Student 11

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(A) She's searching in her __________

(B) She's looking in a __________ __________.

(C) She's __________ for a purchase.

(D) She's holding some __________.

(A) The man is switching off a __________.

(B) The man is __________ some curtains.

(C) The man is seated by a __________.

(D) The man is hanging some _____________ on

the wall.

(A) Some __________ are arranged in a circle.

(B) Some stairs are being __________

(C) A roof is being __________.

(D) __________ is being trimmed.


(A) One of the women is wearing a __________.

(B) The women are __________ to each other.

(C) The man is pouring __________ into a cup.

(D) The people are __________ their menus.


(A) A __________ is being hung on a post.

(B) The women are __________ toward a


(C) The man is __________ a bicycle tire.

(D) A __________ is being removed from a cart.


(A) A shop assistant is giving a man some


(B) Some people are entering a __________.

(C) A cashier is putting ____________ into a bag.

(D) Some customers are ____________________.

7. ______ was this afternoon's meeting 8. You use the company
__________? ____________________, don't you?

(A) __________ , I think. (A) ________, every ____________________.

(B) __________ __________ is out of the office. (B) Please center the text __________________.

(C) Let's __________ the itinerary for our trip. (C) __________ it fits you well.

9. _____________ the images from the graphics 10. ______ are you moving to your new
department? __________?

(A) OK, that won't be a __________. (A) The office printer ____________________.

(B) A high-definition __________. (B) The __________ is high this month.

(C) No, they're __________ yet. (C) The __________ is being revised.

11. __________ __________ __________ for the 12. ____________ do I have to __________ my
company retreat? time sheet?

(A) __________, I'll write __________ down. (A) Five sheets of __________.

(B) ____________________, maximum. (B) You need to do it __________ __________ .

(C) Can __________ the sign? (C) No, I don't usually ____________________.

13. __________ a monthly gym membership, 14. __________ put price tags on all the
__________? clearance __________?

(A) A very popular __________ routine. (A) Yes, everything's been __________.

(B) The exercise room is ____________________. (B) It is a little __________.

(C) ____________________. (C) Where is your __________?

15. __________ still need to change the 16. What's the __________ of the repair work?
__________ layout?
(A) __________ because of the warranty.
(A) Down the hall __________________.
(B) I have some __________ you can use.
(B) No, it's already been __________.
(C) In a ____________________.
(C) A new ____________________.
17. Where can I get a new _________________? 18. __________ __________ my password?

(A) All of the cabins have been __________. (A) __________ _________of the month.

(B) I'll put the tiles ________________. (B) __________ __________ the help desk.

(C) All _______ requests must be _________first. (C) Thanks for ____________________

19. __________ __________ __________ if that 20. Is the new inventory process __________
monitor is plugged in? __________?

(A) __________ send them yet. (A) It only took me __________.

(B) A__________ power cord. (B) __________, ____________________.

(C) __________ __________ to check them all? (C) I'll have the __________.

21. __________ __________ some ice cream or 22. __________ __________ the product
cake for dessert? demonstration this afternoon?

(A) ____________________. (A) That __________ is closed, sorry.

(B) Yes, ______________. (B) __________ for New York at lunchtime.

(C) I'm trying to ____________________. (C) __________ __________ a few more.

23. Your presentation's being __________ at 24. Don't you carry these ___________
today's managers' __________. _________?

(A) I didn't have __________ to complete it. (A) I'll _______ from this end.

(B) __________, please. (B) There's a _______________coming

(C) __________ had great reviews.
(C) __________ to read it now.

25. __________ __________ __________ with 26. __________ hiring an __________

the clients? __________ to organize the holiday party?

(A) About a __________ flight. (A) __________ it's on the lower shelf.

(B) The first stage of __________. (B) Sure, I'd love __________.

(C) _______, __________ __________downstairs. (C) There's not ______________ in the budget.
27. Isn't that carmaker planning to start 28. David trained the __________ to use the
exporting ____________________? company database, __________?

(A) ____, I've heard that's __________. (A) __________, __________ Hillary.

(B) __________ to next year's car show. (B) An internal __________.

(C) ____________ on your promotion! (C) He's ____________________.

29. __________ __________ researching the 30. Have you __________ a ride to take us to
housing market in India? the convention center, __________?

