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Quantum Dynamics of Spin-0 Particles in A Cosmological Space-Time

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Quantum dynamics of spin-0 particles in a cosmological space-time

Faizuddin Ahmed
Department of Physics, University of Science & Technology Meghalaya, Ri-Bhoi, 793101, India
Abdelmalek Bouzenada
Laboratory of theoretical and applied Physics, Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University, Algeria

In this paper, our focus is on investigating the impact of cosmological constant on relativistic quantum
systems comprising spin-0 scalar particles. Our analysis centers around the Klein-Gordon equation, and
arXiv:2401.01354v2 [gr-qc] 1 Apr 2024

we obtain both approximate and exact analytical solutions for spin-0 particles of the quantum system.
Afterwards, we explore quantum oscillator fields by considering the Klein-Gordon oscillator within the
same space-time characterized by a cosmological constant. We obtain an approximate expression for the
energy eigenvalue of the oscillator fields. In fact, the energy spectrum in both scenarios are examined and
show the influences of the cosmological constant and geometry’s topology. Our investigation is situated
within the context of a magnetic universe-a four-dimensional cosmological space-time recognized as the
Bonnor-Melvin universe.

Keywords: Quantum fields in curved space-time; Relativistic wave equations; Solutions of wave equa-
tions: bound-states; special functions
PACS: 03.65.Pm; 03.65.Ge; 02.30.Gp.

1 Introduction
In modern physics, Einstein’s revolutionary general theory of relativity (GR) skillfully paints gravity as an
intrinsic geometric feature of space-time [1]. This conceptual framework unravels the mesmerizing correlation
between space-time curvature and the genesis of classical gravitational fields, furnishing accurate forecasts
for phenomena such as gravitational waves [2], gravitational lensing [3, 4], the Lense-Thirring effect exploring
frame dragging [5, 6], and black holes physics [7]. This theory deals with macroscopic objects or celestial
objects. On the other hand, there is another branch of physics which deals with behaviors of particles at the
microscopic scale known as quantum mechanics (QM) [8]. The convergence of these two domains of physics
(general relativity and quantum mechanics) opens a gateway to profound insights into the fundamental nature
of the universe. The triumph of quantum field theory in deciphering subatomic particle interactions and
unraveling the origins of weak, strong, and electromagnetic forces [9] amplifies the anticipation surrounding
this interdisciplinary fusion. Yet, the enduring quest for a unified theory-a theory of quantum gravity
harmonizing general relativity and quantum mechanics-faces persistent challenges and technical intricacies,
with recent strides [10, 11]. These challenges propel intense scientific endeavors as researchers diligently work
to bridge remaining gaps, aspiring to unveil the foundational framework that unifies these two pivotal pillars
of modern physics.
In recent times, there has been a noteworthy interest surrounding the investigation of magnetic fields,
propelled by the discovery of systems boasting exceptionally potent fields, exemplified by magnetars [12, 13],
and occurrences observed in heavy ion collisions [14, 15, 16]. Exploring the integration of the magnetic
field within the framework of general relativity raises intriguing questions. Presently, diverse solutions to the
Einstein-Maxwell equations exist, including the Manko solution [17, 18], the Bonnor-Melvin universe [19, 20],
the Bonnor-Melvin-likesolutions with cosmological constant [21, 22], and a recently proposed electrovacuum
solution [23] that incorporates the cosmological constant into the Bonnor-Melvin framework.
1 faizuddinahmed15@gmail.com ; faizuddin@ustm.ac.in
2 abdelmalek.bouzenada@univ-tebessa.dz ; abdelmalekbouzenada@gmail.com

