Cosmological Models Based On A Complex Scalar Field With A Power-Law Potential With Polytropic Equation - Chavanis2022
Cosmological Models Based On A Complex Scalar Field With A Power-Law Potential With Polytropic Equation - Chavanis2022
Cosmological Models Based On A Complex Scalar Field With A Power-Law Potential With Polytropic Equation - Chavanis2022
We construct cosmological models based on a complex scalar field with a power-law potential
K m 2γ
V ¼ γ−1 ð ℏ Þ jφj2γ associated with a polytropic equation of state P ¼ Kργ (the potential associated with an
isothermal equation of state P ¼ ρkB T=m is V ¼ mkℏB2 T jφj2 ½lnðm2 jφj2 =ρ ℏ2 Þ − 1 and the potential
associated with a logotropic equation of state P ¼ A lnðρ=ρP Þ is V ¼ −A½lnðm2 jφj2 =ℏ2 ρP Þ þ 1). We
consider a fast oscillation regime of “spintessence” where the equations of the problem can be simplified.
We study all possible cases with arbitrary (positive and negative) values of the polytropic constant and
polytropic index. The ΛCDM model, the Chaplygin gas model, and the Bose-Einstein condensate model
are recovered as particular cases of our study corresponding to a constant potential (γ ¼ 0), an inverse
square-law potential (γ ¼ −1), and a quartic potential (γ ¼ 2). We also derive the two-fluid representation
of the Chaplygin gas model.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.043502
dynamically unstable [38] or oscillating [39].2 This is radiationlike era, and a DM era.5 It is also possible to
basically due to the fact that the charge of a complex SF account for the present acceleration of the universe (DE)
is conserved while real SFs have no conserved charge. by introducing a cosmological constant Λ or by shifting
Therefore, a complex SF seems more promising than a real the origin of the SF potential to a small positive value
SF to account both for the cosmic evolution of the universe equal to the cosmological energy density ϵΛ ¼ ρΛ c2 so
2 2 λ
(cosmological background) and the formation of large-scale that V tot ¼ ρΛ c2 þ m2ℏc2 jφj2 þ 4ℏc jφj4 (see Appendix E of
structures (galaxies and DM halos). [52]). The radiationlike era only exists for sufficiently
The cosmological evolution of a spatially homogeneous large values of the self-interaction parameter [40,41]. Self-
complex SF with a quartic self-interaction potential (pos- interacting SFs may be more relevant than noninteracting
sibly representing the wave function of a relativistic BEC) SFs. Indeed, it is found in [40,41] that the FDM model
was recently studied by Li et al. [40] and Suárez and which assumes that the bosons are noninteracting is not
Chavanis [41].3 These authors considered a slow oscil- consistent with cosmological constraints from cosmic
lation regime where the SF rolls down the potential without microwave background (CMB) and big bang nucleosyn-
oscillating and a fast oscillation regime of “spintessence” thesis (BBN).
[42] where the direction (phase) of the SF rotates rapidly in A complex SF with an attractive 4ℏc jφj4 (λ < 0) self-
the complex plane while its modulus changes slowly interaction can display, in the fast oscillation regime, two
(adiabatically). In the slow oscillation regime, there is types of behaviors which are associated with two branches
an interesting situation of “kination” where the kinetic of solutions. These solutions start at a nonzero scale factor
term dominates the potential term and the SF behaves with a finite energy density. In this sense, the SF emerges
as stiff matter [43]. In the fast oscillation regime, the “suddenly” in the universe. Initially, there is a very short
equations of the problem can be averaged over the cosmic stringlike era (P ∼ −ϵ=3). On the normal (non-
oscillations of the SF and simplified. Using a hydro- relativistic) branch, the energy density decreases to zero as
dynamic representation of the KG equation, Suárez and a−3 and the SF behaves as pressureless DM (P ≃ 0). On the
Chavanis [41] showed that the fast oscillation regime of peculiar (ultrarelativistic) branch, the energy density slowly
spintessence is equivalent to the Thomas-Fermi (TF) decreases and tends to a constant at late times giving rise to
approximation where the quantum potential can be
neglected (this amounts to taking ℏ ¼ 0 in the hydro- 5
It is well known that a noninteracting real SF undergoes a stiff
dynamic equations). They investigated the domain of matter era followed by an inflation era and, finally (in the fast
validity of this regime in detail. oscillation regime), by a matter era [44–47]. This evolution (stiff
A complex SF with a repulsive 4ℏc λ
jφj4 (λ > 0) self- matter → inflation → matter) was also found by Scialom and
Jetzer [48,49] for a self-interacting complex SF. These authors
interaction undergoes, in the fast oscillation regime, a showed that the inflation era occurring in the slow-roll regime is
radiationlike4 era (with an equation of state P ∼ ϵ=3) sufficiently long provided that the bosonic charge Q is close to
followed by a matterlike era (P ≃ 0). However, the fast zero (in that case, the phase of the SF remains approximately
oscillation regime is not valid at very early times. It is constant and thus inflation is essentially driven by one component
of the SF as if it were real). On the other hand, for a massive
preceded, in the primordial universe, by a stiff matter era complex SF, inflation is less effective when the self-interaction λ
(P ¼ ϵ) which is valid in the slow oscillation regime. increases. This is because the potential becomes less flat and, as a
Therefore, a complex SF with a repulsive jφj4 self- consequence, the slow-roll approximation needed for inflation to
interaction undergoes successively a stiff matter era, a occur is no longer well satisfied. Therefore, inflation takes place
only if the charge and the self-interaction of the SF are
sufficiently small. Otherwise, the background passes directly
from the stiff matter era to the oscillatory phase [40,41] (there
2 may, however, be an inflation era prior to the stiff matter era [50]).
These dynamical instabilities occur in the relativistic regime
of boson stars. Although DM halos can usually be described by Arbey et al. [51] also considered (independently from [48,49]) a
nonrelativistic equations, there are certain situations in which self-interacting complex SF. For λ ¼ 0 they found a stiff matter
relativity may be important. In addition, bosons described by a era, followed by an epoch where the SF is constant (like the
complex SF with a global Uð1Þ symmetry associated with a inflation era reported previously but occurring during the stan-
conserved charge (Noether theorem) can form BECs even in the dard radiation era), and a DM era. For λ ≠ 0 they found, in the
early universe while this is more difficult for a system of bosons fast oscillation regime, a dark radiation era followed by a DM era.
described by a real SF like the QCD axion. For a complex SF in the fast oscillation regime, only the phase θ
3 of the SF changes (spintessence). The modulus jφj of the SF
Li et al. [40] focused on a repulsive quartic self-interaction
evolves slowly without oscillating. By contrast, for a real SF in
while Suárez and Chavanis [41] considered both repulsive and the fast oscillation regime, φðtÞ oscillates rapidly by taking
attractive quartic self-interactions. They also developed a general positive and negative values. Arbey et al. [51] considered a fast
formalism that is valid for an arbitrary potential of interaction oscillation regime different from spintessence where the complex
Vðjφj2 Þ. SF behaves as an effective oscillating real SF (axion). In the
The radiationlike era is due to the jφj4 self-interaction of the present paper, when considering the fast oscillation regime of a
SF. It is different from the standard radiation era due to photons or complex SF, we shall systematically assume that it corresponds to
ultrarelativistic particles like neutrinos. the spintessence regime.
a de Sitter evolution. In that case, the SF behaves as DE In the present paper, we do not necessarily try to construct
(P ∼ −ϵ).6 On the normal branch, the fast oscillation regime a realistic model of universe. We consider an arbitrary
is not valid at early times so that quantum mechanics power-law potential V ∼ Kjφj2γ and describe the different
(ℏ ≠ 0) must be taken into account. In the very early types of evolutions that it produces depending on the value
universe, a complex SF with an attractive self-interaction of γ and on the sign of K. Our work therefore complements
may undergo an inflation era. If the self-interaction is the study of the jφj4 potential performed in [40,41].
sufficiently small, the inflation era is followed by a stiff The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we consider
matter era. On the peculiar branch, if the self-interaction is a spatially homogeneous SF in an expanding universe.
sufficiently large, the fast oscillation regime is valid Following our previous paper [41] we establish the general
initially but it ceases to be valid at late times so that equations of the problem in the fast oscillation (or TF)
quantum mechanics (ℏ ≠ 0) must be taken into account regime for an arbitrary potential of interaction Vðjφj2 Þ and
ultimately. As a result, the de Sitter regime may stop and the show that the SF behaves as a barotropic fluid described by
SF may eventually enter in a stiff matter era implying that an equation of state PðρÞ determined by the potential. In
the late universe passes from a phase of acceleration to a Sec. III we show that the energy density ϵ can be written as
phase of deceleration. the sum of a rest-mass energy density ρm c2 and an internal
In the present paper, we study how the evolution of the energy density u which play respectively the roles of DM
universe depends on the form of the SF potential. Many and DE. We relate the internal energy density u to the SF
types of potentials have been studied in the past in the case potential V. We also introduce a two-fluid model associated
of a real SF. The novelty of our approach is to consider the with the single dark fluid (or SF) model. In Sec. IV we
cosmic evolution of a complex SF. Furthermore, we focus consider power-law potentials associated with polytropic
on the fast oscillation regime where the SF experiences the and isothermal equations of state. In Sec. V we describe all
process of spintessence. The general equations of the possible cosmological evolutions corresponding to a pos-
problem, valid for an arbitrary self-interaction potential, itive polytropic constant K > 0. In Sec. VI we describe all
are given in [41]. In the present paper, we consider possible cosmological evolutions corresponding to a neg-
K m 2γ
algebraic potentials of the form V ¼ γ−1 ð ℏ Þ jφj2γ where ative polytropic constant K < 0. In Sec. VII we investigate
K and γ can be positive or negative. These power-law the validity of the fast oscillation regime in these models.
potentials are associated with the polytropic equation of In Sec. VIII we briefly consider the problem of structure
state P ¼ Kργ where ρ ¼ mℏ2 jφj2 is the pseudorest-mass formation. A summary of our main results is provided in
density. The ΛCDM model is recovered for a constant the conclusion. Complements about the general formalism
potential V ¼ ρΛ c2 (γ ¼ 0 and K ¼ −ρΛ c2 ) corresponding are given in the appendixes.
to a constant equation of state P ¼ −ρΛ c2 . The Chaplygin
gas is recovered for an inverse square law potential V ¼ II. THEORY OF A COMPLEX SF
A ℏ 2 1
2 ðmÞ jφj2 (γ ¼ −1 and K ¼ −A) corresponding to the
In this section, we recall the basic equations governing
equation of state P ¼ −A=ρ. The standard BEC model is the cosmological evolution of a spatially homogeneous
recovered for a quartic potential V ¼ 2πams3ℏ ðmℏ Þ4 jφj4 (γ ¼ 2 complex SF with an arbitrary self-interaction potential in a
and K ¼ 2πas ℏ2 =m3 ) corresponding to the equation of Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe.
