Paradigm's RWBY TTRPG - Headmaster's Guide Volume 1 (V1.4) Double Spread

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This is a fan-made RWBY Tabletop RPG
and is not endorsed by Rooster Teeth. This is for fans,
by fans and completely free! 5. Your Role as GM
5. Enrich The World
5. You Are The Final Judge
Thank you for taking a look at Paradigm’s RWBY TTRPG system! 6. Share The Spotlight
If you’re reading this, you’re probably the Game Master (GM). The 6. Safe Space
6. Establish Structure
Headmaster’s Guide is an independent curation of content and the tenets 7. Trust Your Players
of my own personal experience as a Game Master to provide satisfying 7. A Rough Campaign Blueprint
experiences for Players. It is required that you understand and read the
player document from Paradigm’s RWBY TTRPG system, the Huntsmen’s
8 Your Toolkit
The following pages will guide you on creating the most fun experience 8. NPCs
for your table. Remember, rules are guidelines and a GM may always 8. Responses
modify content to fit their table and situation. 9. Selecting Difficulty
10. Rewards & Progression

14 Encounter Design
14. Social Encounters
15. Combat Encounters
15. Phased Combat Encounters
15. Roleplay your Encounters
15. Designing Combat Encounters
16. Example Entity
17. Entity Actions
18. Building Custom Abilities
19. Abilities
20. Special Rules
23. Types

24. Simple Encounters
28. Average Encounters
36. Intermediate Encounters
40. Advanced Encounters
49. Expert Encounters
54. Legendary Encounters

2 3
Game Master “You've been burdened with a daunting Running the Game
responsibility, Ruby. I advise you take some time to Your Role as GM
think about how you will uphold it. “ So, you’ve decided that you want to run a game or have an idea that is bursting out from your head to share. Inspiration
from the source material and its spinoffs can create a plethora of stories. As the GM, you view the story from multiple
lenses. You create the environment, the cities, the Non-Player Characters, and the broader narrative. It sounds daunting!
Fear not, this guide will set you up for success and walk you through the foundational elements of being a GM for
For aspiring Game Masters. this document will provide you a start on Paradigm’s RWBY TTRPG.
Running a game using the design methods I have used to run my Enrich The World
Campaigns. You are always Welcome to adjust the values or As GM, you paint the picture of the world and the people your players meet. Storytelling is a unique art, allowing
imagination to fill in the blanks while you focus on what should garner the attention of the players. Players will ask you
concepts here To better suit your game. questions about the world; it’s your job to answer those questions, or even return the favor and allow a shared building
experience as they come up with an answer.

Don’t fret about being a world-class writer of descriptions or details that you only read in textbooks. Set your attention on
what matters to you and your table. Every individual contributes to making each episode fun and interesting. The
responsibility does not solely rest upon your shoulders.

Become inspired by the source material. Re-create and reimagine your favorite scenes from RWBY, or leverage the
source material as a starting place with easily remembered locals such as Beacon Academy. You may want to be more
adventurous and branch out to stories untold such as the sands of Vacuo or the undercity of Mistral. Resolve bigger
picture events "off-screen". Events like this are too large for Player Characters to resolve directly, like "Who wins the
election in Vale"" or "Did the city south of Mistral successfully fend off the Grimm attack?"It is your job to resolve things
“off-screen” when the Player Characters are not around to act. This often includes deciding conflicts that are too large for
the Player Characters to resolve directly, like “Who wins the election in Vale” or “Did the city south of Mistral successfully
fend off the Grimm attack that the Player Characters heard mention of?”

Most importantly, you build the tension and decide when and where dangers arise. It is your responsibility to paint a
picture for your players to interact with that feels believable and meaningful to the world of Remnant. Challenges,
conflicts, and problems are the main sources of drama and character development opportunities. After all, the Player
Characters can’t be heroes unless they have a chance to be the best Huntsmen they can be and have a wild adventure!

You Are The Final Judge

Ultimately, you set the precedent as GM. Does it sound reasonable that a Player Character would have the knowledge to
attempt an action? Can a character’s acrobatics stretch as far as the player describes?

When a player interacts with the world and sets an event into motion, the other players have opportunities to describe
how their characters react. Decide how these interactions resolve and what impacts they make upon the current episode
and overarching story. Sometimes a player will inform you of their intentions or goals. Take these discussions and
consider if it fits within the scope of the current episode, themes, and larger events at play.

If a Player Character attempts to perform something uncertain, risky, dangerous, or outlandish, chances are the preced-
ent has not been set on what is within the realm of possibility in your world of Remnant.. Everyone at the table does not
possess the same concept of what is in the realm of possibility and not. It is up to you to set the precedent and in some
cases, there’s no doubt what will happen next.

For example, if a Player Character wants to blast a new chunk off the shattered moon with their weapon, that’s almost
certainly impossible. If they want to show off to a Non-Player Character and obtain their attention, then that certainly
deserves a chance at possibly succeeding by quickly utilizing a Difficulty Check.

What if a Player Character attempts to perform something that there are no rules for, or offers an alternate method to
leverage an existing skill or Asset they possess? Make sure you understand what a Player Character’s intention is first.
This is for you, the GM, to resolve and determine the outcome of. Always try to meet someone halfway. If you have any
hesitation, try to find a compromise in a solution and keep the game moving. A common solution may be to provide
advantage to the Action. Nothing is more of a detriment to a game than sitting around and having to thumb through
pages of a book and debate while the rogue Huntsmen is getting away! If you make a mistake, move forward and keep
the game moving! We are human. Not machines. Everyone is bound to make a mistake and everyone at the table should
have an open mind to be understanding when this occurs.

Running the Game Running the Game
Nobody can predict the actions or reactions that may occur while playing an episode. A great start is to have an Episode As a GM, it is your job to ensure that the collection of ideas creates your table's own unique RWBY tale, be that ideas become
0 where you, as the GM, have a candid conversation with the players and discuss the elements and themes you want to side adventures into another Player Character’s backstory or even tie into the overarching narrative you have outlined. The
touch on in your game. Describe what type of content you are willing to accept and run. Keeping in mind the world of hardest part of being a GM is carefully placing each puzzle piece in a manner that will resemble a finished image. Sure you may
Remnant, this is a world where futuristic technology, magical abilities, and incredibly durable individuals exist. If you’d like stumble upon the way, but experience is the best teacher when it comes to improving your GM skills.
to turn the world of Remnant on its head and place the world in a more medieval setting, go for it! Ensure that you
communicate this clearly to players so that the players’ expectations and yours are aligned. Be consistent with the precedents you set. Extenuating circumstances may change your judgment from time to time, but such
scenarios should be rare. Consistency is key! Nothing is more frustrating and confusing for players if you rule something

Share The Spotlight multiple ways over the course of the episode. This goes doubly so for campaigns!

The game is only fun when the entire table is participating and able to be heard while impacting the game. As GM, make
it a top priority to check in often and ensure everyone feels safe to participate. You may have 1 or more players that are
Trust Your Players
quieter than others. You are the final judge and dictate how the world interacts and works. Call out these Player There’s already a lot on your plate as a GM from creating the next episode, managing Non-Player Characters, crafting Assets,
Characters and shine the light on them. Provide these Player Characters an opportunity to speak for a conversation or and more. Trust in your players that they are managing their character sheets, specializations, Assets, and themselves. You do
ask what their character may be doing or how they’re interacting with the environment you just described. not need to audit or scrutinize their sheets. Sometimes a rule or effect will be misplayed. But, there’s no reason to chastise
someone, especially if it’s their first mistake (GMs included!). Be understanding and always provide the benefit of the doubt. In

safe Space the end, you’re all just running through a story knitted together by the randomization of dice when there is an unknown answer.
As a remarkable Beacon headmaster had once proclaimed, perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten;
things that require a smaller, more honest soul.
I encourage the use of safety tools to help steer the game in a direction where everyone is comfortable with playing.
Episode 0, a communal planning session, once again goes a long way in making sure everyone is on the same page
when it comes to what type of content is expected to be encountered. While we cannot predict everything that may
happen during an episode, there are plenty of safety tools available to assist in making the game a safe place to play in.
A Rough Campaign Blueprint
Below are a few common tools that you may leverage. Integrate your player’s backstories into the campaign. Leave enough room for your story to grow and leverage player-created
content such as NPCs for rivals, adversaries, allies, and more!
Lines and Veils
Lines and Veils, originally developed by Ron Edwards, assists the table in understanding what is eligible for exploration Establish large overarching events to shake up the world your players reside in. Use these moments to catapult them into
during games and what is not. This is a great subject to add into any Episode 0 that you commit to scheduling. impactful decisions for the world. You might not know how you will get to one of these large events, however, that’s what your
players will help you do. Their Player Character actions will assist in folding events and elements into the larger narrative.
Lines are scenes, elements, descriptions, and any other form of content that you do not cross while playing. It’s not
necessarily that the content does not occur in the world, but in the story that you specifically are telling, it will never be After completing an episode, make sure you have a clear direction on the focus of the Player Characters, and continue to build
given attention. your next episode on their actions and the subsequent results. Weave the decisions and drop hints and elements of the
overarching story into each episode. It will fuel the mystery and excitement!
Veils are subjects that can exist in your game but you never cover them in detail. They may be alluded to or suggested,
but never given detail or intense scrutiny. Continue to check in while a campaign progresses to make sure everyone has been able to participate in content that they find
enjoyable, whether it be roleplay, combat, story, etc.
Every group will be different on what will be acceptable content to approach and what will be off limits. Read more about
the Lines and Veils at

The X-Card, originally developed by John Stavropoulos, allows anyone at the table to edit out content that may be
uncomfortable as play progresses. Create a card by using an index card or sheet of paper. Draw an X on it and place it
somewhere accessible to the entire table. This is the table’s X-Card. If anyone is uncomfortable with content within the
game out-of-character, they can simply point, tap, gesture, or take the X-Card.

The moment the X-Card is invoked, everyone stops playing immediately. The player who invoked the X-Card is not
required to explain the reason why it was invoked, but must at least indicate what content they would like to change,
remove, or skip. As a GM, it is your responsibility to understand exactly what invoked the X-Card so that the game can
be adjusted accordingly. Place the X-Card back in an accessible location, resume at an appropriate location in the game,
and continue playing.

Read more about the X-Card at

Establish Structure
Your games will not be clean or go according to plan. Nobody knows how Player Characters may act during an episode.
The responsibility is challenging because you are telling a story with multiple perspectives and narrators, each contrib-
uting their own direction to the game as it progresses.

NPC’s ● Reduce Damage, Effectiveness, Etc
If a Player Character would attempt to assist ill fate from befalling an Ally, you may reduce damage, the effectiveness of the
adverse Action, or even defeat the threat entirely. Reduce damage equivalent to the Action / 10. This may also be used
Non-Player Characters breathe life and immersion into your world for the players, providing them a lens of insight into a against Player Characters, causing first aid to be more difficult. In this case, you can reduce the healing effectiveness of first
situation. Remember, you control the information disseminated to your players to help guide, direct, and support them aid or stimulants by a static amount or an amount equivalent to an Action / 10.
while they act to accomplish their goals. You will need to craft a number of NPCs that your players will encounter as they
adventure through Remnant. ● Reduce Difficulty
Instead of providing Advantage, you may opt to reduce the difficulty by allowing the assisting Player Character to roll a Skill
To get started, here are three common types of NPCs leveraged below: Check or another appropriate Action as well. Reduce the difficulty equivalent to the assisting Player Character’s Action / 10.

Adversarial NPC
A character with antagonistic values and motivations compared to the overall sentiment of the Player Characters. While
adversarial NPCs do not need to be in direct and open conflict, they can also be rivals or competition. Perhaps the team
setting Difficulty
of Player Characters is racing to beat another team attempting to retrieve a special item during a scavenger hunt? The estimation of difficulty to the average Huntsmen is measured with the following categorizations. By no means is this set in
Adversarial NPCs may leverage a character sheet or be built utilizing the tools outlined later in this document for building stone and it may be altered. These recommendations are simply to give you a starting place to baseline difficulty for your group.
NPC Entities. The standard difficulty of obstacles equivalent to Huntsmen ranges from 15-19 starting at level 1.

Guidance NPC Simple

A character who provides information and is a sounding board for Player Characters to consult as needed. At times the A task that has been practiced enough for an individual to easily repeat. However, there are times when even simple repetition
team may feel stuck or not sure what they can do or where they can go. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce a will not be enough to stop an occasional fumble. The Player Character may still be training this skill.
Guidance NPC that can provide the team with a mission, a quest, a job, etc. It is imperative that you allow the Player
Characters agency while making plans or discussing their next steps. You may provide hints and tips. GMs should never Average
decide how the team should approach or tackle a situation unless specifically asked to do so. Even when asked how to A task that is challenging places a Player Character’s skills and training to the test, requiring them to perform with their own
do so, frame it from the perspective of the NPC that they are merely speculating on a possible solution to the Player prowess to achieve a goal. This is considered as the standard level of skill for Huntsmen and Huntresses.
Characters’ challenge rather than a direct answer to ensure player agency in the scenario.
Supporting NPC A task that is above the skills of an average Huntsman or Huntress. Intermediate tasks are for those daring enough to try
An individual who has access to resources that the players characters do not. This could be a character who has something new, but still plausible.
knowledge of technological or engineering skills. Perhaps the team needs someone that can tune up their gear or find
them the best products to use on future missions. Maybe the team has lost a member and an NPC fills in a role that is Advanced
missing such as a supporter or healing-type character. As a general guide, do not make supporting NPCs stronger than A task that a Player Character has not performed before or has had little experience with. This may be a very complex idea that
Player Characters. At most, make them even if you expect them to see combat. If there is a necessity to make a requires teamwork.
supporting NPC stronger due to their position or role such as a professor, ensure that the NPC only supports the Player
Characters. Let the Player Characters keep their agency. Expert
A task requires intimate knowledge of the subject and all of its nuances. This is reserved only for tasks that a Player Character

Responses has honed and focused their time mastering.

When Player Characters take action, you will be faced with providing an answer to their actions. This is your opportunity A task that is so incredible to accomplish that individuals will speak about it as rumors or myths. Only near impossible tasks
to shed some light into the world, the story, or to provide an adventuring hook. Understand what the Player Characters should be assigned any difficulty at Legendary.
are trying to do or accomplish and present options to achieve the objective. Actions could include asking to hack a
terminal to open a locked door or searching for a vent that a Player Character could sneak into to unlock the door from
the other side. While you may not have thought of these questions or ideas, don’t immediately jump to an answer of
“That doesn’t exist” unless there’s a good reason for it such as an extremely secure vault of laboratory secrets. Provide
Difficulty Table
players the power to circumvent obstacles and you’ll find your table enjoying the game at every turn.
Simple = 10-14
Skill Checks
Request a Skill Check leveraging the Difficulty table. The difficulty is subjective to the GM and the table is merely a Average = 15-19
starting guide for you. Use your best judgment. A friendly team member may attempt to provide assistance or the
environment may be proving to be difficult in navigating. Use the following as a baseline to modify Skill Checks from Intermediate = 20-24
Actions taken by Player Characters.
Advanced = 25-29
● Advantage/Disadvantage
The quickest and easiest modifier to apply when a Player Character assists during an action is Advantage. Con- Expert = 30-34
versely, it is just as quick and easy to apply Disadvantage when there is a negative influence on the player action
that would cause it to be much more difficult than normal. Legendary = 35+
● Provide Partial Success
Sometimes when a player has saved up their resource to perform their Signature Action, the result would be a
failure. Depending on the situation, contemplate providing partial success by halving the damage, effectiveness, or Groups looking to venture forth as established Huntsmen and Huntresses may want to use level 4 as their starting point to provide
another attribute so that it’s not an entirely bad feeling moment.
additional bonuses to begin a game with.

Rewards And Progression Middle Campaign
300 - Standard Aura Stimulant
Outside of leveling, there are a variety of assets that can be awarded to player characters for succeeding in a task or 300 - Standard Health Stimulant
request from an NPC. You may even provide them rewards up front as a good faith payment in some cases. Below are 700 - Standard Adrenaline Stimulant
some rewards types that can be leveraged to encourage your table to continue their stories and give each of the Player 400 - Steroid Stimulant
Characters something to work towards. These recommendations are simply to give an idea of how you can structure 400 - Concentration Stimulant
progression and accomplishments. 400 - Finesse Stimulant
400 - Fortification Stimulant
Single Episode Completion 400 - Clarity Stimulant
An Episodic reward does not need to be large, often taking the form of some extra Lien or a juicy slip of information to 400 - Sensory Stimulant
lead them on to the next piece of a mystery. 5,000-10,000 - Vehicle
1,000-1,500 - Custom Asset
Multiple Episode Completion 1,500-2,500 - Specialization (Weapon and Vehicle Specializations make most sense to be purchased!)
After 2-6 Episodes, or a particularly significant challenge, Player Characters should be rewarded with a level up. A
recommended method is milestone leveling, which removes unnecessary grinding. Milestone leveling does not utilize XP Late Campaign
and relies on story elements and Player Character actions to determine when a good place for advancement presents 600 - High Grade Aura Stimulant
itself. 600 - High Grade Health Stimulant
800 - Full Aura Stimulant
Arc Completion 800 - Full Health Stimulant
Completing an Arc should reward the Player Characters with something unique. Awarding a unique Asset alongside a 1,500 - High Grade Adrenaline Stimulant
Destiny point is a good start to making your Players feel satisfied and accomplished.

Assets Assistance
Instead of acquiring an Asset, Player Characters may enlist a fellow huntsman or huntress for help for dangerous missions.
You are always able to change both an Asset’s value and its availability as you see fit. Provide different locations to Ensure you have a character sheet or two at the ready with a Non-Player Character’s attributes setup. Alternatively, you may
purchase Assets, with more unlocking as the Player Characters progress. Below are recommendations on Lien prices as simply leverage a Non-Player Character in a manner that would provide others an advantage.
well as when certain Assets should become available during the length of a campaign. Remember to keep the quantity of
these items available as there’s more than just the Player Characters in need of such resources! Rolling a D10 to
determine the volume of available items is one way to establish a seller’s inventory. Information
Early Campaign Are your Player Characters investigating a mystery? Instead of material compensation, information or a tip to another piece of
150 - Basic Aura Stimulant the mystery may be more helpful or sought after. Consider providing a cryptic set of clues, hints, or even curated handouts you
150 - Basic Health Stimulant have created to give Player Characters new information to piece together, discuss, and collaborate on how to proceed in their
125 - Antidote Stimulant investigation.
175 - Filtered Serum Stimulant
200 - Basic Adrenaline Stimulant
250 - Atlas A-5 Grenade
1,000-1,500 - Dust (Randomize the colors of Dust available and keep the world moving!)
Lien awarded for completing a mission or contract should be proportional to the difficulty. It is an easy reward to rapidly draft up
during an Episode and players enjoy the flexibility it provides.

Random Rewards
For Players looking to go off and explore or help an NPC, you can reward them with something else other than Lien. Think
about looking at the Assets provided in the Huntsmen’s Handbook as rewards. For the Players looking to go off and explore, you
can reward them with something other than Lien. Consider creating unique Assets for your interpretation of the world and
setting. When rewarding Lien in a randomized way, try rolling a number of D10s equivalent to the difficulty and multiply the result
by 10.

Crafting Standard Health Stimulant personal Motorbike
Crafting Assets is recommended to be performed in a Campaign setting only. Decide what category of Asset you would Type: Consumable Asset Type: Permanent Asset
like to craft. It is recommended to allow a Player one Asset to craft at a time and may require each other to help in the Materials Materials
endeavor with more complex Assets. Crafting an Asset should feel significant and an accomplishment. Crafted ● Hardware (100 Lien) ● Motorbike Chassis (2000 Lien)
Consumable Assets shouldn’t become relied on or stockpiled to keep the impact of these items high. It is the re- ● Herbal Serum (200 Lien) ● Hardware (1600 Lien)
sponsibility of the GM to ensure that craftable Assets do not overshadow rewards and vice versa. ● Electronics (1500 Lien)
Tasks ● Textiles (500 Lien)
Complexity ● Formula Synthesis ● Dust Battery (3000 Lien)
Based on the Asset selected, the GM may roll dice to determine the effort required to complete a crafting step of the First Aid: 0/2 Effort ● Filtered Dust (1000 Lien)
Asset or set a static number of points required to complete that step.
● Stimulant Construction Tasks
Materials Expertise: 0/3 Effort ● Design & Schematics
Material Assets are required to craft an item. There should be 2 or more materials required to craft an Asset. A GM may Engineering: 0/10 Effort
dream up their own materials or use generic examples for an Asset listed below. Costs must be assigned to each Atlas A-5 Grenade Expertise: 0/5 Effort
material. Use your best judgment when determining the Lien required to obtain these materials. Type: Consumable Asset
● Dust Materials ● Intricate Machinery Assembly
● Hardware ● Explosive Compounds (200 Lien) Engineering: 0/8 Effort
● Electronics ● Hardware (100 Lien)
● Textiles ● Motor Body Assembly
Tasks Carry: 0/8 Effort
A recommended total cost of Lien to obtain all materials is outlined below: ● Explosive Mixing Force: 0/5 Effort
● 2-5 Total Effort: Total Material Cost = (Total Effort / 2) x 100 Expertise: 0/2 Effort Engineering: 0/5 Effort
● 6-10 Total Effort: Total Material Cost = (Total Effort / 2) x 200
● 11+ Total Effort: Total Material Cost = (Total Effort / 2) x 300 ● Casing Construction ● Calibration
Engineering: 0/3 Effort Reflex: 0/5 Effort
Tasks Performance: 0/5 Effort
Having the Materials doesn’t mean you know how they all go together! Apply your diligence and experience to refine your Magnetic Dust Expertise: 0/4 Effort
Materials. It is recommended that there should be at least 2 or more Tasks to craft an Asset. Assign 1 or more Skill Type: Weapon Specialization or Dust Weaver Specialization
Checks to each Task. Each Skill Check must be given an Effort value. Each Skill Check for a task starts with 0 Once per Episode, you may perform a Reload Action for free ● Final Assembly
Completed Effort. It is GM discretion on what types of Skill Checks will be required for each Task. when your Capacity becomes 0 if Dust was infused. All other Tasks must be completed before the Final Assembly can be
Materials performed.

