Bhandari 2024 Demystifying Organization Success A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Agenda

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Demystifying Organization Success: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future

Research Agenda

Article in FIIB Business Review · January 2024

DOI: 10.1177/23197145231216861

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1 author:

Arabinda Bhandari
Sarala Birla University, Ranchi


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Literature Review

Demystifying Organization Success: FIIB Business Review

2023 Fortune Institute of
A Bibliometric Analysis and International Business
Article reuse guidelines:
Future Research Agenda
DOI: 10.1177/23197145231216861

Arabinda Bhandari1

Organizational success is multi-dimensional. Survival is essential but not a sufficient condition for the organization’s success. Considering
the importance and proliferation of organizational success research, it is an opportunity to review the extant literature to guide
understanding of its current and future progress. In this connection, the goal of this study is to review the performance and intellectual
structure of organizational success. To do so, this study conducts a comprehensive, systematic review with bibliometric and content
analysis of 370 Scopus-indexed articles based on the PRISMA framework to identify the performance (publication and citation trends,
top authors and publications) and science mapping (content analysis, keyword co-occurrence analysis, bibliometric coupling) of extant
literature published since 1974. This research helps to identify the most widely used 29 theories in organizational success research
and provides a new avenue for future research directions. In addition to identifying key research themes, sub-themes and knowledge
structures, this review would help to create value through the consolidation and quantification of the organization’s successful research
evolution. This is the first comprehensive literature review article using a hybrid approach (systematic literature review, bibliometric
analysis and content analysis) in organizational success.

Organization success, literature review, bibliometric analysis, content analysis, research

Introduction As the world changes much faster than ever before,

organizations must change more rapidly as well
The recent global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 (Shabaninejad et al., 2014). Yet practices like structure and
pandemic has developed a chronic transformation among behaviour in many organizations are not designed for such
organizations and affected the socio-economic balance responsiveness. Considering the challenges since long in
among many of us. It has been seen that any crisis like the the competitive market, the organization gives more
COVID-19 pandemic is an extreme, unexpected or importance to performance for a long and successful
unpredicted event that requires urgent response from journey (Shabaninejad et al., 2014). For a long time,
organizations. Any crisis brings disruption to many organization leaders and managers around the globe have
organizations (Doern et al., 2019) by threatening their been enthusiastic to know things like: What is required
vision, value and bottom line (Hermann, 1963). The to build a successful organization? What factors are
COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the existing practices responsible for the organization’s success? Is there any
and strategies of organizations across the globe and also successful ‘mantra’ for the organization to follow? What is
made many organizations review the existing business the theoretical framework organization should follow to be
models, different leadership styles, organizational styles, successful? (Flamholtz, 1995). More specifically, why do
supply chains, customer interfaces, processes and digital some organizations succeed while others face difficulties
strategies (Bharadwaj et al., 2013). The extant literature after an equally promising start (Flamholtz & Aksehirli,
suggests that during disruption, organizations develop and 2000)? To answer this question, many authors have given
leverage dynamic capabilities to maintain performance their opinions in bits and pieces with the help of different
(Clampit et al., 2021). In this stage, organizations are research studies with theoretical support (Flamholtz &
expected to go beyond tactical movement with strategic Randle, 1998).
tweaking to be successful (Clampit et al., 2021).

1 Faculty of Commerce and Management, Sarala Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Corresponding author:
Arabinda Bhandari, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Sarala Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834013, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
2 FIIB Business Review

Research based on stakeholder theory stated the (Hayman, 1974). A successful organization builds
importance and satisfaction of stakeholders as one of the knowledge on the electronic platform, which helps the
reasons for an organization’s success (Mahajan et al., organization to be successful (Modin, 1995). In a similar
2023). A recent study on the service industry stated that study, it was stated that a successful organization gives
the COVID-19 pandemic has taught organizations to put more importance to organization automation. In this
more focus on sustainable development and customer connection, organization would be using new technologies
responsiveness to be successful (Yousaf et al., 2021). and management IS judicially (James, 1984). John R.
Whereas a study related to ecotourism stated that due to the Kimberly of Yale University stated that organizational
immense growth in this sector, service quality has become success is multi-dimensional. Survival is essential for an
instrumental for organization success (Aseres & Sira, organization, but it is not a sufficient condition for the
2020). In this connection, a review of different research organization’s success.
articles revealed that entrepreneurial behaviour holds In a country-level study, it has been observed that
paramount importance for the organization’s success successful organizations give more importance to strategy
(Pirhadi & Feyzbakhsh, 2021). A successful organization formulation and its execution. A successful organization
must be employee-centric, as motivated employees help in puts more focus on a balanced scorecard (BSC) and
high organizational performance, effectiveness, quality strategy map to monitor and implement the strategies by
and subsequent organizational success (Hitka et al., 2020). transforming the operational plan, which helps to achieve
All the above-mentioned five recent studies have the organization’s goal (Sadeghi et al., 2013). Apart from
identified specific reasons for an organization’s success, the reason for the organization’s success, a chronological
like stakeholder approach, service quality, entrepreneurial development of the concept and description is given in
behaviour, the spiritual climate of the organization, Table 1.
electronic word of mouth, strategy, the culture of the Out of the 27 definitions given by different authors
organization and so on. However, since 1974, none of related to organization success, it is clearly evident that
the studies has tried to analyse the holistic reason for the technology, human resources management, leadership and
organization’s success till date. At this juncture, after the strategy play an important role in organization success.
global crisis triggered by COVID-19, every organization, From Table 1, it can be concluded that organization success
manager and academic fraternity wants to know the reason is a process of transforming organization culture,
behind the organization’s success so that identified reasons technological advancement, Total Quality Management
can be practically managed to make an organization (TQM), leadership development and strategic change to
successful. make satisfied and loyal customers by offering an
Given the identified gaps, this article highlights the innovative product or service to meet the organization’s
concept of organization success, the top ten most goals and profitability.
contributing authors, the most productive countries,
different themes and sub-themes in organization success.
This article also identified 29 theories and frameworks that
Justification of Research
have been used to explain the organization success with a Considering the significance of organization success
theoretical background. A content analysis based on above, the present research article wants to examine the
recently published articles in 2019, 2020 and 2021 has past research pattern and potential future research direction
identified the recent research trends and proposed a future in organization success research. The uniqueness of this
research direction in organization success research. article is that to date, there are 23 various review articles
In the subsequent section, a discussion on the (Table 2) related to organization success published
organization’s success concept is done based on various by many authors, but none of the authors have published
research studies, which helped to conceptualize the idea. a single literature review article of the existing literature.
Then justification of the research, research methodology, There would be many reasons why this topic has not
descriptive analysis, future research, research agenda, been considered for review till date, as it is a very vast and
discussion, theoretical contribution, limitations and deep topic with a plethora of theoretical applications,
conclusion of the study have been discussed. difficulties to manage vast databases of existing literature
and so on.
Based on the above discussion, it is clear that there is a
Organization Success: The Concept big void in literature review research on organizational
In 1974, John L. Hayman, Jr in a research article stated that success. Moreover, out of the 23 articles mentioned above,
successful organizations achieve the predefined goal based no author has used systemic literature review (SLR),
on organization function. In this article, the author stated bibliometric analysis and content analysis techniques
that organizations should develop a dynamic management directly to explore this area till now. In this way, this
information system (IS) gradually to be successful present research article is unique and a source of inspiration.
Table 1. Chronological Development of Organization Success Concept.