2 We also recall how these equations can be simplified in the
state P ¼ 2πams3ℏ ρ2 . We also consider a potential of the form
fast oscillation regime (equivalent to the classical or TF
V ¼ mkℏB2 T jφj2 ½lnðm2 jφj2 =ρ ℏ2 Þ − 1 associated with the approximation) that is considered in the following sections.
isothermal equation of state P ¼ ρkB T=m. This is the limit We refer to our previous papers [41,52,55] and references
of the polytropic equation of state when γ → 1. In a therein for a more detailed discussion.
companion paper [52], we specifically study a potential
of the form V ¼ −A½lnðm2 jφj2 =ℏ2 ρP Þ þ 1 associated with
A. Spatially homogeneous SF
the logotropic equation of state P ¼ A lnðρ=ρP Þ. This is the
limit of the polytropic equation of state when γ → 0 and Let us consider a complex SF φ with a self-interaction
K → þ∞ with A ¼ Kγ constant (see Sec. 3 of [54] and potential Vðjφj2 Þ described by the KG equation. For a
Appendix A of [52] for a precise statement). The logotropic spatially homogeneous SF φðtÞ evolving in an expanding
model gives a good agreement with the cosmological background, the KG equation takes the form7
observations of our universe and is able to account for
the universal value of the surface density Σobs 1 d2 φ 3H dφ m2 c2 dV
0 ¼ þ 2 þ 2 φþ2 φ ¼ 0; ð1Þ
141þ83 M ⊙ =pc 2
of DM halos without free parameter. c2 dt2 c dt ℏ djφj2
6 7
This intriguing behavior was first reported by Suárez and See Appendix A for the general expression of the KG
Chavanis [41] and further discussed by Carvente et al. [53]. equation valid for a spatially inhomogeneous SF.
where H ¼ a=a _ is the Hubble parameter and aðtÞ is the B. Charge of the SF
scale factor. The second term in Eq. (1) is the Hubble drag. Writing the complex SF as
The rest-mass term (third term) can be written as φ=λ2C
where λC ¼ ℏ=mc is the Compton wavelength (m is the φ ¼ jφjeiθ ; ð7Þ
mass of the SF). The total potential including the rest-mass
term and the self-interaction term reads where jφj is its modulus and θ its phase (angle), inserting
this decomposition into the KG equation (1), and separating
m2 c2 2
V tot ðjφj2 Þ ¼ jφj þ Vðjφj2 Þ: ð2Þ the real and imaginary parts, we obtain the following pair of
2ℏ2 equations:
The energy density ϵðtÞ and the pressure PðtÞ of the SF are
1 djφj dθ d2 θ 3H dθ
given by (see, e.g., [55] for details) 2
2 þ jφj 2 þ 2 jφj ¼ 0; ð8Þ
c dt dt dt c dt
1 dφ2 m2 c2 2 2
ϵ¼ 2 þ jφj þ Vðjφj2 Þ; ð3Þ 1 d2 jφj dθ 3H djφj
2c dt 2ℏ2 − jφj þ 2
c2 dt2 dt c dt
1 dφ2 m2 c2 2 m2 c2 dV
P¼ − jφj − Vðjφj2 Þ: ð4Þ þ jφj þ 2 jφj ¼ 0: ð9Þ
2c2 dt 2ℏ2 ℏ 2
The equation of state parameter is defined by w ¼ P=ϵ. Equation (8) can be rewritten as a conservation equation
The Friedmann equations determining the evolution of
the homogeneous background are d 3 2 dθ
a jφj ¼ 0: ð10Þ
dt dt
þ 3Hðϵ þ PÞ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
dt _ we get
Introducing the pulsation ω ¼ −θ,
ω¼ ; ð11Þ
8πG a3 jφj2
H2 ¼ 2 ϵ: ð6Þ
where Q is a constant of integration which represents the
Equation (6) is valid in a flat universe (k ¼ 0) without charge of the SF [40,41,51,56,57]. This conservation law
cosmological constant (Λ ¼ 0). The Friedmann equations results from the identity Dμ Jμ ¼ 0 where Jμ is the KG
can be derived from the Einstein field equations by using current. The conservation of the charge is equivalent to the
the FLRW metric. The energy conservation equation (5) conservation of the boson number provided that antibosons
results from the identity Dν T μν ¼ 0, where T μν is the are counted negatively [58]. Equation (9) can be rewritten as
energy-momentum tensor. It can also be obtained from
the KG equation (1) by using Eqs. (3) and (4) (see d2 jφj 2 4
2 jφj þ 3H djφj þ m c jφj þ 2c2 dV jφj ¼ 0:
− ω
Appendix G of [55]). Inversely, the KG equation can be dt2 dt ℏ2 djφj2
derived from Eqs. (3)–(5). Once the SF potential Vðjφj2 Þ is ð12Þ
given, the Klein-Gordon-Friedmann (KGF) equations pro-
vide a complete set of equations that can in principle be Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (12) we obtain the differential
solved to obtain the evolution of the universe assuming that equation
the energy density is entirely due to the SF (for simplicity
we do not consider here the effect of other species like
d2 jφj djφj m2 c4 2 dV Q2 ℏ2 c4
standard radiation and baryonic matter). þ 3H þ jφj þ 2c jφj − ¼ 0:
Remark: From Eq. (5) we see that the energy density dt2 dt ℏ2 djφj2 a6 jφj3
decreases with the scale factor when w > −1 and increases ð13Þ
with the scale factor when w < −1. In the second case, the
universe has a phantom behavior (we will see that this This equation is exact. It determines the evolution of the
regime is not allowed for a complex SF in the fast modulus of the complex SF. It differs from the KG equation
oscillation regime). On the other hand, when k ¼ Λ ¼ 0, of a real SF by the presence of the last term and the fact that
the deceleration parameter q ¼ −̈aa=a_ 2 is given by φ is replaced by jφj. On the other hand, substituting Eq. (7)
q ¼ ð1 þ 3wÞ=2. Therefore, the universe is decelerating into Eqs. (3) and (4) we find that the energy density and the
when w > −1=3 and accelerating when w < −1=3. pressure are given by
1 djφj 2 ω m2 c2 dV
ϵ¼ 2 þ þ jφj2 þ Vðjφj2 Þ; ð14Þ jφj2 ≃ V 0 ðhjφj2 iÞhjφj2 i; ð19Þ
2c dt 2c2 2ℏ2 djφj2
1 djφj 2 ω m2 c2 we get
P¼ þ − jφj2 − Vðjφj2 Þ: ð15Þ
2c2 dt 2c2 2ℏ2
m2 c2
hϵi ¼ hjφj2 i þ V 0 ðhjφj2 iÞhjφj2 i þ Vðhjφj2 iÞ; ð20Þ
C. Fast oscillation regime and spintessence
hPi ¼ V 0 ðhjφj2 iÞhjφj2 i − Vðhjφj2 iÞ: ð21Þ
In the fast oscillation regime ω ¼ jdθ=dtj ≫ H ¼ a=a,
where the pulsation is high with respect to the Hubble
expansion rate, Eq. (12) reduces to8 The equation of state parameter is then given by
This equation can be interpreted as a condition of equi- We note that the averages are not strictly necessary in
librium between the centrifugal force ω2 jφj and the force Eqs. (20)–(22) since the modulus of the SF changes slowly
c2 dV tot =djφj produced by the total SF potential (see with time. Equations (20) and (21) can also be obtained from
Sec. V. A. of [41]). When this condition is satisfied, the Eqs. (14) and (15) by using Eq. (16) and neglecting the
direction (phase) of the SF rotates rapidly in the complex term ðdjφj=dtÞ2 .
plane while its modulus changes slowly (adiabatically).
This is what Boyle et al. [42] call “spintessence.” There is
E. Hydrodynamic variables and TF approximation
no relation such as Eq. (16) for a real SF. Combining
Eqs. (11) and (16), we obtain Instead of working with the SF φðtÞ, we can use hydro-
dynamic variables.9 We write the SF in the de Broglie form
Q2 ℏ2 c4 m2 c4 dV (for a homogeneous SF)
¼ 2 þ 2c2 : ð17Þ
a6 jφj4 ℏ djφj2
ℏ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi iStot ðtÞ=ℏ
φðtÞ ¼ ρðtÞe ; ð23Þ
This equation relates the modulus jφj of the SF to the scale m
factor a in the fast oscillation regime. The pulsation ω of
the SF is then given by Eq. (11) or (16). where
m2 2
D. Equation of state in the fast oscillation regime ρ¼ jφj ð24Þ
To establish the equation of state of the SF in the fast
oscillation regime, we can proceed as follows [40–42,59–65]. is the pseudorest-mass density10 and Stot ¼ ð1=2Þiℏ
Multiplying the KG equation (1) by φ and averaging over a lnðφ =φÞ is the total action of the SF. In terms of the
time interval that is much longer than the field oscillation pseudorest-mass density the total potential (2) can be
period ω−1 , but much shorter than the Hubble time H −1 , we written as
1 dφ2 m2 c2 V tot ðρÞ ¼ ρc2 þ VðρÞ: ð25Þ
¼ 2 hjφj i þ 2
dV 2
jφj : ð18Þ 2
c2 dt ℏ djφj2
On the other hand, the total energy of the SF (including its
This relation constitutes a sort of virial theorem. On the other rest-mass energy mc2 ) is
hand, for a spatially homogeneous SF, the energy density and
the pressure are given by Eqs. (3) and (4). Taking the average 9
See Appendixes A and B, and our previous works
value of the energy density and pressure, using Eq. (18), and [41,55,57,66,67], for a general hydrodynamical description of
making the approximation the SF valid for possibly inhomogeneous systems.
We stress that it is only in the nonrelativistic limit c → þ∞
that ρ has the interpretation of a rest-mass density (in this limit,
For a free field (V ¼ 0), the pulsation ω is proportional to the we also have ϵ ∼ ρc2 ). In the relativistic regime, ρ does not have a
mass of the SF (ω ¼ mc2 =ℏ) and the fast oscillation condition clear physical interpretation but it can always be introduced as a
becomes mc2 =ℏ ≫ H. convenient notation.
depending on ℏ) are given in [41,55,57,66,67] and in SF which can be represented, through the de Broglie
Appendixes A and B. transformation, as a single dark fluid. It therefore provides
a unified dark matter and dark energy (UDM) model. In this
F. Cosmological evolution of a spatially homogeneous section, we interpret this dark fluid as a barotropic gas at
complex SF in the fast oscillation regime T ¼ 0 and we determine its rest-mass density ρm, internal
energy density u, and equation of state Pðρm Þ in terms of
The differential equation determining the evolution of the SF potential. This equivalence is valid only in the TF
the scale factor aðtÞ of the Universe induced by a spatially approximation. Following [50,54,69], we argue that the
homogeneous complex SF in the regime where its oscil- rest-mass density ρm plays the role of DM and the internal
lations are faster than the Hubble expansion is given by [see energy density u plays the role of DE. This provides a
Eqs. (6), (32) and (33)] simple physical interpretation of these two mysterious
2 components.
