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SocSci 2
(Chapter II– Lesson 1)

GROUP 3 : Renabai K. Datang

Karymae U. Akas Rowena N. Maulana

Nanie P. Bansao Juliet R. Padasas

Geneviebe L. Claud Elikris na Flor A. Pandapatan

4 -BSE-Science

Lesson Outcomes:

 Define and understand the meaning of culture of peace;

 Discuss social, political, and economic continuum of culture of peace; and
 Reflect and share about the manifestations of culture of peace in one’s own

UNESCO Geneviebe L. Claud

UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) is a

specialized agency of the United Nations that aims to promote world peace and security
through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. It's headquarter
is located in Paris, France and is headed by Audrey Azouday, the Director -General of the
agency. It was founded on November 16, 1945 in London, United Kingdom.

Political and economic arrangements of governments are not enough to secure the
lasting and sincere support of the people. Peace must be founded upon dialogue and mutual
understanding. Peace must be built upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity.
UNESCO develops educational tools to help people live as global citizens free of hate and
intolerance. UNESCO works to ensure that every child and every citizen has access to
quality education. By promoting cultural heritage and the equal dignity of all cultures,
through this way UNESCO strengthens the bonds between nations. UNESCO fosters
scientific programmes and policies as platforms for development and cooperation. UNESCO
stands up for freedom of expression, as a fundamental right and a key condition for
democracy and development. As a laboratory of ideas, UNESCO helps countries to adopt
international standards and manages programmes that foster the free flow of ideas and the
exchange of knowledge.

UNESCO's founding vision was born in response to a world war marked by racist and
anti-Semitic violence. In response to the continuously rejection of scientific facts and
threats to freedom of expression which challenge peace and human rights. In response,
UNESCO's duty remains to reaffirm the humanist missions of education, science and culture.
What is a Culture of Peace? Rowena N. Maulana and

Elikrisna Flor A. Pandapatan

As Johan Galtung said Peace is the absence of physical and structural violence. So, to
achieve this peace, we have the so-called Culture of Peace which is integral and significant
to prevent violence or conflict.

According to the UN Declaration, a Culture of Peace is a set of values, attitudes,

traditions, and modes of behavior which can be definitely seen or is evident to its
community or the people live in.

A culture of peace is also a set of life ways based on:

Respect for life and for all human rights.

To respect human life, we must value it by ending violence, refusing to situation that might
cause conflict, and promote ways that respects everybody's rights and differences.

Rejection of violence in all forms.

Keeping distance or refusing to situation or the people that has the potential to harm us,
which might destroy our inner peace. Sometimes saying No

Commitment to full participation in the process of equitably, participation or

being involve into advocacy's that promotes peace and equality to Religions, Genders,
Social Status and etc.

Involving ourselves into youth organizations that are rampant nowadays to establish
good citizen and leaders for the future, to peace talk, dialogues and negotiations.

Promotion of equal rights and opportunities of women and men.

Respecting all genders, by simply appreciating there existing and talents. Respecting each
others opinions by disregarding the differences. Giving the equal opportunities to men and
women in workplace that is observed already in our community.

Recognition of the rights of everyone to freedom of expression.

Having the skills of Openness and Tolerance that was explained from our previous chapter,
accepting others ideas and dispositions.

Opinion and Information.

Providing beneficial information for everyone, based on facts. Respecting others opinion
even it coincides our perspective. Showing empathy was discussed to us from the previous
chapter which says understanding their conditions, knowing the root cause of those
opinions of them. Educating the youth or the unprivileged to informations and educations,
those that are target of disinformation to spread issues and fake news which might cause to
misconceptions and misunderstanding that causes conflict or worst, violence.

A Philippine Framework Toward a Culture of Peace Juliet R. Padasas

The purpose of Philippine Framework of Culture of peace is to understand the differences

in culture across countries and to quantify the particular values of societies. The culture of
peace framework has developed based on the experience and reflection of peace in the
Philippines. The framework was the work of the archbishop of Cagayan de Oro, a peace
advocate, Antonio Ledesma.

Philippine Framework Toward a Culture of Peace has six dimension and six values that
everyone should know in order to value the importance of culture in peace. According to
Galace et. Al. (2010), these dimensions and values represent the major concern in order to
build the culture in the Philippines. This is believed to be the root culture of peace. Peace
flourishes values when social and political institution makes sure that fundamental
requirements are fulfilled.