We are shifting our focus to the intersection of general relativity and quantum physics, a critical consid-
eration emerges: how these two theories may interrelate or if such a connection is even relevant. Numerous
works have addressed this inquiry, predominantly relying on the Klein-Gordon and the Dirac equations
within curved space-times [24, 25]. This exploration extends to diverse scenarios, encompassing particles
in Schwarzschild [26] and Kerr black holes [27], cosmic string backgrounds [28, 29, 30], quantum oscil-
lators [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], in the context of the Casimir effects [40, 41], and particles
within the Hartle-Thorne space-time [42]. Moreover, a few other investigations of quantum mechanical
problems within the curved space-time backgrounds are in global monopoles [43, 44, 45, 46], in cosmic
string space-time [47], in the Som-Raychaudhuri space-time [48], and other topological defect backgrounds
[49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68]. These investigations have yielded
compelling insights into how quantum systems respond to the arbitrary geometries of spacetime. Conse-
quently, an intriguing avenue of study involves the examination of quantum particles within a space-time
influenced by a magnetic field. For instance, in [69], the Dirac particles were explored in the Melvin metric,
while our current work focus into the study of dynamics of spin-0 bosonic fields within a magnetic universe
incorporating a cosmological constant, as proposed in [23].
The dynamics of various relativistic quantum systems hinge critically on the Dirac oscillator (DO). As
highlighted by Ito et al. [70] in previous advancements in the dynamics of spin-1/2 particles with a linear
trajectory, they demonstrated that the non-relativistic limit of the system results in an ordinary harmonic
oscillator with a significant spin-orbit coupling term. Notably, Moshinsky and Szczepaniak [71] determined
that the mentioned DO could be derived from the free Dirac equation by introducing an external linear
potential, achieved through a minimal replacement of the momentum operator p̂ −→ (p̂ − i M ω β r̂). It
is important to emphasize that, in addition to the theoretical exploration of the DO, valuable insights can
be gained by delving into its physical interpretation-an aspect undeniably crucial for comprehending many
relevant applications.
The Melvin magnetic universe is an exact static solution of Einstein-Maxwell equations in which Maxwell’s
magnetic pressure is balanced by gravitational attraction. In this cylindrical symmetric space-time, the
magnetic field is parallel to the regular axis of symmetry. The stability as well as other essential properties
of Melvin’s magnetic universe have been  extensively studied by  a number of authors. The 
space-time metric
in cylindrical coordinates is ds = Λ (r) − dt + dr + dz + Λ2 (r) dϕ , where Λ(r) = 1 + K 2 r2 with
2 2 2 2 2 2

K = B2 and B is the magnetic field strength. In the limit of zero magnetic field, B → 0, one will get from
this Bonnor-Melvin metric the Minkowski space given by ds2 = −dt2 + dr2 + dz 2 + r2 dϕ2 .
The homogeneous solution of the Bonnor-Melvin-like space-time is described by the following line element
(see Eq. (32) in Ref. [23])
1  2 
ds2 = gµν dxµ dxν = −dt2 + dz 2 + dr + α2 sin2 r dϕ2 , (1)

where Λ denotes the cosmological constant, and 0 < α < 1 represents the topological parameter which
produces an angular deficit. Noted that the topological parameter α is introduced by modifying the angular
coordinate ϕ via transformation ϕ → α ϕ. We assume a purely magnetic field aligned with the axis of
symmetry, yielding thus a Maxwell tensor of the form F = H(r) dr ∧ dϕ, where the magnetic field strength
is given by (see Eq. (11) in Ref. [23])
H(r) = √ sin r . (2)
The covariant (gµν ) and contravariant form (gµν ) of the metric tensor for the space-time (1) are given by

   
0 0 0 −1 0 0 0
0 1
0 0 0 2Λ 0 0
gµν = 2Λ
α2 sin2 r
, g µν =
0 2Λ
. (3)
0 0 2Λ 0 0 α2 sin2 r
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

The determinant of the metric tensor for the space-time (2) is given by
det (gµν ) = g = − sin2 r . (4)
4 Λ2
The investigation into gravitational interactions within a quantum mechanical system has been an active
area of research, as evidenced by numerous studies [72, 73, 74, 75, 76]. The exploration of quantum mechanical
phenomena in curved space-time introduces a novel interplay between quantum matter and gravitational
forces in the micro-particle realm. Notably, recent research has been inspired by the Dirac oscillator embedded
in a cosmic string background, leading to a wealth of studies such as the dynamics of the Dirac oscillator in
cosmic string space-time [77, 78, 74, 30, 79, 80], the Aharonov-Casher effect on the Dirac oscillator [72, 81],
and the examination of non-inertial effects on the Dirac oscillator in the backdrop of cosmic string space-time
[82, 83].
Our motivation is to investigate the relativistic quantum dynamics of scalar particles within the context
of a magnetic universe, specifically described by the Bonnor-Melvin metric with a cosmological constant. We
aim to solve the Klein-Gordon wave equation analytically and obtain the exact and approximate eigenvalue
solutions for the scalar particles. Subsequently, we explore the relativistic quantum oscillator, modeled by the
Klein-Gordon oscillator, within the same magnetic universe background. We derive the radial wave equation
and obtain the approximate eigenvalue solution for the oscillator field and conduct a comprehensive analysis
of the results. Our findings reveal that the energy eigenvalues in both analyses are influenced by the topology
of the geometry, as characterized by the parameter α, and the cosmological constant Λ. Furthermore, in
the quantum oscillator system, the energy spectrum undergoes modifications due to the oscillator frequency
ω, in addition to the aforementioned parameters. The structure of this paper is summarized as: In Sect.
2, we investigate the relativistic quantum dynamics of scalar particle via the Klein-Gordon equation in
the background of magnetic universe. In Sect. 2, we focus on the relativistic quantum oscillator in the
background of same magnetic universe. In Sect. 4, we present our results and discussion. Throughout
this paper, we use the system of units, where h̄ = c = G = 1.

