AISC Modern Steel Construction April 2024

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April 2024

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April 2024


in every issue


Carlos Ortiz

features columns
24 Energy Efficient 46 Artistic Connections
Dramatic steel cantilevers and an MICHAEL PRATTICO, AIA AISC’s second edition of Design Guide 24
innovative façade design help an energy An innovative fine arts building used steel more than doubles the resources for hollow
research laboratory save energy. to achieve its desired open layout and structural section connection design.
undulating glass façade, helping make it a
campus centerpiece. field notes
30 A Bet on Steel
A new sportsbook adjacent to Wrigley
54 Architect’s Angle
Prominent fabrication engineer Mark
Field showcases steel’s ability to integrate An architect shares his perspective on Holland’s first employer is so far his only
into an existing structure. designing with the SpeedCore structural one—after four decades.
business issues
38 Rapid Response
BY BRENDA CRUDELE, PE, JULIANNE FUDA, 22 Deciding on Delegated Design
The steel industry’s emergency repair Delegated design can work for many
skills ensured a replacement for a flood- steel projects, but understanding the risks
damaged upstate New York bridge opened beforehand is crucial.
within mere months.

ON THE COVER: Steel delivered a University of Pennsylvania laboratory’s desired cantilevering form and façade, p. 24. (Photo: knippershelbig)
MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION (Volume 64, Number 4) ISSN (print) 0026-8445: ISSN (online) 1945-0737. Published monthly by the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC), 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. Single issues $8.00; 1 year, $60. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional
mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION, 130 E Randolph Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601.
DISCLAIMER: AISC does not approve, disapprove, or guarantee the validity or accuracy of any data, claim, or opinion appearing under a byline or obtained or quoted
from an acknowledged source. Opinions are those of the writers and AISC is not responsible for any statement made or opinions expressed in MODERN STEEL
Printed on paper made
CONSTRUCTION. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without written permission, except for noncommercial educational purposes where fewer than 25 from a minimum of
photocopies are being reproduced. The AISC and Modern Steel logos are registered trademarks of AISC.
@seismicisolation 10% recycled content.
4 | APRIL 2024
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L E AV E Y O U R M A R K W I T H J L G . C O M
editor’s note

“Hello!” was the oft-repeated Editorial Offices

cheerful singsong greeting of a 130 E Randolph St, Ste 2000
Chicago, IL 60601
majestic scarlet macaw named 312.670.2400
Editorial Contacts
Geoff at the main entrance to the EDITOR AND PUBLISHER
Geoff Weisenberger
Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto 312.493.7694
[email protected]
Rico, about an hour east of San ASSOCIATE EDITOR
Juan, where we spent a brief Patrick Engel
mid-winter getaway in January. [email protected]
Keith A. Grubb, SE, PE
His counterpart, Bob, an equally striking (and good hiking shoes) to keep them safe, [email protected]
macaw, sat just across the main stairway lead- things generally go well. GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGER
ing into the hotel. While not as verbose as And it’s not just about signs; it’s about Kristin Hall
Geoff, Bob attracted just as much attention creating a culture of safety that all partici- [email protected]
from guests making their way up and down pants—in a company, organization, or even EDITORIAL DIRECTOR
the stairs. But for some reason, I just didn’t an entire industry—buy into. Want an exam- Scott Melnick
have as much of a connection with him as I did ple? How about dozens and dozens? Check 312.804.1535
[email protected]
with Geoff. I can’t quite put my finger on it... out the long list of winners of AISC’s 2023
AISC Officers
Speaking of fingers, both birds had signs Safety Awards starting on page 61 in our CHAIR
next to their spacious cages reminding News section. More than 180 AISC member Hugh J. McCaffrey
guests not to touch the feathered greeters. fabricators and erectors were recognized for Southern New Jersey Steel Co.
Signs like this are typically posted as the their outstanding safety records, and approxi- VICE CHAIR
Glenn R. Tabolt, PE
result of daring souls who insist on learning mately three-fourths of them received the STS Steel, Inc.
lessons the hard way (a scarlet macaw can Safety Award of Honor, which is presented SECRETARY/LEGAL COUNSEL
apparently produce 330 psi of pressure with for a perfect record of no disabling injuries. Edward Seglias, Cohen Seglias
its bite, enough to crack a Brazil nut and also It’s a noteworthy achievement in an industry Pallas Greenhall & Furman, PC
the finger bones of a rum-drunk tourist). that relies on plasma cutters, bandsaws, over- PRESIDENT
Charles J. Carter, SE, PE, PhD
I like my fingers, so it wasn’t a big ask to head cranes, welding torches, press brakes,
keep them to myself and away from any curi- shot blasters, massive drills, and other heavy Scott Melnick
ous beaks. However, on one excursion away equipment that’s strong enough to cut, Mark W. Trimble, PE
from the hotel, our group ignored the warn- shape, and assemble steel members. VICE PRESIDENTS
ing signs. In the interest of brevity, let’s just If you’re looking for specifics on how to Todd Alwood
Carly Hurd
say that we hiked a rainforest trail that wasn’t make your shop, jobsite, or even office a Mike Mospan
exactly open at the time. We knew the risks, safer environment, you can sign up for AISC’s Christopher H. Raebel, SE, PE, PhD
we did it anyway, we were careful, we made Steel Academy (found at, Brian Raff
it out with no injuries (aside from the pride which includes a safety program among its Editorial Advisory Panel
of someone who slipped in the mud and was groups of multi-session, self-paced courses. Brandon Chavel, PE, PhD
Michael Baker International
ridiculed for the remainder of the hike; don’t And be sure to check out the Steel Quiz on Nat Killpatrick
worry, she laughed it off), and all was well. page 10, which focuses on current safety Basden Steel
Should we have done it? Probably not. Was practices and OSHA regulations. Christina McCoy, SE
it worth it? Absolutely. I love The Lord of the Meanwhile, stay safe, keep your fingers Oklahoma State University
School of Architecture
Rings trilogy and its precursor, The Hobbit, away the macaws, and heed the words of Allison Shenberger, PE
and equated our brief adventure with leaving Gandalf the Grey—“Do not stray off the ruby+associates
the Old Forest Road in Mirkwood (but with- track!”—and avoid any ill-advised hikes! Justin Smith, PE
out the giant spiders, thank goodness). Dekker Perich Sabatini
All this is to say that safety matters—espe- Advertising Sales
Geoff Weisenberger
cially in the world of steel construction— 312.493.7694
and the signs are there for a reason. When Geoff Weisenberger [email protected]
people follow the rules and don’t rely on luck Editor and Publisher Address Changes and
Subscription Concerns
[email protected]
Kristin Hall
[email protected]
6 | APRIL 2024
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steel interchange
If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?” about something related to structural steel
design or construction, Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you!
Send your questions or comments to [email protected].

Is Weld Reinforcement Required per Rolled Heavy Shapes

AISC 341? Section A3.1d in the AISC Specification for Structural Steel
I am working on a project that needs to meet the requirements Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360-22) has Charpy V-notch (CVN)
of AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings requirements (ASTM A6/A6M, Supplementary Requirement
(ANSI/AISC 341-22). I believe all groove welds that connect S30) for rolled heavy shapes used as members subjected to
members to column flanges (tee or corner type joints) are primary (computed) tensile forces due to tension or flexure
required to be reinforced. Is this correct? and splice or connected using complete-joint penetration
groove welds that fuse through the thickness of the flange or
This is not correct. the flange. Is the fabricator responsible for ordering material
Section A4.2 of the 2016 Seismic Provisions states, “In addition to with the Supplementary Requirement S30 if the structural
the requirements of Section A4.1, structural design drawings and design documents do not indicate the shapes that need to
specifications for steel construction shall indicate the following meet these requirements?
items, as applicable… (i) Locations where fillet welds are required
to reinforce groove welds or to improve connection geometry.” No. The 2022 AISC Specification states in Section A3.1d,
The Commentary states, “In tee and corner joints where loads “…The structural design documents shall require that such
are perpendicular to the weld axis, a reinforcing fillet weld applied shapes be supplied with Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact test
to a CJP groove weld reduces the stress concentration at the corner results in accordance with ASTM A6/A6M, Supplementary
between the weld face or root and the member. AWS D1.8/D1.8M Requirement S30, Charpy V-Notch Impact Test for Structural
provides details for reinforcing fillet welds. Such reinforcement is Shapes—Alternate Core Location.” Section A3.1e has a similar
not required for most groove welds in tee or corner joints.” statement.
The Commentary to the 2022 Seismic Provisions states, Then Section A4.1 provides a list of “information, as
“Section A4.2(i) as contained in the 2016 Provisions is removed applicable, to define the scope of the work to be fabricated and
from the 2022 edition. In the years that immediately followed erected,” which includes item “(u) Charpy V-notch toughness
the 1994 Northridge earthquake, there was some thought that (CVN) requirements for rolled heavy shapes or built-up heavy
reinforcing fillet welds may be needed for some connections to shapes, if different than what is required in Section A3.”
reduce through-thickness loading on column flanges; Dexter If you must comply with the Specification, then you must comply
and Melendrez (1999) showed that such fillet welds were not with requirement A3.1d and/or e which says that the “structural
necessary. design documents shall require…”. Section A4.1 states that you
“None of the prequalified moment connections listed in AISC include “CVN requirements…if different than what is required
Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Frames in Section A3”. If a shape needs CVN requirements it must be
for Seismic Applications, (ANSI/AISC 358-22), require reinforcing indicated in the structural design documents.
fillet welds, and these provisions do not mandate such fillets. However, if the specification of the particular CVN requirements
Accordingly, this section has been deleted. The deletion of this is different than what is described in A3 (say you want a different
item does not preclude the engineer of record from specifying average value of absorbed energy or maximum temperature, for
such fillet welds if needed for a specific design.” example), then that must be specified. Section A4.1 (u), which
As indicated in the commentary, there was a time when it was focuses on specifying CVN requirements when different from
“thought that reinforcing fillet welds may be needed for some the requirements in Section A3.1d, does not eliminate the need
connections to reduce through-thickness loading on column to specify the shapes that require S30 per Section A3.1d in the
flanges,” but this was resolved in the late 1990s. While not structural design documents.
prohibited, “…reinforcement is not required for most groove This is consistent with a December 2015 Steel Interchange
welds in tee or corner joints.” question (found at that discusses CVN
Larry Muir, PE requirements in the 2010 AISC Specification and responsibility for

All mentioned AISC publications, unless noted otherwise, refer to the current version and are available at
Modern Steel articles can be found at
8 | APRIL 2024
steel interchange

specifying CVN when required. While the interchange linked Hooked Anchor Rods in Tension
below is based on older versions of the Specification and Code of In the 16th edition Manual, page 14–10 addressed hooked
Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC 303- anchor rods and states, “Hooked anchor rods, as illustrated
22), the intent relative to these requirements has not changed. in Figure 14-6(a), should be used only for axially loaded
Part 2 of the 16th Edition Steel Construction Manual also members subject to compression only to locate and prevent
points to the information in the 2022 Specification. Page 2–28 the displacement or overturning of columns due to erection
has a list of required information in the construction and loads or accidental collisions during erection.”
contract documents, which includes item (u) from Specification However, the concrete and masonry codes have calculations
Section A4.1. Page 2-30 has a list of information required only for hooked anchor rods in tension. Have I correctly interpreted
when specified. It states, “The following provisions are invoked the intent of the Manual that hooked anchor rods subject to
only when specified in the contract documents: 1. Material tension are not recommended?
notch-toughness requirements, per Specification Section A3.1d
and Section A3.1e, see item 1.u in Required Information from a. Hooked b. Headed c. Threaded
Specification Section A4.1 provided previously.” with nut
This indicates that the provisions in A3.1d and A3.1e are
invoked only when specified in the contract documents.
If CVN requirements were not specified but should have been,
Code Section 1.6.1 states, “When the ODRD provides the design,
design documents, and specifications, the fabricator and the erector
are not responsible for the suitability, adequacy, or building-
code conformance of the design.” Section 1.6.2 has different
requirements when the owner enters into a direct contract with
the fabricator to design and fabricate an entire, completed steel
When welded,
Section 3.1 of the Code discusses structural design documents Fig. 14-6. Cast-in-place anchor rods. provide weld
and specifications issued for construction and states, “Structural (AISC, 2023. Steel Construction only on underside
design documents and specifications issued for construction for Manual, p. 14–10) of nut
all or a portion of the work shall be based upon a completed design
for the scope of work represented and provide the following Yes. There is no prohibition against using hooked anchor rods
information, as applicable, to define the work to be fabricated to resist tension, though there is a great deal of discouragement
and erected: …(b) Information as required in Specification Section against this practice.
A4 and ANSI/AISC 341 Section A4.” AISC Design Guide 1: Base Plate and Anchor Rod Design (found at
The Commentary to this section states, “The engineer of record states, “Hooked anchor rods can fail by straightening
should also consider all or a portion of the specified information and pulling out of the concrete. This failure is precipitated by a
to be shown on structural design documents and specifications localized bearing failure of the concrete above the hook. A hook is
used for ordering structural steel or placing mill orders. Changes generally not capable of developing the required tensile strength.
made after ordering structural steel or placing mill orders will Therefore, hooks should only be used when tension in the anchor
likely lead to change orders if not properly coordinated and rod is small.”
addressed in a timely manner prior to construction. Revisions It is true that the concrete and masonry codes have calculations
to the design documents and specifications are covered under for hooked anchor rods in tension—as recognized in Design
Section 3.6.” Guide 1, which addresses relatively common practices while
Yasmin Chaudhry, PE simultaneously indicating that these practices are best avoided or
approached with caution.
Larry Muir, PE

Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and information The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official position
on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Contact Steel Interchange with questions of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is recognized
or responses via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center: 866.ASK.AISC | [email protected]. The that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent licensed
complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online at structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of principles to a particular structure.

Yasmin Chaudhry ([email protected]) is a senior engineer in

AISC’s Steel Solutions Center. Larry Muir is a consultant to AISC.
Modern Steel Construction | 9
steel quiz

Safety is crucial on any project. This 1 Per OSHA safety regulations, in 2 Which part of the 16th Edition
month’s quiz tests your knowledge which of the following details (below) Steel Construction Manual includes
o f c u r re n t s a f e t y p r a c t i c e s a n d are the headed studs permitted to information on OSHA requirements
Occupational Safety and Health be shop attached? for erection safety?
Administration (OSHA) regulations in a. Part 1 c. Part 14
the fabricated and erected structural b. Part 2 d. None of the above
steel industry.
3 True or False: A base plate for a
Headed stud or post that weighs less than 300 lb
deformed anchor Threaded studs must be designed and fabricated
with a minimum of four anchor rods.
Headed Headed 4 True or False: A minimum of two
stud stud or bolts per connection, or their
equivalent, is required to connect
solid-web members (beams).
Beam Beam
Beam 5 What is the minimum column splice
height above the finished floor at
perimeter columns?
a. 36 in. c. 48 in.
a. b. c. d. b. 40 in. d. 50 in.
6 True or False: All joists less than
40 ft long must be field-bolted to
TURN TO PAGE 14 FOR ANSWERS their supports.


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10 | APRIL 2024

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Watch the video, get your free trial, and get answers in just 10 minutes.
Everyone is welcome to submit questions and answers for the Steel Quiz. If you
are interested in submitting one question or an entire quiz, contact AISC’s Steel
steel quiz ANSWERS Solutions Center at 866.ASK.AISC or [email protected].