CRAFTING Process ● Filtered Dust (750 Lien)

● Hardware (250 Lien)
Carry: 0/3 Effort
Force: 0/3 Effort
Engineering: 0/3 Effort
Groundwork Tasks
Player Character(s) may elect an existing Asset to craft or may request a custom Asset/Specialization. Work with your ● Prototyping
Player(s) to develop something cool and unique. It is on you as the GM to ensure that the item is balanced in relation to Expertise: 0/4 Effort
its cost and length of time to complete.
● Dust Magnetization
Development Dust: 0/3 Effort
Once the required materials have been acquired by purchase, favors, rewards, or other means, a Player Character may
use free time available to work on their Asset. It is recommended that a Player Character may only work on the ● Component Adaptation
development of their Asset once per Episode. Allow the Player Character to determine the Task(s) they wish to progress. Engineering: 0/3 Effort
A Player Character may select a number of Tasks equal to half the total number of Tasks required to complete their Asset
each Episode. For example, if 3 Tasks are required to complete an Asset, the Player Character may elect 2 to work on.

Perform each Skill Check under the Task. Add the value of the Skill Check / 10 to the Completed Effort value. Once a
Player Character has met or exceeded the Effort value of the Skill Check, that Skill Check is completed for the Task.
Ex. A Player Character is performing a Task that requires an Expertise Skill Check that has an Effort value of 3. The
Expertise Skill Check is rolled resulting in an 18. Add 2 Points to the Completed Effort for that Skill Check.

Another Character may assist you while crafting! The Character assisting also rolls Skill Checks along with the crafting
Player Character. Add the value of the assisting Character’s Skill Check / 10 to your Skill Check. If an NPC is being
leveraged that does not utilize a Character Sheet, the Player Character rolls Skill Checks with Advantage instead.

● A Task is complete once each Skill Check for that Task has a Completed Effort equal to or greater than the Effort.
● An Asset is completed and available to the Player Character once all Tasks have been completed.
● A Critical Success immediately completes all the required Effort for that Skill Check.
● Keep track of the Completed Effort you have made on each Task’s Skill Checks as it carries over to each Episode!

Encounter Design Encounter Design
Social Encounters Combat Encounters
Combat is great, but not all conflicts or disagreements are won with a weapon or fists. Think about how to incorporate an Below you will find examples of profiles for Entities that can be used in a Combat Encounter. The Beowolf profile is great for any
environment and scenario to facilitate a Social Encounter. Good examples would be a council meeting, a dinner party, or number of Player Characters while stronger enemies such as the Alpha Beowolf and Nevermore are more advised for a certain
a diplomatic mission to another Kingdom. A Social Encounter can even follow a Combat Encounter. Not all Social number of Player Character participants. Challenges are labeled with a variety of difficulty levels. Simple is the lowest difficulty
Encounters may be with NPCs. Sometimes a group could be tasked with infiltrating a location and performing a heist. and the recommended encounter for new players to the game where RoC is not required to prevail. Average and Intermediate
This involves Player Characters fighting the environment more than NPCs and also a great way to promote collaboration encounters start to incorporate additional mechanics and some RoC use may be necessary. Advanced encounters will require
between Team Members as they lean on each other’s strengths. good use of RoC, teamwork, use of all of your Specializations, and Assets to be successful. Expert encounters require the most
efficient use of all of your resources and allies’ strengths to emerge with victory. Character Defeat is likely in Advanced and
When creating your cast of NPCs or deciding which NPCs will play a large part in a Social Encounter, take note of what Expert Encounters. Legendary encounters are “Raid-Boss” level Entities with very unique mechanics and rely on experienced
information each of them possesses, what information they are willing to share, sell, and what information they intend to players to fully leverage the Rule of Cool mechanic. There is a high chance of failure and defeat against an Entity of this caliber.
hide. Make exorbitant use of description and body language to assist Players in determining someone’s motives, For stronger Encounters, always consider utilizing a Special Rule that slows down the use of Signature Actions so that the
although don’t over exaggerate these! When evaluating your NPCs, make sure you take into consideration any factions Encounter will present a threat and challenge to the Players.
they may have ties with. Factions can range from government groups to an organization of rogue Huntsmen and
Huntresses. This helps to construct faceted Social Encounters, and Players can play multiple sides in order to investigate
and obtain the information they’re searching for. PHASED Combat Encounters
Make sure you have events or elements that will raise the tension of the situation. These elements usually tie into any Throwing in some of the example Encounters or your own variations is great, but let’s kick it up to the next level and introduce a
major overarching story you may be telling or could tie into Character backstories to help drive immersion and Player method I use often when constructing Combat Encounters with memorable foes. Once a team of Player Characters begins to
investment. You could bring a Character in from a Player Character’s childhood that they haven’t seen in years, or become more powerful and gain access to more Assets to help them stay alive longer in combat, you can start introducing
maybe an antagonist that the Players believed to be long gone. Be prepared when adding in scenarios on the fly as they reinforcements or even phases to your Combat Encounters. Here’s just one example outlined below.
can quickly turn into Combat Encounters if you are not prepared. It all depends on how the Social Encounter is framed
and the moral compasses of your Player Characters. Phase 1: A new Atlas Prototype Mechanized Battlesuit is encountered. It utilizes a mixture of energy cannons and missiles to
assail its opponents.
Social Encounters are one of your greatest tools as a GM to continue to build your story and flesh out the world. It will
give you insight into what Player Characters want to pursue and what they are less likely to find interest in. It can help Phase Transition: Immediately when brought to a health threshold such as 50%, provide a flavorful description of the Battlesuit
direct where the story will go next while providing an additional layer or set of Encounters in the future that you may not powering up or engaging additional systems. Clear any Detrimental Status Effects from the Battlesuit.
have thought of independently. Some questions to think on are the repercussions of how the Player Characters act, and
what courses of actions may they take. Phase 2: Add new abilities to the Mechanized Battlesuit during its second phase. Deploy a variety of drones that both assail
other Characters and support the Prototype Mechanized Battlesuit. Support Drones could repair Damage inflicted, provide a
Social Encounters require some planning and a good amount of improvisation. They often can lead to Combat situations. protective Barrier that prevents Ranged Damage, or even provide additional fire support. Be creative! Make sure to engage new
Take into consideration who might be involved and keep some NPC profiles on standby just in case things do begin to weapon systems as well in this mode. Consider a 1 time Attack that can cause massive Damage.
veer towards violence.


When you take control of Entities that Player Characters will fight, take into consideration the types of Entities you are playing
as. Are they mindless Beowolves? In that case, they would likely make the closest Player Character their Target, or even a poor
defenseless citizen. Larger creatures, such as the Nevermore or Death Stalker may be a bit more intelligent and Attack the
Character that dealt them the most Damage in the previous Turn. Hostile Humans or Faunus would be able to identify who may
be the biggest threat to them. They would even have self preservation at the top of their mind and potentially attempt to flee
from a situation that is no longer in their favor to fight again another day. It is unlikely all Entities would perform the same Ability
as each other repeatedly. Half or less of the total Basic Entities participating in a Combat Encounter should utilize an Ability if
they possess one during their Turn.

DESIGNING Combat Encounters

When designing custom Entities and Encounters for your Players, consider the following:

● How many threats do you plan to throw at your Players? This should dictate the strength of their Abilities, Attributes, and
Special Rules.

● Evaluate the best stats your Players have, the most common Defense Checks, and Attacks they will perform. Custom Abilities
and Special Rules are recommended to match these Attributes or exceed them.

● Think about the environment. Does anything make the location of the Encounter unique? Play off of that strength and design a
special rule utilizing the environment to make the Encounter enjoyable and memorable. Sometimes it is enough just to be on an
excellent stage such as fighting on top of a Skyscraper at night or jumping from ship to ship atop the Atlas fleet!

● Threatening foes should carry multiple Special Rules that influence the way they fight, operate, or break the normal rules of
the game to throw Players off balance.

Encounter Design Encounter Design
NPC Entities possess a simplified Action Pool and do not have a separation of Major and Minor Actions. Expend 1 Action
Below is an example of an Entity's profile layout and information that pertains to what each Attribute does. ● Perform a Move Action up to the Entity’s Movement.
● Perform a Melee Attack or Ranged Attack Action by selecting an eligible Target based on the Entity’s Melee Attack or Ranged

LEAH CERULEAN (Entity Name) Attack ranges.

● Remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect’s stacks equal to the Special Defense / 10.
● Attempt to counteract being Grappled by a Player Character. To resolve this, the Player Character must perform a new
ATTRIBUTES Grapple Skill Check that does not expend an Action. The Entity is freed and removes Grappled if the Grapple Skill Check results
HP: The Health Points an Entity possesses. When its HP reaches 0 or below, the in a failure.
Entity is considered Defeated. As a GM, it is your responsibility to determine if they ● Hold 1 Action per Combat Round to be used during another Entity’s Turn or after an Adversary has resolved their Action.
are neutralized lethally or non-lethally based on Player interaction. Actions performed by multiple Entities during the same Turn are considered to execute simultaneously with one another. You
ARMOR: Decrease any Damage that would be directed to HP by 1 for every point cannot hold multiple Actions.
of Armor you possess to a minimum of 1. This is the Entity’s starting Armor value.
Its maximum Armor is equal to its HP / 10. Expend 2 Actions
AURA: When Aura is 0 the Entity cannot use their Semblance; any Damage ● Remove a 5ft section of a Dust wall.
inflicted will be directed to HP. ● If an Entity can perform more than 1 Attack, you may perform a Charged Attack Action by selecting an eligible Target based on
BARRIER: Protects an Entity from all incoming Damage and is always decreased the Entity’s Melee Attack or Ranged Attack ranges. The Attack value is increased equal to XD2 where X is equal to the Entity’s
first before Aura and HP. This is the Entity’s starting Barrier value. Its maximum Attacks per Turn. A Charged Attack may only be performed once per Turn.
Barrier is equal to its HP. ● If an Entity possesses Dust, it may perform a Dust Skill Check Effect within Medium range utilizing its Attack for the Dust Skill
CLASSIFICATION: An Entity’s Classification determines whether it is afflicted by Check value.
certain effects, Special Rules, or Abilities. GM Discretion is advised. EX. Can a

Miscellaneous Interactions
Mechanical Entity be inflicted with Bleeding or Poisoned?
ATTACK: The value compared when a Player Character performs a Defense
Check against an Attack from this Entity.
ACTION POOL: The number of Actions this Entity may perform during its Turn. Advantage/Disadvantage
NPC Entities possess a simplified Action Pool and do not have a separation of ● If an Entity gains Advantage, it increases its Action by 1 for each stack of Advantage.
Major and Minor Actions. ● If an Entity gains Disadvantage, it decreases its Action by 1 for each stack of Disadvantage.
ATTACKS PER TURN: The number of Attack Actions this Entity may perform
during its Turn. Defense Checks
ABILITIES PER TURN: The number of Abilities this Entity may perform during its ● If an effect requires an Entity to perform a Defense Check, it uses its Defense for the value.
MELEE ATTACK: The range this Entity may perform a Melee Attack from. Skill Checks
MELEE DAMAGE: The amount of Damage inflicted from a successful Melee ● If an effect requires an Entity to perform a Skill Check, it uses its Special Defense for the value.
Attack Action.
RANGED ATTACK: The range this Entity may perform a Ranged Attack from.
RANGED DAMAGE: The amount of Damage inflicted from a successful Ranged
Attaack Action.
SPEED: The Initiative value of this Entity.
MOVEMENT: The distance this Entity may travel when performing a Move Action.
DEFENSE: The value compared when a Player Character performs an Attack
against this Entity without Dust or a Grapple Skill Check.
Challenge: The estimated difficulty.
SPECIAL DEFENSE: The value compared when a Player Character performs an
Grid Size: The recommended amount
Attack infused with Dust, a Semblance Skill Check, or Dust Skill Check.
of space this Entity occupies for
Battlemaps and VTT’s.
Level: The recommended level to
Behaviors, special benefits, and unique characteristics this Entity possesses.
encounter this Entity.
Scenario: The recommended number
of Entities to encounter.
Unique Actions this Entity may perform.

Fear Injector (Name of the Ability)

Attack: The formula for the roll utilized and whether it is compared against a
Target’s Defense Check or a Skill Check.
Range: The range this Ability is performed from.
Type: Disadvantage is applied to Defense Checks based on their type if one is
Damage: The amount of Damage inflicted on a Success.
Effect: Any special effects and/or afflictions.

Encounter Design Encounter Design
Building Custom Abilities Abilities
Remember to be creative with your custom Abilities! Below are guidelines to get you started. As you become more comfortable Below are generic Abilities that may be applied across multiple Entity types.
running games in this system, you may deviate more and more from the guidelines below.
Aura Expulsion
Custom Attack Rolls Effect: Expend 10 Aura and 2 Actions. Remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect. This Ability may only be performed by Human or
While creating custom Abilities, there are a number of variables that go into tweaking the math to ensure they are right for your Faunus Entities. This Ability may not be performed if this Entity’s Aura is less than 10.
level of Players. Below are guidelines on how to start with creating custom Abilities.
Ability Formula Effect: Invert a Beneficial Status Effect into a Detrimental Status effect using the following table. Transfer all stacks to the
2D10+8+Modifiers Detrimental Status Effect if applicable. Extinguish does not negate this effect.

Additional Randomization Charged = Blinded

While designing Abilities, consider leaning towards a random element more. Diffraction = Fumbled
You may change the Ability Formula to 4D10+Modifiers Extinguish = Chilled
Harmonized = Concussed
Damage Formula Fleet Footed = Exhausted
1+Modifiers Regeneration = Poisoned
Reinforced = Staggered
Character Level
Increase the Ability Formula by 1 for every odd level past 1. For example, the Ability Formula would change from 2D10+8 to Emergency Repair
2D10+9 if the Characters are level 3. Effect: Twice per Turn, this Entity may restore 1D10 HP or remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect except those inflicted with Rule
Increase the Damage Formula by 1 every four levels. of Cool. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5. This Ability may
only be performed by Mechanical Entities.
Character Stat Allocation
If most Characters have utilized the Specialized Stat Allocation, you may add 1 to the base formula. This is highly recommended Emergency Stimulant
if your Players are experienced with all of the Actions available during a Combat Encounter. Effect: Remove all Detrimental Status Effects except those inflicted with Rule of Cool. Emergency Stimulant may be used once
per Combat Encounter. This only applies to Human and Faunus Entities.
Area of Effect Abilities
Abilities that impact multiple Entities at one time such as an explosion attack do not require an additional modifier. First Aid
Effect: Once per Turn, you may restore 1D6 HP to self or an Adjacent Ally. First Aid may only Target Human or Faunus Entities.
Detrimental Status Effects
Some Attacks may inflict 1 or more Detrimental Status Effects. It is recommended that Abilities include 0-3 Detrimental Status Hunker Down
Effects. For each additional Detrimental Status Effect you add past 1, it is recommended you decrease the Ability Formula by 1. Effect: This Ability expends 2 Actions to perform. Increase the Defense and Special Defense of this Entity by 5 until its next
Signature Abilities
Abilities that deviate from some of the guidelines listed in the Encounter section. An Entity normally only has one of these Overclock
Abilities as they are meant to be scary, strong, and equal to Character Signature Actions. A Signature Ability is recommended to Effect: This Ability may only be performed by Mechanical Entities. Follow the table to determine which effect may be performed.
have the capability to inflict a large amount of Damage, Impact multiple Entities with Detrimental Status Effects, or modify the Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain Charged.
rules of the Encounter by decreasing resources like Capacity and RoC. Be careful when designing Signature Abilities to not be Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2 HP to gain Charged.
too overbearing. It is recommended that a Once per Combat Round limitation is placed on Signature Abilities. Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1 Point of Burning to gain Charged.

Types Quickness
Abilities are recommended to include 0 - 2 Types that influence the effectiveness of certain Defense Checks.Select Types that Effect: Once per turn, you may expend 1 Action to Increase this Entity’s position in the Initiative Order.
make sense for the flavor of the Ability. If you do not select a Type, it is recommended to increase the Ability and/or Damage
modifier by 1. A hard hitting beam projectile might be difficult to resist, while a rapid fire weapon is more effective at hitting a Shrug Off
Character attempting to dodge. Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect that does not last until the end of the Combat Encounter. A
Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5.
Challenging and Ambitious Entities
An Entity that is Challenging should begin to test the knowledge of Players by increasing their Abilities to match some of their Soul Soothe
Capabilities such as boosting and Rule of Cool. One ability is recommended to utilize an additional 1D10 added to the Ability Effect: Once per Turn, you may restore 2D6 Aura to self or an Adjacent Ally. Soul Soothe may only Target and be performed by
Formula. Other Abilities are recommended to increase the Ability Formula modifier by 2 or 1D3. Challenging Entities are Human or Faunus Entities.
recommended to have 2-4 Abilities and 2-4 Special Rules (including a behavior rule).
Survival Surge
Difficult and Expert Entities Effect: May only be performed while at 50% HP or less. Expend 2 Actions. Increase this Entity’s Defense and Special Defense
Encounters that expect Players to understand the Actions available to them are recommended to utilize an additional 1D10 by 5 until the end of the Combat Round. This Ability may be performed once per Turn.
added to the Ability Formula for half of its total abilities. The remaining Abilities are recommended to increase their Ability
Formula modifier by 2 or 1D3. Difficult Entities and beyond are recommended to have 3-6 Abilities and 3-5 Special Rules System Purge
(including a behavior rule). Effect: This Ability expends 3 Actions. Remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect that was not inflicted by Rule of Cool or reduce the
effectiveness of all Rule of Cool inflicted Detrimental Status effects by 2. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes
Selecting Pre Built Abilities and Special Rules stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5. This Ability may only be performed by mechanical Entities.
Use your best judgment when selecting Special Rules to apply to your custom Entities. It is recommended to always assign
Shrug Off to an Entity that would be considered a ‘Boss’ and a Special Rule that directs an Entities’ behavior. Targeting Arrays
Effect: Charged may be gained up to 4 times. Expend any number of Actions to gain stacks of Charged equal to the number of
18 Actions expended. GRADIENTMGZ 19
Encounter Design Encounter Design
Focus Fire
SPECIAL RULES This Entity will coordinate attacks to bring down one Adversary at a time with its Allies.

Below is a list of Special Rules that may be applied across multiple Entity types. Fortress
Total Damage against this Entity is halved.
Adaptive Body
Any Detrimental Status Effect must be applied twice during a Combat Round to take effect against this Entity. This excludes Gargantuan Entity
RoC inflicted Detrimental Status Effects. The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus alike, easily matching the size of a small skyscraper. The Entity is
immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched onto by other Entities. Characters who use the Grappler
Aimless Specialization may pull themselves to the Entity. You may jump atop a Gargantuan Entity and move with it. Each Turn you start
This Entity will always move towards and/or Attack a random Adversary. while still atop a Gargantuan Entity, you must perform a Grapple Skill Check or Reflex Skill Check to maintain your hold and
footing, otherwise you fall off. If you have fallen, immediately place your Character 15ft away from the Gargantuan Entity closest
Critical Destruction to the location you were atop it. This Entity may only perform 1 Move Action per Turn. If Staggered and Stunned were to be
Critical Damage disables one Ability until the End of the Combat Encounter. Reduce Armor of the Entity by 1 each time Critical applied, inflict an additional 1D6 Damage to this Entity instead. Unaffected by the Character Specialization Wow! This Entity
Damage is inflicted or a Successful Charge Attack inflicts Damage. halves the distance it is moved from effects that would displace it.

Cold Feet Gear Collateral

This Entity will attempt to retreat when 75% of all other Entities of the same type have been Defeated. Whenever an Attack from this Entity fails and there are at least 3 other identical named Entities in Adjacent range to the Target,
decrease Capacity by 1.
Darkness Barrier
May apply only to Grimm. Detrimental Status Effects must be applied a second time before being inflicted against an Entity with Grimm Leader
any Barrier points remaining. While in Extreme range of a Grimm Entity with Grimm Leader, all other Grimm Entities without Grimm Leader ignore the Single
Minded and Aimless Special Rule. They may be directed by a Grimm with Grimm Leader. This Entity will attempt to retreat when
Daunting at 20% of its maximum HP or less.
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity may expend
an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Grit
The Entity is not defeated when its HP reaches 0. Instead it continues to fight for 1 additional Combat Round before being
Death Throes Defeated.
On Defeat, this Entity will immediately perform 1 Attack or Ability Targeting the nearest Entity in range.
Hard Light Directional Shield
Deadly Counter This Entity carries a Hard Light shield allowing it to benefit from Cover at all times. While this Entity is inflicted with Grappled, it
Whenever a Melee Attack or Unarmed Attack fails, the Entity may immediately perform a free Attack or Ability that is also within loses Cover.
its Attack or Ability range.
Hex Barrier
Deflection Inapplicable to Grimm. Status Effects cannot be applied to an Entity with any Barrier points remaining.
Entities that fail a Melee Attack or Unarmed Attack against this Entity are inflicted with Damage equal to this Entity’s Damage
attribute. Highly Observant
Any duplicate Defense Check performed by the same Adversary in a Combat Round is done so with Disadvantage until the end
Despair of the Combat Round.
While inflicting Damage, the Target loses 1 RoC. RoC loss may only occur once per Combat Round per Entity. Only 1 Signature
Action may be performed per Combat Round while this Entity is present. Inertia
If this Entity performed a Move Action prior to an Attack or Ability, it gains +1 to its Attack/Ability for each Range increment
Engine of Destruction moved.
The Entity ignores obstructions such as walls created with Dust. Dust walls do not impede this Entity’s Movement and are
destroyed by performing a Move Action through them. Instincts
Gain 1 point of Instinct at the end of each Turn. You may expend 1 Instinct to increase any Attack, Defense, or Ability by 1D10
Enrage after viewing the roll.
This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is 25% or less.
Large Entity
Ensnaring The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus alike, easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity is immune
If an Ranged Attack from this Entity is successful, the Target is inflicted with Grappled. to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched onto by other Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this Entity move with it
whenever a Move action is performed. Players who use the Grappler Specialization may instead pull themselves to the Entity.
Equal Opportunist This Entity halves the distance it is moved from effects that would displace it.
This Entity randomly selects a Target to perform an Attack or Ability against each Turn. This Entity must try to Target a new
Adversary each Turn until the end of the Combat Round. If each Adversary has been acted against by this Entity, it Targets the Life Sap
Adversary with the lowest combined Aura and HP (GM choice if tied). Attacks/Abilities performed by this Entity are always directed to HP. Restore HP to this Entity equal to the Damage inflicted.