2 Dynamics of scalar particles in cosmological space-time back-

In this part, we study the relativistic quantum dynamics of spin-0 scalar particles described the Klein-Gordon
wave equation in the background of cosmological space-time represented by the line-element (1). We derive
that radial equation through a wave function ansatz and obtain approximate and exact eigenvalue solutions
of the quantum system under investigations.
Therefore, we write the relativistic wave equation describing the quantum motions of spin-0 scalar par-
ticles given by [28, 29, 30, 84]
" #
1 √ 
µν 2
−√ ∂µ −g g ∂ν + M Ψ = 0, (5)
where M is the rest mass of the particles, g is the determinant of the metric tensor gµν with its inverse g µν .
Expression the wave equation (5) in the space-time (1) and using Eqs. (3)-(4), we obtain the following
differential equation:
" ( ) #
d2 d2 1 d 1 d2 d2 2
− 2 + 2Λ + + + 2 − M Ψ(t, r, ϕ, z) = 0 . (6)
dt dr2 tan r dr α2 sin2 r dϕ2 dz
In quantum mechanical system, the total wave function is expressible in terms of different variables by
the method of separation of variables. In our case, we choose the following ansatz of the total wave function
Ψ in terms of function ψ(x) as follows:
Ψ(t, r, ϕ, z) = exp(−i E t) exp(i m ϕ) exp(i k z) ψ(r), (7)
where E is the particle’s energy, m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, .... are the eigenvalues of the angular quantum number.
We can express the total wave function in the given form due to the absence of dependence on the time
coordinate t, the angular coordinate ϕ, and the translational coordinate z in the differential equation (6).
Substituting the total wave function (7) into the differential equation (13), we obtain the differential
equation for ψ(x) as follows:
" #
1 1 n o m
ψ ′′ (r) + ψ ′ (r) + E 2 − k2 − M 2 − 2 ψ(r) = 0 . (8)
tan r 2Λ α sin2 r

Below, we endeavor to solve the aforementioned second-order differential equation (8) employing two
distinct methods. The initial approach involves utilizing an approximation technique, while the second
method employs an exact solution. We derive the expression for the energy eigenvalue using both methods
and subsequently conduct a detailed analysis of the obtained results.

2.1 Approximate Eigenvalue Solution

In this section, we address the equation (8) by employing a first-order approximation, specifically sin r ≈ r
and tan r ≈ r. This approximation is applicable only under the condition that the radial distance r is
sufficiently small, confining the scalar particles within this region. Consequently, the radial wave equation
(8) simplifies to the following form:
r2 ψ ′′ + r ψ ′ + λ2 r2 − ι2 ψ = 0, (9)

