Comdis1 Module

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Computer Engineering as a

COMDIS1 Discipline

Prepared By:
A Self-regulated Learning Module
Engr. Elisabeth D. Calub
A Self-regulated Learning Module 1
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Study Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
LEARNING PLAN ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
MODULE 1 - THE BSCpE CURRICULUM ............................................................................................................................... 9
Module 2: The Engineering Profession ............................................................................................................................. 28
MODULE 3: PREPARING FOR AN ENGINEERING CAREER.................................................................................................. 34
MODULE 4 – ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................... 41
MODULE 5 – ENGINEERING ETHICS ...................................................................................................................................... 47
MODULE 7: Introduction to engineenering design part 2 .................................................................................................... 52

A Self-regulated Learning Module 2

SIT – School of Information and Technology

BSCpE – Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

A Self-regulated Learning Module 3

Course Code: Computer Engineering as a Discipline (COMDIS1)

Course Description:
This course discusses the curriculum for Computer Engineering as well as how to
prepare students for success through engineering design process, ethical decision-making,
teamwork, and communicating to diverse audiences.

Requirements of the Course

At the end of the course, the student is required to submit a narrative report containing
the details of a proposed project addressing any of UN’s 15 sustainable goals together with
other members of the team. The core components are team-based activities:
1. Mid-point pitch with prototype
2. Final pitch with demo of MVP (the dirty dozen)
The core individual components are:
 Video Blog submissions
Pitching Rubric:
Rate each component on a scale of 1 to 5, five being excellent.
Problem Statement
Does the product solve a problem worth solving?
Does it address the challenge posed?
Is the customer pain point clearly articulated?
Technology & Innovation
How is the technology solution unique/innovative?
Is the technology defensible?
What is the quality of the user interface?
Is the demo of the prototype well designed and articulated?
Business Model
Does the team have a realistic financial model?
What is the opportunity relative to the market?
Can the team clearly articulate competitive threats?
Team and Presentation
Is the “story” compelling and engaging?
Does the presentation include a clearly articulated demo?
Does the team handle Q/A in poised, confident manner?

A Self-regulated Learning Module 4

Learning Competencies
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
1. understand the different components of the CPE curriculum;
2. understand the relevance of electives and capstone project;
3. appreciate the engineering profession;
4. understand the importance of good communication skills in the engineering profession;
5. understand the different processes in the engineering design;
6. apply the code of ethics for Computer Engineers;
7. develop a prototype applying the concepts of design thinking.

House Rules
(Adopted from the webinar of Dr. Feline Espique)

The following house rules will be followed throughout the duration of the course.
1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the module. Read it
over and over until you understand the point.
2. Study how you can manage to do the activities of this module in consideration of your
other modules from other courses. Be very conscious with the study schedule. Post it on a
conspicuous place so that you can always see. Do not ask about questions that are already
answered in the guide.
3. If you did not understand the readings and other tasks, re-read. Focus. If this will not work,
engage all possible resources. You may ask other family members to help you. If this will
not work again, text me first so that I can call you or text you back for assistance.
4. Do not procrastinate. Remember, it is not others who will be short-changed if you will not
do your work on time. It will be you.
5. Before you start doing your tasks, read and understand the assessment tools provided. Do
not settle with the low standards, target the highest standards in doing your assigned
tasks. I know you can.
6. You are free to browse and read the different units of the module even prior to doing the
tasks in each unit. However, you need to ensure that you will not miss any part of the
module and you will not miss to accomplish every activity in every unit as scheduled.
7. Before the end of the first grading and midterms, you will be tasked to send back through
correspondence the accomplished and scheduled modules for first grading and midterms
to me. Make sure you will follow it up with me through text or any other media available
for you.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 5

