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Waves in Random and Complex Media

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Entropy generation analysis on convective

radiative stagnation point flow of a Casson
nanofluid in a non-Darcy porous medium with
induced magnetic field and activation energy: the
multiple quadratic regression model

A. Sahoo & R. Nandkeolyar

To cite this article: A. Sahoo & R. Nandkeolyar (2022): Entropy generation analysis on convective
radiative stagnation point flow of a Casson nanofluid in a non-Darcy porous medium with induced
magnetic field and activation energy: the multiple quadratic regression model, Waves in Random
and Complex Media, DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2022.2096270

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17455030.2022.2096270

Published online: 11 Jul 2022.

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Entropy generation analysis on convective radiative

stagnation point flow of a Casson nanofluid in a non-Darcy
porous medium with induced magnetic field and activation
energy: the multiple quadratic regression model
A. Sahoo and R. Nandkeolyar
Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India


The present article analyzes the entropy generation on the nonlinear Received 1 September 2021
thermally radiating magnetohydrodynamic Casson nanofluid flow Accepted 21 June 2022
closer to the stagnation point inside a non-Darcy porous medium KEYWORDS
with viscous dissipation, magnetic dissipation, mixed convection, Casson nanofluid; induced
and heat generation. The induced magnetic field’s impact and the magnetic field; thermal
implications of the chemical reaction and the activation energy are radiation; mixed convection;
also included in the study. A mathematical model based on the non-Darcy porous medium;
substantive problem is developed, consisting of nonlinear partial dif- activation energy; entropy
ferential equations and compatible boundary conditions. The math- generation
ematical model is converted to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential
equations with appropriate boundary conditions using a suitable
similarity transformation, which is then solved using the spectral
quasi-linearization method. A complete examination is executed for
achieving in-depth information of different varying flow parameters’
consequences on the flow field and the significant physical quan-
tities using several graphs and tables. Using the regression models
on the reduced Nusselt number Nux Rex and the reduced Sher-
wood number Shx Rex , the maximum relative errors are shown as
0.15%–0.30% and 0.016024%–0.016225%, respectively. The present
results signify that the larger velocity ratio parameter boosts the
velocity along the x-axis and the transverse velocity for M = 3, but
the transverse velocity for M = 1, temperature, and induced mag-
netic field follow a reverse pattern.

1. Introduction
The exploration of magnetohydrodynamic impacts on the viscous electrically conducting
fluids motivates researchers very much due to its fruitful applications in different scien-
tific processes like metallurgical process, MHD propulsion system, electromagnetic pumps,
MHD generators, plasma confinement, etc. The resistive Lorentz force created by the strong
magnetic field trends controlling the flow. Keeping it in mind, Attia et al. [1] studied the
steady incompressible magnetohydrodynamic fluid flow inside two parallel plates along

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with heat transport. Dessie and Kishan [2] analyzed the mixed convective magnetohydro-
dynamic flow placed in a porous medium together with heat transport. They applied Lie’s
scaling group of transformations for transforming the leading partial differential equations
into the self-similar non-linear ordinary differential equations. Manjunatha and Gireesha [3]
reported the magnetohydrodynamic flow by taking the variation of viscosity and thermal
conductivity. They also discussed the features of heat transport of their proposed problem.
Lund et al. [4] explored the impacts of viscous and Joule dissipations in the steady mag-
netohydrodynamic micropolar fluid flow. They proved the first solution to be stable and
the other two solutions not to be stable through the stability analysis. In this context, some
useful research works were later done by several authors [5–7].
Recently, the exploration of non-Newtonian fluids inspires researchers significantly for
its various fascinated usages in different scientific processes. Researchers indicate Casson
fluid as one type of the most notable non-Newtonian fluid abiding infinite viscosity at zero
shear rates for reliable usages in many scientific areas like polymer industries, biomechan-
ics, etc. Noticeably, Casson fluid refers to one kind of shear-thinning fluid and expresses
yield shear stresses. If the yield stress dominates the shear stress, Casson fluid plays as
solid. In contrast, when the shear stress becomes more prominent compared to the yield
stress, Casson fluid starts deforming. At low shear stress, Casson fluid operates as an elastic
solid, whereas it possesses the features of the Newtonian fluid when we exceed the crit-
ical stress value. The Casson fluid sample is originated through interaction between solid
and liquid phases. So Casson fluid is classified as viscoelastic fluid. Moreover, we gener-
ally find the properties of Casson fluid in the fluids like honey, soup, human blood, jelly,
tomato sauce, etc. The researchers consciously moved towards investigating the electri-
cally conducting non-Newtonian Casson fluid’s characteristics owing to the impact of an
externally applied magnetic field for its unique usages in different scientific areas. Firstly,
Eldabe and Salwa [8] constructed a physical model and exceedingly attempted to depict
the steady magnetohydrodynamic flow of the Casson fluid with heat transport. Haq et al. [9]
explored the steady incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of the Casson
nanofluid towards the shrinking surface under the influence of suction/injection on the
wall. They also included convective boundary conditions in their proposed mathematical
model. Oyelakin et al. [10] emphasized the investigation of the nonlinear thermally radiative
magnetohydrodynamic flow of the Casson nanofluid over a moving wedge under the influ-
ence of variable transport properties with taking gyrotactic microorganisms. Few recent
research works corresponding to the present investigation have been discussed in the
articles [11–14].
The exploration of the stagnation point flow has a high demand to the investigators
because of its necessity in manufacturing plastic substances. Therefore the researchers
emphasized studying the magnetohydrodynamic stagnation point flow. Ibrahim et al. [15]
introduced an interesting mathematical model for discussing the magnetic field’s impact
on the hydromagnetic flow of a nanofluid near the stagnation point by taking heat trans-
port into account. Their investigation notifies that if the free stream velocity is more than the
stretching velocity (A > 1), increasing the magnetic parameter intensifies the heat trans-
port rate; on the contrary, it lessens the heat transport rate for A < 1. Farooq et al. [16]
scrutinized the steady nonlinear thermally radiative magnetohydrodynamic and viscoelas-
tic nanofluid flow closer to the stagnation point, considering Brownian motion and ther-
mophoresis. They incorporated the convective heat transfer analysis in their research work

by imposing the convective boundary layer condition. Khan et al. [17] created a mathemat-
ical problem investigating the Homann stagnation point flow, which is not axisymmetric
under the uniform external magnetic field’s influence with considering buoyancy forces’
impacts. Some valuable research works related to this phenomenon have been performed
in the different articles [18–20].
In most industrial and engineering applications, the influence of the induced magnetic
field is not considered due to the tiny magnetic Reynolds number of the working fluid. In
fact, if the magnetic Reynolds number  1, the prominent impact of the induced magnetic
field takes place. The exploration of the induced magnetic field becomes to be essential
for its remarkable usages in scientific areas like magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) electrical
power production, manufacturing glass, and so on. Sheikholeslami et al. [21] reported
the free convective Al2 O3 –water nanofluid by taking into consideration the induced mag-
netic field. They also took into account Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li (KKL) Correlation and Brownian
motion. Sheikholeslami and Rokni [22] proposed an exploration of the two-phase model on
double diffusion convective nanofluid flow by taking into account the induced magnetic
field. Sadaf [23] revealed an experimental and numerical analysis containing the peristaltic
Williamson nanofluid flow inside an annulus with the induced magnetic field. According
to the outcomes of their research work, the larger magnetic Reynolds number causes an
upsurge in the induced magnetic field and current density. Some researches corresponding
to the Induced magnetic field have been illustrated by the investigators [24–26].
Thermal radiation is highly responsible for executing the heat transport system crucially.
Naturally, heat is transferred from the hot area to the colder area via the process of thermal
radiation. Nonlinear thermal radiation is more effective for both small and higher temper-
ature differences between two bodies, whereas linear thermal radiation is not applicable
in processes with higher temperature differences. The nonlinear thermal radiation effects
have many potentials for usage in different scientific areas like heat exchangers, power
technology, solar systems, gas production, space technology, the safety of nuclear reac-
tors, electrical power generation, propulsion devices, the rheology of polymeric material,
cooling of reactors, space vehicles, etc. For these immense requirements, in the present
investigation, the main motive of the authors is to study various mathematical models
describing the effect of the radiative heat transport on the hydromagnetic fluid flow with
the physical constraints imposed on the prescribed systems. Sheikholeslami [27] presented
an attractive mathematical model regarding the numerical description of the magnetohy-
drodynamic ferrofluid radiation and natural convective heat transport. Via the outcomes of
their research work, they inferred that growing the buoyancy forces and radiation param-
eter resulted in an increment in the Nusselt number, whereas the higher Lorentz forces
trended declining the Nusselt number. Hayat [28] developed a mathematical model regard-
ing the carbon–water nanofluid flow because of the Marangoni convection’s influence by
taking the impact of the thermal radiation into account. Valipour et al. [29] depicted the
thermally radiative flow of the CNT–water nanofluid with taking into consideration the
heat generation. Some of the innovative investigations related to this research work are
presented in the articles [30–32].
The study of the heat transfer by the mixed convective flow inspires the researchers very
much for its vast range of usages in many scientific and industrial processes. It is a well-
known fact that the mixed convective flow is distinguished by the buoyancy force created
by the variation of temperature and density. Malvandi and Ganji [33] showed their keen

