I5 2 Entry Test

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Entry Test

NAME _____________________________________________ DATE _______________

CLASS _____________________________________________ MARK _______________

(Time 50 minutes)

1 Choose the correct item.

1 Betty ______________________ chocolate. 13 What time _________________________ it?

A loves B love C is loving A is B are C isn’t

2 Every morning he ________ a big breakfast. 14 Is this yours?

A having B have C has A No, it’s Dan.
B No, it’s Dan’s.
3 I do my homework __________ the evening.
C Not for Dan.
A on B in C at
15 _____________ listening to his MP3 player?
4 _________________ are the children doing?
A Is he B He is C Does he
A What B Who C Where
16 Can you play ________________________?
5 _________________________ dress is red.
A surfing B skiing
A Her B She C Hers
C basketball
6 Does Billy get up early on Saturdays?
17 ________________________ live in oceans.
No, ________________________________ .
A Cheetahs B Sharks C Lizards
A he doesn’t B he isn’t C he can’t
18 You can buy carrots at the _____________ .
7 ________________________ you like milk?
A greengrocer’s B baker’s C bank
A Are B Do C Does
19 Don’t forget your ______________ ! It’s very
8 Mario is _________________________ Italy.
cold today.
A from B for C of
A pyjamas B slippers C scarf
9 Derek ______________________ curly hair.
20 A _________________________ fixes cars.
A can B has got
A mechanic B pilot C chef
C is having
21 Sam gets up ____________ half past seven.
10 Is she making the bed? Yes, she ________ .
A in B on C at
A making B is C does
22 My favourite subject is ________________ .
11 Let’s listen to music on the _____________ .
A football B History
A radio B bedroom C cooker
C spaghetti
12 Can you help me set the_______________?
23 Let’s go swimming! It’s ____________ today.
A dishes B bed C table
A hot B cold C raining

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Entry Test
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE _______________
CLASS _____________________________________________ MARK _______________

(Time 50 minutes)

24 Mum is baking a cake in the ____________ . A will B can

A living room B bathroom C kitchen C are going

25 ______________________ the weather like? 38 We’re going to camp in a ______________ .

A When’s B What’s C Where’s A map B rucksack C tent

26 There isn’t _____________ milk in the fridge.

A any B some C no

27 You ________________ make a lot of noise!

A aren’t B haven’t C mustn’t

28 I need a _______________________ of milk.

A jar B carton C loaf

29 I must go to the dentist. I’ve got a ________ .

A toothache B cold
C headache

30 Cheetahs are faster _______________ lions.

A from B for C than

31 Tina is _________________ girl in the class.

A the tallest B the taller C tall

32 I __________________ very tired yesterday.

A were B am C was

33 I’m _________ . Can I have a glass of water,

A thirsty B hungry C late

34 Kings and queens _______ here a long time

A live B living C lived

35 Leonardo da Vinci was a famous _______ .

A athlete B artist C writer

36 _________________ Anna? She’s my sister.

A Whose B Who’s C How’s

37 In the future, we ____________ fly to school!

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Entry Test
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE _______________
CLASS _____________________________________________ MARK _______________

(Time 50 minutes)

39 Look! There are two ______ under the chair! A can B carton C packet
A mouse B mice C mouses
53 He’s _______________ student in the class.
40 I have an English lesson _______ six o’clock. A the worst B worse
A for B at C in C the worse

41 We’ve got ___________________ chocolate.

A some B any C many

42 What ______________________________?
A doing she B is she doing
C she is doing

43 ___________________________ is my CD?
A Who B When C Where

44 What do you have for breakfast __________

the morning?
A in B on C at

45 Are there __________ apples in the kitchen?

A some B any C nothing

46 The honey is in the ___________________ .

A cupboard B mirror
C wardrobe

47 Your books are _______________ the table.

A at B for C on

48 Are they playing football? No, they _______ .

A isn’t B aren’t C not

49 The ball is going ____________ the window!

A out B into C over

50 How _____________________ is this dress?

A pounds B many C much

51 ______________ across the road, never run.

A Walk B Walks C Walking

52 I need a __________ of flour and some cola.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Entry Test
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE _______________
CLASS _____________________________________________ MARK _______________

(Time 50 minutes)

54 Where _________________ you yesterday? 67 Jane likes ____________________ pictures.

A are B were C was A paints B painting C paint

55 ‘D’ is the ___________ letter of the alphabet.

A four B forty C fourth

56 They’re from Ireland. ____________ names

are Fiona and Patrick.
A Their B They’re C They

57 Cindy __________________ long curly hair.

A got B has got C have got

58 Can you help me with my homework? Sorry,

I __________________________________.
A can’t B am not C can

59 You need a net to play ________________ .

A baseball B hockey C tennis

60 The bank is __________ to the supermarket.

A next B opposite C between

61 Where is the police ___________________?

A office B station C shop

62 How ______ are these gloves? They’re £12.

A many B often C much

63 Can you play ________________________?

A the piano B piano
C the pianos

64 I love these blue ______________________!

A scarf B scarfs C scarves

65 Does Timmy like fish? Yes, he __________ .

A does B likes C is

66 Ted wants to be an astronaut. His favourite

subject is ___________________________.
A Music B Art C Maths

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Entry Test
NAME _____________________________________________ DATE _______________
CLASS _____________________________________________ MARK _______________

(Time 50 minutes)

68 Sue gets up at _______________ every day. A some B a C any

A half past seven
75 ______________________ healthy are you?
B seven past half
A How B Who C What
C past half seven
76 I’ve got a toothache. You should see a ____.
69 You _________ drop litter in the countryside.
A writer B dentist
A should B must C mustn’t
C composer
70 That’s our teacher, Mr Smith. Look
77 A giraffe is__________________ than a lion.
at _________________________________ .
A taller B tall
A he B him C his
C the tallest
71 __________________________ the matter?
78 Camels live in the ____________________ .
A What’s B Who’s C How’s
A ocean B desert C jungle
72 Nuts ______________ a very healthy snack.
79 There ___________ five children in the park
A is B be C are
73 There are _____________ of strawberries in A were B was C are
the salad.
80 ____________________ listening to music?
A many B a lot C much
A You are B You C Are you
74 Is there ______________ juice in the fridge?

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