8. While waiting for my feedback of your accomplished modules, continue doing the task in
the succeeding units of the module that are scheduled for the finals.
9. If needed, do not hesitate to keep in touch with me through any available means.
Remember, if there is a will, there is a way.
10. In answering all the assessment and evaluation activities, write legibly. It will help if you
will not write your answers in the module if you are not yet sure of your answers. You must
remember that all activities in the module are academic activities, which mean that the
relevant academic conventions apply. Think before you write.
a. Your answers should be composed of complete and grammatically correct sentences.
Do not use abbreviations and acronyms unless these are introduced in the readings,
and do not write in text-speak. Avoid writing in all caps.
b. In the self-processed discussions, write appropriate and well-thought arguments and
judgements. Avoid merely approving or disapproving with what is expressed in the
material. You need to support your inputs in the discussions from reliable information
or from empirical observation. Do not write uninformed opinions.
c. Do not write lengthy answers. Stick to the point. Be clear what your main point is and
express it as concisely as possible. Do not let your discussion stray. Make use of the
spaces in the module as your guide.
d. Quote your sources if there are in answering all the activities.
11. Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the module on your own. Your family members
and friends at home will support you but the activities must be done by you.

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Week Topic Learning Outcome Activities

Module 1: The BSCpE Curriculum
Week 1-2 1. Understand the different a. Reflect on why I enrolled
components of the CpE in the BSCpE program.
curriculum. b. Review the contents of
2. Understand the relevance of the BSCpE curriculum.
electives and capstone project. c. Analyze the importance of
the different courses in
the curriculum.
d. Reflect on the importance
of pre-requisites, electives
and capstone project.
e. Assess my understanding
of the BSCpE curriculum
Weeks 1-2 Do graded quiz.
Submit research assignment no. 1
Module 2: Introduction to the Engineering Profession
Weeks 3-5 1. Give examples of products and a. Self-reflection on the
services that engineers design what products are used in
that makes our lives better. the house.
2. Describe the important traits b. Assess on my
of a successful engineer. understanding on what
Engineers do.
c. Do an impromptu design.
Weeks 3-5 Submit research assignment no. 2
Submit impromptu design
Module 3: Introduction to Engineering Design
Week 7 1. Explain the basic steps that
engineers follow to design
something and to arrive at a
solution to a problem.
2. Describe what is meant by
sustainability and its role in

A Self-regulated Learning Module 7

3. Explain the roles of
engineering economics and
material in engineering
4. Explain what is meant by a
design team and describe the
common traits of good teams;
also explain how good teams
manage conflicts.
5. Describe the process that
engineering managers use to
ensure that a project is
completed on time and within
the allocated budget.
6. Describe why we need
standards and codes.
Module 4: Engineering Communication
Weeks 8-9 1. Understand the importance of
good communication skills in
the engineering profession.
2. Describe the basic steps to
follow in solving an
engineering problem.
3. Explain the different modes of
written communication in
engineering and their purpose.
4. Describe the key concepts that
are followed in giving an oral
5. Realize the importance of
graphical communication in
conveying ideas and design

A Self-regulated Learning Module 8

Module 5: Engineering Ethics
Weeks 10-11 1. Apply the code of ethics for Computer
Module 6: Introduction to Engineering Design – Part 2
Weeks 13-17 1. Appreciate the engineering profession
2. Apply the different processes in the
engineering design.

In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise
known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994,” in pursuance of an outcomes-based quality
assurance system as advocated under Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order
(CMO) 46 series of 2012 (Policy-Standard to Enhance Quality Assurance (QA) in Philippine
Higher Education through an Outcomes-Based and Typology-Based Quality Assurance) and
as addendum to CMO 37, series of 2012 (Establishment of an Outcomes-Based Educational
System in Higher Education Institutions offering Engineering Programs), and by virtue of
Commission en banc Resolution No. 788-2017 dated October 24, 2017 the following Policies,
Standards and Guidelines (PSG) are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission of
Higher Education (CHED). This PSG is better known as CMO 87, series of 2017.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the unit, the student is able to
1. understand the different components of the CpE curriculum;
2. appreciate the relevance of electives and capstone project.
Activity 1: Self-reflection
Answer the following question honestly. Write your answer to the question in the space
provided. Write legibly.
Question: Why did I enroll in the Computer Engineering Program?

