Dka Hhs Ada Guideline
Dka Hhs Ada Guideline
Dka Hhs Ada Guideline
Robert A. Gabbay,2,3
The American Diabetes Association (ADA), European Association for the Study of
Diabetes (EASD), Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS), Ameri-
can Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE), and Diabetes Technology Soci-
ety (DTS) convened a panel of internists and diabetologists to update the ADA
consensus statement on hyperglycemic crises in adults with diabetes, published
in 2001 and last updated in 2009. The objective of this consensus report is to pro-
vide up-to-date knowledge about the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical
presentation, and recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and preven-
tion of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS)
in adults. A systematic examination of publications since 2009 informed new rec-
ommendations. The target audience is the full spectrum of diabetes health care
professionals and individuals with diabetes.
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and
Lipids, Department of Medicine, Emory University
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and the hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) are the School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
two most serious, acute, and life-threatening hyperglycemic emergencies in individu- American Diabetes Association, Arlington, VA
Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical
als with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) (1–3). Global reports clearly School, Boston, MA
show an increase in the number of DKA and HHS admissions during the past decade, 4
Department of Medicine, University of Padua,
with recent data reporting a 55% increase in the rate of DKA hospitalizations, espe- Padua, Italy
cially in adults aged <45 years (4–6). DKA is characterized by the triad of hyperglyce- Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine, Padua,
mia, increased ketone concentration in the blood and/or urine, and metabolic 6
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Meta-
acidosis, while HHS is characterized by severe hyperglycemia, hyperosmolality, and bolism, Department of Medicine, University of
dehydration in the absence of significant ketosis or acidosis. The metabolic derange- Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL
ments in DKA result from the combination of absolute or relative insulin deficiency Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology, and
Nutrition, Department of Medicine, University
(levels insufficient to suppress gluconeogenesis and ketone production) and elevation of Washington, Seattle, WA
of counterregulatory hormones (glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and 8
Diabetes Research Institute, Mills-Peninsula
growth hormone) (1,3,7). In HHS, there is a residual amount of insulin secretion that Medical Center, San Mateo, CA
minimizes ketosis but does not control hyperglycemia (1,3). Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition,
Department of Medicine, University of Maryland
Both DKA and HHS can occur at any age in people with T1D, T2D, or any other School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
type of diabetes. DKA is more common in young people with T1D, and HHS is 10
University of Maryland Institute for Health
more frequently reported in older adults with T2D. Although any acute illness or Computing, Bethesda, MD
physiological stress can precipitate DKA and HHS, the most frequent causes are in- Division of Metabolism, Digestion & Re-
production, Imperial College London, U.K.
fection, particularly urinary tract infections and pneumonia, and the omission of in- 12
Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology,
sulin therapy. In recent years, sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London,
have been found to increase the risk of DKA, most often when used in T1D but U.K.
also in T2D (2). The incidence of both DKA and HHS was reported to have increased Elsie Bertram Diabetes Centre, Norfolk and
Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation
during the COVID-19 pandemic (8,9). Early diagnosis and management of DKA and Trust, Norwich, U.K.
HHS are essential to improve outcomes. The mainstays of treatment of DKA and 14
Department of Medicine, Norwich Medical
HHS are fluid replacement, insulin therapy, electrolyte repletion, and treatment of School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K.
2 Consensus Report Diabetes Care
underlying precipitating events. Appropri- Monthly calls were held between Octo- 45–64 years (47.5%) with T2D (88.1%) (13).
ate treatment has reduced mortality ber 2022 and September 2023, with addi- Additionally, several studies have revealed
owing to DKA to <1%; however, mortal- tional email and web-based collaboration. that over half of Black/African American
ity has remained 5- to 10-fold higher in in- One in-person meeting was conducted to and Hispanic/Latino adults with newly diag-
dividuals with HHS (1,10). provide organization to the process, estab- nosed diabetes presenting with unpro-
The objective of this consensus report is lish the review process, reach consensus on voked DKA have T2D (14–16). The clinical
to provide up-to-date knowledge about the the content and key definitions, and dis- presentation in such cases is acute, as in
epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical pre- cuss the recommendations. Once the draft classical DKA observed in people with T1D;
sentation, and recommendations for the di- was completed, the structured peer re- however, after immediate stabilization and
agnosis, treatment, and prevention of DKA view process was implemented, and the a short course of insulin therapy, prolonged
Corresponding author: Guillermo E. Umpierrez, This article is being simultaneously published in research. Consensus reports undergo a formal
[email protected] Diabetes Care ( review process, including external peer review and
Received 28 March 2024 and accepted 29 and Diabetologia ( review by the ADA Professional Practice Committee
March 2024 024-06183-8) by the ADA and the EASD. and ADA scientific team for publication.