Answers and more information can be 3 False. Posts (which OSHA defines as required for erection of diagonal
found in the Manual, Detailing for Steel weighing less than 300 lb) are distin- bracing members.
Construction, 3rd edition, or the OSHA guished from columns and excluded 5 c. OSHA Section 1926.756(e)
Safety and Health Standards for the Con- from the four-anchor-rod requirement requires that perimeter columns
struction Industry, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart for column base plates. OSHA Sec- extend at least 48 in. above the
R Safety Standards for Steel Erection. tion 1926.751 defines a column ver- finished floor (constructability per-
1 d . OSHA Sec t i o n 1 9 2 6 .7 5 4 ( c ) sus a post, and the requirements for mitting) to allow installation of
(1) states, “Shear connectors (such column anchorage for erection stabil- perimeter safety cables. Provision of
as headed steel studs, steel bars or ity are in OSHA Section 1926.755(a). some method of attaching the top
steel lugs), reinforcing bars, deformed More information is in a Standard and middle lines of perimeter safety
anchors or threaded studs shall not be Interpretation at cables is required, and field weld-
attached to the top flanges of beams, 4 True. OSHA Section 1926.756(a) ing of attachments is not permitted.
joists or beam attachments so that (1) states, “During the final placing While this will be subject to normal
they project vertically from or hori- of solid web structural members, business arrangements between the
zontally across the top flange of the the load shall not be released from fabricator and erector, the fabrica-
member until after the metal deck- the hoisting line until the members tor often drills or punches holes for
ing, or other walking/working surface, are secured with at least two bolts these cables.
has been installed.” The studs in (a), per connection, of the same size 6 False. OSHA Section 1926.757(a)(8)
(b), and (c) are not permitted because and strength as shown in the erec- (i) states, “Except for steel joists pre-
they obstruct the walking surface. tion drawings, drawn up wrench- assembled into panels, connections
2 b. Part 2 of the Manual has a sum- tight or the equivalent as specified of individual steel joists to steel struc-
mary of selected OSHA requirements by the project structural engineer tures in bays of 40 ft or more shall be
and related recommendations for of record, except as specified in fabricated to allow for field bolting.”
erection safety. The full regulations paragraph (b) of this section.” Sec-
text is available at tion (b) refers to the minimum bolts

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12 | APRIL 2024

Night School

Basic Steel Design

Presented by Louis F. Geschwindner, PE, PhD

Tuesday nights | 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Eight sessions presented as 90-minute webinars.
Course includes access to recordings.

4/9 Introduction to Basic Steel Design

4/16 Design of Tension Members
4/23 Design of Compression Members
4/30 Design of Beams
5/7 Compression Plus Bending
5/14 Stability Analysis and Design, Part I
5/21 Stability Analysis and Design, Part II
5/28 Design of Composite Flexural Members

Class begins April 9th!

Doubling Up on HSS

AISC’s second edition of Design Guide 24 more than doubles the resources for
hollow structural section connection design.

HOLLOW STRUCTURAL SECTIONS These questions are thoroughly Fig. 1. Roof structure of a 21st century
(HSS) are a designer’s dream because addressed in AISC’s new Design Guide 24: railway station, using round HSS.
they check a lot of boxes: good proper- Hollow Structural Section Connections, Sec-
ties in both geometric axes, torsionally ond Edition. The required design skill and
stiff, lightweight, lower surface area fabrication art can be gained by referenc-
relative to counterpart open sections, ing this modern manual for HSS in steel
and environmentally astute (less steel construction, found at
in most applications). HSS is aestheti- How does the second edition of Design
cally appealing and ideal for free-form Guide 24 compare to its predecessor? First,
architectural design (Figure 1). They are it’s more than twice the size. It contains
optimal for columns, bracings, trusses, more explanation and guidance, covers
and large-span roofs, especially when more connection types, and has many more
members are to be exposed. design examples. It’s up to date with the
They have one drawback, though. current AISC Specification for Structural Steel
Connections—and for two main rea- Buildings (AISC 360-22) and the 16th Edi-
sons: how can a designer bolt to an HSS tion Steel Construction Manual. Like the first
member when nuts can’t be put on the edition, the scope of the new design guide
inside, and how can a designer join to pertains to predominantly static loading.
a flexible connecting surface (Figure 2) The gaps between Specification Chapters J
that doesn’t have a stiffener (or web) and K and the Manual—and their applica- Fig. 2. Effect of out-of-plane loading on
behind it? tion to HSS connections—are filled. the flange element for wide-flange versus
@seismicisolation rectangular HSS members.

14 | APRIL 2024

Contents by Chapter or bracing-to-column connection—should

Overview of the
Chapter 1 – Introduction starts with be relatively thick. Conversely, the branch
inspiring applications, illustrates current
first and second editions
member in an HSS-to-HSS welded con-
HSS manufacturing methods, and reviews
of Design Guide No. 24
nection should be relatively thin and wide
the important features of tubular product but, for fabrication purposes, still can sit
standards (ASTM A500, A1085, A1065, on the “flat” of the chord member if using
A847, A53, A501, A618, A1110, A1112; API rectangular HSS.
5L; CSA G40). The advantages of HSS are
pointed out with regard to: AESS, torsion, Chapter 2 – Limit States for HSS
compression, surface area, concrete fill- Connections, the focus and emphasis of
ing, resistance to fluid flow, cold and hot this design guide, is a new chapter where
bending, and connecting to castings. Some the link between each connection failure
issues that arise with HSS, such as galva- mode and its limit state design formula is
nizing and metalizing, notch toughness, made. The 10 potential failure modes are
internal corrosion and freezing, and fire covered in detail: chord wall plastification,
protection, are discussed. chord shear yielding (punching shear),
The essential principles of HSS con- branch local yielding due to uneven load
nection design are pointed out in this early distribution, local yielding of chord side
stage. To avoid reinforcing connections, walls, local crippling of chord side walls,
which is costly and even disallowed archi- buckling of chord side walls, shearing of
tecturally in many cases, connection design chord cross section, local buckling of chord
and fabrication criteria must be integrated connecting face, shear yielding of over-
1st Edition, 2010
with structural modeling and member lapped branches, and chord distortional
by Jeffrey Packer, Don Sherman &
selection. To maximize the strength and failure. The chapter also has an explana-
Maura Lecce
stiffness of HSS connections, the through tion of how connection ultimate strength
• Conformed with AISC 360-05
member—the chord in a truss-type con- is determined. Some of these failure modes
and 13th edition Manual (2005)
nection or the column in a beam-to-column are illustrated in Figure 3.
• 9 Chapters
• 146 pages
• 21 Design Examples

a. Wall plastification d. Local yielding of chord side walls

e. Buckling
of chord
b. Shear yielding (punching shear) side walls

2nd Edition, 2023

by Jeffrey Packer & Kim Olson
• Conforms with AISC 360-22
and 16th edition Manual (2023)
• 10 Chapters
• 344 pages
c. Branch local yielding f. Local buckling of chord face
• 33 Design Examples
Fig. 3. Examples of HSS connection failure modes (limit states).
Modern Steel Construction | 15
Chapter 3 – Welding delves into the The importance of HSS end profiling some differences (to the classic T-stub
aspects of welded fabrication that are and beveling is stressed, along with the model) occur for prying action and some
especially important for HSS construction. correct sequence of member overlapping additional HSS limit states need to be
Two weld design philosophies are prof- or layup where at least one branch attaches considered (HSS wall plastification, and
fered: design for actual forces in members, fully to a “through member” (Figure 4c). fastener pull-out in tension). The fasten-
in conjunction with weld effective lengths The chapter concludes with five weld ing methods covered include through
(described in detail); or design to develop design examples: skewed fillet weld; fillet bolts, blind bolts (Figure 5), threaded studs,
the yield capacity of the attached branch weld size in a shear connection; transverse powder-actuated fasteners and screws. All
wall. weld to a rectangular HSS; welds to a of them avoid the need for placement of a
Fillet welds are inherently single-sided rectangular HSS overlapped K-connection nut inside the hollow section and structural
to a branch member wall, so when that using effective lengths; and welds to a rect- nut holders. Chapter 4 design examples
wall pertains to a rectangular HSS and it is angular HSS overlapped K-connection to cover: through-bolt connection in shear;
loaded in tension, the directional-strength- develop branch capacity. threaded stud-to-HSS connection in ten-
increase factor (kds) cannot be used. That’s sion; and bolted WT-to-HSS connection
because the tension force tends to open the Chapter 4 – Mechanical Fasteners in tension.
weld joint at the root, as shown in Figure and Bolted Joints deals with methods for
4a. PJP flare-bevel and flare-V groove fastening to an HSS closed section. Most Chapter 5 – Shear Connections cov-
welds commonly occur when welding in limit states for bolted HSS connections ers beam-to-column connections where the
HSS corner regions (Figure 4b). are common to all bolted connections, but joint between the members is not required
to transfer moment and will allow for rota-
tion associated with the member behavior
under its applied loads. Seven wide-flange
beam-to-HSS column connection types
are described from least expensive to most
expensive, starting with the popular single-
b. Flare-bevel plate (also known as shear tab) connection
groove weld to shown in Figure 6 (for which there is a
design example). The other six are single-
angle connection; double-angle connection
(with a design example); WT connection;
unstiffened seat connection; stiffened seat
connection; and through-plate connection
(with a design example).

a. Local bending
on single-sided fillet c. Correct overlapping

Fig. 4. Weld design and fabrication issues for HSS construction.

a. NextGen2™
Oneside® bolt

b. Lindapter Hollo-Bolt™ c. BlindBolt®

Fig. 5. Popular contemporary blind bolts. Fig. 6. Single-plate shear connection to

@seismicisolation round HSS column.
16 | APRIL 2024
Chapter 6 – Moment Connections cause shear lag in the HSS member due to plate-to-round and plate-to-rectangular
describes six different options for wide- non-uniform loading on the member end. HSS, the connection types covered are
flange beam-to-HSS moment connections, The end tee connection and the slotted transverse branch plate T- and cross-
most of which classify as fully restrained HSS connection are prone to buckling of connections; longitudinal branch plate
(FR). The simplest and most inexpensive the gusset plate/stem under compression T-, Y- and cross-connections; transverse
option for a one-story building is a con- loading, so a design approach for this plate through-plate connections; and longitudi-
tinuous beam over the HSS column, popu- instability failure mode is also considered. nal through-plate T- and Y-connections.
lar for big box stores (Figure 7). Other FR The remaining three connections are Two possible limit states are presented
options presented are: the external dia- all bolted end-plate connections under for plate-to-round HSS connections,
phragm (cut-out) plate connection; welded axial tension: to round HSS with the whereas six are used for plate-to-rectangular
tee connection; through-plate connection; bolts uniformly spaced around the tube; HSS connections (Table 8-2). For round
and internal diaphragm plate connection. to rectangular HSS with bolts on just two and rectangular HSS cases, comprehensive
The directly welded beam-to-HSS column sides of the HSS; and to rectangular HSS available strength tables are given in a for-
connection, which can be reduced to two with bolts on all sides of the HSS. Design mat based on connection type to supple-
transverse plate connections by considering examples are given for a tee connection in ment the partial coverage of plates-to-HSS
only the flanges, is also included but nor- both tension and compression; a slotted in Specification Section K2. The relevant
mally only qualifies as a partially restrained HSS-to-gusset plate connection in tension; limits of applicability are now given for each
(PR) connection. Design examples are an end plate-to-round HSS connection in limit state design equation, rather than as
given for all connection types except the tension; and an end plate-to-rectangular two collective groups (for plate-to-round
internal diaphragm plate connection. HSS connection with bolts on all four sides, HSS and plate-to-rectangular HSS). Three
loaded in tension. design examples round out the chapter: a
Chapter 7 – Tension and Compres- longitudinal branch-plate and through-
sion Connections deals with welded and Chapter 8 – Line Loads and Con- plate connection to a rectangular HSS; a
bolted connections to the ends of HSS centrated Forces on HSS is devoted to transverse branch-plate connection to a
members, under predominantly axial load- plates, welded transversely or longitudi- rectangular HSS; and a wide-flange beam-
ing. The most common application of such nally, to the wall of an HSS member. For to-round HSS column moment connection.
connections is with bracing members in
braced frames. Six common end connec-
tions to HSS members are presented, and
three—the end tee connection (Figure 8),
the slotted HSS-to-gusset plate connection,
and the sandwich (or side) gusset-plated
connection—are unique because they

Fig. 7. Continuous beam over a square

HSS column.

Fig. 8. End tee connection, with two stems,

to a square HSS bracing member. Format used@seismicisolation
for connection available strengths, by connection type and per limit state.
Modern Steel Construction | 17
Chapter 9 – HSS-to-HSS 2 and probes connection parameters and
steelwise Truss Connections, the longest layouts, how to classify connections (into
chapter at 58 pages, concentrates types such as K, Y or cross), appropriate
Noding condition for
most overlap connections Extremely on the special case of welded truss modeling for the service and ultimate
stiff members Pin truss-type connections between limit states (Figure 9), round HSS webs-
two or more HSS members, to-rectangular HSS chord members, KT-
where the branches are subjected connections (with three web members),
to predominantly axial loading. and multi-planar HSS members.
Chapter 9 relies on the exposé of Connection available strengths, and
limit states described in Chapter their corresponding limits of applicabil-
ity, are tabulated in a similar manner to
Fig. 9. Truss modeling using Chapter 8 by listing and numbering every
Extremely Noding condition for a continuous chord and limit state for each connection type. Six
stiff members most overlap connections pin-connected webs. design examples round out the chapter:
two for round HSS (a Y-connection; and
an overlapped K-connection) and four
for rectangular HSS (a cross-connection;
an overlapped K-connection; a gapped
K-connection, with unbalanced branch
loads; and an overlapped KT-connection).

Chapter 10 – HSS-to-HSS Moment

Connections expands on Specification Sec-
tion K4 and Chapter J, covering planar
connections between round or rectangular
HSS members in T-, Y- or cross-connec-
tions. Branches can have in-plane or out-
of-plane moment loading (unlike truss-
type connections where the branches have
axial loading). A common application is in
2D or 3D frames, hence the requirements
for HSS Vierendeel frames are pointed out.
The limit states for HSS moment
connections largely follow those for their
axially loaded counterparts in Chapter 9.
Connection available strengths, and their
corresponding limits of applicability, are
tabulated in a similar manner to Chapters
8 and 9. Design examples are given for a
round HSS cross-connection under branch
in-plane bending; a rectangular HSS T- or
Vierendeel connection under in-plane
bending; a rectangular HSS cross-connec-
tion under branch out-of-plane bending;
and a rectangular HSS T-connection under
branch out-of-plane bending. ■

Jeffrey A. Packer
([email protected]) is a
structural engineering professor at
@seismicisolation University of Toronto.
18 | APRIL 2024
field notes

Veteran Voice

Prominent fabrication engineer Mark Holland’s first employer is so far his only one—
after four decades.