(A) The __________ __________ is heading up (A) ________________, there isn't an extra bag.
that team.
(B) __________ __________ __________ for the
(B) __________ __________ at ten o'clock. taxi service.

(C) Yes, it's on ____________________. (C) We've accepted __________ _________


31. These purchases should have been

__________ on your expense __________ .

(A) No thanks, __________ __________ from the


(B) The __________ is on Thirty-First Street.

(C) __________ I had until __________ to do

32-34 32. Why is the woman calling?
W-Am: Hello. I'm calling about __________ for
tonight's baseball game. I'm hoping to A. To request a ticket change
__________ my seats so we can sit closer to the B. To make a dinner reservation
field. The __________ is under my name:
Joanna Reynolds. C. To order merchandise

D. To plan a vacation
M-Cn: Let me take a look. Hmm. I'm sorry, Ms.
Reynolds, but our __________ seems to be
__________ at the moment. I can do the
exchange manually, but it'll take a little longer. 33. Why does the man apologize?

A. An event was canceled.

W-Am: No problem. I have time.
B. A line is very long.
M-Cn: Thanks. Oh, and just a reminder that
better seats will __________ —you'll need to C. A payment option is unavailable.
__________ __________ more per seat. D. A computer program is not working.

34. What does the man remind the woman


A. A meal voucher

B. Some free souvenirs

C. An increase in price

D. A refund policy

35-37 35. What event will the speakers be attending

W-Am: Thilo, are you going to the __________ later today?
later this morning at Sullivan Bistro? _________
how to get there. A. A job fair

B. A film screening
M-Au: Well, the train stops right near it on
Hanover Street, but you'd have to transfer a few C. A lunch
times. You know, I'm __________ __________
with Farida, and she has a van. D. A conference

W-Am: Oh, that would be convenient! _______

36. Why does the man say, “she has a van”?
_______ where her desk is? A. To suggest inquiring about a ride

M-Au: Yes. (37) She has the cubicle closest to the B. To express surprise at a coworker's choice of
stairs. vehicle

C. To explain why a coworker was late

D. To clarify that a coworker helped him move

37. What will the woman most likely do next?

A. Reschedule an event

B. Talk to another coworker

C. Request time off

D. Make a phone call

38-40 38. Where do the speakers work?
M-Au: Hi, Sarika. (38) We need a new assistant
manager here at Jeera __________. You've been A. At a grocery store
one of our __________ for two years now. Are B. At a shipping facility
you interested in the position?
C. At a restaurant
W-Br: Wow. I definitely am. (39) My one concern
D. At a doctor’s office
is the __________. Would my schedule change

M-Au: You might have to work overtime once in a 39. What does the woman say she is concerned
while, like when food deliveries arrive late, but about?
that doesn't happen often. Why don't you _____
A. Fuel prices
__________ for a few days? Let me know _____
___________. B. Her work hours

C. A staff shortage

D. An inventory process

40. What does the man suggest that the woman


A. Complete a training program

B. Order extra equipment

C. Hire a consultant

D. Take time to make a decision

41-43 41. Why is the woman calling?

M-Cn: Good morning. This is Westerly Travel's
customer service. How may I help you? A. Her taxi never arrived.

B. Her luggage is missing.

W-Br: Yes, l was supposed to take the two P.M.
from Denver to Colorado Springs, but it was C. Her train was canceled.
__________. I need to book a _____________.
D. Her ticket is lost.
I am presenting at a __________ first thing in
the morning, so I'm hoping you can get me on
_____________ today.
42. What event is the woman planning to
M-Cn: The four P.M. departure gets you in by six attend?
thirty, and there are plenty of _______ available.
A. An awards ceremony
W-Br: That sounds great. B. A trade show

M-Cn: (43) And to apologize for the C. An art exhibit opening

inconvenience, I've __________ you to business D. A building inspection
class at no extra charge.

43. What does the man give the woman as an


A. A partial discount

B. Vouchers for future travel

C. A full refund

D. A better seat
44-46 44. Where does the woman work?
W-Am: This is Marcy Ardmore at Sladen Motors.
Some __________ parts we ordered from your A. At a distribution center
factory haven't arrived at our __________ yet. B. At a conference center

M-Au: I'm sorry to hear that. We sent your order C. At a car dealership
over a week ago, but the shipping company has
D. At a real estate agency
been experiencing delays. Unfortunately, the
tracking e-mails they sent us _____________
___________________ to determine when the
parts will get to you. 45. What problem with some e-mails does the
man mention?
W-Am: I see. Do you have __________ ______
A. Confusion about the intended recipients
for the shipping company? I'd like to see what I
can find out. B. A delay in message delivery

M-Au: Yes, I can give you their __________ C. An incorrectly typed word
__________. But I'll also call them. Hopefully
D. Lack of information
the more inquiries they get, the more seriously
they'll take the issue.