Authors Article Title Journal Name Definition Domain

Hayman (1974) Educational management information Educational Administration Meeting the organization’s goal Education system
systems for the seventies technology and Quarterly
organization culture.
Hill (1988) The human imperative in integrating Technology in Society Organizational culture and Technology
new technology into organization design. technological advancement can
lead to organizational success
Oversmith (1990) Developing employee ownership of the Hospital Material Management Employee ownership of quality TQM
quality improvement process. Quarterly improvement leads to organizational success
Pelton (1992) Organizing large space activities. Why Space Policy It is a functional focus on technical Technology
the private sector model usually wins. and commercial objective fulfilment
Hyde (1992) Developing a quality management Journal of the American Health It is a significant contribution to Healthcare
program for coded data. Information Management Association gaining a competitive environment
Barnette and The quality journey in a comprehensive The Joint Commission Journal on It is a process of maintaining TQM Healthcare
Clendenen (1996) mental health center: A case study. quality improvement
Appleby (1997) Interface . . . or in your face. Hospitals and Health Networks It is an outcome of transforming Technology
information technology
Cacioppe (1998) Leaders developing leaders: An effective way Leadership & Organization It is an outcome of leadership HRM
to enhance leadership development programs. Development Journal development, a strategic change
that leads to business profitability
Tsang et al. (1999) Measuring maintenance performance: International Journal of Operations It is a process of transforming strategy Production strategy
A holistic approach. and Production Management into a performance which can be measured
by a balanced scorecard
Kandampully and Customer loyalty in the hotel industry: International Journal of Contemporary It is a process of creating loyal Service
Suhartanto (2000) The role of customer satisfaction and image. Hospitality Management customers for an organization
Webb et al. (2000) An exploration of the meaning and outcomes Journal of Business Research It is a process of market orientation Service industry
of a customer-defined market orientation. and customer satisfaction
Nieto and Pérez (2002) A firm’s assets as a foundation for strategy. The Learning Organization It is an outcome of successful strategy Strategy
Learning and the grounds for success. formulation and implementation
Sturman et al. (2003) Is it worth it to win the talent war? Personnel Psychology It is a process outcome that attracts and HRM
Evaluating the utility of performance-based pay. retains the right people in the organization
Kandampully and The Role of customer satisfaction and Image Journal of Hospitality and It is an outcome of customer loyalty Service industry
Suhartanto (2003) in gaining customer loyalty in the hotel industry. Leisure Marketing
Brinkerhoff (2005) The success case method: A strategic Advances in Developing It is an outcome of effective human HRM
evaluation approach to increasing the Human Resources resource development (HRD)
value. and effect of training operations process
Martof (2006) Management review: A process, not an event. Modern Steel Construction It is an outcome of the right HRM
management review process
Chan (2006) Organizational identification and commitment of Journal of Management Development It is an outcome of the right Rural management
members of a human development organization. management review process
Mohamed et al. (2007) Unearthing key drivers of knowledge leakage. International Journal of Knowledge It is an outcome of Intellectual capital Manufacturing
Management Studies such as skills, experience and the
critical knowledge of employees
(Table 1 continued)
(Table 1 continued)
Authors Article Title Journal Name Definition Domain
Perçin (2010) Use of analytic network process in selecting Management Research Review It is an outcome of competitive Analytical network
knowledge management strategies. advantage and knowledge management
Quporsi (2010) The Role of marketing creativity and Innovation International Business Management It is an outcome of continuous Marketing
in achieving competitive advantage for banks. development in product and innovation
Lengnick-Hall and Evidence-based versus thinker-able knowledge Journal of Engineering and Technology It is an outcome of a firm’s ability to Technology
Griffith (2011) as strategic assets: A new perspective on the Management (JET-M) wisely manage what it knows to capitalize innovation
interplay between innovation and application. on technical achievements, develop new
products and services, realize the benefits
of innovation, achieve effective scale
economies and continuously advance and
control its operations
Alyahya (2012) Changing the organizational structure and Health Services Management Research OM is considered to be one of the main Information
organizational memory in primary care competencies leading to the organization’s technology
practices: A qualitative interview study. success
Hosseini et al. (2012) On the effects of organizational culture on International Journal of Social Ecology It is an outcome of e-learning Sustainable
e-learning readiness: An Iranian experience. and Sustainable Development implementation with the right development
strategic culture
Yusr (2016) Innovation capability and its role in enhancing Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, It is a process of sustainable innovation TQM
the relationship between TQM practices and Market, and Complexity
innovation performance
Qin et al. (2016) Quantitative comparison of measurements Health Marketing Quarterly Service quality and patient satisfaction are Healthcare
of urgent care service quality. essential to healthcare organization success
Alshawabkeh et al. Enhancing internal communication in International Journal of Economics Effective internal communication is crucial Technology
(2018) organizations using enterprise and Business Research for an organization’s success, as it affects
social networking. the ability of strategic managers to engage
employees and achieve objectives
Yousaf et al. (2021) Harmonization of green motives and green Sustainability (Switzerland) It is an outcome of green motives (GM) Sustainable
business strategies towards sustainable and green business strategies (GBS) on development
development of hospitality and tourism industry: sustainable development (SD)
Green environmental policies.
Notes: OM, Organizational Memory; TQM, Total Quality Management.
Table 2. Existing Review Articles.

Related to
Outcomes/Reason for the Literature
Author(s) Details Article Title Journal Name Organization Success Review?
Horstmeyer (2020) The role of curiosity in workplace automation. Development and Learning in Technological advancements No
Organizations like AI
Jurcic et al. (2020) Croatian defence industry competitiveness cluster: Business Systems Research Knowledge management No
Knowledge management and innovation perspective.
Kenny (2013) The stakeholder or the firm? Balancing the strategic Journal of Business Strategy Stakeholder No
Naseman and Weber (2013) Making the most of a professional meeting. Hospital Pharmacy Networking No
Dev et al. (2012) Flexible friends: Improving the supply chain network. Strategic Direction Flexible supply chain management No
Makhbul et al. (2011) Ergonomics and work stress issues in the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Human capital development No
banking sector. Sciences
Kapoor (2011) Defining diversity: The evolution of diversity. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Value creation No
Rushdi and Kamal (2011) A strategic perspective of management in the UAE. British Journal of Health Care Management Management and strategy No
McClellan et al. (2010) A national strategy to put accountable care Health Affairs Strategy implementation No
into practice.
Tichy and Bennis (2007) Making judgment calls. Harvard Business Review Leadership judgement No
Trenck (2006) Today’s mobile workers affect space utilization. AFE Facilities Engineering Journal Effective use of space No
Ambrosini and Reducing causal ambiguity to facilitate Management Learning Strategic learning process No
Bowman (2005) strategic learning.
Velury (2005) Empowerment to the people. Industrial Engineer Employee empowerment No
Mills and Paper (2004) The expert’s opinion. Information Resources Management Journal Hiring good quality people No
Rehkopf and Wybolt (2003) Top 10 architecture land mines. IT Professional Enterprise architecture No
Bilchik (2003) The IT culture. Hospitals and Health Networks Information technology No
Maddox (2002) HIPAA: Update on rule revisions and compliance Nursing Economics Planning, implementation No
requirements. and assessment
Pannirselvam and A study of the relationships between the International Journal of Quality & Reliability A strong focus on customer No
Ferguson (2001) Baldrige categories. Management and employee
Tsang et al. (1999) Measuring maintenance performance: International Journal of Operations and BSC to measure the No
A holistic approach. Production Management organization’s success
Mass (1999) Staff retention: A major key to management’s success. Clinical Laboratory Management Review: Organization culture No
Official Publication of the Clinical Laboratory
Management Association/CLMA
Eskildsen and A practical diagnosis of business excellence. Measuring Business Excellence Total quality management No
Dahlgaard (1998)
Appleby (1997) Interface . . . or in your face. Hospitals and Health Networks Information technology No
Crook (1997) Advocacy and licensing: Essential tools for professional Forestry Chronicle Policy No
foresters’ associations: A case study of the Ordre
des ingenieurs forestiers du Quebec.
Darling (1995) Training for profit: A guide to the integration of Accounting Education Training for profit No
training in an organization’s success.
Boston (1994) If it ain’t broke ... break it! Journal of Nursing Administration Process No
Hutchins (1986) Quality is everybody’s business. Management Decision Total quality management No
6 FIIB Business Review