MARK HOLLAND came to Paxton & Committee on Manuals and chair of the Did you start by studying civil
Vierling Steel (PVS) in 1983 as a recent Committee on Structural Stainless Steel. engineering or structural engineering
graduate looking for a place to launch an He also is a member of the Committee in school?
engineering career. He joined the company on Specifications and several subcommit- When I went to school, I initially want-
thinking it would be the first stop on a long tees and task committees. He earned AISC ed to get into architectural engineering.
journey. recognition when he won a 2023 Lifetime Two classes I took my first semester at the
It turned out to be his only stop—which Achievement Award for his years of service. University of Oklahoma were architecture
is fine by both parties. Holland spoke with Modern Steel Con- and engineering, and I quickly realized
Forty years later, Holland is still there struction about his start in the industry, his ca- that to be an architect, you have to have
and has risen to a leadership position as the reer, how his mentors inspired him, and more. some degree of artistic ability. I have none.
company’s chief engineer. He has become a I quickly dropped the architectural portion
respected voice in fabrication engineering. What brought you into the engineering and stayed in engineering.
He has served on AISC committees, in- world, and how did you get where you are?
cluding his current roles as the chair of the I became an engineer because I’ve al- Did you go into the design world
ways been mechanically inclined. I don’t before going to PVS?
have any specific moment where I decided No. When I finished my undergradu-
Field Notes is Modern that would be my path. I think I was just ate degree, revered Oklahoma engineer-
Steel Construction’s born and destined to be this way. I was ing professor Tom Murray had just fin-
podcast series, where always a problem-solver and liked math ished building his first lab on campus, the
we interview people more than anything else. All those things Fears Lab. He wanted to staff it with some
from all corners of culminated and turned a person into an en- people that he thought could help him in
the structural steel gineer. My wife will tell you that I am a true the lab and help it grow. He knew I was
industry with interesting stories to tell. engineer, and I act like one every day of the mechanically inclined from my classes with
Listen in at week, all year long.
@seismicisolation him, so he invited me to stay there and get
Modern Steel Construction | 19
field notes

a master’s degree under him. I stayed there Tom Murray and I were in the Fears and when you have that opportunity, it’s
and helped Tom with the Fears Lab. Lab one Friday afternoon, and he gave me only right to pay it back. I’ve had some
some helpful and wise advice. He said if I young people come to PVS to work for me
Was it straight into the fabrication really wanted to understand structural steel or with me, and I’ve tried to help them un-
world after that? and want to be a good steel engineer, I had derstand the industry better and learn how
When I was finishing my master’s, the to work for a fabricator sometime. Maybe to interact with people in the industry.
country was in recession. I was on a business he forgot to tell me that sooner or later, I If you have an opportunity, and if you
trip with Tom at Nucor in Norfolk, Neb. should leave and go do something else. I have experience and knowledge, it’s our
He took me by PVS knowing I was sending clearly didn’t get that part, because I’ve responsibility as engineers to mentor as
out résumés and getting rejected right been here 40 years. much as we can. We need that. We need
and left because nobody was hiring more to bring the next generation along and
engineers that year. I was fortunate enough What project in your 40 years has been make them successful because we will turn
to talk to the folks at PVS. They knew Tom particularly memorable, one way or things over to them. We need to make sure
well and they liked me. another? they’re ready. It’s very rewarding.
I had done some work for a guy named Most of them will drive you crazy, be-
John Griffiths, who was the vice president cause that’s how the industry works. But On the fabrication shop side, how have
of engineering at PVS. They had done some of our nuclear projects were among you experienced the challenges of
some research at the Fears Lab, and I had the most interesting. In the mid-1990s, a hiring welders and fitters?
helped set up the test specimens and solve PVS customer gave us a global contract, We have experienced that. As a com-
problems while John was watching me. and we worked offshore from about 1995 pany, we’ve started a mentoring program
John was impressed that a guy could to 2000. In that span, we exported most at a local high school where students weld
crawl out after putting a bunch of steel to- of our fabricated tons to China, Indonesia, at school and work in our shop a couple
gether, get up, wash his hands, fix a prob- and India. We went back and forth across of days per week. They get class credit for
lem on a computer, and then go back to the Pacific Ocean to see those projects. So that. If we keep them and they like the
tightening a bolt. He thought that was a that was always very interesting. work, we’ll likely hire them. We’ve hired
handy skill set for a fabricator. When Tom Right now, I’m working on a job that five or six of them and put them in the shop.
told him I was looking for a job, he offered every engineer at a steel fabricator would They’ve turned out to be good welders be-
me a job at PVS. probably want to do: the second mobile cause we trained them from scratch.
launch tower for NASA for the Artemis It’s a mentoring program to encourage
What was your role and title at the program at the Kennedy Space Center. people to weld, not necessarily to require
beginning with PVS? NASA launched the first Artemis rocket them to come to PVS when they graduate.
It was a sales engineer role. The idea in January 2023. Two more rockets go off But if they feel a bit of an obligation to stay,
was to promote structural steel locally. I that tower, the Mobile Launcher 1. The we’re lucky to pick them up and keep them.
started when AISC still had regional engi- Mobile Launcher 2 is for the bigger ve- If you bring them to the shop and get them
neers driving around the country. My role hicles, and that’s what we are building. interested in welding at an early age, they
was to work with them and, like them, pro- NASA is a very science-based customer tend to want to hang on to it.
mote structural steel. with extremely smart people. They can ask Welding is an excellent career path if
One thing that PVS did—and I’m not challenging questions that we have to an- you don’t want to or can’t go to college. If
sure how many fabricators do it anymore— swer. It’s a challenging job, and it was very you build welding skills, you will always
was when I started there, I worked in the schedule-driven because the rocket has have work. And you’re physically building
office for about a month to get to know to go off that tower on a set date and the something, so that’s rewarding as well.
people. Then they put me in the shop to tower has to be ready. It’s the first time we
learn how the shop worked. I worked in the have done any aerospace work. Have you implemented any robotic
shop for about a year doing all the fabrica- welding arms or automation?
tor chores, from handling material, cutting You do a lot of mentoring work. What’s We had a robotic welder for a while. But
the material, trying to weld, trying to fit, your philosophy with mentoring, and our market is typically industrial, so there
and running the blaster. what has your experience been with it? are never too many identical parts.
They worked me through each one so I’m paying the world back. Tom Mur- What I learned with our robot was that
I could experience life on the shop floor as ray and John Griffiths were my mentors. I you have to plan how you’re going to load
a steel fabricator. After that, I went back was very fortunate to have people who took it up when you’re detailing it. You can’t do
to sales engineer. Later, PVS needed a QA an interest in me, saw potential in me, and it after it has already been detailed. You
Manual, so I wrote that. I also helped them were willing to spend time bringing me must have a way of routing that material to
get through the auditing program. into the industry and teaching me things the robot through first-step processing to
you don’t learn in class. that machine. You have to think about the
You’re a go-to for fabrication You can only learn from someone who kind of connections that the machine can
engineering. How did that come to be? wants to mentor you. I benefitted from it, actually do. It does many connections, but
20 | APRIL 2024
field notes

it does some well and more efficiently than

others. You have to think about connection
design and routing of the material.
If we focused more on that type of work
and were less focused on the industrial
market, we might have kept it. But for fab- 6-Axis Robotic
ricators who do commercial work with a lot Structural Steel
of repetition and identical parts, if you can
get ahead of the technology, think about Profile
le Cutting
implementing it as you think about detail-
ing and connection design, those automa-
tion tools will help solve the labor problem.
That’s true for shops where about 80% With our Beamcut System 3D Robotic Profile Cutting
Machine, you can cut virtually any shape on mild
of the beams and columns they fabricate
steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. Exceptional
are usually typical and common. The other repeatability and accuracy using our technology and
20% need a skilled fitter. But if you can software. Equipped with Hypertherm high-definition
take care of that first 70 or 80 percent us- plasma and Fanuc Robotics. Eliminate costly layouts and
ing robotic welding, it frees up labor to do time-consuming grinding. Simplify your fabrication process.
the more complicated stuff. That’s the plan Minimize errors. Increase production speeds. Find out more:
steel fabricators must figure out how to ex- Call Toll-Free: 1 (833) 232-6288
ecute better. Companies are putting these Web: •
tools in front of fabricators. We’re just hav-
ing some trouble implementing them. For more Info or a Quote, visit
For example, a fitter is one position we Part of the Machitech Automation Group Or scan the QR Code
sometimes have trouble filling. You can
make the machine a fitter, not a fitter and
a welder, and have a team of welders doing
the final welding. That’s a good way to use
those tools. But you have to start from the
beginning. You have to have somebody in
the organization who’s dedicated, believes
in it, and wants to see it work. If we do
all those things together, I truly believe
that technology would be helpful and
successful. ■

This article was excerpted from my interview

with Mark. To hear more from him, find
the April 2024 Field Notes podcast at


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Modern Steel Construction | 21
business issues

Deciding on Delegated Design


Delegated design can work for many projects, but understanding the risks
beforehand is crucial.

EMBARKING ON ANY new project This traditional project delivery published Part II, Design Assist—Collabora-
poses financial risk, operational challenges, method has a long record of success. But it tive Design Approach Guidelines for the Fab-
and myriad decisions about design and also has its limitations. As a result, innova- ricated Structural Steel Industry, in February
construction to achieve project success. tive collaborative techniques have evolved 2024.
Sometimes, though, project success is at to address the complexities of large, fast- The 2020 AIA/AISC paper explains
risk because the traditional project delivery paced projects and improve efficiencies in that delegated design is a form of collabo-
alignment means the project team is siloed, design and construction. ration between a design professional and a
with the design professionals standing on One newer technique is delegated contractor where the contractor assumes
one side of the owner and the contractors design. responsibility for an element or portion of
and subcontractors on the other. Under this approach, the project’s the design. While the design professional
design professional transfers design and contractor typically have separate
responsibility for a specific portion of the contracts with the owner establishing
work through the owner and general con- their respective design responsibilities,
tractor to a specialty contractor. The trans- the contractor will be responsible to the
fer must include a proper description of owner for that portion of the design del-
the performance criteria for the work and egated to it.
requires the specialty contractor to employ However, the design team does not
its own design professional to ensure the release its overall design responsibility
design and subsequent work meet the per- simply because some part of the design has
formance criteria established by the design been delegated to the contractor. Rather,
professional. It’s not a project delivery the design professional remains responsible
method and, therefore, can be integrated for the adequacy of the performance crite-
into most delivery methods. ria delegated and to the owner to assure
Delegated design is routinely found in that the delegated design complies with
a variety of trade specialties, including fab- the project’s overall needs. Unlike design
rication of structural steel and its related assist, delegated design usually occurs later
components. For example, mechanical and in the design process, whereas design assist
electrical designs can benefit from delegat- occurs early to help set parameters for the
ing a portion of work to a specialty con- project design.
tractor. Similarly, curtain wall or building The Code of Standard Practice for Steel
envelope design are frequently delegated Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC 303-22)
to special contractors and structural steel also weighs in on the issue. Code Section
connection design has been delegated to 3.1.1 (3) says the design professional is per-
fabricators. All those delegations require mitted through the design documents or
the specialty contractor to engage an engi- specifications to delegate connection detail
neer to prepare and submit sealed design design to a licensed engineer working for
documents to ensure the contractor has the fabricator.
provided the proper level of engineering From there, and consistent with the
design. AIA/AISC paper, the fabricator must sub-
The American Institute of Architects mit representative samples of the connec-
(AIA) and AISC addressed the benefits and tive information to the owner’s designated
limitations of delegated design (and design representative for design (ODRD), which
assist) in an August 2020 jointly released then must confirm the samples are consis-
collaborative document: Delegated Design, tent with the specific connection design
Design Assist, and Informal Involvement— criteria and that the sample information
all mean? The organizations
what does it@seismicisolation meets the needs of the project.
22 | APRIL 2024
business issues

The benefits of delegated design are misunderstanding should be a primary goal But these efficiencies and cost savings
obvious from the owner’s perspective. of the project team. Failure to meet that are dependent on a proper description of
Because specialty contractors have their goal can undermine delegated design’s ben- the delegated design parameters and the
own way of planning and performing work, efits or, worse, cause failure of the system. establishment of a working relationship
participation in the design process allows Some states also have placed limits on that promotes effective communication
them to control their work more effectively. delegated design through codes, regula- and collaboration between the owner,
The result should be fewer cost over- tions, and case law. For example, follow- design professionals, and contractors.
runs and scheduling disruptions, thereby ing the Kansas City, Mo., Hyatt Regency Assuming these baseline conditions can be
enhancing efficiencies and cost savings. walkway collapse in 1981, an appeals court met, delegated design of certain portions of
The downside, though, is if the collabo- held that some elements of project design, the work may be right for your project. ■
ration effort is not executed in a manner such as the design of the primary structure,
benefiting all members of the project team. simply cannot be delegated to a specialty
For example, vague or inarticulate con- contractor. Similarly, New York’s state code
tract language relating to design param- permits design delegation only for compo-
eters and design coordination can lead to nents ancillary to the main components
misunderstanding and error. Thus, while of the project. Specialty contractors may
a portion of the design may be delegated still be able to provide design suggestions,
to a specialty contractor, the design pro- but they need to be reviewed, verified and
fessional is still responsible for assuring a accepted by the project design profes-
clear set of design criteria for the work is sional. In Florida, the state Administrative
conveyed to the specialty contractor and Code under Chapter 61G15-30 sets forth
reviewing the design submissions to con- requirements for the EOR and the del-
firm conformity with the criteria. egated EOR concerning the delegation of
The specialty contractor must similarly engineered documents.
understand the design professional’s design Today’s construction environment has
parameters and expectations and coordinate created a need for the involvement of spe-
its efforts with the design professional and cialty contractors to engage with design
general contractor to complete its design professionals early in the design process.
responsibility successfully. Communication Project teams recognize their expertise and
between these constituent parties is key. experience as a valuable asset, which likely
Minimizing, if not eliminating, mistakes will contribute to improved efficiencies
stemming from miscommunication or and cost savings.

AISC, AIA Release Part II of design assist strategies to meet a defined Documents content development team
Design Assist Guidelines project schedule and budget while reviewed Part II for general conformance
Everyone is talking about collaboration minimizing the costs and disruptions that with the principles set forth in Part I,
these days, but is everyone on your might arise from team misalignments.” which addressed the three common
project team defining it the same way? Design Assist—Collaborative Design collaboration strategies in detail.
AISC and AIA Contract Documents Approach Guidelines for the Fabricated
have released the second part of Structural Steel Industry describes the
a document intended to provide roles and responsibilities of various
guidance for three common strategies: project participants and provides
informal involvement, design assist, and general guidelines about applying those
delegated design. Part II focuses on the strategies to fabricated structural steel
implementation of design assist in the projects.
fabricated structural steel industry. The paper addresses Design Assist
“Great teams drive great projects— and Delegated Connection Design as
and great teams rely on clear applied to the fabricated structural steel
communication,” said Dave Steel industry. It was written by AISC with Edward Seglias (eseglias
Company, Inc. VP of Special Projects significant contribution from the Code is AISC’s
Babette Freund, who chairs AISC’s Code of Standard Practice Committee and General Counsel and the co-CEO
of Standard Practice Committee. “This a review by AIA Contract Documents. of Cohen Seglias. He specializes
paper aims to help project teams use Members @seismicisolation
of the AIA Contract in construction law.
Modern Steel Construction | 23
Energy Efficient

Dramatic steel cantilevers and an innovative façade design

help an energy research laboratory save energy.

24 | APRIL 2024
All photos courtesy of knippershelbig unless noted.
The common overlapping areas of the
varying floors are an approximately
170-ft by 82-ft parallelogram.

THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA is expanding its Building Form and Structure

facilities dedicated to energy research with the new Vagelos Labo- The building’s unique architecture is a result of Behnisch
ratory for Energy Science and Technology (VLEST). The new Architekten’s early collaboration with engineers and consultants
building, located on the east side of campus near downtown Phila- to integrate sustainable ideas and energy efficiency, aligning with
delphia, will house current and future energy research programs the research institute’s core mission. The building’s form responds
and laboratory spaces shared between the School of Arts and Sci- to the complex site and incorporates passive, low-energy strategies
ences and the School of Engineering and Applied Science. in its massing and façade design, which are informed by sun path
The 112,000-sq. ft VLEST has a 1,600-ton structural steel frame and orientation.
and includes seven floors of research laboratories, workstations, col- The typical building floorplans are organized as parallel
laborative spaces, and faculty offices. It sits on a former parking lot bars, with laboratory space on the east side and collaborative
between the David Rittenhouse Laboratory building to the west and spaces, offices, and interconnecting stairs on the west. While
South 32nd Street to the east, aligning with the street and creating a there are no repeating floorplates, the common overlapping
new landscaped quad with the neighboring campus buildings. areas of the varying floors are an approximately 170-ft by 82-ft
A lowered Philadelphia SEPTA train line runs on the other side parallelogram. The architectural design rotates and extends
of 32nd Street, and nearby train traffic made noise and vibration half of the floorplate in two-story packages, creating angular,
key considerations when designing the lab spaces and supporting dynamic cantilevered volumes on the north and west sides of
structure. On-site vibration studies informed the strategic location the building.
of the more sensitive laboratory equipment. The shifted floorplates are achieved with cantilevered wide
The design team initially considered both concrete and steel flange sections of the floor framing, which cantilever up to 25 ft.
structural systems, but chose steel because it achieved the build- The cantilevered floor beam solution allows for a simplified struc-
ing’s cantilevering form and local steel bidders were more plentiful. ture with interior spaces unobstructed by diagonals had trusses
been used, while also reducing fabrication costs. Steel wide flange
columns are arranged on a 22-ft by 28-ft grid, taking lead from
opposite page: The new Vagelos Laboratory for Energy Science and 11-ft-wide laboratory modules.
Technology incorporates passive, low-energy strategies in its massing
and façade design. @seismicisolation
Modern Steel Construction | 25
Most primary
structural columns are
continuous from foundation
to roof, except for some columns above: The floor
on the east and north sides that are vibration model.
transferred at Levels 2 and 3. The struc- below: The building’s large cantilevers
ture and column layout were coordinated and and associated deflections have up to 5⁄8 in.
optimized to maintain as many continuous of anticipated movement after façade installation.
columns as possible, achieving the complex
architectural form while simplifying the struc-
ture and keeping structural costs down.
At the northwest corner of Level 7, a pair
of heavy W36×487 girders cantilever west
and create a 25-ft overhang. The backspan
of one girder meets at an acute angle with
another cantilever spandrel beam at a com-
mon column.
Structural engineer knippershelbig and
fabricator Berlin Steel decided the two back-
span pieces would be fabricated and lifted
together. The resulting 21,400-lb joined peace
was the heaviest pick on the project. From
Level 7, exposed rectangular hollow structural
system (HSS) hangers suspend the Level 5
floor structure below, resulting in a double-
height space and a dramatic overhanging vol-
ume on the building’s west side.
Aligning building movements with the
façade is always critical to a successful build-
ing project, and the VLEST is no exception.
The building’s large cantilevers and associated
deflections were carefully coordinated for
compatibility with façade joints and have up
to 5⁄8 in. of anticipated movement after façade
To meet the acoustic transmission targets
of the laboratory spaces, Vulcraft 3VLPA
acoustic metal deck was used as part of a 7-in.
composite deck floor system on the east por- Sunshades are on two
tions of the floorplans over the laboratories. of the four sides.
The remainder of the typical floors consist of
conventional 4-in. lightweight concrete slab
over 3-in. metal deck. Radiant heated floors
were used in the shared and collaboration
spaces in isolated areas on occupied floors.
The radiant tubing was embedded directly
within the structural 4-in. concrete slab on
3-in. metal deck. The embedded radiant tub-
ing was coordinated to be above the 4-in.
tall studs within the concrete slab on deck,
26 | APRIL 2024
At Level 7’s northwest corner (pictured),
two W36×487 girders cantilever west and
create a 25-ft overhang.

allowing for greater flexibility of tubing clear

distances from studs without compromising
composite action.
Limiting the floor structure’s vibration is
essential for sensitive laboratory equipment to
function properly. The steel floor structure is
designed to limit the vibration velocity of spe-
cific floor areas with a mix of VC-A (less than
2000 mips) for laboratories on the elevated
floors and VC-D (less than 250 mips) for
high-performance labs on the ground floor.
A dynamic analysis was performed using
finite element analysis methods of the critical
floor areas to design the beams for vibration
limits. Floor vibration analysis was performed
according to AISC Design Guide 11: Vibra-
tions of Steel-Framed Structural Systems Due to
Human Activity, 2nd Edition.
Five monumental stairs join adjacent floors
from Levels 1 through 6. The interconnecting
stairs and the resulting double height atriums
link the open collaboration spaces upwards
between the floors. The stringers of all the
stairs, including those with up to 127° turns at
the landings, span from floor to floor without
intermediate posts or hangers at the landings.
Vibrations and vertical accelerations under
descending occupants often control the stair
design for turned stairs with floating landings.
Stair dynamic analyses and floor framing stiff-
ness and connectivity were coordinated with
stair structure to meet Design Guide 11’s ver-
tical acceleration criteria.
Steel ordinary concentric braced frames
surround the building’s two stair cores and one
elevator core, resisting the building’s lateral
loads. The east-west lateral system is 11.3 ft, a
short distance compared to the building’s 136-
ft height. The slender braced frames resulted
in significant column net uplift at the founda-
tion under lateral loads.
Two mat slab foundations up to 42 in.
thick distribute the building’s overturning
under lateral loads and eliminate the need for
any foundation tension elements to resist net
uplift. To resist concrete breakout of the mat
foundation, the columns’ anchor rods with
net uplift extend down near the bottom of the
mat, and vertical reinforcement was added in
the surrounding breakout zone.

A closer look at one of the W36×487

backspan girders.
Modern Steel Construction | 27

90% VLT

30% SHGC

Façade diagram view 1 (above) and

view 2 (below)
right: Sunshades are on five levels of
the building façade.

90% VLT

30% SHGC

28 | APRIL 2024



above: A close-up of the

left: The façade diagram.

Façade Sunshades
The striking building exterior features a curtainwall with a screen of 267 sunshades
on the east and west elevations. The Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) membrane
shades lower the energy needed to cool the building and diffuse daylight to reduce glare.
Each shade consists of two ETFE panels heat-welded together—an upper 80% VLT light
diffuser membrane and a lower 30% SHGC sunshade membrane—stretched across a
3-in. diameter powder-coated steel tube frame with a perimeter keder rope clamped into
aluminum extrusions.
Sunshade geometry was developed through multiple iterations of form-founding to
achieve good double curvature for efficient membrane action while also optimizing solar
coverage and direction and contributing to the building’s performance-driven architec-
tural expression. The design team made a special effort to implement the shades modu-
larly within a unitized curtainwall system for cost-efficiency and constructability.
Each shade frame connects to a curtainwall unit’s mullions at three points via stainless
steel knife plates, which are flipped and offset between adjacent units to achieve continu-
ous diagonal sightlines along the elevations—despite stack joint interruptions.
The aluminum curtainwall mullions are steel reinforced to carry extra loads from the
shades, which extend 5 to 6 ft from the façade. Installing units below overhangs and can-
tilevers was considered, as were strategies for façade cleaning and maintenance. The steel
tube frames arrived on site shop-attached to curtainwall units. They were lifted together
and attached to the building at depressed curtainwall embeds at the edge of slab on deck.
Due to consistent coordination and collaboration between the design and construction
teams, the VLEST is nearing an on-schedule end to construction and is scheduled to open
in fall 2024 as a cutting-edge energy laboratory—in practice and design. ■
University of Pennsylvania General Contractor Jeffrey Chan
LF Driscoll Co. ([email protected]) and
Shamil Lallani
Behnisch Architekten Steel Fabricator, Erector, and Detailer
([email protected]) are
Structural Engineer, Façade Consultant Berlin Steel Construction Company
senior associates, and Florian Meier
knippershelbig ([email protected]) is a
director, all with knippershelbig.
Modern Steel Construction | 29
A Bet on Steel


A new sportsbook adjacent to Wrigley Field showcases steel’s ability

to integrate into an existing structure.

THE LATEST ADDITION to the Wrigley Field campus was Structurally designed by Thornton Tomasetti, the sportsbook
among the trickiest to execute. occupies the ground and second floors. Those floors also include
The new DraftKings Sportsbook—which opened for food and a kitchen, back-of-house circulation, and offices. The east end fea-
beverage service in June 2023—follows the 1060 Project, a multi- tures a large two-story space anchored by a 2,000 sq. ft wraparound
year $1 billion restoration and expansion of the Chicago Cubs’ his- video screen visible with sightlines from each seat in the sports-
toric home ballpark. The 1060 Project focused mainly on restoring book. The second-floor balcony is raked to provide similarly unob-
the 100-year-old ballpark, adding fan amenities and expanding the structed sightlines. Hiding below the ground floor is an 18,000-ft3
Wrigley Field campus. Building the sportsbook, though, meant concrete detention tank.
adding a structure to the iconic stadium. The roof serves as a terrace extension of Wrigley Field’s upper
The sportsbook is situated on a triangular-shaped site between concourse with additional public space, concessions, and restrooms
Wrigley Field to the north and west, Addison Street to the south, housed in the mechanical penthouse. The roof structure consists
and ballpark entry and exit gates along Sheffield Avenue to the of steel trusses spanning nearly 70 ft north-south over the width
east. It’s a three-story structure that packs a lot of functionality of the site.
into a compact 9,400 sq. ft footprint with 279 tons of structural
steel. Its massing and aesthetic matches Wrigley Field’s exterior New Meets Old
and was approved by the National Park Service long before it was One of the project’s primary challenges was coordinating the
envisioned as a restaurant or sportsbook, meaning no major altera- new sportsbook structure with Wrigley Field. The new spread
tions could be made to its exterior for its interior transformation. footing foundations, ground floor slab-on-grade, steel column
30 | APRIL 2024
T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2
6'-0" 11'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8"
4'-6 1/8" EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 3'-1 3/4"

EL 48' - 1 1/2"

2L -535 / +165 W14X53

8X +80


+3 5/8L

55 LB 2L 2L

B 6X 6X
4X 2L

+2 6X1/2 +1 3/8L 6X 2L 2L





70 4X 6X B B B

+5 3/8L 1/2

-3 3/8L /8L /8L /8L 1/2

0 LB -3 3/8L 3/8 6X 6X
X3 0 4X 80 X5 0 X5 0





0 LB 6X 80

TF-145 B 0 LB X4 +10 6X + 1 X6 +37 X6 +43 6X 0
B 6 2L +2 8 8 2L -10
B 2L 2L 2L 2L
+630 / -150

TF+670 +690 / -200 TF-195 EL 42' - 1 1/2"

All diagrams courtesy of Thornton Tomasetti


above: The roof truss elevation with

a sloping bottom chord to maintain
video screen sightlines.
opposite page: The finished DraftKings
left: The triangular-shaped sportsbook
site in the context of adjacent Wrigley
below: Second-floor framing plan with
the structure’s triangular geometry.


59 7/8"
S O NEW 18'-8

58 9 1/8


57 18'-9

56 1/16
18'-9 OTHERS

55 1/16

1/2" 8
54 " 1'-3
1/16 S-431
18'-9 2)
31 (1

W16 "] 1'-0



4) 2
53 1/16
" 26 (1 S-430
W21X111 (6)

18'-9 6) W12X
31 (1
1 '-0"
S-210 W16X

89 (18
4 3/8



" 6X89
W21X111 (6)

18'-9 2"]]


3'-2 1/4"

31 ((1 )
W16X 9 (18
16X8 W10X33 (18)

51 " [-12"] 1
W21X111 (6)





31 (1 S-430
3 0"

W16X 8) 2#4 '-00"
89 (1
3/4" W16X
W10X33 (18)
14'-5 (18)
6 (1
50 1/16
4) 12X2
[-12"] 4'-0"

18'-9 W10X33 [-12"]


HSS4X4X1/4 W
1'-6" 5'-0"

31 (1
W21X111 (18)

/S B
W16X W
W24X131 (18)
( )

HANGER ABOVE 8) EL = +30'-9"

30 9"

89 (1


W10X33 (18)
( )
STAIR STRINGER W16X ) W10X33 [-12"]
49 " 6 (18 (18)8) [[-12"]]
1/16 7/8"

W 14

18'-9 "

6 3/8 W W1100 -1122""]]

W21X111 (18)

1'-0 PLAN NOTE 1



6'-6" [-[



3/4" "
3'-6 0 7/8 (18)


48 1/16
" W12X26 4" 1 W
W12X26 6 X89 26 (1 8) 17'-8"
W166X 33 ((118
11 3


W16X31 [+5"]

18'-9 4" 6 1/2 W10X-1122""]]

W21X111 (18)
-10 3

HSS4X4X1/4 [+8"] (10)

W 24


2 (4) X22

V5 3 [[-

V55 )

V 8 )
47 (44) X31
(1 6 (18 8)

1/4" X22 12X2 ((118) EDGE OF

(16) W 16

18'-8 W122X (1 W
W12X22 ((8)) W X33
X26 W1100 -1122""]] SLAB W16X50 [+5"]
W24X55 (6)

1 4


V10 [-[
6 1/8

W1 6X31 W12 26
W12X26 G1


33 ((118

) W10X-1122""]]
10 1

6 W12X26 ((10))
CA 1111 (3 W12X22 (14)
( )
W16X89 [+5"]
W16X31 [+5"]

W14X211 6) 21X1

31 (1 W W
W14X26 ((14))


W24X131 (44)

T/S 2#4 X 9'-0" LONG
W24X55 (12)


E = 31'
EL 31 - 9" US
2 THUS 9" S-430
O 2 1'-3 1/2" 2'-8"
CA 6 (18) 7" 4
6 1/4" 2'-4 3/4"
1 (16
) B W 14X2 W12X22
W (14)
( ) W12X22 (14)
( ) W12X22 (14)
( )
W24X131 (26)

W14X68 S-200
W24X131 (36)


V10 W12X22 (6) W16X50 [+5"]

1'-33 1/8"

1'-2" 1'-4"
5'-3 1/8"

7 7/8"
W27X146 (18)


6 (16
) T5

2 W14X26 (18)
W24X104 (12)

31 ((118 14X2 '-0

S-2 W

W16X W12X22 (18)

( ) 5
5'-2" 10'-2 1/4" W12X22 (14)
( ) W12X22 (14)
( ) 3

9 3/4 W
W12X22 (12)
( ) 4 1'-0 1/8"
W24X131 (14)

W12X22 (8)


9'-8 7/8"


W16X89 [+5"]

(16) EDGE OF

1 S-207
W 12


05 W 14 9" 1'-0" A
1 211
W14X211 W1 26

3' 9


W16X89 (18)
( ) W16X89 (18) W16X89 (18) W16X31 (18) W12X22 (14)
( ) W12X22 (14)
( )


W16X50 [+5"] W16X50 [+5"] W16X50 [+5"] W16X50 [+5"]


4 1/4"

7 1/2"
1'-1 1/2"


ELEVATOR W16X31 [+5"] W16X31 [+5"] W16X31 [+5"]


MECH OPENING S-200 W16X31 (14)
( ) W16X31 (14)
W16X89 [+5"] W16X89 [+5"] W16X89 [+5"] W16X89 [+5"] W16X31 [+5"]
W16X31 T7
7 1/2" 6" 9"
2'-5 1/4"
7 1/2"

CONC CURB, TYP L3X3X1/4 [-3"]


17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8" 17'-8"

T47 T48 T49 T50 T51 T52 T53 T54 T55 T56 T57 T58 T59
Modern Steel Construction | 31

1" MAX
SEE12/ S-422 7 TYP
SEE 10/ S-430

SEE 7/ S-430


6 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"

Detail showing the kicker bracing of the truss bottom chord and the hanging support point for the video screen.

locations, and steel framing at the expansion joint between the Furthermore, the setback from the existing ballpark triggered
sportsbook and ballpark all required careful coordination with a vertical irregularity in the seismic force resisting system, and
the existing documentation and as-built drawings from the the large floor opening at the second-floor balcony resulted in
1060 Project. diaphragm discontinuity and weak story irregularities. The low
Fortunately, the project team at Thornton Tomasetti that self-weight of structural steel and limited seismic risk in Chicago
worked on the design of the sportsbook also worked on the 1060 helped the team design for those structural irregularities. Steel’s
Project. That experience helped the team build the sportsbook and low self-weight also allowed the foundations to be shallow spread
detention tank adjacent to the ballpark foundations with varying footings and avoid more expensive deep foundations.
bottom-of-footing elevations without undermining the existing Structural steel also allowed the framing to be delivered, staged,
structure. and erected in the middle of the 2022 baseball season. Deliveries
Structural steel was a natural choice for several reasons. Pri- were made and staged on the east end of the site along Sheffield
marily, the triangular site introduced building geometry challenges Avenue, and contractor Pepper Construction orchestrated careful
that steel framing could overcome. With the ballpark directly scheduling of these deliveries to avoid overcrowding the confined
adjacent to the sportsbook, the building columns were set back site and conflicting with Cubs games.
from the edge of the slab, creating a 10-ft cantilever to the north. Major deliveries and site activity were limited on game days,
Additionally, the two-story seating space featuring a raked balcony on which Pepper was required to shrink the site by temporarily
required 17-ft cantilevers to the south off the same columns. Struc- restoring the pedestrian sidewalk for fans along the site’s south-
tural steel achieved the double cantilever with limited deflection ern edge. The steel erection was divided into four sequences,
and vibration. beginning with the framing for the two-story space at the east
The sportsbook was designed shortly after the Chicago Build- end, followed by the mechanical penthouse above, and finishing
ing Code was revamped to require seismic design considerations with the west end.
for all structures. Although the site’s location defined the build- Pepper used a 260-ton crane to set the two easternmost trusses,
ing as moderate seismic risk in SDC B, the building’s triangular a 240-ton crane to set the remainder of the two-story space and
geometry caused the structure to be torsionally irregular. mechanical penthouse, and a 60-ton crane for the west end.
32 | APRIL 2024
The sportsbook roof allowed for a
terrace extension of Wrigley Field’s
upper concourse.
Thornton Tomasetti

Thornton Tomasetti
The detention tank beneath the
sportsbook ground floor.