This consensus report is fully endorsed by the A consensus report is a document on a particular © 2024 by the American Diabetes Association
American Diabetes Association (ADA), European topic that is authored by a technical expert panel and the European Association for the Study of
Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), under the auspices of ADA. The document does not Diabetes. Readers may use this article as long
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology reflect the official ADA position but rather as the work is properly cited, the use is
(AACE), Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient represents the panel’s collective analysis, evaluation, educational and not for profit, and the work
Care (JBDS), and Diabetes Technology Society (DTS). and expert opinion. The primary objective of a is not altered. More information is available
consensus report is to provide clarity and insight on at
This consensus report was reviewed and endorsed a medical or scientific matter related to diabetes for pages/license.
by the ADA Professional Practice Committee and which the evidence is contradictory, emerging, or
the EASD Committee on Clinical Affairs and incomplete. The report also aims to highlight
approved by the EASD Executive Board, AACE, evidence gaps and to propose avenues for future
JBDS Group, and DTS. Umpierrez and Associates 3
isodes, but some studies grouped all hy- to 1.04% in T2D (6,32). Inpatient mortal- is the most common precipitating factor for
perglycemic crises together, as it can be ity among people with T2D hospitalized DKA, occurring in 14–58% of cases (3,24).
challenging to reliably classify events us- for HHS decreased from 1.44% in 2008 Other acute conditions that may precipitate
ing administrative data such as hospital- to 0.77% in 2018 (20). Patients with DKA include stroke, alcohol and substance
ization databases that many studies rely mixed DKA/HHS have higher hospital use, pancreatitis, pulmonary embolism, myo-
on. Among people with T1D, most recent mortality than those with HHS (adjusted cardial infarction, and trauma (1,53–56).
data suggest hyperglycemic crisis rates of odds ratio [OR] 2.7; 95% CI 1.5–4.9) or The omission of insulin therapy, often
up to 44.5–82.6 per 1,000 person-years with DKA (adjusted OR 1.8; 95% CI in the setting of psychological and socio-
(5,21) and among people with T2D up to 0.9–3.6), with inpatient mortality rates of economic factors, is a major cause of
3.2 per 1,000 person-years (5). 8% for mixed DKA/HHS, 5% for HHS, and DKA, particularly among adults with T1D
Amino acids
A Lactate
Ketone body
Impaired renal function
Volume depletion
for developing dehydration because of severe insulin deficiency and a rise in con- If fluid intake is not maintained, then this can
polyuria, age-related impairment of thirst centrations of counterregulatory hormones lead to a hyperosmolar state, renal impair-
mechanisms, and limited access to fluids (glucagon, cortisol, epinephrine, and growth ment, and, ultimately, a decline in cognitive
(7,98). Infection is the major precipitat- hormones) (1,3,7). The resulting changes in function. (Fig. 1)
ing factor in 30–60% of patients with the insulin/glucagon ratio lead to increased Hyperglycemia in people with hyper-
HHS, with urinary tract infections and gluconeogenesis, accelerated glycogenolysis, glycemic crises is associated with a se-
pneumonia being the most common and impaired glucose utilization by peripheral vere inflammatory state characterized by
(99). Other common precipitating causes tissues. The combination of insulin deficiency an elevation of proinflammatory cyto-
of HHS include acute cerebrovascular and increased counterregulatory hormones kines (tumor necrosis factor-a and inter-
events, acute myocardial infarction, sur- results in the release of free fatty acids from leukin-1, -6, and -8), C-reactive protein,
gery, acute pancreatitis, and the use of adipose tissues (lipolysis), leading to unre- reactive oxygen species, and lipid peroxi-
drugs that affect carbohydrate metabo- strained hepatic fatty acid oxidation and the dation biomarkers even in the absence
lism by decreasing insulin release or production of excess ketone bodies with re- of obvious infection or cardiovascular pa-
activity. These include corticosteroids, sulting ketonemia and metabolic acidosis (3). thology (100). All these measurements
sympathomimetic agents, and antipsy- In HHS, compared with DKA, there is return to near-normal values within 24 h
chotic drugs (1,99). less severe insulin deficiency and, there- following correction of hyperglycemia
fore, sufficient insulin to prevent keto- with insulin therapy and hydration.