Based on the identified research gap above, the objective Based on the above logical discussion, this research
of this research study is to find out the below-mentioned followed PRISMA (Moher et al., 2009) framework. To write
research questions: this review research article, articles are collected from
Scopus data. Then articles are shortened as per the relevancy
of the topic by reading the topic, abstract and in-text details.
RQ1. What are the year-wise publication and citation
In the next step, all the selected articles are critically analysed
trends, the top 10 authors based on citation
for synthesis. Next, bibliometric analysis helps to find out
numbers and the most contributing countries and
the most contributing journals citation-wise, country
journals in organization success research
contributions and different clusters. To identify the trends of
(descriptive analysis)? current research and to find out future research directions,
RQ2. How is the research on organization success content analysis has been carried out.
diversified or clustered with different themes and This study critically analyses the different research
sub-themes? articles on organizational success and presents an overall
RQ3. What are the different theories that have been structure of intellectual analysis. The important outcome of
applied to this subject? this research work will benefit academicians and practicing
RQ4. What are the possible future research directions managers in understanding the research status, structure
and frameworks for organizational success? and evolution of different themes in organizational success.
The future research direction of this research will give a
Rana et al. (2023), in their recent literature review article direction for future research to the new researchers in this
related to the POWER (Planning, Operationalizing, area. To the best of the author’s understanding, this is the
Writing, Embedding and Reflecting) framework, stated first research study on organization success that has applied
that there are many frameworks to write SLR article like SLR, bibliometric analysis and content analysis at the same
time to get a result that will answer the pre-identified
ADO (antecedents, decisions and outcomes), TCCM
research questions.
(theory, context, characteristics and methodology) by Paul
The contribution of this research works to the
and Rosado-Serrano (2019) and PRISMA (preferred
organization’s success can be mentioned in three ways. No
reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis)
previous research work has considered the SLR and
and 6W (who, when, where, what, why and how). PRISMA bibliometric analysis to find out insights like most-cited
framework is one of the most preferred frameworks for authors, journal name with publication details and country-
systematic literature articles. This framework primarily wise contribution in this area. Second, the previous
focuses on the reporting of reviews evaluating the effects researcher has not given the focus on content analysis.
of interventions with objectives other than evaluating Last, these research works reveal the future research
interventions (Rana et al., 2023). directions of recently published articles.

Figure 1. Systematic Review Process.

Source: Based on Denyer and Tranfield (2009).
Bhandari 7

Methodology by Bazhair et al. (2022) in their recently published article

in a sustainability journal (Bazhair et al., 2022).
There are many ways to perform a literature review: In the third recommended step, all the articles are
SLR, meta-analysis, bibliometric analysis and content examined based on keywords, titles, abstract and in-text
analysis (Duque-Uribe et al., 2019). This study follows the reading and presented in a synthesized manner based on
established five-step process to conduct the SLR described the PRISMA (Figure 2) framework and inclusion-exclusion
by Denyer and Tranfield (2009) illustrated in Figure 1. criteria (Table 3). After reviewing the titles of the articles,
In the first steps, as per the guideline of Denyer and abstract and in-text study, a total of 183 articles were
Tranfield (2009) on CIMO (context, interventions, removed from the study. In this stage, out of 372 articles, 2
mechanism and outcomes) guideline, a set of three have been removed as those they do not have sufficient
questions has been developed to get the answer from this information regarding the articles. The earlier researchers
review article. who used the PRISMA framework include patient
In the second step, articles are extracted from the Scopus satisfaction (Batbaatar et al., 2017), the application of
database with the help of selected keywords such as Punctuated Equilibrium Theory in policy change
‘Organization*’ AND ‘Success*’ OR ‘Organisation*’ AND (Kuhlmann & van der Heijden, 2018), the measurement of
‘Success*’ OR ‘Organizational*’ AND ‘Successful*’ AND the quality of life framework (Monsalve et al., 2020) and
‘Successful Organization*’. There are 173,525 articles in
the database, making it very difficult to handle in a review
article. To be more focused, data have been collected using Table 3. Criteria for Inclusion and Exclusion of Articles.
the keywords ‘Organization Success*’ OR ‘Organisation
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Success*’ and identified a total of 1,014 articles. When it
searched with the same keywords for published articles in Articles related to only Conference papers
organization success
business, management, accounting and social science
Only peer-reviewed Book chapter, book
journals in English language, the number of article is 555. Scopus-indexed articles review
The same type of article extraction process has been used Articles published in English Articles in press
language during 1974–2021.

Figure 2. PRISMA Framework.

Source: Adopted from Moher et al. (2009).
8 FIIB Business Review

digital libraries research (Maryati et al., 2020). The reason have given significant attention to this topic, with an
for the Scopus database selection is that it provides 20% average publication of more than 20 articles per year until
more exposure compared to the WoS database (Falagas, 2021. In 2016, the total number of articles published was
2008), and Google Scholar provides poor data for the 32, which is the highest number in a single year. In 2019,
analysis (Battisti & Salini, 2013). the total number of articles was 28. In 2020, there were 18
In the fourth stage, all 370 articles that are highly articles, and in 2021, the number of published articles was
focused on organizational success have been exported to also 18. The number of articles in 2021 is less because this
CSV files for bibliometric analysis. academic year was yet to end when (21 October 2021) the
To perform the bibliometric analysis, VOSviewer articles details for analysis were collected from the Scopus
software has been used to calculate the local citations, database (Figure 3).
country-wise contributions, co-citation analysis,
co-occurrence of keywords and bibliometric coupling for
cluster analysis. On the other hand, Microsoft spreadsheet
Top 10 Contributing Authors
has been used to calculate year-wise publication trends, As per the analysis, Mael and Ashforth (1992) are the first
global citations, journal contributions and so on (Paul & authors in organization success research with 2,684 global
Criado, 2020). Each software is simple to use and provides citations, and Hitt et al. (1998) are the second authors with
a superior visual impact, as well as the ability to handle 674 citations. Based on the global citations, details of the
various data display formats (Mulet-forteza et al., 2018). top 10 contributing authors are given in Table 4.
To get an insight into organizational success research, a All the above-mentioned studies in Table 4 are the
content analysis of the recent past 4 years of published foundation of organization success research, as those
articles has been analysed to give the future research articles have identified various factors like strategic
direction systematically. The same procedures have been flexibilities, customer satisfaction, loyalty, technology,
used by many authors in their review research articles quality improvement, right personnel selection and
related to cause-related marketing (Rajan et al., 2020). performance management for organization success.

