Instrucțiune Mașină de Cusut

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Parts Dlagram

Set Screw

A T j3 Rotary Wheel "'s Battery Compartment

Tfveader------ Q |J Extension Spindle
Note: Operate the machine lor 10 seconds, and ttien pause for 5 seconds. It can then be used again regularly.
1. Make sure machine is in the locked position (see diagram on reverse side under "To Replace Batteries").
Raise the needle arm to the highest position by turning the rotary wheel. Note: The rotary wheel can be
turned in either direction (see diagram #1).
2. Lift up the fastening plate making sure not to push down on the needle atm (the arm can still
be moved m anually even when the m achine is in locked position). Place cloth underneath
the fastening plate (see diagram #2).
dia. #2^ — ^ 3. Puii at least 2 inches of thread through the needle, from back to front, prior to starting to sew.

4. H old th e H a n d y S titch w ith rig h t ha n d a n d o p e ra te p o w e r sw itc h w ith th u m b , o th e r 0

fin g e rs su p p o rtin g th e b o tto m (see d ia g ra m #3). dia. «3 V i ®

5. Unlock m achine (see diagram on reverse side under ‘T o replace Batteries”). Press the pow er switch with
your right thum b. T he m achine will feed cloth to the left in proper tension autom atically, use left hand to hold
the cloth and control the direction (do not rush m achine). W hen w ider stitches are required, puii cloth to the
left a little faster while you continue sewing. Follow the centerline on cloth fastening plate to ensure straight
stitching (see diagram #4).
6. To Finish Seam- When working sewing, raise the needle arm to the highest position by turning
the rotary wheel. The use the back of a seam ripper or scissors to puii the thread out about 3
inches the cut it (see diagrams 5 and 6).

7. Turn the rotary wheel, lowering the needle into the cloth & continue to turn the rotary wheel until dia. #5
the needle arm is again at its highest position.
8. Lift up the fastening plate and take off the cloth to the left, making sure not to puii the thread or the seam will unravel.
9. Turn to back side of the cloth and guide the reserved 3 inches of thread according to the following figure to
make the knot (see diagram to the right):
(1) First pass threader through the last stitch.
(2) Put the thread into threader.
(3) Puii out about 1 inch.
(4) Guide the thread through the loop and puii it tight to finish the knot.

How to Thread Handy Stitch

Note: Thread should flow from the top right of bobbin or spool. Spring must be in place before installing bobbin.
1. Thread the Handy Stitch according to the diagrams 7 , 8 , and 9.
2. Pass thread through the eyelet on needle arm (see diagram #7).
3. Pass thread over top of tension control. Do not wrap completely around tension control
(see diagram #8)
4. Use threader to pass the thread through needle eye from back to front (see diagram #9).
Adjusting Thread Tension
1. If stitching is too tight, turn tension control slightly to the left.
2. If stitching is too loose, turn tension control slightly to the right.
To instali a Normal Thread Spool (see diagram #10)
1. Loosen the bobbin nut and take off bobbin.
2. Slide thread spool onto extension spindle.
3. Connect the extension spindle on bobbin shaft.
To Replace Needle
Loosen the set screw with a screwdriver and take off the old needle.
Always use a #14 style DHx1 sewing needle.
Needle must be installed with flat side of needle shank facing the front of Handy Stitch (see diagram #11),
To Replace Batteries (see diagrams below).
Note: Make sure machine is in the locked position prior to battery replacement.

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CAUTION: Needle is Sharp. Use care w hen w orking with needle to avoid injury. Keep away from children.
W hen not in use, m achine should always be kept in the locked position.

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