4 Echoes of The Jedi
4 Echoes of The Jedi
4 Echoes of The Jedi
Index Page 76
Converted from:
“Dawn of Defiance” by Wizards of the Coast
Conversion by Jeff Greening
Episode IV
It is a dark time in the galaxy. The Jedi Knights, peaceful guardians of the
Old Republic, are all but extinct, exterminated by the Emperor’s sinister
But a few Jedi still survive, exiled from the galaxy they once protected and
leaving echoes in the Force behind. The Emperor has sensed these
remnants and seeks to control them, leaving no chance for future Jedi to
arise from the ashes.
Most Jedi stay in hiding, some try to foil the Empire without revealing their
existence, and others seek links to their former way of life, risking the
wrath of the Emperor in hopes of re-igniting the flame of their ancient
order . . .
of the Jedi
Gambit 24
Echoes of the jedi
Dark Lizard
The Dark Lizards’ hungry, inky tongues the beast its alternative sobriquet, “Dark
unfurl from gullets that seem Tongue”). Along the back of the creature’s
bottomless, thanks to the 10 3-meter-long body run two rows of sharp
centimeter ebon teeth lining their spikes, and its four appendages end in
mouths, which dribble tarlike drool. huge ivory claws.
These beasts resemble living shadows,
and only their ivory claws indicate that Popular as exotic pets among crimelords
their origin is not supernatural. Their and other beings insane with power, Dark
obsidian hides radiate incalculably vile Lizards on Almas have found their masters
energy. There is no sign of intelligence in the Sith cultist Believers.
in their primeval gazes, only the brand
of distilled evil—their eyes smolder
with the orange-red glow of the dark
Each hero in a square that is adjacent The falling debris attacks with a Ranged
to the ooze is attacked by one tendril. Light skill of 221, and base damage of
The attack is considered a surprise, so 8. Heroes can make a Hard [111]
the heroes are flat-footed (no Coordination check as a reaction to
Dexterity bonus to Reflex defense) and tumble out of the way and take half
cannot act in the surprise round. Each damage. Any hero who fails the and
tendril attacks at +10 and deals 1d8 generates tt or d gets caught beneath
points of damage. The creature is a a lump of ferrocrete. A successful Hard
t’salak and will be encountered in the [111] Athletics check or Daunting
lower levels of the academy. It has [11111] Move Force Power check is
been lying in wait as a sort of sentry, required to remove it (up to four
but it doesn’t use its powers on the characters may combine their efforts).
heroes just yet.
If the heroes survive, they reach the
turbolift shaft. It shows signs of recent
activity, and heroes who make a Daunting
[1111] Survival check. aa shows
that there were several humanoids who
passed here in the past few days. There
are no handholds inside the shaft. To
descend, the heroes must climb down or
use an item such as a syntherope. The
turbolift shaft descends for 15 meters (10
squares) before reaching the first sublevel.
Echoes of the Jedi 26
Echoes of the jedi
The heroes might have turned on the and arrive at the other side of the blocked
power to this level (see “Generator passageway to access these stairs
Room,” below). If not, they can power (unknown to the heroes, that stairway is
up the console with an external source also blocked by debris; see “Storage
on a successful Hard [111] Rooms," page 14). The last log entry, dated
Mechanics check. If 7-A39 is with around the same time as the attack on the
them, the droid suggests it to the Almas Academy, shows that all vehicles
heroes. If a failed check generates were evacuated from the hangar due to an
tt / d, the console short circuits emergency.
and requires extensive repairs. If the
check succeeds, the computer turns To access information about the second
on. Computers checks made against it sublevel, the heroes must succeed at a
require [211] in order to access it. Daunting [1111] Computers check.
(See the map of sublevel 2 on page 58.
However, the Jedi had locked down the Draw a version of the map that has no
system with restricted access, so the labels, and show it to the players.)
heroes have to plug in either SevenAy
(at his suggestion) or the data cube The heroes can issue routine commands,
they obtained from the Ugors. The such as turning on the power and opening
information that can be accessed unlocked blast doors, for either sublevel,
includes a map of sublevel 1, but they can do so for only one sublevel at
descriptions of functions for each a time. If they turn on the power, the
room (the most important of which is ceiling lights flicker on in the corridor
the library), and a dated log showing outside. However, the lights are very dim
what vehicles were borrowed from the and strobe unpredictably. Be sure to
hangar (located behind the debris- describe this phenomenon to unnerve the
blocked window) and by whom. heroes as they move about the sublevel.