46. What will the woman most likely do next?

A. Arrange a meeting

B. Make a phone call

C. Speak to her employees

D. Review an invoice

47-49 47. What is the conversation mainly about?

M-Au: Amina, how are plans progressing for the
September __________ of our __________ of A. A policy change
mobile phone? B. A product launch

W-Br: (47) Good. Right now, the marketing C. Some customer feedback
department is looking at __________ ________
D. A scheduled maintenance visit
and thinking about the best way to get maximum
exposure in the __________.

M-Au: Great. And what's the update from our 48. What does the woman say people at the
manufacturer about when they'll begin company are currently working on?
production? Last time we spoke, you mentioned
A. Exploring publicity options
that the factory was at full __________ with
other projects, and I'm worried that'll affect our
__________. B. Finding a new vendor

W-Br: I just spoke with them, and they'll free up C. Assembling a sales team
room for us soon. D. Negotiating a monthly fee

49. Why is the man concerned?

A. Customers have complained.

B. Price estimates are high.

C. Some changes require approval.

D. A plan may be delayed.

50-52 50. What are the speakers preparing for?

W-Br: Hi, Luca. ls the restaurant almost ready for
this afternoon's ____________________? A. An interview

B. A food delivery
M-Au: Actually, now that the room's been set up,
l see that we're short a few _________________. C. A special event

D. An inspection
W-Br: Oh, l've already taken care of that. I called
a rental company, and they'll be delivering the
____________ we need in an hour.
51. What does the woman say will be delivered
M-Au: Thanks for doing that. Did you also look in an hour?
over the ________________? I haven't had time
to do that yet. A. Some flower arrangements

B. Some gifts for attendees

W-Br: No, I haven't. Why don't we do that
together now? C. Some audio equipment

D. Some tables and chairs

52. What will the speakers most likely do next?

A. Review a guest list

B. Meet with a photographer

C. Take a break
D. Taste some food

53-55 53. What event are the speakers discussing?

M-Cn: (53) Marcella, we have a problem with the
________________________ we're hosting next A. A bank opening
week. I just got a call from the _______________, B. A contest
and they said there's been wafer damage to
three of the meeting rooms. C. A business conference

W-Am: Oh no! But the rooms will be _________ D. A company anniversary

in time for our conference, right?

M-Cn: They said there's a lot of damage. 54. What does the man mean when he says,
“there’s a lot of damage”?
W-Am: OK. Well, the ____________'s supposed
to be nice, so we could host some of the A. He finally fully understands a problem.
seminars __________. It's a little unconventional, B. The woman should expect a bill in the mail.
but there's plenty of Space surrounding the
conference center. C. The woman’s assumption is incorrect.

D. A schedule needs to be adjusted.

55. What does the woman recommend?

A. Using an outdoor area

B. Arranging technical support

C. Confirming a catering menu

D. Interviewing some job applicants

56-58 56. What industry do the speakers most likely
M-Au: OK, Marion, the new ________________ work in?
software is all set up on your computer. It should
be pretty straightforward to use. But call A. Medicine
technology support if you run into any issues.
B. Music
W-Am: Great. l hear a lot of health-care providers C. Publishing
are switching to this same software.
D. Finance
M-Au: Yes. lt's becoming popular because it
retains all of a patient's medical _________ from
different providers in one _________________. 57. According to the man, why has a software
program become popular?
W-Br: Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.
A. It is less expensive than similar products.
M-Au: No problem, Francesca. What's up? B. It makes information more accessible.

W-Br: I overheard what you said, and just to C. It reduces environmental impact.
clarify, the program can only collect and retain
records from ____________ who use the same D. It comes with customer support.
software, so Marion may find she still has to
_______ around to obtain all the patient records
she needs. 58. What might Marion still need to do?

A. Contact some service providers

B. Sign a release form

C. Check some financial information

D. Repair some equipment

59-61 59. What are the speakers discussing?