A Self-regulated Learning Module 9

Program Specifications of the BSCpE as stated in CMO 87 series of 2017
Degree Name – the degree program shall be called Bachelor of Science in Computer
Engineering (BSCpE)
Nature of the Field of Study
The BSCpE is a program that embodies the science and technology of design,
development, implementation, maintenance and integration of software and hardware
components in modern computing systems and computer-controlled equipment.
Characteristics of Computer Engineering Graduates
With the ubiquity of computers, computer-based systems and networks in the world
today, computer engineers must be versatile in the knowledge drawn from standard topics in
computer science and electrical engineering as well as the foundations in mathematics and
sciences. Because of the rapid pace of change in the computing field, computer engineers
must be life-long learners to maintain their knowledge and skills within their chosen
An important distinction should be made between computer engineers, electrical
engineers, other computer professionals, and engineering technologists. While such
distinctions are sometimes ambiguous, computer engineers generally should satisfy the
following three characteristics:
1. Possess the ability to design computers, computer-based systems and networks
that include both hardware and software and their integration to solve novel
engineering problems, subject to trade-offs involving a set of competing goals and
constraints. In this context, “design” refers to a level of ability beyond “assembling”
or “configuring” systems.
2. Have a breadth of knowledge in mathematics and engineering sciences, associated
with the broader scope of engineering and beyond the narrowly required for the
3. Acquire and maintain a preparation for professional practice in engineering.
Knowledge Areas
The knowledge areas include the following but not limited to:

A Self-regulated Learning Module 10

1. Circuits and Electronics
2. Computing Algorithms
3. Computer Architecture and Organization
4. Digital Design
5. Embedded Systems
6. Computer Networks
7. Professional Practice
8. Information Security
9. Signal Processing
10. Systems and Project Engineering
11. Software Design
12. Occupational Health and Safety
13. Technopreneurship
Fields of Specialization
1. Microelectronics
2. Embedded Systems
3. Software Development
4. System and Network Administration
Allied programs of the BSCpE program are the following:
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Electronics Engineering
3. Software Engineering
4. Computer Science
5. Information Technology
Specific Occupations
1. Project Engineer/Manager
2. Network Systems Administrator/Manager
3. Data Communications Engineer
4. Systems Engineer/Developer/Manager
5. Systems Analyst/Designer
6. Technical Support Engineer/Manager
Specific Occupations

A Self-regulated Learning Module 11

1. Quality Assurance Engineer/Manager
2. Test Engineer
3. Technopreneur
4. Educator
5. Researcher
Program Outcomes
The BSCpE program aims to produce a graduate that shall have the:
1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex engineering
2. Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
3. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards;
4. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
5. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems;
6. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
7. Ability to communicate effectively;
8. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
9. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning;
10. Knowledge of contemporary issues;
11. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice; and
12. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Competency Standards

A Self-regulated Learning Module 12

1. Understand the principles of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, natural and applied
sciences including information technology. Determine relevant and appropriate applied
science, engineering principles and techniques that can be used to address engineering
concerns related to process design and operations.
2. Use relevant information gathered from research literature and other available
technological information sources in coming out with solutions to complex engineering
3. Study, investigate and gather data related to complex engineering problems and propose
solutions based on the fundamentals of engineering principles while incorporating ethics,
safety and environmental considerations.
4. Conceptualize, formulate and implement design of experiments in a standard scientific
manner in conducting investigations of complex engineering problems with consideration
of cost, quality, security, and environmental impact. Recommend valid conclusions based
on gathered information and results of investigation.
5. Be familiar with the appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT
tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering problems, with an
understanding of the limitations. Recommend the applicable modern tools that can be
used to solve complex engineering problems.
6. Be familiar with relevant policies, laws, regulations and technical standards locally in
conjunction with the computer engineering professional practice. Make a personal
commitment to societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues recognizing obligations to
society, subordinates, and the environment.
7. Be familiar with relevant applicable technical and engineering standards that can be
applied in professional computer engineering practice. Assess the effects of professional
engineering work on process operational problems. Gather relevant data in relation to the
professional engineering work.
8. Be familiar with the professional ethics for computer engineers and apply and behave
according to this code in professional practice. Apply ethical principles in conjunction with
engineering practice.
9. Perform functions required in the completion of a task as part of a project or endeavor or
as an employee of a company. Interact with peers and higher levels in a professional
manner. Participate in activities either as a team leader or member and perform
designated tasks.
10. Prepare reports, presentations and other engineering documents in an organized way and
relay information related to these effectively. Communicate clearly both verbally and in