interest in analyzing the laminar magnetohydrodynamic Al2 O3 –water nanofluid flow with
mixed convection. Mahanthesh et al. [34] reported the combined impacts of heat and mass
transport on the thermally radiative magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid flow, taking into
account the mixed convection and first-order chemical reaction. Ali et al. [35] constructed
an interesting physical model consisting of the oriented magnetic field’s impact on the
steady water-based nanofluid flow considering mixed convection and rotating heat source.
Some valuable research works related to the mixed convective magnetohydrodynamic flow
are revealed in the articles [36–40].
Activation energy is required for the stimulation of chemical reactions. Different chem-
ical reactions need different amounts of activation energy. But in few cases, we notice
the amount of the activation energy to be zero. The chemical reaction induced by activa-
tion energy is only visible through heat and mass transport. For its vast range of potential
usages in numerous scientific areas, the researchers find a keen interest in exploring the
influences of the chemical reaction induced by activation energy. Shafique et al. [41] sug-
gested a fascinated mathematical model for analyzing the combined influences of heat
and mass transport on the Maxwell fluid flow along with the the binary chemical reac-
tion induced by activation energy. Mustafa et al. [42] addressed the magnetohydrodynamic
nanofluid flow over a vertical sheet taking mixed convection, chemical reaction initiated
by activation energy, Brownian motion, and thermophoretic diffusion into account. Zee-
shan et al. [43] exposed an exploration of the Couette–Poiseuille nanofluid flow under the
influence of activation energy by employing the convective boundary conditions in the pre-
scribed physical problem. In this context, some fruitful research works based on the present
investigation have been executed by several authors [44–46].
If the flow is viscous, having Reynolds number small than unity, Darcy’s law is applied.
Actually, in porous media having a large pore radius, we can not utilize Darcy’s law
due to neglecting the porous medium’s inertia effect. Therefore the researchers ana-
lyzed Darcy–Forchheimer Model developed from the original Darcy’s law by adding the
quadratic inertial term. Keeping this fact in mind, Murthy et al. [47] suggested a remark-
able mathematical model analyzing the steady free convective flow in a thermally stratified
nanofluid through a non-Darcy porous medium. Eldabe et al. [48] numerically and ana-
lytically described the peristaltic Williamson nanofluid flow within a non-Darcy porous
medium. They also included heat and mass transport in their study. Alsabery et al. [49] elu-
cidated the alumina-water nanofluid inside a non-Darcy porous medium considering the
transient natural convection. They inferred that the assisting nature of the porosity on the
average Nusselt number could only be visualized at a higher Darcy number, but it affected
the average Nusselt number nominally at a low Darcy number. Some of the recent research
studies consisting of the current exploration are performed by several authors [50–57].
Actually, the measure of the system’s disorderliness or ruining the desired energy sig-
nifies entropy. The ruining of desired energy causes the reduction of competency of
scientific equipment. If a fluid flow overcomes various irreversible processes like heat
and mass transport, velocity and thermal resistance, etc., entropy generation takes place
prominently. The researchers’ primary motive is minimizing the entropy generation for
overcoming these problems. Firstly, Bejan [58, 59] proposed a number called the Bejan
number, involved in the research study on entropy generation. Abolbashari et al. [60]
established an analytical exploration on generating entropy in the steady flow of the Cas-
son nanofluid, including convective boundary layer conditions and the velocity slip. Qing

et al. [61] explained entropy generation on the nonlinear thermally radiative magnetohy-
drodynamic stagnation point flow of the Casson nanofluid due to chemical reaction. Tlau
and Ontela [62] demonstrated a manifest description on entropy generation of the mixed
convective flow of the Cu–water nanofluid taking convective boundary layer conditions
and the Navier slip. They embedded the whole model within a non-Darcy porous medium.
The several research studies on lessening entropy generation are analyzed in various recent
articles [63–65].
Due to fruitful usages of the Casson flow model in scientific and medical areas like food
processing, cancer therapy, bio-engineering processes, drilling activities, etc., researchers
have been detecting magnetohydrodynamic Casson nanofluid flow across a vertically
stretchable surface placed in a porous medium over the years. The effective explorations
represented in the current research work, which are not yet surveyed in prior studies, are
briefed below.

• The distinctive physical model analyzes unsteady three-dimensional hydromagnetic

Casson nanofluid flow closer to the stagnation point under the diacritic consequence
of the induced magnetic field and heat generation.
• The whole mathematical model is set in a non-Darcy porous medium using the
Darcy–Forchheimer model to deal with drag force and diffusion impacts.
• The viscous dissipation effects are examined in the proposed model to develop the
thermal transport across the flow region.
• The heat and mass transform mechanism performed by the binary chemical reaction
along with activation energy is added in the current model to promote the model
more fertile for utilizing in various technological processes like geothermal reservoirs,
chemical engineering, food processing, water and oil emulsions, etc.
• The diverse influences of nonlinear thermal radiation are involved in the energy
equation in order to rein the heat transport system.
• The Buongiorno model [66] is incorporated because of expressing features of Brow-
nian motion and thermophoresis across the flow region.
• Mixed convective heat transport is ascribed in the present model so that it is helpful
to apply in numerous scientific processes like solar collectors, cooling of electronic
instruments, heat exchangers, metal casting, etc.
• In the current study, entropy generation is necessarily minimized for developing a
system’s thermal efficiency via lessening the decay of energy.

Consequently, the main novelties of the current investigation are disclosed as

• The present research study evolves substantive influences of the magnetic field, non-
linear thermal radiation, mixed convection, viscous dissipation, Brownian motion,
thermophoresis, heat generation, entropy generation, and Bejan number on the
magnetohydrodynamic Casson nanofluid flow adjacent to the stagnation point by
considering the induced magnetic field.
• The current study fulfills minimizing entropy generation, which upholds improv-
ing the heat and mass transport mechanism and the competency of any system.
Ultimately this resolution boosts to get better competency of scientific tools like
microchannels, reactors, refrigeration, fuel cells, air separators, and many others.

• The current research study reveals realistic influences of peculiar parameters on the
flow field using several graphs and tables so that the present model can be applied
in scientific and medical areas such as cancer therapy, gastric healing, asthma med-
ication, wound treatment, sterilized devices, geophysics, purifying crude oil, MHD
generators, glass manufacturing, and so on.
• We incorporate some peculiar flow parameters’ impacts on the physical quantities via
generated multiple regression models to achieve better competency of the current
model in a large number of scientific, medical, and technological processes.
• The numerical procedure, the spectral quasi-linearization method (SQLM), is dis-
pensed for gaining numerical solutions and performing computational analysis in
order to accomplish the present research work.

Finally, due to more requirements of the present exploration in many scientific and tech-
nological areas, the current study is expected to show a new effective area of research
regarding entropy generation on hydromagnetic Casson nanofluid flow due to the conse-
quences of induced magnetic field and activation energy under imposing diacritic physical

2. Mathematical formulation
We propose the unsteady three-dimensional nonlinear thermally radiative incompressible
electrically conducting Casson nanofluid flow past a vertical stretching sheet closer to the
stagnation point with viscous dissipation, magnetic dissipation, mixed convection, and
heat generation. To consider the induced magnetic field’s impact, the magnetic Reynolds
number Rem is taken to be greater than 1. In the present mathematical model, Hx , Hy , Hz
are defined as the components of the Induced magnetic field in x, y and z directions,
respectively. We embed the present model inside the Darcy–Forchheimer environment by
considering the externally applied magnetic field. We suppose that the sheet’s surface is
in xz-plane, and the x-axis remains along the upward direction. We also imagine the y-axis
along the normal direction of the sheet. The nanofluid is imagined to occupy the region
y  0. In addition, we further imagine that two opposite forces of equal magnitude are
applied along the x-axis, due to which the sheet’s surface is stretched along the x-axis
with the time and space-dependent velocity u = uw (x, t), keeping the origin as fixed. The
diagram of the present problem is clearly exhibited in Figure 1. Casson Nanofluid is orig-
inated through colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles within a Casson fluid. The Casson
nanofluid’s thermal conductivity is so large that it is used to improve the competency of
the coolant. The thermophysical properties such as convective heat transport, thermal dif-
fusivity, thermal conductivity are more significant in the case of Casson nanofluid than the
traditional fluids. Dispensing Boussinesq approximation, the variation of density because of
temperature and concentration differences is not considered except due to the buoyancy
terms. The slip velocity between nanoparticles and the base fluid exists because of consider-
ing peculiar slip mechanisms like Brownian motion and thermophoresis inside the fluid flow
region. So the concentration of nanoparticles is inferred not to be uniform in the whole flow
region, and a two-phase nanofluid model is treated to promote the convective heat trans-
port mechanism. The binary chemical reaction with activation energy occurs among the
species at a constant rate kr . The rheological equation for the isotropic and incompressible

Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the physical problem.

flow of the Casson fluid is provided as follows [67, 68]:

⎪ py

⎨2 μB + √ eij , π > πc

τij =   (1)

⎪ p
⎩2 μB + √ y eij , π < πc

where eij presents the (i, j)t h component of the deformation rate, μB indicates the plastic
dynamic viscosity of the non-Newtonian fluid, py is the yield stress of the fluid, π = eij eij
denotes the product of the component of the deformation
√ rate with itself, and πc signifies
μB 2πc
the critical value of this product. Besides, β = py stands for the Casson parameter.
Under the above assumptions, the governing boundary layer equations are disclosed,
respectively, as follows [69–76]:

∂u ∂v ∂w
+ + =0 (2)
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂Hx ∂Hy ∂Hz
+ + =0 (3)
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u
+u +v +w
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
1 ∂ u ∂ue ∂ue
= νnf 1 + + + ue + gβT (T − T∞ ) + gβC (C − C∞ )
β ∂y 2 ∂t ∂x
 2 2 1 νnf μm ∂Hx ∂Hx ∂Hx
− Fr u − ue + 1 + (ue − u) + Hx + Hy + Hz (4)
β kp ρnf ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w 1 ∂ w 1 νnf w
+u +v +w = νnf 1 + − Fr w2 − 1 +
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z β ∂y2 β kp