3 a_ 1
¼ ρ þ 2 ½VðρÞ þ ρV 0 ðρÞ ð39Þ
8πG a c
A. First principle of thermodynamics
The first principle of thermodynamics for a relativistic
2 Qm gas can be written as
ρ 1 þ 2 V 0 ðρÞ ¼ 3 : ð40Þ
c a
ϵ 1 s
d ¼ −Pd þ Td ; ð45Þ
Actually, it is not convenient to solve the differential ρm ρm ρm
equation (39) for the scale factor a because we have to
inverse Eq. (40) in order to express ρ as a function of a in where s is the entropy density, P is the pressure, T is the
the right-hand side of Eq. (39). It is more convenient to temperature, and
view a as a function of ρ, given by Eq. (40), and transform
Eq. (39) into a differential equation for ρ. Taking the ϵ ¼ ρm c2 þ uðρm Þ ð46Þ
logarithmic derivative of Eq. (40), we get
is the energy density including the rest-mass energy
a_ 1 ρ_ ρV 00 ðρÞ density ρm c2 (where ρm ¼ nm is the rest-mass density)
¼− 1þ 2 : ð41Þ
a 3ρ c þ 2V 0 ðρÞ and the internal energy density uðρm Þ. We assume that
Tdðs=ρm Þ ¼ 0. This corresponds to cold (T ¼ 0) or isen-
Substituting this expression into Eq. (39), we obtain the tropic (s=ρm ¼ cst) gases. In that case, Eq. (45) reduces to
differential equation
2 ϵ 1 P
c 2
ρ_ ρc2 þ VðρÞ þ ρV 0 ðρÞ d ¼ −Pd ¼ 2 dρm : ð47Þ
¼ 00 : ð42Þ ρm ρm ρm
24πG ρ 2
½1 þ 2ρV ðρÞ
0 c þ2V ðρÞ
This equation can be rewritten as
For a given SF potential VðρÞ, this equation can be solved
easily as it is just a first-order differential equation for ρ. dϵ Pþϵ
¼ ; ð48Þ
Therefore, tðρÞ can be expressed in the form of an integral. dρm ρm
The temporal evolution of the scale factor aðtÞ is then
obtained in parametric form a ¼ aðρÞ and t ¼ tðρÞ from where the term on the right-hand side is the enthalpy h (the
Eqs. (40) and (42). This yields chemical potential is μ ¼ mh). We have
ðQmÞ1=3 Pþϵ dϵ dP
a¼ ð43Þ h¼ ; h¼ ; dh ¼ : ð49Þ
; ρm dρm ρm
ρ1=3 ½1 þ c22 V 0 ðρÞ1=6
This equation determines the internal energy density as a potential V of the corresponding SF in the TF approxima-
function of the equation of state Pðρm Þ. Inversely, the tion. According to Eq. (48), we have
equation of state is determined by the internal energy Z
density uðρm Þ through the relation ϵ0 ðρÞ
ln ρm ¼ dρ: ð57Þ
dðϵ=ρm Þ 2 uðρm Þ 0
Pðρm Þ ¼ − ¼ ρm ¼ ρm u0 ðρm Þ − uðρm Þ:
dð1=ρm Þ ρm Using Eqs. (33) and (34), which are valid in the TF
approximation, we obtain
c2 þ ρV 00 ðρÞ þ 2V 0 ðρÞ
We note that ln ρm ¼ dρ: ð58Þ
ρc2 þ 2ρV 0 ðρÞ
P0 ðρm Þ ¼ ρm u00 ðρm Þ: ð53Þ
This equation determines the function ρm ðρÞ. It can be
explicitly integrated into
B. Application to cosmology rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The previous results are general. We now consider a ρm ¼ ρ 1 þ 2 V 0 ðρÞ; ð59Þ
spatially homogeneous gas in an expanding universe.
Combining the energy conservation equation (5) with where the constant of integration has been determined in
the first principle of thermodynamics [Eq. (48)], we obtain order to obtain ρm ¼ ρ in the nonrelativistic limit. This
relation can also be established in the manner described in
dρm Appendix A [see Eq. (A37)]. We emphasize that Eq. (59) is
þ 3Hρm ¼ 0: ð54Þ
dt always valid in the TF approximation, even for an inho-
mogeneous SF. Eliminating ρ between PðρÞ [see Eq. (34)]
This equation expresses the conservation of the particle
and ρm ðρÞ [see Eq. (59)] we obtain the equation of state of
number (or rest mass). It can be integrated into ρm ∝ a−3 . the gas under the form Pðρm Þ. On the other hand, according
Inserting this relation into Eq. (46), we see that ρm plays the to Eq. (46), its internal energy density can be obtained from
role of DM while u plays the role of DE. This decom- the relation
position provides therefore a simple interpretation of DM
and DE in terms of a single DF [50,54,69]. Owing to this u ¼ ϵ − ρm c2 : ð60Þ
interpretation, we can write
From Eqs. (33) and (59), we get
Ωm;0 ϵ0
ρm c2 ¼ ð55Þ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u ¼ ρc þ ρV ðρÞ þ VðρÞ − ρc 1 þ 2 V 0 ðρÞ;
2 0 2
and c
where ρ ¼ ρðρm Þ can be obtained from Eq. (59). Therefore,
Ωm;0 ϵ0 Ωm;0 ϵ0
ϵ¼ þu ; ð56Þ for a given SF potential V, the rest-mass density (DM) is
a3 c2 a3
determined by Eq. (59) and the internal energy density
where ϵ0 is the present energy density of the universe and (DE) is determined by Eq. (61). Eliminating ρ between
Ωm;0 is the present proportion of DM. For given Pðρm Þ or Eqs. (59) and (61) we obtain uðρm Þ. We can also obtain
uðρm Þ we can get ϵðaÞ from Eq. (56). We can then solve the uðρm Þ from Pðρm Þ, or the converse, by using Eqs. (51) and
Friedmann equation (6) to obtain the temporal evolution of (52). As mentioned above, ρm mimics DM and u mimics
the scale factor aðtÞ [50,54,69]. DE. However, in our model, we have just one fluid (or just
Remark: Eqs. (46) and (52) determine the equation of one complex SF).
state P ¼ PðϵÞ. As a result, we can obtain Eq. (55) directly For a spatially homogeneous SF in a cosmological
from Eqs. (46), (52) and the energy conservation equa- context and in the TF approximation, combining the
tion (5). Indeed, combining these equations we obtain Hamilton-Jacobi (or Bernoulli) equation (30) with
Eq. (54) which integrates to give Eq. (55). Eq. (59), we find that the relation between the rest-mass
density ρm and the pseudorest-mass density ρ is
C. Determination of the rest-mass density and internal
energy density ρm ¼ ρ : ð62Þ
We now relate the rest-mass density ρm (proportional to
the charge density) and the internal energy density u of the Using Eqs. (59) and (62), Eqs. (28) and (32) can be
barotropic gas to the pseudorest-mass density ρ and rewritten as
of a generalized temperature and sγ ¼ − γ−1 ðργ − ρÞ is the in parametric form with parameter ρ. As we have recalled
Tsallis entropy density. in Sec. III, the rest mass density ρm of the SF mimics
For the power-law potential from Eq. (70) the equations DM and the internal energy density u of the SF mimics
of the problem [Eqs. (30), (32), (33), (36), (38) and (39)] DE [50,54,69].
become The foregoing equations determine the cosmological
evolution of a spatially homogeneous complex SF
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi described by the potential (68) in the fast oscillation regime
2 Kγ γ−1 Qm
ρ 1þ 2 ρ ¼ 3 ; ð75Þ for any values of K and γ. Some values of γ are of particular
c γ−1 a interest.
(i) For γ ¼ −1 (n ¼ −1=2), we obtain
γþ1 γ
ϵ ¼ ρc2 þ Kρ ; ð76Þ
γ−1 V¼−
; ð85Þ
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ρ
Etot 2 Kγ γ−1
¼ 1þ 2 ρ ; ð77Þ K
mc 2
c γ−1 P¼ ; ð86Þ
3H2 γþ1K γ ϵ ¼ ρc2 ; ð87Þ
¼ρþ ρ; ð78Þ
8πG γ − 1 c2
leading to
K γ−1
w¼ γþ1 K γ−1
; ð79Þ Kc2
1 þ γ−1 c2 ρ P¼ : ð88Þ
Kγργ−1 c2 This is the equation of state of the Chaplygin
c2s ¼ : ð80Þ
c2 þ γþ1
γ−1 Kγρ
(K < 0) or anti-Chaplygin (K > 0) gas [70–73].
The total SF potential is
From Eqs. (73) and (76), we obtain the equation of state
PðϵÞ of the SF under the inverse form ϵðPÞ as 1 K
V tot ¼ ρc2 − ð89Þ
1=γ 2 2ρ
P γþ1
ϵ¼ c2 þ P: ð81Þ or, equivalently,
K γ−1
1 m2 c2 2 K ℏ 2 1
On the other hand, the differential equation governing the V tot ðjφj2 Þ ¼ jφj − : ð90Þ
temporal evolution of the pseudorest-mass density [see 2 ℏ2 2 m jφj2
Eq. (42)] is
It corresponds to an inverse square law self-interaction
2 potential Vðjφj2 Þ ∼ jφj−2 . The rest-mass density and
c2 ρ_ ρc2 þ Kðγþ1Þ
γ−1 ρ
¼ 2
: ð82Þ the internal energy density are given by
24πG ρ ½1 þ c2Kγρ
þ2Kγργ−1 γ−1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ρm c2 ¼ ðρc2 Þ2 þ Kc2 ; ð91Þ
The rest-mass density (DM) and the internal energy
density (DE) of the SF are determined by Eqs. (59) and (61) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
with Eq. (70). We get ρc2 ¼ ðρm c2 Þ2 − Kc2 ; ð92Þ
2γ K γ−1 P ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð93Þ
ρm ¼ ρ 1 þ ρ ; ð83Þ ðρm c2 Þ2 − Kc2
γ − 1 c2
γþ1 γ 2γ K γ−1 u ¼ ρc2 − ðρc2 Þ2 þ Kc2 ; ð94Þ
2 2
u ¼ ρc þ Kρ − ρc 1 þ ρ : ð84Þ
γ−1 γ − 1 c2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u¼ ðρm c2 Þ2 − Kc2 − ρm c2 : ð95Þ
We note that the rest-mass density (83) can be read off
directly from Eq. (75) if we assume Eq. (64). In the present context, the Chaplygin gas model is
Equations (73), (83), and (84) define Pðρm Þ and uðρm Þ justified from a complex SF theory. Furthermore,
1 1 m2 c2 2
V tot ¼ ρc2 þ Kρ2 ð102Þ V tot ðjφj2 Þ ¼ jφj − K: ð110Þ
2 2 ℏ2
or, equivalently, It corresponds to a constant self-interaction potential
4 Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ −K ¼ ρΛ c2 equal to the cosmological
2 1 m2 c2 2 m energy density. The rest-mass density and the
V tot ðjφj Þ ¼ 2
jφj þ K jφj4 : ð103Þ
2 ℏ ℏ internal energy density are given by
kB T ρ kB T 2
VðρÞ ¼ ρ ln −1 ð134Þ m c
m ρ c2s ¼ 2kB T ρ
: ð144Þ
c2 þ m lnðρ Þ þ km
From Eqs. (137) and (140), we obtain the equation of state
PðϵÞ of the SF under the inverse form ϵðPÞ as
1 k T ρ
V tot ðρÞ ¼ ρc2 þ B ρ ln −1 : ð135Þ
2 m ρ
mc2 mP
ϵ¼ P þ 2P ln − P: ð145Þ
Using Eqs. (34), (37), and (134), we find that the derivative kB T ρ kB T
of the potential, the pressure and the pseudosquared speed
of sound are given by Finally, the differential equation governing the temporal
evolution of the pseudorest-mass density [see Eq. (42)] is
0 kB T ρ
V ðρÞ ¼ ln ; ð136Þ 2
m ρ c2 ρ_ ρc2 þ 2kmB T ρ lnðρρ Þ − km
¼ 2
: ð146Þ
24πG ρ kB T
kB T ½1 þ 2kBmcT2 ρ
1þ lnðρ Þ
PðρÞ ¼ ρ ; ð137Þ mc2
The rest-mass density (DM) and the internal energy
k T density (DE) of the SF are determined by Eqs. (59) and (61)
c2s ¼ B : ð138Þ
m with Eq. (134). We get
We see that the equation of state (137) associated with the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
potential (132) is the isothermal equation of state with an 2kB T ρ
ρm ¼ ρ 1 þ 2
ln ; ð147Þ
effective temperature T. It corresponds to a polytrope mc ρ
of index γ ¼ 1 (n → þ∞). The pressure is positive when
T > 0 and negative when T < 0. Negative pressures play
2kB T
2 ρ k T
an important role in cosmology in relation to the early u ¼ ρc þ ρ ln − B ρ
m ρ m
inflation and the present accelerating expansion of the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
universe (DE). On the other hand, a positive temperature 2k T ρ
(T > 0) can account for (effective) thermal effects in DM − ρc2 1 þ B 2 ln : ð148Þ
mc ρ
[79–83]. We note that the potential V given by Eq. (134) is
similar to the Boltzmann free energy density V ¼ −TsB,
where T is the temperature and sB ¼ −kB ðρ=mÞ Equations (137), (147), and (148) determine Pðρm Þ and
½lnðρ=ρ Þ − 1 is the Boltzmann entropy density. uðρm Þ in parametric form with parameter ρ. As we have
For the potential (132) the equations of the problem recalled in Sec. III, the rest mass density ρm of the SF
[Eqs. (30), (32), (33), (36), (38) and (39)] become mimics DM and the internal energy density u of the SF
mimics DE [50,54,69].
ffi The foregoing equations determine the cosmological
2kB T ρ Qm evolution of a spatially homogeneous complex SF
ρ 1þ 2
ln ¼ 3 ; ð139Þ
mc ρ a described by the potential (132) in the fast oscillation
regime for any value of T.
