Transpower - GL-EA-010 Generator Testing Requirements

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GL-EA-010 Generator Testing


TP Ref: GL-EA-0010 Status: Issued Approval Date 14/11/2023

The contents of this document may not be Transpower's final or complete view on any particular subject, and all
provisions of it are subject to change. Transpower as the system operator excludes all representations and
warranties relating to the contents of this document, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions. The
Transpower excludes all liability for loss or damage arising from any person's reliance on the contents of this
Document Status: Issued

Version Date Change

2.1 13/04/2022 Alignment to newly published Ancillary Services Procurement Plan

2.2 22/06/2022 Inverter testing and general update, draft for Asset Owner forum

3.0 31/3/2023 Document description changed from “Guidelines” to “Requirements”

3.1 30/5/2023 Updated 4.1, 8.4 and Appendix E.5 : Instantaneous Reserves (generation reserves)
for Code changes May 2022, for new category of reserve providers

4.0 18/8/2023 Updated to add testing and procurement basis for Instantaneous Reserve (FIR and
SIR) from Inverter based resources, add Appendix E.6, E.7


Prepared By: Richard Sherry and Kevin Wronski, Principal Engineers

Reviewed By: Louis Southin, Engineering Assurance Manager

Approved By: Katerine Moore, SO Power Systems Group Manager



This document is developed within the current regulatory framework and is accurate as at the published date. Subsequent changes
to the Code or other regulations and policies may result in inaccuracies. Please contact Transpower to discuss current requirements.

This document does not relieve asset owners from identifying and meeting their obligations set out in the Code. Where there is
conflict between this document and the Code, the Code takes precedence. Asset owners are strongly advised to seek expert advice
to understand their full obligations under the Code.


The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Transpower New Zealand Limited. Reproduction of
this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Transpower New Zealand is prohibited.

Contact Details

Address: Transpower New Zealand Ltd

22 Boulcott St
PO Box 1021
New Zealand

Telephone: +64 4 495 7000

[email protected]
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 5
1 Definitions ................................................................................................ 6
2 Introduction .............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Content .................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Intended use of test results ........................................................................ 7
2.4 Representative testing ............................................................................... 7
3 General Requirements for Testing ................................................................ 8
3.1 Pre-Test ................................................................................................... 8
3.2 During Testing .......................................................................................... 9
3.3 Post-Testing .............................................................................................. 9
4 Standard Test Signals .............................................................................. 11
5 Signal Measurement Locations .................................................................. 19
6 Generator Tests ....................................................................................... 22
6.1 Generating Unit Parameters ...................................................................... 22
6.2 Governor Control System ......................................................................... 23
6.3 Generating Unit Transformer Voltage Control .............................................. 24
6.4 AVR and Excitation System ....................................................................... 25
7 Inverter Generation Tests ......................................................................... 26
7.1 Voltage Response .................................................................................... 26
7.2 Active Power and Frequency Control .......................................................... 27
8 Ancillary Service Tests.............................................................................. 28
8.1 Single Frequency Keeping ......................................................................... 28
8.2 Multiple Provider Frequency Keeping .......................................................... 28
8.3 Over Frequency Arming ............................................................................ 29
8.4 Instantaneous Reserve ............................................................................. 29
8.5 Black Start Services ................................................................................. 30
Appendix A. Generating Unit Parameter Tests ...................................................... 31
Load Rejection ........................................................................................ 31
Generator Reactive Power Capability .......................................................... 32
Open-Circuit Saturation Curve ................................................................... 33
Appendix B. Governor Control System Tests ........................................................ 35
Valve/Gate Step Response ........................................................................ 35
Frequency Deadband ............................................................................... 36
Governor Droop ....................................................................................... 37
Frequency Step Response ......................................................................... 38
Power Step Response ............................................................................... 39
Governor Frequency Response .................................................................. 40
Under-Frequency Performance .................................................................. 41
Over-Frequency Performance .................................................................... 42
Appendix C. AVR and Excitation System Tests ..................................................... 43
Voltage Step Response and PSS ................................................................ 43
Over-Excitation Limiter ............................................................................. 44
Under-Excitation Limiter ........................................................................... 45
Volt/Hertz Limiter .................................................................................... 46
Appendix D. Inverter Generation Tests ............................................................... 48
Voltage Step Response ............................................................................. 48
Reactive Power Step Response .................................................................. 50
Reactive Power Coordination ..................................................................... 51
Reactive Power Capability ......................................................................... 52
Active Power Step Response ..................................................................... 53

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Over-Frequency Response ........................................................................ 55

Appendix E. Ancillary Service tests ..................................................................... 56
Single Frequency Keeping ......................................................................... 56
Multiple Frequency Keeping ...................................................................... 57
Over-frequency reserve ............................................................................ 58
Generator Fast Instantaneous Reserve ....................................................... 59
Generator Sustained Instantaneous Reserve ............................................... 60
Inverter Fast Instantaneous Reserve .......................................................... 62
Inverter Sustained Instantaneous Reserve .................................................. 63
Black Start .............................................................................................. 64
Appendix F. Documentation .............................................................................. 66
Checklist ................................................................................................ 66
Sample Report Headings .......................................................................... 67
Appendix G. Test Result Templates .................................................................... 68
Generator Data ....................................................................................... 68
Excitation System Data ............................................................................ 69
Governor and Turbine Data ....................................................................... 70
Steady-State Measurement to Record Actual Generating Unit Capability ......... 71
Open-Circuit Saturation Circuit Test ........................................................... 72
Generator Test Results Template ............................................................... 73
AVR and Excitation Tests .......................................................................... 73
Governor and Turbine Test Results Template .............................................. 74
Steady-State Measurement for Inverter-Based Generating Unit to Record Actual
Generating Unit Capability ........................................................................ 75

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© 2023 Transpower New Zealand Limited
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This document sits within a suite of documents detailing asset testing and modelling requirements as shown
in Figure 1 below. The documents should be read in conjunction with each other.

Existing and
refurbished assets
GL-EA-010 Generator
Testing requirements
Part 8 of the Code

Describe the studies Representative

to demonstrate the testing
new generating
station can meet the GL-EA-953 Connection Study requirements General
Code s requirements Requirements
Generating unit
Describe the typical GL-EA-0404 Generator Commissioning and tests
testing carried out on Decommissioning requirements Frequency control
assets and the
required outcomes
GL-EA-716 Power Plant Dynamic Model Validation and Voltage control
Describe the format of Submission Prerequisites tests
the models and model
documentation System Operator Related Documents Invertor testing
required by the
system operator Ancillary Services

This document
Procurement Plan
Ancillary Service

Figure 1 Supporting Documentation

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ACS Asset Capability Statement
ASPP Ancillary Service Procurement Plan
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
BESS Battery Energy Storage System

FIR Fast Instantaneous Reserve

MCO Maximum Continuous Output
MFK Multiple Frequency Keeping
NCC National Co-ordination Centre
NSGR Non-Specific Generation Reserve (includes BESS)

OEL Over-excitation limiter

PLSR Partially Loaded Spinning Reserve
PSS Power System Stabiliser
PCC Point of Common Coupling
Plant Wind or solar farm including all the reactive power support
devices and controllers
SFK Single Frequency Keeping
SIR Sustained Instantaneous Reserve
SNL Speed-no-load
TWD Tail-water depressed
UEL Under-excitation limiter
Generating unit All equipment functioning as a single entity to produce
electricity which includes, for example, the collective output
of a wind farm or a solar farm

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To advise Asset Owners:
▪ Of the requirements to demonstrate performance and limitations in the operation of assets by
testing to assist the system operator plan for the safe and efficient operation of the grid; and,
▪ test results which if recorded should assist with model development and validation.

This document describes the methodology and standards for:
▪ the routine testing of assets as set out in the Electricity Industry Performance Code (the Code); and,
▪ testing of assets during commissioning and after modification such as component upgrades.
This document sets general requirements that apply to all testing that is carried out, the Appendices detail
requirements for specific tests and provide guidance on what test results are required and how they should
be communicated to the system operator.
It should be read in conjunction with:
▪ GL-EA-716 Power Plant Dynamic Model Validation and Submission Prerequisites for guidance
on model requirements and validation;
▪ Part 8 of the Code for the most up-to-date performance requirements; and,
▪ The Procurement Plan for contractual requirements around Ancillary Services offered.
This document does not seek to alter any obligations on Asset Owners or the system operator in any way
from those detailed in the Code or its amendments. In any perceived conflict between it and the Code, the
Code should take precedence.
This document does not relieve Asset Owners of the need to read, understand and comply with Asset Owner
obligations set out in the Code.


Test results are used both by Asset Owners, in the compilation of their Asset Capability Statement (ACS) and
validation of models, and by the system operator for compliance assessments, ancillary services performance
assessment and to maintain power system tools.


The most common question relates to the need to test the performance of multiple pieces of equipment of
the same design, built by the same manufacturer.
For a group of identical assets Asset Owners must:
▪ Complete a full set of tests on the asset that is to be representative of the group; then
▪ Complete sufficient testing on the remainder of the assets to demonstrate the performance if fully
consistent with the representative asset; and,
▪ Certify to the system operator the performance of assets is fully consistent with the representative
asset as detailed in the Code.

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Asset testing while connecting to the power system is a controlled process to achieve two main objectives;
to meet the asset test objectives and to ensure minimal disturbance to the operation of the power system.
To assess the performance and risks associated with testing an asset, the system operator must be in receipt
of a full and current asset capability statement for that asset. This information shall be available before
Engineering Methodologies are reviewed.
Refer to the individual testing requirements in the appendices for particular requirements.
The asset testing process can generally be split into three main phases:
▪ Pre-testing (Section 3.1);
▪ Testing (Section 3.2); and,
▪ Post-testing (Section 3.3).
The following sections describe the minimum requirements for each of these three testing phases.