μm ∂Hz ∂Hz ∂Hz
+ Hx + Hy + Hz (5)
ρnf ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂Hx ∂Hx ∂Hx ∂Hx ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ 2 Hx
+u +v +w − Hx − Hy − Hz = αm 2 (6)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y
∂Hz ∂Hz ∂Hz ∂Hz ∂w ∂w ∂w ∂ 2 Hz
+u +v +w − Hx − Hy − Hz = αm 2 (7)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T κnf ∂ 2 T 1 ∂qr
+u +v +w = −
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρcp nf ∂y2 ρcp nf ∂y
ρcp np ∂C ∂T DT ∂T 2
+ DB +
ρcp nf ∂y ∂y T∞ ∂y
μnf 1 2 2 μnf 1  2 Q(t)(T − T∞ )
+ 1+ uy + wy + 1+ u + w2 +
(ρcp )nf β kp (ρcp )nf β (ρcp )nf
 2  2
1 ∂Hx ∂Hz
+ + (8)
σ (ρcp )nf ∂y ∂y
∂C ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ 2C DT ∂ 2 T 2 T n1 −Ea
+u +v +w = DB 2 + − k (C − C ∞ ) exp (9)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y T∞ ∂y2 r
T∞ K ∗T
We express the governing boundary conditions as follows:
ax H0 x H0 x ⎫
At y = 0 : u = uw = , v = 0, w = 0, Hx = , Hy = 0, Hz = ,⎪

1 − γt 1 − γt 1 − γt ⎪


∂C DT ∂T ⎬
T = Tw , =−
∂y DB T∞ ∂y ⎪

, w → 0, Hx → 0, Hz → 0, T → T∞ , C → C∞ ; ⎪
As y → ∞ : u → ue = ⎭
1 − γt
where a, b, H0 , and γ are constants, u, v, and w are the velocity components in x, y, and
z directions, respectively. Besides, μm denotes the magnetic permeability, αm is the mag-
netic diffusivity, β is the Casson fluid parameter, σ denotes electrical conductivity, νnf is
the nanofluid’s kinematic viscosity, kp is the permeability of the porous medium, T indi-
cates the fluid temperature, C indicates nanoparticle concentration, κ denotes the thermal
conductivity of the nanofluid, (ρcp )nf indicates nanofluid heat capacity, (ρcp )np denotes
nanoparticle heat capacity, DB signifies the Brownian diffusion coefficient, DT signifies the
thermophoretic diffusion coefficient, Fr = Cb1 is the non-uniform inertia coefficient, n1 is
the fitted rate constant, kr is the reaction rate, Ea is the activation energy, K ∗ is the Boltzmann
constant, βT is the coefficient of thermal expansion, βC is the coefficient of concentration
expansion, qr is the radiative heat flux, Tw is the temperature of the fluid at the sheet’s
surface, T = T∞ denotes ambient fluid temperature, and C∞ is the ambient species con-
centration. Considering the fluid as optically thick, we express the radiative heat flux vector
by the Rosseland approximation as

4σ ∗ ∂T 4
qr = − (10)
3α ∗ ∂y

where σ ∗ denotes the Stefen–Boltzmann constant, and α ∗ signifies the Rosseland mean
absorption coefficient. Following Pantokratoras and Fang [77], the simplified form of radia-
tive heat flux is written as follows
16σ ∗ 3 ∂T
qr = − T . (11)
3α ∗ ∂y
Definitely, in Equations (8), (11) is the heat transport equation containing radiative heat
transport. We introduce the similarity transformations [78–80] defined as follows:
a ax aνnf H0 x ⎪
η=y ,u = 
f (η) , v = − f (η) , Hx = h (η) ,⎪

νnf (1 − γ t) (1 − γ t) (1 − γ t) (1 − γ t) ⎪


Hy = −H0 h(η)
a (1 − γ t) ⎪

T − T∞ C − C∞ ⎪

H0 x ax ⎪

Hz = s (η) , w = g (η) , θ (η) = , φ (η) = ⎭
(1 − γ t) (1 − γ t) Tw − T∞ Cw − C∞
Utilizing the similarity transformations, the produced nonlinear coupled ordinary differen-
tial equations are displayed as
1  η 
1+ f + ff  − f 2 − A f  + f  − c + c2 + λ1 θ + λ2 φ + F c2 − f 2
β 2
+ 1+  c − f  + M h2 − hh = 0 (12)
1 η 
1+ g − gf  + fg − A g + g
β 2
M   1 
+ mf − g − Fg 2
− 1 + g + M h s − hs = 0 (13)
1+m 2 β
ηh h
A h + − fh + hf  = (14)
2 Prm
ηs s
A s+ + f  s − fs − h g + hg = (15)
2 Prm
4 η 
1 + Nr(1 + (tr − 1)θ)3 θ  + 4Nr(tr − 1)(1 + (tr − 1)θ )2 θ 2 − PrA θ  + Pr f θ  + αθ
3 2
 1  2 PrEcM  2
+ Pr Nbφ  θ  + Ntθ 2 + PrEc 1 + f + g2 + h + s2
β Prm
+ Pr 1 + Ec f 2 + g2 = 0 (16)
 Nt   A  n1 −E
φ + θ + Scf φ − φ ηSc − σr Scφ (θα1 + 1) exp = 0. (17)
Nb 2 θα1 + 1
We convert the boundary conditions into the following form:

At η = 0 : ⎪

f  = 1, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, h = 1, s = 1, θ = 1, Ntθ  + Nbφ  = 0;
As η → ∞ : ⎪

f  → c, g → 0, h → 0, s → 0, θ → 0, φ → 0;

γ b
where unsteadiness parameter A = a , velocity ratio parameter c = a , Magnetic Parameter
μm H02 4σ T∗ 3 (μcp )nf
M= ρnf a2
, Radiation parameter Nr = κ α∞ ∗ , Prandtl number Pr = κnf , Magnetic Prandtl
number Prm = αm , Temperature ratio parameter tr = T∞ , Schmidt number Sc = νDnfB , Brow-
νnf Tw

(ρc )np DB (Cw −C∞ )

nian motion parameter Nb = p (ρc p )nf νnf
, porosity parameter  = (1−γ t)νnf
akp , ther-
(ρcp )np DT (Tw −T∞ ) u 2
mophoretic parameter Nt = (ρc p )nf νnf T∞
, Eckert number Ec = cp (Tw w−T∞ ) , local Reynolds
number Rex = uνw x , local thermal Grashof number Gr = gβT (Twν−T ∞ )x
2 , local solutal Grashof
nf nf

number Gr∗ = gβC (Cwν−C ∞ )x

2 , thermal buoyancy parameter λ1 = Gr2 , heat generation
nf Rex
Q0 Gr∗
parameter, α = a(ρc p )nf
, concentration buoyancy parameter λ 2 = , inertia coefficient
parameter F = C1b , activation energy parameter E = K ∗ETa∞ , chemical reaction parameter
kr2 (1−γ t)
σr = a .

3. Physical quantities of engineering significance

In scientific areas, the considerable physical quantities like skin friction coefficients in x and
z-directions Cfx , Cfz , the local Nusselt number (rate of heat transfer) Nux , and the Sherwood
number(rate of mass transfer)Shx playing a leading role, are defined as follows
τwx τwz xqw xJw
Cfx = , Cfz = , Nux = , Shx = (19)
ρu2w ρu2w κnf (Tw − T∞ ) DB (Cw − C∞ )

where the shear-stress components τwx , τwz , heat flux qw , and mass flux Jw at the surface
are expressed as
1 ∂u ∂w ⎪
τwx = μnf 1 + , τwz = μnf 1 + β1 ∂y y=0 ⎬ ,⎪
  ∂y  y=0
∂T  (20)

qw = −κnf + qr , Jw = −DB ∂C 
∂y y=0 . ⎭
∂y y=0

The non-dimensional form of the above-mentioned physical quantities:

Cfz Rex = 1 + β1 g (0),⎪
1/2 1/2
Cfx Rex = 1 + f (0), ⎪

−1 4 −1 ⎪

Nux Rex2 = − 1 + Nr (1 + (tr − 1)θ(0))3 θ  (0), Shx Rex2 = −φ  (0). ⎭
where Rex = νnf denotes the local Reynolds number.

4. Solution methodology
We numerically solve the obtained nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations apply-
ing the spectral quasi-linearization method (SQLM). By one term Taylor series, we get the
following iterative scheme utilizing SQLM.
a113,r fr+1 + a112,r fr+1 + a111,r fr+1 + a110,r fr+1 + b12,r hr+1 + b11,r hr+1

+ b10,r hr+1 + a130,r θr+1 + a140,r φr+1 = R1,r (22)

a222,r gr+1 + a221,r gr+1 + a220,r gr+1 + b3,r hr+1 + b4,r h + b5,r sr+1 + b6,r s + a211,r fr+1

+ a210,r fr+1 = R2,r (23)

b7,r fr+1 + b8,r f + b9,r hr+1 + b10,r hr+1 + b11,r hr+1 + b12,r hr+1 = R3,r (24)

b13,r fr+1 + b14,r fr+1 + b15,r gr+1 + b16,r gr+1 + b17,r hr+1 + b18,r hr+1 + b19,r sr+1 + b20,r sr+1
+ b21,r sr+1 = R4,r (25)
a332,r θr+1 + a331,r θr+1 + a330,r θr+1 + a310,r fr+1 + a311,r fr+1 + a312,r fr+1 + a341,r φr+1
+ a320,r gr+1 + a321,r gr+1 + b22,r hr+1 + b23,r s = R5,r (26)
φr+1 + a441,r φr+1 + a440,r φr+1 + a430,r θr+1 + a432,r θr+1 + a410,r fr+1 = R6,r . (27)

The iterative form of boundary conditions is defined as

At η = 0 : ⎪

fr+1 = 1, fr+1 = 0, gr+1 = 0, hr+1 = 0, hr+1 = 1, sr+1 = 1, θr+1 = 1,⎪

Ntθr+1 + Nbφr+1 = 0;