2kB T ρ k T Remark: We emphasize that the previous equations
ϵ ¼ ρc2 þ ρ ln − B ρ; ð140Þ (except those involving a) are valid for a possibly inho-
m ρ m
mogeneous SF. The results of this section (isothermal
ffi systems) can be recovered from the results of Sec. IVA
Etot 2kB T ρ (polytropes) in the limit γ → 1. For example,
¼ 1þ ln ; ð141Þ
mc2 mc 2 ρ
K γ Kρ ðγ−1Þ ln ρ
V¼ ρ ¼ e
γ−1 γ−1
3H2 2kB T ρ k T
¼ρþ 2
ρ ln − B 2 ρ; ð142Þ Kρ
8πG mc ρ mc ≃ ½1 þ ðγ − 1Þ ln ρ þ ¼ Kρ ln ρ þ cst: ð149Þ
w ¼ mc2 ; ð143Þ This corresponds to the passage from the Tsallis to the
kB T þ 2 lnðρρ Þ − 1 Boltzmann free energy when γ → 1.
K ¼ 1.15
Matter era
A. The case γ > 1
For γ > 1 the equations determining the pseudorest-mass 10
density and the energy density as a function of the scale 1e-06 0.0001 0.01 1 100 10000
factor can be written as
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi FIG. 1. Evolution of the pseudorest-mass density as a function
2 Kγ γ−1 Qm of the scale factor for γ > 1 (specifically γ ¼ 2). The pseudorest-
ρ 1þ 2 ρ ¼ 3 ; ð150Þ mass density decreases more rapidly in the matterlike era than in
c γ−1 a the α era.
γþ1 γ
ϵ ¼ ρc2 þ Kρ : ð151Þ This corresponds to the nonrelativistic regime P=ϵ ≪ 1
(matterlike era) valid for a → þ∞. The equation of state is
When ρ → þ∞, Eqs. (150) and (151) reduce to P ∼ Kðϵ=c2 Þγ . The pseudorest-mass density and the energy
density decrease to zero as a increases to þ∞.
2 2 2 When K > 0 and γ > 1, the universe evolves from an α
Q m c γ − 1 1=ð1þγÞ 1
ρ∼ ; ð152Þ era (P ∼ αϵ) in the early universe to a matterlike era (P ≃ 0)
2 Kγ a6=ð1þγÞ in the late universe. The case γ ¼ 2 and K > 0, corre-
sponding to a relativistic BEC with a repulsive jφj4 self-
γþ1 γ interaction, is treated in detail in Sec. III of [41]. In that
ϵ∼ Kρ ; ð153Þ
γ−1 case, the universe evolves from a dark radiation era to a
2 2 2 matterlike era. The curves ρðaÞ and ϵðaÞ are plotted in
γþ1 Q m c γ − 1 γ=ð1þγÞ 1 Figs. 1 and 2.
ϵ∼ K : ð154Þ
γ−1 2 Kγ a6γ=ð1þγÞ The temporal evolution aðtÞ of the scale factor is
represented in Fig. 3. It is obtained by integrating
This corresponds to the ultrarelativistic regime valid for Eq. (82) numerically. Starting from a singularity at t ¼ 0
a → 0. Starting from þ∞ when a → 0, the pseudorest- where a ¼ 0 and ϵ → þ∞ (big bang) the scale factor first
mass density and the energy density decrease as a grows as a ∝ tðγþ1Þ=3γ (corresponding to a ∝ t2=½3ð1þαÞ ) in
increases. Using Eqs. (73) and (153), we obtain the the α era then as a ∝ t2=3 in the matterlike era [Einstein-de
equation of state Sitter (EdS) solution].
P∼ ϵ: ð155Þ
γþ1 18
interaction [40,41].
Qm Matter era
ρ∼ ; ð156Þ
a3 -6
density and the energy density as a function of the scale
factor are
100 γ>1 Matter era
2kB T ρ Qm
1 at ρ 1þ 2
ln ¼ 3 ; ð160Þ
mc ρ a
α era
22kB T ρ k T
ϵ ¼ ρc þ ρ ln − B ρ: ð161Þ
0.0001 m ρ m
The transition between the two regimes typically This regime is valid for a → 0. Starting from þ∞ when
occurs at a → 0, the pseudorest-mass density and the energy density
decrease as a increases. This corresponds to a matterlike era
1 (ϵ ≃ a−3 ) modified by logarithmic corrections. Using
1þγ 2 Kγ 3ðγ−1Þ
at ¼ ðQmÞ3ðγ−1Þ 2 2 2γ−1
; ð158Þ Eqs. (137) and (163), we obtain the equation of state
2 1 ϵ
c γ − 1 γ−1 2 P≃ : ð164Þ
ϵt ¼ ρt c ¼ c: ð159Þ 2 ln ϵ
2 Kγ
The pressure is an approximately linear function of the
The total SF potential V tot ðjφj Þ is represented in Fig. 4. energy density P ≃ αϵ with a logarithmic correction yield-
It behaves as jφj2 for small jφj and as jφj2γ for large jφj. The ing a small effective coefficient α ∼ 1=ð2 ln ϵÞ ≪ 1. For
SF slowly descends the potential towards jφj ¼ 0 (at which a → 0, we have P=ϵ ≪ 1.
ϵ ¼ V tot ¼ 0) by rapidly spinning about the vertical axis. In Considering now small values of ρ, we see that Eq. (160)
this manner, the universe evolves from the α era to the imposes the condition ρ ≥ ρMin with
matterlike era.
ρMin ¼ ρ e−2kB T : ð165Þ
B. The case γ = 1
The pseudorest-mass density decreases as a increases and
The case γ ¼ 1 must be treated specifically. It corre- tends to ρMin when a → þ∞. However, we must be careful
sponds to the SF potential from Eq. (132) associated with that the energy density vanishes before ρ reaches its absolute
the isothermal equation of state (137). In the present case minimum value. Indeed, ϵMin ¼ −ρMin kB T=m < 0 when
T > 0. The equations determining the pseudorest-mass ρ ¼ ρMin . According to Eq. (161), the energy density
vanishes (ϵ ¼ 0) at
10 K>0 1 mc2
γ>1 ρmin ¼ ρ e2−2kB T : ð166Þ
16 This happens when the scale factor reaches the value
Qm mc2 −12þ2kmc2T
amax ¼ e B : ð167Þ
ρ kB T
The physical solution of Eqs. (160) and (161) is defined only
0 for a ≤ amax. The pseudorest-mass density and the energy
-10000 -5000 0 5000 10000
density decrease as a increases. When a ¼ amax , the energy
density vanishes while the pseudorest-mass density reaches
FIG. 4. Total SF potential for γ > 1 (specifically γ ¼ 2). its minimum accessible value ρmin . This evolution is
illustrated in the following section which presents similar
features. Matter era K>0
80 0<γ<1
mass density and the energy density as a function of the 40
scale factor can be written as
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 20
2 Kγ 1 Qm ρMin
ρ 1− 2 1−γ
¼ 3 ; ð168Þ
c 1−γρ a 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
γþ1 γ
ϵ ¼ ρc2 − Kρ : ð169Þ FIG. 5. Evolution of the pseudorest-mass density as a function
1−γ of the scale factor for 0 < γ < 1 (specifically γ ¼ 0.5). The
region ρ < ρmin is unphysical.
When ρ → þ∞, Eqs. (168) and (169) reduce to
ρ∼ ; ð170Þ The temporal evolution aðtÞ of the scale factor is
represented in Fig. 7. It is obtained by integrating
ϵ ∼ ρc2 : ð171Þ Eq. (82) numerically. Starting from a singularity at t ¼ 0
where a ¼ 0 and ϵ → þ∞ (big bang), the scale factor first
This corresponds to the nonrelativistic regime P=ϵ ≪ 1 grows as a ∝ t2=3 in the matterlike era (EdS solution) until
(matterlike era) valid for a → 0. The equation of state is it reaches a maximum value amax at which the energy
P ∼ Kðϵ=c2 Þγ . Starting from þ∞ when a → 0, the pseu- density vanishes (ϵ ¼ 0). After that moment, the universe
dorest-mass density and the energy density decrease as a collapses and forms a singularity at tbc where a ¼ 0 and
increases. ϵ → þ∞ (big crunch). This process repeats itself periodi-
Considering now small values of ρ (ultrarelativistic cally in time. This solution describes a cyclic universe
regime), we see that Eq. (168) imposes the condition presenting phases of expansion and contraction separated
ρ > ρMin with by critical points where the energy density is either infinite
1=ð1−γÞ (when a ¼ 0) or zero (when a ¼ amax ). At the latter point
2 Kγ the universe “disappears.”
ρMin ¼ : ð172Þ The total SF potential V tot ðjφj2 Þ is represented in Fig. 8.
c2 1 − γ
It behaves as −jφj2γ for small jφj and as jφj2 for large jφj.
The pseudorest-mass density decreases as a increases and It has a minimum at ρ ¼ ρMin where V tot ¼ −ð1 − γÞ
tends to ρMin when a → þ∞. However, as in the previous ρMin c2 =2γ < 0. The region where V 0tot ðjφj2 Þ < 0 is forbid-
section, the energy density vanishes before ρ reaches its den [see Eq. (31)]. The SF slowly descends the potential
absolute minimum value. Indeed, ϵMin ¼ − 1−γ 2
2γ ρMin c < 0
when ρ ¼ ρMin . According to Eq. (169), the energy
density vanishes (ϵ ¼ 0) at 100
γ þ 1 K 1=ð1−γÞ K>0
ρmin ¼ : ð173Þ 80
Matter era 0<γ<1
1 − γ c2
This happens when the scale factor reaches the value
1=3 1 − γ ðγþ1Þ=½6ð1−γÞ c2 1=½3ð1−γÞ
amax ¼ ðQmÞ : ð174Þ
γþ1 K 20
The physical solution of Eqs. (168) and (169) is defined
only for a ≤ amax. The pseudorest-mass density and the 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
energy density decrease as a increases. When a ¼ amax ,
the energy density vanishes while the pseudorest-mass FIG. 6. Evolution of the energy density as a function of the
density reaches its minimum accessible value ρmin . The scale factor for 0 < γ < 1 (specifically γ ¼ 0.5). The energy
curves ρðaÞ and ϵðaÞ are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6. density vanishes at amax .