Extreme Maneuverability Melee Specialist

Perform a free Move Action at the end of each Combat Round. Any ranged damage is halved against this Entity. Grapple Grapple Skill Checks are performed at Disadvantage against this Entity. Melee Attacks and Unarmed Attacks may not benefit
negates the effects of Extreme Maneuverability. from Advantage against this Entity.

Evasive Panic
If this Entity performed a Move Action during its prior Turn or the current Turn, Total Damage inflicted to it is halved. This Entity will attempt to flee from a threat or flee towards an allied Entity who can defend them from harm.

Encounter Design Encounter Design
Prime Antagonist Soul Pressure
This Entity may expend 1 RoC to reduce the effectiveness of Detrimental Status Effects inflicted from an RoC effect by 1. Gain a Adversaries with Aura decrease their Aura by 1 point at the end of their Turns.
point of Rule of Cool at the start and end of each Turn. A Rule of Cool may be used to increase this Entity’s Ability, Attack,
Defense Check, Defense, or Special Defense by 1D10. This Entity starts with 2 Rule of Cool and may possess a maximum of 5 Stubborn
Rule of Cool. This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not consider retreat as an option.

Proficiency Swarming
Gain a point of Rule of Cool at the end of each Turn. A Rule of Cool may be used to increase this Entity’s Ability, Attack, Defense Whenever a Character performs a Defense Check against an Entity with the Swarming Special Rule, decrease their selected
Check, Defense, or Special Defense by 1D10. This Entity starts with 1 Rule of Cool and may possess a maximum of 5 Rule of Defense Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or more of the same type of
Cool. Entity Adjacent to the Target to apply Swarming.

Radical Fervor Super Rejuvenation

This Entity will always move towards and/or Attack the closest Adversary available unless directed by a White Fang Officer Restore 10 HP at the end of the Turn.
Entity. This Entity will retreat once 75% of all other Entities of the same type have been Defeated unless a White Fang Officer is
still in Combat. Superior Shrug Off
Expend 5 HP to remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect that was not inflicted by Rule of Cool or reduce the effectiveness of all Rule
Ranged Predator of Cool inflicted Detrimental Status effects by 2. This Ability may be performed once per Turn and does not expend an Action. A
This Entity will always move towards and/or Attack an Adversary who has performed a Ranged Attack. If there are multiple Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 10.
Entities that have performed a Ranged Attack, determine the Target at random. If no Adversary has performed a Ranged Attack,
move towards and/or Attack a random Adversary. Tactical Retreat
When this Entity reaches half of its Aura or HP, they will consider retreating as an option during Combat. As a GM, weigh the
Ranged Preference situation and determine its outcome from that Entity’s perspective. Entities with Aura should re-evaluate their situation once their
This Entity prefers keeping its distance at all costs and to engage at range. If this Entity is within Adjacent range of an Adversary, Aura has reached approximately 25% of their maximum Aura and again at approximately 10%.
it must make an effort to create distance with a Move action at least once per Turn with its first or last Action.
Will Of The Master
Rechargeable Hex Barrier This Entity is given an objective by its master (GM Discretion) and will continue to pursue this objective until fulfilled or Defeated.
This Entity’s Barrier is set to 10% of its Maximum HP at the start of each Combat Round. While this Entity has Barrier, Ex. Capture an individual, eliminate an individual, destroy a specific Asset, etc. If its objective is fulfilled, it will retreat and return
Detrimental Status Effects except those applied by Rule of Cool must be applied twice during a Combat Round before afflicting to its master or another home location.
this Entity. This Special Rule may only be applied to an Entity with the word “Atlesian” in its name.
Unorthodox Agility
Regenerate Hide Grapple Skill Checks are performed at Disadvantage against this Entity. At the start of a Combat Encounter, this Entity’s
This Ability may only be performed if this Entity’s Armor is 2 or less. Gain 1D6 Armor, Reinforced, and Extinguish. Defense and Special Defense are equal to its Speed.

Relentless Variable Armor

If this Entity is Defeated, mark the location where it was Defeated. It returns to with half of its previous Maximum HP during its This Entity’s Armor is equal to its HP / 10. Armor is decreased as the Entity loses HP.
Turn on the following Combat Round and may act. An Entity continues to return from Defeated in this manner until its HP
becomes 1. Vengeful
This Entity will always move toward and Attack the Entity that inflicted the most Damage to it. If no Damage has been inflicted to
Repair Mechanisms it, this Entity Attacks an Adversary with the highest Aura or HP.
The Entity restores 5 HP at the end of its Turn. This only applies to Mechanical Entities.

Resilient Form
Critical Damage is halved. Increase Critical Threshold by 5. Bizarre
Semblance Defense Checks are performed at Disadvantage.
This Entity will attempt to critically injure or kill an Adversary who is Defeated. If a Defeated Adversary is within range, at least 1 Focused
Attack or Ability must be performed against that Adversary. Resist Defense Checks are performed at Disadvantage.

Self Preservation Melee

This Entity will consider retreat at 50% HP and 25% HP. To determine a retreat, tally the total of all Adversaries Resources. If the Range is equal to the Entity’s Melee Attack unless specified in an Ability.
total is equal to or more than this Entity’s HP, retreat becomes this Entity’s primary objective.
Semblance User Range is equal to the Entity’s Ranged Attack unless specified in an Ability. Cannot be parried.
The Entity may Empower their Semblance by expending 5 Aura. Increase Special Defense or a Semblance-related ability by
1D6. Rapid
Dodge Defense Checks are performed at Disadvantage.
This Entity cannot be seen or Targeted and can only be revealed to a Character if they perform a successful Intuition Skill Check Unpredictable
meeting or exceeding this Entity’s Special Defense. Parry Defense Checks are performed at Disadvantage.

Single Minded Unrelenting

This Entity will always move towards and/or Attack the closest Adversary available. Duplicate Defense Checks performed in the same Combat Round incur a -2 penalty each time they are performed against an
Ability with this Type. The Unrelenting modifier resets at the end of each Combat Round.

Dust Defense Checks are performed at Disadvantage.
Simple EncounteRS Simple EncounteRS
Atlesian Knight-130 CREEP
AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards ARMOR: 1 Aimless
BARRIER: 0 and/or Attack a random Adversary. AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or
CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical BARRIER: 0 Attack a random Adversary.
ACTION POOL: 2 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It ATTACK: 14 Stubborn
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 will not consider retreat as an option. ACTION POOL: 2 This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 consider retreat as an option.
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Whenever a Character performs a MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Swarming
RANGED ATTACK: Medium Defense Check against an Entity with the MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Whenever a Character performs a Defense
RANGED DAMAGE: 1 Swarming Special Rule, decrease their
Challenge: Simple RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense Challenge: Simple
SPEED: 15 selected Defense Check by -1 for each
Grid Size: 1x1 SPEED: 14 Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type Grid Size: 1x2
MOVEMENT: 15ft Entity of the same type Adjacent to the
Level: 1+ MOVEMENT: 10ft Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or Level: 1+
DEFENSE: 15 Character. There must be 2 or more of the
Scenario: 3-6 Atlesian Knight-130s DEFENSE: 14 more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the Scenario: 2-7 Creeps per Player
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 14 same type of Entity Adjacent to the Target
per Player Character SPECIAL DEFENSE: 12 Target to apply Swarming. Character
to apply Swarming.

Overclock Burrow
This Ability may only be performed by Effect: This Entity may expend 2 Actions to
Mechanical Entities. Follow the table to immediately place itself in Adjacent range to
determine which effect may be performed. another Entity. This Entity gains Cover until its
Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain next Turn. A Target being Attacked by this
Charged. Entity after it has performed Burrow during its
Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2 previous Turn must perform an Intuition Check.
HP to gain Charged. On a failed Intuition Check, the Defense Check
Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1 is performed at Disadvantage.
point of Burning to gain Charged.

ARMOR: 0 Single Minded
AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or
BARRIER: 0 Attack the closest Adversary available.
ATTACK: 16 Stubborn
ACTION POOL: 2 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 not consider retreat as an option.
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Swarming
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Whenever a Character performs a Defense
RANGED ATTACK: N/A Check against an Entity with the Swarming
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense
SPEED: 16 Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
MOVEMENT: 15ft Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or Challenge: Simple
DEFENSE: 15 more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the Grid Size: 1x1
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 13 Target to apply Swarming. Level: 1+
Scenario: 3-6 Beowolves per Player

Simple EncounteRS Simple EncounteRS
Lancer - Warrior Drone Thug
HP: 5 Aimless ARMOR: 0 Aimless
ARMOR: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or
AURA: 0 Attack a random Adversary. BARRIER: 0 Attack a random Adversary.
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Anti-Air Susceptible ATTACK: 15 Cold Feet
ATTACK: 16 Double the Total Damage of a Ranged Attack ACTION POOL: 2 This Entity will attempt to retreat when 75% of
ACTION POOL: 2 or Thrown Melee Weapon Attack performed ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 all other Entities of the same type have been
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 against this Entity. ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Defeated.
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Ensnaring MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Swarming
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 If an Ranged Attack from this Entity is RANGED ATTACK: Medium Whenever a Character performs a Defense
RANGED ATTACK: Medium successful, the Target is inflicted with RANGED DAMAGE: 1 Check against an Entity with the Swarming
RANGED DAMAGE: 1 Grappled. SPEED: 15 Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense
SPEED: 18 MOVEMENT: 15ft Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type
Hive Mind Sacrifice DEFENSE: 14 Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or
DEFENSE: 16 Challenge: Simple
While in Adjacent range of a Lancer - Queen, SPECIAL DEFENSE: 13 more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 14 Grid Size: 1x1
this Entity may elect to become Defeated, Target to apply Swarming.
Level: 1+
reducing its HP to 0 and provides the Lancer - Scenario: 3-5 Warrior Drone Lancers per
Queen 1 point of Regeneration. Regeneration ABILITIES
Player Character
gained from this Special Rule restores 5 HP Pickpocket
instead of 1 HP at the end of the Lancer - Attack: 2D10 + 8 vs. Defense Check
Queen’s Turn. Range: Adjacent
Type: Melee
Queen’s Guard Damage: 0
While in the presence of a Lancer - Queen, a Effect: Inflicts Fumbled and decrease Capacity
Lancer - Warrior Drone in Adjacent range of a by 1. ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Lancer - Queen will immediately intercept an Challenge: Simple
Action directed towards the Lancer - Queen. Grid Size: 1x1
Level: 1+
Swarming Scenario: 4-8 Thugs per Player
Whenever a Character performs a Defense Character
Check against an Entity with the Swarming
Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense White Fang Radicals
Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type
Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or
ARMOR: 1 Radical Fervor
more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the
AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or
Target to apply Swarming.
BARRIER: 0 Attack the closest Adversary available unless

Sulfur Fish CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid

directed by a White Fang Officer. This Entity
will retreat once 75% of all other Entities of the
same type have been Defeated unless a White
HP: 3 SPECIAL RULES ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Fang Officer is still in Combat.
ARMOR: 0 Gear Collateral ABILITIES PER TURN: 1
AURA: 0 Whenever an Attack from this Entity fails and MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Swarming
BARRIER: 0 there are at least 3 other identical named MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Whenever a Character performs a Defense
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Entities in Adjacent range to the Target, RANGED ATTACK: Medium Check against an Entity with the Swarming ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
ATTACK: 13 decrease Capacity by 1. RANGED DAMAGE: 1 Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense Challenge: Simple
ACTION POOL: 2 SPEED: 15 Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type Grid Size: 1x1
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Single Minded MOVEMENT: 15ft Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or Level: 1+
ABILITIES PER TURN: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or DEFENSE: 16 more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the Scenario: 3-5 White Fang Radicals per Player
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Attack the closest Adversary available. ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION SPECIAL DEFENSE: 13 Target to apply Swarming. Characters
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Challenge: Simple
RANGED ATTACK: N/A Stubborn Grid Size: 1x1 ABILITIES
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will Level: 1+ Grenade
SPEED: 13 not consider retreat as an option. Scenario: 4-12 Sulfur Fish per Player Attack: 2D10 + 7 vs. Defense Check
MOVEMENT: 15ft Character Range: Medium
DEFENSE: 13 Swarming Type: Ranged
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 11 Whenever a Character performs a Defense Damage: 2
Check against an Entity with the Swarming Effect: Target and all Adjacent range Entities
Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense to the Target must perform a Defense Check
Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type against this Ability.
26 Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or GRADIENTMGZ 27
more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the
Target to apply Swarming.
Average EncounteRS Average EncounteRS
Alpha Beowolf Atlesian Knight-200
HP: 40 SPECIAL RULES ARMOR: 3 Blue Dust Ammunition
ARMOR: 1 Enrage AURA: 0 Gain the Offense effect of Blue Dust while
AURA: 0 This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 BARRIER: 0 performing an Attack. An Entity may only
BARRIER: 0 if its HP is 25% or less. CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical utilize 1 Special Rule with “Dust
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm ATTACK: 20 Ammunition” in its name during a Turn and
ATTACK: 19 Grimm Leader ACTION POOL: 2 must be decided at the start of each
ACTION POOL: 3 While in Extreme range of a Grimm Entity with ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Combat Round.
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Grimm Leader, all other Grimm Entities without ABILITIES PER TURN: 1
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Grimm Leader ignore the Single Minded and MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Brown Dust Ammunition
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Aimless Special Rule. They may be directed by MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Gain the Offense effect of Brown Dust
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 a Grimm with Grimm Leader. This Entity will RANGED ATTACK: Medium while performing an Attack. An Entity may
RANGED ATTACK: N/A attempt to retreat when at 20% of its maximum RANGED DAMAGE: 2 only utilize 1 Special Rule with “Dust
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A HP or less. SPEED: 17 Ammunition” in its name during a Turn and
SPEED: 19 MOVEMENT: 15ft must be decided at the start of each
MOVEMENT: 15ft Razor Weapons DEFENSE: 19 Combat Round.
DEFENSE: 19 Successful Melee Attacks from this Entity inflict SPECIAL DEFENSE: 18
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 17 Bleeding. Ranged Preference
Challenge: Average
Grid Size: 2x2 This Entity prefers keeping its distance at
ABILITIES all costs and to engage at range. If this
Howl Entity is within Adjacent range of an
Scenario: 1 Alpha Beowolf per Player Challenge: Average
Attack: 2D10 + 8 vs. Resolve Skill Check Adversary, it must make an effort to create
Character Grid Size: 1x1
Range: Close distance with a Move action at least once
Type: N/A Level: 4+
per Turn with its first or last Action.
Damage: 0 Scenario: 2-5 Atlesian Knight-200s per Player
Effect: All Close range Humanoid Entities must Character
Red Dust Ammunition
perform a Resolve Skill Check against Howl. Gain the Offense effect of Red Dust while
Inflicts Shaken. All other Grimm Entities in performing an Attack. An Entity may only
Close range gain Fleet Footed. Howl may be utilize 1 Special Rule with “Dust
used once per Turn. Ammunition” in its name during a Turn and
must be decided at the start of each

Atlesian Knight-135 Combat Round.

HP: 9 Hard Light Directional Shield
ARMOR: 2 This Entity carries a Hard Light shield
This Ability may only be performed by
AURA: 0 allowing it to benefit from Cover at all
Mechanical Entities. Follow the table to
BARRIER: 0 times. While this Entity is inflicted with
determine which effect may be performed.
CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical Grappled, it loses Cover.
Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain
ACTION POOL: 2 Melee Specialist
Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Grapple Skill Checks are performed at
HP to gain Charged.
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Disadvantage against this Entity. Melee
Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Attacks and Unarmed Attacks may not
point of Burning to gain Charged.
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 benefit from Advantage against this Entity.
Challenge: Average
SPEED: 18 Overclock
Grid Size: 1x1
MOVEMENT: 15ft This Ability may only be performed by
Level: 2+
DEFENSE: 17 Mechanical Entities. Follow the table to
Scenario: 1-3 Atlesian Knight-135s per Player
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 19 determine which effect may be performed.
Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain
Defensive Stance Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2
An Entity may intercept an Action HP to gain Charged.
Targeting an Ally within Close Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1
range of it. This Entity will never point of Burning to gain Charged.
move towards or Attack
Adversaries unless they are within
Close range.

Average EncounteRS Average EncounteRS
BOARBATUSK Deathstalker
HP: 110
ARMOR: 0 Single Minded
AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or
BARRIER: 0 Attack the closest Adversary available.
ATTACK: 17 Inertia
ACTION POOL: 2 If this Entity performed a Move Action prior to
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 an Attack or Ability, it gains +1 to its Attack/
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Ability for each Range increment moved.
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Stubborn Challenge: Average
RANGED ATTACK: N/A This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not Grid Size: 1x2
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A consider retreat as an option. Level: 1+
SPEED: 17 Scenario: 2-3 Boarbatusks per Player
DEFENSE: 17 High Speed Spin
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 15 Attack: 2D10 + 9 vs. Defense Check
Range: Long
Type: N/A
Damage: 2
Effect: Until the end of the Combat Round,
This Entity will always move towards and/or Attack a
Ranged Attacks, Thrown Melee Weapon
random Adversary.
Attacks, and Dust Checks that fail against this ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Entity inflict 1 Damage to the Entity that Challenge: Average
performed them. High Speed Spin may be Grid Size: 5x5
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat
used once per Combat Encounter. Level: 4+
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Scenario: 1 Deathstalker per 4 Player

Centinel Enrage Battering Scurry

This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
25% or less. Type: Melee
ARMOR: 3 Aimless Large Entity Effect: The Deathstalker immediately performs a free Move up
AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus to Long range in a single direction. All Entities in front of the
BARRIER: 0 Attack a random Adversary. alike, easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity Deathstalker must perform a Defense Check against this Ability
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm is immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched that are within Long range of its starting position. Any Entity hit
ATTACK: 17 Stubborn onto by other Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this moves with the Deathstalker’s free Move.
ACTION POOL: 2 This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not Entity move with it whenever a Move action is performed.
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 consider retreat as an option. Players who use the Grappler Specialization may instead Death Sting
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 pull themselves to the Entity. This Entity halves the distance Attack: 5D10+2 vs. Defense Check
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Twin Strike it is moved from effects that would displace it. Type: Melee, Focused
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Expend all Actions from an Adjacent Entity with ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION Damage: 4
RANGED ATTACK: N/A the same name. Perform a Charge Attack Challenge: Average Stubborn Effect: Inflicts Poisoned and Staggered. This Ability may be
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A utilizing that Entity’s remaining Actions in their Grid Size: 2x4 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will not consider performed once per Turn.
SPEED: 23 Action Pool instead of the Attacks Per Turn Level: 4+ retreat as an option.
MOVEMENT: 20ft Attribute. Scenario: 3-7 Centinels per Player Grasping Pincer
DEFENSE: 20 Character Variable Armor Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 20 ABILITIES This Entity’s Armor is equal to its HP / 10. Armor is Type: Melee, Unrelenting
Corrosive Gob decreased as the Entity loses HP. Damage: 2
Attack: 2D10 + 9 vs. Defense Check Effect: Inflicts Grappled until removed and inflicts 2 Damage at
Range: Long ABILITIES the end of each of the Deathstalker’s Turns except the Turn it
Type: Ranged Acid Spray performed Grasping Pincer. A Grapple Skill Check or Force Skill
Damage: 1 Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check Check may be used to end the effect of Grasping Pincer by
Effect: Inflicts Burning, decreases Armor by 1 Range: Close meeting or exceeding this Ability’s Attack.
point and decreases Capacity by 1. Type: Ranged, Rapid
Damage: 3 Shrug Off
Gestation Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 Detrimental Status
Effect: Expend 2 Actions. If this Entity survives Check against this Ability. Capacity and Armor is decreased Effect that does not last until the end of the Combat Encounter.
until its next Turn, replace the Centinel with a equal to the Damage inflicted. Acid Spray may be performed A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks
Cenitaur. Only 1 Entity of this name may once per Turn. equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5.
perform this Ability per Combat Round. Only 1
Centinel may be replaced by a Cenitaur during
30 a Combat Encounter. GRADIENTMGZ 31
Average EncounteRS Average EncounteRS
Griffon Mutant CREEP
ARMOR: 0 Anti-Air Susceptible ARMOR: 1 Aimless
AURA: 0 Double the Total Damage of a Ranged Attack AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or
BARRIER: 0 or Thrown Melee Weapon Attack performed BARRIER: 0 Attack a random Adversary.
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm against this Entity. CLASSIFICATION: Grimm
ATTACK: 20 ATTACK: 16 Caustic Explosion
ACTION POOL: 3 Aimless ACTION POOL: 2 When this Entity is defeated, all Entities must
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 This Entity will always move towards and/or ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 perform a Defense Check against this Entity’s
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Attack a random Adversary. ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Attack. Failures, decreases Armor by 1 point
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent and inflict 1 Damage.
RANGED ATTACK: N/A This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will RANGED ATTACK: N/A Stubborn
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A not consider retreat as an option. RANGED DAMAGE: N/A This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not
SPEED: 19 SPEED: 17 consider retreat as an option.
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 19 Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check Challenge: Average SPECIAL DEFENSE: 15 Whenever a Character performs a Defense ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Range: Adjacent Grid Size: 2x2 Check against an Entity with the Swarming Challenge: Average
Type: Melee, Focused Level: 4+ Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense Grid Size: 1x2
Damage: 3 Scenario: 2 Griffons per Player Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type Level: 2+
Effect: Decreases Armor equal to the Damage Character Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or Scenario: 3-6 Mutant Creeps per
inflicted. more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the Player Character
Target to apply Swarming.
Lightning Swipes
Attack: 2D10 + 9 vs. Defense Check ABILITIES
Range: Adjacent Burrow
Type: Melee, Rapid Effect: This Entity may expend 2 Actions to
Damage: 2 immediately place itself in Adjacent range to
Effect: Inflicts Disoriented. another Entity. This Entity gains Cover until its
next Turn. A Target being Attacked by this