Section 2. What Is the Pathogenesis genesis but not enough to prevent hy-
of Hyperglycemic Crises? perglycemia, due to increased hepatic glu- Section 3. What Are the Diagnostic
The key difference between DKA and cose production and decreased glucose Criteria of DKA and HHS?
HHS is the degree of insulin insufficiency. utilization by peripheral tissues. Hypergly- Diagnostic Criteria for DKA
The pathogenesis of these two diseases is cemia leads to an osmotic diuresis, leading The diagnosis of DKA should be based on
presented in Fig. 1. DKA is characterized by to volume depletion and hemoconcentration. the three criteria described in Fig. 2A. All
6 Consensus Report Diabetes Care
Hyperosmolarity (mmol/L) + glucose (mmol/L)]), OR total serum osmolality >320 mOsm/kg [(2xNa+
(mmol/L) + glucose (mmol/L) + urea (mmol/L)]
AbSence of significant ketonemia β-Hydroxybutyrate concentration <3.0 mmol/L OR urine ketone strip less than 2+
three components must be present to by the nitroprusside reaction in urine or reduce the time for assessment, duration
make this diagnosis. In this consensus re- serum, which measures acetoacetic acid of admission, and time to recovery from
port, we have defined hyperglycemia as a (but not b-hydroxybutyrate, the main ke- DKA (2,12,110). A systematic review of
diagnostic criterion for DKA from >250 toacid produced in DKA), or quantitatively nine studies on the accuracy of capillary b-
mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) to either a glucose by direct measurement of b-hydroxybuty- hydroxybutyrate measurement for identi-
value of $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or a rate in blood from capillary point-of-care fying DKA, compared with multiple other
prior history of diabetes irrespective of the testing (POCT) or in the hospital labora- analytical and clinical tests, reported high
presenting glucose value. Hyperglycemia tory (3). Both types of ketones have simi- sensitivity, specificity, and positive and
and/or diabetes must be accompanied by lar diagnostic sensitivity, but measuring negative predictive values (111). However,
two additional criteria—elevated ketones b-hydroxybutyrate in blood is more spe- there is concern about how accurate POCT
and metabolic acidosis—for the diagnosis cific for detecting DKA than measuring instruments are compared with laboratory
of DKA to be established. Although hyper- acetoacetate in urine (108). instruments for measuring b-hydroxybuty-
glycemia remains a key diagnostic criterion Reliance on urine ketone testing can rate levels $5 mmol/L (108,112).
of DKA, a wide range of plasma glucose underestimate the severity of ketone- Most people with DKA present with a
concentrations can be present on admis- mia early in the course of DKA because high anion gap metabolic acidosis. The
sion. Approximately 10% of patients with of a lag in the formation of acetoace- anion gap is calculated by subtracting
DKA present with euglycemic DKA, which tate, and conversely overestimate its se- the major measured anions (chloride
is defined as plasma glucose levels <200 verity later in the course of DKA when and bicarbonate) from the major mea-
mg/dL [11.1 mmol/L] in the presence of b-hydroxybutyrate is being cleared and sured cation (sodium). An anion gap
ketosis and metabolic acidosis criteria of converted into acetoacetate (3). In addi- >12 mmol/L indicates the presence of
DKA described in Fig. 2 (91,101,102). Eu- tion, several sulfhydryl drugs (e.g., capto- a high anion gap metabolic acidosis consis-
glycemic DKA can be caused by a variety pril) and medications such as valproate tent with DKA. However, mixed acid-base
of factors, including exogenous insulin in- can give false-positive nitroprusside urine disorders are present in about one-third of
jection, reduced food intake, pregnancy, tests (109). Thus, for diagnosis and moni- those presenting with DKA because of hy-
or impaired gluconeogenesis due to alco- toring of the response to therapy, we rec- perglycemia-induced osmotic diuresis and
hol use, liver failure, and/or SGLT2 inhibi- ommend direct measurement of venous natriuresis, nausea and vomiting leading to
tor therapy (103,104). In recent years, the or capillary b-hydroxybutyrate, which is volume contraction and metabolic alkalosis,
use of SGLT2 inhibitors in those with T1D the main ketoacid in DKA (3,108). Blood and a compensatory respiratory alkalosis