A Self-regulated Learning Module 13

written form all instructions to peers, subordinates and superiors as may be deemed
necessary. Organize, coordinate and implement activities or projects in a clear way.
11. Plan, lead, organize and control small projects or tasks as may be deemed necessary in the
practice of computer engineering.
Program of Study Effective 2018 - 2019
CHMENG1 Chemistry for Engineers 3 3 4
DIFCAL1 Calculus 1 3 0 3
CPEPRO1 Programming Logic and Design 0 6 2
COMDIS1 Computer Engineering as a Discipline 1 0 1
THSELF1 Understanding the Self 3 0 3
PRPCOM1 Purposive Communication 3 0 3
MATHMW1 Mathematics in the Modern World 3 0 3
NSTPRO1 National Service Training Program 1 3 0 3
EDPHYS1 PE Elective 1 2 0 2
SOCORN2 Social Orientation 1 0 1
INTCAL1 Calculus 2 3 0 3 DIFCAL1
CPEPHS1 Physics for Engineers 3 3 4 DIFCAL1
DATANA1 Engineering Data Analysis 3 0 3 DIFCAL1
DISMAT1 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 3 MATHMW1
CPEPRO2 Object-oriented Programming 0 6 2 CPEPRO1
Intro. to Networks and Data
SCITES1 Science, Technology, Engg and Society 3 0 3
NSTPRO2 National Service Training Program 2 3 0 3
EDPHYS2 PE Elective 2 2 0 2

ENVCPE1 Environmental Science and Engineering 3 0 3 CHMENG1
ENGMAT7 Differential Equations 3 0 3 INTCAL1
CIRCPE1 Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits 3 3 4 CPEPHS1
DATALG1 Data Structures and Algorithm 0 6 2 CPEPRO2

A Self-regulated Learning Module 14

SITNET2 Routing and Switching Technologies 2 3 3 CPENET1
CADCPE1 Computer-Aided Drafting 0 3 1 CPEPRO2
ENGECO1 Engineering Economy 3 0 3 DISMAT1, DATANA1
LRIZAL1 Life and Works of Jose Rizal 3 0 3
CWORLD1 The Contemporary World 3 0 3
EDPHYS3 PE Elective 3 2 0 2
CPENUM1 Numerical Methods 3 0 3 ENGMAT7
ELECPE1 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits 3 3 4 CIRCPE1
CPESOF1 Software Design 3 3 4 DATALG1
CPEOPR1 Operating Systems 3 0 3 DATALG1
SITNET3 Scaling Networks 2 3 3 SITNET2
GETHCS1 Ethics 3 0 3
ARTAPP1 Art Appreciation 3 0 3
EDPHYS4 PE Elective 3 2 0 2

CNTCPE1 Feedback and Control System 3 0 3 CPENUM1
LOGCPE1 Logic Circuit and Design 3 3 4 ELECPE1
COMCPE1 Data and Digital Communications 3 0 3 ELECPE1
Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and
Computer Engineering Drafting and
MICCPE1 Microelectronics 1 3 3 4 ELECPE1
HDLCPE1 Intro. To Hardware Description Language 0 3 1 ELECPE1, CPESOF1
SITNET4 Connecting Networks 2 3 3 SITNET3
RPHIST1 Readings in Philippine History 3 0 3
CPESAF1 Basic Occupational Health and Safety 3 0 3 ENVCPE1
DIGISP1 Digital Signal Processing 3 3 4 CNTCPE1
MROCPE1 Microprocessors 3 3 4 LOGCPE1, MIXCPE1
MICCPE2 Microelectronics 2 3 0 3 MICCPE1
CPEMET1 Methods of Research 2 0 2 3rd Year Standing
ENTECH1 Technopreneurship 2 3 3 ENGECO1
CPELAW1 CPE Laws and Professional Practice 2 0 2 3rd Year Standing