Descriptive Analysis (RQ1) Most Productive Countries

Publication Trends The United States is the number one country in this
research, with 106 publications and 28.65% research
The publication trends in organization success indicate that publication contribution, followed by Iran and India with
since 1974, authors have been talking about the topic, but 9.19% and 7.03%, respectively. In this research, the top 10
this subject received attention in 2006. The total number of countries mentioned above have contributed 70.27% of
publications during 2006 was 12. After 2010, more authors research publications (Table 5).

Figure 3. Year-wise Articles Publications and Citation Trend.

Table 4. Top 10 Contributing Authors Based on Global Citation Numbers.

No. of
Authors Details Year Citations DOI Main Arguments Future Research Directions
Mael and Ashforth (1992) 1992 2,684 Organization identification (OID) plays an 1. Future research should
important role for organization success. investigate the contingencies
and processes.
Hitt et al. (1998) 1998 674 Success in the 21st century organization 2. Strategic leadership
will depend first on building strategic 3. Core competences
flexibility. 4. Human capital
5. Use of technology
6. Strategy development
7. Organization structure and
Kandampully et al. (2000) 2000 536 Customer satisfaction and loyalty plays an 8. How to ensure large and
important role for organization success. loyal customer base.
Jensen et al. (1990) 1990 437 NA Performance management is an important 9. Pay for performance.
component for organization success.
Al-Debei and Avison (2010) 2010 414 Information and communication 10. Value proposition
technologies (ICTs) plays an important 11. Business performance
role for organization success. 12. Value network
Connelly et al. (2012) 2012 365 Application of knowledge management. 13. Application of technologies.
McClellan et al. (2010) 2010 300 Quality improvement an important 14. Leadership
role organization success. 15. Technical support
Gupta et al. (2017) 2017 225 Supplier selection is strategically 16. Green innovation with more
importance. sample size
Da Veiga et al. (2010) 2010 225 Information security-aware culture. 17. Organization behaviour
18. Organization culture
Zhang et al. (2011) 2011 204 Selection of most appropriate personnel 19. Application of fuzzy multi-criteria
eswa.2011.03.012 is one of the key factors for organization group decision making method
success. with grey relational analysis
Kimberly (1979) 1979 188 Organization success is multidimensional. 20. Reason for substantial
21. Culture
Tsang et al. (1999) 1999 161 Performance management and 22. Implementation of BSC-based
measurement. performance system
10 FIIB Business Review

Table 5. Top 10 Contributing Countries Based on the Number of the Article Published.

Percentage of Articles
Published by the Country
Sl No. Country Name No. Article Published Total Global Citations (N = 370)
1 United States 106 5,164 28.65
2 Iran 34 161 9.19
3 India 26 509 7.03
4 United Kingdom 22 778 5.95
5 Malaysia 15 126 4.05
6 Australia 14 779 3.78
7 Canada 12 3,340 3.24
8 South Africa 12 250 3.24
9 Germany 10 155 2.70
10 Romania 9 13 2.43
260 11,278 70.27

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), VOSviewer software to carry out bibliometric coupling
established by the US Congress to promote organizational analysis. A cluster of articles has a common study theme
performance excellence since 1987. The number of (Xu et al., 2018). When two articles have a high percentage
qualifying organizations for this award has increased of identical keywords, descriptions and citations, the
manifold from 111 in 1991 to 974 in 1997 (Pannirselvam & bibliometric coupling may allow for a relationship between
Ferguson, 2001). Apart from manufacturing organizations, the two (Weinberg, 1974). The articles have been found to
service organizations, government organizations and have a similar association by bibliometric coupling
academic institutions also took part in this competition. analysis.
This synergistic effect may have triggered more articles
publication in the United States. Enterprise architecture Analysis of Cluster Formed (RQ2)
(EA) is considered fundamental to planning and IT action
for any successful organization (Alaeddini & Salekfard, A bibliometric coupling analysis was performed in
2013). Most of the Iranian organization follows Luftman’s VOSviewer to better understand the different clusters in
maturity model as an assessment tool. Luftman’s model this subject. To determine the various themes of each
was found most highly cited in literature (Alaeddini & cluster, all cited articles (with a minimum citation number
Salekfard, 2013). That could be one of the reasons for Iran of one) are examined. Out of 370 articles, 281 meet the
to be the second-most prominent country in organization threshold. Out of 281 items in the network, 44 items
success research. consists of different themes and sub-themes. The set of
connected items consists of 44 items with different themes
and sub-themes. It is widely accepted that the top-cited
Analysis of Co-occurrence of Keywords articles in a cluster can describe the cluster’s theme and
To understand the major themes of intellectual structure sub-theme (Fahimnia et al., 2015; Table 7).
(Lim et al., 2022) and the research trends (Chakma et al., Cluster 1: Strategic Human Resource Management
2021) of the topic of organization success, a co-occurrence (Keywords: Human Resource Management, Competitive
of keyword analysis has been performed. Out of a total of Advantage, Organization Behaviour and Motivation)
1,001 keywords, 45 meet the criteria of co-occurrence at a
minimum of three times. Keywords with similar colours The cluster is represented by 10 articles, and this is the
and located near others denote more similarity compared to largest cluster in this area. This cluster has been focused on
the other keywords (Singh & Dhir, 2019). Figure 4 shows since 2013 and has published four articles in 2019 and
that ‘Organizational Culture’, ‘Leadership’, ‘Performance’, 2020. The sub-themes of this area are commitment towards
‘Management’, ‘Knowledge Management’ and ‘Employee the employee, social capital, organization citizenship
Engagement’ have the greatest link strength, which behaviour (OCB), team learning, spirituality, innovative
signifies the most frequently searched keywords in behaviour, employee engagement, motivation, trust and
organization success research (Table 6). engagement and development of human resource
management (DHRM), human capital and so on. Research
studies confirm that in an organization, employee
Bibliometric Coupling engagement has an effect on improving the relationship
Kessler first proposed the idea of bibliometric coupling with the line manager. In this article, the author has given
(1963). ‘Document’ is used as the unit of analysis in the some suggestions to the managers and leaders on how to
Bhandari 11

Figure 4. Keyword Co-occurrence of Themes Network.

Notes: 1. Purple (strategic HRM), 2. Green (legitimacy to information technology), 3. Brown (service quality & customer satisfaction), 4. Pink (strategy
& decision making), 5. Orange (organization strategic culture), 6. Sky Blue (performance management), 7. Dark Blue (knowledge sharing & change
management), 8. Yellow (leadership & governance), 9. Red (operational efficiency).

Table 6. Widely Used Framework and Theories in Organization Success Literature.