The southern corridor parallels the one The library is 24 meters by 20 meters. If
to the north, where the control room is the heroes expect to find hints about the
located, except that it is not blocked by holocron that Master Denia sent them to
debris. This corridor is 42 meters long. retrieve, they will be greatly disappointed.
Along its left (north) wall are Half the library has been blown away by
numerous doors that lead to more blaster fire, while the rest has fallen victim
meditation rooms, and in the center of to looters, Sith cultists, Almasians, and,
the opposite (south) wall is a single finally, Inquisitor Valin Draco. Draco
door. The heroes can ignore the doors, learned the specific hidden location of the
swing left around the outside of the Qornah Holocron from Darth Rivan’s
meditation chambers, and go directly holocron gatekeeper and took the ancient
toward the stairwell (see “Storage teaching apparatus down to the deepest
Rooms," page 34). Each meditation sublevel.
room is 4 meters by 10 meters and
totally empty aside from a few When the heroes enter the Jedi library,
personal effects, now caked with dust, read the following:
that were left behind in a hurry. These
inexpensive items (not worth more
than 5 credits) might include a This library isn’t as large as its austere
personal groomer, a planetary counterpart on Coruscant, but the
landscape holo-mag, and a recording ruination that greets you is no less
rod loaded with relaxing music sound dismaying. Even in dim light, you can
slugs. make out a room that once was filled
from floor to ceiling with shelves that
The most important area of sublevel 1 housed hundreds of holobooks
is the library, located directly across overflowing with Jedi wisdom. Now,
from the southern meditation rooms. the repository has been pulverized
The blast door to the library is locked, into dust by blaster fire, and the
but it must be forced or powered on shelves rest toppled at precarious
(see “Control Room," page angles throughout the chamber,
28) before a Daunting [1111] shattered against research stations
Mechanics or Skulduggery check can and the marble floor. The shelves are
bypass the lock. kept company by overturned chairs
and damaged computers spitting
For each hero, choose a character or weapon should resemble something in the
creature that poses a threat and has same class (such as a vibrosword, blaster,
some significance to that hero. It could lightsaber, and so on). If the number of
be an enemy, living or dead, from a heroes is uneven, one of the heroes is met
previous adventure or even from the by a crazed Believer instead of by another
current adventure. It could also be hero (for statistics, see “Crazed Believers,”
someone from the hero’s past (for page 39). In this case, the Believer hides
instance, an unlikable former employer behind the illusion of a friend, such as
or a cruel family member). Determine Senator Organa, Master Denia, or even
the appropriate encounter for each one of the other heroes.
hero in advance, without worrying
about statistics. Explain to the heroes that they are all
inexplicably isolated from one another. Ask
The effects of the dark side nexus for initiative rolls, and record the results
permeating this place, in combination beside each hero’s name. As soon as an
with the influence of the t’salak (which attack occurs, use the attacker’s opposing
feeds on the heroes’ feelings of hate defense bonus as a target. If damage is
and fear), create this Force illusion. dealt, record the number. Pretend that the
Heroes who make a successful Hard next initiative turn belongs to the
[111] Perception check realize that opponent of the hero just attacked,
their enemy is an illusion, but this describe the attack, and reveal the
knowledge does not dispel the illusion. damage dealt. If one hero is fighting a
The twist is that behind each “illusion” Believer, this fight can be incorporated
hides one of the other heroes. The trap with the others in order of initiative but
is designed to cause the heroes to fight treated as regular combat.
each other unknowingly.
Allow each character a Hard [111]
Prior to the adventure, ask the players Perception or check at the beginning of
for their character sheets, and record their turn to realize that something is not
their attack skills and weapons stats. right. Success indicates that the hero can
Then, when each hero faces an tell that what he sees before him is not
illusion, describe what weapons or real, though it looks as if it could become
items the opponent carries—in other real at any moment. If a matched pair of
words, the weapons or items used by heroes goes for 3 consecutive rounds
the other hero. There is no need for an without attacking each other, the entire
illusion to wield the same exact illusion is dispelled for the whole group,
weapon as the hero behind it, but the and the angry t’salak attacks. See “Oozing
Madness” (page 45) for more information
on running this encounter.
