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TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

It is a four-layered protocol stack. It helps in the interconnection of network devices over the internet. Each layer contains certain
protocols that help in the functioning of the layer. The four layers of TCP/IP protocol are Application Layer, Transport Layer,
Networking/Internet Layer and the Data Link/physical layer.


Protocol Suite
A protocol is a set of rules that tells and directs how systems should communicate. A protocolsuite is a collection of protocols that are designed to
work together.
To make the protocol usage more flexible, the layered protocol stack was proposed. This type of protocol stack consists of protocols arranged at
different levels with each level performing a certain task. Each level can communicate with the levels above and below them. Here the task or the
functioning of a level or layer can be changed or modified without affecting other layers.
TCP/IP is a 4 layered protocol suite. It takes the OSI model as its conceptual framework. This suite consists of various protocols arranged on four
levels. It is named after its two most popular protocols -the transmission control protocol and the Internet Protocol.

The Protocols Present in the Application Layer

HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol.This protocol allows the user to access the data over the world wide web. It can be used in
the hypertext environment and send data in the form of plain texts, audio, and video.
SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol, which manages devices over the internet.
SMTP – Single Mail Transfer Protocol. This protocol manages the sending and receiving of emails
DNS – Domain Name System, it maps the hostnames to the host IP address which are connected to the internet.
TELNET – Terminal Network, to establish the connection between the local computer and the remote computer.
FTP – File Transfer Protocol, used for transmitting of files from one computer to another.

The Protocols Present in Transport Layer

TCP – Transmission Control Protocol. This protocol is active for the duration of the transmission of data. It from a virtual circuit
between sender and receiver. At the sender side, the protocol breakdown the data in the form of small units called segments. Each
segment is associated with a sequence number which helps in reordering the segments from the original message.
At the receiver end, TCP collects all the segments and reorder them according to their sequence numbers. Whenever an error is
detected by the protocol it retransmits the segment. After ensuring that all the segments are transmitted and acknowledged and
transmission is completed, the protocol then discards the virtual circuit.

UDP – User Datagram Protocol. This protocol is faster because it does not send messages about lost packets, but it is more
Protocols Present in Internet Layer
IP Protocol – this is the most significant protocol of TCP/IP protocol suite. To identify the device over the internet and ti establish the
internetwork routing, this protocol implements logical host addresses called the IP addresses for each host device
ARP – Address Resolution Protocol. This protocol finds the physical addresses from the IP addresses.
Thus all these protocols together form the TCP/IP protocol suite. Applications will choose which type of protocol to use at each layer
based on the functions provided by the protocols. This protocol suite can be easily modified and is compatible with all types of
Computer hardware and operating systems. It was originally designed for the UNIX operating system.

IP (Internet Protocol) адресът е логически адрес, който се присвоява на всеки хост в мрежата. IP адресът е съвкупност от две части –
мрежова, мрежата в която е включено устройството и хост част - на самото устройство.
Клас w x y z




Клас D 1 1 1 0 Multicast адрес

Клас E 1 1 1 1 0 Резервирани за бъдещо използване

Правила при IP адресирането
1. Битовете в подмрежовата маска установени в „1“ указват мрежовата част в Ip адреса.
2. Битовете в подмрежовата маска установени в „0“ указват хост частта в Ip адреса.
3. Ако всички битове в хост частта на Ip адреса са установени в „0“ - адресът е мрежови /служебен/.
4. Ако всички битове в хост частта на Ip адреса са установени в „1“ - адресът е бродкаст /служебен/.

• Всички устройства от един и същ физически мрежови сегмент трябва да имат еднакъв мрежови адрес;
• Всяко устройство от един мрежови сегмент трябва да има уникален адрес;
• Мрежовият адрес не може да бъде 127 – този адрес е запазен за loopback функции;
Мрежова маска
За клас А, В и С се използват следните подмрежови маски:

Клас А –
Клас В –
Клас С –
Public IP Address A Public IP address is the one which is globally recognizable and our ISP (Internet Service Provider) or IANA provides the
same. Public IP identifies our home network to the outside world. It is an IP address that is unique throughout the entire Internet. Each customer
who uses the Global/Public IP Block needs to pay the Service Provider or IANA.

Private IP Address Unlike Public Addresses, Private IP addresses never leave the LAN network, just as the public IP address is never used
inside your network. Additionally, customer need not pay for private IP blocks used inside the LAN environment.
Пример за мрежова маска:
Ipv4 address:, Subnet Mask: клас А
Ipv4 address:, Subnet Mask: клас В
Ipv4 address:, Subnet Mask: клас С

TCP provides reliability and flow control. TCP basic operations:

Number and track data segments transmitted to a specific host from a specific application; Acknowledge received data;
Retransmit any unacknowledged data after a certain amount of time; Sequence data that might arrive in wrong order
Advantages of TCP Disadvantages of TCP
1. Data Re-transmission – sometimes in between the transport, the 1. Loss Result of Congestion - Whenever there is a data congestion,
segments may get lost failing to reach its destination. Due to this an TCP will be slowing down so that it can send traffic in a steady rate.
acknowledgement will be sent to the sender from the receiver, so Although this can be beneficial for wired networking, it is not
that the sender can re transmit the segment back again advantageous in the case of a wireless connection.
2. In Order Delivery - Whenever a packet is sent, it cannot be 2. Slow Handshake - Always when a connection is established, the
guaranteed that it will be in order once it reaches its host. Therefore, TCP will be performing a handshake between the sender and the
before reaching the application, TCP takes necessary steps to receiver. This process can ultimately cause the connection
rearrange them in order establishment to slowdown.
3. Error Detection - Error in the TCP can negatively impact on 3. Network Optimization - Originally a TCP connection is optimized
performance and connectivity services. Detecting errors like only for Wide Area Networks (WAN). It was not designed for small
corrupted and missing segments is relatively easy in TCP. It is networks such as Local Area Network (LAN) and Personal Area
generally done through 3 steps. Those are the checksum, re Network (PAN).
transmission and acknowledgement.

UDP stands for user datagram protocol. UDP is a connectionless protocol in which data needed to send in chunks. UDP doesn't have error
checking mechanism that is why it is less reliable but is faster in data transmission.
Advantages of UDP Disadvantages of UDP
UDP does not need to require a connection to be established and UDP is an unreliable and connectionless protocol.
Broadcast and multicast transmission are available with UDP UDP does not use any error control. So UDP detects an error in the
received packet. It silently drops it
All flow control, ack, transaction logging, etc is up to user programs, There is no flow control and no acknowledgement for received data
a broken OS implementation is not going to get in your way.
Additionally, you only need to implement and also use the features
you have to need
No connection state data in the end hosts hence a server can Only the application layer deals with error recovery. Hence
support more UDP client than TCP applications can simply turn to the user to send the message again
UDP communication can be more efficient than a guaranteed They are no guaranteed with UDP. So a packet may not be delivered
delivery data stream or delivered twice or delivered must be out of order; you get no
indication of this unless the listening program at the other end
decides to say something
Виртуална частна мрежа или VPN (на английски: virtual private
network) е технология за сигурен и защитен отдалечен достъп през
несигурна и незащитена компютърна мрежа. VPN e логически
изградена чрез криптиране, използваща хардуер, софтуер и
протоколи за достъп през обществена мрежа, най-често Интернет

Във виртуалните частни мрежи се използват три типа протоколи:

-Тунелен протокол (VPN протокол)-използва се за изграждане на
-Протокол за криптиране (протокол за сигурност)-използва се за
сигурност на данни.
-Мрежов/транспортен протокол (LAN протокол)-използва се за
комуникация по частната мрежа

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