Author(s) Who
Used This Theory in
Framework and Theory Author Details Factor Identified Research
Theory of intellectual capital Machlup (1962) Knowledge and success Alizadeh (2012)
Entrepreneurial orientation Miller (1983) Autonomy, innovations, risk-taking, Suleiman et al. (2012)
pro-activeness and competitive
Corporate sustainability Passet (1979) Social, economic and Environment Christopher et al.
Theory of planned behaviour Ajzen and Fishben (1977) Attitude, subject norms and Lombardi et al. (2019)
perceived behaviour control
Institutional theory Meyer and Rowan (1977) Processes that establish schemas, Díez-Martín et al.
rules, norms and routines (2013)
Theory of business Kettinger (1995) Customer and supplier power, Glover et al. (2013)
process change economic conditions, cultural factors,
industry competitiveness, political
factors and technological innovation
Grey system theory and Kaplan and Norton (1992) Learning, business process, Sadeghi et al. (2013)
balanced scorecard customer and financial
Resource based view Barney (1994) Value, rare, imitability and Theodosiou et al.
organization (2013)
Value chain model Porter (1985) Primary and supporting factors Mazzawi et al. (2013)
Resource dependency theory Jeffrey et al. (1970) External stakeholders and critical Ellram et al. (2013)
Social capital Portes (1998) Social group and interpersonal Andrews et al. (2014)
(Table 6 continued)
12 FIIB Business Review

(Table 6 continued)
Author(s) Who
Used This Theory in
Framework and Theory Author Details Factor Identified Research
Hofstede’s model Hofstede (1973) National culture, dimension culture State et al. (2014)
and business setting
SERVQUAL Valarie et al. (1988) Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, Moletsane et al. (2014)
empathy and tangibles
Resilience theory Garmezy (1970) Adaptability and innovation, motivation, Rodríguez et al. (2015)
diversity, collective efficacy, effective
communication, loosening of control,
sustained relationships, minimize layoffs,
financial slack, competence and acceptance
Organization change theories Hedberg (1981) Knowledge and reality Mohammadia et al.
Fuzzy set theory Zadeh (1965) Valued logic and truth value You et al. (2015)
Justice theory Rawls (1971) Political philosophy and ethics Huang et al. (2019)
Resource-Based View (RBV) David et al. (1997) Dynamic capabilities and Sahoo (2019)
and dynamic capabilities organizational performance
Leader-member exchange Dansereau et al. (1975) Leaders and followers Pandey et al. (2019)
(LMX) theory
Social exchange theory George (1958) Cost and benefit Micevski et al. (2019)
Knowledge-based theory Penrose (1959) Heterogeneous knowledge Kengatharan (2019)
and capabilities
Job demand-resource (JD-R) George (1958) Trust and relationship Bhasin et al. (2019)
model and social exchange
theory (SET)
Theory of human motivation Maslow (1943) Physiological needs and safety needs, Hitka et al. (2020)
belonging, esteem and self-actualization
ECOSERV Valarie et al. (1988) reliability, responsiveness, assurance, Aseres et al. (2020)
empathy and tangibles
Generic strategy Porter (1980) Strategic advantage and strategic target Islami et al. (2020)
RBV/resource advantage theory Barney (1991) Value, rare, imitability and organization Crotty et al. (2020)
Dynamic capabilities Teece et al. (1994) Dynamic capabilities and organizational Vallaster et al. (2021)
Economic theory Schumpeter (1934) Circular flow and role of entrepreneur, Alizadeh (2012)
business cycle and end of capitalism
The theory of the growth of the Penrose (1959) Entrepreneur, internal and external Alizadeh (2012)
firm environment
Notes: RBV, Resource-Based View.

Table 7. Analysis of Clusters with Different Sub-themes and Authors’ Details.

Authors No. Journal Name Sub-theme Theme
Andrews et al. (2014) 1 Public Performance and Management Social capital Strategic HRM
Bhasin et al. (2019) 1 Management and Labour Studies Employee engagement Strategic HRM
Ali et al. (2020) 1 Journal of Management Information Employee performance Strategic HRM
and Decision Sciences
Hitka et al. (2020) 1 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Employee performance Strategic HRM
Nešić et al. (2020) 1 Amfiteatru Economic Employee trust Strategic HRM
Ngwenya and Pelser (2020) 1 SA Journal of Industrial Psychology Human capital Strategic HRM
Huang et al. (2019) 1 Chinese Management Studies Organizational citizenship Strategic HRM
behaviour (OCB)
Lombardi et al. (2019) 1 International Journal of Contemporary Employee commitment Strategic HRM
Hospitality Management
Muhtadi et al. (2013) 1 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Employee engagement Strategic HRM
Sciences Review and Research
(Table 7 continued)
Bhandari 13

(Table 7 continued)
Authors No. Journal Name Sub-theme Theme
Pandey et al. (2019) 1 IIMB Management Review Team learning Strategic HRM
Alaeddini et al. (2013) 2 Information Systems Frontiers Business-IT alignment Legitimacy to
(BITA) information technology
Alizadeh (2012) 2 Life Science Journal Knowledge and information Legitimacy to
technology information technology
Díez-Martín et al. (2013) 2 Management Decision Legitimacy (pragmatic, Legitimacy to
moral and cognitive) information technology
Mazzawi and Alawamleh 2 International Journal of Supply chain performance Legitimacy to
(2013) Networking and Virtual Organisations and value creation information technology
Sadeghi et al. (2013) 2 Informatica (Netherlands) Grey TOPSIS Legitimacy to
information technology
Shabaninejad et al. (2014) 2 Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Key performance indicators Legitimacy to
Research (KPIs) and the key result information technology
indicators (KRIs)
Aseres and Sira (2020) 3 Annals of Leisure Research ECOSERV model Service quality and
customer satisfaction
Crotty and Ljubownikow 3 Europe - Asia Studies Resource management Service quality and
(2020) customer satisfaction
Islami et al. (2020) 3 Business: Theory and Practice Strategic planning and supply Service quality and
chain management customer satisfaction
Ellram et al. (2013) 3 Journal of Supply Chain Supply chain resources Service quality and
Management customer satisfaction
Moletsane et al. (2014) 3 Mediterranean Journal of Social Service quality Service quality and
Sciences customer satisfaction
Sahoo (2019) 3 TQM Journal Quality management (QM) Service quality and
customer satisfaction
Afshari et al. (2013) 4 Arabian Journal for Science and Fuzzy linguistic Strategy and decision-
Engineering making
Caisucar et al. (2021) 4 International Journal of Systems Multi-attribute decision Strategy and decision-
Assurance Engineering and making (MADM) making
Ganguly and Guin (2013) 4 Benchmarking Supply risk assessment Strategy and decision-
Marasović et al. (2019) 5 Croatian Operational Research Review Workforce distribution Organization strategic
State and Lorgulescu (2014) 5 Amfiteatru Economic Change management Organization strategic
Suleiman and Kada (2012) 5 Journal of Research in Marketing and Emotional intelligence, Organization strategic
Entrepreneurship organizational climate and culture
employees’ creativity
Theodosiou and Katsikea 5 Journal of International Marketing Information processing Organization strategic
(2013) culture
Buchwald et al. (2014) 6 Journal of Information Technology IT governance Performance
Glover et al. (2013) 6 International Journal of Operations Kaizen events and process Performance
and Production Management management
Grov et al. (2014) 6 AIDS Education and Prevention Target population Performance
performance management
Volland (2019) 6 Learning Organization Team rules Performance
Crispeels et al. (2015) 7 Journal of Business and Industrial Network Knowledge sharing and
Marketing change management
Christopher and Myria 7 Journal of Communication Employee knowledge Knowledge sharing and
(2013) Management change management
Mohammadian (2015) 7 International Journal of Fuzzy System Satisfied customer Knowledge sharing and
Applications change management
Wensley and Navarro (2015) 7 Journal of Business Research Knowledge creation Knowledge sharing and
change management
(Table 7 continued)
14 FIIB Business Review