Mutant Beowolf Entity after it has performed Burrow during its

previous Turn must perform an Intuition Check.
On a failed Intuition Check, the Defense Check
HP: 12 Razor Weapons is performed at Disadvantage.
ARMOR: 0 Successful Melee Attacks from this Entity inflict
AURA: 0 Bleeding. Caustic Priming
BARRIER: 0 Effect: Expend 2 Actions. This Entity
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Single Minded immediately becomes Defeated.
ATTACK: 17 This Entity will always move towards and/or
ACTION POOL: 2 Attack the closest Adversary available.
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 not consider retreat as an option.
SPEED: 17 Whenever a Character performs a Defense ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
MOVEMENT: 20ft Check against an Entity with the Swarming Challenge: Average
DEFENSE: 18 Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense Grid Size: 1x2
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 16 Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type Level: 3+
Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or Scenario: 2-5 Mutant Beowolves per
SPECIAL RULES more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the Player Character
Caustic Explosion Target to apply Swarming.
When this Entity is
defeated, all Entities must ABILITIES
perform a Defense Check Caustic Priming
against this Entity’s Attack. Effect: Expend 2 Actions. This Entity
Failures, decreases Armor immediately becomes Defeated.
by 1 point and inflict 1

Average EncounteRS Average EncounteRS
Nevermore URSA
ARMOR: 0 ARMOR: 0 Aimless
AURA: 0 AURA: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or Attack a random
BARRIER: 0 BARRIER: 0 Adversary.
ATTACK: 20 ATTACK: 21 Enrage
ACTION POOL: 4 ACTION POOL: 3 This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Stubborn
MELEE DAMAGE: 3 MELEE DAMAGE: 3 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will not consider
RANGED ATTACK: Distant RANGED ATTACK: N/A retreat as an option.
MOVEMENT: 30ft MOVEMENT: 10ft Environmental Throw
DEFENSE: 23 DEFENSE: 21 Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 23 SPECIAL DEFENSE: 21 Range: Medium Challenge: Average
Type: Ranged Grid Size: 2x2
SPECIAL RULES Damage: 2 Level: 2+
Daunting ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION Effect: Inflicts Stagger. Scenario: 1 Ursa per 2 Player
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Challenge: Average Characters
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity Grid Size: 4x5 Thunderous Roar
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Level: 3+ Attack: 2D10 + 8 vs. Resolve Skill Check
Scenario: 1 Nevermore per 4 Player Range: Close
Enrage Characters Type: Bizarre
This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is Damage: 1
25% or less. Feather Storm Effect: All Close range Humanoid Entities must perform a
Attack: 2D10 + 9 vs. Defense Check Resolve Skill Check against this Ability. Inflicts Staggered.
Large Entity Range: Distant The Ursa gains points of Regeneration equal to the Ability /
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus Type: Ranged 10 and Charged. Regeneration gained from this Ability
alike, easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity Damage: 2 restores 5 HP instead of 1 HP at the end of the Turn.
is immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched Effect: Target and all Entities in Close range of the
onto by other Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this
Entity move with it whenever a Move action is performed.
Target must make a Defense Check against this
Ability. Inflicts Grappled. Feather Storm may be White Fang Officer
Players who use the Grappler Specialization may instead performed once per Turn.
pull themselves to the Entity. This Entity halves the distance HP: 50 Melee Specialist
it is moved from effects that would displace it. Shrug Off ARMOR: 3 Grapple Skill Checks are performed at
Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 AURA: 0 Disadvantage against this Entity. Melee Attacks
ABILITIES Detrimental Status Effect that does not last until the BARRIER: 0 and Unarmed Attacks may not benefit from
Aerial Assault end of the Combat Encounter. A Detrimental Status CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid Advantage against this Entity.
Effect: The Nevermore may soar above into Distant range Effect that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the ATTACK: 22
(120ft). Remove the Nevermore from PC view on any Entity’s Special Defense / 5. ACTION POOL: 3 ABILITIES
battlemap if one is being used. During the Nevermore’s next ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 Cable Hook
Turn, it must immediately return to the battlefield at any Talon Snatch ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check
location. Aerial Assault may be performed 2 times during a Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check MELEE ATTACK: Close Range: Medium
Combat Encounter. Type: Melee MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Type: Ranged
Damage: 2 RANGED ATTACK: N/A Damage: 2
Beak Drill Effect: Inflicts Grappled. The Target moves when the RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Effect: Target is placed within Adjacent range
Attack: 3D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check Nevermore until Grapple is removed. Target is SPEED: 18 of this Entity. Inflicts Grappled.
Type: Melee, Focused inflicted with 1 Damage at the end of each of their MOVEMENT: 20ft
Damage: 3 turns until the Grapple status is removed. The DEFENSE: 21 Rally The Cause!
Effect: Armor is decreased equal to Damage after Damage Nevermore may only apply Talon Snatch’s effect to 1 SPECIAL DEFENSE: 19 Effect: You may remove 1 Detrimental Status ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
reduction from Armor is applied. This Ability may be per- Target at a time. Effect that does not last until the end of the Challenge: Average
formed once per Turn. SPECIAL RULES Combat Encounter from this Entity or another Grid Size: 1x1
Wild Swoop Deflection Entity with the words “White Fang” in its name. Level: 3+
Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check Entities that fail a Melee Attack That Entity also gains Extinguish. A Scenario: 1 White Fang Officer per 2 Player
Type: Melee, Wild or Unarmed Attack against this Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks Characters
Damage: 2 Entity are inflicted with Damage removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special
Effect: The Nevermore may move up to Medium equal to this Entity’s Damage Defense / 5.
range past a Target after performing Wild Swoop. Attribute.
Wild Swoop may be performed at Medium range
against a Target. Any Target hit is pushed along with
the Nevermore when it completes Wild Swoop.
Intermediate EncounteRS Intermediate EncounteRS
bandit Lancer - Queen
HP: 12 Cold Feet
HP: 140
ARMOR: 0 This Entity will attempt to retreat when 75% of
AURA: 0 all other Entities of the same type have been
BARRIER: 0 Defeated.
ACTION POOL: 3 Sly Blitz
ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Range: Adjacent
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Type: Melee
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Damage: 1
RANGED ATTACK: Long Effect: Exposed’s effect triggers on a 9 or a 10
RANGED DAMAGE: 1 from this Ability.
MOVEMENT: 20ft Hide
DEFENSE: 19 Effect: Inflict Exposed if an Attack is suc-
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 17 cessful while under the effect of Hide. Hide’s
effect ends after performing an Attack or if an
SPECIAL RULES Entity detects the Bandit with an Intuition
Aimless Check against its Defense.
Daunting Challenge: Intermediate
This Entity will always move ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Grid Size: 4x4
towards and/or Attack a Challenge: Intermediate
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity Level: 5+
random Adversary. Grid Size: 1x1
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Scenario: 1 Queen Lancer per 4 Player Characters
Level: 5+
Scenario: 2-4 Bandits per Player Character
This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is Queen’s Summons
Beringel 25% or less. Effect: A Lancer - Warrior Drone in Long range of the Lancer
Queen immediately performs a Move Action towards the Lancer
Large Entity - Queen. The Lancer - Queen gains Reinforced.
HP: 40 SPECIAL RULES The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus
ARMOR: X Enrage alike, easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity Queen’s Edict
AURA: 0 This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 is immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched Effect: A Lancer - Warrior Drone in Long range of the Lancer
BARRIER: 0 if its HP is 25% or less. onto by other Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this Queen immediately performs an Attack Targeting an Adversary
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Entity move with it whenever a Move action is performed. in range of that Lancer - Warrior Drone. That Attack gains a +5
ATTACK: 23 Variable Armor Players who use the Grappler Specialization may instead bonus. The Lancer - Queen gains Fleet Footed.
ACTION POOL: 3 This Entity’s Armor is equal to its HP / 10. pull themselves to the Entity. This Entity halves the distance
ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 Armor is decreased as the Entity loses HP. it is moved from effects that would displace it. Shrug Off
Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 Detrimental Status
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Vengeful Vengeful Effect that does not last until the end of the Combat Encounter.
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 This Entity will always move toward and Attack ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION This Entity will always move toward and Attack the Entity A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks
RANGED ATTACK: N/A the Entity that inflicted the most Damage to it. Challenge: Intermediate that inflicted the most Damage to it. If no Damage has been equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5.
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A If no Damage has been inflicted to it, this Entity Grid Size: 2x2 inflicted to it, this Entity Attacks an Adversary with the
SPEED: 19 Attacks an Adversary with the highest Aura or Level: 5+ highest Aura or HP. Spine Banks
MOVEMENT: 20ft HP. Scenario: 1 Beringel per 2 Player Characters Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 20 ABILITIES Hatchlings Type: Ranged, Rapid
Wallop Effect: Once per Turn, place 1D6 Lancer - Warrior Drones Damage: 2
Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check in Close range of the Lancer - Queen. Effect: All Close range Adversaries must perform a Defense
Range: Adjacent
Check against this Ability. This Ability may be performed once
Type: Melee, Unpredictable Lancer Queen Poison Jab per Turn.
Damage: 2 Attack: 5D10 + 2 vs. Defense Check
Effect: Target is knocked back 15ft from the Range: Close Tracker Pheromone
Beringel. If the Target would hit another Entity, Type: Melee Effect: Immediately perform a Move Action with each Lancer -
increase the Damage from Wallop by 2. Damage: 3 Warrior Drone in Long range of the Lancer - Queen towards any
Effect: Inflicts Poisoned and Shaken. This Ability may be Adversary. The Lancer - Queen gains Charged.
Shrug Off performed once per Turn.
Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1
Detrimental Status Effect that does not last
until the end of the Combat Encounter. A
Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks
removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special
36 Defense / 5. GRADIENTMGZ 37
Intermediate EncounteRS Intermediate EncounteRS
Manticore Sabyr
HP: 75 Stubborn
ARMOR: 0 Focus Fire
ARMOR: 0 This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not
AURA: 0 This Entity will coordinate attacks to bring
AURA: 0 consider retreat as an option.
BARRIER: 0 down one Adversary at a time with its Allies.
ATTACK: 19 Stubborn
ATTACK: 24 Grimm Fire
ACTION POOL: 3 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will
ACTION POOL: 3 Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 not consider retreat as an option.
ATTACKS PER TURN: 3 Range: Medium
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Swarming
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Damage: 3
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Whenever a Character performs a Defense
MELEE DAMAGE: 3 Effect: Target and all Close range Entities to ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
RANGED ATTACK: N/A Check against an Entity with the Swarming
RANGED ATTACK: N/A the Target must perform a Defense Check Challenge: Intermediate
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A against this Ability. Inflicts Burning. Grid Size: 1x2
SPEED: 22 Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type
SPEED: 19 Level 4+
MOVEMENT: 20ft Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or
MOVEMENT: 20ft Manticore Sting Scenario: 3-6 Sabyrs per Player
ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION DEFENSE: 17 more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the
DEFENSE: 22 Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check Character
Challenge: Intermediate SPECIAL DEFENSE: 16 Target to apply Swarming.
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 20 Range: Close
Type: Melee, Focused Grid Size: 2x2
Level: 6+ Unorthodox Agility
Scenario: 1 Manticore per 2 Player Grapple Skill Checks are performed at
Aimless Effect: Inflicts Poisoned. This Ability may be
Characters Disadvantage against this Entity. At the start of
This Entity will always performed once per Turn.
a Combat Encounter, this Entity’s Defense and
move towards and/or Attack
Special Defense are equal to its Speed.
a random Adversary. Shrug Off
Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1
Anti-Air Susceptible Detrimental Status Effect that does not last
Double the Total Damage until the end of the Combat Encounter. A
of a Ranged Attack or Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks
Thrown Melee Weapon
Attack performed against
removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special
Defense / 5. Seer
this Entity.
HP: 5 Shroud

ARMOR: 0 This Entity cannot be seen or Targeted and
AURA: 0 can only be revealed to a Character if they
BARRIER: 15 perform a successful Intuition Skill Check
HP: 10 Single Minded CLASSIFICATION: Grimm meeting or exceeding this Entity’s Special
ARMOR: 0 This Entity will always move towards and/or ATTACK: 21 Defense.
AURA: 0 Attack the closest Adversary available. ACTION POOL: 1
BARRIER: 0 ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Darkness Barrier
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Stubborn ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Status Effects must be applied a second time
ATTACK: 18 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will MELEE ATTACK: Close before being inflicted against an Entity with any
ACTION POOL: 2 not consider retreat as an option. MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Barrier points remaining.
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Whenever a Character performs a Defense SPEED: 14 Attacks/Abilities performed by this Entity are
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Check against an Entity with the Swarming MOVEMENT: 20ft always directed to HP. Restore HP to this
RANGED ATTACK: N/A Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense DEFENSE: 19 Entity equal to the Damage inflicted.
Challenge: Intermediate Challenge: Intermediate
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type SPECIAL DEFENSE: 24
Grid Size: 1x1 Grid Size: 1x1
SPEED: 17 Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or ABILITIES
Level: 4+ Level 4+
MOVEMENT: 20ft more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the SPECIAL RULES Suffocating Tendrils
Scenario: 2-4 Razorwings per Player Scenario: 1 Seer per 2 Player Characters
DEFENSE: 18 Target to apply Swarming. Sadistic Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 16 This Entity will attempt to Range: Close
ABILITIES critically injure or kill an Type: Melee
SPECIAL RULES Terror Dive Adversary who is Defeated. Damage: 3
Anti-Air Susceptible Attack: 2D10 + 9 vs. Defense Check If a Defeated Adversary is Effect: Inflicts Grappled until removed and
Double the Total Damage Range: Adjacent within range, at least 1 inflicts 2 Damage at the end of each of the
of a Ranged Attack or Type: Melee, Bizarre, Wild Attack or Ability must be Seer’s Turns except the Turn it performed
Thrown Melee Weapon Damage: 3 performed against that Suffocating Tendrils. A Grapple Skill Check or
Attack performed against Effect: The Razorwing may perform a free Adversary. Force Skill Check may be used to end the
this Entity. Move Action after performing Terror Dive if the effect of Suffocating Tendrils by the Target
Ability failed against its Target. Inflicts meeting or exceeding this Ability’s original
Disoriented. Attack. This Entity loses Shroud while per-
forming Suffocating Tendrils.
Advanced EncounteRS Advanced EncounteRS
HP: 20 Relentless HP: 115 ABILITIES
ARMOR: 0 If this Entity is Defeated, mark the location ARMOR: 0 Corrosive Burst
AURA: 0 where it was Defeated. It returns with half of its AURA: 0 Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check
BARRIER: 0 previous Maximum HP during its Turn on the BARRIER: 0 Range: Medium
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm following Combat Round and may act. An CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Type: Ranged
ATTACK: 24 Entity continues to return from Defeated in this ATTACK: 24 Damage: 2
ACTION POOL: 2 manner until its HP becomes 1. ACTION POOL: 3 Effect: Target and all Close range Entities to
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 ATTACKS PER TURN: 3 the Target must perform a Defense Check
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Listless Presence ABILITIES PER TURN: 2 against this Ability. Decreases Armor by 1
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent All Humanoid Entities within Distant range of MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent point.
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 this Entity reduce a random Attribute by 1 at MELEE DAMAGE: 3
RANGED ATTACK: N/A the end of each Combat Round. This effect RANGED ATTACK: N/A Grimm Barb
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A only applies once each Combat Round no ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
SPEED: 10 matter how many of this Entity exist within Challenge: Advanced SPEED: 19 Range: Medium
MOVEMENT: 15ft range unless otherwise specified by another Grid Size: 1x1 MOVEMENT: 20ft Type: Ranged
DEFENSE: 24 Effect. If 2 or more of an Entity’s Attributes are Level: 7+ DEFENSE: 22 Damage: 3 ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 27 0 or less due to this effect, they immediately Scenario: 4-8 Apathy per Player Character SPECIAL DEFENSE: 21 Effect: Ignores Aura. Inflicts Poisoned. This Challenge: Advanced
become Defeated and set their HP and Aura to Ability may be performed once per Turn. Grid Size: 4x3
0. Attributes only return to a Character after SPECIAL RULES Level: 7+
there has been at least a half day to Acid Wounds Mantis Strike Scenario: 1 Cenitaur per 2 Player
recuperate outside of the range of this Entity’s When an Attack inflicts Damage to this Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check Characters
influence. Entity, all Close range Entities take 1 Range: Medium
Damage and decreases their Armor by Type: Melee, Rapid
ABILITIES 1 point. Damage: 3
Frozen Touch Effect: This Ability is rolled twice against a
Attack: 2D10 + 13 vs. Defense Check Enrage Target when performed. Inflicts Strained with 1
Range: Adjacent This Entity increases its Ability and success. Inflicts Bleeding and Strained with 2
Type: N/A Attack by 5 if its HP is 25% or less. successes. This Ability may be performed once
Damage: 2 per Turn.
Effect: Inflicts Chilled. Grimm Leader
While in Extreme range of a Grimm Screech
Stagnant Scream Entity with Grimm Leader, all other Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Resolve Skill Check
Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Resolve Skill Check Grimm Entities without Grimm Leader Range: Close
Range: Medium ignore the Single Minded and Aimless Type: N/A
Type: N/A Special Rule. They may be directed by Damage: 0
Damage: 0 a Grimm with Grimm Leader. This Effect: Inflicts Shaken and decreases Capacity
Effect: Immediately apply the effect of Listless Entity will attempt to retreat when at by 1. This Ability may be performed once per
Presence. One Apathy for every six that are 20% of its maximum HP or less. Turn.
present may perform this Ability.
Residual Deterioration Shrug Off
Leave a path of acid in the wake of the Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1
Cenitaur after it performs a Move Detrimental Status Effect that does not last
Action. An Entity that ends its Turn until the end of the Combat Encounter. A
while on an acid path takes 1 Damage Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks
and decreases their Armor by 1 point. removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special
Defense / 5.
This Entity will fight until defeated. It
will not consider retreat as an option.

This Entity will always move toward
It is recommended that you never add other Adversaries to an Encounter when utilizing Apathy. They are extremely potent and add a heavy and Attack the Entity that inflicted the
layer of fear to their presence. Use caution when leveraging them. most Damage to it. If no Damage has
been inflicted to it, this Entity Attacks
an Adversary with the highest Aura or

Advanced EncounteRS Advanced EncounteRS
Megoliath Merlot Android
ARMOR: 0 ARMOR: 5 Overclock
AURA: 0 AURA: 0 This Ability may only be performed by
BARRIER: 0 BARRIER: 0 Mechanical Entities. Follow the table to
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical determine which effect may be performed.
ATTACK: 24 ATTACK: 21 Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain Charged.
ACTION POOL: 4 ACTION POOL: 3 Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2 HP
ABILITIES PER TURN: 2 ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1 point of
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Burning to gain Charged.
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A RANGED DAMAGE: 2 Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check
SPEED: 19 SPEED: 19 Range: Extreme
MOVEMENT: 15ft MOVEMENT: 15ft Type: Ranged, Focused
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 23 Challenge: Advanced SPECIAL DEFENSE: 22 Effect: Expend 3 Actions and decrease Armor
Grid Size: 4x5 points by 2. Select a direction, All Entities
SPECIAL RULES Level: 8+ SPECIAL RULES within a direct line of this Entity must perform a
Daunting Scenario: 1 Megoliath per 4 Player Characters Enrage Defense Check against this Ability. Ignores ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat This Entity increases its Ability Armor and Barrier. Challenge: Advanced
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity ABILITIES and Attack by 5 if its HP is 25% Grid Size: 3x2
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Hailstorm Cry or less. Submunition Level: 5+
Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Resolve Skill Check Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check Scenario: 1-3 Merlot Androids per
Engine of Destruction Range: Medium Stubborn Range: Medium Player Character
The Entity ignores obstructions such as walls created with Type: N/A This Entity will fight until Type: Ranged, Rapid
Dust. Dust walls do not impede this Entity’s Movement and Damage: 0 defeated. It will not consider Damage: 2
are destroyed by performing a Move Action through them. Effect: Inflicts Chilled and Shaken. Gain Chilled. This Ability retreat as an option. Effect: Expend 2 Actions. Target and all Close
may be performed once per Turn. range Entities to the Target must perform a
Frigid Body Ranged Preference Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts
This Entity is not hindered by the Detrimental Status Effects Icicle Tusk This Entity prefers keeping its Shaken.
of Chilled and Frostbitten. When an Action afflicts this Entity, Attack: 2D10 + 14 vs. Defense Check distance at all costs and to
it may expend Chilled or Frostbitten to increase its Defense Range: Adjacent engage at range. If this Entity is
and Special Defense by 2 until the end of the Combat Type: Melee within Adjacent range of an
Round. Anytime Burning would be applied, remove Chilled Damage: 2 Adversary, it must make an
and Frostbitten from this Entity. Effect: Inflicts Bleeding and Stunned. This Ability may be effort to create distance with a
performed once per Turn. Move action at least once per
Preservist Turn with its first or last Action.
This Entity attempts to retreat at 50% Health. While retreat- Iceberg Stomp
ing, this Entity must perform at least 1 Move Action to Attack: 2D10 + 13 vs. Defense Check
disengage from its adversaries. If Actions are taken against Range: Close
the Entity while retreating, this Entity increases its Attack Type: Ranged
and Abilities by 5 during that Combat Round. Damage: 2
Effect: Inflicts Chilled and Staggered. Gain Chilled. This Ability
Large Entity may be performed once per Turn.
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus
alike, easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity Shrug Off
is immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 Detrimental Status
onto by other Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this Effect that does not last until the end of the Combat Encounter.
Entity move with it whenever a Move action is performed. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks
Players who use the Grappler Specialization may instead equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5.
pull themselves to the Entity. This Entity halves the distance
it is moved from effects that would displace it. Trunk Swat
Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check
Shatter Range: Close
This Entity may expend Chilled or Frostbitten at the end of Type: Melee, Focused
its Turn to perform a free Attack against all Close range Damage: 1D6
Entities. Effect: Target and All Close range Entities must perform a
Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts Chilled and knocks
back 30ft. This Ability may be performed once per Turn.