Modern Steel Construction | 33
The ground floor
under construction.

Pepper Construction

Marquee Development and DraftKings

The sportsbook interior with the cantilevered

balcony and roof trusses.

34 | APRIL 2024
Saved $24,000 of Weld Splices
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Chicago Metal created 16 reverse curves

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The finite element model used to analyze the second-floor balcony
and roof trusses for vibration.

Truss Design and Vibration Considerations Vibration of both areas was evaluated with a finite element
The design of the steel roof trusses incorporated a sloping model created using the recommendations in AISC Design Guide
bottom chord to maintain the sightlines at the top of the video 11: Vibrations of Steel-Framed Structural Systems due to Human Activ-
screen. While the lengths of these five roof trusses varied from ity. Since the roof trusses and the columns supporting the cantile-
40 to 70 ft due to the triangular site, the kink point of each bot- vered second-floor balcony were part of the typical moment frame
tom chord remained fixed 30 ft from the truss’ south end to on each column line, these two areas were included together in the
preserve these views. The video screen was hung either directly FEM model.
from these trusses or from wide flange framing spanning between The steel framing was modeled as frame elements, and the floor
the trusses. These locations, along with the bracing of the truss slab was incorporated using area elements. Including the slab in
bottom chords, were coordinated with the video screen manufac- the model allowed for realistic mass and mode shapes to be con-
turer and architectural team. sidered and accounted for the composite action between the steel
Since the trusses are part of the lateral system, the bottom framing and composite slab.
chords experience compression, and bracing the bottom chord The composite action was quantified by calculating property
was a critical component of the truss design. Double-angle shapes modifiers that were applied to the frame elements in the model.
comprise the chord and web members of the trusses, and the The property modifiers were determined for strong axis bend-
connections are bolted to be consistent with the existing trusses ing using the ratio of transformed stiffness to bare beam stiffness.
throughout the ballpark. Like the second floor, the roof trusses The transformed stiffness considered the fully composite section
cantilever towards the ballpark at their north end to allow the set- moment of inertia, because it’s reasonable to assume the full com-
back of the foundations. posite action can be developed under small vibration loads. Prop-
The connection design of the various bracing, moment, hang- erty modifiers were also applied to the area elements to account for
ing, truss, and shear connections was completed by Thornton the one-way span behavior of the composite slab.
Tomasetti’s Kansas City, Mo., office, which made for seamless After properly configuring the model, a modal analysis evalu-
coordination between the structural design team in Chicago and ated the second-floor balcony, and a steady-state function was
the connection design team in Kansas City. defined to analyze the roof trusses. Since the balcony is an indoor
Two areas of the steel structure were particularly sensitive to seating space, its framing was designed for walking excitation and
vibration: the cantilevered balcony on the second floor and the is classified as a restaurant and public space with seating, which
roof trusses above supporting the occupiable roof deck. limits RMS acceleration to 0.70% of gravity.
Modern Steel Construction | 35
Thornton Tomasetti

Construction of the
second-floor balcony
and roof trusses at the
building’s east end.

36 | APRIL 2024
Thornton Tomasetti

above: The video screen backup panels.

below: The two-story space with the wraparound video screen and seating.

Marquee Development and DraftKings

On the other hand, the roof trusses are subject to rhythmic excitation because they sup- Joe Porada (jporada
port outdoor space filled with excited baseball fans. Thus, the design activity was classified is a
as a lively concert or sporting event space, which has a higher corresponding RMS accel- project engineer, Kevin Jackson
eration limit of 3.5% of gravity. The balcony framing and roof trusses met those criteria. ([email protected])
Using structural steel to overcome the site’s geometric constraints while achieving is an associate principal,
long, cantilevered spans with limited deflection and vibration helped the Cubs complete a and Chris Porst (cporst
unique addition to the Wrigley Field campus that complements the renovations made over is a
the last decade. By way of several intentional design decisions, the DraftKings Sportsbook senior project engineer, all with
has been incorporated into Wrigleyville’s fabric while maintaining the ballpark’s historic Thornton Tomasetti.
appeal and aesthetic. ■
Owner Structural and Connection Engineer
Wrigley Field Holdings, LLC Thornton Tomasetti
General Contractor Fabricator and Detailer
Pepper Construction LeJeune Steel
Modern Steel Construction | 37
Rapid Response

The steel industry’s emergency repair skills

ensured a replacement for a flood-damaged upstate
New York bridge opened within mere months.

AN EVENING STORM gripped the Town of Long Lake, N.Y., superstructure, deck, and abutment. The existing bridge was
on July 10, 2023, and left damaged infrastructure in its wake. built in 1932 and founded on spread footings on dense soil.
Floods, washed-out roads, and damaged bridges and dams are Inspection results and a review of the record plans concluded
major inconveniences for any municipality. They’re crushing for that the existing bridge could not be rehabilitated and needed
a remote town of about 400 in the Adirondack Mountains. Each to be replaced.
roadway into the community is essential, and substantial road or Bridge replacement projects can typically last more than a
bridge damage can usher in 80-mile detours. year. This one, though, needed to be completed faster. State
The next morning, New York State Department of Transporta- Route 28N is too crucial a roadway to have a temporary replace-
tion (NYSDOT) inspectors surveyed bridges and culverts in the ment bridge for much longer than a few months, and construc-
flooded area—including the State Route 28N bridge over Fishing tion had to be done before the Adirondack winter set in, which
Brook. can happen as early as October or November.
The bridge inspection—accessed by way of a side-by-side NYSDOT’s readiness and collaboration, combined with High
utility vehicle due to flooding and damage on the surround- Steel Structures’ efforts, led to completion in just four months.
ing roadways—revealed that a dam breach just upstream of NYSDOT’s Structures Design Bureau has a robust in-house
the Route 28N crossing undermined the west abutment of the design staff with experienced design engineers and drafting
bridge and created 12 in. of settlement, which damaged the technicians trained to respond to emergencies. The State Route
38 | APRIL 2024
The State Route 28N bridge over
Fishing Brook in upstate New York
is a primary roadway for the small
Town of Long Lake.
All photos courtesy of NYSDOT

28N bridge emergency replacement was quickly assigned to an and approach roadway work to build up the embankment that took
in-house design squad, and work commenced immediately. the truss up and over the existing bridge. The temporary bridge
Work to reopen the roadway with a temporary bridge also opened to traffic on July 28, just 18 days after the flood event.
began right away. An 80-mile detour was untenable, especially While the design and fabrication of the new bridge continued,
during the summer tourist season that drives the local economy. Phase two of the emergency response commenced in the field.
NYSDOT and the contractor decided that a temporary Acrow When State Route 28N reopened, the contractor focused on
bridge could be installed to span over the damaged existing bridge. constructing a temporary roadway alignment north of the exist-
Ultimately, a temporary roadway alignment needed to be built ing bridge. The highway design criteria determined the temporary
north of the existing bridge to allow for construction of a replace- offline alignment’s location, but the contractor also suggested that
ment. However, the temporary roadway would require importing the offset to the temporary alignment from the existing bridge
significant amounts of clearing and fill to a remote area, adding leave enough room to stage two cranes. That way, the contractor
considerably more time. could erect both cranes and leave them in place for the duration
The solution for a short-term reopening was installing an of construction.
Acrow truss to span over the existing bridge as an initial tempo- The cranes were used to erect the temporary bridge on top
rary roadway. Phase one of the project included assembly of the of the damaged bridge, move the temporary bridge to the tem-
temporary Acrow truss and construction of temporary foundations porary alignment, erect the steel beams for the new bridge and
Modern Steel Construction | 39
A close-up look at the damage a July 2023
flood inflicted on the State Route 28N bridge
over Fishing Brook.

disassemble the temporary bridge. Having one

crane staging area for the duration of con-
struction saved considerable time and reduced
the impact on travelers during the temporary
bridge relocation.
Once the land was cleared, fill and stone
protection was placed around the tempo-
rary foundations. State Route 28N was shut
down the morning of August 17 to relocate
the temporary Acrow bridge. Construction
crews moved the temporary bridge, paved the
approach roadway and reopened Route 28N
that evening. At that point, demolition of the
existing damaged bridge and construction of
the new bridge could begin.
Phase three—design and construction of
the new bridge—began soon after the initial
closure. With the ticking clock in mind, the
NYSDOT engineering team considered sev-
eral structures that could be constructed and
open to traffic before winter.
During the preliminary structural layout
phase—in coordination with the hydraulic
requirements and geotechnical consider-
ations—NYSDOT engineers suggested
repurposing existing steel rolled beam sections
that NYSDOT owned and were stored at its
Oneida East Residency, 203 miles from the
State Route 28N bridge location.
The original intended use of these rolled
beams was for the deployment of a temporary
bridge utilizing steel beams with heavy-duty
40 | APRIL 2024
metal grate deck panels. The metal grate
deck panels did not perform well during
NYSDOT’s last deployment in summer
2021, so the beams were not scheduled for
future deployment. Except for the metal
grate deck panels, the 12 100-ft W36×160
beams were still in good condition and
saved for future use.
NYSDOT designers determined that
an 80-ft hydraulic opening would meet the
bridge’s hydraulic needs and the 100-ft-
long beams could be cut to approximately
81 ft to accommodate NYSDOT’s required
1.2 LRFR minimum load rating factor.
Additional beam length was maintained
to utilize integral abutments, creating a
jointless structure for increased service life
and decreasing construction time by reduc-
ing the number of piles and eliminating a
separate concrete pour for the footings.
The beams were modified with shear studs
to be composite with the concrete deck and
given a coated paint system for protection.

right: A temporary Acrow bridge was initially

placed over the damaged bridge.
below: The Acrow bridge later moved next
to the damaged bridge during construction.

Modern Steel Construction | 41
above: Steel H-piles being installed at new abutment locations.
left: Epoxy coated steel reinforcement at the new integral

NYSDOT knew the expedited bridge design would take

only a couple weeks, but rapid steel procurement was of
utmost concern. NYSDOT met with High Steel Structures
July 25—15 days after the storm—to verify that accelerated
fabrication was feasible and determine if High Steel could
meet a September 1 fabrication deadline that ensured the
bridge would be built and the concrete deck would be poured
before winter arrived.
NYSDOT shared design drawings for the repurposed
rolled beams and discussed the project’s specific details, such
as the diaphragms, with High Steel. The original rolled beam
deployment included steel diaphragms that were installed
level to be used with the flat metal grate deck panels. How-
ever, in the proposed Route 28N configuration, the rolled
beams supported a concrete deck with a cross slope.
Ideally, the diaphragms would be placed on a slope to
accommodate the cross-slope of the deck. Using the exist-
ing diaphragms meant the deck had to be poured with vari-
able haunches to maintain the proposed roadway profile.
NYSDOT engineers were hesitant because of the additional
delay risk, but High Steel confirmed it could fabricate new
sloped diaphragms and deliver the repurposed beams by
September 1.
High Steel also contributed several value-added sugges-
tions, including delivering beams in pairs with pre-installed
42 | APRIL 2024
High Steel Structures delivered fabricated
girders by September 1.

diaphragms to cut shipping costs and erec-

tion time. High Steel Structures picked up
the beams from Oneida East Residency
July 27 and shipped them to its Lancaster,
Pa., fabrication facility.
High Steel submitted shop drawings
on August 1. NYSDOT and High Steel
Structures staff had a conference call on
the same day to discuss comments and
review the final design plans. The shop
drawings were revised and approved
one day later. The quick turnaround was
largely due to early coordination between
NYSDOT and High Steel at the onset of
the emergency response.

Fast Fabrication
NYSDOT called High Steel to dis-
cuss expediting a fabricated steel bridge.
When factoring in shop drawings and their
approval process, fabricating a bridge like
the new State Route 28N with typical beams
(either plate girders or W-shape beams) and
framing usually takes nine months to a year.
The actual fabrication work on the shop
floor, though, takes about two weeks.
High Steel knew it could support the

aggressive schedule with close coopera-
tion and teamwork and provided fabricated

In-Field Adjustable
steel within two months. There were six
keys to rapid delivery:
• Weekly Meetings – High Steel and
NYSDOT met weekly in the early
stages to facilitate discussion of opti-
mal design details, material use and
shop drawing development.
• Expeditious Designs – NYSDOT Structural
provided High Steel with complete
designs the day after it notified High
Support Frames
Steel of the project. that Remove
• Shop Drawing Approval – High
Steel took only one week to provide
shop drawings to NYSDOT, which Hassels
NYSDOT approved in one day.

Find Out More

High Steel was approved to start
working in the shop within one week
of NYSDOT’s call. That process
included a meeting between High by Getting a Quote
Steel and NYSDOT where drawing
comments were presented, discussed,
addressed, and approved.
• Material Procurement – NYSDOT
taking available beams from a
previous bridge expedited material
procurement, and High Steel only
had to cut them to the desired length.
Modern Steel Construction | 43
It’s a testament to steel’s versatility:
unused beams can readily be cut to any
length needed and repurposed. Beams
were shipped in pairs, helping expedite
and save costs in delivery.
• Welding Procedure Approval – Weld-
ing procedures were reviewed and
approved within one week of submittal.
• Painting – The beams were painted
in their previous use, but the paint
needed to be removed for welding and
other fabrication steps before it was
re-painted the same color. Local blast-
ing and touch-up were considered, but
shot-blasting off all existing paint and
re-painting the girders was determined
to be faster.
When questions arose, the two parties
immediately discussed them by phone or
conference call. NYSDOT provided verbal
answers that High Steel could consider offi-
cial—keeping High Steel moving with fabri-
cation while formal documentation followed
later. The trust between NYSDOT and High
Steel was the most important factor in accom-
plishing the tightened fabrication schedule.

