Family WAAG June 24 - June 28, 2024 - 0

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June 24 – June 28, 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28
Learning Completion Learning Completion Learning Completion Day Report Cards Published Administrative Day
Day Day

Yearbook Distribution
(and remaining Award
certificates) in Shark

Shark Fest

Personal Learning Time DATES TO REMEMBER:

Students: Think about how you can best use these 100-minutes per July 1 Canada Day
week next school year. July 2 – Aug 23 SLSS ‘closed’ except for compressed office hours
Sept 3 Grade Assemblies and Homerooms
Connections Class – these 7 Days are required. Sept 4 First Day of Regular Classes
Connections Classes are now finished until next year. A reminder that
these days and the reflection assignment and core competencies Adult Secondary
required. Our adult secondary courses just started the second semester evening courses
and third term day courses. (It is not too late to register!) These face to
School Fees – SchoolCashOnline face/hybrid courses are free for ordinarily residents of BC who are Canadian
Students fees should now be loaded to School Cash Online. Please Citizens, Permanent Residents, Refugee status and Work Permit status with
contact the Business Assistant, Mrs. Karen Campbell at instructions stating they can study. Students can be as 17 years of age and
[email protected], if you need assistance with setting up a older. Students currently enrolled in a secondary school can also register for
SchoolCashOnline account or if you have any questions. If your courses with permission from their home school. New this year!! We are now
family is experiencing any financial hardship, please email an offering Adult Online full credit courses for Richmond Residents only.
administrator so we are able to support you. Students 17 and older. Students who are interested in registering should
contact Bob Mostat our course advisor at 604-668-7899 ext 2. 2023-24 Day &
Are you having challenges with MyEdBC? Evening Class calendars combined.pdf
Here are some resources and tips on our website. While here is the
link to the “Request Assistance” webform to describe your challenge Student and Family Affordability Fund
to our office staff who will respond to you with targeted help. The provincial government recently announced a renewal of one time funds
for the Student and Family Affordability Fund. This fund is designed to assist
Homestay Program families who require financial assistance with school-related costs in the
Be a host for an international student for a month, semester or year. following areas:
Richmond International Education (RIE) Homestay Program is • school and course fees
looking for local families to offer a welcoming home. Please see • school supplies and course materials
more information here.
• field trips
Athletics • school-related extracurricular opportunities
ALL UNIFORMAS FOR ALL TEAMS MUST BE RETURNED TO • clothing and footwear required for sports and school activities
Please reach out to Mrs. Fackler ([email protected]), Mr. Nashlund
([email protected]) or Ms. Varghese ([email protected]) if you are
Thank you to all staff who helped make the Commencement
in need of assistance. As always, all requests will be treated with dignity and
Ceremony at the UBC Chan Centre a tremendous success. Thank you
your privacy will be respected. We want to work with our families to ensure
to all of the teachers who helped to coordinate and supervise the very
that our students, your children, have everything they need to be successful at
quick locker clean-out. Thank you to all the Spectrum 10 students and
school. Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can help.
teachers who put on a great “Spectacle Event” on Thursday.
AI Supports for Parents/Caregivers and Students
Yearbook Distribution – Monday, June 24th in the Shark Tank.
New resources are available for the education sector to support local
Students need to show ID before picking up their yearbooks. Also,
considerations and decision-making regarding the use of AI tools in K-12
student must have all fees paid, books returned, and uniforms returned
schools in BC. The Digital literacy and the use of AI in education: supports
in order to pick-up yearbooks.
for British Columbia schools web page (link) now includes three student
posters and a two-page informational sheet for parents and caregivers. Further
resources for teachers will be added in the current school year.

Career Education
All grade 12’s just a few quick reminders -First your 30 Hour Volunteer
forms were due April 5th on Teams or to Ms. Sidhu – many students still
need to submit these and it is very important as this is a graduation
requirement. Next, April 15th Capstone projects were due on TEAMs so, all
of you should be putting final touches on your powerpoints and record your
audio and submit as an MP3/MP4 or share a YouTube link on
Teams. Students presenting in person will submit the day they
present. Make sure to include your name in the file name. If you need to see
if you are missing assignments you can check your marks with Ms. Sidhu in
room 501.

Significant Dates in June

Shark Fest • June is National Indigenous Heritage Month (link), an opportunity for us
Sharkfest will be happening on Monday, June 24 from 11 AM. to 2 all to reflect and honour, the many achievements of Canada's First
PM. Come out and have fun outside of the school where there will be Nations, Metis and Inuit communities. Go here (link) for a rich
photo booths, slip and slides, tug-of-war’s, caricatures, hotdogs, selection of multi-media Indigenous resources K-12
performances and many more fun activities! • June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day (link). This is a day to
recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience, and diversity of
Notice of Late Return Form First Nations, Inuit and Métis across Canada.
Please use the attached forms (in English and Chinese) for families • For our ongoing reconciliation journey, here is a short read/share: 7-
who will not be returning to school by noon on Wednesday, First Nation Facts You Should Know (link).
September 4th. Please note - families must return by September 11,
2024. If they do not return, they may lose their spot at Steveston- • June also marks the beginning of Pride Season (link). Pride Season is a
London Secondary. unifying term that refers to the period between June and September
when 2SLGBTQ+ communities and allies come together at different
2004-2025 Simplified Calendar times throughout the summer to spotlight the resilience, talent, and
Please see our 2004-2025 Simplified Calendar on our website. Our contributions of 2SLGBTQ+ communities in many Canadian cities.
hope is that this calendar will help everyone in our school community
plan for the year ahead. Richmond School District Accessibility Plan
Did you know that the Richmond School District has an Accessibility Plan?
Call to Join PAC We want all individuals to fully participate in and enjoy our facilities, services
Our amazing SLSS PAC is making a call out to families interested in and programs. We are committed to providing an accessible environment for
joining the PAC Board next year. Please see information on our all members of our diverse community through listening, learning, conscious
website. planning, and effort to remove barriers and increase accessibility.

