21ST Century Literature Reviewer (G12)

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⮚ Lesson 1 – OUR LITERARY - Style- distinct way the

HERITAGE – HISTORY OF THE author to express their thoughts.

● Literature (Panitikan) History of Philippine Literature

- Any written works
Pre-Colonial (B.C – 1564)
- Characteristics: - Bsed on oral traditions
- Universality- appeals to - Cruse on ideology and phraseology
everyone regardless of time it’s - Represent the ethos of people
written. Great literature is
timeless and timely. (Ex. Romeo - Literary Forms:
and Juliet) ✔ Proverbs
✔ Tanaga
- Artistic- has an aesthetic ✔ Riddles
appeal to everyone and reveal ✔ Myths
or conveys hidden truth and ✔ Epics
beauty. ✔ Fables
✔ Legends
- Intellectual Value- ✔ Folk song
stimulates critical thinking. ✔ Lullabies
Making the readers think and ✔ Love song
reasoning. ✔ Song of death
✔ Religious song
- Suggestiveness- relies
on emotional power to convey Spanish Period (1565-1898)
message, imagery, etc. Allows - Has two classifications: Religious and
the work to inspire and provoke Secular
thoughts and understanding. - Spanish Medium as comm.
- Planted seed nationalism
- Spiritual Value- elevates
the spirit and soul and thus have - Literary Forms:
the power to motivate. ✔ Pasyon
✔ Senakulo
- Permanence- work’s that ✔ Komedya
has the ability to stand the test ✔ Awit
of time. Novels that continue to ✔ Korido
read over and over across ✔ Prose Narrative
decade. ✔ Noli me Tangere
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American Period (1899-1942)
- Establish English for instruction
- Growth of Philippine literature
- Great leap in education and culture

- Literary Forms:
✔ Poetry
✔ Drama

Japanese Period (1942-1960)

- Filipino language mandated
- Filipino literature given a break. Many
wrote plays, poem, and short stories.

- Literary Forms:
✔ Poetry
✔ Fiction
✔ Drama
✔ Newspaper
✔ Essay

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⮚ Lesson 2 – IN RESPONSE TO OUR - Anastrophe- deliberate changing of

LEGENDARY ORIGIN normal word order for emphasis.
- Ex. Bright he was not.
Pliant Like a Bamboo
- Ismael V. Mallari - Anaphora- repetition of word or phrase.
- Characters: - Ex. Be hold, Be brief, Be gone.
- Bamboo Tree, Mango Tree, and

- Filipino Qualities:
- Resilient
- Versatile
- Romantic
- Persevering
- Patient

Figure of Speech

● Six (6) types:

- Simile- compared with one another

through the use of “like” or “as”
- Ex. Life is like a riding bicycle, to keep
your balance, you must keep moving.

- Metaphor- comparison without

expressing “like” or “as”
- Ex. Laughter is the best medicine.

- Personification- thing given human

attribute. Spoken of as if it were human.
- Ex. My alarm yelled me this morning.

- Apostrophe- poetic phrase. Address to

a subject that is not literary present.
- Ex. Alarm clock please don’t fail me.

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⮚ Lesson 3 - ELEMENTS OF PLOT - Climax- the most exciting moment of

the story. The protagonist must face the
Plot conflict.
- the summit of freytag’s pyramid
- Narrative or creative writing. Is a
sequence of event. Literary Genre: - Falling Action- immediate outcomes
Poetry-Stanza; Prose-Paragraph from decision. Question also answered.

Prose - Resolution- reader will see a shift in the

character’s attitude. Can identify the
- Ordinary writing style. impact the conflict’s solution had on
- Use grammatical sentences and form of protagonist/antagonist personality.
- Include dialogues and sometimes - Denouement- quite the simply ending.
supported by images All plot conflict has been solved.
- Does not have metrical structure (w/o
- Biography, memoir, essay, short stories,

- Element of Prose:
- Characters, Settings, Mood, Theme,
Point of view, Plot

- Element of Plot:
- Freytag’s Pyramid (Gustav Freytag

- Exposition- the beginning of the story.

Composed of when, where, who, how,
and POV.

- Inciting Incident- begin to develop the

predominant conflict between prota. &

- Rising Action- series of action that

strengthen the conflict.