3.1.1 Commissioning Plan
At least 12 weeks prior to the commissioning date a final Commissioning Plan shall be shared with
[email protected] (unless advised otherwise) and agreed by the system operator. A
commissioning plan is required:
▪ where changes are made to assets that alter any of the following at the grid interface:
▪ a single-line diagram
▪ a protection system, other than a change to a protection system setting,
▪ a control system, including a change to a control system setting,
▪ any rating of assets,
▪ when assets are to be connected to, or are to form part of the grid; and,
▪ when a secondary risk is required to be set up in the market system until equipment is fully tested.
3.1.2 Engineering Methodology
At least 8 weeks prior to testing the Engineering Methodology including a full description of the proposed
tests containing information listed below shall be made available for review by the system operator at
[email protected] (unless advised otherwise):
▪ the proposed test methodology and expected results;
▪ the signals to be monitored;
▪ confirmation that data format will be ASCII, CSV or COMTRADE files;
▪ the Asset Owner must ensure that the data sampling rate is sufficient to demonstrate the fastest
equipment characteristics of interest. Fast acting control systems require 20 milliseconds or better
sampling rates whereas slower ones shall utilise sample rates of 1 – 4 seconds. Any deviation from
requirements in this document shall be noted;
▪ details of any potential impacts to equipment capability or compliance with the Code expected
during testing; and,
▪ confirmation that sufficient information to prove equipment capability and allow model validation,
if applicable, will be contained in the Test Report.

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3.1.3 Operational Test Plan

At least 3 weeks prior to testing an Operational Test Plan shall be submitted to the system operator for
approval. It should summarise any day’s testing to allow assessment by the system operator of any potential
risks related to:
▪ the Asset Owner’s ability to meet their Asset Owner Performance Obligations (AOPO’s); and,
▪ the system operator’s ability to meet their Principle Performance Obligations.
Information provided shall include:
▪ the nature of the testing;
▪ any additional risks to the equipment or the power system;
▪ any relief the Asset Owner needed from their AOPO’s;
▪ proposed timing; and,
▪ reference to any relevant Engineering Methodology document.
Plans will be assessed by the system operator and approved subject to Asset Owner agreement to conditions
set by the system operator.
Further details and a template are available on
3.1.4 Submission of information
When reviewing the Commissioning Plan and/or Engineering Methodology the system operator will agree
the preferred method of delivery of results and reports to ensure confidentiality.


The purpose of online and offline tests outlined in this document is to confirm signals and control systems
are commissioned correctly.
3.2.1 Online tests
All conditions noted on the agreed Operational Test Plan must be followed at all times.
3.2.2 Offline tests
Offline testing can help determine parameter values when the characteristics of offline modes are the same
as those used once the unit is synchronised to the power system. Often frequency control systems and
sometimes other control loops will switch to completely different modes when the main generator breaker
is opened to operate the unit off-line.

3.3.1 Results
Shall be submitted to the system operator daily clearly identifying the equipment and test they refer to.
3.3.2 Report
Shall be submitted to the system operator within a month of the tests being carried out. It shall contain:
▪ the relevant test template(s) from the appendices of this document;
▪ all recorded test results;
▪ a clear statement on whether testing met all the test objectives; and,
▪ any other supporting information that is reasonably required to assess the test results such as:

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▪ asset capability information that is not in the Asset Capability Statement visible to the system
operator at the time of testing;
▪ an explanation where any assumptions have been made (and why they have been made)
particularly when manufacturer’s data is not available; and
▪ an explanation of any deviations observed since the previous tests were carried out referencing
factory acceptance tests, type tests and previous test results as required.
▪ an explanation of any discrepancies observed in plant performance or responses observed during
online and offline testing should be included in the final test report and model validation report.
To assist Asset Owners a checklist of documentation to be included when submitting final test results to the
system operator has been included in Appendix F Documentation.
3.3.3 Filenames
These help the Asset Owner and the system operator to correctly associate test result files to specific tests.
They shall follow the format below:
▪ AssetName – The asset name under test, for example a station name.
▪ EquipmentID – The ID of the equipment under test, for example G1 to represent Generating unit
▪ TestID – The Test ID is the ID assigned to each test, for example GEN_FSP refers to Frequency Step
Response test in Appendix B.4.
▪ Test Number – The number to identify the test from another test of the same type, for example 01
represents the first test of that type.
▪ DateTime – DDMMYYYYhhmmss.
3.3.4 Time stamping
All data shall be GPS time stamped to ensure accurate alignment of data obtained from different sources. If
a GPS time stamp is not available all test data shall be submitted in an excel worksheet or datafile aligned to
a common time stamp.

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Some commonly injected signals used to characterise generating unit/plant responses are described in this

4.1.1 Frequency step A step response is used to validate both the stability of a control system and
its modelling parameters.
Offline testing can help determine parameter values when the characteristics
of offline modes are the same as those used once the unit is synchronised to
the power system.
Figure 2 illustrates a suitable signal with frequency steps of ±1%, other step
values may need to be used to determine particular parameters. This test can
be used for both off- and on-line tests.

Figure 2 Frequency Step Injection

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4.1.2 Governor Figure 3 shows curves used to demonstrate governor response to over- and
characterising under- frequencies.
For units offering partially loaded frequency reserves the frequency drop curve
can be replaced with the standard under-frequency curve discussed in section
4.1.3 to reduce the number of tests. If these curves don’t fully demonstrate
completely the control logic of a governor, additional tests shall be conducted
using a modified curve.
The frequency drop curve is defined by:
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞(𝑡) = 49.7 + (0.3 − 0.8𝑡)𝑒 −0.95𝑡 – Equation 1 (blue curve)
The frequency rise curve is defined by:
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞(𝑡) = 50.3 − (0.3 − 0.8𝑡)𝑒 −0.95𝑡 – Equation 2 (red curve)

Figure 3 Commonly injected frequency curves to demonstrate governor performance

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4.1.3 Standard FIR Figure 4 shows the curve used to demonstrate the quantity of Fast
under- Instantaneous Reserve (FIR) that the generating unit can offer. It is defined by
frequency curve Equation 3 below:
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞(𝑡) = 49.25 + (0.75 − 0.8055𝑡)𝑒 −0.1973𝑡 – Equation 3
If the curve doesn’t fully demonstrate completely the control logic of a
governor, additional tests shall be conducted using a modified curve as
required. For reserve capability purposes, Equation 3 will still be used.

Figure 4 Commonly injected frequency curves to demonstrate FIR response

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4.1.4 Standard SIR SIR is procured equal to the magnitude of the largest risk being covered. This
under- is to ensure frequency recovery to within the normal operating band as soon
frequency curve as reasonably practicable which is a Principal Performance Obligation of the
System Operator. Sustained output is required from SIR providers even when
the frequency has recovered as this service is replacing lost generation.
The power system can tolerate a limited amount of SIR response that is not
frequency-proportional (e.g. provides the same response in MW regardless of
the system frequency, such as interruptible load). However there is a limit to
the acceptable non-proportional response to avoid over-frequency issues for
loss events smaller than the largest risk.
A test injection for SIR response needs to demonstrate that the response can
be delivered when the frequency recovers. For frequency-proportional control
systems, control action is also required to limit the SIR response if the
frequency has already recovered – e.g. due to other providers. This presents a
challenge for testing with an artificial frequency value. The primary test should
assume that the SIR response of the unit under test is required for the
frequency recovery.
For synchronous generation with conventional governor based control
systems, the under-frequency curve used for FIR (section 4.1.3) can be
extended in time to demonstrate SIR delivery of the control system.
For inverter interfaced generation the under-frequency curve used for FIR
(section 4.1.3) can not be extended in time to demonstrate SIR delivery if the
control system action would substantially reduce the delivered power before
frequency recovered to the normal band. In the boundary case, if all
instantaneous reserve response was provided solely by a 1.5% droop control,
frequency recovery to the normal band would not occur.
Figure 5 shows the initial four minutes of a suitable curve to demonstrate the
quantity of Sustained Instantaneous Reserve (SIR) that a generating unit can
offer for highly frequency responsive control systems. For such control systems
the FIR injection curve should be extended with a frequency recovery
This is defined by Equation 4 below :
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞(𝑡) = 49.25 + (0.75 − 0.8055𝑡)𝑒 −0.1973𝑡 + 0.75⁄(1 + 𝑒 −𝑔(𝑡−𝑡1) )𝑛
- Equation 4
The example curve below has g=0.07, t1=100 and n=1, which provides a
suitable result with minimal computation. Alternative parameters are also
acceptable in the recovery curve component.

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Figure 5 Commonly injected frequency curves to demonstrate SIR response

Sustaining the SIR output for a control action which is initially determined by a
frequency responsive (droop based) control is expected to require a ‘latching’
of the control systems response until the frequency has recovered.
It is recommended that such control maintains the SIR response (which would
be related to the minimum frequency observed) until frequency recovery to
50Hz has occurred. Other release points could be selected but may impact on
the volume of SIR that is sustained for the test injection. The use of 50 Hz as
the recovery target should minimise any need for further control action prior
to re-dispatch.
Generator unit output on release of the sustained SIR response must be
controlled, and would be expected to change slowly – for example with ramp
rates similar to dispatch ramp rates.
The control action of limiting the SIR response to prevent over-frequency, when
frequency recovery has occurred, can be demonstrated by modifying the
frequency recovery component parameters of the additional injection signal
component, for instance by applying 1.0 in place of 0.75 as the numerator, the
frequency injection curve of Figure 5 would increase to 50.25 Hz.

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4.1.5 Single Figure 6 shows a small frequency step signal that can be used to test the
frequency performance of single frequency keeping control systems

Figure 6 SFK injected frequency curves

The durations of each part of the signal are detailed below.

Test 1 ramping within the band
▪ t1 = bandwidth / (ramp_rate)
▪ t2 = 2 x bandwidth / (ramp_rate)
Test 2 ramping from outside bandwidth limits
▪ t1 = bandwidth / (2 x ramp_rate)
▪ t2 = bandwidth / (ramp_rate)
▪ ramp_rate is the contracted power change per minute of the
▪ bandwidth is the maximum power deviation that is required from the
dispatch offer, so as an example for a frequency keeper with a
bandwidth of ±50 MW the bandwidth variable would be 50.

