De Moi Ne

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Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space or best

1. We won’t leave the movie theater____ the action film ends.

A. until B. during C. to D. from
2. Liz:__________ does John play spinning tops? -Ben: Not often, about once or
twice a month
A. How long B. How far C. When D. How often
3. ________ is a martial art from Japan.
A. Cycling B. Karate C. Shuttlecock D. Sewing
4. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
A. hit B.high C. life D. fine
5. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
A. fireworks B. celebrations C. neighbors D. lanterns
5. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. parade B. culture C. event D. provide
6. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. committee B. excitement C. annoucement D. holiday
7. “Do you think it’s better to live in the country or the city?”-B : “__________”
A. I think it’s better to live in the country B.Yes, but it’s boring
C. It’s a small village D. Really ? Why ?
8. She has too _____ work to do during weekdays.
A. much B. many C. a lot of D.enough
9. Jess is not an active person, so she hates_________.
A. playing sports B. watching TV C. reading books D. doing arts and crafts
10.They’re friendly and helpful ________ me and my family.
A. Off B. in C. to D. on
11.Clara watches TV all the time. She__________does exercise.
A. always B.never C. sometimes D. often
12.In my hometown,__________ is one of the kids’ favorite leisure activities.
A. fresh air B. sports facility C. jump rope D. candied fruit
13.We like to________in the lantern parade at the Mid-Autumn festival
A. announce B. herd C. pick up D. take part
14.What does the sign mean ?
Spinning top
B. Tug of war
C. Shuttlecock
D. Hopscotch
15.What does the sign say?
A. Children playing football should be careful
B. This building is not near the school playground
C. No children can play on the construction site
D. There is no children’s playground at this
construction site.
Choose the word (A,B,C or D) that best fits the in the following passage.
Away from the problems (16)_____the city the (17)_____ and quiet of the
countryside. This is often a short drive where the air is clear and unpolluted. If
you stop at a small village, you will find life is slower than in the city with relaxed
and friendly people.(18)____of the land has crops growing, as well as animals on
the farms. As you drive further, you might find some areas of (19)______
beauty.These areas are created as National Parks by the government, and here
wildlife can live and move about (20)______ .It is in these places away from the
noisy cities that you can (21)____ the natural beauty of he countryside.
16.A. of C.on D. off
17.A. hometown B.entertainment C.noise D. peace
18.A. Any B.Some C. Every D. Too
19.A. Unnature B. naturally C. natural D. unnaturally
20.A. peaceful B. interestingly C. fastly D. safely
21.A. experience B. work C. play D. take
Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True
or False and choose the correct answer for the questions 27 and 28.
Snow Owl is located the northern part of the country established on the
base of Sky Mountain and surrounded by The Even though the name sounds
scary, it is actually very beautiful and nice. The name comes from appearance of
the forest where the trees are so close together and the sunlight cannot come
through. A wonderful river comes down from the mountain and passes through
the town, splitting it into two. For most of the year, the town is covered with
snow. Not many people know about its existence and am thankful for that.
People are really kind and care about each other. We always try to find ways to
help each other. town itself doesn't have a lot of sights to visit.
A big historic library from the 1800’s still functional, is standing in the middle
of the village next to the Town Hall. There are also two bridges connecting the
town. The one in the south is the oldest and most beautiful.I sometimes go and
sit by the river just to admire it.
For entertainment we have the old theaters, some coffee shops and
restaurants. Younger people prefer to visit neighboring towns and cities because
it gives them more choices of entertainment.
My hometown is one of the greatest places in world and I wouldn't
trade it for anything.
22.In spite of the scary name,the town is actually very beautiful and nice.
23.From the mountain, people can see a lot of beautiful temples.
24.People believe that the historic library is small and useful.
25.Younger people don't like visiting towns and cities.
26.The place located on the northern part of the Country with a scary name
A. Kremlin B. Chillka
C. Great Barrier Reef D. Snow Owl
27.In the reading passage, all of the following are mentioned EXCEPT_______
A. The location of the town B. The beauty Of the town
C. Some famous people D. Some places of recreation
Use the correct form of the word given in each sentences.
28.We hired a magician to_______ the children (entertainment)
29.The Khene is__________played by Laotian people (tradition)
30.Without fuel, the vehicles will become______for moving supplies (use).
31.She’s very good at keeping the_________ within the family (peaceful)
32.You have some______ who come to see you. (visit)
33.It’s very _______ to find these birds in New England in winter (rarely)
Rearrage the groups of words in a correct order to make complete
34.outdoor activity/ their/enjoy hiking/Many young people/ as/ favorite/./
35.much entertainment/because/can be/It/boring/here/we/do not have/./
 33. Many young people________________________________________
 34. It______________________
Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means:
1. There are a lot of vehicles in my hometown
 My hometown has___________________________________________
2. Kids in town love to play tug of war.
Kids in town are_____________________________________________
3. This blue car is bigger than that red one.
 That red car is__ __________________________
4. He doesn’t have much money. He can’t buy his favorite car. (ENOUGH)
 __________________________________________________________________
5. Let’s go to the zoo and have a picnic there.
 Why don’t we
 What about going
6. Playing the guitar is really hard.
 It is really hard to play….
7. Jack sometimes cycles around his countryside to get some fresh air.
 Jack sometimes goes
8. He likes playing badminton, but he likes playing tennis more.
 He prefers
9. We can speak Portuges fluently.
 We are
10. The lesson is very hard. I can’t understand it all. (ENOUGH)

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