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⮚ Lesson 4 – DEAD STARS - Theme:

- Forbidden Love
Paz Marquez-Benites - Responsibility (he forgets his
(1894 lucena, Tayabas (Quezon city)) responsibility toward his wife)

- First Filipino modern English language –

Dead Stars (1925, Philippine Herald)
- First batch as freshmen in UP were
trained in the American English system
as the medium.

- Characters:
- Alfredo Salazar- Son of don Julian
- Esperanza- fiancé of Alfredo
- Julia Salas- another woman.
Sister-in-law of judge del Valle
- Don Julian- father of Alfredo
- Carmen- sister of Alfredo.
- Judge del Valle- brother-in-law of Julia
- Doña Adella- wife of judge Del Valle
- Calixta- note taker of Alfredo and
- Brigida Samuy- Alfredo’s looking for a

- Settings:
- Don Julian’s house
- Judge Del Valle’s house
- Don Julian’s house in Tanda
- Julia Salas house (Calle Luz)

- Symbolism:
- Presence of unrecognized
- Infatuation (he though his in love. But
like a dead star which is so far away and
shine could be the left over travelling
light from it, he was long away getting
the girl.)

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⮚ Lesson 5 – PRELUDES - Maximum Volume: Best New Philippine

Fiction (Anvil Publishing 2014)
Daryll Delgado (Tacloban City)
Solve the Mystery
- Maintains a Quezon City residence in
between regular field work around - “A man died singing”
Southeast Asia - Characters:
- William her husband - Nenita’s Husband
- She studied journalism and comparative - Good singer
literature in University of the Philippines - Died while singing during the ninth
(UP) death anniversary of the judge
- Has taught in UP, Ateneo De Manila - Had relationship with several
University, and Miriam College women
- Works for an international NGO, where - Nenita
she heads the research program for - The story’s major character
Southeast Asia - The widow of the deceased
- Also write global reports on labor rights husband
issues - Nenita’s Friend
- Herbalist who gave poisonous plant
- Works: to Nenita

- After the Body Displaces Water Chekov’s Gun

(University of Santo Tomas publishing
house 2012) - According to the playwright Anton
Chekov “If in the first act you have hung
- Awarded the Manila Critics Circle/ a pistol on the wall, then in the following
Philippine National Book Award for best one it should be fire. Otherwise, don’t
book of short fiction in English, and put it there”
shortlisted for Madrigal-Gonzalez First
Book award in 2013

- Remains (Ateneo de Naga University

Press 2019)

- Without Borders, Perro Berde, Kritika

Kultura, Tinalunay (University of the
Philippine Press 2017)

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● ELEMENTS OF DRAMA - Dialogue – conversation of two or

more characters onstage
- Theatrical Play
- Plays or dramas are stories inverse or - Monologue – is a long speech
prose from that are mean to be given by one character that can be
performed onstage in front if an heard by or directed to other
audience characters who are also onstage
- Authors who write dramas are called
dramatists or playwrights - Soliloquy – speech of a character
- Similar to those of fiction except that who is alone onstage. Portrayed as
drama is written in a form called though the character is talking to
script, in which the lines are written in himself or herself (reveal thoughts)
dialogues with stage directions
- Instead of chapter, dramas are - Aside – remark that a character
divided into acts and scenes makes that is meet only for the
audience to hear. The other
character on stage do not hear
Elements of Theatrical Play asides

- Role and Character

- Plot
- Refer to the identification of a
- A drama’s plot often moves the same
character’s actions, attitudes,
way as in fiction or creative nonfiction,
intentions, etc. for furthering the
with rising and falling actions and
dramatic action of the plot
- Role focuses on the person’s type
- It is often divided into acts so that
or stereotype
readers and audiences can clearly
- Character focuses more on the
distinguish key
specifics of one person in the
parts of the drama’s plot

- Dialogue
- Conflict
- Refers to the characters’ speech and
- A drama tension id achieved when
is considered the lifeblood of drama
there is a sense of anticipation or
- The members of the audience get to
conflict within characters or among
understand the story, not only by the
character relationships, which when
characters’ actions but also by their
propel the dramatic action of the
- Problems, surprises, and mysteries
- Dialogues can be take the following:
can also achieve this effect

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- Setting - Musical
- It is often stated right at the start of - Characters in musical drama dance
the written text and sing
- Time is the fictional time in the - Various themes are presented, from
narrative or setting, but it can also serious to comedic
refer to other
aspects of a drama - Farce
- Under of comedy
- Voice and Movement - Is a nonsensical drama that employs
- Refer to the performance of the slapstick humor
actors onstage
- The way they use their voice to - Melodrama
deliver their lines can be used to - Characters’ exaggerated emotions in
define roles, flesh out situations and various situations
relationships, provide atmosphere,
and even add to the symbolisms and
figurative language in their lines