NYSDOT completed final bridge design
and plan preparation in 22 days. Design staff
prepared regular progress plan sets for all
above: Stay-in-place steel deck forms were installed on the new bridge. stakeholders, including the contractor, NYS-
below: The new bridge opened to traffic on October 27. DOT management, hydraulic engineers,
geotechnical engineers, highway designers,
and environmental staff. Those plan sets
allowed the contractor to procure materi-
als, such as pile sizes for the foundations and
reinforcing bars for the abutments, while the
contract documents were being finalized.
Coordinating with the contractor during the
design phase was crucial to ensuring every-
thing specified in the plans was constructible
in the short time frame.
The contractor contributed several value-
added suggestions as well, namely the founda-
tion installation. The boulders in the Adiron-
dacks create difficult driving conditions for
H-piles, but a drilled foundation can signifi-
cantly increase construction duration. Since
the bridge crosses a waterway, a minimum pile
length is required to harden the bridge against
future scour.
The contractor proposed a combination of
a drilled and driven foundation solution that
saved valuable construction time in the field
while still meeting the project’s geotechnical
design requirements. Using integral abut-
ments with attached wingwalls also reduced the
number of piles needed to support the bridge,
thereby reducing the construction duration.
44 | APRIL 2024
The contractor also elected to pour the integral abutment
backwalls concurrently with the concrete deck, eliminating
the need for a separate backwall pour.
The contractor worked six or seven days a week for the
entire summer and fall, completing the new bridge on Octo- Brenda Crudele (Brenda.
ber 27, just four days before the area’s first snowfall. [email protected])
The new bridge opened to traffic at 6:30 p.m. October is the Director of the
27 with a line of residents waiting to be the first to cross the Structures Construction
bridge. Seeing the positive impact on the community after the and Fabrication Bureau
devastating floods made the long hours in design, fabrication, within the Office of
and construction worthwhile. ■ Structures, and Julianne
Fuda (Julianne.Fuda
Owner is the
Director of the Structures
Bridge Designer Design Bureau within
NYSDOT Office of Structures the Office of Structures,
Highway Designer both with the New York
NYSDOT Region 2 State Department of
Contractors Transportation. Ronnie
Tioga Construction (temporary bridge work) Medlock (RMedlock
Cold Spring Construction (permanent bridge work) is the Vice
President of Technical
Steel Team
Services for High Steel
Fabricator and Detailer
Structures, LLC.
High Steel Structures, LLC
Temporary Bridge Fabricator

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Modern Steel Construction | 45

An innovative fine arts building used steel

to achieve its desired open layout
and undulating glass façade,
helping make it a campus

46 | APRIL 2024
(RIT), one of the top universities in the nation focus-
ing on the intersection of technology, arts, and design,
recently completed its largest construction project since
opening its current campus location in the 1960s.
It’s a shed—in proper name only.
The Student Hall for Exploration and Development
(SHED), opened in fall 2023, is a creative hub that brings
the arts to the center of campus. Its features include a
flexible event theater, studios for dance and music, and
large active classrooms and makerspaces that foster col-
laboration and learning. It’s prominently located on the
campus’s “Quarter Mile” walkway, which connects the
academic and residential sides of campus.
Beyond serving as the creative hub, the SHED pro-
vides a missing link by connecting Wallace Library with
Monroe Hall and the Campus Center student union.
All told, the SHED has a 1,900-ton steel frame. Design
architect William Rawn Associates collaborated on the
design with architect of record HBT Architects and
structural engineer LeMessurier.

RIT History
Founded in 1829, RIT originally built its campus
in downtown Rochester, N.Y. However, in 1959, the
planned Interstate 490 extension prompted RIT to weigh
staying downtown or relocating entirely and creating a
new campus. RIT had goals to grow and establish itself as
a leader in technical education, and with those in mind,
it decided to move six miles from Rochester and create a
new home in nearby suburb Henrietta.
RIT’s directive for the campus design noted that
“academic buildings will be rugged but simple. The
range of materials, construction techniques, and finishes
must necessarily be limited, and beauty must come
through quality of space and proportion and a sense
of ordered form.” The school called on five modernist
architect firms to collaborate on the design of the new
campus: Hugh Stubbins and Associates, Kevin Roche
John Dinkeloo and Associates, Harry Weese Associ-
ates, Edward Larrabee Barnes Associates and Anderson,
Beckwith and Haible.
Each firm was responsible for a portion of the campus,
with LeMessurier as the structural engineer for all the
projects. The Henrietta campus included 13 academic
buildings that totaled more than 1 million sq. ft and a new
residential dorm complex. Buildings were clad in brick
with a heavy massing in the Brutalist form of architecture.
The SHED, characterized by an undulating glass façade,
large open spaces, and exposed structural steel framing,
embodies the initial vision for the Henrietta campus that
buildings should be “rugged but simple,” and emphasize
“space and proportion and a sense of ordered form.”

The SHED is a creative hub that brings the arts to the center
of campus.
© Robert Benson Photography
Modern Steel Construction | 47
above: The overall SHED building plan.
below: An isometric of the SHED’s steel framing.
SHED Layout
The SHED is comprised of the West Wing
adjacent to Wallace Library and the East Wing
adjacent to Monroe Hall, and those wings are
connected by two bridges that complete a cir-
cular heart of the building. Each department
has a unique portion of the building, and those
portions are linked by interconnecting corridors
that foster collaboration. Makerspaces and active
classrooms are located around the central area
called the “Hub” in the six-story West Wing,
promoting creativity and exploration.
The flexible event theater, located at the south
end of the West Wing, also abuts the Hub and
is prominently featured with a large cantilevered
east edge and a double skin façade. The music
studio is nestled into the northeast corner of the
ith building, maximizing natural sound isolation.
at Projecting out on the southeast corner is the
rie dance studio with an elegant sunshade structure
on the exterior of the façade.
Throughout the complex, open workspaces
and meeting nooks create a comfortable and col-
laborative environment. Glass façades showcase
the innovative and collective creative activity
energizing the building.
48 | APRIL 2024
Rochester Institute of Technology
The SHED links the Wallace Library
with the Student Alumni Union.

The Hub incorporate built-up floor assemblies and hung acoustic barrier
The West Wing’s focal point is the Hub, a five-story atrium that ceilings that address noise control. Active classrooms typically
is also part of the “circular heart” design with a large glass façade utilize floating wood floors with pre-spaced isolators and roll-out
providing transparency to the community. The Hub is ringed with batting, while makerspaces feature concrete topping slabs with a
a circulation path at the first floor from the West Wing that carries ¾-in. resilient mat.
through the north bridge, the East Wing, and completes the circle
at the south bridge. Layered on the circulation ring is a second Serving the Arts
ring that forms the bridges’ soffits and the East Wing, creating a A 300-seat, 4,700-sq. ft, 70-ft-tall flexible theater with a dou-
suspended rigging platform within the West Wing. Active class- ble-skin glass façade projects outward from the south end of the
rooms, project team areas, makerspaces, and performance venues West Wing. Flexibility is paramount to the design and allows the
surround the Hub. glass-box theater to transform to a black-box theater with black-
The active classrooms, ranging from 60 ft by 60 ft to 60 ft out shades integrated into the façade. Two levels of balconies hang
by 70 ft, are column-free areas arranged in a stacked and stag- from the roof and use a thin structure to maximize headroom. A
gered configuration throughout the building’s West Wing. W33 tension wire grid and rigging steel are also hung from the roof
to W36 beams and W40 to PG48 (48-in. built-up plate girders) steel to provide full flexibility for theater performances.
support larger spans while minimizing vibrations from walking. Telescoping seating is designed and stored at the back of the
A focal point from the Quarter Mile approach is the active class- theater to provide additional seating for performances. An expan-
room cantilevering over the pathway. The 10-in.-deep second- sion joint between the main West Wing and the theater isolates
floor framing hangs from deeper members at Level 3, creating a sound transmission. A topping slab and resilient flooring system
15-ft overhang with a razor-thin soffit. A generous floor-to-floor below the wood floor minimizes sound transmission from the
height of 20 ft aligns with the scale of the spaces and accommo- makerspace directly below the theater.
dates the steel framing depths at Level 3. The flexible theater is enclosed with a double-skin glass cur-
The industrial aesthetic and functionality of the active teach- tainwall, allowing airflow within the cavity to improve thermal effi-
ing and makerspaces are emphasized through exposed steel ciency and mitigate sound transmission between the interior and
framing, decking, and MEP systems. The design team collabo- exterior. Architecturally exposed hollow structural section (HSS)
rated closely with acoustical consultant Threshold Acoustics to framing supports the double-skin curtainwall system and extends
Modern Steel Construction | 49
RIT began building its Henrietta campus in the
late 1960s.

vertically for 36 ft from the theater floor to the

roof. Outriggers from the vertical HSS sup-
port a grating system that allows access to the
double-skin cavity at five levels. HSS members
are carefully aligned to the glass joints, main-
taining a seamless appearance.
The end connections of the HSS verticals
were designed with fixed moment connections
at both ends to minimize member size while
adhering to stringent deflection criteria for
the façade. The HSS members are supported
at their bases for gravity loads and utilize
vertical slip connections with moment fixity
at their tops to permit vertical movement of
the long-span roof framing. The construc- Rochester Institute of Technology Library Archives
tion documents outline a planned installation
sequence for the HSS façade support framing, Michael Prattico
scheduled after steel erection and slab place-
The flexible theater has
ment. This sequencing ensured stringent double-skin curtain
installation tolerances on the steel to meet the wall steel framing
specified critical façade requirements.
The Music Instructional Studio, situated
to the northeast, completes the north bridge’s
exterior curve. Like the active classrooms in
the West Wing, hangers allow a thin canti-
levered soffit that creates a warm welcoming
space for the café below. Resilient flooring
isolates noise transmission between the two
spaces, and a double-height music studio space
allows for enchanting musical performances
with expansive views of the Quarter Mile.
The dance studio at the southeast corner
projects from the central form and is linked
to the West Wing by the southern bridge
and the music studio by the East Wing. It has
W30 beams at the floor and roof to cantilever
out, creating a column-free space below and
column-free interior space for unobstructed
views. A finite element analysis was used to
Zelig Goodman Hoffman
design the dance studio for rhythmic excita-
tion from dance and aerobics. Forcing func-
tions were applied to evaluate the acceleration
of the structure under rhythmic excitation,
tuning the structure to ensure the comfort of
the occupants of the dance studio.
From the cantilevered structural form of
the dance studio projects a cantilevered, ten-
sioned sunshade structure with a shaped WT
at the base and top and pre-tensioned cables
supporting individual blades. Vertical HSS
posts with fixed moment connections were
provided behind each tension cable to support
the tension sunshade and glass façade while
meeting deflection requirements.

The Hub under construction.

50 | APRIL 2024
Zelig Goodman Hoffman

above: The SHED south bridge under construction. below: The Hub with both bridges and the East Wing in view.

© Robert Benson Photography

Modern Steel Construction | 51
Carlos Ortiz

above: Two W36 girders are the primary structural below: The double-story
system for the north and south bridges. north bridge is 67 ft long.

Carlos Ortiz

52 | APRIL 2024
Providing Connection
Establishing a connection between the East and West wings was crucial to the project.
The north and south glass-enclosed bridges shape the SHED’s central heart and provide
the connection. The south bridge, a single-story structure, is 88 ft long and 9 ft wide at its
narrowest and links both wings’ second floors. Meanwhile, the double-story north bridge
is 67 ft long and 19 ft wide at its narrowest. The north bridge connects the West Wing’s
second floor to the East Wing’s second and third floors.
Several constraints influenced the design of the bridges: ensuring a minimum clear
height below the bridge to accommodate fire truck access, incorporating a flared bridge in
plan that narrows at mid-span and widens at the ends, and integrating a continuous sloped
roof descending from north to south. The roof at Level 4 in the north bridge transitions
through the East Wing and resumes at Level 3 in the south bridge.
The primary structural system for both bridges consists of a pair of W36 girders span-
ning down the center at the roof level. Due to the flared plan shape, the girders were set
at the narrowest point of the bridge. Sloped, cantilevered roof purlins of varying lengths
were stacked perpendicular to the W36 girders. The sloped roof purlins support architec-
turally exposed HSS hangers on each side of the bridge.
The hangers support the lower floors and the wind girts, minimizing the required
curtain wall mullions depth. Hanging the floor structure from the roof allowed minimal
depth for the floor structure to meet the required clear height for access. The framing at
the bridge floor utilizes W10 members with steel deck inset between, aligning the top of
the composite deck with the top of the beam. A further floor framing complication at the
north bridge was the connection to multiple floor levels on each side of the bridge, which
required built-up 10-in. members to be kinked because interior hangers did not provide
the desired openness of the design.
In-plane steel trusses at the floor and roof levels act as the diaphragm. An expansion
joint is located at each bridge’s west end and is laterally supported with a steel moment
frame, while the east ends are connected and laterally supported by the East Wing.

Finding a Name
To foster student ownership of the new building, RIT leadership held a competition to
name the complex. Jonathan Dharmadi, a fourth-year student with a focus in new media
design, won the student competition and christened the building the Student Hall for
Exploration and Development.
The SHED name captures the true essence of the building and its role as a focal point
for the RIT community. The building serves as the nexus for linking arts with technology,
fostering connections, and offering dedicated spaces for learning and exploration—with
the goal of nurturing the development of future leaders. ■
Rochester Institute of Technology
Design Architect
William Rawn Associates
Kaitlyn M. Palmer
Architect of Record ([email protected])
HBT Architects (part of MRB Group) and Nathan C. Roy
Structural Engineer ([email protected]) are
LeMessurier principals with LeMessurier.
Kevin Bergeron
Construction Manager
([email protected]) is an
associate principal with William
Steel Team Rawn Associates. Michael Prattico
Fabricator ([email protected])
Kinsley Steel, Inc. is a senior project manager with
Steel Detailer MRB Group.
International Design Services, Inc.
Greiner Industries, Inc.

Modern Steel Construction | 53
An architect shares his perspective on designing with the SpeedCore structural system.



54 | APRIL 2024
A 3D model of the steel framing
(gray) and the full height of the
cores (blue).
Schuff Steel

THE SECOND BUILDING designed with SpeedCore is near- and helped save approximately 20% on core wall thickness com-
ing its grand opening. pared to a traditional cast-in-place concrete design.
The office tower at 200 Park Avenue in San Jose, Calif., is a Chris Payne, a Senior Associate at Gensler, was 200 Park’s Tech-
300-ft, 19-story building—the tallest in the city—that topped out nical Director. He spoke with Modern Steel Construction to provide
in January 2022, with construction set to finish in the first half of an architect’s perspective on working on a SpeedCore project.
2024. It has more than 965,000 rentable square feet and will be a
notable addition to San Jose’s downtown business district. Who chose SpeedCore for the building: you as the architect,
The building joins Rainier Square—a 58-story mixed-use sky- the engineer, the steel fabricator, or a collaboration of all three?
scraper in Seattle that opened in 2021—as a SpeedCore structure. It was a collaborative decision-making process among key
Also known as composite steel plate shear wall/concrete-filled project stakeholders. Early on, we studied different structural sys-
(C-PSW/CF), SpeedCore is a structural system with prefabricated tems, as we do on all projects. Weighing the pros and cons of each
panels that can be stacked like LEGO bricks to form a traditional approach, we determined the right solution for this project given
core. Those panels are then filled with concrete—10,000-psi grout the unique site constraints, the program, and the client’s ambition.
in 200 Park’s case—to create a stiff and sturdy core. The system Our structural engineers at MKA were critical to the decision-
can help an erector build four floors a week, compared to one floor making process and offered SpeedCore as one of the viable options.
every three to five days using more traditional methods. There were several compelling reasons to consider it at the time,
The project team of Jay Paul Company (owner), Level 10 Con- leading to its ultimate selection.
struction (general contractor), Gensler (architect), and Magnusson
Klemencic Associates (structural engineer) picked SpeedCore What were some of the reasons SpeedCore was selected?
because it fit the building, but also because of its success on the Speed is the obvious first answer, which then equates to cost
Rainier Square project, which MKA also engineered. savings on erection time and construction. Safety was another
Using SpeedCore required the team to collaborate early and important consideration because many of the components for
often, but its benefits were evident when the building topped out. SpeedCore are prefabricated in a shop, limiting onsite construc-
The system shaved approximately three months off erection time tion and installation sequences.
Modern Steel Construction | 55
The building is prominently located in downtown San Jose.
Schuff Steel

When designing with SpeedCore, did you have to consider

anything extra during the design that maybe you wouldn’t
have if it was a typical frame?
First, just knowing that it’s an innovative system that doesn’t
have a lot of precedent. This project is the first in California to
use SpeedCore. There was certainly a little more hands-on coor-
dination with the city during the approvals process and under-
standing the fire resistance ratings and the structural capacities.
The city had more questions about SpeedCore’s details during
the plan-check process.
The other part is the nature of the system. It’s essentially
permanent steel formwork that gets filled with concrete. It’s so
much more immovable once it’s set. That means more legwork
cross sections up front to coordinate penetrations through the walls for duct-
using shear work or pipes. With SpeedCore, adding those after the building
studs and tie is finished is not easy.
bars only.
It pushed up our coordination and design schedule. We
typically get into the details of coordination with structure in the
Construction Documents phase of design. For SpeedCore, we
pushed it up to Design Development, which is much earlier than
we normally would get to coordination with structure.
56 | APRIL 2024
How much appeal was there to designing the state’s first Speed- Schuff Steel

Core building?
Certainly, we wanted the building to be forward-looking and modern.
It’s one of the first speculatively designed office buildings built in San
Jose in the last decade or so. It’s also the tallest building in the city. By
the nature of the project brief, we knew this would be a special building.
I don’t think we shied away from being the first in California, but that
did not drive the decision to use SpeedCore.

