equivalent to . . .
a. 6ft b. 7ft
c. 8ft d. 9ft
100. One (1) Nautical mile is equivalent to . . .
a. 2.00 km b. 2.20 km
c. 1.85 km d. 2.50 km
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1. c 26. a 51. b 76. a

2. b 27. b 52. b 77. b
3. a 28. d 53. b 78. c
4. b 29. d 54. b 79. c
5. a 30. d 55. a 80. b
6. b 31. d 56. b 81. a
7. c 32. d 57. c 82. c
8. a 33. d 58. c 83. d
9. b 34. a 59. b 84. d
10. d 35. c 60. d 85. a
11. a 36. c 61. d 86. c
12. b 37. b 62. d 87. c
13. c 38. b 63. b 88. d
14. a 39. a 64. b 89. b
15. b 40. a 65. b 90. b
16. a 41. b 66. b 91. a
17. b 42. c 67. d 92. d
18. c 43. a 68. b 93. a
19. b 44. c 69. b 94. d
20. a 45. c 70. b 95. a
21. a 46. a 71. b 96. b
22. c 47. b 72. c 97. b
23. b 48. a 73. a 98. c
24. c 49. b 74. b 99. a
25. b 50. b 75. b 100. c

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