ρΛ c2
10 ϵ¼ 2
pffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð183Þ
tan ð 6π ttΛ Þ
ρΛ c2
ρ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð184Þ
0 sin2 ð 6π ttΛ Þ
ρMin pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
-5 where tΛ ¼ 1= GρΛ is the cosmological time. The evo-
-10 -5 0 5 10
|φ| lution of the universe is similar to the one described in
Sec. V C with the particularity that ρMin ¼ 0. The anti-
FIG. 8. Total SF potential for 0 < γ < 1 (specifically γ ¼ 0.5). ΛCDM model is studied in more detail in Sec. 6 of [73].
ðγþ1Þ=½6ð1−γÞ 2 1=½3ð1−γÞ
Remark: In Eq. (177) the first term is the rest-mass energy 1−γ c
density ρm c2 [see Eqs. (55) and (63)] and the second term is amax ¼ ðQmÞ1=3 :
γþ1 K
the internal energy density u [see Eq. (56)]. As discussed in
Sec. III, the rest-mass density ρm can be interpreted as DM ð191Þ
and the internal energy density u can be interpreted as DE
[50,54,69]. In the present case, the pseudorest-mass density In that case, the evolution of the universe is similar to
coincides with the rest-mass density (ρ ¼ ρm ) and the the one described in Sec. V C with the particularity
that ρMin ¼ 0.
internal energy density is constant (u ¼ −K ¼ −ρΛ c2 ).
(ii) The case γ ¼ −1 (anti-Chaplygin gas) is specifically
It coincides with the SF potential (u ¼ V). In the two-fluid
treated in the next subsection.
model associated with the anti-ΛCDM model (see
(iii) When γ < −1, the asymptotic behavior from
Sec. III D), DM has an equation of state Pm ðϵm Þ ¼ 0 and
Eq. (189) is valid for small values of a. The
DE has an equation of state Pde ðϵde Þ ¼ −ϵde .
pseudorest-mass density decreases as a decreases
and tends to zero as ρ ∝ a6=j1þγj when a → 0. In
E. The case γ < 0 parallel, the energy density increases as a decreases
For γ < 0 the equations determining the pseudorest-mass and tends to þ∞ as
density and the energy density as a function of the scale
factor can be written as jγ þ 1j 1 1
ϵ∼ K jγj ∝ 6jγj=j1þγj ð192Þ
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1−γ ρ a
2 Kjγj 1 Qm
ρ 1þ 2 1−γ
¼ 3 ; ð185Þ when a → 0. Using Eqs. (73) and (192), we obtain
c 1−γρ a the equation of state
γþ1 1 1−γ
ϵ ¼ ρc2 − K : ð186Þ P¼ ϵ: ð193Þ
1 − γ ρjγj jγ þ 1j
When ρ → þ∞, Eqs. (185) and (186) reduce to The pressure is a linear function P ∼ αϵ of the
energy density with coefficient α ¼ ð1 − γÞ=
Qm jγ þ 1j. This determines an α-era. Strikingly, we
ρ∼ ; ð187Þ
a3 have two branches of solutions for sufficiently small
values of the scale factor: the nonrelativistic branch
ϵ ∼ ρc2 : ð188Þ from Eqs. (187) and (188) and the ultrarelativistic
branch described above. The two branches merge at
This corresponds to the nonrelativistic regime P=ϵ ≪ 1
a maximum scale factor
(matterlike era) valid for a → 0. The equation of state is
P ∼ Kðϵ=c2 Þγ . Starting from þ∞ when a → 0, the pseu-
jγ þ 1j jγþ1j=½6ð1−γÞ
dorest-mass density and the energy density decrease as a amax ¼ ðQmÞ1=3
increases. 2 1=½3ð1−γÞ
When ρ → 0 (ultrarelativistic regime), Eqs. (185) and 1 c
× 1=½3ð1−γÞ ; ð194Þ
(186) reduce to jγj K
2 2 2
Q m c 1 − γ 1=ð1þγÞ 1 corresponding to
ρ∼ : ð189Þ
2 Kjγj a6=ð1þγÞ 1=ðγ−1Þ
21−γ 1
ρc ¼ c ð195Þ
We have to distinguish three subcases: Kjγj j1 þ γj
(i) When γ > −1, the asymptotic behavior from
Eq. (189) is valid for large values of a. The and
pseudorest-mass density decreases as a increases
and tends to zero as ρ ∝ a−6=ð1þγÞ when a → þ∞. 1−γ
ϵc ¼ ρ c2 : ð196Þ
However, the energy vanishes before. According to jγj c
Eq. (186), it vanishes at
The curves ρðaÞ and ϵðaÞ are plotted in Figs. 9 and 10.
γ þ 1 K 1=ð1−γÞ The temporal evolution aðtÞ of the scale factor is
ρmin ¼ : ð190Þ
1 − γ c2 represented in Fig. 11. It is obtained by integrating
Eq. (82) numerically, assuming that the SF follows the
This happens when the scale factor reaches the value curve of Fig. 9 from ρ ¼ þ∞ to ρ ¼ 0. Starting from a
equals ϵc . This phase of expansion corresponds to the
K>0 nonrelativistic branch of Fig. 9. After that moment, the
8 Matter era γ < −1
universe collapses (α era) and forms a singularity at tbc
where a ¼ 0 and ϵ → þ∞ (big crunch). This phase of
contraction corresponds to the ultrarelativistic branch of
Fig. 9. The energy density increases as a−6jγj=j1þγj while the
ðγ − 1Þðγ þ 2Þ
V tot ðρc Þ ¼ ρc c2 : ð197Þ
10 2γð1 þ γÞ
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
a Therefore, V tot ðρc Þ ≤ 0 when −2 ≤ γ < −1 and V tot ðρc Þ ≥ 0
when γ ≤ −2.
FIG. 10. Evolution of the energy density as a function of the Remark: Other possible evolutions can be contemplated.
scale factor for γ < −1 (specifically γ ¼ −2).
The SF could follow the curve of Fig. 9 in the reverse sense,
from ρ ¼ 0 to ρ ¼ þ∞. This would lead to an asymmetric
singularity at t ¼ 0 where a ¼ 0 and ϵ → þ∞ (big bang), cyclic universe where the phase of expansion corresponds
the energy density decreases as a−3 and the scale factor to the ultrarelativistic branch (α era) and the phase of
grows as a ∝ t2=3 in the matter era (EdS solution) until it contraction corresponds to the nonrelativistic branch (mat-
reaches a maximum value amax at which the energy density terlike era). We could also consider the case of a symmetric
cyclic universe (like in Sec. V C) where the SF follows
1 the same branch (nonrelativistic or ultrarelativistic) during
amax K>0 the phases of expansion and contraction. In that case, there
γ < -1
0.8 would be two possible evolutions.
0.4 25
Matter era
0.2 0 ρc
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t -25 K>0
γ < −1
FIG. 11. Evolution of the scale factor as a function of time for
γ < −1 (specifically γ ¼ −2). The dashed lines correspond to the -50
-10 -5 0 5 10
energy density divided by 10. We note that a_ ≠ 0 at a ¼ amax |φ|
(contrary top ffiffiffi case of Fig. 7) because ϵc ≠ 0 at that point [recall
_ ∝ ϵ according to the Friedmann equation (6)].
that a=a FIG. 12. Total SF potential for γ < −1 (specifically γ ¼ −2).
F. The case γ = − 1 (anti-Chaplygin gas) The integral can be calculated explicitly and is given by
For γ ¼ −1, the equations determining the pseudorest- Eq. (30) of [73]. The evolution of the universe is similar to
mass density and the energy density as a function of the the one described in Sec. V C with the particularity that ρ
scale factor reduce to vanishes at amax (i.e. ρmin ¼ 0). The anti-Chaplygin gas
model is studied in more detail in Sec. 4.3 of [73].
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Remark: We can rewrite Eq. (200) as
Q2 m2 K
ρ¼ − 2; ð198Þ "sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
a6 c
Qmc2 Q2 m2 c4 Qmc 2
ϵ¼ þ − Kc2 − ; ð205Þ
ϵ ¼ ρc2 : ð199Þ a3 a6 a3
They can be combined to give where the first term is the rest-mass energy density ρm c2
[see Eqs. (55) and (63)] and the second term is the internal
energy density u [see Eqs. (56) and (61)]. As discussed in
Q2 m2 c4
ϵ¼ − Kc2 : ð200Þ Sec. III, the rest-mass density ρm can be interpreted as DM
a6 and the internal energy density u can be interpreted as DE
[50,54,69]. In the two-fluid model associated with the anti-
This equation is equivalent to the one obtained in the anti- Chaplygin gas (see Sec. III D), DM has an equation of state
Chaplygin gas model. This agreement is expected because, Pm ðϵm Þ ¼ 0 and DE has an equation of state
when γ ¼ −1, we have ϵ ¼ ρc2 . Therefore, the equation of
state P ¼ K=ρ from Eq. (73) can be written as P ¼ Kc2 =ϵ 2Kc2 ϵde
which is the equation of state of the anti-Chaplygin gas Pde ðϵde Þ ¼ ; ð206Þ
ϵ2de − Kc2
when K > 0 [72,73]. In the present context, the anti-
Chaplygin gas model is obtained from a complex SF which is obtained by eliminating ρ between Eqs. (86) and
theory with a potential Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ − 12 Kðmℏ Þ2 jφj1 2 . For this (94), and by identifying PðuÞ with Pde ðϵde Þ. Solving the
particular model, the pseudorest-mass density coincides energy conservation equation (5) with the equation of state
with the energy density (ρ ¼ ϵ=c2 ). (206), we recover the expression of DE (second term)
The anti-Chaplygin gas has been studied in Sec. 4.3 of from Eq. (205).
[73]. Toffi make the connection with this study, we set ρ ¼
K=c2 and a ¼ ðQ2 m2 c2 =KÞ1=6 . Equation (200) can VI. THE CASE K < 0
then be rewritten as
In this section, we consider the case of a negative
6 ffi polytropic constant (K < 0), corresponding to a negative
ϵ ¼ ρ c2 − 1: ð201Þ pressure. This allows the universe to experience a phase of
a accelerating expansion. In the figures, we take c ¼ Qm ¼
4πG ¼ 1 and K ¼ −1.
Starting from þ∞ when a → 0, the energy density
decreases as a increases and vanishes at
A. The case γ > 1
2 2 2 1=6
Qmc For γ > 1 the equations determining the pseudorest-mass
amax ¼ ¼ a : ð202Þ density and the energy density as a function of the scale
factor can be written as
This is the maximum scale factor. In the nonrelativistic sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
regime a ≪ a , corresponding to the matterlike era where 2 jKjγ γ−1 Qm
P=ϵ ≪ 1, we have ρ 1− 2 ρ ¼ 3 ; ð207Þ
c γ−1 a
2 2 a γþ1
ϵ ¼ ρc ∼ ¼ ρ c : ð203Þ ϵ ¼ ρc2 − jKjργ : ð208Þ
a3 a γ−1
The temporal evolution of the scale factor is obtained by When ρ → 0, Eqs. (207) and (208) reduce to
solving the Friedmann equation (6) with Eq. (201). This
yields [73] Qm
ρ∼ ; ð209Þ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Z þ∞ a3
96πGρ t ¼ : ð204Þ
a 6 xðx − 1Þ1=4 ϵ ∼ ρc2 : ð210Þ
This corresponds to the nonrelativistic regime P=ϵ ≪ 1 Dark energy era ρmax
(matterlike era) valid for a → þ∞. The equation of state is
P ∼ Kðϵ=c2 Þγ . The pseudorest-mass density and the energy
density decrease to zero as a increases. 0.2
regime), we see that Eq. (207) imposes the condition
ρ ≤ ρmax with 0.1
c γ − 1 1=ðγ−1Þ K<0
ρmax ¼ : ð211Þ γ>1 Matter era
2 jKjγ
0 1 2 3 4 5
The pseudorest-mass density increases as a increases and a
tends to ρmax when a → þ∞. In parallel, the energy density
FIG. 13. Evolution of the pseudorest-mass density as a function
decreases as a increases and tends to a constant of the scale factor for γ > 1 (specifically γ ¼ 2).