- Symbolism
- Extend past the use of language
- Can be seen in the props and stage

Types of Theatrical Play

- Tragedy
- Central character in a tragedy has a
tragic flaw, making this character a
tragic hero
- Possesses a character that can be
led to downfall

- Comedy
- Aims to make the audience laugh
- Comedic stories are lighthearted.
They often take place in unusual
circumstances, and it is typical for
characters in these play
to utter witty remarks

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● ELEMENTS OF POETRY Elements of Poetry

- A literary art where the evocative and
- Stanza
aesthetic qualities of language are
- Are series of lines grouped together
brought out in line, or together with the
and separated by an empty line from
language’s apparent meaning
other stanzas. They are the equivalent
- Writing that communicates intensely,
of a paragraph in an essay
relying heavily on imagery, figurative
- One way to identify is to count the
language, and sound effect devices
numbers of lines

Saju Abraham

- Is a lecturer in English at Sohar University,

Oman. He was born in India and became a
missionary at the age of 15. It was during
this time that he developed his poetry-writing - Rhyme
skills. He left the missionary and eventually - Is when two words sound the same
left India to work under when spoken
the ministry of education in Oman. - Repetition of similar sounds in the final
- A Corner to My Soul is about of being stressed syllables and any following
honest and true to ourselves syllables of two or more words

- Rhythm
Robert Frost
- Described as the beat and place of a
- An eminent American poet of the 20 poem
century was known for his realistic - Rhythm is created by the pattern of
depictions of rural life. He received honorary stressed and unstressed syllables in a
degree from Yale University and Middlebury line or verse
College and served poet in residency at the - Can also strengthen the meaning of
University of Michigan. He also recipient of words and ideas in a poem
four Pulitzer in prizes for poetry. He has
authored various poetry collection, including - Rhyme Scheme
New Hampshire, Mountain Interval, and A - Pattern of rhyme that comes at the end
Further Range of each verse or line in poetry
- The Road Not Taken (1916) is about of - It is a structure of end words of averse
choosing an important thing in life. Life has or line that a poet needs to create
many choices, so it is important to choose when writing a poem
carefully without regret - Many poems are written in free verse
- Free Verse - without pattern of rhyme
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- Tone
- Poet’s attitude toward the poem’s
speakers, reader, and subject matter,
as interpreted by the reader
- Often described as a “mood” that
pervades the experience of reading the
- It created by the poem’s vocabulary,
metrical regularity, syntax, use of
figurative language, and rhyme

- Imagery
- A vivid and vibrant form of description
that appeals to readers’ sense and
- Is a language used by poets, novelist,
and other writers to create images in
the mid of the reader
- It includes figurative and metaphorical
language to improve the reader’s
experience through their senses

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● CORALINE - How do you feel about the button eyes?

What could this signify in the story?
- Generation Gap - This signifies that the other mother is
- Differences of outlook or opinion more of a puppet or creature, rather
between people of different than alive human being
- When does Coraline have a turning
- Neil Richard Gaiman point when it comes to how she views
- A British writer who earned critical her real parents?
praise and popular success with richly - She lives out her life in the fantasy
imagined fantasy tales that frequently realm, her reality begins to disappear
featured a darkly humorous tone when the other mother kidnaps
Coraline’s parents. When her parents
- Coraline are completely absent from her life,
- Is a novel that deals with the she is able to realize that she was
macabre, as reflected in mirror wrong
images of reality
- Although it is fantasy, it is also - What is the theme of the novel?
psychological journey inside the - Family and Contentment
protagonist’s heart and mind - The power of Imagination
- The novel is about coralline and her - Self-sufficiency
parents. She unlocks and steps into a
living room that eerily look like her
own but different

Guide questions:

- The protagonist has an unusual name.

Why do you think it is spelled that way?
- It is a play of words on the name
Caroline, but letter A and O are
interchanged into Coraline

- Why does the other mother have

significant differences in appearance
from her real mother? What could this
- It is a signal that this character is not
her mother, instead is someone
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● English Literature Caroline – Carolus (Carl) Linnaeus

Brief History Commonwealth – It started during the end of

English civil war and the restoration of the
Begins with the Germanic tradition of the
Stuart monarchy. Oliver Cromwell
Anglo-Saxon settlers (2 Germanic tribes
Angles (and turn to English) and Saxon).