As η → ∞ : ⎪

fr+1 → c, gr+1 → 0, hr+1 → 0, sr+1 → 0, θr+1 → 0, φr+1 → 0

The initial guess functions satisfying the boundary conditions for executing the iteration
scheme are chosen as f0 = 1 − c + cη − (1 − c)e−η , g0 = 0, h0 = 1 − e−η , s0 = e−η , θ0 =
e−η , φ0 = − Nb
Nt −η
e . We use the Chebyshev spectral collocation method to solve the lin-
earized decoupled Equations (21)–(26) numerically. So we truncate the physical region
[0, ∞) to the closed interval [0, L∞ ]. After that, we transform it into the closed interval [−1, 1]
with the help of the linear transformation defined as follows
L∞ (ζ + 1)
η= , −1  ζ  1.
We assume that P + 1 is the number of Gauss–Lobatto collocation points for the dis-
cretization of the domain [−1, 1]. The Gauss–Lobatto collocation points are expressed
ζi = cos , i = 0, 1, 2 . . . P.
At these P + 1 collocation points, we approximate the functions Fj , Gj , Hj , Sj , j and j for
j  1 using the kth Chebyshev polynomial (Tk∗ ) as

Fj (ζ ) ≈ Fj (ζk ) Tk∗ (ζ ) (28)

Gj (ζ ) ≈ Gj (ζk ) Tk∗ (ζ ) (29)

Hj (ζ ) ≈ Hj (ζk ) Tk∗ (ζ ) (30)

Sj (ζ ) ≈ Sj (ζk ) Tk∗ (ζ ) (31)

j (ζ ) ≈ j (ζk ) Tk∗ (ζ ) (32)

j (ζ ) ≈ j (ζk ) Tk∗ (ζ ) (33)

where the kth Chebyshev polynomial is expressed as

Tk∗ (ζ ) = cos[k cos−1 (ζ )].

Now we generate the jth derivative of unknown functions Fr+1 , Gr+1 , Hr+1 , Sr+1 , r+1 andr+1

dj Fr+1  P ⎪

Dki fr+1 (ζk ) = D Fr+1 , ⎪
j j
= ⎪

dη j ⎪

k=0 ⎪

j  j
P ⎪

d Gr+1 j ⎪

= D g r+1 k(ζ ) = D G r+1 , ⎪

dη j ki ⎪

k=0 ⎪

j  j
P ⎪

d Hr+1 j ⎪

= D h r+1 (ζ k ) = D G r+1 , ⎪

dη j ki ⎬
i = 0, 1, 2 . . . P. (34)
dj Sr+1  P ⎪

j j ⎪

= Dki sr+1 (ζk ) = D Sr+1 , ⎪ ⎪
dηj ⎪

k=0 ⎪

d r+1
j  j
P ⎪

j ⎪

= D θ r+1 (ζ k ) = D  r+1 , ⎪

dη j ki ⎪

k=0 ⎪

d r+1
j  j
P ⎪

= φ (ζ ) = j

D ki r+1 k D r+1 , ⎪


Here D = 2D L , D is the Chebyshev differentiation matrix. Besides, we provide the entries of

this matrix as

2P2 + 1 ⎪
D00 = , Dik = c (ζi −ζ ) , i = k; i, k = 0, 1 . . . P⎪
ci (−1)i+k

6 k k
2P2 + 1 ⎪
DPP =− , Dkk = − 2(1−ζζk
2) , k = 1, 2 . . . P − 1 ⎪ ⎭
6 k


2 i = 0 or P
ci =
1 otherwise.

Proceeding in this way, the following matrix equation is provided as

⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 Fr+1 R1,r
⎢A ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 ⎥ ⎢ Gr+1 ⎥ ⎢R2,r ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 ⎥ ⎢ Hr+1 ⎥ ⎢R3,r ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ (36)
⎢A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 ⎥ ⎢ Sr+1 ⎥ ⎢R4,r ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 ⎦ ⎣r+1 ⎦ ⎣R5,r ⎦
A61 A62 A63 A64 A65 A66 r+1 R6,r
Here the order of each matrix Aij is (P + 1) × (P + 1), while we find the order of each
R1,r , R2,r , R3,r , R4,r , R5,r and R6,r to be (P + 1) × 1.
 T ⎫
Fr+1 = fr+1 (ζ0 ), fr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . fr+1 (ζP ) , ⎪


Gr+1 = gr+1 (ζ0 ), gr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . gr+1 (ζP ) ,
T ⎪


Hr+1 = hr+1 (ζ0 ), hr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . hr+1 (ζP ) ,
T ⎪


T ⎪

Sr+1 = sr+1 (ζ0 ), sr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . sr+1 (ζP ) , ⎪

r+1 = [θr+1 (ζ0 ), θr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . θr+1 (ζP )] , T ⎪


r+1 = φr+1 (ζ0 ), φr+1 (ζ1 ), . . . φr+1 (ζP ) ,
T ⎪

T ⎪

R1,r = [r1,r (ζ0 ), r1,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r1,r (ζP )] , ⎪

R2,r = [r2,r (ζ0 ), r2,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r2,r (ζP )] , ⎪

R3,r = [r3,r (ζ0 ), r3,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r3,r (ζP )] , ⎪

R4,r = [r4,r (ζ0 ), r4,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r4,r (ζP )] , ⎪

R5,r = [r5,r (ζ0 ), r5,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r5,r (ζP )] , ⎪

R6,r = [r6,r (ζ0 ), r6,r (ζ1 ), . . . , r6,r (ζP )] ,

A11 = a113,r D3 + a112,r D2 + a111,r D + a110,r I, A12 = O, ⎪

A13 = b12,r D + b11,r D + b10,r I, A14 = O, ⎪

A15 = a130,r I, A16 = a140,r I, A21 = a211,r D + a210,r I, A22 = a222,r D + a221,r D + a220,r I, ⎪
2 ⎪

A23 = b3,r D + b4,r I, A24 = b5,r D + b6,r I, A25 = O, A26 = O, A31 = b7,r D + b8,r I, A32 = O,⎪

3 2 ⎪

A33 = b9,r D + b11,r D + b10,r D + b12,r I, A34 = O, ⎪

A35 = O, A36 = O, A41 = b13,r D + b14,r I, ⎪

A42 = b15,r D + b16,r I, A43 = b17,r D + b18,r I, ⎪

A44 = b19,r D + b20,r D + b21,r I, A45 = O, A46 = O ⎪

A51 = a310,r I + a311,r D + a312,r D , A52 = a320,r I + a321,r D, A53 = b22,r D , A54 = b23,r D, ⎪
2 2 ⎪

2 ⎪

A55 = a332,r D + a331,r D + a330 I, A56 = a341,r D, ⎪

A61 = a410,r I, A62 = O, A63 = O, A64 = O, ⎪

2 2 ⎭
A65 = a432,r D + a430,r IA66 = D + a441,r D + a440,r I.

5. Solution error
We check the convergence of the solutions to validate the current outcomes by using the
solution error method. The errors in solutions of the prescribed problem are clarified as

error F = fr+1 − fr ∞, error G = gr+1 − gr ∞,

error H = hr+1 − hr ∞, error S = sr+1 − sr ∞,

error  = θr+1 − θr ∞, error  = φr+1 − φr ∞,

We stop the iteration scheme only when the errors mentioned above attain the desired
tolerance level specified to be 10−8 in the present computation. Moreover, we illustrate
sketches of these errors via Figure 2(a–f). It is observed that in mere six iterations, the
accuracy level of 10−8 is gained, proving the present solutions’ validity. Consequently, we
get more accurate results of the velocity field, induced magnetic field, temperature field,
and concentration field after a few iterations using the spectral quasi-linearization method
(SQLM) to execute a proper computational analysis of the fluid flow field in the present

6. Validation of results
For validating the present results, we compare with the outcomes provided by Ali
et al. [81] via discarding specific parameters. Table 1 compares the present outcomes
of the skin friction coefficient in x-direction versus the definite parameter c with Ali
et al. [81] by considering β → ∞, M = 0, α = 0, λ1 = 0, λ2 = 0,  = 0, F = 0, A = 0, Ec =
0, Sc = 0, Nr = 0, Nt = 0, Nb = 0. Through this process, a suitable similarity is obtained,
resulting in the validation of the present outcomes.

7. Entropy generation analysis

The present mathematical model explores minimizing entropy generation to gain better
results through imposing different physical constraints.
The entropy generation in the dimensional form for the current physical problem is
defined as [60, 82, 83]
   2    2  
1 16σ ∗ T 3 ∂T μnf 1 ∂u ∂w 2
EG = 2 κnf + + 1+ +
T∞ 3α ∗ ∂y T∞ β ∂y ∂y
μnf 1  2 RDB ∂C RDB ∂T ∂C
+ 1+ u + w2 + + . (37)
kp T∞ β C∞ ∂y T∞ ∂y ∂y
The entropy generation is non-dimensionalized as
2 y
EG T∞ η
NG = = EG (38)
EG0 κnf (Tf − T∞ )2
κnf (Tf −T∞ )2
where EG0 = T∞2 ( y )2 .

Figure 2. Solution error for (a)f (η), (b)g(η), (c)h(η), (d)s(η), (e)θ(η), (f )φ(η).