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4.1.6 Multiple Figure 7 shows an injected signal (blue) and the response expected (red) to
Frequency demonstrate Multiple Frequency Keeping (MFK).

Figure 7 MFK injected frequency curves

4.1.7 Frequency Frequency sweep test data is used to derive Nyquist and Bode stability plots
Response (from which the gain and phase margin can be determined) and to validate
control system parameters. It requires a low frequency signal generator to
inject control signals modulated with frequencies from 0.01-10 Hz.

Figure 8 Frequency sweep test signal

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4.1.8 Voltage step Figure 9 shows a voltage step that should provide test data to validate AVR
parameters, droop, line drop compensation, PSS or AVR dynamics.
The step size used is usually small, typically around ±2% for online test. A
bigger step size of ±5% can be used in an offline test to validate the ceiling

Figure 9 Voltage step injections

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5.1.1 Synchronous Signals should be recorded as follows:

▪ At the Point of Common Coupling (PCC);
▪ At the input and output of control components such as exciter; governor etc.;
▪ At any physical points on the equipment where data is required for model

Figure 10 Typical synchronous generator configuration and measurement points

Table 1 Synchronous generation signal ID, signal name and signal description (see
Figure 10)

Signal ID Signal name Signal description

1 Ppcc, Qpcc, fpcc, Vpcc PCC at HV of the generator unit transformer

2 Ppcc, Qpcc, fpcc, Vpcc PCC at LV of the generator unit transformer

3 Vt, It, Pt, Qt, ft, SPt Generator terminal parameters required if PCC is
on LV only
If SPt cannot be obtained or is too noisy this
should be documented, and a clean frequency
signal used

4 Vfd,Ifd Excitation system parameters.

For brushless excitation systems the field-voltage
and field-current of the exciter should be recorded
as the Vfd and Ifd will not be accessible.

5 AVRcom AVR output command

6 UELcom, OELcom Limiters output command

7 PSScom PSS output command

8 GOVcom , Pos Governor output command, Gate/Valve position

9 fref, Pref Frequency reference, Power reference

10 Vref, Qref Voltage reference, Reactive power reference

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5.1.2 Inverter Signals should be recorded:

▪ At the individual Wind Turbine Generator level, solar inverter string or other
Inverter connected module:
▪ inputs and outputs for validating individual wind generator turbine
model/inverter string model/module model ; and
▪ internal signals such as converter DC voltage and Phase-Locked Loop
input and output if accessible.
▪ At the overall plant level:
▪ Inputs to plant controller;
▪ Active and reactive power at the Point of Common Coupling (if
▪ Outputs to wind turbine generator,inverter string or modules; and
▪ Outputs to reactive power compensation devices.

Table 2 Inverter generation signal ID, signal name and signal description
(see Figure 11)

Signal Signal name Signal description


1 Ppcc, Qpcc, fpcc, PCC at HV of the inter-connecting transformer


2 Ppcc, Qpcc, fpcc, Required if PCC at LV of the generator unit transformer

Vpcc only

3 CapSt Status indication for shunt capacitor banks

4 RctSt Status indication for shunt reactor reactors

5 Qstatcom STATCOM reactive power output

6 STATcom Plant controller request command

7 MSRcom Plant controller request command

8 MSCcom Plant controller request command

9a, 9b Pcom, Qcom, Vcom Plant controller request command to inverter string

10a, 10b INVcom Inverter command, signal type to be discussed with the
system operator

11a, 11b INVdc Inverter DC voltage

12a,12b PINV, QINV, VINV Inverter string parameters to be recorded for a few
indicative inverters at each end of a string for each
type of device installed as agreed between the Asset
Owner and system operator

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Figure 11 Typical Wind farm or Solar farm Inverter configuration and measurement

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6.1.1 Application To determine parameters when manufacturer data is either missing or is no longer
representative of the actual generating unit performance or at any other time where
generator characteristics have changed.

6.1.2 Test ▪ To determine generating unit parameters

Objectives ▪ To determine ACS parameters
▪ To determine the reactive power capability over the full active power range
▪ To validate of mathematical models against steady state and dynamic generator

6.1.3 Test Provide sufficient data:

▪ To validate generator model parameters
▪ Generator impedances
▪ Generator time constant
▪ Saturation data
▪ To determine the capability diagram
▪ To draw the open - circuit curves
▪ To determine the generating unit inertia

6.1.4 Tests that ▪ Load Rejection (GEN_REJ)

will achieve ▪ Generator Capability (GEN_CAP)
required ▪ Open-Circuit Saturation Curve (GEN_OCT)

6.1.5 References ▪ IEC 60034-4: Rotating Electrical Machines - Methods for Determining
Synchronous Machine Quantities from Tests
▪ IEEE Std 115-2009 - IEEE Guide for Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines
▪ IEEE Std 492-1999: IEEE Guide for Operation and Maintenance of Hydro-
▪ ANSI C50.12-1982 (Reaff 1989): Requirements for Salient Pole Synchronous
Generators and Generator/Motors for Hydraulic Turbine Applications

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6.2.1 Application Governors that have just been commissioned, had modifications carried out on their
governor systems or are due for routine testing.

6.2.2 Test ▪ To determine under-/over- frequency response of the generating unit

Objectives ▪ To determine active power control mode if available
▪ To determine frequency performance and any trip settings
▪ To validate the governor and turbine models

6.2.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To estimate the gain and time constants in the governor control system
▪ To estimate turbine parameter values
▪ To validate limits in the governor and turbine systems
▪ To validate governor and turbine models
▪ To demonstrate of the ability to support system frequency

6.2.4 Tests that ▪ Valve/gate step response (GEN_VGS)

will achieve ▪ Frequency deadband (GEN_DBD)
required ▪ Governor droop (GEN_DRO)
outcome ▪ Frequency step response (GEN_FSP)
▪ Power step response (GEN_PSR)
▪ Governor frequency response (GEN_GFR)
▪ Under-frequency performance (GEN_UFP)
▪ Over-frequency performance (GEN_OFP)

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6.3.1 Application Transformers with on-load tap-changers that operate in an automatic or manual

6.3.2 Test To demonstrate tap-changer capability and operating characteristics


6.3.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ to validate the transformer model
▪ for on-load tap-changers, the basic controls should be identified and
demonstrated, particularly:
(i) number of taps,
(ii) step size,
(iii) delay (seconds) before first tap moves,
(iv) delay (seconds) for subsequent tap movements,
(v) controlled voltage and the control range.

6.3.4 Tests that Individual Asset Owner’s standard equipment test procedures
will achieve

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6.4.1 Application Excitation systems that have just been commissioned, had modifications carried out
on their voltage response control systems that may change the response of the unit,
or are due for routine testing

6.4.2 Test ▪ To determine the operation characteristics and stability of the automatic voltage
Objectives regulator and the excitation system
▪ To determine the voltage performance, limiters and PSS actions and trip settings
▪ To validate the AVR and excitation system mathematics models

6.4.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To estimate the gain and time constants of the AVR and excitation system
▪ To demonstrate the control functions and limits in the AVR and excitation
systems including (where implemented):
▪ over-excitation limit
▪ under-excitation limit
▪ power system stabiliser (PSS)
▪ any discontinuous control blocks (i.e. deadband)
▪ To validate AVR, excitation system, PSS and limiters models.
Limiters can be demonstrated at an intermediate value and then returned to
final settings by prior agreement with the system operator
▪ To demonstrate the ability to support system voltage

6.4.4 Tests that ▪ Voltage Step Response (GEN_VSR)

will achieve ▪ Over-excitation limiters (GEN_OEL)
required ▪ Under-excitation limiters (GEN_UEL)
outcome ▪ Volts/Hertz Limiter (GEN_VHT)

6.4.5 References IEEE Std 421.2-1990: Identification Testing and Evaluation of the Dynamic
Performance of Excitation Systems

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Factory testing may be acceptable when type testing inverter response to standard signals. Available tests
results should be discussed with the system operator which may allow site testing to demonstrate the
combined performance of equipment installed on site.


7.1.1 Application Plant that has just been commissioned, had modifications carried out on their
voltage response control systems that may change the response of the plant, or
are due for routine testing

7.1.2 Test ▪ To determine the operation characteristics and stability of the PCC’s voltage
Objectives controller
▪ To determine the reactive power capability over the full active power range
▪ To determine the voltage performance, limiters actions and any trip settings
▪ To validate the reactive power/voltage controller model

7.1.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To demonstrate the stability of the reactive power/voltage control system
▪ To demonstrate the reactive power capability
▪ To demonstrate the voltage/reactive power control strategy
▪ To estimate gains, time constant, limits and other parameters in the voltage/
reactive power controller
▪ To validate the controller model
▪ To demonstrate the ability to support system voltage/reactive power

7.1.4 Tests that ▪ Voltage Step Response (ING_VSR)

will achieve ▪ Reactive power step response (ING_RST)
required ▪ Reactive power coordination (ING_RCT)
outcome ▪ Plant Reactive power capability (ING_RPC)

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7.2.1 Application Plant that has just been commissioned, had modifications carried out on their
active power response control systems that may change the response of the plant,
or are due for routine testing

7.2.2 Test ▪ To determine the operation characteristics and stability of the power/
Objectives frequency controller
▪ To validate active power/frequency control models

7.2.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To demonstrate the stability of the active power/frequency control system
▪ To demonstrate the active power capability
▪ To demonstrate the frequency/active power control strategy
▪ To estimate gains, time constant, limits and other parameters in the
frequency/active power controller
▪ To validate the active power/frequency controller model
▪ To demonstrate of the ability to support system active power/frequency and
to validate models

7.2.4 Tests that ▪ Active power step response (ING_PST)

will achieve ▪ Standard over-frequency response (ING_OFR)

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8.1.1 Application Generating units offering to provide Single Frequency Keeper services.