and T2D has accounted for the majority of concentrations of b-hydroxybutyrate $3.0 caused by hyperventilation due to rapid
cases of euglycemic DKA (105–107). In recog- mmol/L correlate well with acid-base and/or deep breathing (Kussmaul breathing)
nition of the wider range of glucose levels at changes, with >90% sensitivity and specif- (113,114). In addition, hyperchloremic nor-
presentation with DKA, the criteria for diag- icity for the diagnosis of DKA (1,2,12). mal anion gap acidosis is commonly seen
nosis of DKA have been changed to encom- b-Hydroxybutyrate measurement can be following successful treatment of DKA and
pass a lower glucose value of >200 mg/dL performed on serum samples using labora- may delay transition back to subcutaneous
(11.1 mmol/L) and a prior history of diabetes tory analysis or capillary blood samples us- insulin if mistaken for persistent DKA
(irrespective of the glucose level) (2). ing handheld POCT meters with similar (7,115). Although the anion gap is not rec-
The key diagnostic feature in DKA is precision in quantifying b-hydroxybutyrate ommended as a first-line diagnostic or res-
the elevation of the circulating total ketone (3,108). Compared with a laboratory mea- olution criterion for these reasons, it may
body concentration. Assessment of ketone- surement, the convenience of testing still have some utility in resource settings
mia can be performed semiquantitatively and rapidity of results from POCT can where ketone measurement is unavailable. Umpierrez and Associates 7
Table 2—DKA classification and suggested level of care by severity: mild, moderate, or severe
Mild DKA Moderate DKA Severe DKA
“D”: history of diabetes or Glucose $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) Glucose $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) Glucose $200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L)
elevated glucose level
“K”: ketonemia b-Hydroxybutyrate 3.0–6.0 mmol/L b-Hydroxybutyrate 3.0–6.0 mmol/L b-Hydroxybutyrate >6.0 mmol/L
“A”: acidosis pH >7.25 to <7.30 or pH 7.0–7.25 pH <7.0
bicarbonate 15–18 mmol/L Bicarbonate 10 to <15 mmol/L Bicarbonate <10 mmol/L
Mental status Alert Alert/drowsy Stupor/coma
Suggested level of care Regular or observation nursing unit Step-down unit or Intensive care unit
Not all variables need to be fulfilled to be defined as either mild, moderate, or severe, and the admission site and level of care are ultimately
a clinical decision.
The severity of DKA is classified as Clinical overlap between DKA and pain are common in DKA (>50%) but are
mild, moderate, or severe based on the HHS has been reported in more than uncommon in HHS (118). Caution is needed
magnitude of metabolic acidosis (blood one-third of people with hyperglycemic with patients who present with abdominal
pH, serum bicarbonate, and ketone lev- crises (50). Although most people with pain because the symptoms could be either
els) and the presence of altered mental HHS have an admission pH $7.30 and a a result of the DKA or an indication of a
status, as presented in Table 2 (12). This bicarbonate level $18 mmol/L, mild ke- precipitating cause of DKA, particularly in
categorization may be clinically useful for tonemia may be present. the absence of severe metabolic acidosis.
guiding the location where an individual is Further clinical evaluation is necessary if
Clinical Presentation of DKA and HHS this complaint is not resolved with the
assigned to receive care (e.g., emergency
Figure 3 illustrates common clinical fea- resolution of dehydration and metabolic
department, intensive care unit [ICU], or
tures in individuals admitted with DKA acidosis.
step-down unit) and for identifying patients
and HHS. In DKA, the time between ini- If DKA or HHS is suspected, initial
with mild DKA who are candidates for sub- tial symptoms and acute presentation samples should be taken for glucose, se-
cutaneous insulin dosing rather than intra- may be hours to a few days, whereas rum electrolytes, venous blood gases,
venous insulin infusion (116). However, not with HHS, it may take days or weeks to complete blood count, and blood or
all variables need to be fulfilled to be de- develop. Both conditions may present urine ketone levels. Volume status can
fined as either mild, moderate, or severe, with polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, be assessed with vital sign parameters.