ϵmin ¼ ρ c2 ð212Þ
2γ max universe expands as it enters into the matterlike era. This
phase of expansion corresponds to the nonrelativistic branch
when a → þ∞. This leads to a DE era corresponding to a of Fig. 13. The energy density decreases as ϵ ∝ a−3 while
de Sitter evolution. the scale factor increases as a ∝ t2=3 (EdS). This solution
Therefore, we have two branches of solutions for describes an asymmetric bouncing universe presenting a
sufficiently large values of the scale factor: the nonrelativ-
istic branch from Eqs. (209) and (210) and the ultra-
relativistic branch described above. The two branches
merge at a minimum scale factor γ>1
1=3 γ þ 1 ðγþ1Þ=½6ðγ−1Þ Dark energy era
amin ¼ ðQmÞ
γ−1 0.06 εmin
1=½3ðγ−1Þ jKj
×γ ; ð213Þ 0.04
Matter era
corresponding to
2γ−1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
ρi ¼ c ð214Þ a
jKjγ 1 þ γ
FIG. 14. Evolution of the energy density as a function of the
and scale factor for γ > 1 (specifically γ ¼ 2).
γ−1 2
ϵi ¼ ρi c : ð215Þ
The case γ ¼ 2 and K < 0, corresponding to a relativistic 8
BEC with an attractive jφj4 self-interaction, is treated in
detail in Sec. IV of [41]. The curves ρðaÞ and ϵðaÞ are 6 Matter era
plotted in Figs. 13 and 14. Dark energy era
0.1 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
K<0 2kB jTj ρ Qm
ρ 1− 2
ln ¼ 3 ; ð217Þ
mc ρ a
0.1 ρi
2kB jTj
2 ρ k jTj
ϵ ¼ ρc − ρ ln þ B ρ: ð218Þ
m m
0.0 When ρ → 0, Eqs. (217) and (218) reduce to
2kB jTj Qm
ρ 2
j ln ρj ∼ 3 ; ð219Þ
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
mc a
2kB jTj
ϵ∼ ρj ln ρj: ð220Þ
FIG. 16. Total SF potential for γ > 1 (specifically γ ¼ 2). m
This regime is valid for a → þ∞. The pseudorest-mass
phase of contraction and a phase of expansion. There is no density and the energy density decrease to zero as a
big bang singularity in this model. increases. This corresponds to a matterlike era (ϵ ≃ a−3 )
The total SF potential V tot ðjφj2 Þ is represented in Fig. 16. modified by logarithmic corrections. Using Eqs. (137) and
It behaves as jφj2 for small jφj and as −jφj2γ for large jφj. (220), we obtain the equation of state
It has a maximum at ρ ¼ ρmax where V tot ¼ ðγ − 1Þρmax c2 =
2γ > 0. The region where V 0tot ðjφj2 Þ < 0 is forbidden [see ϵ
P≃− : ð221Þ
Eq. (31)]. On the nonrelativistic branch, the SF slowly 2j ln ϵj
descends the potential from ρ ¼ ρi (where ϵ ¼ ϵi ) towards
jφj ¼ 0 (at which ϵ ¼ V tot ¼ 0) by rapidly spinning about The pressure is an approximately linear function of the
the vertical axis. On the ultrarelativistic branch, the SF slowly energy density P ≃ αϵ with a logarithmic correction yield-
descends the potential from ρ ¼ ρmax (at which ϵ ¼ ϵmin ) ing a small effective coefficient α ∼ −1=ð2j ln ϵjÞ ≪ 1. For
towards ρ ¼ ρi (where ϵ ¼ ϵi ) by rapidly spinning about the a → þ∞, we have jPj=ϵ ≪ 1.
vertical axis. We find Considering now large values of ρ, we see that Eq. (217)
imposes the condition ρ ≤ ρmax with
ðγ − 1Þðγ þ 2Þ 2
V tot ðρi Þ ¼ ρi c > 0: ð216Þ mc2
2γð1 þ γÞ ρmax ¼ ρ e2kB jTj : ð222Þ
2kB jTj
ϵi ¼ ρi : ð226Þ
10 Matter era K<0
m 0<γ<1
This situation is similar to the case described previously. 10
C. The case 0 < γ < 1
ρ∼ ; ð229Þ 9
a3 10
Matter era 0<γ<1
ϵ ∼ ρc : ð230Þ 10
P¼− ϵ: ð234Þ
γþ1 0.01
Matter era
Eq. (82) numerically. Starting from a singularity at t ¼ 0 This equation is equivalent to the one obtained in the
where a ¼ 0 and ϵ → þ∞ (big bang) the scale factor first ΛCDM model which assumes that the universe is filled
grows as a ∝ t2=3 in the matterlike era (EdS solution) then with pressureless DM (P ¼ 0) and that the cosmological
as a ∝ tðγþ1Þ=3γ (corresponding to a ∝ t2=½3ð1þαÞ ) in the constant is positive (Λ > 0) or that it is represented by a
α era. fluid with an equation of state Pde ¼ −ϵde yielding a
The transition between the two regimes typically occurs at constant energy density ϵde ¼ ρΛ c2 > 0. This agreement
is expected since, when γ ¼ 0, the pressure is constant
2 2 2 1
1 Q m c 1 − γ 3ð1−γÞ (P ¼ K) and we know that a constant negative pressure
at ¼ ; ð235Þ P ¼ −ρΛ c2 returns the ΛCDM model [73,75,76]. In the
ðQmÞ3ð1−γÞ 2 jKjγ
present context, the ΛCDM model is obtained from a
1 complex SF theory with a constant positive potential
2 jKjγ 1−γ
ϵt ¼ ρt c2 ¼ c2 : ð236Þ Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ ρΛ c2 (vacuum energy). For this particular
c2 1 − γ model, we see that the pseudorest-mass density decreases
as ρ ∝ a−3 and behaves as DM (see the Remark below).
The expansion of the universe is decelerating (α > −1=3)
The ΛCDM model has been studied in Sec. 5 of [73]. To
in the α era when 1=2 < γ < 1 and accelerating (α < −1=3)
make the connection with this study, we set K ¼ −ρΛ c2
when 0 < γ < 1=2. This provides a physical interpretation
of the particular index γ ¼ 1=2 considered in Sec. IVA. and a2 ¼ ðQm=ρΛ Þ1=3 . Equation (239) can then be rewrit-
The total SF potential V tot ðjφj2 Þ is represented in Fig. 20. ten as
It behaves as jφj2γ for small jφj and as jφj2 for large jφj. The 3
SF slowly descends the potential towards jφj ¼ 0 (at which a2
ϵ ¼ ρΛ c2 þ1 : ð240Þ
ϵ ¼ V tot ¼ 0) by rapidly spinning about the vertical axis. a
In this manner, the universe evolves from the matterlike era
to the α era. Starting from þ∞ when a → 0, the energy density
decreases as a increases and tends to a constant value
K ¼ ρΛ c2 when a → þ∞. The temporal evolution of
D. The case γ = 0 (ΛCDM model)
the scale factor is obtained by solving the Friedmann
For γ ¼ 0, the equations determining the pseudorest- equation (6) with Eq. (240). In that case, the solution
mass density and the energy density as a function of the can be obtained analytically yielding [73]
scale factor reduce to
a pffiffiffiffiffiffi t
Qm ¼ sinh2=3 6π ; ð241Þ
ρ¼ 3 ; ð237Þ a2 tΛ
density ρm c2 [see Eqs. (55) and (63)] and the second term is
the internal energy density u [see Eq. (56)]. As discussed in
Sec. III, the rest-mass density ρm can be interpreted as DM
~|φ| and the internal energy density u can be interpreted as DE
[50,54,69]. In the present case, the pseudorest-mass density
0 4 4 0 4 4
coincides with the rest-mass density (ρ ¼ ρm ) and the
internal energy density is constant (u ¼ jKj ¼ ρΛ c2 ). It
-10 -10 10 10
coincides with the SF potential (u ¼ V). In the two-fluid
FIG. 20. Total SF potential for 0 < γ < 1 (specifically γ ¼ 0.5). model associated with the ΛCDM model (see Sec. III D),
DM has an equation of state Pm ðϵm Þ ¼ 0 and DE has an
equation of state Pde ðϵde Þ ¼ −ϵde . K<0
8 γ<0
Matter era
density and the energy density as a function of the scale 4
factor can be written as
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 Dark energy era
2 jKjjγj 1 Qm ρmin
ρ 1− 2 ¼ 3 ; ð244Þ
c 1 − γ ρ1−γ a 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
ρ∼ ; ð246Þ Matter era K<0
a3 8
ϵ ∼ ρc2 : ð247Þ 6
This corresponds to the nonrelativistic regime jPj=ϵ ≪ 1 4
(matterlike era) valid for a → 0. The equation of state is
P ∼ Kðϵ=c2 Þγ . Starting from þ∞ when a → 0, the pseu- 2
Dark energy era
dorest-mass density and the energy density decrease as a
increases. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Considering now small values of ρ (ultrarelativistic a
regime) we see that Eq. (244) imposes the condition
FIG. 22. Evolution of the energy density as a function of the
ρ ≥ ρmin with
scale factor for γ < 0 (specifically γ ¼ −2).
2 jKjjγj 1
ρmin ¼ : ð248Þ
c2 1 − γ 2jγjQm 1=3 c2 1 − γ 3ð1−γÞ
at ¼ : ð250Þ
1−γ 2 jKjjγj
The pseudorest-mass density decreases as a increases and
tends to ρmin when a → þ∞. Similarly, the energy density
decreases as a increases and tends to a constant The total SF potential V tot ðjφj2 Þ is represented in Fig. 24.
It behaves as jφj−2jγj for small jφj and as jφj2 for large jφj.
ϵmin ¼ ρ c2 ð249Þ
2jγj min 3
Dark energy era
when a → þ∞. We see that the evolution of the universe in
this regime is similar to the one induced by a cosmological 2
constant or by a constant energy density. This corresponds
to the DE era. The curves ρðaÞ and ϵðaÞ are plotted in
50 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
K<0 a
40 γ<0 ϵ ¼ ρ c2 þ 1: ð254Þ
In the nonrelativistic regime where ρ; ϵ → þ∞, we have
Qmc2 2 a
ϵ ¼ ρc2 ∼
¼ ρ c : ð255Þ
a3 a
0 ρmin
If the fast oscillation condition (260) is not fulfilled we have potential of the form
to take into account quantum effects and come back to the
1 m2 c2 2
original Eqs. (1)–(6) [or Eq. (13)] for the complex SF or V tot ðjφj2 Þ ¼ jφj ∓ ρΛ c2 : ð266Þ
take into account the presence of the quantum potential in 2 ℏ2
the hydrodynamic equations (27) and (29) (i.e. we have to In the TF approximation, this model is equivalent to the (anti-)
go beyond the TF approximation) [41,57]. ΛCDM model (see Appendix E of [52]).