Advanced EncounteRS Advanced EncounteRS
Prototype Paladin-290 Savage BEOWOLF
ARMOR: 0 Death Throes
HP: 155
AURA: 0 On Defeat, this Entity will immediately perform 1 Attack or
BARRIER: 0 Ability Targeting the nearest Entity in range.
ATTACK: 23 Focus Fire
ACTION POOL: 3 This Entity will coordinate attacks to bring down one
ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 Adversary at a time with its Allies.
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Razor Weapons
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Successful Melee Attacks from this Entity inflict Bleeding.
SPEED: 20 This Entity will fight until it is defeated. It will not consider
DEFENSE: 19 Challenge: Advanced
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 19 Swarming Grid Size: 1x1
Whenever a Character performs a Defense Check against Level: 9+
an Entity with the Swarming Special Rule, decrease their Scenario: 2-4 Savage Beowolves per
selected Defense Check by -1 for each Entity of the same Player Character
type Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or more
of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the Target to apply
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Challenge: Advanced
Large Entity Grid Size: 4x4
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus Level: 6+
alike, easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity Scenario: 1 Prototype Paladin-290 per 4 Player Characters
is immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched
onto by other Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this Multi Missile Pods
Entity move with it whenever a Move action is performed. Attack: 5D10 vs. Defense Check
Players who use the Grappler Specialization may instead Range: Extreme
pull themselves to the Entity. This Entity halves the distance Type: Ranged
it is moved from effects that would displace it. Damage: 3
Effect: Select up to 2 Targets. The Target(s) and all
Critical Destruction Close range Entities to the Target(s) must perform a
Critical Damage disables one Ability until the End of the Defense Check against this Ability. This Ability may
Combat Encounter. Decrease Armor points of this Entity by be performed once per Turn.
1 each time Critical Damage is inflicted or a Successful
Charge Attack inflicts Damage. Omni Hand
Attack: 2D10 + 13 vs. Defense Check
ABILITIES Range: Adjacent
Emergency Repair Type: Melee, Unrelenting
Effect: Twice per Turn, this Entity may restore 1D10 HP or Damage: 4
remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect except those inflicted Effect: Inflicts 1 Damage to HP if Aura is Damaged
with Rule of Cool. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses and Inflicts Staggered. This Ability may be performed
stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense once per Turn.
/ 5. This Ability may only be performed by Mechanical
Entities. P-Series Energy Cannon
Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
Leg Kick Range: Medium
Attack: 3D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check Type: Ranged, Unrelenting
Range: Adjacent Damage: 2
Type: Melee, Focused Effect: If at least a single 10 is rolled, P-Series
Damage: 3 Energy Cannon’s Damage becomes 4 and
Effect: Inflicts 2 Damage to HP if Aura is Damaged and you decreases Armor equal to the Damage inflicted.
may knock back the Entity up to 30ft away from the
Prototype Paladin-290. This Ability may be performed once Targeting Arrays
per Turn. Effect: Charged may be gained up to 4 times.
Expend any number of Actions to gain stacks of
Charged equal to the number of Actions expended.

Advanced EncounteRS Advanced EncounteRS
Sphinx Teryx ABILITIES
HP: 165 Dive Bomb
HP: 85 Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check
ARMOR: 0 Range: Adjacent
AURA: 0 Type: Melee, Focused, Wild
BARRIER: 0 Damage: 4
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Effect: The same Target cannot be selected
ATTACK: 24 for Dive Bomb in the same Combat Round.
ACTION POOL: 3 Inflicts Staggered.
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 Range: Medium
RANGED ATTACK: Medium Type: Ranged
RANGED DAMAGE: 3 Damage: 2
SPEED: 23 Effect: The Teryx may perform Wing Gust in
ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION MOVEMENT: 25ft place of its Defense/Special Defense against 1
Challenge: Advanced DEFENSE: 21 Ranged Attack per Combat Round. If Wing
Grid Size: 2x3 SPECIAL DEFENSE: 23 Gust is successful, inflict Wing Gust’s Damage
SPECIAL RULES Level: 6+ to the Attacker and the Target is knocked back
Scenario: 1 Sphinx per 4 Player Characters SPECIAL RULES 15ft.
Anti-Air Susceptible
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat
Fury Claws Double the Total Damage of Icicle Shower
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity
Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check a Ranged Attack or Thrown Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Defense Check
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1.
Range: Adjacent Melee Weapon Attack Range: Close ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
Type: Melee, Unrelenting performed against this Type: Ranged
Enrage Challenge: Advanced
Damage: 3 Entity. Damage: 2
This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is Grid Size: 4x4
25% or less. Effect: This Ability repeats against the Target until they succeed Effect: All Adversaries in range must make a Level: 6+
with a Defense Check, their Aura is depleted, or their HP is Inertia Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts Scenario: 1 Teryx per 2 Player
depleted. This Ability expends 2 Actions and may only be If this Entity performed a Chilled. This Ability may be performed once
Grimm Leader Characters
performed once per Turn. Move Action prior to an per Turn.
While in Extreme range of a Grimm Entity with Grimm
Attack or Ability, it gains +1
Leader, all other Grimm Entities without Grimm Leader
Intense Grimm Fire to its Attack/Ability for each Roost
ignore the Single Minded and Aimless Special Rule. They
Attack: 3D10 + 12 vs. Defense Check Range increment moved. Attack: 2D10 + 12
may be directed by a Grimm with Grimm Leader. This Entity
will attempt to retreat when at 20% of its maximum HP or Range: Medium Range: N/A
Type: Ranged Ranged Predator Type: N/A
Damage: 4 This Entity will always move Damage: 0
Effect: Target and all Close range Entities to the Target must towards and/or Attack an Effect: The Teryx gains points of Regeneration
Unorthodox Agility
perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts Burning. Adversary who has per- equal to the Ability / 10 and Charged.
Grapple Skill Checks are performed at Disadvantage
This Ability may be performed once per Turn. formed a Ranged Attack. If Regeneration gained from this Ability restores
against this Entity. At the start of a Combat Encounter, this
there are multiple Entities 5 HP instead of 1 HP at the end of the Turn.
Entity’s Defense and Special Defense are equal to its
Paralyzing Glare that have performed a
Attack: 2D10 + 9 vs. Resolve Skill Check Ranged Attack, determine Shrug Off
Range: Close the Target at random. If no Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1
Type: Bizarre Adversary has performed a Detrimental Status Effect that does not last
This Entity will always move toward and Attack the Entity
Damage: 0 Ranged Attack, move until the end of the Combat Encounter. A
that inflicted the most Damage to it. If no Damage has been
Effect: Inflicts Immobilized and Stunned. All Humanoid Entities towards and/or Attack a Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks
inflicted to it, this Entity Attacks an Adversary with the
facing the front of the Sphinx must perform a Resolve Check random Adversary. removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special
highest Aura or HP.
against this Ability. This Ability may be performed once per Turn. Defense / 5.
Unorthodox Agility
Screech Grapple Skill Checks are
Freezing Zephyr
Attack: 4D10 + 2 vs. Resolve Skill Check performed at Disadvantage
Attack: 2D10 + 12 vs. Endure Skill Check
Range: Medium against this Entity. At the
Range: Close
Type: Bizarre start of a Combat En-
Type: Bizarre
Damage: 0 counter, this Entity’s
Damage: 2
Effect: All Medium range Humanoid Entities must perform a Defense and Special
Effect: Inflicts Chilled. All Close range Entities must perform
Resolve Check against this Ability. Inflicts Disoriented and Defense are equal to its
an Endure Skill Check against this Ability. This Ability may
decreases Capacity by 1. The Sphinx gains Charged. This Speed.
be performed once per Turn.
Ability may be performed once per Turn.

Shrug Off
Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 Detrimental Status
Effect that does not last until the end of the Combat Encounter.
46 A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks removes stacks GRADIENTMGZ 47
equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5.
Advanced EncounteRS Expert EncounteRS
White Fang Fanatic Arthur Watts
ARMOR: 0 Dust Affluence HP: 15
AURA: 0 Determine the type of Dust this Entity utilizes ARMOR: 0
BARRIER: 0 by rolling 1D10 and assigning the Dust with AURA: 95
CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid the corresponding value from the Dust BARRIER: 0
ATTACK: 24 section. Attacks benefit from the Offense CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid
ACTION POOL: 2 effect of the Dust selected with this effect. ATTACK: 24
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Use this Entity’s Attack attribute for any ACTION POOL: 2
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 effects that involve an Attack or Skill Check ATTACKS PER TURN: 1
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent divided by 10. ABILITIES PER TURN: 1
Challenge: Advanced MELEE DAMAGE: 2
Grid Size: 1x1 RANGED ATTACK: Medium
RANGED DAMAGE: 2 Elemental Wall
Level: 8+ RANGED DAMAGE: 3
SPEED: 21 Effect: Form a 15ft section of walls formed by
Scenario: 2-4 White Fang Fanatics SPEED: 24
MOVEMENT: 20ft the Dust the White Fang Fanatic possesses.
per Player Character MOVEMENT: 20ft

Gain a point of Rule of Cool at the end of each Turn. A Rule ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
of Cool may be used to increase this Entity’s Ability, Attack, Challenge: Expert
Defense Check, Defense, or Special Defense by 1D10. This Grid Size: 1x1
Entity starts with 1 Rule of Cool and may possess a Level: 9+
maximum of 5 Rule of Cool. Scenario: Arthur Watts vs. 4 Player Characters

Ranged Preference Drone Turret

This Entity prefers keeping its distance at all costs and to Effect: Deploy a Drone Turret in Medium range that has a
engage at range. If this Entity is within Adjacent range of an Defense, Special Defense, Attack, and Damage equal to Arthur
Adversary, it must make an effort to create distance with a Watts. It is Defeated if any Attack would exceed its Defense or
Move action at least once per Turn with its first or last Special Defense. It may perform 1 Attack in Medium range of
Action. itself at the end of a Combat Round. Two Turrets may be active
at one time.
Reflector Barrier
A Ranged Action performed against this Entity that fails is Emergency Stimulant
reflected back. That Entity must defend against their own Effect: Remove all Detrimental Status Effects except those
Action. inflicted with Rule of Cool. Emergency Stimulant may be used
once per Combat Encounter.
Skilled Combatant
This Entity has a unique Initiative Order and performs a Turn Lefaucheux
immediately after each Player Character has completed a Attack: 3D10 + 11
Turn. If Player Characters do not beat the Entity’s Speed, Range: Medium
this Entity gains 1 free Turn at the beginning of the Combat Type: Ranged
Encounter. Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Damage: 2
Combat Round while this Entity is present. Damage inflicted Effect: While performing Lefaucheux, you may select White,
to this Entity is halved. Orange, or Red Dust’s Offense Effect to add to Lefaucheux. You
may perform Lefaucheux without selecting a Dust. If you do,
ABILITIES you may perform Lefaucheux twice with a single Action.
Attack: 3D10 + 13 Pistol Whip
Range: Long Attack: 2D10 + 11
Type: Bizarre, Wild Range: Adjacent
Damage: 2 Type: Melee
Effect: Inflicts Burning and Immobilized. Annaeux may be Damage: 3
utilized to materialize a wall equal to its Ability roll rounded Effect: Inflicts Staggered.
to the nearest step of 5 to determine its length.

Expert EncounteRS Expert EncounteRS
Atlesian Paladin-290 Huntsman/Huntress
HP: 200 This is a unique Entity that can be randomly generated to
ARMOR: 8 provide a different encounter. Substitute X with the level / 2
AURA: 0 of the Player Characters to determine final attributes. You
BARRIER: 20 may alternatively use averages for Attributes to create the
CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical same attributes for an encounter.
ACTION POOL: 4 EX. If the Player Characters are level 4, XD3 becomes 4
ATTACKS PER TURN: 4 and XD10 becomes 11.
HP: 3 + XD3
AURA: 25 + XD10
Dice Averages
MOVEMENT: 20ft Challenge: Expert ATTACK: 15 + XD3 D3 = 2
DEFENSE: 25 Grid Size: 4x4 ACTION POOL: 3
Scenario: 1 Atlesian Paladin-290 per 4 Player ABILITIES PER TURN: 2
Daunting MELEE DAMAGE: 2
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Round Grappler Arms RANGED ATTACK: Medium ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION
while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity may Attack: 2D10 + 12 RANGED DAMAGE: 2 Challenge: Average - Expert
expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Range: Medium SPEED: 15 + XD3 Grid Size: 1x1
Type: Melee MOVEMENT: 20ft Level: 1+
Large Entity Damage: 2 DEFENSE: 15 + XD3 Scenario: 1 Huntsman/Huntress per Player Character
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus alike, Effect: Inflicts Grappled until removed and inflicts 2 HP Damage at the SPECIAL DEFENSE: 15 + XD3
easily matching the size of a small house. The Entity is immune end of each of the Atlesian Paladin-290’s Turns except the Turn it
to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched onto by other performed Grappler Arms. A Grapple Skill Check or Force Skill Check SPECIAL RULES ABILITIES
Entities. Other Entities that do Grapple this Entity move with it may be used to end the effect of Grappler Arms by meeting or exceeding Huntsmen Gear Conjuration
whenever a Move action is performed. Players who use the this Ability’s Attack. Roll a 1D10 to randomly determine the Huntsmen Gear this Effect: Expend 3 Actions. Create an Entity with HP equal to this
Grappler Specialization may instead pull themselves to the Entity will possess. Entity’s Special Defense attribute. It possesses the same Attributes
Entity. This Entity halves the distance it is moved from effects Hyper Autofire 1 = Increase Armor by XD3 as the Entity that performed this Ability and may act immediately
that would displace it. Attack: 2D10 + 11 + 1D3 2-9 = Select a Dust color for this Entity to possess. Attacks regardless of where it is placed in the Initiative Order. This effect
Range: Long, Unrelenting are infused with that color of Dust. ends if the Entity’s Aura becomes 0.
Critical Destruction Type: Ranged 10 = Increase Barrier by XD3
Critical Damage disables one Ability until the End of the Combat Damage: 3 Copycat
Encounter. Reduce Armor of the Entity by 1 each time Critical Effect: This Ability inflicts double Damage against Barrier. Decrease Huntsmen Training Effect: Target another Entity with a Semblance within Medium
Damage is inflicted or a Successful Charge Attack inflicts Capacity by 1. Roll a 1D10 to randomly determine the Huntsmen Training range. Replace Copy Cat with that Semblance until the end of the
Damage. this Entity will possess. Combat Round.
Hyperbaric Dust Missile 1 = Increase HP by XD3
Rechargeable Hex Barrier Attack: 5D10 + 1D6 2 = Increase Aura by XD3 Displacement
This Entity’s Barrier is set to 10% of its Maximum HP at the start Range: Extreme 3 = Increase Melee Damage by XD3 Effect: This Entity may perform Move Actions without being
of each of its Turns. While this Entity has Barrier, Detrimental Type: Ranged 4 = Increase Melee Attack by 1 range increment impeded by obstacles. The Grappled Detrimental Status Effect is
Status Effects except those applied by Rule of Cool must be Damage: 5 5 = Increase Ranged Damage by XD3 removed after performing a Move Action. This Entity may perform a
applied twice during a Combat Round before afflicting this Effect: Prior to performing this Ability, roll 1D10 and assign the Dust with 6 = Increase Ranged Attack by XD3 range increments. free Move Action at the end of the Combat Round by expending 5
Entity. This Special Rule may only be applied to an Entity with the corresponding value. This Ability gains the Offense effect of the Dust 7 = Increase Attack by XD3 Aura.
the word “Atlesian” in its name. assigned. Target and all Close range Entities must perform a Defense 8 = Increase Speed by XD3 and Movement by 5ft.
Check against this Ability. This Ability may be performed once per Turn. 9 = Increase Defense by XD3 Harmony
ABILITIES 10 = Increase Special Defense by XD3 Effect: Target an Ally within Medium range to harmonize with.
Alternate Power Overclock Damage inflicted to this Entity or the Target Ally is split evenly
Effect: Increase the Attack/Abilities of this Entity by 5 and This Ability may only be performed by Mechanical Entities. Follow the Semblance User between both until the end of the Combat Round.
decrease its Defense/Special Defense by 5 until its next Turn or table to determine which effect may be performed. The Entity may Empower their Semblance by expending 5
Increase the Defense/Special Defense of this Entity by 5 and Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain Charged. Aura. Increase Special Defense or a Semblance-related Restoration
decrease its Attack/Abilities by 5 until its next Turn. Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2 HP to gain Charged. ability by 1D6. Effect: Restore Aura to another Entity within Medium range equal
Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1 Point of Burning to gain Charged. to this Entity’s Special Defense / 5. Restore HP to another Entity
Emergency Repair Semblance equal to this Entity’s Special Defense / 10.
Effect: Twice per Turn, this Entity may restore 1D10 HP or Pulse Wave Roll a 1D6 to randomly determine this Entity’s Semblance
remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect except those inflicted with Attack: 2D10 + 11 + 1D6 Ability. Rhythm
Rule of Cool. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks Range: Close 1 = Conjuration Effect: Successful Attacks from this Entity restores Aura equal to
removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5. This Type: Ranged 2 = Copycat this Entity’s Special Defense / 5. After a successful Defense, this
Ability may only be performed by Mechanical Entities. Damage: 2 3 = Displacement Entity may remove Detrimental Status Effects or Detrimental Status
Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense Check against 4 = Harmony Effect Stacks equal to its Special Defense / 10.
this Ability. Inflicts Staggered and knocks back 30ft. This Ability may be 5 = Restoration
performed once per Turn. 6 = Rhythm
Expert EncounteRS Expert EncounteRS
HP: 180

Any Detrimental Status Effect must be applied twice during Challenge: Expert
a Combat Round to take effect against this Entity. This Grid Size: 3x3
excludes RoC inflicted Detrimental Status Effects. Level: 9+
Scenario: 1 Nuckelavee per 4 Player Characters
While inflicting Damage, the Target loses 1 RoC. RoC loss Projectile Regurgitation
may only occur once per Combat Round per Entity. Only 1 Attack: 2D10 + 13
Signature Action may be performed per Combat Round Range: Medium
while this Entity is present. Type: Ranged, Rapid
Damage: 2
Death Throes Effect: All Medium range Entities must perform a Defense
On Defeat, this Entity will immediately perform 1 Attack or Check against this Ability. Inflicts Bleeding. This Ability may be
Ability Targeting the nearest Entity in range. performed once per Turn.

Sadistic Rotating Sweep

This Entity will attempt to critically injure or kill an Adversary Attack: 3D10 + 11
who is Defeated. If a Defeated Adversary is within range, at Range: Close
least 1 Attack or Ability must be performed against that Type: Ranged, Unpredictable, Wild
Adversary. Damage: 3
Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense Check
Stubborn against this Ability. Inflicts Staggered and knocks back 30ft.
This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not consider retreat
as an option. Death Stroke
Attack: 3D10 + 13
ABILITIES Range: Adjacent
Shrug Off Type: Melee
Effect: Once per Turn, you may remove 1 Detrimental Damage: 2D3
Status Effect that does not last until the end of the Combat Effect: Decreases Armor equal to the Damage inflicted. Ignores
Encounter. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks Barrier. Inflicts Disoriented and Weakened. This Ability may be
removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5. performed once per Turn.