W-Am: Let’s get this ______________________
meeting started. Sales of our fruit-and-nut bars A. Proposing a business merger
have been strong, so we'd like to ____________ B. Relocating a company’s headquarters
some other types of snack bars. What do you
recommend, Stan? C. Developing additional products

M-Cn: Well, we know that many people are D. Hiring more employees
allergic to nuts, so we should develop some snack
bars without nuts. The only thing is, we'd need a
separate _________________________ to avoid 60. What challenge does Stan mention?
contamination between the two production
areas. A. A profit margin will decrease.

B. Additional equipment will be needed.

W-Am: We don't have room at this facility for
that. Pedro, you've been to our new production C. There are not enough job applicants.
facility in Glenview, right? Is there space there for
new equipment? D. There are delays in production.

M-Au: I think there's extra space there. I'll check

with the _______________________ to make 61. What does Pedro say he will do?
sure, though.
A. Contact a facility manager

B. Adjust a budget

C. Change a work schedule

D. Research a product


M-Au: Welcome to The Boat Center. How may I

help you?

W-Am: Hi. Do you have any tickets for the Sea-

Ride Special tour today? I was hoping to catch a
last-minute tour.

62. According to the man, why is today's Sea-

M-Au: Sorry. We're sold out. It’s a really popular Ride Special tour popular?
tour this time of year because the penguins are
A. It offers a chance to see migrating birds.
__________ through the area.
B. Water conditions are likely to be favorable.

C. A guest chef is preparing lunch.

W-Am: Oh, too bad. I'm leaving tomorrow
morning, and I was really hoping to take one of D. Someone special will be guiding the tour.
your tours.

63. Look at the graphic. What time will the

M-Au: Well, the ______________________ tour woman depart on a tour?
still has a couple of spots left.
A. At 9

B. At 10
W-Am: Great. And that'll give me time to get
something to eat before it starts. I see there's a C. At 11
_______________ just down the street. D. At 12
64. What will the woman most likely do next?

A. Return to her hotel

B. Visit a cafe

C. Call a friend

D. Store her bags in a locker


M-Cn: Hi. I'm here for the health and wellness

conference. I parked in the event center ______
_______. I was wondering, is _______________
for conference attendees?

W-Br: I'm sorry. We don't provide any _________

for parking. But if you're willing to move your car, 65. Why does the woman apologize?
there's a cheaper parking area at _____________ A. A conference session is full.
and _______________. It's about a block away.
B. An elevator is not working.

C. A workshop has changed locations.

M-Cn: Oh, unfortunately, l don't have time. I'm
scheduled to ___________the strength-training D. Parking is not free.
____________ that starts in fifteen minutes. But
tomorrow I'll get here earlier and park at the
other lot. Seventh and Vine, you said. Right? 66. Look at the graphic. Which location does the
woman recommend?

A. Area 1
W-Br: That's correct.
B. Area 2

C. Area 3

D. Area 4

67. Why is the man in a hurry?

A. A workshop is starting soon.

B. A parking pass is about to expire.

C. A shuttle is running late.

D. A friend is waiting outside.


M-Cn: Molina's Office Store. How can I help?

W-Am: Hi. I've been _____________________ a

product on your Web site, but everytime I get to
the checkout screen, everything freezes, and I
can't _____________________.
68. Why does the woman call?

M-Cn: What are you trying to buy? A. She wants to request a refund.

B. She is unable to place an order online.

W-Am: The ______________ scanner. C. She wants to extend a deadline.

D. She is unhappy with a product purchased

M-Cn: Hmm. That product's currently out of
stock. Can I recommend the Rhenium 60 instead?
It's a popular model.
69. Look at the graphic. What is the price of the
item the woman wants to buy?

W-Am: I really need the Enzo 5000—I'm an artist A. $169.99

and I make my own prints, so I need a model that
B. $149.99
produces top-quality images.
C. $129.99

D. $179.99
M-Cn: I see. Well, (70) we're expecting a
___________________________. If it includes
the model you're looking for, I can reserve it for
70. What will the man most likely do tomorrow?
A. Update a Web site

B. Search a storage area

C. Contact another store location

D. Check an incoming shipment

71-73 71. Where does the speaker work?