A Self-regulated Learning Module 15

GENSOC1 Gender and Society 3 0 3
PHILPO1 Philippine Popular Culture 3 0 3
CPEMRG1 Emerging Technologies in CpE 3 0 3 4th Year Standing
PECOSY1 People and the Earth’s Ecosystems 3 0 3
PROCPE1 CpE Practice and Design 1 0 3 1 4th Year Standing
EMBCPE1 Embedded Systems 3 3 4 MICCPE2
COWASM1 Computer Architecture and Organization 3 3 4 MROCPE1
MICCPE3 Microelectronics 3 3 0 3 MICCPE2
CPEMGT1 Engineering Management 2 0 2 CPELAW1
FLDTRP1 Seminars and Fieldtrips 1 0 1 4th Year Standing
PROCPE2 CpE Practice and Design 2 0 6 2 PROCPE1
OJTCPE1 Practicum (360 hours) 3 0 3 PROCPE1
What Is a Prerequisite?
Prerequisites are commonly used in colleges and graduate schools as a means of measuring
knowledge to determine whether a student is ready to advance to the next level. This is
important for the student and the course. Enrolling in a course for which you have not met the
prerequisite can set a student up for failure and hinder the academic experience for other
students. Many colleges and universities also set prerequisite for graduation that can include
courses not related to the student’s major or minor. The idea is to provide a student with a
well-rounded education. (Cotter, 2019)
What is a technical course?
Technical course means a unit of learning which yields skills, knowledge, and appreciation
essential to the specific occupation for which the program was designed.
What is an allied course?
An allied course is a connected course in your program which will be practically be used in the
future. Allied courses are upper-division math, science, or engineering courses that have a
background connection or relevance to computer engineering.
What is a professional course?

A Self-regulated Learning Module 16

Professional courses are the courses which allow students to do specialization in a particular
field. These courses are centered around their specific field. Professional courses make
students highly efficient and enable them to achieve greater competence in their field and
improve their prospects for progress.
What is a professional elective?
It is a course that the student can select from among alternatives of specialization.
Technical Courses:
1. Calculus 1
2. Calculus 2
3. Engineering Data Analysis
4. Differential Equations
Physical Sciences
7. Chemistry for Engineers
8. Physics for Engineers
Basic Engineering Science
6. Computer-Aided Drafting
7. Engineering Economy
8. Engineering Management
Allied Courses
1. Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
2. Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
3. Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors
Professional Courses
1. Discrete Mathematics
2. Numerical Methods
3. Computer Engineering as a Discipline
4. Computer Engineering Drafting and Design
5. Programming Logic Design

A Self-regulated Learning Module 17

6. Data Structures and Algorithm
7. Object-oriented Programming
8. Software Design
9. Micprocessors
10. Logic Circuits and Design
11. Methods of Research
12. Operating Systems
13. Computer Architecture and Organization
14. Data and Digital Communications
15. Introduction to Computer Networks
16. Routing and Switching Technologies
17. Scaling Networks
18. Connecting Networks
19. Embedded Systems
20. Digital Signal Processing
21. Environmental Science and Engineering
22. Feedback and Control Systems
23. Introduction to HDL
24. Seminars and Fieldtrips
25. Basic Occupational Health and Safety
26. CpE Laws and Professional Practice
27. Technopreneurship
28. Emerging Technologies in CpE
29. CpE Practice and Design 1
30. CpE Practice and Design 2
31. On-the-job Training
Professional Electives
1. Microelectronics 1
2. Microelectronics 2
3. Microelectronics 3
Course Descriptions
Chemistry for Engineers
This course covers spectroscopy - principles and applications; electrochemistry –
electrodes, electrochemical series and applications, Nernst Equation, Potentiometric titration