8.1.2 Test ▪ To demonstrate the stability of the control changes when entering frequency
Objectives keeping mode
▪ To verify that the generator can meet the response requirements defined in
the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

8.1.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To determine the ramp rates both from within, and from outside, the
frequency keeping band
▪ To assess the stability of the control changes when first enabling the
frequency keeping mode and when responding to small positive and
negative deviations in frequency
▪ To assess the frequency regulating performance

8.1.4 Tests that Single Frequency Keeping (GEN_SFK)

will achieve

8.1.5 References Ancillary Service Procurement Plan


8.2.1 Application Generating units offering Multiple Frequency Keeper (MFK) services.

8.2.2 Test ▪ To demonstrate ability to respond to regulating instructions

Objectives ▪ To verify that the generator can meet the response requirements defined
in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

8.2.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To assess the ramp rates while performing from regulating instructions
▪ To assess the stability of the control changes when first enabling the
frequency keeping mode and when responding to small positive and
negative deviations in frequency
▪ To assess the frequency regulating performance

8.2.4 Tests that Multiple Frequency Keeping (GEN_MKF)

will achieve

8.2.5 References Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

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8.3.1 Application Generating units offering over-frequency reserves.

8.3.2 Test ▪ To demonstrate over-frequency arming capability

Objectives ▪ To verify that the response requirements defined in the Ancillary Service
Procurement Plan be met

8.3.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To demonstrate the operation of the arming signal
▪ To demonstrate the over-frequency arming indications are available in
Transpower SCADA
▪ To demonstrate the correct application of relay logic and correct frequency
and time delay settings

8.3.4 Tests that Over-Frequency Reserve (GEN_OFT)

will achieve

8.3.5 References Ancillary Service Procurement Plan


8.4.1 Application Participants offering generation reserve may be (without limitation) part-loaded
spinning reserve (PLSR), tail water depressed (TWD) reserve, and/or Energy
Storage reserve.

8.4.2 Test ▪ To demonstrate the fast-instantaneous reserve (FIR) and sustained-

Objectives instantaneous reserve (SIR) capability when triggered at multiple (initial)
generator energy outputs
▪ To demonstrate TWD capability if applicable
▪ To verify that the response requirements defined in the Ancillary Service
Procurement Plan are met

8.4.3 Test Provide sufficient test data:

▪ To verify FIR, SIR and, where applicable TWD, capability for use in Ancillary
Services Contracts
▪ To validate the governor and turbine model if applicable
▪ To validate the energy storage system model if applicable

8.4.4 Tests that ▪ Fast instantaneous reserve – Synchronous Generator (GEN_FIR)

will achieve ▪ Sustained instantaneous reserve – Synchronous Generator (GEN_SIR)
required ▪ Fast instantaneous reserve – Inverter Interfaced Generator (ING_FIR)
outcome ▪ Sustained instantaneous reserve – Inverter Interfaced Generator (ING_SIR)

8.4.5 References Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

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8.5.1 Application Generating stations offering black start services.

8.5.2 Test Objectives ▪ To demonstrate blackstart capability of a power station

▪ To verify that the requirements defined in the Ancillary Service
Procurement Plan can be met

8.5.3 Test outcomes To demonstrate that the blackstart station can:

▪ re-liven a de-energised part of the power system
▪ reach stable steady-state operation without incident with both the
generator and the islanded transmission network energised
▪ manage frequency and voltage of both the generators and the island
as a whole within acceptable limits
▪ pick up initial load without de-stablising the blackstart island
▪ Record test data that enables engineering assessment of asset
stability under black start conditions.

8.5.4 Tests that will Black Start (GEN_BST)


8.5.5 References Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

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Generating Unit Parameter Tests


Test Title Load Rejection Test

Purpose ▪ To determine the combined inertia (H) of the generator and the prime-
▪ To determine synchronous generator parameters
▪ To determine excitation system model parameters
▪ To determine governor and turbine model parameters
▪ To determine q axis parameters

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ Refer to Methodology below for AVR operation mode

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)
▪ Field current – Ifd (A)
▪ Rotor angle (if deriving q axis parameters)

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include any additional test
details relevant to system operator assessment

Methodology Load rejection test

1. Hold generator active power between 5-20% of rated value
2. Set AVR to voltage control mode
3. Confirm active power and grid frequency are both stable
4. Confirm data recorder is ready
5. Open the generator circuit breaker
6. Record Monitoring Signals listed above until the generator terminal
voltage and speed is stabilised.
D-axis parameters verification test
1. Generator active power at 0 (or as close to this as possible) and under
excited between -0.10 p.u. and -0.40 p.u.
2. Set the AVR to manual mode, maintain the excitation voltage.
3. Open the generator circuit breaker

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Generating Unit Parameter Tests

4. Record Monitoring Signals listed above until the generator terminal

voltage and speed is stabilised.

Acceptance Criteria Generator remains stable pre- and post- test



Test Title Generator reactive power capability

Purpose ▪ To determine reactive power capability

▪ To determine under- and over- excitation limits (UEL and OEL)
▪ To measure generator auxiliary power consumption
▪ To measure the power/gate curve (hydro generators only)
▪ To assess generator on-load saturation effects

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid. Note the active and reactive
auxiliary power requirements while connected to the power system
▪ All testing is completed
▪ All limiters are enabled
▪ AVR in reactive power control mode
▪ Agree with the system operator the operating points for testing

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)
▪ Field current – Ifd (A)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ AVR mode
▪ Hydro generating units only
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%) (refer to power/gate test)
▪ Water flow
▪ Head and tail race water levels

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 General Requirements submit results on template in

Appendix G.4

Methodology 1. Generator online with terminal voltage as close to 1 p.u. as possible

2. Adjust the generator active and reactive power output to the first operating
The measurements here should be made monotonically to avoid magnetic
hysterisis skewing the data when determining generator on-load saturation

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Generating Unit Parameter Tests

effects. For example, at each P (MW) level start first at the lowest possible
reactive power level (i.e. absorbing as much reactive power from the grid as
practical under the given system conditions).
3. Maintain the voltage as close to the initial voltage level using other
generation at the same site if available.
4. Stabilise generator under test then hold output for at least 5 minutes
5. Record all signals before moving to the next point.
6. Gradually increase reactive power in steps in one direction until the highest
reactive power level is achieved.
7. When the highest reactive power point is achieved stabilise the generator
then hold the output for at least 5 minutes.
8. Repeat steps 2-5 at 0 (or minimum active power output), 25, 50, 75 and 100%
(or maximum allowable active power output).
▪ The capability recorded should be inclusive of all restrictions on the real
and/or reactive power range such as under and over excitation limits,
stability limits etc.
▪ Generator terminal voltage should be maintained within +/- 0.5% from the
initial voltage level during the test.

Acceptance Criteria Stable operation at each operating point



Test Title Open-Circuit Saturation Test

Purpose ▪ To determine the generator’s saturation curve when open-circuited

▪ To determine the direct-axis unsaturated synchronous reactance

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is offline.

▪ Check generator operation voltage range to ensure the test is carried out
within the terminal voltage range stated in the asset capability statement
▪ AVR in manual mode

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)
▪ Field current – Ifd (A)
Additional requirements for this test:

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Generating Unit Parameter Tests

▪ AVR mode

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 General Requirements submit test results on template in
Appendix G.5

Methodology 1. Run the generating unit offline at full speed no load

2. Reduce the excitation to lower the generator terminal voltage to as low as
70% of the rated value.
For some excitation systems, it may not be possible to reduce the field to
this low value without significant changes in the controls. In this case it is
sufficient to lower the terminal voltage into the linear range of the
saturation curve which is typically between 80 to 90% of rated voltage
3. Raise the excitation in 2 to 5% increments to increase the generator terminal
4. Wait until terminal voltage stabilises then record the Monitoring Signals.
5. Continue to increase the generator excitation until 110% of the rated value
or the maximum allowable.
▪ If the allowable maximum voltage is less than 1.1 p.u. then extrapolation of
the curve to 1.1 p.u. will be required
▪ Ensure generator speed is kept constant throughout the test.

Acceptance Criteria Production of an open-circuit saturation curve

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Governor Control System Tests



Test Title Valve/gate step response

Purpose ▪ To verify the relationship between the control command and valve/gate
▪ To validate governor control and model parameter settings.

Pre-testing Generating unit is off-line at full speed no load with valve/gate positioning

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Injected test signal
▪ Gate/Valve controller input and output

Data requirements As detailed in Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology 1. Hold the pre-test condition stable.

2. Inject a ± 2 to 5% test signal to the valve/gate position reference controller.
3. Record all data points.
4. Allow the generating unit to reach steady-state before injecting a new step.
5. Conduct minimum of three tests at different valve/gate position to confirm
the valve/gate response.

Acceptance Criteria Valve/gate responds

▪ correctly to the step signal
▪ adequately damped

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Governor Control System Tests


Test Title Frequency Deadband Test

Purpose To measure and validate governor’s frequency deadband

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ Governor in frequency control model

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode
▪ Deadband output

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology Repeat tests below for each governor mode which provides frequency regulation
whilst connected to the power system.
Method 1 – ramp test
1. Set the generating unit to frequency control mode to be used when
synchronised to the power system.
2. Inject a frequency input into the governor to ramp the frequency from one
side of the deadband through 50 Hz and to the other sides. For example,
starting from 49.75 to 50.25 Hz.
Method 2 – step response test
1. Inject frequency step input starting with a value 0.02Hz below the deadband
upper limit.
2. Maintain this signal for a period of 60 seconds.
3. Repeat step 1 by an increment of 0.01 Hz until the edge of the deadband is
4. Restore frequency to 50 Hz.
5. Repeat step 1-4 to determine the deadband lower limit

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Governor Control System Tests

Acceptance Criteria Demonstration of:

▪ Deadband function complete with all ‘break-points’
▪ Smooth transition into, throughout, and out of the deadband range


Test Title Governor droop test

Purpose To measure and validate the governor’s droop

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid.

