My Schedule

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No of days From 29/06/24

Physics : 20
11th std:- 1 physics and measurements
2 kinematics
3 laws of motion
4 work energy and power
5 rotational motion
6 gravitation
7 properties of solids and liquids
8 thermodynamics
9 kinetic theory of gases
10 oscillation and waves

12th std:- 1 electrostatics

2 current electricity
3 magnetic effects of current and magnetism
4 electromagnetic induction and AC
5 electromagnetic waves
6 optics
7 dual nature of matter and radiation
8 atom and nuclei
9 electronic devices
10 experimental skills

physical 1 some basic concepts of chemistry
2 atomic structure
3 chemical bonding and molecular structure
4 chemical thermodynamics
5 solutions
6 equillibrium
7 redox reaction and electrochemistry
8 chemical kinetics

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inorganic 1 classification of elemens and periodicity

2 p block elements
3 d and f block elements
4 coordination compounds

organic[oc] 1 purification and characterisation of oc

2 some basic principles of oc
3 hydrocarbons
4 organic componds containing halogen
5 oc containing oxygen

6 oc containing nitrogen
7 biomolecules
8 principles related to practical chemistry

11th std:- 1 diversity in living world
1.the living world
2.biological classification
3.plant kingdom
4.animal kingdom
2 structural organisation
1.morphology of flowering plants
2.anatomy of flowering plants
3.structural organisation in animals
3 cellular structure and function
1.cell the unit of life
3.cell cycle and cell division
4 plant physiology
2.respiration in plants
3.plant growth and development
5 human physiology
1.breathing and exchange of gas
2.body fluids and circulation
3.excretory products
5.neural control
6.chemical coordination

12th std:- 1 reproduction

1.sexual reproduction in flowering plants
2.human reproduction
3.preproductive health
2 genetics and evolution
1.principles of inheritance and variation
2.molecular basis of inheritance

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3 biology in human welfare
1.human health and diseases
2.microbes in human welfare
4 biotechnology
1.principles and processes
2.its applications
5 ecology
1.organisms and population
3.biodiversity and conservation

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NEET 2025
To 4/5/2025 = 309days = 7402hours
190days = 4560hours
190 only 4 hour = 760hours
760/3 subjects = 253.3hours
Physics 20 lessons so 253/20 = 12hours
Chemistry 20 lessons = 12hours
biology 32lessons so 253/32 = 8hours


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target completion : january 5 2025 [6months 1 week]

184 days to go

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