Knowledge Engineering 2018 April (2015 Ad)

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tsTS_-Y(S)-O4. r 8-0?5I Reg.No.

B.Tech, Degree V Semester Supplementury Examinution

Aprit 2018
(201 5 Scheme)

Tirne : 3 Hours Maxitnum Marks : 60

(AnswerlZI questions)

(a) Given afull S lihe jug and an empff 5 litrejug, the goal is to fillthe S litre jug
with exactly 3 litre of water. You may use the following state space
formulation. State : (x, y), where x is the number of litres of water in the 8 litre
jug and y is the number of gallons in the 5 litre jug. List the steps required to
reach the goal state using the representation given above.
(b) Compare DFS and BFS algorithms in AI.
(c) Enumerate the rules of inference.
(d) Provethetautology P > 8=-Q,+-P .

(e) Knowledge be represented using weak slot and filler structures used for
knowledge representation in AI. Justifu.
(f) Explain the steps required to represent knowledge using scripts.
(g) Describe the learnirrg used in Samuel's Checkers program.
(h) Define Artificial neuron.
(i) Represent the given statements using first-order predicate logic.
All purple mushrooms are poisonous.
Every gardener likes the sun.
fi) Represent the given statemsnts P and Q using propositional logic.
P :Ann will go to the movie.
Q; ScofJ will go to the movie.

(+x 1"0 = 40)

II. (a) Write and explain AO* algorithm used in AI.

(b) Find tho solution path using AO* algorithm,


m. (a) Explain the method of Means End Analysis with example.

(b) Calculate the value at the root of the game tree given below using mini-max
=+ Max

C =+ h{in

* Max
IV. (a) Compare forward and backward reasoning.
(b) Given:
(i) Pv Q
(iD P=R
(iii) 9) R
prove R using propositional resolution.
v. (a) Convert the following statement into clausal form.
(b) Write the resolution algorithm.

VI. (a) Explain how belief is propagated in a Bayesian network.

(b) A man is known to speak truth 2 out of 3 times. He throws a die and reports
that number obtained is a four. Compute the probability that the number
obtained is actually a four.
VII. (a) Explain how knowledge can be inferred from a semantic network.
(b) Draw a semantic network for the following.
Tom is taller than Jerry.

Vru. (a) Compare learning by parameter adjustment and learning by Macro operators.
(b) Describe leaming by analogy.
IX. (a) Explain how learning is psrforrned in feed-forward nehvork.
(b) With a neat diagram, explain recurrent neural network.


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