where we have defined r

1 |m|
λ= (E 2 − k 2 − M 2 ), ι= . (10)
2Λ |α|
It is evident that the resulting differential equation (9) takes on the well-known form of Bessel’s second-
order equation [85, 86], for which solutions are readily available. Our primary focus lies in obtaining a
well-behaved solution of the Bessel equation at the origin, i.e., when r = 0. The Bessel function of the
first kind emerges as a viable solution to equation (9), exhibiting regular behavior at the origin, and can be
expressed as:
ψ(r) = c1 Jι (λ r), (11)
where c1 is an arbitrary constant. The asymptotic form of the Bessel function of the first kind is given by
[85, 86]:  π π
Jι ∝ cos λ r − ι − . (12)
2 4
Now, we confine the motion of scalar particles within a region characterized by a hard-wall confining
potential. This confinement is particularly significant as it provides an excellent approximation when in-
vestigating the quantum properties of systems such as gas molecules and other particles that are inherently
constrained within a defined spatial domain. The hard-wall confinement is defined by a condition specifying
that at a certain axial distance, r = r0 , the radial wave function ψ becomes zero, i.e., ψ(r = r0 ) = 0. This
condition is commonly referred to as the Dirichlet’s condition in the literature. The study of the hard-
wall confining potential has proven valuable in various contexts, including its examination in the presence
of rotational effects on the scalar field [30], studies involving the Klein-Gordon oscillator subjected to the
influence of linear topological defects [87, 29], investigations into non-inertial effects on a non-relativistic
Dirac particle [82], examinations of a Dirac neutral particle analogous to a quantum dot [88], studies on the
harmonic oscillator within an elastic medium featuring a spiral dislocation [89], and investigations into the
behavior of Dirac and Klein-Gordon oscillators in the presence of a global monopole [43]. This exploration
of the hard-wall potential in diverse scenarios enriches our understanding of its impact on quantum systems,
providing insights into the behavior of scalar particles subject to this form of confinement.

Therefore, at r = r0 , we have ψ(r = r0 ) = 0 and using Eq. (12), we obtain the following relation:
 π π π
λ r0 − ι − = (2 n + 1) , (13)
2 4 2
where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
Simplification of the above relation gives us the energy eigenvalue of scalar particles associated with the
mode {n, m} given by: s
2 Λ π2  |m| 3 2
En,m = ± k 2 + M 2 + n + + . (14)
r02 2 |α| 4

Equation (14) represents the relativistic approximate energy eigenvalue of spin-0 scalar particles in the
context of cosmological space-time described by the line-element (1). Notably, the approximate energy
spectrum is intricately shaped by the underlying geometry, as characterized by the parameters α and Λ.
Additionally, the energy spectrum exhibits variations with respect to the angular quantum number m. A
noteworthy observation is that the energy levels of the scalar particles exhibit equal spacing on both sides
of E = 0. This intriguing feature signifies that in the system under consideration, particles and antiparticles
possess equal energies. This symmetry in energy levels adds a distinctive characteristic to the behavior
of scalar particles in this cosmological space-time, emphasizing the equilibrium between particles and their
corresponding antiparticles within this specific framework.
We have generated Figure 1 to illustrate the energy spectrum for various values of the cosmological
constant λ (Fig. 1(a)), while keeping α = 0.5 and m = 1. Additionally, Figure 1(b) depicts the impact
of the topological parameter α on the energy spectrum, with Λ = 0.5 and m = 1. In Figure 1(c), we
explore the influence of the angular quantum number m on the energy spectrum, maintaining fixed values of
α = 0.5 = Λ. Lastly, Figure 1(d) illustrates the variation in the energy spectrum with changes in the radial
quantum number n, with α = 0.5 and m = 1. These figures showcase the nature of the energy spectrum
as these parameters (Λ, α, m, n) increase, providing valuable insights into the behavior of the system under

2.2 Exact Eigenvalue Solution

In this part, we address the equation (8) by making a transformation u = cos r into the differential equation
(8) results the following form:
(1 − u2 ) ψ ′′ (u) − 2 u ψ ′ (u) + λ − ψ(u) = 0 . (15)
1 − u2
Setting ℓ = λ + 41 − 1
2 which results ℓ (ℓ + 1) = λ into the above equation (15), we obtain

h ι2 i
(1 − u2 ) ψ ′′ (u) − 2 u ψ ′ (u) + ℓ (ℓ + 1) − ψ(u) = 0 . (16)
1 − u2
The above differential equation is the well-know associated Legendre polynomial [85, 86] whose solutions are
called associated Legendre polynomials given by:
ι dι
ψ(u) = Pℓι (u) = (−1)ι (1 − u2 ) 2 (Pℓ (u)), (17)
where Pℓ (u) is the Legendre polynomial.
 is known that this associated
 Legendre polynomial can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric function
2 F1 − ℓ, ℓ + 1; 1 − ι; 2 [85] and by series expansion one can show that this hypergeometric function 2 F1
becomes a finite degree polynomial of degree n provided −ℓ must be a non-positive integer, that is ℓ = n,
where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, .... Thus, we can write ℓ (ℓ + 1) = λ = n (n + 1).
Λ=0.25 Λ=0.5 Λ=0.75 Λ=1


Spectrum of energy,En,m

Spectrum of energy,En,m
0 0


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
n n

(a) α = 0.5, m = 1 (b) Λ = 0.5, m = 1

n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3


Spectrum of energy,En,m
Spectrum of energy,En,m

0 0


0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

n Λ

(c) Λ = α = 0.5 (d) α = 0.5, m = 1

Figure 1: Energy spectrum Em,n (equation (14)). Here the parameters are set as k = M = 1 and r0 = 0.5.