▪ Governor in frequency control model

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology Repeat tests below for each governor mode which provides frequency regulation
whilst connected to the power system
Method 1 – Steady state test
1. Set the generating unit to frequency control mode to be used when
synchronised to the power system.
2. Measure steady state speed, frequency reference and active power over a
wide range operating range
3. Plot speed reference – speed (%) Vs power (MW)
Method 2 – step response test
Perform this test a minimum of 5 operating points by varying the active power
1. Set the generating unit to the frequency control mode
2. Inject up to 0.5% frequency step input starting for hydro
3. Maintain this signal for 60 seconds

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Governor Control System Tests

4. Restore to 50 Hz
5. Repeat step 1-4 to demonstrate the droop at each active power operating

Acceptance Criteria Demonstration of the droop response



Test Title Frequency step response test

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the correct operation of the governor

▪ To demonstrate
▪ governor stability
▪ valve/gate control behaviour
▪ Turbine characteristics
▪ Governor droop characteristics
▪ To determine governor and turbine parameters

Pre-testing ▪ Refer to methodology for generator operation mode

▪ Governor in frequency control model

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command – fref (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode

Data Requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology Offline Test

1. Run the generating offline at full speed no load
2. Inject a positive step of 1% (refers to 4.1.1) to the governor speed reference.
3. Record the Monitoring Signals
4. Allow adequate settling time to reach new steady-state conditions
5. Remove the step signal
6. Wait until the response stabilises
7. Inject a negative step of 1% (refers to 4.1.1) to the governor speed reference

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Governor Control System Tests

8. Record Monitoring Signals

9. Wait until the response stabilises
Repeat tests below for each governor mode which provides frequency regulation
whilst connected to the power system
Online test at 50% (or at practical operating point) rated output
▪ Repeat step 2-9 of the offline test
Online Test at 90% rated output
▪ Repeat step 2-9 of the offline test
▪ Offline test is used to check the correct operation of the governor control
system before proceeding to the online test.
▪ The online tests must be carried out with grid frequency within ± 0.1 Hz of the
nominal frequency. If grid frequency goes outside these limits the test should
be repeated.

Acceptance Criteria Correct, predictable and stable governor response demonstrated.



Test Title Power step response test

Purpose To assess the generating unit response to a change in power set-point

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid.

▪ Governor in active power control model

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Active power reference – Pref (p.u.)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology 1. Run the generating unit online at minimum allowable active power output

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Governor Control System Tests

2. Record the monitored signals

3. Step up power reference by 5% (maximum of 10 MW) to change the
generating unit active power output

4. Maintain that power reference for 5 minutes before setting a new set-point.

5. Perform 3 tests at active power level at minimum allowable, 50 and 75% active
power output

Acceptance Criteria Active power output quickly and stably reaches the new power reference



Test Title Governor Frequency Response Test

Purpose To measure a hydro governor’s stability margins

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ Governor in frequency control model
▪ Governor speed feedback-signal open looped
▪ PSS turned off

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode

Data Requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology Repeat tests below for each governor mode which provides frequency regulation
whilst connected to the power system
1. Load unit to 80% of rated active power
2. Replace the governor speed feedback signal with a simulated signal
3. Inject a sinusoidal frequency from 0.01 Hz to 10 Hz with an amplitude of 0.1-
0.2 Hz modulated to the speed signal.
4. Record the response for at least five cycles

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Governor Control System Tests

5. Step up the frequency of the injected signal, repeating for additional

6. Calculate the gain and phase per frequency and plot the results.
▪ Test must be carried out with grid frequency at 50 ± 0.1 Hz. If grid
frequency goes outside these limits the test should be repeated
▪ Unit output must follow closely to a sine wave. If the response is not a
sine wave, then only the fundamental is to be considered in the analysis.
▪ During stability testing the wicket gate movement must not be limited in
any way

Acceptance Criteria Demonstration of gain margin greater than 3dB and phase margin greater than
25 degrees


Test Title Under-frequency performance test

Purpose To verify under-frequency performance

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ Governor in frequency control model
▪ Governor tuning is completed

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology 1. Run the generator at 80-90% of rated active power output

2. Inject the under-frequency curve (refers to 4.1.2) for 60 seconds
3. Record the generating unit response for the duration of the test

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ predictable and stable governor response

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Governor Control System Tests

▪ that the governor makes the maximum possible injection to maintain

frequency within, and to restore frequency to, the normal band


Test Title Over-frequency performance test

Purpose To verify over-frequency performance

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ Governor in frequency control model
▪ Governor tuning is completed

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode

Data requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include:

▪ any additional test details relevant to system operator assessment
▪ a results chart showing the response of the generating unit

Methodology Repeat tests below for each governor mode which provides frequency regulation
whilst connected to the power system
1. Run the generator at 80-90% of rated active power output
2. Inject the over-frequency curve (Figure 3) for 60 seconds
3. Record the generating unit response for the duration of the injected frequency

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate predictable and stable governor response

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AVR and Excitation System Tests



Test Title Voltage Step Response and PSS

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the correct operation of AVR and excitation system

▪ To demonstrate the stability of the AVR controller
▪ To determine the current compensation settings
▪ To assess the performance of PSS
▪ To validate model parameters of the generator, AVR and the excitation

Pre-testing ▪ Refer to methodology for generation mode

▪ AVR in voltage control mode

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Voltage reference - Vref (p.u.)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)
▪ Field current – Ifd (A)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ AVR Mode
▪ Status of PSS; UEL; OEL

Data requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include:

▪ Pre-test status of PSS, OEL and UEL
▪ AVR, PSS, OEL and UEL settings

Methodology Offline
1. Run the generator offline at 1 p.u. voltage
2. Ensure PSS is off
3. Inject a positive voltage step of 5% (refers to 4.1.7) to the voltage reference
4. Allow the generating unit to reach steady-state
5. Remove voltage step and return to pre-test voltage level
6. Inject a negative voltage step of 5% (refers to 4.1.7) to the voltage reference
7. Record the Monitoring Signals as indicated above
Online at minimum active power
1. Ensure PSS is off
2. Run the generator online at the pre-agreed operating points

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AVR and Excitation System Tests

3. Generator terminal voltage and reactive power output at suitable range

allows headroom for the step response test
4. Inject a positive step of 2-5% to the voltage reference
5. Allow the generating unit to reach steady-state
6. Remove voltage step and return to pre-test voltage level
7. Inject a negative voltage step of 2-5% to the voltage reference
8. Record the signals as indicated above
9. Repeat the step 2-8 with PSS on
Online Test at rated active power
1. Ensure PSS is off
2. Run the generator online at the pre-agreed operating points
3. Generator terminal voltage and reactive power output at suitable range
allows headroom for the step response test
4. Inject a positive step of 2-5% to the voltage reference
5. Allow the generating unit to reach steady-state
6. Remove voltage step and return to pre-test voltage level
7. Inject a negative voltage step of 2-5% to the voltage reference
8. Record the signals as indicated above
9. Repeat the step 2-8 with PSS on

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ Generator terminal voltage responded in a correct manner and within 0.5%
of the target value
▪ Voltage response is stable and well damped


Test Title Over-excitation limiter

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the operation of the OEL controller

▪ To validate the OEL model

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ AVR in voltage control mode
▪ AVR and PSS tuning is completed
▪ Confirm PSS, OEL and UEL are enabled
▪ Agree with the system operator 3-5 operating points close to the OEL limit

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Voltage reference - Vref (p.u.)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)

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AVR and Excitation System Tests

▪ Field current – Ifd (A)

▪ OEL output command – OELcom (p.u.)
▪ PSS output command – PSScom (p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ AVR Mode
▪ Status of PSS, UEL, OEL

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements including a comparison

between the simulated and actual response

Methodology 1. Run the generating unit online to the first agreed operating point
2. Check system conditions, use neighbouring generators or tap position on
the generator transformer to manage voltage
3. Start recording the Monitoring Signals above
4. Inject a +2% (or bigger) voltage step into the voltage reference to move the
operating point marginally beyond the OEL limit
5. Only remove the test signal after steady-state condition is reached
6. Repeat the test at minimum 3 operating points

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ predictable and stable OEL response
▪ reactive power output is limited by the OEL setting
▪ no significant interaction with V/Hz limiter or PSS
▪ no other protections or reactive power limits activated


Test Title Under-excitation limiter test

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the operation of the UEL controller

▪ To validate the UEL model

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is synchronised to the grid

▪ AVR in voltage control mode
▪ AVR and PSS tuning is completed
▪ Confirm PSS, OEL and UEL are enabled
▪ Agree with the system operator 3-5 operating points close to the UEL limit

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Voltage reference - Vref (p.u.)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)
▪ Field current – Ifd (A)

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AVR and Excitation System Tests

▪ UEL output command – UELcom (p.u.)