C. Chaplygin gas model When γ ¼ 0, the fast oscillation regime is valid for
For the (anti-) Chaplygin gas model (γ ¼ −1), the fast sufficiently small ρ, hence for sufficiently large a, provided
oscillation regime is valid provided that that σ is large enough.
When γ < 0, the fast oscillation regime is valid for
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi intermediate values of ρ (neither too small nor too large),
ρ̃3 3m2 c4 c2
≪ σ ≡ : ð270Þ hence for intermediate values of a (neither too small nor too
ρ̃2 1 8πGℏ2 jKj large), provided that σ is large enough.
c2s matter spectrum that are not observed [75] (see the
λJ ¼ 2π ; ð273Þ detailed discussion in Sec. XVI. F of [52]).
Remark: The above results are valid for a massive
where c2s ¼ P0 ðρÞ is the squared speed of sound. For a complex SF with a power-law self-interaction potential
polytropic equation of state P ¼ Kργ , we have in the fast oscillation regime (ω ≫ H) and in the non-
relativistic limit (ϵ ∼ ρc2 ). In that case, the equation of state
c2s ¼ Kγργ−1 : ð274Þ is polytropic: P ¼ Kργ ¼ Kðϵ=c2 Þγ . In the ultrarelativistic
limit, we obtain instead the linear equation of state (see
Secs. V and VI)
We need to impose c2s ≥ 0 in order to avoid tachyonic
(dynamical) instabilities.18 For K > 0 this demands γ ≥ 0 γ−1
and for K < 0 this demands γ ≤ 0. On the other hand, in P ¼ αϵ ¼ ϵ: ð277Þ
order to have favorable conditions for structure formation,
the comoving Jeans length λcJ ¼ λJ =a should be sufficiently This equation of state is valid in the α era when (i) K > 0
small. Combining Eqs. (273) and (274), we get [85] and γ > 1 (early universe); (ii) K > 0 and γ < −1;
(iii) K < 0 and 0 < γ < 1 (late universe). It coincides
Kγργ−2 1=2 1 with the equation of state obtained in [59,63,64] for a
λcJ ¼ 2π : ð275Þ
4πG a massless real SF with a power-law self-interaction poten-
tial in the fast oscillation regime. The squared speed of
Recalling that ρ ∝ a−3 in the matter era, we find that sound is c2s ¼ P0 ðϵÞc2 ¼ ðγ − 1Þ=ðγ þ 1Þc2 . When −1 <
λcJ ∝ a−ð3γ−4Þ=2 . We see that the comoving Jeans length γ < 1 there is a tachyonic instability in agreement with
decreases with a when γ > 4=3, is constant when γ ¼ 4=3, [63,64] for a real SF. This instability invalidates the models
and increases with a when γ < 4=3 except when γ ¼ 0 with K < 0 and 0 < γ < 1 (late universe) for explaining
(ΛCDM model) in which case the Jeans length vanishes.19 cosmic acceleration (when 0 < γ < 1=2).
Note that the comoving quantum Jeans length
ℏ2 1
λcQ ¼ 2π ð276Þ In this paper, we have considered a complex SF with a
16πGρm2 a
self-interaction potential Vðjφj2 Þ described by the KGE
decreases as a−1=4 (the quantum Jeans length increases as equations (A1) and (A3). In the nonrelativistic regime,
these equations reduce to the Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson
a3=4 ) [52,85,88]. It is dominant (λQ > λJ ) at sufficiently
(GPP) equations (A48) and (A49). We have determined
late times when γ > 3=2 and at sufficiently early times
the equation of state PðρÞ associated with the self-
when γ < 3=2. In conclusion:
(i) When K > 0, we need γ ≥ 0 to avoid tachyonic interaction potential Vðjφj2 Þ in the TF approximation.
instabilities and we need γ ≥ 4=3 and K small to Some examples of SF potentials, and the corresponding
favor the formation of structures during the matter equations of state, are given in Appendix C. In this paper,
era (the comoving Jeans length should decrease with we have specifically considered the cosmological evolu-
the scale factor). The standard BEC model (as > 0 tion of a spatially homogeneous complex SF with a
and γ ¼ 2) fulfills these conditions [40,41]. polytropic or an isothermal equation of state in the fast
(ii) When K < 0, we need γ ≤ 0 to avoid tachyonic oscillation regime (equivalent to the TF approximation).
instabilities and we need γ ≃ 0 and K small to favor In the case K > 0, corresponding to a positive pressure,
the formation of structures. Only UDM models close we have found the following results. The models with γ > 1
to the ΛCDM model (γ ¼ 0) are consistent with the describe the transition between an α era and a pressureless
observations. In the Chaplygin gas model (γ ¼ −1) DM era. For a jφj4 potential (γ ¼ 2), corresponding to the
the speed of sound and the Jeans length increase standard BEC with a repulsive self-interaction, there is a
with time preventing the formation of large scale transition between a dark radiation era (due to the SF) and
structures and leading to spurious oscillations in the a matter era. This model [40,41] is consistent with the
observations (see Sec. VIII). The models with γ ≤ 1
Actually, tachyonic instabilities (e.g. for a BEC with as < 0 describe a cyclic universe presenting periods of expansion
and γ ¼ 2) may be relevant in the early universe to trigger the from a big bang and periods of contraction to a big crunch.
formation of structures through a nongravitational instability The evolution is symmetric for −1 ≤ γ ≤ 1 (with a
The Jeans length behaves as λJ ∝ a−3ðγ−2Þ=2 . It decreases
vanishing energy density at the maximum scale factor)
with a when γ > 2, is constant when γ ¼ 2, and increases with a and asymmetric for γ < −1 (with a nonvanishing energy
when γ < 2. density at the maximum scale factor). Symmetric cyclic
coincides with the rest-mass density ρm. is not guaranteed to be always timelike. Nevertheless, vμ can be
The angle was noted θ instead of Θ in Sec. II and in [41]. introduced as a convenient notation.
The continuity equation Dμ J μ ¼ 0 can be written as This is the limit form of Eq. (A31) with QdB ¼ 0. We note
that ρm ≠ J0 =c in general. When V ¼ ρΛ c2 is constant
Dμ ðρm uμ Þ ¼ 0: ðA29Þ (corresponding to the ΛCDM model), the rest-mass density
coincides with the pseudorest-mass density (ρm ¼ ρ). We
Comparing the expressions of Jμ given by Eqs. (A26) and also have ρm ¼ ρ in the nonrelativistic limit c → þ∞.
(A28), we find that the rest-mass density ρm ¼ nm of the In the TF approximation, the energy-momentum tensor
SF is given by from Eq. (A21) reduces to
ρ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ρm ¼ ∂μ θ∂μ θ: ðA30Þ 1 μν
T μν ¼ ρ∂μ θ∂ν θ − gμν g ρ∂μ θ∂ν θ − V tot ðρÞ : ðA38Þ
c 2
We note that ρm ≠ J0 =c in general. Using the Bernoulli
Using Eq. (A34), we get
equation (A13), we obtain
pffiffiffi ffi uμ uν
T μν ¼ 2ρV 0tot ðρÞ − gμν ½ρV 0tot ðρÞ − V tot ðρÞ: ðA39Þ
ρ ℏ2 □ ρ c2
ρm ¼ pffiffiffi þ 2V 0tot ðρÞ: ðA31Þ
c m2 ρ
The energy-momentum tensor can be written under the
perfect fluid form
uμ uν
3. TF approximation T μν ¼ ðϵ þ PÞ − Pgμν ; ðA40Þ
In the classical limit (ℏ → 0) or in the TF approximation
where the quantum potential can be neglected, the hydro- where ϵ is the energy density and P is the pressure,
dynamic equations (A12) and (A13) reduce to provided that we make the identifications
where we have used Eq. (A9) to get the second equalities. where 3H2 =8πG ¼ ρb is the background density
Eliminating ρ between these equations, we obtain the [see Eq. (6)].
equation of state PðϵÞ. The true squared speed of sound is Making the Madelung [95] transformation
ρV 00 ðρÞc2 ψðr; tÞ ¼ ρðr; tÞeiSðr;tÞ=ℏ ; ðA50Þ
c2s ¼ P0 ðϵÞc2 ¼ 2 : ðA43Þ
c þ ρV 00 ðρÞ þ 2V 0 ðρÞ
ρ ¼ jψj2 ; vðr; tÞ ¼ ; ðA51Þ
Remark: We note that the expression of the pressure is the ma
same as in Eq. (A19). It is also the same as the one obtained
in the nonrelativistic limit c → þ∞ where the KGE where ρ is the mass density, S is the action and v is the
equations reduce to the GPP equations (see below). By velocity field, we obtain the system of hydrodynamic
contrast, the enthalpy differs from the pseudoenthalpy equations [66,84,85]:
except in the nonrelativistic limit. Using Eqs. (49),
(A33), (A37), (A41), and (A42) we find that the enthalpy ∂ρ 1
þ 3Hρ þ ∇ · ðρvÞ ¼ 0; ðA52Þ
is given by ∂t a
where Φðr; tÞ=c2 ≪ 1 represents the gravitational potential PðρÞ ¼ ρV 0 ðρÞ − VðρÞ: ðA56Þ
of classical Newtonian gravity. Making the Klein trans-
formation The squared speed of sound is c2s ¼ P0 ðρÞ ¼ ρV 00 ðρÞ. The
hydrodynamic equations (A52)–(A55) have a clear physi-
ℏ −imc2 t=ℏ cal interpretation. Equation (A52), corresponding to the
φðr; tÞ ¼ e ψðr; tÞ ðA46Þ
m imaginary part of the GP equation, is the continuity
equation. Equation (A53), corresponding to the real part
in the KGE equations (A1) and (A3), using the relation of the GP equation, is the Bernoulli or Hamilton-Jacobi
equation. Equation (A54), obtained by taking the gradient
m2 2 of Eq. (A53), is the Euler (momentum) equation.
ρ ¼ jψj2 ¼ jφj ; ðA47Þ
ℏ2 Equation (A55) is the Poisson equation. It can be written
as ΔΦ ¼ 4πGa2 ðρ − ρb Þ where ρb is the background
and taking the nonrelativistic limit c → þ∞, we get the density of the expanding universe.
generalized GPP equations in an expanding universe (see, Remark: For a complex SF, we note that the potential
e.g., [57,66,67] for details) Vðjψj2 Þ that appears in the GP equation (A48) is the same as
the potential Vðjφj2 Þ that appears in the KG equation (A1)
∂ψ 3 ℏ2 dV
iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ þ m ψ; ðA48Þ with Eq. (A2) (see, e.g., [57,66,67]). For a real SF, the two
∂t 2 2ma djψj2 potentials generally differ (see, e.g., [77,96]).
Qm2 c2
1. General results ρEtot ¼ ; ðB10Þ
The cosmological evolution of a spatially homogeneous
complex SF in an expanding universe is governed by the where Q ¼ Ne is a constant of integration representing
KGF equations the charge of the SF (proportional to the boson number N)
[40–42,51,56,57,97]. This equation can also be directly
1 d2 φ 3H dφ dV obtained from Eq. (A23).