and the admission site and level of care vomiting, dehydration, and change in Tachycardia and hypotension correlate
are ultimately a clinical decision. cognitive state. The respiratory compen- with severe hypovolemia. However, some
sation for metabolic acidosis found in patients can maintain hemodynamic sta-
Diagnostic Criteria for HHS DKA is manifest by Kussmaul breathing, bility and intravascular volume because of
HHS is a state of significant hyperglyce- which consists of deep breaths with a the hypertonicity associated with hypergly-
mia and hyperosmolality in the absence fruity odor smell because of the presence cemia and the subsequent movement of
of severe ketonemia and metabolic aci- of acetone (a breakdown product of the intracellular water into the extracellu-
dosis. The diagnosis of HHS should be ketone acetoacetic acid) in the breath. lar space. Patients should be examined
based on the four criteria presented in Changes in cognitive state are usually pre- for signs of infection, ischemia, and other
Fig. 2B. All four components must be sent in patients with severe DKA and potential precipitants of a hyperglycemic
present to make the diagnosis (12,117). HHS. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal crisis. In addition, an electrocardiogram
Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain Often co-presenting with other acute illness
Kussmaul respiration
should be performed to assess for evi- increased counterregulatory hormones, and nursing units have not demonstrated clear
dence of biochemically induced repolariza- loss of fluid and electrolytes. The manage- differences in mortality rate, length of hos-
tion abnormalities, such as peaked T waves ment of DKA and HHS includes the admin- pital stay, or time to resolution of ketoacido-
from hyperkalemia and ischemia. istration of intravenous fluids, insulin, and sis. ICU admission in people with mild DKA
It is important to consider the differen- electrolytes as well as identification and has also been associated with more labora-
tial diagnosis of elevated ketones, including treatment of the precipitating cause. Capil- tory testing and higher hospitalization costs
starvation ketosis, alcoholic ketoacidosis, lary blood glucose testing should be per- (122,123). In contrast, individuals with se-
and ketosis of pregnancy and hyperemesis formed during treatment every 1–2 h using vere DKA or HHS, or those with critical ill-
(3). The diagnosis of starvation ketosis is a hospital-calibrated glucose meter, and ness as the precipitating cause (e.g.,
suggested by a history of dietary intake blood should be drawn every 4 h for deter- myocardial infarction, gastrointestinal
Check electrolytes, renal function, venous pH, osmolality, and glucose every 2–4 h until stable. After resolution of DKA or HHS and when patient is able to eat and drink, initiate s.c. multidose insulin
regimen. To transfer from i.v. to maintenance s.c. insulin, continue i.v. insulin infusion for 1–2 h after s.c. insulin. See Fig. 5 for guidance.
Some have recommended that insulin be withheld until glucose has stopped dropping with fluid
administration alone; see text. 150 mg/dL = 8.3 mmol/L Bicarbonate should only be considered if pH is <7.0
* Definitions of resolution (use clinical judgment and do not delay discharge or level of care if these are
not met): 200 mg/dL = 11.0 mmol/L Phosphate should not be given unless
› DKA: Venous pH >7.3 or bicarbonate >18 mmol/L and plasma/capillary ketones <0.6 mmol/L 250 mg/dL = 13.9 mmol/L there is muscle weakness, respiratory
› HHS: Calculated serum osmolality falls to <300 mOsm/kg and urine output is >0.5 mL/kg/h and
glucose is <250 mg/dL 300 mg/dL = 16.6 mmol/L compromise, and a phosphate <1.0 mmol/L
concentrations have been reported to drop In patients with HHS, the usual time to intravenous insulin infusion (12). Once
by approximately 50–70 mg/dL/h resolve hyperglycemia is between 8 and the blood glucose falls below 250 mg/dL
(2.8–3.9 mmol/L/h) solely in response to in- 10 h and the decline should not exceed (13.9 mmol/L), 5–10% dextrose should
travenous fluid administration in the ab- 90–120 mg/dL/h (5–6.7 mmol/L/h) to be added to the 0.9% saline infusion
sence of insulin (2). This rate of decrease prevent cerebral edema. Similarly, the and the insulin infusion rate should be
may be even more pronounced in HHS. rate of decline of serum sodium should reduced to 0.05 units/kg/h. Thereafter,
The fluid choice for initial resuscitation not exceed 10 mmol/L in 24 h and the intravenous insulin infusion should be