The goal of establishing the culture of peace is important by the following values;

a. Spirituality - We need this values to maintain the culture of peace personally and to
family integrity. It make us matured and god-fearing people. It teaches and require
us to unconditionally love ourselves and our family.
b. Justice - It is a concept of fairness. It seeks to strengthen citizens responsibility and
participation. Justice is the heart of human rights and democracy, it ensure that
people are treated with dignity and respected by those with public power. It also
maintain law and order desirable.
c. Compassion - Without this values, poverty eradication is impossible. How can we
show compassion? We can donate clothes to the poor, serve them meal, and listen to
them without judgement, in this way we can achieve peace. It fulfills the basic needs
and economic equity that helps to achieve poverty eradication. We also need the
poitical will.
d. Dialogue - It is an open and respectful exchange of views between individuals and
group belongings to different cultures that leads to deeper understanding of of other
global perceptions. To achieve the culture of Peace we need to recognize other
culture and develop respect for culltural diversity through conversation.
e. Active Non-violence - It manefested through values such as respect for human
rights, freedom and trust. In order to achieve peace it is highly needed that
combatants are willing to stop fighting and to restrain their forces.
f. Stewardship - Refers to the responsible use and protection of the natural
environment through active participation in conservation efforts and sustainable
practices. Stewardshio, protection and cooperation is a factor in creating more
peaceful relation to environment and to other people.


1. Personal and Family Integrity Karymae U. Akas

 Personal values of honesty, discipline, frugality, etc.

- To be a person of integrity means to be someone is completely honest,
trustworthy, reliable and dependable, whether others are watching or not.

 Family values such as fidelity, unity, love of parents and children

- Family values are similar to personal values but they includes the entire family. It
is the acceptance and love regardless of what your family looks like and how you
deal with challenges as a unit.

 Versus vices like drugs, gambling, pornography, etc.

- When we say vice, it is the weakness of character or behavior or bad habits that is
more than an addiction. This is not automatically make you addicted to drugs and

Entails that there is need to develop spirituality: God-centered with social
- The social concern of the church is directed towards an authentic development
of man and society which would respect and promote all the dimension of the
human person.

2. Human Rights and Democracy

 Human Rights are universal, inviolable, inalienable

- We are all equally entitled to our human rights because everyone is born with
and possesses the same rights regardless of where they live, their gender or race,
or their religious and cultural background without discrimination. It is
inalienable because people’s rights can never be taken away for example is the
freedom of religion. And human dignity must be respected and protected.

 Right to life, to education, freedom of religion, etc.

- Section 16 of the Human Rights Act 2019 says that, every person has the right to
life and has the right not to be arbitrarily deprived of life. Means there’s no body
including the government can try to end your life each in every one of us has the
right to live. On the other hand, according to the Article of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to education, for
example the freedom of parents to choose schools for their children which are in
conformity with their religious and moral conviction. Education is not privilege;
it is human right and is legally guaranteed for all without any discrimination.
And freedom of religion in which every person has the right to choose what
religion to follow and to worship with interference.

 Freedom of speech and assembly, right to vote freely in a genuine democracy

- Since the Philippines is a democratic country, we as a Filipino have the freedom
of speech to express ourselves and have power to participate in making decision
directly by voting on laws and policy proposals. And a freedom to choose
government officials.

- For law and order in accord with the Natural Moral Law
 Natural Moral Law – is created by Thomas Aquinas; it refers to the system of
right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature
rather than from the laws of society. Justice in accordance to this law is
important because it is applied to moral, political and ethical system today
that has been used to understand and discuss human nature.

3. Eradication of poverty Renabai K. Datang

 Sustainable Development Goal 1 aims to "End Poverty"

- The first Sustainable Development Goal aims to “End poverty in all its forms
- The 2030 Agenda acknowledges that eradicating poverty in all its forms and
dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an
indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
There are 7 Priority actions on poverty eradication include:
i. improving access to sustainable livelihoods;
ii. providing universal access to basic social services;
iii. progressively developing social protection systems;
iv. empowering people living in poverty and their organizations;
v. addressing the disproportionate impact of poverty on women;
vi. working with interested donors and recipients to allocate increased shares
of ODA to poverty eradication; and
vii. intensifying international cooperation for poverty eradication.

 Economic Growth must be inclusive

- Inclusive growth is economic growth that is distributed fairly across society and
creates opportunities for all. So, there should be employment and decent work
for all without harming the environment.

 For Integral Human Development

- Poverty is one of the hindrance to Integral human development. Poverty can be
associated to human health risk.
Provide basic needs such as foods, shelter, health and education
- Social enterprises offer a community with a sense of purpose. These enterprises
tap most locals as a way to both provide income for them and answer the call of
change in their community.

4. Intercultural understanding and Solidarity

 For appreciation of cultures and religions

- it allows you to experience what it's like to be a part of a community other than
your own. It also gives you cultural awareness and acceptance, which can help
break down cultural barriers while interacting with people of different

 Combating stereotypes, discrimination and prejudices

- Another way to reduce this kind of issues is to change the way people categorize
social groups. We should have equal treatment regardless of our differences.

