Military Schools Paper I

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Military Schools Association



Time:3 Hours Date: 28th February 2024


1. This paper consist of ten (10) question

2. Answer all questions. Each questions carries ten (10) marks

3. All necessary working and answers of each questions done must be shown clearly.

4. Mathematical tables and non-programmable calculators may be used.

5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)

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Military Schools Association

1. By using a non –programmable calculator

(a) Solve the system of simultaneous equations

( ) ∑( )

(c) Express (i) 96 rad in radian form

(ii) 247⁰2’11’’+0.785 radi in degree form

2. ( a)compute the value of sinhx +coshx ,if x= ln3

(b)Find the condition for the equation acoshx –bsinhx=c to have two distinct real roots

(c)Given that - n = ln8 prove that m =

(d) Show that ∫ =2 ( )+c

3. ( a) accompany produces two types of ornaments A and B .that requires gold and silver .Each
unit of type A requires 4 grams of silver and 8grames of gold .Type B require 8grams of
silver and 4grams of gold. The company has only 400 grams of silver and 640 grams of gold
.Each unit of type A brings a profit 1000Tsh and each unit of type B brings a profit 1600 Tsh
.Formulate a linear programming problem so as the company should produce the maximum

(b)A manufacturer of a certain product has two stores p1 and p2 .There are 80 units of product

stored in p1 and 70 units in p2.The customers A and B orders 35units and 60 units of the

products respectively. The supply cost from the store s to the respectively cost is given


From A B
P1 80/= 120/=
P2 100/= 130/=
(i)How should each of them be supplied in order to minimize the cost

(ii) what is over all minimum cost?

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Military Schools Association

4. The mean of 200 items is 48 and their standard deviation is 3 .Find the sum of iterms and

the sum of squares of all terms

(b) Given the following frequency distribution table

Class 1--4 5--8 9--12 13--16 17--20 21--24 25--28

Frequency 17 6 12 10 21 15 26

(i) Find the mean and standard deviation by using coding method

5. ( a)Use laws of algebra of sets to

(i) Prove that An( ( ) )’=φ

(ii)Simplify (AnB)u(AnB’)

(b) There are 60 students in mathematics class and 90 in a physics class .Find the number of
students who are either in physics or mathematics class in the following cases.

(i)Two classes meet at the same hour.

(ii)Two classes meet at different hours and 30 students are enrolled in both the courses.

(c) In a certain school there are 20 students who are girls and 20 students who are boys15students
study mathematics and 16study chemistry.10 girls study mathematics and 11 boys study
chemistry. If 8girls and 7 boys study neither mathematics nor chemistry, find the number of
students who study.

(i) Both subjects

(ii) Mathematics but not chemistry

(iii) Only one subject

(iv)At least one subject.

6. (a)Given that f(x)= is even function show that p+3r=0, r =

(b)If f(x)= find

(i)At which point of function will the graph have a hole?

(ii)Find the asymptotes of the graph of f(x)

(iii)Sketch the graph

(iv)State domain and range of the graph.

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Military Schools Association

7. (a) Verify whether the equation has a root between x=3 and x=4. Use
Newton Raphson method to find this root correct to 3 significant figures. (Use three iteration
taking =4)

(b)Show that the iterative formula = ⌊( ) ( ) ⌋ is the root of unknown

number A, where A R

(C) Show that ∫ = by normal integration, hence by using Simpsons Rule find the

value of correct to 4 decimal places.

8. (a) show that the area of triangle formed by the lines whose equations are y= x+ ,
( )
y= x+ and x=0 is | |

(b) Find the equation of the circle passing through the points of the intersection of the circle
-2x-4y-4=0 and + -10x -12y+40=0 and whose radius is 4.
( )
9. (a)Find ∫ ( )

( ) ∫

( ) ∫ √

10.(a)Use definition of differentiation to find if y =

(b)The parametric equation of a curve are x =cost+tsint, y=sint-tcost show that =

(c)Apply Taylors theorem expand tan(x+ ) as far as the term and evaluate tan(46.5 ) to fou

Significant figure.

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