should be determined by local availabil- rate of fall in osmolality should be no adjusted to maintain glucose levels at
ity, cost, and resources. Most clinical greater than 3.0–8.0 mOsm/kg/h to min- approximately 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L)
guidelines recommend the administra- imize the risk of neurological complica- and continued until the ketoacidosis is
tions (117). Initial fluid replacement will
injection and might increase the risk of using 0.5–0.6 units/kg/day in insulin-naive Insulin therapy, correction of acidosis,
bleeding for patients receiving anticoagu- patients, with the understanding that volume expansion, and increased kaliu-
lation therapy (1,143). The use of rapid- body composition and/or insulin resis- resis decrease serum potassium. Within
acting subcutaneous insulin analogs is tance may impact this estimate (7,12). 48 h of admission, potassium levels typi-
not recommended for the treatment of Similarly, for people with risk factors for cally decline by 1–2 mmol/L during treat-
severe and complicated DKA or with hypoglycemia, including kidney failure or ment of DKA, HHS, and mixed DKA/HHS
HHS. frailty, a calculation using approximately (24). To prevent hypokalemia, potassium
Few studies have assessed the optimal 0.3 units/kg/day may be more appropri- replacement should be started after serum
insulin regimen in HHS. If the individual ate. Second, consideration of the pread- levels fall below 5.0 mmol/L to maintain
is already being treated with basal insu- mission outpatient insulin regimen and a potassium level of 4–5 mmol/L (2,12).
GENERAL POINTS › Is there an excess risk of hypoglycemia that may warrant insulin dose reductions? (e.g., reduced renal function, frailty, older age)
› What is the current and anticipated nutritional intake?
› What is the amount of intravenous dextrose infusion?
› Is there concurrent use of subcutaneous basal insulin during intravenous insulin infusion?
OPTIONS FOR Conversion from intravenous to subcutaneous insulin dosing may be guided by any of the following methods*:
Weight-based Estimates: Preadmission Insulin Requirements: Hourly Intravenous Insulin Requirements:
› 0.5–0.6 units/kg/day for TDD › Consider TDD of insulin regimen prescribed › Summation of stable hourly intravenous
› 0.3 units/kg/day for those with risk for outpatient use prior to admission insulin requirements may help estimate
factors for hypoglycemia (e.g., frailty, › Consider potential impact of outpatient TDD (e.g., the prior 6 h)
*Each of these approaches has limitations. The evidence base for some of these approaches is weak, but these recommendations are based on clinical experience.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES › Start subcutaneous insulin 1-2 h prior to discontinuing intavenous insulin infusion
› Ensure insulin regimen provides 24-h coverage
» Basal and rapid-acting insulin analogs preferred (once or twice daily basal insulin + mealtime rapid-acting insulin)
» Human NPH and short-acting insulin formulations may be used; ensure regimen provides 24-h coverage
» Begin with 40–60% of TDD given as basal insulin + remaining proportion divided into three mealtime doses of rapid-acting insulin
» If NPO, give basal insulin + corrective dosing of rapid-acting insulin every 4-6 h
NON-INSULIN AGENTS › Do not initiate or continue SGLT2 inhibitor treatment during hospitalization
› Non-insulin agents are not recommended in T1D
› Other non-insulin agents may be considered for use with insulin in T2D or ketosis-prone T2D during hospitalization or at discharge
DISCHARGE PLANS › Basal-bolus regimen is recommended; 24-h insulin coverage should be ensured
› Discharge dosing recommendations may differ from transition dosing due to anticipated dietary changes or hypoglycemia risk
› Discharge plans should include scheduling of timely follow-up for review of insulin requirements and potential addition of non-insulin agents when appropriate
Figure 5—Transition to maintenance insulin administration in DKA. Calculation of the transition subcutaneous dose should account for hypoglyce-
mia risk factors and anticipated nutritional intake. Estimates can be made using a weight-based calculation or in those already on insulin, the pre-
admission insulin dose. Basal-bolus insulin is the preferred regimen and should be started 1–2 h before cessation of intravenous insulin. At
discharge, dosing of basal-bolus insulin may change again considering hypoglycemia risk. Follow-up plans should be in place to provide necessary
support and training at discharge.