Using the similarity transformation, the transformed form of non-dimensional entropy

generation is displayed as
NG = 1 + {θ(tr − 1) + 1} θ 2
! "# $

Table 1. Comparison of numeri-

cal values of Cfx Rex against c for
β → ∞M = α = λ1 = λ2 = 0 = F =
A = Ec = Sc = Nr = Nt = Nb = 0.
c Present results Ali et al. [81]
0.1 −0.9694 −0.9694
0.2 −0.9181 −0.9181
0.5 −0.6673 −0.6673
2 2.0175 2.0175
3 4.7293 4.7293

1 Br   2 2 1 Br   2 2
+ 1+ f +g + 1+ f +g
β α1 β α1
! "# $

α22 L  2 Lα2  
+ φ + φθ (39)
α12 α1
! "# $

μnf u2w μnf a2 x 2

where Brinkman number Br = κnf T = (1−γ t)2 κnf (Tw −T∞ )
, dimensionless temperature ratio
Tw −T∞
variable α1 = T∞ , dimensionless concentration ratio variable α2 = CwC−C ∞

, diffusive
variable L = κnf ., NG is the system’s
total entropy generation, NGT is the entropy gen-
eration number because of heat transport, including thermal radiation, NGFF defines the
entropy generation number owing to fluid friction, containing the influence of the porous
permeability, NGM denotes the entropy generation number because of mass transport.
The dimensionless Bejan number is given by
NGT NGT Entropy generation because of heat transport
Be = = = . (40)
NG NGT + NGFF + NGM Total entropy generation
From Equation (40), it is quite evident that the Bejan number expands from 0 to 1. If Be
0.5, the entropy generation because of fluid friction irreversibility dominates, whereas if
Be changes from 0.5 to 1, the entropy generation because of heat transport irreversibility is
perceived to be dominant. The impact of heat transfer irreversibility is equal to the influence
of fluid friction irreversibility for Be = 0.5.

8. Results and discussion

The present physical model consists of time and space-based nonlinear partial dif-
ferential equations subject to suitable boundary conditions. Proper similarity transfor-
mations are applied for achieving nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The pro-
duced nonlinear ordinary differential equations have been solved using one kind of
robust numerical process named the spectral quasi-linearization method. The substan-
tial influences of distinctive flow parameters on the flow region and significant phys-
ical quantities have been discussed theoretically, graphically, and via tabular forms.
The default values of distinctive parameters included in the present model have
been assumed as  = o.2, F = 0.5, A = 0.1, M = 1, β = 0.3, Nr = 0.5, Pr = 5, α1 = 1, Sc =

1.5, Nb = 0.1, Nt = 0.1, λ1 = 10, λ2 = 5, E = 5, n1 = 0.5, σr = 4.5, Br = 0.04L = 1α2 = 1Ec =

0.001Prm = 0.1, and α = 0.1 for representing a parametric description until these are
individualized specifically.

8.1. Velocity, induced magnetic field, temperature, and concentration profiles

Figures 3 and 4 elaborate the impact of the velocity ratio parameter c on velocity, induced
magnetic field, temperature, and concentration profiles. The larger velocity ratio param-
eter speeds up the velocity in x-direction, but it inhibits transverse velocity when M = 1,
whereas it accelerates transverse velocity for M = 3. It is noticeable that for M = 3, the
transverse velocity is negative throughout the boundary layer region starting from zero
value, and after a specific distance from the sheet, it approaches the free stream value.
Moreover, the higher velocity ratio parameter decreases the induced magnetic field com-
ponents in the x and z-directions, while its adverse effect on temperature distribution is
visualized prominently. On the other hand, the larger velocity ratio parameter decreases
concentration initially, and then it affects concentration nominally up to a definite dis-
tance away from the sheet. After that, it dwindles concentration inside the boundary
layer region. In all concentration profiles, numerical values of concentration in the prox-
imity of the sheet are negative because of the intensity of the passive control of species
concentration closer to the sheet in comparison to the distant region. In addition, it
is interesting to notice that in all cases, initially, concentration starts from the nega-
tive value; after that, it attains its peak value, and eventually, it approaches zero value
asymptotically. Physically, uplifting the velocity ratio parameter boosts up the straining
motion near the stretching sheet, which encourages accelerating the external stream
velocity. The higher velocity ratio parameter encourages augmenting the movement of
cooler fluid from the surrounding fluid towards the stretching surface, due to which
the temperature decreases, and the thermal boundary layer thickness becomes thinner.
In addition, the increment in the velocity ratio parameter creates a resistance in the
induced magnetic field, which results in thinning the magnetic induction boundary layer
Figures 5 and 6 disclose the effect of the magnetic parameter on the velocity, induced
magnetic field, temperature, and concentration profiles. The larger Magnetic parameter
boosts in enhancing the velocity in the x-direction, whereas it resists the transverse veloc-
ity. However,increasing the Magnetic parameter raises the induced magnetic field in the
x-direction after a specific distance from the sheet, while it diminishes the induced mag-
netic field in the z-direction. The temperature profile receives a decrement due to upsurging
the magnetic parameter. Near the sheet, the magnetic parameter decreases concentration;
after that, it affects concentration negligibly, and then it decays concentration until the
concentration approaches the steady-state. Physically, under the influence of the induced
magnetic field, the external magnetic field behaves as a drag force and intensifies the body
force, due to which the velocity along the x-axis gets accelerated. In addition, the applied
magnetic field creates one type of resistive force called the Lorentz force, which is respon-
sible for inhibiting the transverse velocity. Basically, for a higher estimation of the magnetic
parameter, Lorentz force causes to reduce the temperature, induced magnetic field in the
z-direction and concentration. Thereby, the thermal boundary layer thickness becomes

Figure 3. Impact of c on (a)f  (η), (b)g(η) for M = 1, (c)g(η) for M = 3, (d)h (η), (e)s(η), (f )θ(η).

Figures 7(a–d) and 8 display the impact of the Prandtl number Pr on the velocity, induced
magnetic field, and temperature profiles. The higher Prandtl number accelerates the trans-
verse velocity and induced magnetic field in the z-direction, whereas it tends to retard the
velocity in the x-direction and induced magnetic field in the x-direction. For higher estima-
tion of the Prandtl number, the temperature decays immensely throughout the boundary

Figure 4. Impact of c on φ(η).

Figure 5. Impact of M on (a)f  (η), (b)g(η), (c)h (η), (d)s(η).


Figure 6. Impact of M on (a) θ(η), (b) φ(η).

Figure 7. Impact of Pr on (a)f  (η), (b)g(η), (c)h (η), (d)s(η).

layer region. Naturally, the Prandtl number defines the ratio of momentum diffusivity to
thermal diffusivity. Physically, momentum diffusivity develops due to the enhancement
in the Prandtl number. For the same reason, thermal diffusivity lessens. Definitely, lower

Figure 8. Impact of Pr on θ(η).

thermal diffusivity minimizes the fluid temperature, while higher momentum diffusivity
improves the transverse velocity and induced magnetic field in the z-direction. Naturally,
the thermal boundary layer thickness is perceived to be thinner. Figures 9 and 10 portrait
the variation of the magnetic Prandtl number Prm against the velocity, induced magnetic
field, and temperature distribution. It is quite notified that larger values of Prm retard the
motion of the nanofluid and induced magnetic field components in x and z-directions. On
the contrary, Prm has a favorable influence on the temperature profile. Basically, the mag-
netic Prandtl number signifies the ratio of viscous diffusivity to magnetic diffusivity. For the
larger magnetic Prandtl number, magnetic diffusivity falls. As a result of which, the compo-
nents of the induced magnetic field in x and z-directions become diminished, due to which
the magnetic boundary layer thickness decreases evidently. Consequently, the motion of
the Casson fluid becomes slowed down, and temperature upsurges. Thereby, the thick-
ness of the momentum boundary layer region decays while the thickness of the thermal
boundary layer region becomes thicker.
It can be further visualized the impact of Eckert number on velocity, induced magnetic
field, and temperature profiles through Figures 11 and 12. The increasing impact of Ec on
velocity component in the x-direction, transverse velocity for M = 3, induced magnetic
field in the x direction, and temperature takes place, whereas the reverse trend of Ec towards
the transverse velocity for M = 1 and induced magnetic field in the z-direction can be visu-
alized. Basically, the Eckert number is directly proportional to kinetic energy. Generally, the
enhancement in the Eckert number means to intensify the effect of kinetic energy, which
results in speeding up the transverse velocity of Casson nanofluid for M = 3 and the veloc-
ity in the x-direction. As a result, the induced magnetic field in the x-direction becomes
augmented. Since Ec is related to viscous dissipation, the increment in Ec signifies that
the viscous dissipation highly causes creating heat in the flow region through the friction
between two adjoining fluid layers. Consequently, the temperature gets augmented, which
results in thickening the thickness of the thermal boundary layer region.
Figures 13 and 14 depict the change of velocity, induced magnetic field, and temper-
ature distribution against the Casson parameter. It is noteworthy to observe that with

Figure 9. Impact of Prm on (a)f  (η), (b)g(η), (c)h (η), (d)s(η).

Figure 10. Influence of Prm on θ(η).


Figure 11. Impact of Ec on (a)f  (η), (b)g(η) for M = 1, (c)g(η) for M = 3, (d)h (η).

Figure 12. Influence of Ec on (a) s(η), (b) θ(η).

rising the Casson parameter, adjacent to the sheet, velocity component in the x-direction
and transverse velocity for M = 1 become augmented in higher quantity, and then lead
to decelerate significantly throughout the boundary layer region. The contradictory phe-
nomenon takes place in the case of the transverse velocity for M = 3. In addition, the Casson

Figure 13. Impact of β on (a)f  (η), (b)g(η) for M = 1, (c)g(η) for M = 3, (d)h (η).

parameter leads to decline temperature and induced magnetic field in the x direction while
the opposite fact can be noticed to analyze the nature of the Casson parameter towards the
induced magnetic field in the z-direction. The physical reason behind such type of trend of
β is that the higher Casson parameter tends to promote plastic dynamic viscosity, due to
which the yield stress becomes depreciated. Therefore, the velocity component in the x-
direction and transverse velocity for M = 1 get slowed down far from the sheet, while the
induced magnetic field in the x-direction and temperature lead to decline. Figure 15 elab-
orates the influence of the inertia coefficient parameter on the temperature distribution.
Physically, for the higher inertia parameter F, called the Forchheimer parameter, the larger
inertial force intensifies because of the escalation of the drag force coefficient Cb . Gener-
ally, the enhancement in Cb means that the inertia parameter F = √ becomes augmented.
Consequently, for the higher estimation of the inertia parameter F, the larger inertial force
becomes active to strengthen collisions among fluid particles, which results in an uplift of
temperature and associated boundary layer thickness.
Figures 16 and 17 highlight the variation of velocity,induced magnetic field, and temper-
ature distribution versus the thermal buoyancy parameter λ1 . For the larger values of the
thermal buoyancy parameter, the velocity component in the x-direction increases highly
closer to the sheet; after that, it decreases gradually within the boundary layer region,

Figure 14. Influence of β on (a) s(η), (b) θ(η).