4. Disarmament and Cessation of Hostilities Nanie P. Bansao

- focus on ways of resolving violence without the occurrence of another

o Disarmament – is the total elimination of country's military or specific type of
weaponry; not only an act of reducing and limiting weapons, but also an act of
limiting military forces of the country

o Cessation of Hostilities
 ceasefire - signifies a call to terminate hostilities
 hostilities - aggressive behavior of one party towards another party
 cessation - more formal than ceasefire; it is a temporary halting of all military
activity in a given length of time and in a given area; it can be negotiated
between parties to a conflict

 For Conflict Resolution and Peace Negotiation Versus Proliferation of Firearms

 proliferation - the rapid increase on the number of weapons beyond those
need legitimate national security; fuelling gun crime worldwide; example is
the people without authority holding firearms and using it to provoke other
parties when their objectives were not met
- Instead of growing the number of civilians holding firearms in resolving conflicts,
peace negotiation should be employed.
 peace negotiation - peaceful process in which different entities such as
military officials, politicians, and diplomats provide each side's needs, and
adequately addressing their interests to satisfy them in return for a
permanent peace between these parties

 Active Non-violence as a Response to Injustice

- Violence does not always occur as warlike fights, it can be abbusive use of
power, unfair judgment, or violence against human rights.
 active non-violence - involves the use of peaceful means in an "active" or
persistent manner to push for, and bring about, political and social change;
example is a peaceful protest in response to issues ranging from racism to

- It is a voluntary suffering to defeat justice while resisting violence. It requires

discipline, courage, and stregth.

 Eliminate Acts of Violence Against Persons, Property, and Liberty

 Violence against persons
The Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act of 2015 - is an act to eliminate
violence in private and public life, prohibit all form of violence against persons
and to provide maximum protection and effective remedies for victims and
punishments of offenders; and for related matters.

- To eliminate such types of violence in our community, we can start by setting

up a community where streets and homes are well-lighted, and organized
recreation and tutoring programs for the knowledge of people about violence
against persons.
 Violence against property - usually done through destruction of property in a
manner that diminishes the property's value. It could also be done through
stealing somebody's property in resolving a conflict.
 Violence against liberty - the right to liberty is a fundamental part of human
dignity; this violence involves deprivation of one's freedom o Deprivation of
liberty - occur when the person is under continuous suspension and control
and is not free to leave, and the person lacks capacity to consent to these
4. Environmental Protection

- The practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, organizations,

and governments.

- According to the holistic concept of peace and violence, peace also involves
protection of the environment.

- The objectives of environmental protection is to conserve the natural resources

and the existing natural environment, and where possible to repair damage and
reverse trends.

 Promote the concept of stewardship

 Stewardship – a theological belief that humans are responsible for the world,
and should take care and look for it.

“Peace with nature is considered the foundation of positive peace” – Mische , 1987

 Positive peace – the well-being of people with the absence of structural

 Structural violence – causes suffering and even death to great population;
example are poverty and starvation

- Examples of Stewardship: using materials that safely biodegrade, reducing

waste through recycling, and considering the environmental effect in developing
inventions ad infrastructure.

 Protect the Watershed

 Watershed protection – is a means of protecting lakes, rivers, or streams by
managing the entire watershed that drains into it.
Why do we need to protect the watershed?

- A healthy watershed protects water supplies, nurtures forests, plants, and

wildlife, keeps soil fertile, and supports self-reliant communities.

- Protecting a watershed often involves settling disputes over land, marking

clear boundaries, developing plans for the flow of water, making agreements
among neighbors about the use of land and water, and gathering and sharing the
resources necessary to do the work.

 Practice proper waste management

- Proper waste disposal and management can be done by applying the 3Rs --
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
 Reducing means lessening the amount of trash/garbage produced
 Reusing refers to using materials more than once
 Recycling means creating new material or product out of trash/garbage

Simple ways to efficiently manage waste at home

 limit the use of plastic

 segregate waste
 reduce the use of paper

 Fight against illegal logging, irresponsible mining

 Illegal logging – drives deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change. It
can deprive forest communities of livelihoods, and the natural resources they
rely on, and lead to human rights violation, unrest, and violence.
 Irresponsible mining – results in unnaturally high concentrations of chemical
such as arsenic, mercury and sulfuric acid over a wide area surrounding the
- How is environment related to peace?

Environmental peacemaking brings parties in conflict together to work on environmental

issues in ways that build confidence and reduce political tensions. It encompasses the
entire conflict cycle, from prevention, mitigation and management to post-conflict peace

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