Summer Learning 2024 The Richmond School District also has several ways for members of our
Please see the link that will outline the catalogue and FAQs. community to provide feedback about their accessibility experience. Feedback
can be submitted using writing, voice recording, photo, video or over the

By email: [email protected] (link)

By phone: 604-668-6000 (please ask to speak with the Director of Instruction
– Inclusive Learning)
By mail: Director of Instruction – Inclusive Learning, 7811 Granville Avenue,
Summer Learning 2024 Volunteering Opportunity Richmond, BC V6Y 3E3
Are you interested in the Summer Inquiry to leadership Through
Experiential Learning program. This is an opportunity for grade 9-12 Visit our website for more information about the Richmond School District
students to learn about leadership and gain valuable leadership hours Accessibility Plan (link).
volunteering in one of our summer learning programs.
The purpose of this program is to have students strive to develop Final Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) Selections for 2024 Graduates –
leadership skills for application in the school and community. Due July 12
Leadership students will be involved in helping out with our Grade 12s, reminder to make your Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) selections
Richmond School District Summer Learning Programs that will in the Student Transcripts Service (STS) by July 12.
provide a forum for students to display these leadership skills helping
and being valuable student leaders in our Summer Learning
community. City of Richmond - $29 Summer Active Pass The $29 Summer Active Pass
The program is designed so that Student leaders will be part of a ( (link)) is now available for purchase. This low
leadership workshop on July 3 located at Richmond Secondary cost, unlimited pass is for 5 to 18 year olds to participate in select drop-in
Library. After this, Student Leaders will be scheduled to volunteer a activities including:
minimum of 40 hours in one of our summer learning programs. • Swimming, fitness centre access and select drop-in group fitness
Please see the details here on our website. classes at Minoru Centre for Active Living and Watermania
• Swimming at South Arm and Steveston Outdoor Pools
• Skating* at Richmond Ice Centre (public skating only)
• Golf** at West Richmond Pitch & Putt (Monday to Thursday, 12-
4 p.m., excluding holidays)
• Fitness centre access and select drop-in group fitness classes at
Cambie, City Centre, Hamilton, South Arm, Steveston, Thompson
and West Richmond Community Centres
• Select drop-in activities at community centres
Integrated Child and Youth Teams (ICY) – Art in the Park
Facilitated by ICY youth peer support workers, this non-clinical, *Skate rentals extra. **Golf rentals extra; children under 12 years old must be
drop-in group will run on Fridays from July 12 to August 23 (1-3 accompanied by an adult.
p.m.) at King George/Cambie Community Park. No registration or (link)
commitment is required. (link)
[District Update] FamilySmart – Peer Support, Workshops, and Events
City of Burnaby – National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024 for Families
The City of Burnaby is organizing a family friendly, community
celebration to honour and recognize National Indigenous Peoples FamilySmart is available in the summer to provide support for families who
Day. This year, the event will be held on Friday, June 21 from 3 to 7 are navigating mental health and substance use issues. Two upcoming events
p.m. at Civic Square, 6100 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby. (link) (click here for details (link)) include:

Wildfire Mental Health Supports • Wed, June 19 (6-7:30 p.m.) – Self Harm: There is Always Help,
Climate events can impact not only our physical environments and There is Always Hope
health but also our mental health. Virtual wildfire recovery • Wed, August 7 (6:30-7:30 p.m.) – Mental Health and Preparing for
resources (link) and mental health supports (link) are available for the Transition to Post Secondary
children, youth and families affected by wildfires. Additional mental
health resources for those affected by wildfires and climate-related
events can be found on the Ministry of Mental Health and To access peer support, click here (link) for more details.
Addictions' Help Starts Here website (link) and at Kids Help
Phone (link). The erase Mental Health and Well-Being web BC Lions
page (link) provides mental health resources for students, families and The BC Lions want to help you celebrate the end of the School Year with a
educators. special offer to all the students, teachers, administrators, friends and family of
Richmond School District #38, by providing you exclusive pricing to the BC
Lions game on Thursday June 27 at 7:00. Schools from all over the lower
mainland will be there wearing their school colors to celebrate H.A.G.S.
(Have A Good Summer) Night with the BC Lions.

To get your tickets for the game just click this link: https://fevo-

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