Figure 15. Influence of F on θ(η).

Figure 16. Influence of λ1 on (a) f  (η), (b) g(η) for M = 1.


Figure 17. Impact of λ1 on (a)g(η) for M = 3, (b)h (η), (c)s(η), (d)θ(η).

whereas near the sheet, transverse velocity for M = 1 changes marginally, and after a
specific distance from the sheet, it becomes declined under the increasing impact of the
thermal buoyancy parameter. On the other hand, a higher thermal buoyancy parameter
leads to accelerate the transverse velocity for M = 3 while it makes temperature depreci-
ated throughout the boundary layer region. The larger thermal buoyancy parameter leads
to rising the induced magnetic field in the x-direction slightly in the proximity of the sheet,
and enables to dwindle induced magnetic field in the x-direction away from the sheet
while its adverse nature towards the induced magnetic field in the z-direction is noticed
prominently throughout the boundary layer region. Naturally, there exists a direct relation
between the parameter λ1 and the thermal Grashof number. The thermal Grashof number
Gr is basically dependent on the thermal buoyancy force and is inversely proportional to the
viscous force. Consequently, on increasing the thermal buoyancy parameter, the thermal
Grashof number becomes raised, which clarifies that an increment in Gr leads to strengthen-
ing the buoyancy force, resulting in an enhancement of velocity component in x direction
near the sheet. However, the stronger buoyancy force enables to speed up the transverse
velocity for M = 3 within the boundary layer region and encourages to promote induced
magnetic field in x-direction nominally in the proximity of the sheet, whereas the larger
estimation of the buoyancy force creates a resistance in the transverse velocity for M = 1,

induced magnetic field in the z-direction, and temperature, which results in the decre-
ment of the transverse velocity for M = 1, induced magnetic field in the z-direction, and
temperature. As a result,the thickness of the thermal boundary layer lessens significantly.
Moreover, Figures 18 and 19 describe the influence of the radiation parameter Nr on
velocity,induced magnetic field, and temperature profiles throughout the boundary layer
region. It is worthy to notice that for higher values of radiation parameter, the velocity
component in the x direction and transverse velocity for M = 3 get accelerated while the
transverse velocity for M = 1 and induced magnetic field in the z direction become dwin-
dled under the enhancement of the Radiation parameter. Growing the radiation parameter
boosts to upgrade temperature substantially. It is quite evident that the increasing trend of
the thermal radiation parameter to the induced magnetic field in the x-direction is watched
near the sheet, and then the opposing nature of it on the induced magnetic field in the
x-direction can be observed away from the sheet. The higher thermal radiation is highly
responsible for retarding the absorption coefficient. Consequently, radiation impels surface
heat transfer severely and provides heat energy to the flow, resulting in the higher incre-
ment of the temperature, due to which the thickness of the thermal boundary layer region
receives massive enhancement. Consequently,the velocity component in the x-direction
and transverse velocity for M = 3 become enhanced in the entire boundary layer region
while the induced magnetic field in the x-direction becomes augmented gradually in the
proximity of the sheet. Figures 20 and 21 reveal the variation of velocity,induced magnetic
field, and temperature distribution against the heat generation parameter α. Through these
figures, it is quite clear that the velocity component in the x-direction and transverse veloc-
ity for M = 3 are increasing functions of the heat generation parameter; on the contrary,
the transverse velocity for M = 1 and induced magnetic field component in the z-direction
are decreasing functions of heat generation parameter. Furthermore, due to the small aug-
ment in heat generation parameter, the temperature profile gets vast enhancement within
the overall boundary layer region. However, on growing the heat generation parameter, ini-
tially, the small increasing trend of the induced magnetic field component in the x-direction
takes place, and then the reverse nature of the induced magnetic field component in the
x direction can be observed far from the sheet. Physically, due to the intensive impact of
the heat generation parameter, the external heat source creates comparatively much heat

Figure 18. Influence of Nr on (a) f  (η), (b) g(η) for M = 1.


Figure 19. Impact of Nr on (a)g(η) for M = 3, (b)h (η), (c)s(η), (d)θ(η).

Figure 20. Influence of α on (a) f  (η), (b) g(η) for M = 1.

within the flow region, resulting in the massive increment of the fluid temperature. Thereby
thermal boundary layer thickness becomes thickened. Consequently, the velocity compo-
nent in the x-direction and transverse velocity for M = 3 become speeded up, and the

Figure 21. Impact of α on (a)g(η) for M = 3, (b)h (η), (c)s(η), (d)θ(η).

induced magnetic field component in the x-direction leads to augment slowly adjacent to
the sheet.
Figures 22 and 23 elucidate the effect of Schmidt number on the concentration and
induced magnetic field profiles. It is perceived that due to the increase in Schmidt num-
ber, initially, concentration starts rising to a definite height of boundary layer thickness
and then strictly leads to diminishing until it tends to steady-state. Moreover, due to the
rise in Schmidt number, after a specific distance from the sheet, the induced magnetic
field component in the x-direction becomes dwindled within the boundary layer region,
whereas the higher Schmidt number makes the induced magnetic field component in z-
direction improved throughout the boundary layer region. The Schmidt number defines
the ratio of the viscous diffusion rate to the mass diffusion rate. When the Schmidt num-
ber becomes higher, then, naturally,the mass diffusion rate becomes slowed down due
to which concentration and the induced magnetic field component in x-direction lead to
decay away from the sheet. Figure 24(a) elaborates the concentration profile for disparate
values of Activation energy. An elevation in the Activation energy diminishes concentration
in the sheet’s vicinity, and after a specific distance from the sheet, concentration goes on
rising until it attains the zero value. After a definite distance from the sheet, the growing
E lessens the modified Arrhenius function ( TT∞ )n1 exp( −E K ∗ T ). Consequently, the generative

Figure 22. Influence of Sc on φ(η).

Figure 23. Influence of Sc on (a)h (η), (b)s(η).

chemical reaction gets intensified eventually, resulting in boosting up the concentration

away from the sheet. On the other hand, the larger chemical reaction parameter assists
in promoting nanoparticle concentration, but after a certain distance from the sheet, it
affects concentration marginally till concentration gains zero value, as displayed in Figure
24(b). Physically, the consumption of reactive species becomes enhanced with enlarging
the chemical reaction parameter, resulting in the upsurge of concentration. Figure 25(a,b)
exhibit the change of the temperature and concentration distribution via upsurging the
thermophoretic parameter Nt. It is notable that improving the thermophoretic parame-
ter enables boosting up the temperature and makes the thermal boundary layer thickness

Figure 24. Impact of (a)E, (b)σr on concentration profiles.

Figure 25. Influence of Nt on (a)θ (η), (b)φ(η).

developed. Furthermore, on growing the values of the thermophoretic parameter, concen-

tration declines near the sheet; on the contrary, after a definite distance from the sheet,
concentration gets enhanced within the boundary layer region. The augmentation of Nt is
based on the intensity of the thermophoresis. Actually, thermophoresis is a kind of parti-
cle motion occurred due to dispensed thermal gradients. Basically, for rising the parameter
Nt, the difference between the fluid temperature at the sheet’s surface and ambient fluid
temperature increases. Thereby molecular kinetic energy intensifies because of the ther-
mophoretic force. As a result, nanoparticles transmit kinetic energy from the hot region
to the cold region because of diffusing particles owing to thermophoresis, resulting in

Figure 26. Influence of Nb on (a)θ (η), (b)φ(η).

warming up the cold area. Therefore, the thickness of the thermal boundary layer gets thick-
ened. Since the thermophoretic parameter mounts, nanoparticles diffuse intensely within
the base fluid. Thereby the development of the concentration occurs far from the sheet.
Through Figure 26(a), the temperature is perceived to be increased slightly for augment-
ing the impact of the Brownian motion parameter. Moreover, Figure 26(b) demonstrates
that with rising the Brownian motion parameter, concentration starts to be raised at the
neighborhood of the sheet; after that, it leads to decline prominently. The Brownian motion
indicates a random movement executed by particles suspended in the fluid. Definitely,
heat generation occurs because of the intensity of the Brownian diffusion, which boosts
to enforce collisions among the fluid particles. Therefore the thermal boundary layer thick-
ness gets upsurged with enriching the temperature. Naturally, the Brownian motion assists
in heating the fluid. In addition, it compels to move the particles far from the fluid flow
regime, causing decay in the nanoparticles’ concentration far from the sheet.

8.2. Entropy generation and Bejan number

Figures 27–31 portray analyzing the effects of peculiar parameters on entropy generation
and Bejan number. As per Figure 27(a), higher values of M make the entropy generation
enriched strictly at the neighborhood of the sheet and then assist in declining the entropy
generation. It is significantly noting that the opposing trend of the magnetic parameter
towards the Bejan number can be displayed through Figure 27(b). For the larger M, the
stronger applied magnetic field creates one type of resistive force called the Lorentz force,
causing retardation in the Casson fluid velocity. Consequently, for the intensive influence of
the magnetic parameter, the Lorentz force boosts to depreciate temperature. Thereby the
entropy generation diminishes after a specific distance from the sheet. It is inferred that
on enlarging the magnetic parameter, the viscous effect is comparatively more than the
influence of heat transport, resulting in a decay in the Bejan number. As per Figure 28(a),

Figure 27. Influence of M on (a)NG (η), (b)Be(η).