(Table 7 continued)

Authors No. Journal Name Sub-theme Theme
Rodríguez-Sánchez and 8 International Journal of Emergency Resilient organization Leadership and
Perea (2015) Services governance
Vallaster et al. (2021) 8 Organization Studies Social and environmental Leadership and
goals governance
Woolf et al. (2013) 8 Journal of Sport Management Long-term relation with a Leadership and
potential donor governance
Ardito et al. (2014) 9 International Journal of Knowledge workers Operational efficiency
Kengatharan (2019) 9 International Journal of Manpower Intellectual capital Operational efficiency

interact with the employees daily, so the success of the quality of an organization (Aseres & Sira, 2020). A study
organization will be ensured one day (Huang et al., 2019). by a non-profit organization in Russia stated that volunteers
All the articles in this cluster are related to human are the key resource for the Russian health NPOs’ success.
resource management, which can give a competitive In a challenging and operational context, the ‘management
advantage to an organization, so the name of the cluster is by network’ model can help the organization for short-term
given as strategic human resource management. survival (Crotty & Ljubownikow, 2020). A study on the
South African municipality of 400 residents of Gauteng
Cluster 2: Legitimacy to Information Technology
province confirms that the positive perception and
(Keywords: Internet, Organization Structure and so On)
expectation of service quality are crucial for an
An organization should have a comprehensive approach to organization’s success. This study is based on the
handle the EA in the planning process based on the business SERVQUAL gap score (Moletsane et al., 2014).
requirements, as information technology is a critical factor
for organizational success (Alaeddini & Salekfard, 2013). Cluster 4: Strategy and Decision-making
In a changing environment, supply chain management (Keywords: Decision-making and Strategy)
plays a significant role in the productivity and profitability The success of an organization depends on it handles and
of an organization, whereas a technology-enabled value assesses the demand- and supply-associated risks for a
chain process makes the organization more competitive. product category. A comprehensive understanding of risk
Both the activities of supply chain management and value assessment in supply chain management helps to reduce
chains make the organization successful (Mazzawi & the potential risk and leads to organizational success and
Alawamleh, 2013). As per Brown (1998), ‘legitimacy status profitability (Ganguly & Guin, 2013). Qualified personnel
is a sine qua non for easy access to resources, unrestricted selection is a factor for the organization’s success, but this
access to market, and long-time survival’. Based on institutional process has many challenges and is associated with high
theory, a study on 13 Spanish Mutual Guarantee Societies risk. To reduce the risk in the personnel selection process,
stated that organizations with greater legitimacy ensure the author has suggested using the ‘fuzzy linguistic
better outcomes and improve access to different resources, variable’ in a proposed model for a better organizational
like technology, that are critical for the organization’s growth outcome. In a highly complex and competitive industry,
and survival (Díez-Martín et al., 2013). capturing and employing the expert system with risk and
All the articles featured in this article are related to reliability is of significant importance and one of the
technology and legitimacy to technology, so the name of factors to be considered for the organization’s success.
the cluster is given as legitimacy to information technology.­­ These issues can be overcome with the suggestive concept
of a Z-number (Yazdi et al., 2019).
Cluster 3: Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
All the sub-themes of this cluster are related to the right
(Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction)
decision-making and the right strategy formulation based
Nowadays, the performance of an organization is being on the right information, so the name of the cluster is given
challenged by various technological disruptions. The as Strategy and Decision-Making.
significant importance of continuous innovation in
products, services and processes with total quality Cluster 5: Strategic Culture (Keywords: Organizational Culture,
management applications helps an organization to survive Organization Climate, Supply Chain Management and SMEs)
in this challenging time with better performance (Sahoo, A study conducted on two individual hotels in Bucharest
2019). A study related to quality control stated that service concluded that organizational culture, which encourages
quality is very essential for the organization’s success. In creativity and innovation, is one of the factors to be
this connection, a revised ECOSERV model is proposed to considered for an organization’s success. A study based on
understand the importance of the ecotourism service 317 managers from 418 Small and Medium-sized
Bhandari 15

Enterprises (SMEs) found out that the emotional external environmental knowledge in the planning process
intelligence of employees, organizational climate and is the key to organizational success.
creativity of the employees are the most significant From the above discussion, it is evident that organizations
antecedents for organizational success and have a direct should make a good relationship with their customers and
effect on the entrepreneurial orientation of an organization incorporate external environmental knowledge into the
(Suleiman & Kada, 2012). Right decisions based on the planning process and knowledge creation.
right information processing activities in a medium-sized
Cluster 8: Leadership and Governance (Keywords: Leadership,
export-oriented organization can lead to organizational
Innovation, Economics and so On)
success. A study based on social exchange theory concluded
that a sales team with a greater level of intra-functional Organizations, apart from their regular economic objective,
flexibility is one of the success drivers of the organization. prioritize social and environmental goals. This sustainability-
The sales team with a better level of intra-functional driven hybrid model generates tensions within the
flexibility shows more customer performance orientation organization. The ability to handle this tension is the key
positively (Micevski et al., 2019). factor for the non-profit organization (Vallaster et al.,
From the above discussion, it is evident that the 2021). A research study based on a literature review
emotional intelligence of the employee, organization identified that to build a team resilience capacity in an
climate, creativity of the employee, greater level of intra- organization, transformational leadership, efficacy,
functional flexibility, the right use of information and teamwork and organization practices are the significant
positive customer performance orientation can help an factors to handle the economic volatility conditions in a
organization to be successful. successful organization (Rodríguez-Sánchez & Perea,
Cluster 6: Performance Management (Keywords: Performance,
Employee Engagement, Measurement and Engagement) Cluster 9: Operational Efficiency (Keywords: Knowledge
Management, Human Capital, Intellectual Capital and
Interview-based research by developing a holistic model
Productivity and so On)
confirms that information technology governance has an
impact on organizational success. This study is based on 28 An organization faces many challenges from different
IT decision-makers from 19 multinational organizations employees during the business process execution. The
headquartered in Europe. A 2-year research study based on ability to identify the problem and provide a solution
33 interviews and discussions concluded that organization quickly helps to improve the efficiency of the organization.
rules that are created dominantly will be forgotten by some Emerging organizations, such as extended and virtual
team members over the course of time, especially if you enterprises, should identify and apply effective business
are going to implement some agile project. Managers practices to ensure the success of an organization by
should find out the reason behind the non-compliance with increasing productivity (Ardito et al., 2014). A research
this rule because it will hinder the team’s performance. study among the managers of 232 organizations from
Overlooking such an incident by a manager would be a various industries concluded that intellectual capital has a
potential warning to the success of an organization strong connection to productivity, which leads to the
(Volland, 2019). Research on 16 Kaizen event (KE) positive performance of an organization. This study helps
organizations, based on content analysis and systematic to guide a manager to give more importance to intellectual
review of published KE sources, able to find out that capital for better productivity in a successful organization
dedicated cross-functional team effort can help to achieve (Kengatharan, 2019).
the organization’s goals in an accelerated time frame. This The above-mentioned articles in this cluster are related
performance can be evaluated based on a BSC (Kaplan & to operational efficiency of the organization, so the name
Norton, 1996). of the cluster is given as operational efficiency.
Cluster 7: Knowledge Sharing and Change Management
(Keywords: Knowledge Sharing, Human Resource, Learning Dynamic Co-citation Analysis
and Commitment) Dynamic co-citation analysis talked about the
Due to the rapid changes in technological areas and the use development of different clusters over the years (Table 8).
of e-commerce platforms, customer satisfaction and Figure 5 talks about the cluster-wise contribution to
relationships have become complex phenomena. Due to organizational success research. As per the analysis, the
the rapid changes in emerging technologies, an organization strategic human resource cluster contributed 22.73%,
needs to improve and adjust to the changing demands of whereas knowledge management contributed 4.55%
its customers, as customer satisfaction and relationship (Figure 5). In a meaningful sense, in organization success
are the success factors for the organization’s success research, many authors talked about strategic human
(Mohammadian, 2015). A study on Belgian biotechnology resources, whereas fewer authors talked about knowledge
organizations stated that assessing and incorporating management.
Table 8. Dynamic Co-citation Analysis.