Neoclassic (1600-1785)

Old English (450-1066) Restoration – response to puritanical age.

Beowulf is the earliest and most popular work Augustan – Famous writers like Alexander
in Old English Literature. Pope, Jonathan Swift, Lady Mary Wortley
Montagu, etc.

Sensibility – Famous writers like Edmund

Middle English (1066-1500)
Burke, Samuel Johnson, etc.
As the Normans conquest England, Middle
English replaced the Old English and was used
by the father of English Literature, Geoffrey Romantic (1785-1832)
Chaucer in his famous work, The Canterbury
It is still debatable when the romantic period
starts. But it ends with the passage of the
Notable work like Sir Gawain and The Green Reform Bill (voting rights of the people) and
Knight with the death of Walter Scott. It is the most
diverse and the time that English literature
flourish. Famous writers like Wordsworth,
Renaissance (early modern) (1500-1660) Coleridge, Mary Wilson Craft, Jane Austin,
Elizabethan – golden age of English drama. Mary Shelley.
Famous writers like Christopher Marlowe,
Francis Bacon, Edwin Spencer, William
Victorian (1832-1901)
Shakespeare, etc.
After the reign of queen Victoria and it lasted
William Shakespeare came to be considered
until her death. During that time, it was a time
as the most iconic and greatest writer in the
of great social, religious, intellectual, and
history of Renaissance English Literature
economic issue. Famous writers like Robert
(1500-1660) as he is revered for his
and Elizabeth Browning, Christina Rossetti,
legendary plays and sonnets
Alfred lord Tennison, Matthew Arnold Thomas,
Jacobean – (James the first) King James Walter Patter, Charles Dickens, Charlotte, and
translation of the Bible. Famous writers like Emily Braun (Wuthering Heights), Elizabeth
William Shakespeare, John Donne, John Gaskell.
Webster, etc.

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Edwardian (1901-1914)

The last period in British History to be named

after the monarch who reigned over it.
Although Edward VII reigned from 1901 to
1910 to be succeeded by George V. Generally,
it is considered to have ended at the outbreak
of First World War in 1914.

Georgian (1910-1936)

Refers to the reign of George the fifth. Kings

named George. Georgian Poets like Ralph
Hodgson, John Masefield

Modern (1914-1945)

It started after the start of World War One.

Include experimentation with subject matter
that inform encompassing narrative verse and
the drama. Famous writers like James, Joyce,
Virginia Woolf, Joseph Green, E.M Forrester
Door. The new criticism was popular during this
time. It ended about 1990 soon to declared

Post-modern (1945-present)

It began when the World War Two

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Definition of Six-Word Story - Entice the reader to fill in the blanks

● create a powerful story that evokes
A six-word story is an entire story told in six
emotions. Use what’s left on the
words. It is a short narrative that can have all
cutting room floor to draw the reader
the emotional themes of longer stories—from
in even further. In other words, part
funny to dramatic, sad to scary. While these
of your story will be in what’s left
quick stories don’t have the classic beginning,
unsaid. Tease the audience with six
middle, and end of a traditional storyline, they
words that let their mind fill in the
have a subject and verb that give the reader a
blanks with the bigger narrative and
sense of what’s happened and a bit of
give them a sense of a complete
Like other forms of short stories or flash fiction,
a six-word story allows a reader to consume an - Choose your words carefully
entire narrative in just a moment’s time. If ● Choose words that have purpose
you’re trying to get in some short, but and meaning and drive your story
challenging, bursts of writing practice forward. Shorten phrases with
throughout your day, try writing six-word contractions to make room for nouns
stories. These bite-sized narratives are fast and verbs. Use punctuation marks,
and fun. colons and dashes, to join different
The most famous example of a six-word story phrases without having to use
is frequently credited to Ernest Hemingway conjunctions.
(Urban Legend) (though there’s little evidence
that he actually wrote it): - Write your own story
● Find inspiration in your own life and
“For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.”
write a little memoir. Try thinking of a
In six simple words, a heartbreaking narrative pivotal moment and boil it down to
is told—from the few words but also from what six words that carefully sum up your
is left out. experience and convey your

Guidelines in writing Six-Word Story

- Have a small narrative arc.

● take an original idea, filter out most
of the words, and leave the most
informative ones in, to tell a whole

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