Λ=0.25 Λ=0.5 Λ=0.75 Λ=1 n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3

Spectrum of energy,En
Spectrum of energy,En


0 0

-5 -2


0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
n Λ

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Energy spectrum En (equation (18)). Here the parameters are set as k = M = 1.

Simplification of the above relation λ = n (n + 1) results the following expression of the energy eigenvalue
of the system given by: p
En = ± M 2 + k 2 + 2 Λ n (n + 1) . (18)
Equation (18) represents the exact relativistic energy eigenvalue of spin-0 scalar particles within the cos-
mological space-time described by (5). It is apparent that this exact energy expression is solely influenced by
the cosmological constant Λ and exhibits variations dependent on the radial quantum number n. Notewor-
thy is the observation that the energy levels of the scalar particles display equidistant spacing on both sides
around E = 0, indicating an equality in energies between particles and antiparticles within the considered
It is important to highlight the disparity between the approximate and exact energy eigenvalues of
scalar particles, as expressed respectively in Eqs. (14) and (18). Furthermore, there exists a possibility of
obtaining an approximate energy eigenvalue by solving equation (8) up to the second-order approximation,
a consideration omitted in this paper. Future investigations may explore this avenue to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the system’s behavior.
We have presented Figure 2 to depict the exact energy spectrum of scalar particles for different values of
the cosmological constant λ (Fig. 2(a)) and the radial quantum number n (Fig. 2(b)). The figures illustrate
the behavior of the exact energy spectrum as these parameters (Λ, n) increase, offering insights into the
system’s dynamics with varying cosmological constants and radial quantum numbers.

3 Relativistic quantum oscillator fields in cosmological space-time

In this section, we study the relativistic quantum oscillator fields within the framework of the Klein-Gordon
oscillator, considering the backdrop of the cosmological solution given by (1). To account
 for the oscillator
∂ ∂
field, we introduce a modification by replacing the radial momentum operator ∂r → ∂r + M ω r , where ω
represents the oscillator frequency [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]. This adjustment is further expressed
in four-vector form as ∂µ → (∂µ + M ω Xµ ), with Xµ = (0, r, 0, 0). Numerous researchers have extensively
explored the dynamics of this relativistic quantum oscillator field in various space-time backgrounds, includ-
ing Gödel and Gödel-type space-times both with and without topological defects. Investigations have been
conducted in the context of global monopoles space-time, cosmic string space-times (both standard and spin-
ning), as well as in topologically trivial and non-trivial geometries. Additionally, studies within the realm of
Kaluza-Klein theory (KKT) have been undertaken (see, Refs. [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46],
and the associated references therein). The examination of the relativistic quantum oscillator field within
diverse space-time backgrounds provides valuable insights into the interplay between quantum oscillation
fields and the underlying cosmological geometry, offering a comprehensive understanding of the intricate
dynamics involved in these scenarios.
The relativistic wave equation describing the quantum oscillator field is given by
h 1 √ i
√ (∂µ + M ω Xµ ) ( −g g µν ) (∂ν − M ω Xν ) Ψ = M 2 Ψ, (19)

where ω is the oscillator frequency.

Explicitly writing the wave equation (19) in the space-time (1) and using Eqs. (3)-(4), we obtain the
following differential equation:
" ( ) #
d2 d2 1 d M ωr 1 d2
d 2
− 2 + 2Λ + −Mω− − M 2 ω2 r2 + 2 + 2 − M 2 Ψ = 0 . (20)
dt dr2 tan r dr tan r α sin2 r dϕ2 dz

Λ=0.25 Λ=0.5 Λ=0.75 Λ=1


Spectrum of energy,En,m

Spectrum of energy,En,m
2 α=0.25
0 0
-2 α=1


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
n n

(a) α = 0.5, m = 1 (b) Λ = 0.5, m = 1

n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3


Spectrum of energy,En,m
Spectrum of energy,En,m

0 0



0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
n Λ

(c) Λ = α = 0.5 (d) n = 0, α = 0.5, m = 1

Figure 3: The energy spectrum En,m for the relation given in Equation 26, where the parameters are set as
k = M = 1 and ω = 0.5.