Cluster Strategic Human Legitimacy to Service Quality Sharing and
Name Resource Information and Customer Strategy and Strategic Performance Change Leadership and Operational
Year Management Technology Satisfaction Decision-making Culture Management Management Governance Efficiency Total
2012 1 1 2
2013 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 12
2014 1 1 1 1 2 1 7
2015 1 3 1 5
2016 0
2017 0
2018 0
2019 4 1 1 1 1 1 9
2020 4 3 7
2021 1 1 2
Grand total 10 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 2 44
Cluster 22.73% 13.64% 13.64% 11.36% 9.09% 9.09% 9.09% 6.82% 4.55% 100.00%
Bhandari 17

Figure 5. Percentage Contribution of Different Clusters.

Future Research (RQ4) more sample size with different geographic and cultural
settings to generalize the results in the service sector.
Apart from this, a content analysis of the identified clusters
has also been done to better comprehend each cluster’s
insights. Here, articles with more than 25 citations have Psychological Capital
been selected for this analysis. A similar analysis was done
Psychological capital is an important concept of positive
by Hota et al. (2020). Articles published in the years 2019,
psychology and positive organization behaviour, where
2020 and 2021 were analysed separately. The reasons to
positive psychology focuses on people’s lives and
bifurcate the articles in this analysis based on the above
positive organizational behaviour is related to employee
criteria are:
performance. Studies have proved that there is a positive
and significant relationship between the psychological
1. Recently published articles required time for
capital and job satisfaction of employees in a successful
organization. Though in this connection one cross-functional
2. Recent articles are helpful to understand the recent
study has been conducted in Zimbabwe based on 257
research trends in this area.
employees of 15 manufacturing firms, a future study
should focus on a longitudinal study with qualitative data
Employer Brand in the Service Sector collection to confirm the long-run influential effect of
psychological capital on employee performance (Ngwenya
Traditionally, branding principles are used in the marketing
& Pelser, 2020).
of products or services, but nowadays, they are used in
the marketing of organizations as well. In this case,
employers differentiate themselves from rivalry to attract Abusive Supervision
employees as a ‘desirable place to work’ by offering
In this rapidly changing environment, improving
economic, functional and psychological benefits to the
operational procedures has became essential for
organization (Maurya & Agarwal, 2021). Successful
organizations to survive (Huang et al., 2019). To achieve
organizations are known for their ability to attract the best
the performance of the organization, an employee should
talent, as well as retain and engage them in their current
act according to the duties and responsibilities of the
organizations. The role of employee engagement is crucial
assigned role and also perform according to the behaviours
in the service industry, as the organization’s success
that are not explained in employee contact. These extra-
depends on effective service delivery by the employee
role behaviours offer a significant added benefit to
(Bhasin et al., 2019). Though, in this connection, only one
organizations by enhancing their effectiveness in
study has been conducted based on 213 employees in a
performing the task. Though previous researchers have
telecom sector in India, future researchers should take
attempted to investigate what kind of leadership behaviour
18 FIIB Business Review

increase this promotive behaviour, future researchers theory), the present researcher should put more focus on
should know how abusive behaviour hinders employee introducing a new theory or combining two or more
performance by transformational leadership style. theories to explain the organization’s success. Based on
Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI),
von Meding et al. (2013) developed a cultural framework
Flexible Work System
that would be helpful to guide different organization to be
Digitalization is changing the job profiles of employees by successful (von Meding et al., 2013). This study confirms
offering to work anytime from anywhere. The flexible that corporate culture and stakeholder management are the
working condition helps both the employee and employer two important considerations for organizational success,
in many ways. Numerous studies have shown a positive and there is an identified relationship between those
association between flexible work systems and work- variables. The present research would suggest to test this
related outcomes (Almer & Kaplan, 2002). To get the full framework empirically by applying it to a larger number of
outcomes of a flexible work system, an organization should organizations.
shape the surrounding contextual conditions accordingly Based on the literature review and content analysis,
(Zafari et al., 2019). While psychological studies confirm AI-Debei and Avison (2010) have developed a framework
that flexible work hours and workplace flexibility can in the field of IS. Although this framework is a
cause work intensification and lead to an autonomy harmonization of business strategy, business process and
paradox, which may lead to undesired outcomes like IS, the present research study would request that future
feeling lonely or less engaged, future research should researchers of organization success research test this
focus on a multi-modal cross-sectional data approach to framework with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and
understand the effect of a flexible work system. Apart from Ambiguity (VUCA) environment conditions (Al-Debei &
this, future searches should also focus on the role of Avison, 2010). In the current literature, there are limited
leadership for a flexible work arrangement. applications of various theories such as ECOSERV,
dynamic capabilities and demand resource models. As a
result, future research would require a new theoretical lens
Unethical Pro-organizational Behaviour
to discover and explain the newly discovered areas of
Unethical behaviour is widespread nowadays among many organizational success in general. Apart from the identified
organization members, and researchers have identified theoretical development, to provide different real-
many reasons for unethical behaviour in the workplace. life solutions to organizational problems, the required
Unethical pro-organization behaviour (UPB) refers to an frameworks would help the decision-makers to understand
action intended to promote the organization functioning or the organization’s problems and provide the right solution
give some benefit to its members by violating the core for the organization’s success. Thus, there are numerous
societal values, morals, laws and so on. More precisely, it opportunities to broaden the scope of framework
is an unethical act committed by the employee of the development by utilizing organizational-level data with
organization to benefit the organization (Fulmore & different dummy variables in organization success research.
Fulmore, 2021). Some authors have used social exchange
theory or social identity theory to explore the different
antecedents in UPB. A meta-analysis on UPB confirms Discussion and Conclusion
that moral disengagement, organizational identification, After identifying the 370 articles from the Scopus database
identification with supervisors, leader UPB, ethical based on the PRISMA framework and pre-identified
judgements, psychological entitlement, transformational research questions, a comprehensive literature review
leadership and job satisfaction are positively related to based on SLR, bibliometric and thematic analysis has been
UPB, and moral identity and taking responsibilities are done. It is being observed that, though many authors have
negatively related to UPB (Luan et al., 2022). given importance to this topic since 1974, this topic took
the attention of global authors from 2010 onwards. In
organization success research, Mael and Ashforth (1992)
Theory Development (RQ3) are the first authors with 2,684 global citations, whereas
There are 29 identified theories (Table 6) and frameworks Hitt et al. (1998) are the second authors with 674 global
that have been used till today to explain various citations. The United States is the most contributing
organizational activities related to organizational success. country to this research with 106 article publications, and
Some of the widely used theories are the theory of Iran is the second country with 34 articles and India is the
business process change, resilience theory, Resource- third country with 26 research article publications in
Based View (RBV), dynamic capabilities and economic organization success research. A VOSviewer data analysis
theory. Although there has been significant development in shows that there are nine clusters in this research with
the areas of theory development since 1934 (economic different themes and sub-themes, which have been
Bhandari 19