▪ PSS output command – PSScom (p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ AVR Mode
▪ Status of PSS; UEL; OEL

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements including a comparison

between the simulated at actual response

Methodology 1. Run the generating unit online to the first agreed operating point
2. Check system conditions, use neighboring generators or tap position on the
generator transformer to manage voltage
3. Start the recording system
4. Inject a -2% (or bigger) voltage step into the voltage reference to move the
operating point marginally beyond the UEL limit
5. Repeat the test at minimum 3 operating points

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ predictable and stable AVR response
▪ Reactive power is limited by the UEL limit
▪ No significant interaction with other limiters
▪ no other protections or reactive power limits activated


Test Title Volt/Hertz Limiter

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the operation of the volt/hertz controller

▪ To validate the volt/hertz model

Pre-testing ▪ Generating unit is offline at full speed no load (FSNL)

▪ AVR in voltage control mode
▪ AVR and PSS tuning is completed
▪ Confirm volt/hertz limiter is enabled

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ Voltage reference - Vref (p.u.)
▪ Field voltage – Vfd (V)
▪ Field current – Ifd (A)
▪ UEL output command – UELcom (p.u.)
▪ PSS output command – PSScom (p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:

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AVR and Excitation System Tests

▪ AVR Mode
▪ Status of PSS; UEL; OEL
▪ V/Hz limiter status

Data Requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology 1. Run the generating unit offline at FSNL and 1 p.u. terminal voltage
2. Either
a. Gradually increase the terminal voltage and/or reduce the generating
unit speed until the V/Hz limiter is triggered, or
b. Inject a step change can also be injected to demonstrate the
performance of the V/Hz limiter

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ V/Hz limiter responds correctly
▪ V/Hz limiter responds stably and adequately damped
▪ Other generator limiters or protections are not activated

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Inverter Generation Tests



Test Title Voltage step response

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the correct operation of the Plant Voltage Controller

▪ To demonstrate a stable response of the Plant Voltage Controller
▪ To validate the Plant Voltage Controller model

Pre-testing ▪ Plant is synchronised to the grid

▪ All dynamic reactive power devices are in-service
▪ Plant Voltage Controller is operating in voltage control mode

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Plant PCC Electrical frequency – fPCC (Hz)
▪ Plant PCC voltage – VPCC (kV or p.u.)
▪ Plant PCC active power – PPCC (MW)
▪ Plant PCC reactive power – QPCC (MVAr)
▪ Shunt Capacitor Bank reactive power output – Qsc (Mvar)
▪ Shunt Reactor reactive power output – Qsr (Mvar)
▪ STATCOM reactive power output – Qstatcom (Mvar)
▪ Plant controller request command – STATcom,
▪ Plant controller request command – MSRcom, MSRcom, MSCcom, Qcom
▪ Inverter command - INVcom
▪ Inverter DC voltage – INVdc
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string reactive power output – Qinv (Mvar)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string voltage – Vinv (kV or p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Injected signal
▪ Plant voltage controller operation mode
▪ Dynamic reactive support devices reactive power output and status
▪ Upstream on-load-tap changer position

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

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Inverter Generation Tests

Methodology Plant generation level

1. Ensure that the plant is running with at least 80 to 90% of the individual
inverter-based units on-line and able to provide reactive response. Record
the number of individual inverter-based units on-line during the test.
2. Check measurement system is ready
3. Inject a -2% voltage step command to the plant controller voltage
4. Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
5. Inject a +2% voltage step command to voltage reference
6. Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
7. Issue another +2% voltage step command to voltage reference
8. Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
9. Issue a –2% voltage step command to voltage reference to bring the
voltage reference to pre-test value
10. Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
11. Retrieve the signals
12. If the 2% voltage reference steps pushes the plant in either direction into
it Qmax or Qmin limit, then repeat the test with a small step size.
13. Repeat the test with plant active power level at 50 and 80% rated capacity.
▪ Where dynamic reactive support devices have their own reactive power
controllers that operate independantly from the centralised plant
controller testing should be carried out with and without the controllers in
▪ If a STATCOM has its own independent automatic voltage control loop
coordinated with the rest of the plant with appropriate reactive droop
compensation then the ±2% tests above should be carried out on the
STATCOM’s voltage reference input with the power plant controller placed
in constant-Q control mode or when the wind/PV generation is off-line.
▪ If there are mechanically switched shunt capacitors and/or reactors which
are controlled by a relatively slow controller operating in the order of tens
of seconds to minutes time frame, these should be disabled during the
tests to avoid interacting with the voltage reference step tests.
▪ Upstream on-load tap-changers (OLTC) may operate to change taps
during voltage reference step tests. These should be monitored or if
possible the OLTC temporarily disabled during testing.

Acceptance Criteria Voltage at PCC responds:

▪ predictably to the voltage reference command
▪ in a stable and adequately damped manner

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Inverter Generation Tests



Test Title Reactive power step response

Purpose To demonstrate the Plant Reactive Power Controller:

▪ Operates correctly,
▪ Responds stably, and
▪ To produce results to allow validation of its model

Pre-testing ▪ Plant is synchronised to the grid

▪ All dynamic reactive power devices are in-service
▪ Plant is operating in reactive power control model

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Plant PCC Electrical frequency – FPCC (Hz)
▪ Plant PCC voltage – VPCC (kV or p.u.)
▪ Plant PCC active power – PPCC (MW)
▪ Plant PCC reactive power – QPCC (Mvar)
▪ Shunt Capacitor Bank reactive power output – Qsc (Mvar)
▪ Shunt Reactor reactive power output – Qsr (Mvar)
▪ STATCOM reactive power output – Qstatcom (Mvar)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string reactive power output – Qinv (Mvar)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string voltage – Vinv (kV or p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Injected signal
▪ Plant voltage controller operation mode
▪ Dynamic reactive support devices reactive power output and status
▪ The number of individual inverter-based units on-line

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology • Ensure that the plant is running with at least 80 to 90% of the individual
inverter-based units on-line and able to provide reactive response.
• Check measurement system is ready
• Issue a -5 Mvar (or agreed) step command to Q reference
• Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
• Issue a +5 Mvar (or agreed) step command to Q reference
• Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
• Issue another +5 Mvar (or agreed) step command to Q reference
• Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
• Issue a –5 Mvar (or agreed) step command to Q reference to bring the
voltage reference to pre-test value
• Wait for 30 seconds or until the response stabilised
• Retrieve the signals
• Repeat the test with plant active power level at 50 and 80% rated capacity.

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Inverter Generation Tests

• This test must be repeated for every plant dynamic reactive power support
• If there are mechanically switched shunt capacitors and/or reactors which
are controlled by a relatively slow controller operating in the order of tens
of seconds to minutes time frame, these should be disabled during the
tests to avoid interacting with the voltage reference step tests.
• Upstream on-load tap-changers (OLTC) may operate to change taps
during voltage reference step tests. These should be monitored or if
possible the OLTC temporarily disabled during testing.

Acceptance Criteria Reactive power output at PCC responds:

▪ predictably to the Q reference commend
▪ in a stable and adequately damped manner



Test Title Reactive power coordination

Purpose ▪ To assess the plant voltage/reactive power coordination strategy

▪ To validate plant voltage/reactive power controller model
▪ To assess control actions between the plant controller and any wind turbine
or solar panel level controls

Pre-testing ▪ Plant is synchronised to the grid

▪ All dynamic reactive power devices are in-service
▪ Plant is operating in voltage control model
▪ ING_VSR and ING_RST tests are completed

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Plant PCC Electrical frequency – FPCC (Hz)
▪ Plant PCC voltage – VPCC (kV or p.u.)
▪ Plant PCC active power - PPPC (MW)
▪ Plant PCC reactive power – QPCC (Mvar)
▪ Shunt Capacitor Bank reactive power output – Qsc (Mvar)
▪ Shunt Reactor reactive power output – Qsr (Mvar)
▪ STATCOM reactive power output – Qstatcom (Mvar)

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Inverter Generation Tests

▪ STATCOM reactive power output – Qstatcom (Mvar)

▪ Plant controller request command – STATcom,
▪ Plant controller request command – MSRcom, MSRcom, MSCcom, Qcom
▪ Inverter command - INVcom
▪ Inverter DC voltage – INVdc
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string reactive power output – Qinv (Mvar)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string voltage – Vinv (kV or p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Plant voltage controller operation mode
▪ Dynamic reactive support devices reactive power output and status
▪ The number of individual inverter-based units on-line during the test

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology Note: this test is not necessary if the plant does not have any mechancially-
switched shunt reactive support devices.
1. Ensure that the plant is running with at least 80 to 90% of the individual
inverter-based units on-line and able to provide reactive response.
Moreover, the plant is above 50% total nameplate MW output to ensure
that swtiching of a shunt device will not lead to excessive voltages on the
collector system medium and low voltage circuits.
2. Check measurement system is ready
3. Switch in a static reactive power device such as a capacitor bank.
4. Record for 60 seconds or until the response stablised
5. Switch-out the static reactive power device
6. Record for 60 seconds or until the response stablised
7. Under light load conditions, it may not be advisable to switch in a shunt
capacitor due to potential high voltages on the plants collector system
medium and low voltage circuits. If the Asset Owner and system operator
are able to agree upon a light load conditions when it is safe to switch in
and out a shunt capaciotr or reactor, if available, the test should be
repeated when the plant is at or near 10% of the nameplate rating.

Acceptance Criteria Reactive power output at PCC responds:

▪ Correctly to the disturbance
▪ In a stable and adequately damped manner



Test Title Plant Reactive power capability

Purpose To determine the plant reactive power capability at the PCC

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Inverter Generation Tests

Pre-testing ▪ Plant is synchronised to the grid

▪ All dynamic reactive power devices are in-service
▪ Plant is operating in reactive power control model
▪ All testing is completed
▪ Agree with the system operator the operating points for testing
▪ Test must be carried out at constant plant active power output of at least
90% rated capacity unless agreed otherwise prior to the test

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Plant PCC voltage – VPCC (kV or p.u.)
▪ Plant PCC active power – PPCC (MW)
▪ Plant PCC reactive power – QPCC (Mvar)
▪ At the end of each string:
• Wind turbine or solar inverter string active power output – Pinv (MW)
• Wind turbine or solar inverter string reactive power output – Qinv
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string voltage – Vinv (kV or p.u.)