Substituting the wave function ansatz (7) into the above differential equation (20) results the following
second-order differential equation form:
" #
2 2 2 2
1 (E − M ) M ω r k ι
ψ ′′ + ψ′ + −Mω− − M 2 ω2 r2 − − ψ = 0. (21)
tan r 2Λ tan r 2 Λ sin2 r

We solve the above differential equation (21) by taking an approximation up to the first order, that is,
sin r ≈ r and tan r ≈ r. Therefore, the radial wave equation (21) reduces to the following form:
′′ 1 ′ 2 2 2 2 ι2
ψ + ψ + η − M ω r − 2 ψ = 0, (22)
r r

E 2 − M 2 − k2
− 2M ω. η2 = (23)

Transforming to a new variable via s = M ω r2 into the above equation (22) results the following equation
form [90]:  
(c1 − c2 s) ′ − ξ1 s2 + ξ2 s − ξ3
ψ ′′ (s) + ψ (s) + ψ(s) = 0, (24)
s (1 − c3 s) s2 (1 − c3 s)2
where c1 = 1, c2 = 0 = c3 and
1 η ι2
, ξ2 = , ξ3 = . ξ1 = (25)
4 4M ω 4
Equation (24) takes the form of a homogeneous second-order differential equation, and we can solve it
using the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method [90]. The parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method has been
widely employed by various authors to obtain eigenvalue solutions for wave equations in quantum systems
(see, for example, Refs. [44, 45]). Following the methodology outlined in Refs. [44, 45], we successfully
derive the relativistic approximate energy eigenvalue for the quantum system, and it is expressed as
En,m = M 2 + k 2 + 8 M ω Λ n + 1 + , (26)

where n = 0, 1, 2, .....
The corresponding radial wave function will be
|m| |m|
( )
ψ(s) = N s 2|α| e−s/2 Ln|α| (s), (27)

where N is the normalization constant.

Equation (26) characterizes the relativistic approximate energy eigenvalue of the quantum oscillator fields
within the cosmological space-time background with topological defect. Notably, the expression for energy
spectrum is influenced by the underlying geometry, as described by the topology parameter α, and the
cosmological constant Λ. In addition, the energy spectrum of the oscillator fields undergoes modifications
introduced by the oscillator frequency ω and reveals variations in relation to the quantum numbers {n, m}.
Here also, we see that the energy levels are equally spacing on both sides about E = 0.
We have presented Figure 3, illustrating the energy spectrum for different values of the cosmological
constant Λ (Fig. 3(a)), where α = 0.5 and m = 1. Additionally, Figure 3(b) demonstrates the impact
of the topological parameter α on the energy spectrum, with Λ = 0.5 and m = 1. Figure 3(c) portrays
the influence of the angular quantum number m on the energy spectrum while maintaining fixed values of
α = 0.5 and Λ = 0.5. Lastly, Figure 3(d) illustrates the variation in the energy spectrum with changes
in the radial quantum number n, while α = 0.5 and m = 1. The figures reveal that the linear nature of
the energy spectrum undergoes changes with increasing values of these parameters (Λ, α, m, n), providing
valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of the oscillator fields under consideration.

4 Conclusions
Numerous investigations have been conducted to explore exact solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell field equa-
tions, both in the presence and absence of a cosmological constant, spanning various dimensions. These
solutions typically emerge from the electromagnetic field components aligned along axial and azimuthal di-
rections. The pioneering work of Melvin marked the inception of solutions featuring a purely magnetic field,
a concept later generalized into the Bonnor-Melvin magnetic universe. Notably, recent contributions in Refs.
[21, 22, 23] expanded upon this framework by introducing a non-zero cosmological constant into the Bonnor-
Melvin magnetic universe-a topic of particular interest within the context of quantum mechanical systems.
The inclusion of a cosmological constant in the Bonnor-Melvin magnetic universe opens avenues for inves-
tigating quantum mechanical phenomena within this unique spacetime. Such studies offer valuable insights
into the dynamics of scalar particles and relativistic quantum oscillator fields, elucidating their behavior
under the combined influences of the cosmological constant and the topology parameter. This exploration
provides a nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between quantum effects and the underlying
geometry of the magnetic universe.
The primary objective of this study was to probe the behavior of spin-0 scalar particles and quantum
oscillator fields within the context of a cosmological space-time characterized by the line-element (1), in-
corporating a non-zero cosmological constant. The central emphasis was placed on unraveling the impacts
on the total wave function-a crucial entity that encapsulates comprehensive information about the quantum
system under scrutiny. By delving into this investigation, our aim was to gain insights into the nuanced
dynamics of scalar particles and quantum oscillator fields within the distinctive backdrop of this cosmological