presented in Table 7. An examination of the extent of This research article, like other research articles, has
literature on organizations’ success research has proven some limitations. The keywords used in the research article
that there is still room for theory development in the areas are not exhaustive; different words may produce different
of service, dynamic capabilities and demand resource results, resulting in different cluster formations. Working
model. In this connection, future researchers should also with other software that uses different algorithms and
pay attention to multiple case study methods and use frameworks may yield different results. Because of the
additional analytical methods, such as meta-analysis, time constraints of the data extraction process, some of the
hybrid review methods and tools related to econometric articles from 2021 are not available during the extraction
analysis to improve methodological rigour in organizational of research article details from the Scopus database. There
success research. are only 18 articles in the year 2021 because, at the time of
Until now, in the study of organizational success, many data extraction (21 October 2021).
systematic research methods have been used. However,
there is a gap in the area of mixed methodologies, multiple
case studies, meta-analysis, hybrid review methods and the Managerial Implications
use of econometric tools. This article has some significant and practical implications
Future research should also investigate the organizational for practicing managers and academicians.
success perspective through the use of novel theoretical
lenses, such as ECOSERV, to assess service quality in an
ecotourism context, dynamic capabilities and the job Emphasis on Employee Engagement and
demand-resource (JD-R) model, and to comprehend how Team-based Organization Structure
personality traits, motivation, previous visit experience To achieve the organization’s goal, an employee should be
and word of mouth influence organizational success. An the centre of attention. Motivating the employee can
enormous study has been done by different authors across improve performance, effectiveness, quality and
the globe regarding knowledge management and its role as consequently the organization’s success (Hitka et al.,
a pivotal organizational resource. However, possessing the 2020). A new approach to employee insight based on the
knowledge has no meaning until it is actively managed, heavy work investment concept will enhance trust among
effectively bundled and leveraged with some other the employee, which will reduce the hierarchical layer to a
resources to achieve the purpose. But further examination team-based structure during transitional change for
of the characteristics of knowledge from a strategic organizational success (Nešić et al., 2020).
resource perspective would offer a rich agenda for
organizational success research. Lai and Fu (2021)
proposed a model that describes theoretical and practical Ensure Effective Management Practices
insight into organizations’ stakeholder targeting of the Mass Market to Market of One
communication (STC) through social media (SM) and From the global economic perspective, intangible assets
non-SM channels. In this connection, it is crucial to like knowledge and information technology play a
understand the role of SM as an antecedent for significant role in the organization’s success. Physical and
organizational success. A future researcher may research to financial assets are considered the source of value creation.
examine how this antecedent will influence the Therefore, the success of an organization depends on
organization’s success (Lai & Fu, 2021). identification and measurement of those resources, which
It is seen that earlier research on organization success are considered the intellectual capital of the organization
was mostly focused on organizations belonging to the (Alizadeh, 2012). In this connection, an organization can
United States. This provides opportunities for various think to combine different knowledge, like customer
organizations that belong to developing countries. knowledge with information technology, to create
Moreover, a researcher should try to explore this individual customer value creation.
opportunity in some of the organizations that belong to
emerging markets like Brazil, Russia and China. A cross-
cultural study will be more helpful in this direction. Focus on Existing Competitive Advantage
The widely used methodologies in organization success to New One
research are co-relation, regression, structural equation A study based on 123 manufacturing organizations
modelling, factor analysis, SLR, multi-criteria decision- established that the success of the organization is based on
making (MCDM), t-test and so on. This research also the flexible strategic planning capabilities and the
recommends the researcher use some advanced methods integration of different internal and external factors for
such as semantic network analysis, data mining, total strategy formulation. This study also confirms that a
interpretive structural modelling and comparative case differentiation strategy leads to a competitive advantage,
studies to understand the various factors and their outcomes which helps an organization to perform (Islami et al.,
in organization success research. 2020). The conventional wisdom-directed organizations
20 FIIB Business Review

uses core competencies to get a sustainable advantage, but Ardito, C., Barchetti, U., Capodieci, A., & Guido, A. (2014).
in the age of disruption, this approach does not work for Business process design meets business practices through
long (Charan, 2022). There is a need to build a new Enterprise patterns: A case study. International Journal of
competency to tackle the new situation. e-Collaboration, 10(1), 57–73.
Aseres, S., & Sira, R. (2020). An exploratory study of ecotourism
services quality (ESQ) in Bale Mountains National Park
Work as a Resilient Organization to (BMNP), Ethiopia: Using an ECOSERV model. Annals of
Ensure a Desired Performance Leisure Research, 23(3), 386–406.
In a volatile economic condition, it is difficult for an Batbaatar, E., Dorjdagva, J., Luvsannyam, A., & Savino. (2017).
organization to ensure the required performance; however, Determinants of patient satisfaction: A systematic review.
a focused, resilient organization that rewards collective Perspectives in Public Health, 137(2), 89–101. http://doi.
efficacy, transformation leadership, teamwork and org/10.1177/1757913916634136
organization practices would handle the situation in a much Battisti, D. F., & Salini, S. (2013). Robust analysis of bibliometric
better way (Rodríguez-Sánchez & Perea, 2015). data. Statistical Methods & Applications, 22, 269–283.
Bazhair, A., Khatib, S., & AI Amosh, H. (2022). Taking stock
Apart from the above-mentioned points, a manager
of carbon disclosure research while looking to the future: A
should also give importance to strategic culture, teamwork systematic literature review. Sustainability, 14(20), 13475.
and achievement, knowledge management and leadership Bharadwaj, A., Sawy, O., Pavlou, P., & Venkatraman, N. (2013).
skills to make any organization successful. Digital business strategy: Toward a next generation of
These articles also encourage academicians and scholars insights. MIS Quarterly, 37(2), 471–482.
to add more value by proposed a framework in organization Bhasin, J., Mushtaq, S., & Gupta, S. (2019). Engaging
success research. Researchers and academicians may also employees through employer brand: An empirical evidence.
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Buchwald, A., Urbach, N., & Ahlemann, F. (2014). Business
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Declaration of Conflicting Interests IT governance success and its impact. Journal of Information
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About the Author

Arabinda Bhandari is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Commerce
and Management, Sarala Birla University, Ranchi, India. He has received his PGCBM from XLRI,
Jamshedpur and PhD in strategic management from Ranchi University, India. He has more than 15
years of industry experience in various leadership positions in Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Hyderabad.
He has written several case studies and many research papers in ABDC and Scopus-Indexed journals
published by Sage, Inderscience, Springer and so on. His areas of research interest include advanced
strategic management and its application in the international market, design thinking and
neurostrategy. He is the author of Strategic Management: A Conceptual Framework published by
McGraw Hill Education, Asia, and he is a Six Sigma Green Belt certified professional. He can be reached at arabinda_
[email protected].

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