43 Echoes of the Jedi
Here’s an example of how this (From Arani’s perspective, she’s shot
encounter could be run. Assume by an old friend, who wields a hold
that the party contains five heroes, out blaster that she gave him long
so four of the heroes fight each ago.)
other, while the fifth fights a
Believer. Next, Kelko (who also failed his
Perception check) takes out his two
• Vor’en the Soldier (Init #3) versus vibrodaggers to attack a green,
Arani the noble (Init #5) tentacled alien that he once
encountered on Zlarbv IV. He slashes
• Kelko the Scout (Init #4) versus at it, dealing 12 points of damage to
Sia-Lan the Jedi (Init #1) Sia-Lan. (From Sia-Lan’s perspective,
Count Dooku attacks her with two
• Deel the Smuggler (Init #2) versus lightsabers. The Jedi doesn’t
a Believer (Init #6) understand what’s happening—she
was sure that the appearance of
Sia-Lan is up first, and she‘s face to Dooku was some kind of trick!)
face with Count Dooku. But Sia-Lan
makes her Perception check and Next, Arani succeeds on her
knows that Dooku is dead, so she Perception check and tries to
realizes that the encounter must be convince the phantom that she is no
a trick. She decides not to attack. threat, but he doesn’t seem to hear
her. She has to defend herself, so
Next, Deel finds himself facing one she pulls out her own blaster and
of his friends, Kelko, who runs madly shoots him, dealing 12 points of
toward him. Deel asks him what is damage. (From Vor’en’s perspective,
going on, but his voice is he’s shot by the stormtrooper.)
mysteriously soundless. He fails his
Perception check and doesn’t realize Finally, the Believer acts, rushing
that it's a trick. Deel and pummeling him to the
ground, dealing 15 points of
Next, Vor’en fails his Perception damage. (From Deel’s perspective,
check and thinks that he’s run into a he’s being attacked by his friend
stormtrooper. He pulls out a blaster Kelko. Has he gone crazy?
and fires at the enemy, striking Arani Regardless, Deel decides that he
and dealing 8 points of damage. must defend himself.)
Any hero who avoided Draco’s trap No sooner have you gathered your
sees her sleeping friends writhe and wits from your feverish collective
groan in mental anguish. She can’t dream than a huge monster spawned
shake them awake, but once per from nightmare slithers in through
dreamscape encounter, she can try to the entryway. Double the size of even
communicate with them. However, her the biggest bull rancor, the reptilian
words will be distorted. The dreamer colossus drags its golden body into
should be baffled by the gibberish, but the chamber, scales shifting along its
a successful Hard [111] Knowledge hide like impenetrable plates of
Education check deciphers the words. anvilstone. As it lets rip an ear
splitting roar, double rows of goring
If that occurs, the hero can make a fangs leave little to the imagination.
Hard [111] Perception check (with a
33 bonus) to realize that he is
trapped in a dream state and escape
immediately. If the hero fails the When the heroes defeat the k’kayeh
Perception check, he goes on to have dreambeast and its spawn, it disappears as
another déjà vu experience. if it never existed. A true k’kayeh will make
a stunning appearance at the end of the
Regardless of the manner by which the adventure, but for now, heroes can
heroes awaken, immediately there- continue exploring the area.
after, they must battle a fearsome
k’kayeh dreambeast that has anchored
itself to the heroes and pursued them
into the waking world.
Why do you serve the Empire? with her in secret ahead of time so that
“Beware rash judgments. The her character joins Draco’s retinue for a
difference between an enemy and a devastating twist, similar to Vader’s
friend is not as obvious as we’d like to revelation of Luke’s parentage in The
think. My allegiance to the Galactic Empire Strikes Back.
Empire is born of necessity, and you
will reap the benefits if you recognize In all likelihood, the heroes reject Draco’s
that your destiny lies with me.” supplication or simply attack him. Once
they do, the disquieting glint in his eye
What is your view of the dark side of returns, as if he’s foreseen their response.
the Force? Draco ignites his lightsaber, Raik Muun
“The dark side exists. Only the naïve takes up a protective position in front of
and demented believe otherwise. It’s him, and the shadow troopers prepare to
found in each of us without snipe from their hiding spots. As soon as
exception—Sith, Jedi, soldier, the heroes attack, Draco allows the
smuggler, noble, rogue, and romantic. I holocron gatekeeper of Darth Rivan to
will show you how to control it so that instruct him, teaching him some of the
you needn’t fear or deny it.” Dark Lord’s powers. See
“Shadows of the Empire” (page 67) for
Why don’t you join us? more information on running this
“I have already found my true self. I encounter.
embraced my destiny when I took this
Inquisitor’s garb. Now, quit this
cowardly stalling, and reflect on my
invitation, for this is the last time I
extend it. Decide swiftly and without
regret, for your choice and its effects
were predetermined before these
words ever obligated you to speak.”
The shadow troopers’ scarlet T-visors Their helmets grant them darkvision, so
give the impression of demonic they have an advantage in the dark. Once
silhouettes, but their coordination and detected, shadow troopers take move
synchronization of movement reminds actions to get within short range of their
you that that these clones are highly target to maximise their attacks.
trained killers.