Data requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements data should be submitted
on the template in Appendix G.9

Methodology 1. Start testing at Qref = 0 Mvar

2. Confirm measurement system is ready
3. Ensure that the plant is running at the correct active and reactive power
output to the agreed operating point
4. Wait until the reactive power out has stabilised and hold for at least 5
minutes before proceeding to the next operating point
5. Record Monitoring Signals
6. Move to the next operating point
7. Repeat the test with plant active power level at 25, 50, 75 and 80% rated
capacity (or maximum allowable active power output)

Acceptance Criteria Plant reactive power output at PCC:

▪ responds correctly
▪ capability agrees with the submitted ACS



Test Title Active Power Step Response

Purpose To demonstrate the Plant Active Power Controller:

▪ Operates correctly
▪ Responds stably
▪ To produce results to allow validation of its model

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Inverter Generation Tests

Pre-testing ▪ Plant is synchronised to the grid

▪ All dynamic reactive power devices are in-service
▪ Plant is operating in active power control model
▪ Test must be carried out at constant plant active power output of at least
70% rated capacity unless agreed otherwise prior to the test. There will be
natural variations in a wind or PV power plant output due to fluctuations in
the wind/solar irradiance. To observe the effect of the controls this test
should be done when such variations are, to the extent possible, less than
the steps being imposed in active power

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Plant PCC Electrical frequency – FPCC (Hz)
▪ Plant PCC voltage – VPCC (kV or p.u.)
▪ Plant PCC active power – PPCC (MW)
▪ Plant PCC reactive power – QPCC (Mvar)
▪ Plant controller request command – STATcom,
▪ Plant controller request command – MSRcom, MSRcom, MSCcom, Qcom
▪ Inverter command - INVcom
▪ Inverter DC voltage – INVdc
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string active power output – Pinv (MW)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string reactive power output – Qinv (Mvar)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string voltage – Vinv (kV or p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Injected signal
▪ Plant controller operation mode

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology 1. Check plant active power output does not vary more than 5% in the 5
minutes before testing
2. Start recording
3. Inject an active power signal of -20% of rated capacity.
4. Record monitored signals for 120 seconds or until the active power
5. Inject an active power signal of +20% of rated capacity.
6. Record for 120 seconds or until the active power stabilises
Check the primary energy supply is adequate to reach the target active power
reference. If necessary adjust the step size between 10 to 20% to avoid shutting
down large numbers of individual wind turbines or PV-inverters within the
collector system. Record the actual step size used.

Acceptance Criteria Active power output at PCC responds:

▪ predictably to the P reference commend
▪ in a stable and adequately damped manner

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Inverter Generation Tests


Test Title Standard over-frequency response test

Purpose To demonstrate the over-frequency response of the plant

Pre-testing ▪ Plant is synchronised to the grid

▪ All dynamic reactive power devices are in-service
▪ Plant is operating in frequency control mode
▪ ING_PST test is completed
▪ Refer to methodology on plant active power operating conditions

Monitoring signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Plant PCC Electrical frequency – FPCC (Hz)
▪ Plant PCC voltage – VPCC (kV or p.u.)
▪ Plant PCC active power – PPCC (MW)
▪ Plant PCC reactive power – QPCC (Mvar)
▪ Plant controller request command – STATcom,
▪ Plant controller request command – MSRcom, MSRcom, MSCcom, Qcom
▪ Inverter command - INVcom
▪ Inverter DC voltage – INVdc
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string active power output – Pinv (MW)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string reactive power output – Qinv (Mvar)
▪ Wind turbine or solar inverter string voltage – Vinv (kV or p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Injected signal
▪ Plant controller operation mode

Data requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology In the case of renewable generation technologies where the energy source is
highly variable this test should be carried out at an operating point where there
is enough generation to demonstrate the expected response. Care should be
taken to avoid shutdown of a significant number of individual inverters.
This test will also confirm the deadband settings.
1. Run at the highest available output
2. Check measurement system is ready
3. Inject the standard over-frequency curve
4. Record for 120 seconds or until output is stable
5. Repeat the test at 30% and 70% rated capacity

Acceptance Criteria Active power output at PCC responds:

▪ predictably to the P reference commend
▪ in a stable and adequately damped manner

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Ancillary Service tests



Test Title Single Frequency Keeping

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate:
▪ the ramp-rate
▪ the ability to ramp to- and from- the frequency keeping bandwidth limits
▪ the ramp response outside the frequency keeping bandwidth limits

Pre-testing Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with the
requirements stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Regulating signals or SFK control output command
▪ Calculations and charts demonstrating performance

Data Requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology 1. Run the generating unit online at the first agreed active power output
2. Inject the test frequency steps in section 4.1.4
3. Record the Monitoring Signals until the generating unit has reached
steady state conditions.
4. Repeat the test at other agreed active power outputs.

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate the response rate requirements as stipulated
in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

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Ancillary Service tests



Test Title Multiple Frequency Keeping

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the compliance to regulating instructions

▪ To demonstrate the response rate in the dispatched MW band
▪ To assess the SCADA performance for multiple frequency keeping

Pre-testing ▪ Agree with the system operator the ramp rate and MFK band values
that will define the test signal to be used
▪ Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with
the requirement stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Active power dispatch signal
▪ MFK Regulation signal

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include any calculations
or charts to demonstrate the requirements of the Ancillary Service
Procurement Plan

Methodology Note: Test signals must be arranged with Transpower IST in advance as they
cannot be generated by System Coordinators
ICCP end-to-end tests
1. Run the generating unit online with MFK mode enabled
2. Record the Monitoring Signals
3. Confirm that the signal being sent by the system operator can be
received on-site
4. Receive a positive MFK test signal from the system operator
5. Wait for at least 60 seconds
6. Receive a negative MFK test signal from the system operator
7. Wait for at least 60 seconds
Ramp Rate, response time, turn-around time and MFK band test
1. Run the generating unit online with MFK mode enabled
2. Record the monitored signals
3. Send the agreed test signal to the generator to ramp up or down on
the proposed MFK band (refer to Figure 7).
4. Repeat the tests with different test signal to achieve the test objectives.

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Ancillary Service tests

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ The MFK signal is successfully received with time delay of less than 5
▪ the ramp rate and MFK band requirements set out in the Ancillary
Service Procurement Plan
▪ a response time of less than 10 seconds and a turn-around time twice
the response time



Test Title Over-frequency Reserve

Purpose To demonstrate:
▪ over-frequency tripping capability and relay settings
▪ that the over-frequency arming indications is visible to Transpower

Pre-testing ▪ Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with the
requirement stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan
▪ Agree with the system operator the over-frequency trip setting and time

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test
▪ Over-frequency arming signal
▪ Over-frequency relay status
▪ Unit circuit breaker status
▪ CB operating time if not measured as part of this test

Data Requirements Refer to Section 3 General Requirements

Methodology Over-frequency arming signal test

1. Record the Monitoring Signals
2. Request system operator arm the equipment under test

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Ancillary Service tests

3. Confirm that arming signal is received

Trip test and time delay determination
1. Inject a test signal
2. Record the Monitoring Signals
3. Repeat the test at least 3 times

Acceptance Criteria Test results shall demonstrate:

▪ Over-frequency arming signal is successfully received.
▪ Over-frequency arming logic operated when injected frequency signal
drops below the threshold
▪ Intentional time delay, delay associated with the protection logic



Test Title Fast Instantaneous Reserve (FIR) – Synchronous Generation

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the generating unit FIR capability

▪ To determine the FIR quantity offered
▪ To validate the governor/turbine model

Pre-testing ▪ All governor testing is completed, where applicable

▪ Agree TWD set/reset logic with the system operator
▪ Governor in frequency control mode
▪ Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with
the requirement stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor Mode
▪ Other internal signals of the governor if applicable (eg TWD set and
reset signals)
▪ Turbine head/pressure levels for hydro generating units
▪ Governor valve position/steam pressure for steam generating units
▪ Guide vanes for gas turbine generating units

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Ancillary Service tests

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include:

▪ 15 second pre-trigger and 60 second post-trigger recordings
▪ A data sampling rate of 100 milliseconds or faster
▪ A chart showing the response of the generating unit and the assessed
values of FIR

Methodology Repeat tests below for each governor mode which provides reserve whilst
connected to the power system
PLSR FIR testing
1. Generating unit online at 20% of rated capacity
2. Ensure that grid frequency is within 50 ± 0.1Hz
3. Inject the under-frequency curve in Figure 4 for 60 seconds
4. Record the Monitoring Signals
5. Repeat test with active power output at 40, 60, and 80% of rated active
TWD FIR testing
1. Run the generating unit online
2. Ensure that the generating unit is in TWD mode
3. Ensure that grid frequency is within 50 ± 0.1Hz
4. Inject the under-frequency curve in Figure 4 for 60 seconds
5. Record the Monitoring Signals
1. If grid frequency goes outside 50 ± 0.1 Hz during testing then the test
should be repeated
2. FIR is assessed as the additional MW output measured at 6 seconds
after the start of the event when the injected frequency reaches 48 Hz
and that is sustained to at least 60 seconds.

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ the governor responds predictably and in a stable manner
▪ the FIR capability



Test Title Sustained Instantaneous Reserve (SIR) – Synchronous Generation

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the generating unit SIR capability

▪ To determine the SIR quantity offered
▪ To validate the governor/turbine model

Pre-requisite ▪ All governor testing is completed

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Ancillary Service tests

▪ Agree TWD set/reset logic with the system operator

▪ Governor in frequency control mode
▪ Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with
the requirement stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Frequency reference – fref (p.u. or Hz)
▪ Governor output command - GOVcom (p.u. or %)
▪ Gate/valve position – POS (%)

Additional requirements for this test:

▪ Governor Mode
▪ Other internal signals of the governor if applicable (eg TWD set and
reset signals)
▪ Turbine head/pressure levels for Hydro generation
▪ Governor valve position/steam pressure for steam generation
▪ Guide vanes for gas turbine generation

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include:

▪ 15-second pre-trigger and 60-second post trigger recorded in high
sampling rate of less than than 100 milliseconds or faster per sample
▪ for 15-minutes following the 60-second post-trigger above recorded at
a sampling rate of not more than 1-second per sample
▪ A chart showing the response of the generating unit and the assessed
values of FIR and SIR

Methodology Repeat tests below for each governor mode used when connected to the
power system
Note that for Synchronous Generation the SIR testing is expected to be
carried out with an injection signal which is the standard FIR injection curve
(4.1.3) extended for a longer period of time, and it is not required to use the
defined standard SIR injection curve (4.1.4).
This retains the historical basis for the procurement of SIR from synchronous
generation and recognises that governor control systems on synchronous
machines do not have the controllability of Inverter control systems
PLSR SIR testing
1. Generating unit online at 20% of rated capacity
2. Ensure that grid frequency is within 50 ± 0.1Hz
3. Inject the under-frequency curve in section 4.1.3 and maintain it for
15 minutes
4. Record the Monitoring Signals

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Ancillary Service tests

5. Repeat test with active power output at 40, 60, and 80% of rated active
TWD SIR testing
1. Run the generating unit online
2. Ensure that the generating unit is in TWD mode
3. Inject the under-frequency curve in section 4.1.3 and maintain it for 15
4. Ensure that grid frequency is within 50 ± 0.1Hz
5. Record the Monitoring Signals

1. Tests must be carried out with grid frequency at 50 ± 0.1 Hz. If grid
frequency goes outside these limits the test should be repeated
2. SIR is assessed as the average additional MW output measured over the
first 60 seconds after the start of the event that is sustained for at least
15 minutes.