Hi Ms. Xiao. This is Franklin Moore calling from A. At an electronics store

Franklin Auto Express. I found the problem with B. At a plumbing company
your ___________________________—you've C. At a car repair shop
got a bad sensor switch, which needs to be
D. At a cleaning service
replaced. I ___________________ this morning,
but it won't arrive at the shop until tomorrow. So,
72. What does the speaker say he has done?
if you'd like, we can offer to _______________ to
A. Scheduled an appointment
use until your car is fixed. Please give me a call
back at 555-0101. B. Completed a repair

C. Adjusted an invoice

D. Ordered a part

73. What does the speaker offer?

A. Use of a vehicle

B. An extended warranty

C. A free inspection

D. Expedited delivery

74-76 74. Who most likely are the listeners?

Good morning. I called this meeting to discuss A. Factory workers

how all __________ at our store should _______ B. Medical specialists
__________________. I've noticed that some of C. Supermarket cashiers
you are so focused on scanning items and getting
D. Hotel clerks
people through the line quickly, that you're
ignoring the customers. We want to leave
75. What is the topic of the meeting?
customers at our ________________ with a good
A. Interacting with customers
impression, so it's crucial that you greet them. Be
sure to be pleasant when they arrive at your cash B. Operating new equipment
register. I'm now going to have you ___________ C. Protecting merchandise from damage
to play the part of the cashier and customer to D. Maintaining a clean work area
practice being friendly, while also being fast and
76. What will the listeners do next?

A. Turn on a machine

B. Tour a building

C. Give feedback

D. Work with a partner

77-79 77. Where most likely is the speaker?

Hi, it's your neighbor, Indira. My return ________ A. At her house

was scheduled to leave in an hour and they just B. At an airport
announced it's been ____________. I'm standing C. In a taxi
in line right now, waiting to talk to a ticket agent.
D. On a train
I'm _____________ of traveling, but it looks like I
won't make it home this evening–I think the next
78. What does the speaker imply when she says,
flight's _________________. Can you believe it?
"Can you believe it"?
Anyway, I have a favor to ask. Could you go by my
A. She is annoyed.
house after work? ___________________was
B. She is excited.
supposed to arrive today, and I'd rather it didn't
C. She is embarrassed.
just sit in front of my door overnight. I really
appreciate it! D. She is confused.

79. What does the speaker ask the listener to


A. Lock a door

B. Check an address

C. Meet a colleague

D. Pick up a package

80-82 80. Where is the tour most likely taking place?

Welcome to the Hoffman Textiles ___________. A. At an outdoor market

As most of you know, our factory provides quality B. At a fabric factory
______________________ manufacturers C. At a fashion museum
around the world. During the tour of the facility,
D. At a trade fair
you'll see the care that goes into making each of
our many types of fabrics. Now, normally we'd
81. What does the speaker say has changed
start by showing you how fabric is made on the
about the tour?
weaving machines, but _____________________
A. The duration
is still in that area. So today we'll start in the final
__________________ and do the tour in reverse, B. The distance
visiting the weaving machines _______. Then we C. The starting location
can offer you a ___________ on fabric purchases D. The tour guide
today only.

82. What does the speaker offer the listeners?

A. A special discount

B. A longer tour

C. Free membership

D. Product samples

In local news, Westcot Railway officials have 83. According to the news report, what will
happen at the end of the year?
revealed a plan for a new ___________ to be
installed between the capital city, Milton, and the A. A tourist resort will be renovated.

popular tourist destination Greenview City. B. An airline merger will take place.
____________ on the project is scheduled to C. Construction on a new railway line will begin.
begin at the end of this year. According to the D. A hotel association will select a new president.
announcement, railway cars on the new line will
offer travelers more ______________________
84. What benefit to travelers does the speaker
for the twelve-hour train ride. The Travel and mention?
Tourism Association has already voiced its strong A. Automated reservation service
support for the new ____________. Jackie Hall,
B. Comfortable seats
spokesperson for the association, says _______
C. Lower prices
___________ are happy to see this much-needed
D. Shorter travel times
upgrade and anticipate a boost to their industry.

85. Who does the speaker say is pleased with

the news?

A. Local mayors

B. Airline pilots

C. Tourism professionals

D. Construction supervisors

86-88 86. Who most likely are the listeners?