What makes designing with SpeedCore unique?

The schedule aspect of doing things earlier than normal is the most
significant aspect. But the thinner core walls tipped the structural system
decision toward SpeedCore. A traditional cast-in-place concrete core has
a certain thickness, and we were able to save about 20% of that overall
wall thickness by utilizing SpeedCore. Adding leasable square footage
was desirable for the whole project team.

What was the goal and the vision of the building’s architecture, and
why did SpeedCore fit that?
Because we didn’t have a specific end user in mind, we wanted to
create a flexible container that could accommodate many uses with a
SpeedCore in place
high-performance interior experience. We knew it would be a work-
at 200 Park Avenue.
place, whether for technology, creative, or traditional professional

SpeedCore helped save

20% on core wall thickness
compared to a traditional
cast-in-place concrete design.
Modern Steel Construction | 57
service tenants, and we wanted the health and well-being of the in-and-out façade configuration and the relationship of the
building occupants to be front and center. windows to the core around the floor plate allow for different
At Gensler, we design buildings from the inside out, which workplace experiences.
means focusing on the building’s occupants first and foremost
and analyzing how the architecture shapes that interior experi- Was the collaboration between the engineer and the
ence. The parcel the building sits on is almost a perfect square. architects any different than usual because of SpeedCore?
When you extrude it upward, you essentially have a large cube It wasn’t vastly different. But as previously mentioned, the
with large floor plates. timing pushes coordination up in the project schedule. Our
When laying out the building core with the envelope location, structural engineers bringing awareness to SpeedCore when it
this diagram resulted in a nearly 80-ft span from the perimeter to otherwise wasn’t at the top of the project team’s collective minds
the core. Carvings around the perimeter created vertical canyons was helpful.
and avoided potential deep and dark floorplates. These “solar can- We worked closely with the project contractor and specified
yons” bring daylight deeper into the building and visually break full-scale core mockups off-site so that the project team could see,
down the scale of the mass from the exterior. The canyons were touch, and understand the system because it’s new. Schuff Steel, the
sculpted and located to correspond to specific interior program- fabricator, created an 18.5-ft L-shaped mockup of the typical 4.5-ft
matic spaces, including the entries and amenity areas. Bridges splice height above working floors. We wanted to see the steel,
were inserted within the canyons to allow for exterior access for pour concrete in the steel to verify adequate compaction of the
all tenant floors and to self-shade the building. This process was concrete fill, and learn as many fabrication and installation lessons
independent of SpeedCore. as possible before construction on site.
The compaction of the concrete, in particular, is hard to see
What do SpeedCore’s long, clear spans between the core and because the SpeedCore formwork is essentially permanent. Those
exterior façade do from an architect’s perspective, and how early mockups paid off because they ensured we proceeded with
does it influence the architecture? confidence.
The lease span (distance between the core walls and the façade)
was at the forefront of our minds as we designed the building and Now that you’ve done it start to finish, what advantages did
heavily influenced the solar canyons. you discover with SpeedCore beyond timeliness and cost?
In addition to the increased daylight and outdoor space, the The idea that we could thin the walls was a big bonus. And as
solar canyons allow for appropriately scaled interior workplace you amortize that over the height of the building, the extra space
‘neighborhoods.’ you create adds up. Knowing that there’s a possibility to expose the
In this way, the tenant floors don’t feel like huge trading floors SpeedCore walls to have them be celebrated and seen is another
where the space is vast. They have a dense open floor plan seat- bonus to be tested on future projects.
ing. It feels more well-scaled, even though the floor plates are
large and can accommodate large numbers of employees. The

left: Prefabricated SpeedCore pieces being erected.

below: Schuff used ½-in. ASTM A572 Grade 55 plate for most of the
core wall elements.

Schuff Steel Schuff Steel

58 | APRIL 2024
Outdoor terraces and
bridges are a key feature
of the building’s design.

As far as the architecture of the building itself—and not necessarily related to

SpeedCore—what are the most important building features, and what were you
aiming for with its design and aesthetics?
From the outset, performance kept coming up in almost every design conversation. The
building is fully electric. It’s one of the first in the region and one of the first at this scale to
be fully electric, meaning the building has the potential to be run on 100% renewable or
green energy sources. As the power grid in California gets more green, the building can take
advantage of that. It won’t be locked into a traditional gas boiler system that conventional
office buildings use as their main power source.
That’s a big part of the building and helped lower the project’s greenhouse gas emissions
by about 73% from baseline.
We couple that with a high-performance façade and the canyons with the bridges to give
you the indoor-outdoor feel. Nearly every design decision embodied this idea of redefining
performance for the workplace experience: Create an energy-efficient exterior wall that limits
air and water infiltration, maximizes views but still balances and controls direct solar gain, add
all that outdoor space, and the daylight benefits the solar canyons add.

Do you think you’ll see SpeedCore more often in your projects or be a bigger propo-
nent of it when designing buildings?
It’s something we want to consider, for sure. Every project has different constraints, exists Patrick Engel ([email protected])
within unique market conditions, and every owner has slightly different goals. But this project is the associate editor of Modern
has proven that SpeedCore is more than worthy of consideration from designers when evalu- Steel Construction. Chris Payne
ating all the project-specific requirements and constraints. ■ ([email protected])
is a Senior Associate at Gensler.
Modern Steel Construction | 59
new products
This month’s New Products section features a new cobot, a highly intelligent
welding system, and wrenches for turn-of-nut installation.

Kane ESAB Warrior Edge CX Welding System

Robotics ESAB’s Warrior Edge 500 CX system allows new and experienced weld-
ers to achieve excellent welding results without a complex set-up process.
GRIT It has built-in connectivity and comes with a subscription to the Indu-
Cobot Suite WeldCloud Fleet online software application. RobustFeed Edge CX
Kane Robotics’ also features a new digital gas control technology called TrueFlow™ that
GRIT™ is the improves welding quality, saves gas and helps avoid weld defects caused by
first cobot solu- improper flow rates.
tion innovated The Warrior Edge 500 CX has a rated welding output of 500 amps at
specifically to 60% duty cycle for synergic MIG/flux cored, pulsed MIG, Stick, gouging,
solve challenges and Live TIG. It features the company’s next-generation digital control
in composites electronics for more controlled arc starts and greater arc stability to mini-
sanding and mize spatter. It welds in the spray transfer, pulsed spray transfer and new
weld grinding. SPEED mode. The
It works along- SPEED mode cre-
side humans to ates a more focused
perform sand- arc by taking a con-
ing, grinding, ventional spray trans-
polishing, deburring and other labor-intensive mate- fer arc and overlaying
rial removal for any size manufacturer in a variety of a modified pulsed
industries. MIG wave form
The GRIT has helped composites manufacturers on top of it. Visit
complete jobs such as:
• sanding primer from machine components for more information.
• removing coating and sanding surfaces for paint
preparation or repairs on helicopter main rotor
• polishing fighter jet canopies after thermoforming
to remove orange peel and achieve optical clarity GWY Turn-of-Nut Wrenches
• deburring and weld grinding metal castings and GWY, LLC, offers an exclusive line of wrenches created for rotation-
other parts based method of installation, also known as the Turn-of-Nut method.
Manufacturers in aerospace and other industries have We’ve combined our years of experience in bolt fastening with TONE’s
seen impressive results from employing GRIT in their years of quality wrench manufacturing to custom design our Turn-of-Nut
operations: wrenches. Now available in two series, the TN and GPTN Turn-of-Nut
• Exponentially increased productivity: A 12-hour wrenches meet the high state and federal standards for structural fasten-
sanding job can turn into 3.5 hours when done by ing that automatically tighten the bolt
a GRIT cobot. Moreover, cobot sanding is pre- assembly to the preset rotation.
cise and uniform, minimizing the need for further Upgraded from the original TN
detail work before starting second-phase opera- wrenches, the GPTN series is avail-
tions. able in four models with an overall
• Reduced health risks: Kane’s GRIT cobot reduces maximum torque of 3,700 ft-lb. and
repetitive injuries to wrists, elbows and shoulders compatible with ¾- to 1½-in. diam-
as well as respiratory and ocular illness caused by eter fully tensioned structural bolts.
airborne particles. In short, cobots help manufac- With an integrated reverse kit for
turers keep their people—and keep them healthy. counterclockwise torque control, a
• Filling job vacancies: U.S. manufacturers are hav- quick tap of the trigger easily releases
ing difficulty attracting new workers, especially for the tool after each bolt installation.
taxing work like sanding. GRIT cobots can help fill Additional features include overload
those roles, plus lessen the need to replace retiring protection, controllable angle range,
workers as the manufacturing workforce ages. and LED indicator lights. For more
To learn more, visit information, visit
60 | APRIL 2024
news & events