2 2
þ 2 þ 2 tot2 φ ¼ 0; ðB1Þ
c dt c dt djφj The quantum Hamilton-Jacobi (or Bernoulli) equation
(A13) takes the form
H2 ¼ ϵ; ðB2Þ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
3c2 1 d2 ρ 2 1
d ρ
E2tot ¼ ℏ2 pffiffiffi þ 3Hℏ pffiffiffi þ 2m2 c2 V 0tot ðρÞ: ðB11Þ
ρ dt2 ρ dt
which can be deduced from the KGE equations (A1) and
(A3). The energy density ϵðtÞ and the pressure PðtÞ of the
Finally, we have established in the general case that
SF are given by
the rest-mass density of the SF is given by Eq. (A30). For
a spatially homogeneous SF in an expanding background,
1 dφ2
ϵ ¼ 2 þ V tot ðjφj2 Þ; ðB3Þ we get
2c dt
ρ 1 ℏω S_
1 dφ2 E
ρm ¼ − ∂0 θ ¼ − 2 ρθ_ ¼ ρ 2 ¼ ρ tot2 ¼ −ρ tot2 : ðB12Þ
P ¼ 2 − V tot ðjφj2 Þ: ðB4Þ c c mc mc mc
2c dt
In the following, we use the hydrodynamic representation We note that, in this special case, ρm ¼ J0 =c, where J0 ¼
of the SF (see Appendix A 2). Making the de Broglie −ρ∂0 Stot =m is the time component of the quadricurrent of
transformation (A10), the energy density and the pressure charge, but this relation is not true for an inhomogeneous SF.
of the SF can be written as Combining Eq. (B12) with the Bernoulli equation (B11), we
obtain the relation
1 _2 ℏ2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ϵ¼ ρθ þ 2 2 ρ_ 2 þ V tot ðρÞ; ðB5Þ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
2c 2
8m ρc ρ ℏ2 1 d2 ρ 3Hℏ2 1 d ρ
ρm ¼ pffiffiffi þ pffiffiffi þ 2V 0tot ðρÞ;
c m2 c2 ρ dt2 m2 c2 ρ dt
1 _2 ℏ2
P¼ ρθ þ ρ_ 2 − V tot ðρÞ: ðB6Þ ðB13Þ
2c2 8m2 ρc2
The equation Dν T μν ¼ 0 leads to the energy conserva- which corresponds to Eq. (A31). On the other hand, using
tion equation Eq. (B12), Eqs. (B8) and (B10) can be rewritten as
dϵ dρm
þ 3Hðϵ þ PÞ ¼ 0: ðB7Þ þ 3Hρm ¼ 0 ðB14Þ
dt dt
2. TF approximation 2V 0tot ðρÞ þ ρV 00tot ðρÞ
¼ −6 ln a: ðB24Þ
In the TF approximation (ℏ → 0), the energy density ϵ ρV 0tot ðρÞ
and the pressure P of the SF [see Eqs. (B5) and (B6)]
reduce to Equation (B24) integrates to give Eq. (B19).
Combining Eqs. (B10) and (B18), we obtain These equations can also be obtained from Eqs. (A52)–
(A55) by considering a homogeneous SF. They are easily
ρ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Qm solved to give ρ ∝ a−3 , a ∝ t2=3 and ρ ¼ 1=ð6πGt2 Þ. This is
2V 0tot ðρÞ ¼ 3 : ðB19Þ the EdS solution. Therefore, in the nonrelativistic limit, the
c a
homogeneous SF/BEC behaves as CDM. For the power-law
This equation determines the relation between the pseudo potential (68), we find that E ¼ Kmγ=½ðγ − 1Þð6πGt2 Þγ−1 .
rest-mass density ρ and the scale factor a. In particular, for the Chaplygin gas (γ ¼ −1), we get
According to Eqs. (B12) and (B18), the rest-mass E ¼ 18π 2 KmG2 t4 ; for the standard BEC (γ ¼ 2), we get
density is given by E ¼ 2as ℏ2 =ð3Gm2 t2 Þ; for the ΛCDM model (γ ¼ 0), we
get E ¼ 0; for the superfluid (γ ¼ 3), we get E ¼ Km=
ρ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ρm ¼ 2V 0tot ðρÞ: ðB20Þ ð24π 2 G2 t4 Þ. On the other hand, for the potential (132), we
c find that E ¼ −kB T lnð6πGρ t2 Þ.
This shows that (B19) is equivalent to the conservation of
the rest-mass [see Eq. (B15)]. Note that Eq. (B20) is always
true in the TF approximation even for inhomogeneous APPENDIX C: EXAMPLES OF POTENTIALS
systems (see Appendix A 3). OF SELF-INTERACTION
Finally, inserting the Bernoulli equation (B18) into Let us consider a complex SF φ governed by the
Eqs. (B16) and (B17), we find that the energy density nonlinear KG equation
and the pressure of the SF in the TF approximation are
given by m2 c2 dV
□φ þ 2
φþ2 φ¼0 ðC1Þ
ℏ djφj2
ϵ¼ ρV 0tot ðρÞ þ V tot ðρÞ; ðB21Þ
with a self-interaction potential Vðjφj2 Þ. In the TF
P ¼ ρV 0tot ðρÞ − V tot ðρÞ: ðB22Þ approximation, this potential is associated with a baro-
tropic equation of state PðρÞ ¼ ρV 0 ðρÞ − VðρÞ where ρ ¼
These relations are always true in the TF approximation even jψj2 ¼ ðm2 =ℏ2 Þjφj2 is the pseudorest-mass density (see
for inhomogeneous systems (Appendix A 3). Appendix A). In the nonrelativistic limit, the nonlinear KG
Remark: Eqs. (B21) and (B22) determine the equation of equation reduces to the generalized GP equation
state P ¼ PðϵÞ. As a result, we can obtain Eq. (B19)
directly from Eqs. (B21), (B22) and the energy conserva-
∂ψ 3 ℏ2 dV
tion equation (B7). Indeed, combining these equations we iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ þ m ψ; ðC2Þ
obtain ∂t 2 2ma djψj2
The power-law potential (see Sec. IVA) (iii) The index γ ¼ 0 corresponds to the ΛFDM model
interpreted as a UDM model
2 K m
Vðjφj Þ ¼ jφj2γ ðγ ≠ 1Þ ðC3Þ Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ −K; P ¼ K; ðC15Þ
γ−1 ℏ
K 6
(i) The index γ ¼ −1 corresponds to the Chaplygin gas Vðjψj2 Þ ¼ jψj ; ðC21Þ
K ℏ 2 1 K
Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ − ; P¼ ; ðC7Þ ∂ψ 3 ℏ2 3Km 4
2 m jφj2 ρ iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ þ jψj ψ:
∂t 2 2ma 2
2 ðC22Þ
m2 c2 ℏ 1
□φ þ 2 φ þ K φ ¼ 0; ðC8Þ
ℏ m jφj4
(v) For γ ¼ 1=2 we get
K 1
Vðjψj2 Þ ¼ − ; ðC9Þ Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ −2K
jφj; P ¼ Kρ1=2 ; ðC23Þ
2 jψj2 ℏ
∂ψ 3 ℏ2 Km 1 m2 c2 m 1
iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − Δψ þ mΦψ þ ψ: □φ þ φ − 2K φ ¼ 0; ðC24Þ
∂t 2 2ma2 2 jψj4 ℏ 2 ℏ jφj
Vðjψj2 Þ ¼ −2Kjψj; ðC25Þ
(ii) The index γ ¼ 2 corresponds to the standard BEC
taking into account two-body interactions ∂ψ 3 ℏ2 1
4 iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ − Km ψ:
∂t 2 2ma jψj
2 m
Vðjφj Þ ¼ K jφj4 ; P ¼ Kρ2 ; ðC11Þ ðC26Þ
m2 c2 m
□φ þ 2 φ þ 4K jφj2 φ ¼ 0; ðC12Þ The potential (see Sec. IV B)
ℏ ℏ
2 2
Vðjψj2 Þ ¼ Kjψj4 ; ðC13Þ kB Tm 2
2 m jφj
Vðjφj Þ ¼ jφj ln −1 ðC27Þ
ℏ2 ρ ℏ2
∂ψ 3 ℏ2
iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − Δψ þ mΦψ is associated with the isothermal equation of state
∂t 2 2ma2
P ¼ ρkB T=m. It can take into account finite temperature
þ 2Kmjψj2 ψ: ðC14Þ effects in DM [79–83]. The KG equation becomes
2 2
m2 c2 2kB Tm m jφj on the KG and GP equations but it adds a constant term ϵΛ
□φ þ 2 φ þ 2
ln φ ¼ 0: ðC28Þ
ℏ ℏ ρ ℏ2 in the energy density, which is interpreted as DE.
Of course, we can consider a multitude of more general
In the nonrelativistic limit, using SF models by summing the potentials [like, e.g., those in
Eqs. (C3), (C27), (C31), and (C35)] or, equivalently, by
kB T 2 jψj summing the corresponding pressures (polytropic, iso-
Vðjψj2 Þ ¼ jψj ln −1 ; ðC29Þ thermal, logotropic, and constant). This is a form of
m ρ
Dalton’s law. The mixed equation of state generically reads
we obtain the generalized GP equation
γ kB T 2 ρ
2 P ¼ Kρ þ ρ − ρΛ c þ A ln ; ðC36Þ
∂ψ 3 ℏ2 jψj m ρP
iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ þ kB T ln ψ:
∂t 2 2ma ρ
where we can add several polytropic terms with different
ðC30Þ index γ. This mixed equation of state is associated with a
complex SF potential of the form
The logarithmic potential [52]
2 2 2 K m
m jφj Vðjφj Þ ¼ jφj2γ
Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ −A ln þ 1 ðC31Þ γ−1 ℏ
ℏ2 ρP 2 2
k Tm m jφj
þ B 2 jφj2 ln − 1
is associated with the logotropic equation of state ℏ ρ ℏ2
2 2
P ¼ A ln ðρ=ρP Þ. The KG equation becomes 2 m jφj
þ ρΛ c − A ln þ1 ; ðC37Þ
ℏ2 ρ P
m2 c2 2A
□φ þ 2
φ − 2 φ ¼ 0: ðC32Þ
ℏ jφj which can be inserted in the KG equation (C1) to give
In the nonrelativistic limit, using m2 c2 2Kγ m 2γ 2ðγ−1Þ
□φ þ φ þ jφj φ
2 ℏ2 γ−1 ℏ
2 jψj 2 2
Vðjψj Þ ¼ −A ln þ1 ; ðC33Þ 2kB Tm m jφj 2A
ρP þ 2
ln 2
φ − 2 φ ¼ 0: ðC38Þ
ℏ ρ ℏ jφj
we obtain the generalized GP equation
In the nonrelativistic, we obtain the potential
∂ψ 3 ℏ2 mA 2
iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ − 2 ψ: ðC34Þ 2 K 2γ kB T 2 jψj
∂t 2 2ma jψj Vðjψj Þ ¼ jψj þ jψj ln −1
γ−1 m ρ
This model is studied in detail in [52]. 2 jψj
Instead of the logarithmic potential we can consider the þ ρΛ c − A ln þ1 ; ðC39Þ
constant potential
which can be inserted in the GP equation (C2) to give
Vðjφj2 Þ ¼ V 0 ¼ ϵΛ ; ðC35Þ
∂ψ 3 ℏ2 Kmγ 2ðγ−1Þ
mimicking a cosmological constant like in Appendix E of iℏ þ iℏHψ ¼ − 2
Δψ þ mΦψ þ jψj ψ
∂t 2 2ma γ−1
[52]. It is associated with the constant equation of state 2
P ¼ −ϵΛ . It leads to the usual KG and GP equations (C16) jψj mA
þ kB T ln ψ − 2 ψ: ðC40Þ
and (C18). We note that a constant potential has no effect ρ jψj
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