The fire-haired woman stalks toward Successfully fissioning the creature into
you, clad in a dark version of the multiple entities, she attempted to use
Inquisitor’s attire. She appears Human, two t'salaks to turn some Jedi into crazed
but something about her says killers during a peace conference. Her plan
otherwise. Then you see it. Draco’s failed, but Master Kirlocca lost his life
gaze shows ruthlessness and defeating the t'salaks, and Raik escaped.
calculation, but this Dark Jedi’s
entrancing, green-slitted pupils harbor When Raik returned to her base on the
only murder and dementia. With the planet Tilnes, she learned about the
flick of a thumb, the red blade of her decimation of Jedi throughout the galaxy
lightsaber streaks into existence, as a result of Order 66. Her revenge was
casting her body into a bewitching now denied, but she could still fuel the
vermillion glow. Each syllable of her rumors of the “Jedi Rebellion.” Raik went
death sentence tumbles like wisps of to Coruscant to confront those responsible
smoke from her lips. for the destruction of the self-righteous
Force-users, not sure if she should thank
“Come at me one at a time or all at them or kill them. That’s when she met
once. All shall pass from this world.” Valin Draco. The Inquisitor saw enormous
potential in the wild-eyed Dark Jedi and
A former Padawan at the Almas asked her to join him. Raik felt that she
Academy, Human half-breed Raik had finally found someone who would
Muunonce fell in love with a fellow love her back.
Jedi student. When her affections were
not reciprocated, love turned to Raik has accompanied Draco on various
obsession, and Master Kirlocca assignments, indulging in the opportunity
dismissed her from the academy. to hunt Jedi. When Draco travels to Almas,
Angered at these rejections, Raik Raik's familiarity with the academy proves
became bent on revenge. She essential, as does the t’salak she brought
attempted to undermine the Jedi by along.
impersonating members of the Jedi
Order while publicly performing acts of Raik Muun deflects blaster shots if the
sabotage and chaos. Muun also heroes shoot at her, but she does not
learned of the existence of an evil move from the spot where she is
creature called a t'salak, and by protecting Draco. If the heroes do not
kidnapping and impersonating a Jedi, advance, at the end of 2 consecutive
she gained possession of the beast. rounds, she moves to engage them along
with her master.
At any point when Draco finds himself If the gatekeeper is stripped from the
below half of his hit points, or if his holocron, his final howl of rage awakens
apprentice and shadow troopers are the k’kayeh and draws it upward. If the
dead, he retreats to a back entrance gatekeeper is not separated from the
that opens into an immense cavern holocron, he chooses to summon the
that is spectacularly lit by biolu- beast at this moment. Either way, the
minescent, multicolored lichen coating behemoth is unleashed.
the walls. Draco retreats onto a natural
rock overpass bridging a wide chasm When Draco flees onto the bridge
that appears as bottomless as it is formation, he threatens to destroy the
black. Even in flight, the Inquisitor still Quornah Holocron, holding it out over the
tries to push heroes off the ledge. But chasm as tendrils of Force lightning flash
Draco is growing desperate, and his from his hands. Though the beast has
connection to Rivan weakens as his been released, it is not completely
resolve does the same. He is prepared uncontrolled. Still seething with the dark
to make his last stand here as long as side of the Force from his tutelage under
he deprives the heroes of the object the Sith holocron gatekeeper, Draco is able
they desire—the Qornah Holocron. to control the beast—at least enough to
keep it from devouring him. Likewise, he
However, there is one factor Inquisitor bends the massive strikes of Force
Draco hasn’t accounted for. Darth lightning to his will, causing them to lash
Rivan’s holocron gatekeeper has not out at the heroes while he nimbly steps
been completely forthcoming with between them. Draco plans to destroy the
him. If the gatekeeper couldn’t retain heroes here, and unless they can defeat
control of Draco, he planned to him, they will lose the Qornah Holocron
summon the real k’kayeh dragon, forever. See “Draco's Last Stand” (page 75)
which has grown to a massive 200 for more information on running
meters (as big as some space slugs) this encounter.
since the Dark Lord first created the
monster more than a thousand years
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 1: Stat Cards
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 1: Stat Cards
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 1: Stat Cards
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 1: Stat Cards
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 1: Stat Cards
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 1: Stat Cards
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 1: Stat Cards
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 1: Stat Cards
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 2: Maps
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 2: Maps
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 2: Maps
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 2: Maps
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 2: Maps
Print and cut out for reference during encounters
Index 2: Maps
Echoes of the Jedi
Index 2: Maps