of sterile water (an isotonic solution) can be recommend a similar approach to phos- cognitive status has improved, and the
given every 2 h to achieve a pH >7.0 (12). phorus replacement. blood glucose is <250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L)
Phosphate Criteria for Resolution of DKA and HHS
In DKA, there is a shift of phosphate from Resolution of DKA is defined as achieving
intracellular to extracellular fluid, with plasma ketone <0.6 mmol/L and venous Section 5. What Are Complications
During Treatment?
an excess urinary phosphate loss leading pH $7.3 or bicarbonate $18 mmol/L (2).
Table 3 describes current evidence, risks,
to hypophosphatemia (151). Whole-body Ideally, the blood glucose concentration
and mitigation strategies of the most im-
losses can be up to 1.0 mmol/kg; however, should also be <200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L).
portant complications of treating acute
unless there is evidence of muscle weak- The anion gap should not be used as a cri-
hyperglycemic crises in adults, including
ness, such as respiratory or cardiac com- terion, as it may be misleading because
hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, normal an-
promise with the phosphate <1.0 mmol/L, of the presence of hyperchloremic meta-
ion gap metabolic acidosis, thrombosis,
routine administration of phosphate is not bolic acidosis caused by large volumes of
cerebral edema, osmotic demyelination
indicated. Several prospective randomized 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Because
syndrome, and acute kidney injury.
studies have failed to show any beneficial b-hydroxybutyrate is converted into ace-
effect of phosphate replacement on the toacetate as the acidosis improves, uri-
clinical outcome of DKA (3,152), and ex- nary ketone measurement should be Section 6. What Are the
cessively rapid phosphate replacement avoided as a criterion of DKA resolution. Recommended Management
may precipitate hypocalcemia (152). While there is no consensus on the def- Strategies for Special Populations?
When necessary, 20–30 mmol of potas- inition for resolution of HHS, we consider Table 4 highlights some important con-
sium phosphate can be added to re- HHS to be resolved when the measured siderations regarding DKA and HHS in
placement fluids. There is scarce data on or calculated serum osmolality falls to special populations. These conditions or
phosphate deficiency or the effects of <300 mOsm/kg, hyperglycemia has been scenarios include frail older adults, indi-
phosphate replacement in HHS, so we corrected, urine output is >0.5 mL/kg/h, viduals receiving SGLT2 inhibitor therapy,
12 Consensus Report Diabetes Care
Table 3—Continued
Complication Evidence Risk Mitigation
Acute kidney injury Using RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, Acute kidney injury is more Acute kidney injury usually
(179,180) loss) criteria, 50% of adult common in older adults, those resolves with rehydration.
patients admitted with DKA and with higher osmolarity, and Monitoring renal function daily
HHS have acute kidney injury. those with higher admission is recommended.
glucose levels.
than rigorous outcomes research. Thus, (0.9% sodium chloride vs. crystalloid solu- worse outcomes compared with isolated
large randomized controlled trials or ro- tions) as well as the optimal rates and DKA or HHS (2,10). However, no prospec-
bust observational studies conducted in techniques for insulin administration (2). tive studies have determined the best
generalizable settings and populations are Small case series and retrospective studies treatment for HHS and the combination of
needed to determine the best manage- suggest worse outcomes in patients with DKA and HHS. Dhatariya et al. reported
ment options, including optimizing the HHS compared with those with isolated that despite potassium replacement fol-
electrolyte content of intravenous fluids DKA and that mixed DKA and HHS have lowing protocol in the U.K., 67% of Umpierrez and Associates 15
patients had a potassium level <4 mmol/L the purchase of insulin to save money— MannKind and serves as consultant for Abbott
within 24 h of presentation (24). Similar has been reported in up to 20% of people Diabetes Care, Embecta, and Hagar. D.C.K. is a
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and the U.S. (10), where approximately sulin rationing is most commonly reported Thirdwayv. R.G.M. is supported by the NIDDK of
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