Welcome to this morning's seminar for ________ A. Teachers

___________. Today we'll be discussing B. Lawyers
strategies for negotiating contracts between you C. Writers
and your ___________. I know some people are
D. Publishers
still ___ __________, but another conference is
scheduled to begin here at one o'clock. So, let's
87. What does the speaker mean when he says,
__________ some administrative details. As you
"another conference is scheduled to begin here
know, the ___________ was included in your
registration, so I have _______ for everyone. I'll at 1:00"?
come around and hand those out now. Just show A. He wants to start the session now.
it to the attendant on your way out and you B. He is recommending an event.
won't be charged.
C. A presentation will need to be canceled.

D. The room will need to be cleaned.

88. What will the speaker distribute to the


A. Parking passes

B. Training materials

C. A sign-up sheet

D. A conference schedule
89-91 89. What does the speaker say about the
OK, the next topic I want to discuss is staffing.
A. It acquired additional contracts.
First of all, the management team knows how
hard you've all been working in the ___________ B. It launched a product.

___________ department, and we want to say C. It appointed a new president.

thank you. The company has grown a lot over the D. It started a charity fund.
last year-we've doubled our ________________!
Because of this, we've decided to ___________
90. According to the speaker, what decision was
_____________ to help with the workload in our recently made?
department. We recently posted the openings A. To move a company overseas
online, but uh, we're hoping to fill these positions B. To remodel an office
as soon as possible. So, if you can ___________
C. To upgrade technology
___________ who meets the qualifications,
D. To hire more staff
please contact me at your earliest convenience.

91. What does the speaker ask the listeners to


A. Attend a workshop

B. Make recommendations

C. Sign a contract

D. Submit a list of questions

92-94 92. What is the talk mostly about?

Thanks for listening to Radio KVS. I want to A. A concert series

remind all our listeners that our free summer B. A music award
_________________ starts next week. The first C. A television show
show'll feature legendary __________ Dimitri
D. A guest speaker
Phillips, performing with ___________, so this
will be a big event! The performance is next
93. What does the speaker imply when he says,
Wednesday in Salsbury Park, beginning at seven,
"this will be a big event"?
but make sure you ______________ for your free
A. A review was positive.
ticket. Attendees can bring in their own food and
drink, but certain items are prohibited. For _____ B. A performer is very popular.
_________ of what is allowed in the park, check C. Tickets are sold out
out the park department Web site. And if you D. An event venue is too small.
can't make this show, there will be many concerts
throughout the summer.
94. Why does the speaker suggest that listeners
visit a Web site?

A. To read a promotional brochure

B. To access an event schedule

C. To pay for registration in advance

D. To check a list of approved items


Before we talk about our _____________ from

this year, let me say ____________________
with the success that Susie's Online Clothing
Boutique has been having. When
_________________ last year, I was not sure how
well it would do, but the results show that we've
95. What is the main topic of the meeting?
exceeded our goal! Of course, there's always
A. A magazine article
room for ___________. We know our biggest
B. A company merger
rival is Fashion Plus. This chart compares features
C. Clothing trends
of the two companies. If we want to be
competitive, we'll have to offer all D. Sales results

______________. So, let's talk about what we

can add to our services so that we can keep up 96. Who most likely is the speaker?
with Fashion Plus. A. A shipping supervisor

B. A marketing consultant

C. A business owner

D. A fashion reporter
97. Look at the graphic. What will the speaker
most likely discuss next?

A. Reducing product prices

B. Not charging for shipping

C. Offering different styles

D. Changing a Web site


Welcome to the __________________________

at Tockney Nature Center. We're happy that
you'll be guiding our bird-watching tours! Behind
me there's a trail map of the Nature Center. We'll
be walking down trail two so I can show you
some interesting spots to ___________. You can
use the other trails as well, ___________ this trail
98. Who is the talk intended for?
right here because there's a family of bald
A. Nature photographers
_________ nesting nearby. For the first time, the
B. City officials
Center's collaborating with the state university on
a ______________________ about eagles. We've C. New park employees

positioned a live camera on one tree there, and D. University students

we don't want anything to disturb the birds for
the duration of the study. 99. Look at the graphic. Which trail is closed to

A. Trail 1

B. Trail 2

C. Trail 3

D. Trail 4

100. What project is the Center participating in?

A. A series of seminars on wildlife conservation

B. A research study on a bird species

C. An annual clean-up day

D. A program to plant more trees

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