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ the governor responds predictably and in a stable manner
▪ the SIR capability



Test Title Fast Instantaneous Reserve (FIR) – Inverter Interfaced Generation

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the reserve FIR capability

▪ To determine the FIR quantity offered
▪ To validate the control system model

Pre-testing ▪ Control system in frequency responsive mode

▪ Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with
the requirement stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Device terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Device power reference – Pref (MW)
▪ Control System error signal – (signal/s driving the response)
▪ Control System output signal – (signal/s to device)

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include:

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Ancillary Service tests

▪ 15 second pre-trigger and 60 second post-trigger recordings

▪ A data sampling rate of 100 milliseconds or faster
▪ A chart showing the response of the unit and the assessed values of FIR

Methodology Repeat tests below for each operating mode which provides reserve whilst
connected to the power system
1. Device online
2. Ensure that grid frequency is within 50 ± 0.1Hz
3. Inject the under-frequency curve in section 4.1.3 for 60 seconds
4. Record the Monitoring Signals
5. Repeat test with active power output at intervals across the active
power range, this may include zero and load conditions for Storage
Systems as agreed with the System Operator.
1. If grid frequency goes outside 50 ± 0.1 Hz during testing then the test
should be repeated
2. FIR is assessed as the additional MW output measured at 6 seconds
after the start of the event when the injected frequency reaches 48 Hz
and is sustained to at least 60 seconds.

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ the control system responds predictably and in a stable manner
▪ the MW/sec and MW/Hz responses present no frequency stability risk
▪ the FIR capability



Test Title Sustained Instantaneous Reserve (SIR) – Inverter Interfaced Generation

Purpose ▪ To demonstrate the reserve SIR capability

▪ To determine the SIR quantity offered
▪ To validate the control system model

Pre-requisite ▪ Control System in frequency control mode

▪ Ensure that the monitoring equipment is available and complies with
the requirement stated in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Device terminal active power – Pt (MW)
▪ Device power reference – Pref (MW)
▪ Control System error signal – (signal/s driving the response)

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Ancillary Service tests

▪ Control System output signal – (signal/s to device)

Data Requirements In addition to Section 3 for General Requirements include:

▪ 15-second pre-trigger and 60-second post trigger recorded in high
sampling rate of less than than 100 milliseconds or faster per sample
▪ for 15-minutes following the 60-second post-trigger above recorded at
a sampling rate of not more than 1-second per sample
▪ A chart showing the response of the generating unit and the assessed
values of FIR and SIR

Methodology Repeat tests below for each operating mode used when connected to the
power system
1. Device online
2. Ensure that grid frequency is within 50 ± 0.1Hz
3. Inject the under-frequency curve in section 4.1.4 and maintain it for 15
4. Record the Monitoring Signals
5. Repeat test with active power output at intervals across the active
power range, this may include zero and load conditions for Storage
Systems as agreed with the System Operator.
1. Tests must be carried out with grid frequency at 50 ± 0.1 Hz. If grid
frequency goes outside these limits the test should be repeated
2. SIR is assessed as the average additional MW output measured over the
first 60 seconds after the start of the event that is sustained for at least
15 minutes.

Acceptance Criteria Test results should demonstrate:

▪ the control system responds predictably and in a stable manner
▪ the SIR capability


Test Title Black Start Test

Purpose ▪ To assess the capability of a station to start-up when de-energised and

disconnected from both the power system and any local auxiliaries
▪ To assess the ability to liven transmission circuits following a partial or total
shutdown of the power system
▪ To assess asset stability under black start conditions

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Ancillary Service tests

Pre-testing Asset owner to advise mode(s) required

Monitoring Signals Refer to Section 5 for measuring locations

▪ Electrical frequency - ft (Hz)
▪ Mechanical Speed - SPt (rpm)
▪ Generator terminal voltage - Vt (kV)
▪ Generator terminal active power– Pt (MW)
▪ Generator terminal reactive power - Qt (Mvar)
▪ OEL output command – OELcom (p.u.)
▪ UEL output command – UELcom (p.u.)
▪ PSS output command – PSScom (p.u.)
Additional requirements for this test:
▪ Governor mode
▪ AVR mode
▪ Status of PSS; UEL; OEL
▪ Other signals as requested

Data Requirements To be agreed with the System Operator.

Methodology Specific Black Start tests should be submitted by the Asset Owner for
agreement by the System Operator on a case-by-case basis. Elements of the
testing of specific interest to the system operator are that any requirements in
the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan are met and the stability of voltage and
frequency in any equipment energised as part of the test.

Acceptance Criteria To meet all requirements in the Ancillary Service Procurement Plan

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ID Description Check

1 Pre-testing

1A Is the commissioning plan agreed with the system operation?

1B Is the Test Methodologies agreed with the system operator?

1C Is the Operations Test Plan approved by the system operator?

1D Has the location to send information to the system operator been agreed?

2 Post-testing

2A Did the test meet all the requirements stated in section 3.4?

2B Are the test results formatted accordingly to the requirements?

2C Is the test report completed according to the requirements?

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Headings Test reports should be submitted electronically in Adobe Portable Document format
(PDF) or Word Document format (DOCX). Every report must include:
▪ A cover page
▪ A table of contents
▪ Revision history
▪ A checklist page
▪ Asset Information
▪ Plant overall single-line diagram showing electrical connectivity between the
generator, transformer, substation layout, switch-gear, grid interface circuit
breaker, and/or electrical equipment interfacing the asset with the grid, unit
and station auxiliary loads, excitation source.
▪ Factory test data for generator:
▪ Electrical details: Rated MW and MVA, Rated terminal voltage
▪ Characteristics curves: Open- and short-circuit characteristics, reactive power
capability curve and V curve
▪ Unsaturated impedances in p.u.
▪ Open-circuit time constants
▪ AVR and Excitations system
▪ Governor and Turbine
▪ Power station secondary or station controls
▪ Test results analysis
▪ Test ID
▪ Test objective
▪ Test methodology
▪ Analysis, observations and recommendations
▪ Use appropriate test results template in Appendix G

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Test Result Templates

Generator Data
Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Nameplate data:


Rated MW: Rated MVA:

Rated Stator Voltage: Rated Stator Current:

Unsaturated Impedances and open-circuit time constants:

Stator Reactance Ra

Direct Axis synchronous reactance Xd

Quadrature axis synchronous reactance Xq

Direct axis transient reactance Xd’

Direct axis sub-transient reactance Xd”

Quadrature axis sub-transient reactance Xq”

Leakage reactance Xl

Negative sequence reactance X2

Zero sequence reactance X0

Direct axis transient open-circuit time constant Td0’

Direct axis sub-transient open-circuit time constant Td0”

Quadrature axis sub-transient open-circuit time constant Tq0”

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Test Result Templates


Excitation System Data
Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Nameplate data:


Exciter type and model:

Exciter field Voltage: Exciter field current:

Excitation system control functions Installed Normal


AVR control mode (Voltage/Mvar/PF or all)

Under Excitation Limiter (UEL)

Over Excitation Limiter (OEL)

Volts-per-Hertz or over-flux limiter

Reactive current compensation

Power System Stabilizer (PSS)

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Test Result Templates


Governor and Turbine Data
Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:



Governor type and model:

Droop settings:

Frequency deadband:



Turbine type and model:

Water starting time constant for hydro:

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Test Result Templates


Steady-state measurement for synchronous generating unit

Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Reference Actual measure at generator terminal or excitation At Grid Interface

requested system

Pref Qref Pt (MW) Qt Vt (kV) It (A) Vfd (V) Ifd (A) Ppcc Qpcc
(Mvar) (MW) (Mvar)

0 or min Max


25% Max


50% Max


75% Max


100% or Max


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Test Result Templates


Open-circuit Saturation Circuit Test

Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Vt (kV) Vfd (V) Ifd (A)

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Test Result Templates


Generator Step Response Tests

Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Pre-test Post-test
Test ID Data file name
Pt Qt(Mvar) Vt (kV) Pt Qt(Mvar) Vt (kV)
(MW) (MW)


AVR and Excitation Tests

Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Test ID Pt Qt(Mvar) Vt (kV) Control PSS Limiters Data file name

(MW) mode status status

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Test Result Templates


Governor and Turbine Test Results template

Station: Unit:

Test Name: Date:

Test Pt Qt(Mvar) Vt (kV) Control mode Data file name


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Test Result Templates



Governor and Turbine Test Results template

Station: Unit:


Reference requested Actual measure at At

wind turbine or PCC
solar panel string

String 1 String 2

Pref Qref Pinv (MW) Qinv (Mvar) Pinv (MW) Qinv (Mvar) Ppcc (MW) Qpcc (Mvar)

0 or min Max


25% Max


50% Max


75% Max


90% or Max


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