Figure 28. Influence of β on (a)NG (η), (b)Be(η).

increasing the Casson parameter leads to enhance entropy generation massively in the
sheet’s proximity, and after a little distance from the sheet, its decreasing behavior is visu-
alized. Besides, the rise in the Casson parameter trends to enrich the Bejan number slightly
near the sheet; after that, it declines the Bejan number evidently, as illustrated in Figure
28(b). Physically, the stress of the Casson fluid leads to diminishing rheological features.
Actually, the fluid treats as a Newtonian fluid due to the Casson parameter’s larger esti-
mation or when it tends to ∞. Thereby the liquid trends shearing rapidly along the sheet
caused minimizing entropy generation after a little distance from the sheet. In addition,
after a little distance from the sheet, fluid friction irreversibility, containing the effect of

Figure 29. Influence of Br on (a)NG (η), (b)Be(η).

Figure 30. Influence of Nr on (a)NG (η), (b)Be(η).

porous permeability, is dominant compared to heat transfer irreversibility, which results

in a downfall in Bejan number. Through Figure 29(a,b), it is clearly evident that the entropy
generation profile receives an upsurge with upgrading the Brinkmann number, whereas the
reverse phenomenon takes place in the case of the Bejan number. Naturally, the Brinkman
number is the ratio of heat generated through viscous dissipation to heat transmitted
because of molecular conduction. The heat conduction rate, which is created because of
viscous dissipation, gets depreciated for enlarging the Brinkman number. It results in inten-
sifying the entropy generation rate. Since the total entropy generation rate has risen due to
enhancement in Brinkman number, the Bejan number leads to decline significantly. Enrich-
ing the thermal radiation parameter Nr makes entropy generation upsurged massively, as

Figure 31. Influence of L on (a)NG (η), (b)Be(η).

per Figure 30(a). Besides, an upgrade in radiation parameter causes to decay Bejan num-
ber adjacent to the sheet and then enables enlarging it in higher quantity, as elucidated
in Figure 30(b). For larger Nr, the temperature gets promoted substantially, due to which
the disorderliness of the system becomes intensified in turn, resulting in an upsurge in
entropy generation. Physically, due to an upgrade in Nr, adjacent to the sheet, the viscous
effect strengthens as compared to the heat transfer effect. So, the Bejan number gets dwin-
dled closer to the sheet. But after a little distance from the sheet, the influence of heat
transfer irreversibility intensifies in comparison to the effects of fluid friction irreversibil-
ity, consisting of the impact of porous permeability caused to mount Bejan number highly
under the growing influence of radiation parameter. Figure 31(a,b) are drawn to explore
entropy generation and Bejan number profiles against the multiple values of the diffusive
variable L. For large L, the entropy generation profile initially receives a downfall up to a
certain distance from the sheet; on the contrary, it gets augmented prominently after that.
Evidently, the contrary phenomenon can be noted in the case of the Bejan number, as eluci-
dated in Figure. After a little distance from the sheet, larger L intensifies the mass diffusivity
of nanoparticles, causing an enhancement in the system’s disorderliness, resulting in an
upgrade of entropy generation. Physically, adjacent to the sheet, the influence of the heat
transfer irreversibility is dominant compared to the impact of fluid friction irreversibility,
including the effect of the porous permeability under the rising impact of L, resulting in an
upsurge of the Bejan number. After a little distance from the sheet, since upgrading the
diffusive variable L, the total entropy generation rate becomes upsurged, Bejan number
trends to decay clearly.

8.3. Skin-friction, heat and mass transfer coefficients

Tables 2 and 3 highlight the nature of specific flow parameters against physical quanti-
ties like skin friction coefficients (Cf x and Cf z), local Nusselt number and local Sherwood

number. The favorable trend of the parameters AMNrEcλ1 Nbσr n1 cα, and Sc towards the
magnitude of skin friction coefficient in the x-direction is clearly observed. In contrast, the
opposite phenomenon takes place in cases of the parameters Prm , β, Pr, , F, λ2 , Nt, and E.
Moreover, the parameters Pr, F, Nb, E, and Sc follow an enhancing nature against the magni-
tude of skin friction coefficient in the z-direction; whereas, it follows the contrary pattern in
cases of the parameters A, M, Prm , β, Nr, Ec, , λ1 , λ2 , Nt, σr , n1 , c, and α prominently. How-
ever, the parameters M, β, Nr, Pr, λ1 , λ2 , σr , n1 , and c assist in intensifying the rate of heat
transfer in magnitude, but the parameters A, Prm , Ec, , F, Nt, Nb, E, α, and Sc tend to lessen
the heat transport rate. Definitely, the parameters M, β, Pr, λ1 , λ2 , Nt, σr , n1 , and c enrich the
rate of mass transfer in magnitude. But the contrary phenomenon occurs in cases of the
parameters A, Prm , Nr, Ec, , F, Nb, Eα, and Sc.

9. Multiple quadratic regression analysis

In this section, for analyzing the multiple quadratic regression, we estimate the following
1/2 1/2 −1/2 −1/2
quadratic regression models for Cfx Rex , Cfz Rex , Nux Rex , and Shx Rex , respectively.

Cfxest = Cfx + b1 λ1 + b2 λ2 + b3 A + b4 λ22 + b5 λ1 λ2 + b6 λ21 + b7 A2 + b8 Aλ1 + b9 Aλ2

Cfzest = Cfz + c1  + c2 F + c3 A + c4 F 2 + c5 F + c6 2 + c7 A2 + c8 A + c9 AF (42)
Nuest = Nu + a1 Nt + a2 Nb + a3 M + a4 Nb2 + a5 NtNb + a6 Nt2 + a7 M2 + a8 MNt + a9 MNb

Table 2. Numerical computations for skin friction coefficients (Cfx and Cfz ), Nusselt Number Nux ,
and Sherwood number Shx at σr = 4.5, λ1 = 10, λ2 = 5, α = 0.1, Nt = 0.1, Nb = 0.1, Sc = 1.5, F =
0.5, E = 5, α1 = 1, c = 0.8 and n1 = 0.5.
1 1 −1 −1
A M Prm β Nr Pr Ec  Cfx Rex2 Cfz Rex2 Nux Rex 2 −Shx Rex 2
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 2 5 0.001 0.2 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.12 5.274272 1.489599 6.796329 0.304313
0.15 5.277078 1.479645 6.753967 0.302416
0.2 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.5 5.467229 1.240310 6.864899 0.307384
1 5.790587 0.819554 6.930309 0.310312
0.2 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.3 5.264137 1.342616 6.821360 0.305434
0.4 5.257706 1.234493 6.819011 0.305329
0.3 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.4 5.006852 1.428977 6.946712 0.311047
0.5 4.807294 1.377935 7.034872 0.314994
2 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
3 5.740159 1.470994 8.482600 0.257048
5 6.301256 1.435969 11.208278 0.206287
5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
7 4.851114 1.516938 7.878090 0.352750
9 4.531837 1.530986 8.771018 0.392732
0.001 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.005 5.310659 1.492284 6.716226 0.300727
0.01 5.358825 1.487326 6.577636 0.294521
0.2 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.5 4.808056 1.330158 6.676099 0.298930
0.8 4.405537 1.212219 6.545928 0.293101

Table 3. Numerical computations for skin friction coefficients (Cfx and Cfz ), Nusselt Number Nux ,
and Sherwood number Shx at A = 0.1, M = 0.2, Prm = 0.2, β = 0.3, Nr = 2, Pr = 5, α1 = 1, Ec =
0.001,  = 0.2, and α = 0.1.
1 1 −1 −1
F λ1 λ2 Nt Nb E σr n1 c α Sc Cfx Rex2 Cfz Rex2 Nux Rex 2 −Shx Rex 2
0.5 10 5 0.1 0.1 5 4.5 0.5 0.8 0.1 1.5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.6 5.189694 1.496542 6.802478 0.304589
0.8 5.032203 1.496663 6.760711 0.302718
10 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
12 6.376275 1.479491 7.001669 0.313508
14 7.451191 1.464222 7.163915 0.320772
5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
8 5.101522 1.493156 6.835045 0.306047
10 4.985444 1.491141 6.841541 0.306338
0.1 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.2 5.012453 1.489936 6.772069 0.606454
0.3 4.744025 1.484093 6.717175 0.902307
0.1 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.2 5.411865 1.499055 6.814814 0.152570
0.3 5.457723 1.499997 6.811432 0.101663
5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
7 5.221135 1.496635 6.823714 0.305539
9 5.196549 1.496839 6.822852 0.305501
4.5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
6 5.294032 1.496170 6.824710 0.305584
7 5.306764 1.496096 6.824793 0.305588
0.5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.8 5.288506 1.496171 6.824999 0.305597
1.2 5.312545 1.495971 6.825779 0.305632
0.8 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
2 10.457467 1.172289 7.975826 0.357127
4 24.776562 0.913822 9.774248 0.437653
0.1 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
0.3 5.428287 1.490037 5.988480 0.268141
0.5 5.597768 1.483172 5.091660 0.227985
1.5 5.272437 1.496306 6.824453 0.305573
3 5.380839 1.498514 6.804755 0.304691
5 5.436893 1.499596 6.792901 0.304160

Shest = Sh + d1 M + d2 A + d3 M2 + d4 A2 + d5 MA (44)

where b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ; c1 c2 , c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ; a1 a2 a3 a4 , a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 and d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
denote regression coefficients of the present regression models because of Cfx Rex Cfz
1/2 −1/2 −1/2
Rex Nux Rex and Shx Rex , respectively. We choose 100 values of λ1 , λ2 , and A
randomly from the intervals [0.1, 1.5], [0.1, 1.5] and [0, 0.15], respectively, to execute the
regression model owing to Cfx Rex ; on the other hand, the same type of model due
to Cfz Rex is displayed for taking 100 values of , F, and A arbitrarily from the inter-
vals [0, 0.4], [0.01, 0.4], and [0, 0.15] respectively. Moreover, we consider 100 sets of values
of Nb, Nt, and M randomly from the intervals [0.1, 0.3], [0.1, 0.3], and [0.1, 0.5], respec-
tively, in order to generate the regression model because of the reduced Nusselt number
Nux Rex ; on the contrary, we select 100 values of M and A arbitrarily from the intervals
[0.1, 0.5]and[0, 0.15], respectively, due to the formulation of the same type of model of the
reduced Sherwood number Shx Rex . In all these cases of the current section, the other
parameters are supposed as fixed. The maximum relative errors εCfx , εCfz , εNu , andεSh are

defined as
 Cfx − Cfx 
εCfx =  est 
 Cfz − Cfz 
εCfz =  est 
 Nuest − Nu 
εNu =  
 Shest − Sh 
εSh =  .