space-time. The focal point of interest revolved around understanding how the presence of a non-zero cos-
mological constant influences the total wave function, thereby providing a deeper comprehension of quantum
mechanical phenomena within the framework of this magnetic universe. Through this exploration, our study
sought to contribute to the broader understanding of the intricate interplay between the unique features of
the cosmological space-time, characterized by the line-element (1), and the behavior of quantum systems.
By shedding light on the behavior of scalar particles and quantum oscillator fields in this context, we aimed
to enhance our comprehension of the underlying quantum mechanical phenomena within such specialized
space-time configurations.
In Section 2, we successfully derived the radial equation of the Klein-Gordon equation within the Bonnor-
Melvin magnetic universe featuring a cosmological constant. Subsequently, we solved this radial equation,
presenting both an approximate energy eigenvalue, as outlined in Equation (14), and an exact analytical
solution given by Equation (18). Notably, our observations revealed that the energy spectrum presented
in Equation (14) is notably influenced by both the topology of the geometry (α) and the presence of a
positive cosmological constant (Λ > 0). Furthermore, this energy spectrum undergoes modifications based
on the angular quantum number (m). An interesting contrast arises when comparing this energy spectrum
(Equation (14)) with the one presented in Equation (8). The latter is intriguingly independent of both
the topological parameter (α) and the angular quantum number (m). This discrepancy adds a layer of
complexity to the understanding of how the geometry and cosmological constant influence the energy levels
of the quantum system. Of particular note is the fascinating observation that the energy levels, as described
in Equation (14), exhibit equal spacing on either side of E = 0. This intriguing pattern suggests that particles
and their corresponding antiparticles possess equivalent energies within fixed quantum states {n, m}. This
finding adds a unique dimension to our understanding of the energy distribution within the quantum system,
emphasizing the symmetry between particles and antiparticles for specific quantum states.
In Section 3, our investigation extended to the realm of relativistic quantum oscillator fields, specifically
described by the Klein-Gordon oscillator. Within this framework, we derived the radial equation and suc-
cessfully obtained the approximate energy eigenvalue for the oscillator fields, as detailed in Equation (26).
Similar to our earlier findings, we noted that the energy spectrum is not only influenced by the topology
of the geometry (α) but is also impacted by the presence of a positive cosmological constant (Λ > 0) and
the oscillator frequency (ω). Additionally, the energy spectrum experiences alterations based on the angular
quantum number (m). An intriguing parallel emerged when comparing the energy spectrum in Equation
(26) with the one discussed in Section 2 (Equation (14)). Once again, we observed the noteworthy pattern of
energy levels exhibiting equal spacing on both sides of E = 0. This consistent observation suggests that, akin
to the scalar particles discussed earlier, particles and antiparticles within the relativistic quantum oscillator
fields possess equivalent energies for fixed quantum states {n, m}. This recurring symmetry in the energy
distribution underscores a fascinating aspect of the quantum dynamics within this cosmological framework.
Our exploration aimed into the intriguing realm of quantum field theory in curved space, with a specific
focus on a cosmological space-time characterized by a non-zero positive cosmological constant. Throughout
our investigation, we discerned that the outcomes exhibit modifications influenced by various parameters
inherent in the space-time geometry. The interplay of these parameters, such as the topology parameter α,
cosmological constant Λ, and quantum numbers {n, m}, introduced nuanced changes to the results, adding
layers of complexity to the quantum dynamics within this cosmological setting.

Conflict of Interest
There is no conflict of interests.

Funding Statement
No funding agency is associated with this manuscript.

Data Availability Statement

No data are generated or analysed during this study.

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