Hope Shatter Stranglehold

Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Resolve Skill Check Attack: 2D10 + 13
Range: Medium Range: Adjacent
Type: Bizarre Type: Melee
Damage: 2 Damage: 3
Effect: Inflicts Shaken. All Medium range Humanoid Entities Effect: Inflicts Grappled until removed and inflicts 3 Damage at
must perform a Resolve Skill Check against this Ability. This the end of each of the Nuckelavee’s Turns except the Turn it
Ability may be performed once per Turn. performed Stranglehold. A Grapple Skill Check or Force Skill
Check may be used to end the effect of Stranglehold by
meeting or exceeding this Ability’s Attack.
Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
ADAM TAURUS Disarm Explosive
Perform an Engineering Skill Check or an Expertise Skill
Attack: XD10 + 15
Range: Extreme
HP: 25
ARMOR: 0 Check targeting an Adjacent White Fang Explosive at DC20. Type: Ranged
AURA: 160 A success disarms the White Fang Explosive, rendering it Damage: XD3 + 4
BARRIER: 0 harmless. A failure reduces the countdown of the Target Effect: At least 1 point of Moonslice must be available to
CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid White Fang Explosive by 1. perform this Ability. Expend all points of Moonslice, Rule of
ATTACK: 26 Cool, and Actions. Select a direction, All Entities within a
ACTION POOL: 3 ADDITIONAL ENTITIES direct line of Adam Taurus must perform a Defense Check.
ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 White Fang Explosive X is equal to the amount of Moonslice points expended.
ABILITIES PER TURN: 2 Speed: 1 Inflicts Stunned and ignores half of affected Entities’ Armor
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Any White Fang Explosive’s countdown that reaches 0 and Barrier. Attack may be Empowered from Semblance
MELEE DAMAGE: 3 automatically explodes, inflicting 2D6 Damage to all Entities User’s Special Rule.
RANGED ATTACK: Close within Medium range. Each White Fang Explosive’s
RANGED DAMAGE: 2 Countdown starts at 10. Reduce the Countdown by 1 each Wilting Cut
SPEED: 25 Turn. Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D3
MOVEMENT: 25ft Range: Close
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 24 Blushful Blast Damage: 4
Attack: 5D10 Effect: Inflicts Weakened and Bleeding. This Ability may be
SPECIAL RULES Range: Adjacent performed once per Turn.
Deadly Counter Type: Ranged, Rapid
Whenever a Melee Attack or Unarmed Attack fails, the Entity Damage: 3 Shadow Combo
may immediately perform a free Attack or Ability that is also Effect: Target and all Adjacent range Entities to the Target Attack: 3D10 + 15
within its Attack or Ability range. must perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Knocks Range: Medium
back 30ft. Type: Melee, Bizarre
Moonslice Damage: 3
Whenever an Action fails against Adam Taurus while ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION Crimson Saw Effect: Expend 1 point of Moonslice. This Ability is repeated
possessing points of Aura and is not afflicted by Disarmed, Challenge: Legendary Attack: 2D10 + 1D6 + 12 against the same Target until it is successfully defended, the
gain 1 point of Moonslice. Adam Taurus may possess a Grid Size: 1x1 Range: Medium Target’s Aura becomes 0, or the Target’s HP becomes 0.
maximum of 3 Moonslice points. Defense may also be Level: 9+ Type: Ranged, Wild Place Adam Taurus within Adjacent range of the Target after
Empowered from Semblance User’s Special Rule. Adam Taurus vs. 4 Player Characters Damage: 3 resolving this Ability. Adam Taurus gains Diffraction.
Unorthodox Agility Effect: You may resolve this Ability again using the Entity
Prime Antagonist Grapple Skill Checks are performed at Disadvantage against Targeted as the new origin point for determining a new Quickdraw
This Entity may expend 1 RoC to reduce the effectiveness this Entity. At the start of a Combat Encounter, this Entity’s Target to resolve this Action against. This effect may be Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D3
of Detrimental Status Effects inflicted from an RoC effect by Defense and Special Defense are equal to its Speed. performed up to 3 times while resolving this Ability. This Range: Medium
1. Gain a point of Rule of Cool at the start and end of each Ability may be performed once per Turn. Type: Melee, Unrelenting
Damage: 1D2+1
Turn. A Rule of Cool may be used to increase this Entity’s
Ability, Attack, Defense Check, Defense, or Special Defense
by 1D10. This Entity starts with 2 Rule of Cool and may
Adam Taurus and his White Fang radicals have planted timed
Ferocious Headbutt
Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D6
Effect: This Ability is repeated against the same Target until
it is successfully defended, the Target’s Aura becomes 0, or
possess a maximum of 5 Rule of Cool. explosives on a CCT Relay nearby! Intercept the White Fang Range: Adjacent the Target’s HP becomes 0.
and disrupt their plan to take down the CCT network in the area. Type: Melee, Unpredictable
Semblance User Even a few explosives would cause catastrophic damage to the Damage: 3 Rage Eruption
The Entity may Empower their Semblance by expending 5 station. Effect: Inflicts Staggered and Disoriented. Attack: 3D10 + 15
Aura. Increase Special Defense or a Semblance-related Range: Long
ability by 1D6. Success: All explosives on the CCT Relay are disarmed. Fury Grip Type: Ranged
Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated or 2 White Fang Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D3 Damage: 3D2
Extreme Maneuverability Explosives detonate. Range: Adjacent Effect: Expend 1 point of Moonslice and 1 Rule of Cool.
Perform a free Move Action at the end of each Combat Setup: Using the center of the battlemap as your reference, Type: Melee, Rapid Inflicts Bewildered, Disoriented, and Staggered, This Ability
Round. Any ranged damage is halved against this Entity. place 8 White Fang Explosives at Long range in each cardinal Damage: 3 may be performed once per Turn.
Grapple negates the effects of. and intercardinal direction. Modify the Skill Check difficulty Effect: Inflicts damage to HP. Inflicts Grappled until
and/or the number of White Fang Explosives to increase or removed and inflicts 2 Damage at the end of each of Adam
Tactical Retreat decrease the difficulty. Adam Taurus and the Player Characters Taurus’ Turns except the Turn Fury Grip was performed. A
When this Entity reaches half of its Aura or HP, they will are placed within Close range of the center of the battlemap. Grapple Skill Check or Force Skill Check may be used to
consider retreating as an option during Combat. As a GM, end the effect of Suffocating Grip by the Target meeting or
weigh the situation and determine its outcome from that exceeding this Ability’s original Attack.
Entity’s perspective. Entities with Aura should re-evaluate
their situation once their Aura has reached approximately Loyal Fanatics
25% of their maximum Aura and again at approximately Effect: Expend 2 Actions. Target 4 locations at least
10%. Medium range or more from Adam Taurus. Each location
must be at least Medium range from each other. Place 2
White Fang Fanatics in Close range of each location and
add them to the Initiative Order. They may act the Combat
Round they arrive. This Ability may be performed once per
Combat Encounter.
Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Bayonet Sweep Attack: 2D10 + 14 + 1D3
HP: 225 Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D3 Range: Adjacent
ARMOR: 10 Range: Close Type: Ranged
AURA: 0 Type: Melee Damage: 3
BARRIER: 75 Damage: 4 Effect: All Adjacent range Entities must perform a Defense
CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical Effect: Target and all Adjacent Entities to the Target must Check against this Ability. Knocks back 30ft. This Ability may
ATTACK: 26 perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts be performed once per Turn.
ACTION POOL: 4 Staggered.
ATTACKS PER TURN: 3 Heat Vent Flare
ABILITIES PER TURN: 4 Concealed Missile Pods Attack: 3D10 + 14 + 1D6
MELEE ATTACK: Close Attack: 4D10 + 4 Range: Adjacent
RANGED ATTACK: Extreme Range: Long Type: Ranged
DAMAGE: 4 Type: Ranged Damage: 2
SPEED: 15 Damage: 3 Effect: All Adjacent range Entities must perform a Defense
MOVEMENT: 20ft Effect: All Long range Adversaries must perform a Defense Check against this ability. Inflicts Burning. This Ability may
DEFENSE: 25 Check against this Ability. This Ability may be performed be performed once per Turn.
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 25 once per Turn.
Challenge: Legendary
Mammoth Repair Servos
Grid Size: 6x6
SPECIAL RULES Concentrated Dust Cannon Effect: This Ability may only be performed by Mechanical
Level: 8+
All Systems Override Attack: XD10 + 10 Entities. Once per Turn, this Entity may restore 3D10 HP,
Scenario: 1 Atlesian Colossus per 4 Player Characters
May only be performed while this Entity has 50% or less HP. Range: Extreme restore an Ability disabled from Critical Destruction
Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. Increase this Entity’s Attack Type: Ranged (including this Ability), expend 5 HP to remove 1 Detrimental
and Abilities by 5 or Defense and Special Defense by 5 until the
end of the Combat Round.
An Atlesian Colossus has been activated by rogue bandits in
Damage: XD2 + 2
Effect: Expend all Actions to perform this Ability. X becomes
Status Effect that was not inflicted by Rule of Cool, or
expend 10 HP to reduce the effectiveness of a Detrimental
order to stop the Dolphin Airship’s escape of precious cargo! the number of Actions expended while performing this Status Effect inflicted by RoC by 2. A Detrimental Status
Critical Destruction Your Team must defend the Dolphin while takeoff preparations Ability. All Extreme range Entities in a line from the Atlesian Effect that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s
Critical Damage disables one Ability until the End of the Combat complete. The rogue Atlesian Colossus will attempt to claim the Colossus must perform a Defense Check against this ability. Special Defense / 5.
Encounter. Reduce Armor of the Entity by 1 each time Critical cargo that is contained. It is neither parties’ best interest to This Ability may be performed 3 times per Combat En-
Damage is inflicted or a Successful Charge Attack inflicts damage the Dolphin Airship and collateral damage to it should counter and cannot be performed in the following Combat Overclock
Damage. be avoided at all costs. Its destruction would mean the destruc- Round after being performed. This Ability may only be performed by Mechanical Entities.
tion of its cargo. Follow the table to determine which effect may be
Daunting Drill Hand performed.
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Round Success: The Dolphin Airship completes its launch Attack: 3D10 + 12 + 1D6 Max HP =< 25: Expend 1 HP to gain Charged.
while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity may preparations and escapes or the Atlesian Colossus is Defeated. Range: Close Max HP > 25 & Max HP =< 50: Expend 2 HP to gain
expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated, the Dolphin Airship Type: Melee Charged.
is destroyed, or the Atlesian Colossus successfully retrieves all Damage: 4 Max HP > 50: Expend 3 HP and gain 1 point of Burning to
Engine of Destruction Cargo. Effect: Decreases Armor equal to the Damage inflicted. If a gain Charged.
The Entity ignores obstructions such as walls created with Dust. Setup: Place the Atlesian Colossus at Long range of the Resist Defense Check succeeds against this Ability, ignore
Dust walls do not impede this Entity’s Movement and are Dolphin Airship. Player Characters may arrange themselves the normal Action Resolution rules and inflict 1 Damage and Single Reactor Dust Cannon
destroyed by performing a Move Action through them. within Close range of the Dolphin Airship. Modify the Turns decrease Armor by 1. This Ability may be performed once Attack: 3D10 + 12 + 1D3
required for the Dolphin Airship to Launch or the amount of per Turn. Range: Extreme
Gargantuan Entity Cargo the Dolphin Airship possesses to increase or decrease Type: Ranged
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus alike, difficulty. Deploy Point Defense Shield Damage: 4
easily matching the size of a small skyscraper. The Entity is Effect: Expend 5 Barrier and nominate 1 Ability. It cannot be Effect: Target and all Close Entities to the Target must
immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched onto ATLESIAN COLOSSUS UNIQUE SCENARIO ABILITY disabled by the effect of Critical Destruction until the Atlesian perform a Defense Check against this ability. Inflicts
by other Entities. Characters who use the Grappler Transfer Supplies Colossus’ next Turn. You cannot nominate the same Ability Burning, Frostbitten, Concussed, or Exhausted. The
Specialization may pull themselves to the Entity. You may jump While the Atlesian Colossus is within Close range of the Dolphin twice in a row with Deploy Point Defense Shield. Detrimental Status Effect this Ability inflicts must be selected
atop a Gargantuan Entity and move with it. Each Turn you start Airship, it may use its gravity dust tethers to remove the cargo before it is performed. This Ability may be performed once
while still atop a Gargantuan Entity, you must perform a Grapple from the Dolphin Airship and transfer them to its own Disembark Automated Escorts per Turn.
Skill Check or Reflex Skill Check to maintain your hold and impenetrable reserve bays. Reduce the Dolphin Airship’s Cargo Effect: This Ability may be performed while the Atlesian
footing, otherwise you fall off. If you have fallen, immediately by 1. This Ability may be performed once per Combat Round. Colossus possesses 50% HP or less. Expend 2 Actions. Spectrum Hard Light Grid
place your Character 15ft away from the Gargantuan Entity Place 6 Atlesian Knight-200 Entities in Close range of the Effect: Expend 10 Barrier. Gain Diffraction.
closest to the location you were atop it. This Entity may only ADDITIONAL ENTITIES Atlesian Colossus and add them to the Initiative Order. They
perform 1 Move Action per Turn. If Staggered and Stunned Dolphin Airship may act the Combat Round they arrive. This Ability may be Stomping Shockwave
were to be applied, inflict an additional 1D6 Damage to this HP: 25 performed once per Combat Encounter. Attack: 2D10 + 10 + 1D6
Entity instead. Unaffected by the Character Specialization Wow! CARGO: 8 Range: Medium
This Entity halves the distance it is moved from effects that SPEED: 1 Type: Ranged
would displace it. DEFENSE: 20 Damage: 2
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 20 Effect: All Medium range Entities must perform a Defense
Hex Barrier Fluctuator The Dolphin Airship starts its Countdown Procedure with 12 Check against this Ability. Inflicts Staggered. This Ability may
The Atlesian Colossus may direct Damage to its HP instead of Turns before it is ready to launch. Once the Dolphin Airship’s be performed once per Turn.
its Barrier once per Combat Round while performing Damage Countdown Procedure reaches 0, it is able to escape with the
Calculation. Cargo in tow. Reduce the Countdown Procedure by 1 each
Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Cinder Fall ABILITIES Obsidian Shards
Activate Vault Mechanism Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check
HP: 45 Effect: Expend 4 Actions to perform this Ability. The Gate Range: Long
ARMOR: 0 Mechanism activates and unlocks a portion of the Vault’s Type: Ranged
AURA: 200 lock. Damage: 2
BARRIER: 0 Effect: Expend 2 Actions to perform this Ability. All Long
CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid Backdraft range Entities must perform a Defense Check against this
ATTACK: 24 Attack: 2D10 + 14 vs. Defense Check Ability. Mark a 15ft x 15ft area on each Entity’s location
ACTION POOL: 4 Range: Close regardless of a success or failure. If another Entity except
ATTACKS PER TURN: 3 Type: Ranged Cinder Fall ends their Turn within a marked area,
ABILITIES PER TURN: 4 Damage: 2 immediately perform the Pyroclasm Ability against them for
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Effect: This Ability may be Empowered. All Close range free and remove the marked area. This Ability may be
MELEE DAMAGE: 4 Entities to the Target must perform a Defense Check against performed once per Turn.
RANGED ATTACK: Long this Ability. Inflicts Burning. Knocks back 30ft. This Ability
RANGED DAMAGE: 4 may be performed once per Turn. Pyroclasm
SPEED: 26 Attack: 2D10 + 13 vs. Defense Check
MOVEMENT: 30ft Arrowfall Range: Extreme
DEFENSE: 24 Effect: Expend 2 Actions to perform this Ability. Mark an Type: Ranged, Focused, Wild
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 26 area 30ft x 30ft within Long range. If an Entity ends its Turn Damage: 1D6
within the area, immediately perform a Ranged Attack Effect: This Ability may be Empowered. Inflicts Burning.
SPECIAL RULES against them for free. The marked area lasts until the start This Ability may be performed once per Turn.
Collected Poise ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION of Cinder Fall’s next Turn. This Ability may be performed
This Entity will attempt to retreat while their Aura is 25% or less. Challenge: Legendary once per Turn. Scorching Beam
Remove all Detrimental Status Effects and all Detrimental Grid Size: 1x1 Attack: 2D10 + 16 vs. Defense Check
Status Effect stacks when an Action(s) first brings this Entity to Level: 10+ Deft Movement Range: Long
25% Aura or less. Scenario: Cinder Fall vs. 4 Player Characters Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D3 vs. Action Type: Ranged
Range: N/A Damage: 2D3
Maiden Power
This Entity may leverage any Dust Color for its Attacks or Dust EXAMPLE SCENARIO
Cinder Fall is attempting to open a Vault with her Maiden
Type: N/A
Damage: 0
Effect: Expend 4 Actions. Select a direction, all Entities
within a direct line of Cinder Fall must perform a Defense
Skill Checks. Dust Skill Checks expend 1 Action. Effect: This Ability may be performed against an Action that Check against this Ability. This Ability may be Empowered.
powers! There appears to be a number of mechanisms that she would afflict Cinder Fall. Immediately perform a free Move Inflicts Burning. If an Entity was already Burning, inflict
Prime Antagonist is powering that the Vault reacts to. Force her to retreat or Action on a success. This Ability may be performed once additional Damage equal to the Burning stacks. This Ability
This Entity may expend 1 RoC to reduce the effectiveness of defeat her if possible, but be careful! per Combat Round. may be performed once per Turn.
Detrimental Status Effects inflicted from an RoC effect by 1.
Gain a point of Rule of Cool at the start and end of each Turn. A Success: Defeat Cinder Fall or force Cinder Fall to retreat. Exploit Weakness Twin Blades
Rule of Cool may be used to increase this Entity’s Ability, Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated or Cinder Fall Attack: 2D10 + 14 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D6 vs. Defense Check
Attack, Defense Check, Defense, or Special Defense by 1D10. escapes with the Relic. Range: Adjacent Range: Adjacent
This Entity starts with 2 Rule of Cool and may possess a Setup: Place 4 Relic Gate Mechanisms at Long range from the Type: Melee Type: Melee
maximum of 5 Rule of Cool. center of the map in each cardinal direction. Place the Relic Damage: 1 Damage: 2
Gate at the center of the map. Cinder Fall is placed within Effect: Expend 2 Actions. Inflicts Exposed and Strained. Effect: This Ability is rolled twice against a Target when
Sadistic Adjacent range of the Relic Gate. Player Characters are placed This Ability may be performed once per Turn. performed. Inflicts Burning with 1 success. Inflicts double
This Entity will attempt to critically injure or kill an Adversary at Medium range from one cardinal direction of the Relic Gate. the stacks of Burning with 2 successes. This Ability may be
who is Defeated. If a Defeated Adversary is within range, at Modify the number of mechanisms Cinder Fall must interact Heart Seeker performed once per Turn.
least 1 Attack or Ability must be performed against that with to open the Vault to increase or decrease difficulty. Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check
Adversary. Range: Adjacent
Type: Ranged, Bizarre, Focused, Wild, Rapid,
Scorching Caress Unpredictable
An Entity that ends its Turn within Close range of Cinder Fall Damage: 2
decreases their Capacity by 1 and is afflicted with Burning equal Effect: Ignore Aura and Barrier. This Ability may be per-
to Cinder Fall’s Attack / 10 at the end of their Turn. The Attack formed once per Turn.
may be increased from Semblance User’s Empower.
Melting Point
Semblance User Attack: 2D10 + 15 vs. Defense Check
The Entity may Empower their Semblance by expending 5 Range: Adjacent
Aura. Increase Special Defense or a Semblance-related ability Type: Melee
by 1D6. Damage: 2
Effect: This Ability may be Empowered. Inflict Disarmed.
Decrease Capacity by 1 even if the Defense Check is a
success. This Ability may be performed once per Turn.

Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Doctor Merlot ABILITIES Merlot Delivery System
Catastrophic Glare Effect: Expend 2 Actions. Place 2D3 Mutant Creep Entities
HP: 75 Attack: 2D10 + 11 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check or 1D6 Mutant Beowolf Entities in Long range of Doctor
ARMOR: 0 Range: Long Merlot and add them to the Initiative Order. They may act
AURA: 0 Type: Ranged the Combat Round they arrive. This Ability may be per-
BARRIER: 100 Damage: 3 formed twice per Combat Encounter.
CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid Effect: Inflicts Burning. Removes 1 Beneficial Status Effect.
ATTACK: 23 This Ability may be performed once per Turn. Merlot’s Elite
ACTION POOL: 4 Effect: This Ability may be performed while Doctor Merlot
ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 Data Relocation possesses 50% Barrier or less. Expend 2 Actions. Place 2
ABILITIES PER TURN: 4 Effect: Target another Entity within Medium range that Merlot Android Entities in Close range of Doctor Merlot and
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent possesses the word Holographic in its name. Swap po- add them to the Initiative Order. They may act the Combat
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 sitions with that Target. This Ability may be performed once Round they arrive. This Ability may be performed once per
RANGED ATTACK: Close per Turn. Combat Encounter.
SPEED: 19 Defensive Parameter Adjustments Server Commands
MOVEMENT: 15ft All Entities with the word Holographic in their name replace Effect: While in close range of a Terminal broadcasting the
DEFENSE: 10 + 2D10 their Defense and Special Defense Attributes with Doctor Data Transmission, decrease the Data Transmission equal
Challenge: Legendary
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 10 + 2D10 Merlot’s Defense and Special Defense Attributes until the to this Entity’s Special Defense. This Ability may be per-
Grid Size: 1x1
end of the Combat Round. formed once per Turn.
Level: 3+
Scenario: Doctor Merlot vs. 4 Player Characters
Data Scramble Fabricate Holograms Sound Disruptor
At the start of each Combat Round, determine Doctor Merlot’s Effect: Place 4 Holographic Beowolf Entities in Close range Attack: 2D10 + 11 + 1D3 vs. Endure Skill Check
Defense and Special Defense by performing the dice roll
specified in the Entity’s profile for each Attribute individually.
An isolated island near Patch has been producing odd trans-
of Doctor Merlot and add them to the Initiative Order. They
may act the Combat Round they arrive. This Ability may be
Range: Close
Type: N/A
mission signals across the CCT. Investigate the beacon and performed once per Turn. Damage: 1
Glitch uncover who or what is behind it! Effect: Inflicts Bewildered. Remove the Hold Action from
Immediately after taking Damage, randomly select a direction Manipulate Diagnostics afflicted Entities. This Ability may be performed once per
and place Doctor Merlot 15ft towards the selected direction. Success: Successfully download more data from the Data Effect: While Doctor Merlot possesses any Status Effects, Turn.
Transmission than Doctor Merlot or defeat Doctor Merlot. select a Target within Long range with 1 or more Status
Holographic Manifestation Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated or Doctor Merlot Effects. Swap all Status Effects between Doctor Merlot and Transfer Signal
Immune to Bleeding and Poisoned. Detrimental Status Effects downloads more of the Data Transmission than all Player the Target. This Ability may be performed once per Turn. Effect: Randomly change the Terminal that the Data
must be applied twice to take effect. Characters collectively. Transmission is being broadcast from. This Ability may be
Setup: Using the center of the battlemap as your reference, performed once per Turn.
Randomized Targeting Algorithm
Randomly determine the Target of Attacks and offensive
place 4 Terminals at Medium range in each cardinal direction.
Randomly determine which Terminal will broadcast the Data
Holographic BEOWOLF
Abilities each Turn. Transmission. Doctor Merlot and the Player Characters are HP: 5 SPECIAL RULES
placed within Close range of the center of the battlemap. Set ARMOR: 0 Chipset Commands
Superiority Complex the Data Transmission value to 200. Modify the Data Trans- AURA: 0 At the start of each Combat Round, roll 1D10.
At the end of a Combat Round, if 1 or more Entities failed an mission value to increase or decrease the difficulty. Keep track BARRIER: 0 This Entity benefits from the offense effects of
Action against Doctor Merlot, taunt one of them that failed of how much of the Data Transmission Doctor Merlot downloads CLASSIFICATION: Mechanical the dust that corresponds with the value rolled.
through roleplay and decrease a random resource by 1. with the Ability Server Commands! ATTACK: 19
Determine the resource by rolling a D3 on the table below. If the
ACTION POOL: 2 Holographic Manifestation
Target cannot decrease the resource, inflict Shaken to them. PLAYER CHARACTER UNIQUE SCENARIO ACTION ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Immune to Bleeding and Poisoned.
1 = Capacity Download Data Transmission ABILITIES PER TURN: 0 Detrimental Status Effects must be applied
2 = Armor Once per Turn, you may perform an Expertise Skill Check while MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent twice to take effect.
3 = Barrier in Adjacent range of a Terminal broadcasting the Data Trans- MELEE DAMAGE: 1
mission. Reduce the Data Transmission value equal to the RANGED ATTACK: N/A Master Control
Expertise Skill Check. RANGED DAMAGE: N/A This Entity follows all orders from Doctor
MOVEMENT: 20ft Challenge: Legendary
DEFENSE: 17 Prime Directive Grid Size: 1x1
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 19 Once per Turn, this Entity will intercept Actions Level: 3+
towards Doctor Merlot if located within Close Scenario: N/A
range of Doctor Merlot. Immediately place this
Entity within Adjacent range of Doctor Merlot
after resolving the Action.