Clearly, Table 4 displays that with growing the Casson parameter, Cfx and the coefficients of
λ2 and A are negative, but the coefficient of λ1 is positive. Therefore, from Equation (40), we
can understand that the concentration buoyancy parameter and unsteadiness parameter
have an enriching impact on the magnitude of the skin friction coefficient in the x-direction;
on the other hand, the contrary phenomenon occurs in the case of the thermal buoyancy
parameter. Moreover, Table 4 elucidates that the coefficient of λ1 is more than the coeffi-
cients of λ2 andA in magnitude on variating the Casson parameter. As a result, the thermal
buoyancy parameter’s influence on the skin friction coefficient in the x-direction is more
than the effects of the concentration buoyancy parameter and unsteadiness parameter.
From Table 5, it is noted that on increasing the magnetic Prandtl number, Cfz and the coef-
ficient of F are negative, but coefficients of  and A are positive, which signifies the inertia
parameter’s assisting behavior on the magnitude of the skin friction coefficient in the z-
direction, whereas the porosity parameter and unsteadiness parameter have a decreasing
trend towards it as per Equation (41). Furthermore, Table 5 demonstrates that the coeffi-
cient of F is greater than the coefficients of  and A in magnitude, which clarifies that a
slight variation in the inertia parameter leads to more change in the skin friction coeffi-
cient in the z-direction compared to the porosity parameter and unsteadiness parameter.
Through Table 6, it is quite evident that the coefficient of Nt is greater than the coefficients
of Nb and M with a variation in the thermal buoyancy parameter. Consequently, it is worth
noting that a slight change in the thermophoretic parameter trends to an intense variation

Table 4. Numerical values of quadratic regression coefficients and maximum relative error for approxi-
mated Cfx Rex .
β Cfx b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 εCfx
0.15 −10.1511 0.1508 −0.1497 −0.1420 −0.0005 0.0013 −0.0011 −0.0008 0.0465 −0.0441 0.0047
0.2 −8.4167 0.1486 −0.1476 −0.1341 −0.0005 0.0013 −0.0011 −0.0009 0.0453 −0.0430 0.0057
0.3 −6.6394 0.1454 −0.1445 −0.1230 −0.0005 0.0014 −0.0011 −0.0004 0.0437 −0.0415 0.0072

Table 5. Numerical values of quadratic regression coefficients and maximum relative error for approxi-
mated Cfz Rex .
Prm Cfz c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 εCfz
3 −4.4472 0.1128 −0.2971 0.2095 −0.0241 0.1124 −0.0054 0.0610 −0.0634 0.2593 0.0036
3.5 −4.2789 0.1061 −0.2675 0.2113 −0.0224 0.1047 −0.0057 0.0623 −0.0571 0.2330 0.0040
4 −4.1350 0.1007 −0.2443 0.2140 −0.0207 0.0966 −0.0056 0.0609 −0.0513 0.2151 0.0045

Table 6. Numerical values of quadratic regression coefficients and maximum relative error for approxi-
mated Nux Rex .
λ1 Nu a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 εNu
10 1.0813 −0.0310 −0.0119 0.0301 0.0724 −0.1546 0.0903 −0.0007 −0.0329 0.0230 0.0015
12 1.1219 −0.0326 −0.0117 0.0261 0.0707 −0.1504 0.0876 −0.0004 −0.0316 0.0222 0.0023
14 1.1566 −0.0341 −0.0115 0.0229 0.0694 −0.1474 0.0856 −0.0002 −0.0306 0.0216 0.0030

Table 7. Numerical values of quadratic regression coefficients and maximum relative error for approxi-
mated Shx Rex .
Nt Sh d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 εSh
0.1 −0.0506 −3.3235E − 05 1.6075E−04 1.2155E−06 1.3493E−06 5.0563E−06 1.6225E−04
0.2 −0.1012 −6.6817E − 05 3.2191E−04 2.4749E−06 2.8262E−06 1.0083E−05 1.6126E−04
0.3 −0.1518 −1.0076E − 04 4.8349E−04 3.7804E−06 4.4327E−06 1.5081E−05 1.6024E−04

in the reduced Nusselt number in comparison to the Brownian motion parameter and mag-
netic parameter. Moreover, as per Table 6, coefficients of the Brownian motion parameter
and thermophoretic parameter are negative, whereas the magnetic parameter’s coefficient
is positive. From Equation (42), it can be explained that the increasing behavior of the mag-
netic parameter on the reduced Nusselt number is observed, while the reverse occurrence
takes place in the case of the Brownian motion and thermophoretic diffusion. Through
Table 7, it is worthy to note that on strengthening the impact of the thermophoretic dif-
fusion, Sh and the magnetic parameter’s coefficient are negative, but the unsteadiness
parameter’s coefficient is positive, which means through Equation (43) that the magnetic
parameter has a favorable trend towards the magnitude of the reduced Sherwood number;
on the contrary, the opposite influence of the unsteadiness parameter on it is quite evident.
Besides, the unsteadiness parameter’s coefficient is greater than the magnetic parameter’s
coefficient as per Table 7. It can be ascertained that the slight change in the unsteadi-
ness parameter causes more variation in the reduced Sherwood number as compared to
the magnetic parameter. However, it can be perceived that the quadratic regression esti-
mate for the reduced Sherwood number is more accurate in comparison to the skin friction
coefficients in x and z directions and the reduced Nusselt number.

10. Conclusions
The substantive effects of distinctive flow parameters on the flow-region have been elu-
cidated theoretically, graphically, and in tabular form. The salient results of the present
investigation have been discussed below

• The larger velocity ratio parameter accelerates the velocity component in the x-
direction and transverse velocity for M = 3, whereas it reduces the transverse velocity
for M = 1, temperature and induced magnetic field components in x and z directions,
resulting in a decrement in the magnetic induction boundary layer thickness.
• The adverse nature of the growing magnetic parameter on the transverse veloc-
ity, induced magnetic field component in the z-direction, and the temperature is
observed, while it speeds up the velocity component in the x-direction, and has

an increasing tendency towards the induced magnetic field component in the x-

direction after a certain distance from the sheet.
• The higher Prandtl number causes an increment in the transverse velocity and
induced magnetic field component in the z-direction, whereas it decreases the
velocity component in the x-direction, induced magnetic field component in the
x-direction, and temperature, resulting in thinning the thermal boundary layer thick-
ness. Moreover, the opposing behavior of the higher magnetic Prandtl number on the
Casson nanofluid’s motion and induced magnetic field components in xandz direc-
tions can be visualized; on the other hand, its increasing impact on the temperature
• The favorable trend of the increasing Eckert number towards the velocity component
in the x-direction, transverse velocity for M = 3, induced magnetic field component
in the x-direction, and temperature can be noted; on the contrary, in the cases of
the transverse velocity for M = 1 and induced magnetic field component in the
z-direction, it can be noticed the opposite phenomenon.
• On enhancing the Casson parameter, the induced magnetic field component in the
x-direction and temperature becomes diminished, but the induced magnetic field
component in the z-direction gets uplifted.
• It is worthy to notice that the larger inertia parameter leads to increasing the temper-
ature, due to which the thermal boundary layer becomes thicker significantly.
• It is a prominent finding that the higher thermal buoyancy parameter boosts to accel-
erate the velocity component in the x-direction massively near the sheet and causes
an increment in the transverse velocity for M = 3. On the contrary, in the case of the
temperature, it follows the reverse pattern.
• It is quite evident that the intensive impact of thermal radiation results in an increase
in fluid temperature, causing an enhancement in the thermal boundary layer thick-
• Notably, the increasing Schmidt number initially assists in promoting concentration
but leads to a decay in concentration away from the sheet. Clearly, the opposite
phenomenon takes place in the case of the activation energy.
• It can be ascertained that due to strengthening the chemical reaction, nanoparticle
concentration becomes mounted near the sheet, but it changes marginally after a
definite distance from the sheet.
• The stronger thermophoretic diffusion tends to raise the temperature, resulting in
the thickening of the thermal boundary layer thickness. Moreover, on increasing the
thermophoretic diffusion, concentration initially diminishes, and then it becomes
enhanced within the boundary layer region. But the reverse phenomenon occurs in
the case of Brownian motion. However, the intensive Brownian motion causes a slight
increment in the temperature.
• The growing magnetic parameter and Casson parameter tend to minimize the
entropy generation far from the sheet. Moreover, the intense effects of Brinkman
number and thermal radiation provide an upsurge in entropy generation, whereas
the magnetic parameter and Brinkman number assist in declining the Bejan number.
• The quadratic multiple regression analysis displays that with a variation in the Casson
parameter, the small change in the thermal buoyancy parameter causes more varia-
tion in the skin friction coefficient in the x-direction than the concentration buoyancy

parameter and unsteadiness parameter. Besides, through this analysis, it can be per-
ceived that a slight variation in the inertia parameter results in a large perturbation in
the skin friction coefficient in the z-direction as compared to the porosity parameter
and unsteadiness parameter.
• The small change in the thermophoretic parameter tends to an intensive variation in
the reduced Nusselt number in comparison to the Brownian motion parameter and
magnetic parameter.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was supported by National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India [Junior Research
Fellowship] and Science and Engineering Research Board, India [File No. ECR/2017/000118/PMS].

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