Michael Grubb to Receive AISC’s Highest
Design Honor People & Companies
AISC will present the J. Lloyd Kimbrough “I am confident that Mike has had Stantec signed an agreement to
Award—which recognizes the pre-eminent either a direct or indirect role in helping acquire Morrison Hershfield, a
steel designers of their era—to bridge indus- move every ballot related to steel bridges 1,150-person engineering and man-
try legend Michael A. Grubb, PE, executive for AASHTO for at least 30 years,” Con- agement firm headquartered in
director at M.A. Grubb & Assoc., LLC. nor wrote. “His knowledge of the history of Markham, Ontario. Founded in 1946,
Grubb is just the 13th person to receive steel bridge design is unsurpassed. I would Morrison Hershfield has offices in
the Kimbrough Award since 1941. Previ- venture that he has instructed more engi- 22 cities in Canada and the United
ous recipients include Ludwig Mies van neers than most faculty have instructed in States, and one office in India.
der Rohe, Fazlur R. Khan, Leslie E. Rob- their entire careers, in terms of numbers of
ertson, John Kulicki, and, most recently, individuals in the classroom.” Walter P Moore promoted Peter
David I. Ruby. Grubb has authored or co-authored 40 White to Managing Director for the
“It’s hard to overstate Mike's contribu- publications covering all aspects of steel Diagnostics Group in the Charlotte
tion to American infrastructure over his girder bridge design—research work that office. White brings 20 years of expe-
career,” said AISC President Charles J. consultant Karl H. Frank, PE, PhD, noted rience in all aspects of diagnostics
Carter, SE, PE, PhD. “He’s been a relent- would satisfy tenure requirements at most engineering, including parking res-
less contributor, and nobody can communi- universities. toration, enclosure diagnostics, res-
cate the big picture and the details behind “ M i k e ’s toration renovations, and forensics
it better. AISC is proud to recognize his publication to his new role. The company also
accomplishments.” record is hired Ashpica Chhabra as Managing
Purdue University’s Robert J. Connor, extraordinary Director of the Structural Engineering
Jack and Kay Hockema Professor of Civil for a non- team in its New York City office.
Engineering and director of S-BRITE/ a c a d e m i c ,” Chhabra’s portfolio spans various
CAI at the Lyles School of Civil Engineer- Frank noted sectors, including aviation, civic, fed-
ing, pointed to Grubb’s decades of work in a nomina- eral, and tall buildings.
developing AASHTO LRFD BDS provi- tion.
sions for steel bridges. FORSE Consulting has promoted
Cathleen Jacinto to Design Director
and Partner. Jacinto joined the com-
AISC SAFETY AWARDS pany in 2015 as a structural engineer.
More Than 180 AISC Members Receive 2023 Awards She is a member of the NASCC: The
Steel Conference planning commit-
AISC is honoring more than 180 struc- awards on cases, not days, as reported to
tee and a volunteer on AISC techni-
tural steel fabricators and erectors for their OSHA on the 300A form, along with the
cal committees.
outstanding safety records in 2023. About hours worked in the year.
75% of this year’s 188 honorees earned the AISC presents a Safety Award of Honor
Severud Associates promoted
Safety Award of Honor, AISC’s top safety to fabricators and erectors with perfect
F o r t u n a t o O r l a n d o to Senior
award. records. Those with excellent records
Associate Principal and Steve
“Avoiding accidents is not an accident,” (0<DART≤1) earn a Safety Award of Merit,
Reichwein to Associate Principal.
said AISC Senior Director of Engineering and Safety Commendations recognize
Orlando joined the company in 1996
Tom Schlafly. “Structural steel fabrication companies with DARTs greater than one
and has worked on several large-
shops and construction sites are busy places and less than or equal to two.
scale East Coast projects, including
with many activities occurring simultane- “I’m encouraged to see more companies
the 270 Park Avenue building that
ously. Skill, experience, and planning are make safety a priority at all levels of their
was featured in the January 2024
required to accomplish those activities company,” said, AISC Safety Committee
issue of Modern Steel Construction.
safely. AISC is proud of those companies Chair John Schuepbach, managing director
Reichwein arrived in 2009 and is a
whose employees worked through 2023 for Phoenix Solutions Group International.
leader of the firm’s parametric and
with few or no Days Away, Restricted or “Prioritizing safety enhances productivity,
algorithmic design team, which
Transfer (DART) injuries.” bottom-line profits, employee-company
produces analyses that inform criti-
AISC relies on DART rates that com- relationships, reputation, and is a key fac-
cal engineering decisions for major
panies report to OHSA to determine safety tor in creating a sustainable workplace. We
projects, including the Sphere in Las
award recipients. The DART rate measures are pleased to see that many companies are
the number of recordable lost work cases aware of these broad benefits of prioritiz-
per 200,000 hours worked. AISC bases the ing safety within their workplace and
Modern Steel Construction | 61
news & events
in the field. We appreciate the dedication • East Coast Metal Structures, Corp., • San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc.,
these companies have shown in protecting Riviera Beach, Fla. Stockton, Calif.
their employees and keeping them healthy.” • Edco, Inc., Mount Vernon, Wash. • Sanpete Steel Corporation,
The safety awards program is open to • Eddy’s Welding, Inc., Ellicott City, Md. Moroni, Utah
all AISC member fabricators and erectors, • Forney Welding, Inc., • SC Steel, LLC, Taylors, S.C.
and applications for the program are solic- Albuquerque, N.M. • Schuff Steel Company, Stockton, Calif.
ited annually. Awards are issued separately • Garbe Iron Works, Inc., Aurora, Ill. • Schuff Steel Company, Ottawa, Kan.
for fabrication and erection companies. To • Gibson Industrial Inc., Richmond, Va. • Schuff Steel Company, Bellemont, Ariz.
win an award, the AISC member company • GMF Steel Group, Lakeland, Fla. • Shure Line Construction, Kenton, Del.
must submit a copy of their OSHA 300A • Hartland Building & Restoration Co., • Simko Industrial Fabricators,
form for verification purposes. East Granby, Conn. Chesterton, Ind.
For more information and resources on • Haskell Corporation, Bellingham, Wash. • SME Steel Contractors, Inc.,
safety for the fabricated and erected struc- • Hershberger Bros. Welding Inc., Pocatello, Idaho
tural steel industry, visit Las Vegas • SME Steel Contractors, Inc.,
• High Plains Steel Services, LLC, West Jordan, Utah
Windsor, Colo. • Southwest Architectural Metals,
• Hubbard & Drake Inc., Decatur, Ala. Henderson, Nev.
• Industrial Maintenance and Fabrication, • Standard Iron Works, Scranton, Pa.
Mead, Colo. • Steel Specialty, Inc., Belmont, N.C.
Safety Award of Honor (DART = 0) • Intermark Steel LLC, Price, Utah • Stud Welding, Inc., Centerville, Tenn.
Fabricators • J.B. Steel, Tucson, Ariz. • T.W.S. Fabricators, Inc.,
• 3 Sons’ Steel, Inc., Tarboro, N.C. • J.R. Hoe and Sons, Middlesboro, Ky. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
• AF Steel Fabricators, Chandler, Ariz. • Jeffords Steel & Engineering Co., • Talley Metal Products, Inc.,
• Affton Fabricating & Welding Co., Potsdam, N.Y. Hagerstown, Md.
Inc., Sauget, Ill. • JGM Fabricators & Constructors, • The Gateway Company of Missouri
• Arc Rite Welding & Fabrication, LLC, LLC, Coatesville, Pa. LLC, St. Louis
Pipe Creek, Texas • Larwel Industries, Bedford, Texas • The Haskell Company, Jacksonville, Fla.
• Aristeo, Livonia, Mich. • Lee’s Imperial Welding Inc, • Tipton Structural Fabrication,
• Arlington Structural Steel Company, Fremont, Calif. Tipton, Iowa
Inc., Arlington Heights, Ill. • Levan Associates Inc., Emmaus, Pa. • Tipton Structural Fabrication,
• Associated Steel Fabricators, Inc., • LMC Industrial Contractors, Avon, N.Y. Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Tomball, Texas • Lyndon Steel Company, • TrueNorth Steel, Lubbock, Texas
• B & B Welding Company, Inc., Winston-Salem, N.C. • TrueNorth Steel, Mandan, N.D.
Sparrows Point, Md. • McCombs Steel Company, Inc., • Turner Construction Company,
• Blue Atlantic Fabricators, LLC, Statesville, N.C. Huntsville, Ala.
East Boston, Mass. • Mechanical & Industrial Steel Services, • Twin Brothers Marine, LLC,
• Bohling Steel, Inc., Lynchburg, Va. Inc., Chicago Morgan City, La.
• C.T. and S. Metalworks, Irving, Texas • Missouri Fabricators, Fulton, Mo. • United Structural Works, Inc.,
• Chesapeake Bay Steel, Inc., Norfolk, Va. • Mobil Steel International, Inc., Houston Congers, N.Y.
• Continental Steel Works Inc., • NOVA Group, Inc., Napa, Calif. • Universal Steel of NC, LLC,
Butte, Mont. • Ogeechee Steel, Inc., Swainsboro, Ga. Thomasville, N.C.
• Cooper Steel South LLC, • Phoenix Fabrication & Supply, Inc., • USA Structural Steel & Foundations,
Childersburg, Ala. Peotone, Ill. Sarasota, Fla.
• Corebrace, LLC, West Jordan, Utah • Precision Build, LLC, Gibsonton, Fla. • Viking Steel Fabricators,
• Crowder Industrial Construction, • Premier Fabrication, LLC, Fredericksburg, Va.
Spartanburg, S.C. Congerville, Ill. • VM Ironworks & Structural Steel
• Delta Steel Inc., Saginaw, Mich. • Quality Welding and Fabrication, Corp., Palm City, Fla.
• Design Build Structures, LLC, Elida, Ohio
Peosta, Iowa • Reinicke Athens Inc., Athens, Ga.
• Diversatech-Metalfab LLC, Gridley, Ill. • RBD Holdings LLC, Alexander, Ark.
• Dixie Southern Industrial, Inc., • RNGD, LLC, Metairie, La.
Polk City, Fla. • Rochester Structural, LLC, Safety Award of Honor (DART = 0)
• Doral Corporation, Milwaukee Rochester, N.Y. Erectors
• Douglas Steel Company, Lansing, Mich. • Rocky Mountain Steel, Inc., • AF Steel Fabricators, Chandler, Ariz.
• Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation, Olathe, Colo. • American Steel Fabricators, LLC,
Lansing, Mich. Greenfield, N.H.
62 | APRIL 2024
news & events
• B & B Welding Company, Inc., • Summit Industrial Construction, • Derr & Gruenewald Construction,
Sparrows Point, Md. Houston LLC, Brighton, Colo.
• Ben Hur Steel Worx, LLC, St. Louis • United Structural Works, Inc., • G.A. West & Co., Inc., Creola, Ala.
• Black Cat LLC, Cheyenne, Wyo. Congers, N.Y. • Ideal Contracting, Detroit
• Bowen Engineering Corp., Indianapolis • United Weld Services, LLC, York, Pa. • Kraemer North America, Plain, Wisc.
• Cooper Steel, Nashville, Tenn. • USA Structural Steel & Foundations, • Schuff Steel Company, Phoenix
• Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation, Sarasota, Fla. • Schuff Steel Company, San Diego
Lansing, Mich. • VM Ironworks & Structural Steel Corp., • W&W | AFCO STEEL–W&W Steel
• East Coast Metal Structures, Corp., Palm City, Fla. Erectors, New York
Riviera Beach, Fla.
• Eddy’s Welding, Inc., Ellicott City, Md.
• Gibson Industrial Inc., Richmond, Va.
• GMF Steel Group, Lakeland, Fla.
• Hartland Building & Restoration Co.,
East Granby, Conn. Safety Award of Merit (0<DART≤1) Safety Commendation (1<DART≤2)
• High Plains Steel Services, LLC, Fabricator Fabricator
Windsor, Colo. • Custom Metals, a Division of Lexicon, • American Steel Fabricators, LLC,
• Hubbard & Drake Inc., Decatur, Ala. Inc., Little Rock, Ark. Greenfield, N.H.
• Industrial Maintenance and Fabrica- • DIS-TRAN Steel, LLC, Pineville, La. • AFC Steel, LLC, Ennis, Texas
tion, Mead, Colo. • Environmental Air Systems, LLC, • Ben Hur Steel Worx, LLC, St. Louis
• J.B. Steel, Tucson, Ariz. High Point, N.C. • Covenant Steel Warehouse, Inc.,
• JGM Fabricators & Constructors, • High Steel Structures LLC, Dothan, Ala.
LLC, Coatesville, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. • Drake-Williams Steel Inc., Omaha, Neb.
• March-Westin Company, Inc., Mor- • Lexicon Industrial Contractors, a Divi- • Environmental Air Systems, LLC,
gantown, W.V. sion of Lexicon, Inc., Little Rock, Ark. High Point, N.C.
• Mechanical & Industrial Steel Services, • MSD Building Corp., Pasadena, Texas • Gayle Manufacturing Company,
Inc., Channahon, Ill. • PKM Steel Service, Inc., Salina, Kan. Caldwell, Idaho
• Meco Kentucky LLC, Louisville, Ky. • Prospect Steel, a Division of Lexicon, • Hillsdale Fabricators, a Division of
• Mid-Ohio Mechanical, Inc., Inc., Little Rock, Ark. Alberici Constructors, St. Louis
Granville, Ohio • Prospect Steel, a Division of Lexicon, • New Industries, LLC, Morgan City, La.
• NMI Industrial Holdings Inc., Inc., Armorel, Ark. • Patriot Erectors, LLC, Trinity North,
Sacramento, Calif. • Schuff Steel Company, Humble, Texas Trinity, Texas
• North Alabama Fabricating Company, • Schuff Steel Company, Phoenix • Patriot Erectors, LLC, Trinity South,
Inc., Cullman, Ala. • Schuff Steel Company, Lindon, Utah Trinity, Texas
• Peterson Beckner Industries, Inc., • Schuff Steel Company, Eloy, Ariz. • Precision Build, LLC, Tampa, Fla.
Houston • Steel Fabricators of Monroe, Monroe, La. • Ramar Steel Sales, Inc., Rochester, N.Y.
• Peterson Beckner Industries, Inc., • Steel Service Corporation, Jackson, Miss. • Sefton Steel, LP, Aldine, Texas
Frisco, Texas • Steward Steel, Inc., Sikeston, Mo. • Southwest Steel, LLC, El Mirage, Ariz.
• Precision Build, LLC, Tampa, Fla. • Structural Steel & Plate Fabrication, • Stinger Bridge & Iron, Coolidge, Ariz.
• Reinicke Athens Inc., Athens, Ga. Co., North Salt Lake, Utah • Thomas Steel, Inc., Bellevue, Ohio
• RBD Holdings LLC, Alexander, Ark. • Systems Fab & Machine, Inc., • Thompson Metal Fab, Inc.,
• RNGD, LLC, Metairie, La. El Dorado, Ark. Vancouver, Wash.
• Rochester Structural, LLC, • Team Industries Inc, Kaukauna, Wisc. • Western Slope Iron & Supply, Inc.,
Rochester, N.Y. • TrueNorth Steel, Billings, Mont. Grand Junction, Colo.
• San Joaquin Steel Co., Inc., • W&W | AFCO STEEL, • Zimkor LLC, Littleton, Colo.
Stockton, Calif. Lubbock, Texas
• Schuff Steel Company, Stockton, Calif.
• Schuff Steel Company, Lindon, Utah
• Schuff Steel Company, Portland, Ore.
• Schuff Steel Company, Bellevue, Wash.
• Shure Line Construction, Kenton, Del. Safety Commendation (1<DART≤2)
• Skanska Koch, Inc., Carteret, N.J. Erector
Safety Award of Merit (0<DART≤1)
• SME Steel Contractors, Inc., • Ben Hur Steel Worx, LLC, Indianapolis
West Jordan, Utah • Ben Hur Steel Worx, LLC,
• Aristeo, Livonia, Mich.
• Southwest Steel LLC Nevada, Fairfield, Ohio
• Bosworth Steel Erectors, LLC, Dallas
Henderson, Nev. • Davis Erection, Gretna, Neb.
• Building Zone Industries,
• Stinger Bridge & Iron, Coolidge, Ariz. @seismicisolation
Kanarraville, Utah
Modern Steel Construction | 63
news & events
Ahmad Hassan Earns Bjorhovde Outstanding Young Professional Award
The AISC Education Foundation has hon- Mnookin said. “We look forward to con-
ored Degenkolb Engineers’ Ahmad Has- tinuing Reidar Bjorhovde’s legacy of men-
san with the second-ever Reidar Bjorhovde torship through this program and engaging
Outstanding Young Professional Award. with individuals like Ahmad, who show
Hassan graduated from the Univer- great potential to be tomorrow’s leaders.”
sity of California, Davis with his PhD in The annual Reidar Bjorhovde Award
structural engineering in December 2022. honors young professionals who mirror the
Shortly after, he began working at Degen- outstanding leadership and initiative of its
kolb Engineers. namesake. The late Reidar Bjorhovde had
Hassan will kick off his upcoming year a lifelong passion for mentorship and took
of steel industry exposure in March at many of today’s brightest industry minds
NASCC: The Steel Conference, where under his wing.
he will receive recognition and connect Amit Kanvinde, a structural engineering
with industry leaders and peers. Later professor at UC Davis, the 2022 T.R. Hig-
this year, Hassan will visit a structural gins Award winner, and a notable contribu-
steel mill and fabrication shop to get an tor to AISC standards and research, recom-
up-close look at the process before join- mended Hassan for the Bjorhovde Award.
ing AISC at its November Task Commit- “I have been extremely impressed with
tee meetings in Chicago. Ahmad’s intelligence, work ethic, dedica-
“Ahmad has taken an active interest in tion, and professionalism,” Kanvinde said.
AISC’s activities, particularly in the devel- “He is one of the best students I have had
opment of our codes and standards,” AISC the pleasure to supervise.”
Director of Foundation Programs Maria

Structural Welding Expert Duane Miller Elected to National Academy
of Engineering
Duane Miller, the leading authority on Miller was elected on February 6 in rec- In 2018, Miller became the first recipi-
structural welding and a previous recipi- ognition of his contributions to engineering ent of the AISC Steel Conference Speaker
ent of the AISC Robert P. Stupp Award for “for design, fabrication, and performance Award. He has authored or co-authored
Leadership Excellence, has added another of welded structural steel connections and texts and chapters of many handbooks,
honor to his already lengthy list: member- for contributions to welding education.” including AISC Design Guide 21: Welded
ship in the National Academy of Engineer- He will be inducted during a ceremony at Connections—A Primer for Engineers, 2nd
ing (NAE). the NAE Annual Meeting September 29 to Edition and Chapter 15 of the Highway
30, 2024. Structures Design Handbook: Welding of
A mentee of the legendary Omer Steel Bridges.
Blodgett, Miller worked at Lincoln Elec- Miller has served on many committees
tric for 44 years before his retirement in and currently sits on the AISC Commit-
2022, serving much of his tenure as the tee on Specifications. He was chair of the
company’s manager of engineering ser- American Welding Society (AWS) D1
vices and welding design consulting. He is Structural Welding Code Committee,
widely recognized as the leading expert on was the first chair of the Seismic Welding
the design and performance of welded con- Subcommittee, and was a co-chair of the
nections and has given lectures worldwide. AASHTO-AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding
Miller has earned several AISC awards Code Committee.
and is one of only ten people to receive a Miller earned a bachelor’s degree in
Stupp Award. AISC also honored Miller welding engineering from LeTourneau
with the T. R. Higgins Lectureship Award University in Longview, Texas, and a mas-
in 2001 and a Lifetime Achievement Award ter’s in materials engineering from the
in 2005. He is the only person to receive University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
the Higgins, Lifetime Achievement, and
Stupp awards.
64 | APRIL 2024
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advertiser index
Automated Layout Technology 45 Machitech/Beamcut 21

Birmingham Fastener 3 Nucor 68

Chicago Metal Rolled Products insert Peddinghaus 2

Combilift 12 QuickFrames 43

Controlled Automation 18 SDS2/Allplan 7

Integrated Engineering Software 11 St. Louis Screw and Bolt 21

JLG Industries 5 Voortman 10

Modern Steel Construction | 65
structurally sound

Buffalo Bills

Buffalo’s Big Build

NEW HIGHMARK STADIUM, the smaller beam that will be erected later in and friends in the community will now vis-
future home of the Buffalo Bills, reached a the project. ibly be able to see the stadium take shape
high mark in February with the setting of AISC member fabricator Cives Steel over the course of the next two years.”
its first structural beam. Co. is fabricating all 25,000 tons of steel One of Western New York’s largest-ever
Following seven months of site excava- for the project at three of its New York construction projects, the 1.35 million-sq.
tion, the 40-ft-long, 13-ton beam marked shops. About 60 percent of the steel will be ft open-air stadium will seat approximately
the start of steel erection, which is expected produced in New York, state officials said. 60,000 fans. It’s located in Buffalo suburb
to take 12 to 14 months and involves five “Collectively, more than 800 people Orchard Park, directly across from the
cranes. Construction crews set the beam have worked 138,000 hours to achieve Bills’ existing home (also called Highmark
after a ceremony where project team mem- this important project milestone,” said Joe Stadium), and is expected to open shortly
bers, workers, Bills staff, New York state Byrne, program director for general con- before the 2026 football season. ■
officials, and Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a tractor Gilbane-Turner. “Their neighbors

66 | APRIL 2024

Nucor JMT Consultants, Inc. | Procore | IMPACT/Iron Workers

Canam Group | Canam Steel Corporation
Greenbrook Engineering Services | High Steel
IDEA StatiCa | Investment Recovery Services
IRyS Global | New Millennium | Peddinghaus
Atlas Tube, Sherwin-Williams Protective and Marine
A Zekelman Company SME Industries | Stupp Bridge Company
Autodesk W&W | AFCO Steel
Taylor Devices | Larson Engineering, Inc.
SDS2 by ALLPLAN National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
Controlled (NCSEA) | Steel Dynamics, Inc.
Basden Steel | Big B Crane | Deem Structural Services
Automation Steel Erectors Association of America (SEAA)
ideCAD Steel Service | Applied Bolting | Bull Moose Tube
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Team Detailing Solutions | Terracon Consultants
IMPACT/Iron Workers
Procore | IMPACT/Iron Workers | W&W | AFCO Steel
Investment Recovery Services Taylor Devices | Larson Engineering, Inc.
SME Industries National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA)
Basden Steel Steel Dynamics, Inc. | A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply
Big B Crane Degenkolb Engineers and Ruby + Associates,
a Degenkolb Company | Steel Plus Network
Deem Structural Services AL Tech Global, LLP | Bendco | Cast Connex | Cohen Seglias
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of America (SEAA) SE U by SE Solutions | Spencer Freight and Logistics
TÜV Rheinland | Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Steel Service
Merrill Steel High Steel | Stupp Bridge Company | Casco Bay | Danny’s Construction | Veritas Steel

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