Whenever a Character performs a Defense
Check against an Entity with the Swarming
Special Rule, decrease their selected Defense
Check by -1 for each Entity of the same type
Adjacent to the Character. There must be 2 or
60 more of the same type of Entity Adjacent to the GRADIENTMGZ 61
Target to apply Swarming.
Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Fragment of Salem Deathly Shrill POWER OF DESTRUCTION ABILITIES
Effect: Expend 2 stacks of Master of Magic. Roll a 1D3. Banish
HP: 40 + 10D10 Rule of Cool effects that expend the rolled value cannot be Attack: 3D10 + 14 + 1D3 vs. Semblance Skill Check
ARMOR: 0 used until the end of the next Combat Round. This Ability Range: Long
AURA: 0 may be performed once per Combat Round. Type: N/A
BARRIER: 0 Damage: 0
CLASSIFICATION: Humanoid POWER OF CREATION ABILITIES Effect: This Ability must be performed at the start of a Combat
ATTACK: 25 Inverted Proficiency Round that the Fragment of Salem acts. The Target is replaced with
ACTION POOL: 3 Attack: 3D10 + 15 + 1D3 vs. Semblance Skill Check a Prison Entity. The Target afflicted by Banish may perform Attacks
ATTACKS PER TURN: 3 Range: Long to destroy the Prison they reside in. The HP of the Prison is equal to
ABILITIES PER TURN: 3 Type: N/A 40 minus the Target’s WIL, has a Defense of 20, and a Special
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Damage: 0 Defense of 20. If the Target fails to break out of the Prison by the
MELEE DAMAGE: 2 + 1D3 Effect: Expend 3 stacks of Master of Magic. end of the following Combat Round, they immediately decrease HP
RANGED ATTACK: Medium Invert 1 set of Attributes from the list below. and Aura to 0. When Banish’s effect ends, replace the Prison with
RANGED DAMAGE: 2 + 1D3 ● STR = AGI the Target. This Ability may be performed once per Turn.
MOVEMENT: 25ft ● DIS = END Chaos Energy
DEFENSE: 25 Inverted Proficiency’s effect lasts until the Fragment of Salem is Attack: 3D10 + 16 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 25 Defeated or the Combat Encounter ends. An Entity may only be Range: Long
afflicted by Inverted Proficiency once at any time. Type: Ranged
Balance of the Brothers Shared Reality Effect: Expend any number of Master of Magic stacks when
Randomly determine the additional set of Abilities the Fragment Effect: Whenever the Fragment of Salem is afflicted with Damage, performing this Ability. This Ability gains that many Dust colors of
of Salem has access to at the start of the Combat Encounter. the Entity that inflicted the Damage takes 2 Damage in return. your choice. You may not select duplicate Dust colors.
Until the Fragment of Salem is Defeated, it gains either the
Challenge: Legendary
Power of Creation or Power of Destruction Abilities. If the Soul Communion Grasping Torment
Grid Size: 1x1
Fragment of Salem has been Defeated twice, this Entity gains Effect: Expend 3 Actions. This Ability must be performed at the start Attack: 3D10 + 15 + 1D6 vs. Defense Check
Level: 12+
Abilities from both Power of Creation and Power of Destruction. of a Combat Round that the Fragment of Salem acts. If The Range: Long
Scenario: Fragment of Salem vs. 4 Player Characters
Fragment of Salem is not Defeated during the Combat Round this Type: Ranged
Grimm Oppression Witch of Remnant Ability is performed, half all Entities’ Aura and HP. This Ability may Damage: 3
At the end of each Player’s Turn, perform a random Move The Fragment of Salem cannot die or be imprisoned. If the be performed until it is successful. Effect: Inflicts Immobilized and Grappled. Removes 1 Beneficial
Action in a cardinal or intercardinal direction up to Close range. Fragment of Salem’s HP becomes 0 or less, restore the
Status Effect. Grasping Torment’s effect lasts until the end of the
Actions against the Fragment of Salem may only benefit from 1 Fragment of Salem’s HP by performing the roll listed next to the Soul Drain Combat Round.
stack of Advantage. Critical Successes achieved by Player HP Attribute and transfer the Fragment of Salem’s stacks of Attack: 3D10 + 12 + 1D6 vs. Defense Check
Characters provide 1 Rule of Cool instead of 3. Master of Magic as equally as possible to Attack, Defense, and Range: Medium Judgment of the Shattered Moon
Type: Ranged, Bizarre Effect: Expend 1 stack of Master of Magic. Immediately after a
Special Defense.
Master of Magic Damage: 1D3 Player Character performs a Move Action, they must perform a
Each time an Action fails against the Fragment of Salem that Effect: All Entities within Close range must perform a Defense Defense Check against a Ranged Attack from the Fragment of
infuses or leverages Dust, the Fragment Salem gains a stack of
Master of Magic. The Fragment of Salem gains 2 stacks of
You have disturbed Salem’s plan and her influence has seeped
Check against this Ability. The Fragment of Salem restores HP
equal to the Damage inflicted multiplied by 5.
Salem. Judgment of the Shattered Moon lasts until the end of the
Combat Round. This Ability may be performed once per Combat
Master of Magic after destroying a Dust Wall section. The across Remnant into the environment where you have
maximum number of Master of Magic Stacks Salem may meddled. You have meddled for the last time. Soul Shatterer
possess is 10. The Fragment of Salem gains 2 stacks of Master Attack: 3D10 + 15 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check Reaper of Remnant
of Magic at the end of each Combat Round. Success: At least 1 Player Character survives. Range: Extreme Attack: 3D10 + 17 vs. Defense Check
Type: Ranged, Bizarre Range: Adjacent
Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated.
Perfectly Laid Plans Setup: You are in control of whenever the Fragment of Salem Damage: 2D3 Type: Melee
The Fragment of Salem gains an additional Turn after all Player manifests. The number of Combat Rounds that the Fragment of Effect: The Fragment of Salem restores HP equal to the Damage Damage: 3D3 + 3
Character Turns have performed their Turns each Combat Salem exists is determined by rolling 4D3 + 2. Modify the inflicted multiplied by 10. Decreases Armor equal to the Damage Effect: Expend 2 Actions. Target and all Adjacent range Entities to
Round. number of Combat Rounds the Fragment of Salem is inflicted and inflicts Concussed. Inflicts Shaken. the Target must perform a Defense Check against this Ability.
Ignores all Beneficial Status Effects, Armor, and Barrier. This Ability
manifested to increase or decrease the difficulty.
Soul Pressure World Manipulator may be performed until it is successful.
Adversaries with Aura decrease their Aura by 1 point at the end ABILITIES Attack: 3D10 + 14 + 1D6 vs. Semblance Skill Check
of their Turns. Fluxing Magic Range: Long Shadow of the Shattered Moon
Type: N/A Effect: Expend 3 stacks of Master of Magic and select a Target.
Attack: 3D10 + 12 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check
Vengeful Range: Long Damage: 0 Until the end of the Combat Round, each time that Entity performs
This Entity will always move toward and Attack the Entity that Type: Ranged Effect: Expend 3 stacks of Master of Magic. an Action, that Entity and all Close range Entities must perform
inflicted the most Damage to it. If no Damage has been inflicted Damage: 1D3 + 1 ● Randomize the Target’s Melee Weapon Form type. It cannot be Defense Checks against a Ranged Attack from the Fragment of
to it, this Entity Attacks an Adversary with the highest Aura or Effect: Knocks back 15ft or pulls closer 15ft. the existing Melee Weapon Form type. Salem. This Ability may be performed once per Turn.
HP. ● Randomize the Target’s Ranged Weapon Form type. It cannot be
Ghastly Transfer the existing Ranged Weapon Form type.
Effect: Expend 1 stack of Master of Magic. Transfer 1 ● Randomize 1 of the Target’s Dust colors. It cannot be a duplicate
Detrimental Status Effect with any stacks from the Fragment of Dust color the Target possesses.
Salem to another Target. World Manipulator’s effect lasts until the Fragment of Salem is
Defeated or the Combat Encounter ends.

Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Leviathan ABILITIES Maelstrom
Thunderous Roar Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D6
HP: 250 Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D3 vs. Endure Skill Check Range: Medium
ARMOR: 5 Range: Close Type: Ranged
AURA: 0 Type: N/A Damage: 2
BARRIER: 0 Damage: 1 Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Effect: All Close range Humanoid Entities must perform an Check against this Ability. Decreases Capacity equal to the
ATTACK: 26 Endure Skill Check against this Ability. Inflicts Bewildered, Damage inflicted and inflicts Fumbled. After performing this
ACTION POOL: 2 Disoriented, Fumbled, and Shaken. After performing this Ability, it cannot be performed again until all other Abilities
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Ability, it cannot be performed again until all other Abilities with an Attack value have been performed.
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 with an Attack value have been performed.
MELEE ATTACK: Close Regenerate Hide
MELEE DAMAGE: 4 Tidal Smash Effect: This Ability may only be performed if this Entity’s
RANGED ATTACK: Extreme Attack: 2D10 + 14 + 1D6 Armor is 2 or less. Gain 1D6 Armor, Reinforced, and
RANGED DAMAGE: 4 Range: Close Extinguish.
SPEED: 10 Type: Melee
MOVEMENT: 15ft Damage: 6 Superior Shrug Off
DEFENSE: 24 Effect: Target and all Adjacent Entities to the Target must Effect: Expend 5 HP to remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 24 perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts that was not inflicted by Rule of Cool or reduce the effect-
Stunned. After performing this Ability, it cannot be performed iveness of all Rule of Cool inflicted Detrimental Status
SPECIAL RULES again until all other Abilities with an Attack value have been effects by 2. This Ability may be performed once per Turn
Daunting ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION performed. and does not expend an Action. A Detrimental Status Effect
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Challenge: Legendary that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity Grid Size: 6x6 Rupture Barbs Special Defense / 5.
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Level: 7+ Attack: 3D10 + 12 + 1D3
Scenario: 1 Leviathan per 4 Player Characters Range: Medium
Engine of Destruction Type: Ranged
The Entity ignores obstructions such as walls created with
Dust. Dust walls do not impede this Entity’s Movement and EXAMPLE SCENARIO
A Leviathan has risen from the depths of a nearby body of
Damage: 3
Effect: All Medium range Entities must perform a Defense
are destroyed by performing a Move Action through them. Check against this Ability. Inflicts Bleeding. If an Entity is
water and its roar has echoed across the land! It is encroaching already Bleeding, they are inflicted with Poisoned instead.
Enrage on a nearby city and will raze it to the ground if not stopped. After performing this Ability, it cannot be performed again
This Entity increases its Ability and Attack by 5 if its HP is Defeat the Leviathan before it is in range of the city to destroy it! until all other Abilities with an Attack value have been
25% or less. performed.
Success: The Leviathan is Defeated.
Gargantuan Entity Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated or The Leviathan Surging Wave
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus razes the City. Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D6
alike, easily matching the size of a small skyscraper. The Setup: Position the Leviathan at Extreme range from the City. Range: Extreme
Entity is immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be Player Characters may arrange themselves within Long range Type: Ranged
latched onto by other Entities. Characters who use the of the City. Modify the range the Leviathan is positioned from Damage: 1D3 + 2
Grappler Specialization may pull themselves to the Entity. the city to increase or decrease difficulty. Effect: All Entities in a 30ft wide line of the Leviathan must
You may jump atop a Gargantuan Entity and move with it. perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Decreases
Each Turn you start while still atop a Gargantuan Entity, you LEVIATHAN UNIQUE SCENARIO ABILITY Capacity equal to the Damage inflicted and knocks back
must perform a Grapple Skill Check or Reflex Skill Check to Raze City 30ft. After performing this Ability, it cannot be performed
maintain your hold and footing, otherwise you fall off. If you The Leviathan may only perform this Ability while in Adjacent again until all other Abilities with an Attack value have been
have fallen, immediately place your Character 15ft away range of the City and it must do so at the start of its Turn. performed.
from the Gargantuan Entity closest to the location you were Electricity arcs from the Leviathan as the city’s borders are
atop it. This Entity may only perform 1 Move Action per Turn. reduced to rubble. Bursts of electricity sweep across the city, Scorching Voltage
If Staggered and Stunned were to be applied, inflict an leaving nothing but destruction. The city has been lost to the Attack: 4D10 + 8
additional 1D6 Damage to this Entity instead. Unaffected by monstrous Grimm. Range: Extreme
the Character Specialization Wow! This Entity halves the Type: Ranged
distance it is moved from effects that would displace it. Damage: 2D3 + 2
Effect: All Entities within a 15ft wide line from the Leviathan
Stubborn must perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts
This Entity will fight until defeated. It will not consider retreat Burning, Staggered, and removes all Beneficial Status
as an option. Effects. An Entity that successfully defends itself against this
Ability loses 1 Beneficial Status effect. After performing this
Ability, it cannot be performed again until all other Abilities
with an Attack value have been performed.

Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Atlesian Battleship Crystalline Hailstorm
HP: 1000 HP: 100 Attack: 2D10 + 17 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check
ARMOR: 0 ACTION POOL: 1 Range: Long
AURA: 0 SPEED: 1 Type: Ranged
BARRIER: 0 ATTACK: 30 Damage: 2
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm RANGED ATTACK: Distant Effect: Target and all Medium range Entities must perform a
ATTACK: 50 RANGED DAMAGE: 15 Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts Exposed.
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Grid Size: 15x30 Attack: 2D10 + 16 + 1D3 vs. Endure or Reflex Skill Check
MELEE ATTACK: Close Each Atlesian Battleship will Attack Monstra each Turn Range: N/A
MELEE DAMAGE: 100 unless ordered otherwise. Type: N/A
RANGED ATTACK: Distant Damage: 0
RANGED DAMAGE: 50 Effect: All Entities on Monstra must perform an Endure or
SPEED: 1 Reflex Skill Check against this Ability. Inflicts Staggered.
DEFENSE: 50 Lightning Saturation
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 50 ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION Attack: 2D10 + 17 + 1D6 vs. Defense Check
Challenge: Legendary Range: Close
SPECIAL RULES Grid Size: 84x150 Type: Ranged
Assault Base Level: 9+ Damage: 2
Monstra cannot perform Attack Actions against Player Scenario: 1 Monstra per 4 Player Characters Effect: All Adversaries within Close range must perform a
Characters. Place 12 Griffons in Close range of Monstra at the Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts Strained and
start of the Combat Encounter. decreases Capacity by 1.


Assault Monstra and prevent it from breaking through the city’s
Wail of the Harbinger
While located on Monstra or within Close range of Monstra, High Yield Dust Bomb Attack: 2D10 + 15 vs Resolve Skill Check
Beneficial Status Effects cannot be gained. In addition, your air defense blockade! Weak points have been identified where HP: 8 Range: Long
Active Dust(s) apply as offense effects when you are afflicted by specialized bombs will be able to weaken the creature and DEFENSE: 15 Type: N/A
an Adversary’s Action. Use the Adversary’s Attack or roll to inflict major damage to it. Good luck! SPECIAL DEFENSE: 15 Damage: 0
determine any formulas from Dust. Grid Size: 1x1 Effect: Decrease Rule of Cool by 1. If an Entity cannot
Success: Monstra is Defeated. Any Entity except Monstra within Long range when a High decrease its Rule of Cool, decrease their maximum Rule of
Implacable Nightmare Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated or the Atlesian Yield Dust Bomb’s timer hits 0 is instantly Defeated and may Cool by 1. This Ability is immediately performed after the
Immune to effects that would force this Entity to be moved or Fleet is destroyed. not be saved. You may only prevent character death by detonation of a High Yield Dust Bomb and may not be
change its position. Setup: The dimensions of the battle map are recommended to expending a Destiny point, receiving a visual critical wound performed during Monstra’s Turn.
be at least 150ft x 250ft. Place Monstra directly at the edge of to your Character, and gaining the Fragile or Weakened
Spawning Flood one side of the map. Place 8 Atlesian Battleships at random Recovery Negative Specialization. You must gain one of the
At the start of each odd-numbered Combat Round except the locations at Long range or greater of Monstra. Player mentioned Negative Specializations you do not currently
first, place 1D6 Savage Beowolves, 1D6 Sabyrs, 1D6 Characters may start atop any Atlesian Battleship. Select 3 possess.
Razorwings, or 1D4 Griffons anywhere on Monstra. Add them to locations on Monstra to designate as weak spots that do not
the Initiative Order. If Monstra possesses half of its HP or less, overlap Medium range with each other. Each High Yield Dust
Spawning Flood places a single Manticore or Teryx instead. Bomb is specifically constructed to be planted on each unique
surface of Monstra. Designate which High Yield Dust Bomb
Weak Spot Vulnerability corresponds to which weak spot. You may want to color code,
High Yield Dust Bombs that detonate while placed on Monstra’s number, or letter the High Yield Dust Bombs and weak spots to
weak spots inflict 250 Damage to Monstra. Reduce Monstra’s better identify the matching pairs. Modify the number of Atlesian
Defense and Special Defense by 10 each time a High Yield Ships to increase or decrease the difficulty.
Dust Bomb detonates.
Coordinate Atlesian Battleship Fire
Once per Turn, you may expend a Minor Action and target an
Entity within Long range. 1 Atlesian Battleship performs an
Attack against the Target.

Prepare High Yield Dust Bomb

Expend a Major Action to place the High Yield Dust Bomb and
perform an Engineering Skill Check or Expertise Skill Check.
The High Yield Dust Bomb’s timer becomes equal to the Skill
Check / 10. Reduce the High Yield Dust Bomb’s countdown
timer by 1 at the end of each Combat Round. You may perform
an Engineering Skill Check or Expertise Skill Check to restore
HP to the High Yield Dust Bomb equal to the Skill Check / 10.

Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Nightmare ABILITIES Synthesis
Corrupt Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. Target a
HP: 190 Effect: Invert a Beneficial Status Effect into a Detrimental Nightmare Cultivation Entity and roll 1D3. The Target gains
ARMOR: 0 Status effect using the following table. Transfer all stacks to 1 Beneficial Status effect based on the table below.
AURA: 0 the Detrimental Status Effect if applicable. 1 = Charged
BARRIER: 0 2 = Fleet Footed
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Charged = Blinded 3 = 3 stacks of Regeneration
ATTACK: 22 Diffraction = Fumbled
ACTION POOL: 3 Extinguish = Chilled Virulent Spores
ATTACKS PER TURN: 3 Harmonized = Concussed Attack: 2D10 + 11 vs. Defense Check
ABILITIES PER TURN: 3 Fleet Footed = Exhausted Range: Close
MELEE ATTACK: Close Regeneration = Poisoned Type: Ranged
MELEE DAMAGE: 1 Reinforced = Staggered Damage: 1
RANGED ATTACK: Long Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense
RANGED DAMAGE: 1 Dream Devour Check against this Ability. Inflicts Poisoned.
SPEED: 19 Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D6 vs. Resolve Skill Check
MOVEMENT: 0ft Range: Medium
DEFENSE: 21 Type: N/A
Challenge: Legendary
Grid Size: 3x5
Effect: If this Ability’s roll is higher, restore HP to Nightmare
Level: 5+
SPECIAL RULES equal to the difference between this Ability’s roll and the
Scenario: 1 Nightmare per 4 Player Characters
Adaptive Growth Target’s Resolve Skill Check. This Ability may be performed
While being afflicted with an effect that decreases its Attributes, once per Turn.
increase the corresponding Attributes with an equivalent value. EXAMPLE SCENARIO
Through the assistance of another Huntsmen, you have been Grasping Vines
Attack = Defense propelled into a dreamscape to free a friend that has been Attack: 2D10 + 11 + 1D3 vs. Defense Check
Defense = Attack possessed by a Grimm called a Nightmare. Release your friend Range: Long
Special Defense = Melee Damage/Ranged Damage from the prison created by Nightmare and face the darkness Type: Melee
within them! Damage: 2
Negativity Banquet Effect: Inflicts Grappled until removed and inflicts 2 Damage
At the end of each Combat Round, restore 5 HP to Nightmare Success: Nightmare is Defeated or the Trapped Soul is freed. at the end of each of the Nightmare’s Turns except the Turn
for each unique Detrimental Status Effect afflicting its Failure: All Player Characters are Defeated or the Trapped it performed Grasping Vines. A Grapple Skill Check or Force
Adversaries. Soul succumbs to Nightmare. Skill Check may be used to end the effect of Grasping Vines
Setup: Place Nightmare in the center of the battle map. 1 by meeting or exceeding this Ability’s Attack.
Root Transplant Trapped Soul must be placed anywhere in Adjacent range of
At the end of each Combat Round, randomly place Nightmare Nightmare. Each Player Character may position themselves at Hypnotic Gaze
at Medium range from the center of the battlemap in a cardinal Medium range in any cardinal direction. The dimensions of the Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D6 vs. Resolve Skill Check
direction. You must place the Trapped Soul anywhere in battle map are recommended to be at least 90ft x 90ft. Set the Range: Medium
Adjacent range of Nightmare. Awakening value to 175. Modify the Awakening value and Type: N/A
Trapped Soul’s HP to increase or decrease difficulty. Damage: 0
Soul Pressure Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. Immediately
Adversaries with Aura decrease their Aura by 1 point at the end PLAYER CHARACTER UNIQUE SCENARIO ACTION perform a free Major Action as if you were controlling the
of their Turns. Inspire Memories Target. Any Damage inflicted by the afflicted Entity uses PvP
Once per Turn while in Close range of the Trapped Soul you rules. This Ability may be performed once per Turn.
Thorned Assault may perform a Semblance Skill Check in an attempt to stir their
All successful Attacks from this Entity inflict Bleeding even if memories. Reduce the Awakening value equal to the Nightmare Cultivation
Damage is inflicted to Aura or Barrier. Any Entity that performs Semblance Skill Check. Effect: Expend 15 HP to perform this Ability. Create a
an Unarmed Attack or Grapple Skill Check against this Entity is Nightmare Cultivation Entity by copying the Character Sheet
inflicted with 1 Damage for each success. ADDITIONAL ENTITIES of a Player Character and performing an Initiative roll. You
Trapped Soul cannot select the same Player Character for Nightmare
HP: 25 Cultivation during the Combat Encounter. Damage inflicted
DEFENSE: 10 to Nightmare Cultivation Entities uses PvP rules. When
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 10 reaching 0 HP or less, Nightmare Cultivation Entities do not
The Trapped Soul resists Nightmare’s influence with each use Defeated rules. Mark the location where the Nightmare
passing moment. Nightmare may perform an Attack against the Cultivation Entity was Defeated.
Trapped Soul to further ensnare them in their dreamscape. If
the Trapped Soul’s HP is reduced to 0 or less, they succumb to Revivify
Nightmare. This Entity is immune to Status Effects and Actions Effect: Expend 10 HP and 3 Actions to perform this Ability. 1
of all other Entities. Nightmare Cultivation Entity within Medium range recovers
from Defeated and restores their Capacity, HP, and Supply
to their maximums disregarding Defeated rules.

Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Aggressive Bark
HP: 125 Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D3 vs. Resolve Skill Check
ARMOR: 5 Range: Close
AURA: 0 Type: N/A
BARRIER: 125 Damage: 0
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Effect: Inflicts Shaken.
ACTION POOL: 3 Corrosive Drool
ATTACKS PER TURN: 2 Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D6
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Type: Ranged, Bizarre
MELEE DAMAGE: 3 Damage: 2
RANGED ATTACK: N/A Effect: Target and all Adjacent Entities to the Target must
DAMAGE: N/A perform a Defense Check against this ability. Destroys half of a
SPEED: 19 Target’s Armor and 1 Capacity.
DEFENSE: 24 Challenge: Legendary Erratic Nails
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 23 Grid Size: 2x2 Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D3
Level: 10+ Range: Close
SPECIAL RULES Scenario: 1 The Hound per 4 Player Characters Type: Melee, Wild
Darkness Barrier Damage: 3
May apply only to Grimm. Detrimental Status Effects must Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense Check
be applied a second time before being inflicted against an
Entity with any Barrier points remaining.
You have drawn the eye of something greater and are being
against this Ability. Inflicts Fumbled.

hunted by a relentless Grimm of the master’s bidding. The Howl Of Dissonance

Daunting creature will stop at nothing to achieve its objective. Failure for Effect: Rule of Cool effects require 1 additional Rule of Cool to
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat its master is not an option. be performed until the end of the next Combat Round. This
Round while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity Ability may be performed once per Combat Encounter.
may expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Success: The Hound is Defeated or the Target successfully
escapes. Ravaging Bite
Hybrid Evolution Failure: All Team Members are Defeated or The Hound Attack: 2D10 + 14 + 1D6
Immediately when this Entity’s HP becomes 0 or less, its captures its Target and escapes. Range: Adjacent
profile changes to The Hound Evolved and loses all Setup: Randomly select a Player Character or an NPC the Type: Melee
Detrimental Status Effects. Perform Initiative again as if you Player Characters are allied with. That Target becomes the Damage: 4
started a new Combat Encounter. Players who have not yet objective of The Hound. Select a suitable battlemap such as a Effect: Inflicts Strained and Bleeding. This Ability may be
started a Turn during the current Combat Round roll building or city streets to navigate. Place an evacuation point at performed once per Turn.
Initiative with Advantage. Extreme Distance or at the farthest location on the battlemap.
The Hound and Player Characters are arranged within Medium Reflex Bucking
Inertia range of each other at one location. Attack: 2D10 + 14 + 1D3
If this Entity performed a Move Action prior to an Attack or Range: Adjacent
Ability, it gains +1 to its Attack/Ability for each Range THE HOUND & THE HOUND EVOLVED UNIQUE SCENARIO Type: Melee, Rapid
increment moved. ABILITY Damage: 3
Capture Effect: Target is knocked back 30ft. Inflicts Staggered.
Will Of The Master The Hound may only perform this Ability while in Adjacent range
This Entity is given an objective by its master (GM Dis- of a Defeated Target. It picks up the Target and may carry it Voracious Maul
cretion) and will continue to pursue this objective until while it performs Move Actions. A Player Character may attempt Attack: 3D10 + 14 + 1D6
fulfilled or Defeated. Ex. Capture an individual, eliminate an to free the Defeated Target by performing a Grapple Skill Range: Adjacent
individual, destroy a specific Asset, etc. If its objective is Check. There may be other methods to free the Target. GM Type: Melee, Unpredictable
fulfilled, it will retreat and return to its master or another discretion is advised. Damage: 2D3 + 2
home location. Effect: Inflicts Grappled and Stunned. If the Target fails to
remove Grappled inflicted by The Hound before The Hound’s
next Turn, they take 4 Damage at the start of The Hound’s next
Turn and Grappled is removed. This Ability may be performed
once per Combat Encounter.

Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
The Hound Evolved Mach Tackle Spinal Shard Expulsion
Attack: 2D10 + 12 Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D3
HP: 150 Range: Extreme Range: Close
ARMOR: 5 Type: Melee, Rapid Type: Ranged
AURA: 0 Damage: 3 Damage: 3
BARRIER: 0 Effect: May only be performed while not being afflicted by Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. All Close
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm Grappled. Move The Hound to Adjacent range of the Target if range Entities must perform a Defense Check
ATTACK: 26 this Ability succeeds or fails. against this Ability. This Ability may be performed
ACTION POOL: 2 once per Turn.
ATTACKS PER TURN: 1 Intimidating Roar
ABILITIES PER TURN: 1 Attack: 2D10 + 10 vs. Resolve Skill Check Unending Pursuit
MELEE ATTACK: Adjacent Range: Medium Effect: May only be performed while this Entity has
MELEE DAMAGE: 4 Type: N/A 75% or less HP and is afflicted by Broken, Crippled,
RANGED ATTACK: N/A Damage: 0 or Impaired. Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability.
RANGED DAMAGE: N/A Effect: Inflicts Shaken and decreases Capacity by 1. This Increase this Entity’s Attack and Abilities by 5 or
SPEED: 23 Ability may be performed once per Turn. Defense and Special Defense by 5 until the end of
MOVEMENT: 30ft Corrupt the Combat Round.
DEFENSE: 26 Effect: Invert a Beneficial Status Effect into a Detrimental Ravage
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 26 Status effect using the following table. Transfer all stacks to the Attack: 2D10 + 11 + 1D6 Velocity Drop
Detrimental Status Effect if applicable. Range: Adjacent Attack: 3D10 + 10
SPECIAL RULES Type: Melee, Focused Range: Adjacent
Equal Opportunist Charged = Blinded Damage: 2 Type: Melee, Unpredictable, Rapid
This Entity randomly selects a Target to perform an Attack or Diffraction = Fumbled Effect: Inflicts Weakened and Strained. Decreases Armor equal Damage: 1D3 + 1
Ability against each Turn. This Entity must try to Target a Extinguish = Chilled to the Damage inflicted. Effect: May only be performed while The Hound has
new Adversary each Turn until the end of the Combat Harmonized = Concussed Grappled inflicted to an Adversary. Replace Grappled
Round. If each Adversary has been acted against by this Fleet Footed = Exhausted Sonic Boom with Stunned.
Entity, it Targets the Adversary with the lowest combined Regeneration = Poisoned Attack: 2D10 + 10 + 1D6 vs. Endure Check
Aura and HP (GM choice if tied). Reinforced = Staggered Range: Adjacent
Type: N/A
Skilled Combatant Desecrate Damage: 0
This Entity has a unique Initiative Order and performs a Turn Attack: 5D10 Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. A Move Action must
immediately after each Player Character has completed a Range: Long be performed before performing this Ability. Entities in Adjacent
Turn. If Player Characters do not beat the Entity’s Speed, Type: Ranged, Unrelenting range are knocked back 30ft. Inflicts Confused, Disoriented,
this Entity gains 1 free Turn at the beginning of the Combat Damage: 2 and decreases Capacity by 1.
Encounter. Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. Repeat the Attack of
Combat Round while this Entity is present. Damage inflicted this Ability against a Target until the Target successfully
to this Entity is halved. defends, their Aura becomes 0, or their HP becomes 0. This
Ability may be performed once per Turn.
Super Rejuvenation
Restore 10 HP at the end of the Turn. Evolutionary Resistance
Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. Remove 1
Will Of The Master Detrimental Status Effect that does not last until the end of the
This Entity is given an objective by its master (GM Dis- Combat Encounter. A Detrimental Status Effect that uses stacks
cretion) and will continue to pursue this objective until removes stacks equal to the Entity’s Special Defense / 5.
fulfilled or Defeated. Ex. Capture an individual, eliminate an
individual, destroy a specific Asset, etc. If its objective is Grimm Eclipse
fulfilled, it will retreat and return to its master or another Attack: 3D10 + 14 + 1D6
home location. Range: Extreme
Type: Ranged
ABILITIES Damage: 2D3 + 4
Aileron Buffet Effect: Expend 5 HP to perform this Ability. All Entities in a 15ft
Attack: 2D10 + 12 + 1D6 wide line of this Entity must perform a Defense Check against
Range: Close this Ability. Inflicts Burning. This Ability may be performed once
Type: Melee, Wild per Combat Encounter.
Damage: 2
Effect: Target and all Adjacent Entities to the Target must Hind Grapple
perform a Defense Check against this ability. Knocks back Attack: 3D10 + 10
15ft. Inflicts Confused and Fumbled. Range: Adjacent
Type: Melee
Damage: 1D3
Effect: Inflicts Grappled. While The Hound performs a Move
Action, the Adversary that is inflicted with Grappled is moved
with The Hound. Only 1 Entity may have Grappled inflicted to it
by The Hound at a time.
Legendary EncounteRS Legendary EncounteRS
Wyvern ADDITIONAL ENTITIES Lacerating Claw
Citizen Attack: 4D10 + 4 + 1D3
HP: 300 HP: 1 Range: Close
ARMOR: 5 ACTION POOL: 1 Type: Melee
AURA: 0 DEFENSE: 10 Damage: 3
BARRIER: 0 SPECIAL DEFENSE: 10 Effect: Expend 1 Ferocity to perform this Ability. Inflicts
CLASSIFICATION: Grimm SPEED: 1 Bleeding. If the Target is already Bleeding, inflict Strained
ATTACK: 24 MOVEMENT: 15ft instead.
ABILITIES PER TURN: 4 Panic Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D6 vs. Endure Skill Check
MELEE ATTACK: Close This Entity will attempt to flee from a threat or flee towards Range: Close
MELEE DAMAGE: 4 an allied Entity who can defend them from harm. Type: N/A
RANGED ATTACK: Medium Damage: 0
RANGED DAMAGE: 3 ABILITIES Effect: Expend 2 Ferocity to perform this Ability. All Close
SPEED: 24 Crunching Maw range Entities must perform an Endure Skill Check against
MOVEMENT: 30ft Attack: 3D10 + 15 + 1D6 this Ability. Inflicts Poisoned and Strained.
DEFENSE: 24 Range: Close
SPECIAL DEFENSE: 26 Type: Melee, Focused, Wild Regenerate Hide
Damage: 2D3+2 Effect: This Ability may only be performed if this Entity’s
SPECIAL RULES Effect: Expend 3 Ferocity to perform this Ability. Inflicts Armor is 2 or less. Gain 1D6 Armor, Reinforced, and
Daunting Stunned and Exhausted. Extinguish.
Only 1 Signature Action may be performed per Combat Round
while this Entity is present. Once per Turn this Entity may Empowering Surge Spawning Rain
expend an Action to increase its Initiative Order by 1. Expend 10 HP and 1 Ferocity. Gain Charged, Fleet Footed Effect: Expend any amount of Ferocity to perform this
ENCOUNTER RECOMMENDATION and 9 points of Regeneration. Regeneration gained from Ability. Place Savage Beowolves equal to the Ferocity
Engine of Destruction Challenge: Legendary this Ability restores 5 HP instead of 1 HP at the end of the expended anywhere the Wyvern has moved this Turn. This
The Entity ignores obstructions such as walls created with Dust. Grid Size: 7x6 Turn. Ability may be performed twice per Combat Encounter.
Dust walls do not impede this Entity’s Movement and are Level: 10+
destroyed by performing a Move Action through them. Scenario: 1 Wyvern per 4 Player Characters Horrific Wail Superior Shrug Off


The city is under attack by a Wyvern! Protect the population
Attack: 2D10 + 13 vs. Resolve Skill Check
Range: Medium
Effect: Expend 5 HP to remove 1 Detrimental Status Effect
that was not inflicted by Rule of Cool or reduce the effect-
Whenever an Adversary expends Rule of Cool, gain equal Type: N/A iveness of all Rule of Cool inflicted Detrimental Status
points of Ferocity. This Entity may possess a maximum of 5 from the Grimm that are spawning across the city while they Damage: 0 effects by 2. This Ability may be performed once per Turn
points of Ferocity. Ferocity may be used to increase this Entity’s evacuate! Wyverns are extremely ferocious and deadly, often Effect: Inflicts Concussed and Disarmed. This Ability may and does not expend an Action. A Detrimental Status Effect
Attack by 1D10 once per Action. If no Rule of Cool is expended taking on the most elite Huntsmen and Huntresses. Use caution be performed once per Turn. that uses stacks removes stacks equal to the Entity’s
in a Combat Round, gain 1 Ferocity at the end of the Combat when dealing with a creature of this size and strength. Special Defense / 5.
Round. Hurricane Wingbeat
Success: The Wyvern is Defeated, The Wyvern retreats, or all Attack: 2D10 + 13 + 1D3 Sweeping Tail
Gargantuan Entity citizens have been evacuated. Range: Close, Unpredictable Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D3
The Entity’s body size dwarfs that of Humans and Faunus alike, Failure: All Team Members are Defeated or more than half of Type: Ranged Range: Close
easily matching the size of a small skyscraper. The Entity is the Citizens are Defeated. Damage: 3 Type: Melee, Unpredictable
immune to the effects of Grappled, but may still be latched onto Setup: Using the center of the battlemap as your reference, Effect: All Close range Entities must perform a Defense Damage: 4
by other Entities. Characters who use the Grappler place 16 Citizens at random locations from the center of the Check against this Ability. Knocks back 30ft from the Effect: Expend 2 Ferocity to perform this Ability. Target and
Specialization may pull themselves to the Entity. You may jump battlemap up to Long range away from the center of the Wyvern. all Close range Entities to the Target must perform a
atop a Gargantuan Entity and move with it. Each Turn you start battlemap. Player Characters may arrange themselves within Defense Check against this Ability. Inflicts Fumbled and
while still atop a Gargantuan Entity, you must perform a Grapple 15ft of one cardinal direction the city. Place 8 Savage Beowolf Incineration Breath Staggered.
Skill Check or Reflex Skill Check to maintain your hold and Entities within Medium range of the center of the battlemap. Attack: 2D10 + 14 + 1D3
footing, otherwise you fall off. If you have fallen, immediately Savage Beowolves will attempt to attack Citizens. Modify the Range: Medium
place your Character 15ft away from the Gargantuan Entity number of Citizens and Savage Beowolf Entities to increase or Type: Ranged
closest to the location you were atop it. This Entity may only decrease difficulty. Place the Wyvern randomly in a cardinal Damage: 3
perform 1 Move Action per Turn. If Staggered and Stunned direction at Medium range from the center of the battlemap after Effect: All Entities in a 15ft wide line of the Wyvern must
were to be applied, inflict an additional 1D6 Damage to this 2 Combat Rounds have elapsed. perform a Defense Check against this Ability. Decreases
Entity instead. Unaffected by the Character Specialization Wow! Capacity by 1 and inflicts Burning.
This Entity halves the distance it is moved from effects that
would displace it. Outrage
Attack: 2D10 + 15 + 1D3
Self Preservation Range: Medium
This Entity will consider retreat at 50% HP and 25% HP. To Type: Melee, Unpredictable, Rapid
determine a retreat, tally the total of all Adversaries Resources. Damage: 2D2
If the total is equal to or more than this Entity’s HP, retreat Effect: Expend 2 Ferocity. This Ability is repeated against
becomes this Entity’s primary objective. the same Target until it is successfully defended, the
Target’s Aura becomes 0, or the Target’s HP becomes 0.

Abilities.....16, 19 Lancer - Queen.....37
Abilities Per Turn.....16 Lancer - Warrior Drone.....26, 37
Action Pool.....16 Legendary.....9
Adam Taurus.....54-55 Legendary Encounters.....54-75
Advanced.....9 Leviathan.....64-65
Advanced Encounters.....40-48 Lien.....11
Adversarial NPC.....8 Lines and Veils.....6
Alpha Beowolf.....28 Manticore.....38, 66
Apathy.....40 Megoliath.....42
Armor.....16 Melee.....23
Arthur Watts.....49 Melee Attack.....16
Assets.....10 Merlot Android.....43, 61
Assistance.....11 Miscallaneous Interactions.....17
Atlesian Battleship.....65 Monstra.....66-67
Atlesian Colossus.....56-57 Movement.....16
Atlesian Knight-130.....24 Mutant Beowolf.....32, 61
Atlesian Knight-135.....28 Mutant Creep.....33, 61
Atlesian Knight-200.....29 Nevermore.....34
Atlesian Paladin-290.....50 Nightmare.....68-69
Attack.....16 NPC's.....8
Attacks Per Turn.....16 Nuckelavee.....52
Aura.....16 Phased Combat Encounters.....15
Average.....9 Prototype Paladin-290.....44
Average Encounters.....28-35 Ranged.....23
Bandit.....36 Ranged Attack.....16
Barrier.....16 Ranged Damage.....16
Beowolf.....24 Rapid.....23
Beringel.....36 Razorwing.....38, 64
Bizarre.....23 Responses.....8
Boarbatusk.....30 Rewards & Progression.....10
Cenitaur.....41 Sabyr.....39, 66
Centinel.....30 Savage Beowolf.....45, 66, 75
Cinder Fall.....58-59 Seer.....39
Classification.....16 Simple.....9
Combat Encounters.....15 Simple Encounters.....24-27
Crafting.....45273 Social Encounters.....14
Crafting Examples.....13 Special Defense.....16
Crafting Process.....12 Special Rules.....16, 20-23
Creep.....25 Speed.....16
Custom Abilities.....18 Sphinx.....46
Deathstalker.....31 Sulfur Fish.....26
Defense.....16 Supporting NPC.....8
Designing Combat Encounters.....15 Teryx.....47, 66
Difficulty.....9 The Hound.....70-71
Doctor Merlot.....60-61 The Hound Evolved.....72-73
Encounter Design.....14-23 Thug.....27
Entity Actions.....17 Types.....16, 23
Example Entity.....16 Unpredictable.....23
Expert.....9 Unrelenting.....23
Expert Encounters.....49-52 Ursa.....35
Focused.....23 White Fang Fanatic.....48, 55
Fragment of Salem.....62-63 White Fang Officer.....35
Griffon.....32, 66 White Fang Radicals.....27
Guidance NPC.....8 Wild.....23
High Yield Dust Bomb.....65 Wyvern.....74-75
Holographic Beowolf.....61 X-Card.....6
Intermediate Encounters.....36-39

Thank you!
Game Master and Developer

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