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Law- is a norse word,it is legally defined as a rule of conduct.
- Because they regulate the meaning of terms used throughout a
legislative text and, absent a contrary intention, the meaning of terms
in all other enactments pertaining to the same subject area, definitions
are provisions that have great influence.

The Philippine legal system -The legal system of the Philippines is
adequately described as a synthesis of Roman civil law, anglo-
Americano common law, and customary usage.
1.The constitution- the fundamental and supreme law of the land. -The basic
legislation that creates the structure of the government, delineates the
responsibilities and authority of its branches, and safeguards the rights of the
2.criminal law- it is defined as the branch of public law which defines
crime,treats their nature and provides for their punishment. -the body of
legislation that establishes the definition of crimes, controls the detention,
accusation, and trial of suspects, and specifies the punishments and types of
treatment that will be meted out to those found guilty.
• act no 3815- the primary source of criminal law in the Philippines. It is
otherwise known as the revised penal code. -In cases where an insane or delito
person has committed an act that the law considers a felony, the court will
order their confinement in one of the hospitals or asylums designated for those
who fall under this category. They will not be allowed to leave these facilities
without the express permission of the same court.
3. statutes: laws that cover a range of legal issues and concerns and are
passed by the legislative branch, which is made up of the Congress. enacted
by the legislative branch(ex:acts, Commonwealth acts,batas pambansa,and
republic act(RA), presidential decrees (PD) and executive order (EO) • acts
and public acts- statutes enacted by the legislative form 1899 to 1935 •
commonwealth act- statutes enacted from 1935 to 1941. • republic acts-
statutes enacted from 1946 to 1972 and the from 1987 until now. Batas
pangbansa or national law- statutes passed by the legislature from 1978 to
4.treaties and convention- these have the same force of authority as
statutes. -Treaties that are signed by two or more countries and function as
international agreements are known as conventions. The legally binding
agreement that serves as the foundation for international law is known as a
treaty. The observance of the treaty by each signing party gives authority for
its enforcement.
5.judicial decision- Judicial decisions and interpretations of laws by courts,
forming a body of legal principles and precedents. 6. the primary sources of
Muslim law/shariah are the quran,sunnah,ljma and Qiyas
The are three equal branches of government 1. Legislative; 2. Judical; and
3.Executive These three operate under the doctrine of seperation of powers
and a system of checks and balance.

1. Executive branches- It executes and upholds legislation under the direction

of the President. The Cabinet and other government departments in
charge of administration and governance are included.
2. Legislative branches- composed of the Senate and the House of
Representatives, the two chambers that make up Congress. Legislation must be
created and passed by it.
3.Judiciary branch- It ensures justice and settles legal disputes by
interpreting and applying the law under the direction of the Supreme
Court. This division comprises trial courts and the Court of Appeals,
among other lower courts
What is ex-post facto law? Any legislation that designates an innocent
act as a crime after an act was carried out. It is a Latin expression that
means that something done later may also result in a law that makes a
crime worse or more serious than it was when it was committed, or
that modifies the punishment and imposes a heavier penalty than the
law that governs the crime at the time it was performed. Committed,
but a Bill of Attainder is a legal document that penalizes a specific
person or a collection of people without a legal trial. The Former The
act is covered under Post Facto Law, whereas a Bill of Attainder relates
to a certain person or to individuals in a group.
Three characteristics of criminal law 1.general- in that criminal law is binding
on all person who live or sojoum in Philippine territory. 2.territorial- in that
criminal laws undertake to punish crime committed within Philippine territory.
-Because of the territoriality principle, Philippine penal laws are typically only
enforced inside its borders. All offenses committed inside the Philippines’
national territory are subject to the law.
•Terrestrial- jurisdiction exercised over land. •Fluvial- over maritime and
interior water •Aerial- over the atmosphere
3.prospective- in that a penal law cannot make an act punishable in a manner
in which it was punishable when committed. -An act or omission cannot be
made illegal by a new penal legislation if it was not illegal at the time it was
committed or omitted.

Mala in se is used to describe criminal activity that is deemed improper on its

own. Being Latin, the term literally translates to “wrong.” Mala prohibita, a
Latin phrase meaning “wrong because they are prohibited,” contrasts with this
category of crimes. Mala prohibita is used to describe acts that are prohibited
by law and so illegal. A criminal statute that makes something illegal is referred
to in criminal law as mala prohibita, a Latin phrase meaning “wrong because it
is prohibited.”

LAW ENFORCEMENT is the activity of some members of government

who act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering,
deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and
norms governing that society. The term encompasses police, courts,
and corrections.
PROSECUTION sometimes called filing a lawsuit the act of trying someone
who has been accused of a crime to determine whether or not they are

COURT a trial site, or the individuals present at a trial site, particularly the
officials and those making the guilt determination: Protesters assembled
outside the court to await the verdict.
CORRECTION the supervision of individuals who have been detained, found
guilty, or given a sentence for crimes. Correctional populations can be broadly
divided into two groups: institutional and community.

COMMUNITY serves as the Criminal Justice System’s fifth pillar, playing a

unique role. Inside. Elements that are motivated and mobilized to this link
community are considered as the mean. Assist the government in solving the
public’s concern about law and order in an efficient manner
What is justice When applying the law, it is the idea of treating everyone
equally and fairly. The significance of justice lies in the fact that it is widely
considered the foundation of society. It provides a civilization with a
foundation for cohesive life. A system of equal chances, benefits, and freedom
for all members of society is what justice entails. It also means that there
should be no irrational acts.

Lady justice Since justice is impartial and shouldn’t be determined by a

person’s looks or other external factors, Lady Justice is blindfolded, and the
objects she bears are ancient symbols for fair and equitable treatment under
the law.
The criminal justice system is a network of public and private organizations
tasked with overseeing the lives of accused and convicted criminals. These
organizations play a crucial role in settling disputes resulting from alleged
infractions or divergent interpretations of the norms that societies establish to
regulate the behavior of their members.

Due process- Law is the state’s application of all relevant legal rules and
principles in order to uphold all of the rights that are owed to an individual.
These rights include the provisions guaranteeing an accused person a fair and
public trial before an appropriate tribunal, the right to attend the trial, and the
right to present their own defense.
What are the law enforcement agencies in the country other than PNP?
• National bureau of investigation (NBI) • Philippine Center on
Transnational Crime (PCTC) • Philippine Center Guard (PCG) • Bureau of
immigration • PDEA
1.National Bureau of investigation
-The organization conducts crime detection and investigation independently,
collaborates with law enforcement, maintains a state-of-the-art crime
laboratory, and offers technical assistance to those investigating crimes.
2. Philippine center on Transnational crime (PCTC) -The Executive Director is
directly responsible for supervising and assigning responsibilities to all PCTC
units and employees.
3. Philippine coast guard (PCG) -is an armed and uniformed service whose main
responsibilities are to protect the marine environment and resources, conduct
maritime security operations, enforce the law inside Philippine waters, and
defend life and property at sea.
4. Bureau of immigration -it is the immigration regulatory and control body the
Philippines. 5. PDEA -The Philippine Drug Enforcement (PDEA) is the primary
law enforcement agency in the Philippines responsible for preventing,
investigating, and countering the use of hazardous narcotics, prohibited
precursors, and vital chemicals.

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