A Self-regulated Learning Module 18

and application, cells, instrumental methods – thermal analysis, chromatography;
conductivity, chemistry of engineering materials, copolymers, conducting polymers,
advanced polymers, nano materials, fuels and calorific value.
Calculus 1
This course consists of the basic concepts of Differential Calculus such as limits,
continuity and differentiability of functions; differentiation of algebraic and transcendental
functions involving one or more variables; applications of differential calculus to problems on
optimization, rates of change, related rates, tangents and normals, and approximations;
partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
Programming Logic and Design
This course discusses the concepts of program and logic formulation, which includes
algorithms (pseudo code and flowchart). It also increases formalization of the algorithmic
language, to include firm delimiters in controls structures such as sequential, conditional, and
repetition. It introduces the notion of the algorithm and the first constructs of the algorithmic
language; some simple applications are described. Constants, variables and precedence of
operators are also discussed.
Computer Engineering as a Discipline
This course gives an overview of what Computer Engineering is. It gives an orientation
on the possible career path of students enrolled in the program as well as the subjects
associated with the program.
Calculus 2
This course consists of the basic concepts of integration and its application to physical
problems such as evaluation of areas, volumes of revolution, force, and work; fundamental
formulas and various techniques of integration applied to both single variable and multi-
variable functions; tracing of functions of two variables.
Physics for Engineers
A study of selected topics in physics and their applications in advanced courses in
engineering and allied sciences. This deals with the conceptual study in introductory Physics
as well as its practical applications. Specifically, the emphasis will be on the fundamental
principles and applications of physical phenomena on waves, electricity, light and magnetism.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 19

Engineering Data Analysis
It is an introductory course on statistics covering topics related to data analysis,
forecasting, statistical modeling, and estimation, hypothesis test, experimental design, and
linear models. The main goal of this course is to introduce methodology commonly used in
industrial and scientific applications. After successfully completing this class you should be
able to perform basic statistical analysis from raw data, interpret statistical results, and
understand the perils of some of the basic assumptions and problems encountered when
analyzing real data.
Discrete Mathematics
This course covers topics on logic, sets, proofs, growth of functions, theory of numbers,
counting techniques, graph theory and an introduction to modeling computation.
Object-oriented Programming
The course introduces object-oriented programming concepts and techniques using an
object-oriented programming language (e.g. C++, Java, Python, etc.) It covers the imperative
language features of the language in comparison with C and involves the students in graphical
user interface development. The course also involves the students in hands-on work using
various software tools based upon the latest Software Development Kit (SDK) of the
programming language used.
Introduction to Networks and Data Communication
As the first course in the series, it teaches the architecture, structure, and components
of computer networks. Principles of IP addressing, Ethernet, TCP/IP and network operations
are introduced as a foundation for the curriculum. By the end of the course, students will be
able to implement IP addressing schemes, build simple local area networks and perform basic
router and switch configuration.
Environmental Science and Engineering
This course covers environmental engineering and science, history of environmental
science and engineering, effects of engineering on environment and works, sustainable
development, renewable/non- renewable, ecotourism, end-of-pipe technology, preventive
technology, ecology, ecosystem, global warming, greenhouse effect, climate change, global
dimming, global change, environmental economics, waste management, e-waste, biological
reprocessing, energy recovery, environmental engineering practices, ethics, environmental

A Self-regulated Learning Module 20

impact assessment, environmental laws and policies, water and energy management, water
resource and treatment, energy growth, sources, and management.
Differential Equations
Differentiation and integration in solving first order, first-degree differential equations,
and linear differential equations of order n; Laplace transforms in solving differential
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
Fundamental relationships in circuit theory, mesh and node equations; resistive
networks, network theorems; solutions of network problems using Laplace transform;
transient analysis; methods of circuit analysis.
Data Structures and Algorithm
The course includes linear data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, linked-lists;
nonlinear data structures such as generalized lists, trees, and graphs; operations on these
using algorithms such as insertions, deletions, and traversals
Routing and Switching Technologies
This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and
switches in a small network. Students learn how to configure a router and a switch for basic
functionality. By the end of this course, students will be able to configure and troubleshoot
routers and switches and resolve common issues with RIPv1, RIPv2, single-area and multi-
area OSPF, virtual LANs, and inter-VLAN routing in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
Computer-Aided Drafting
This course covers concepts of computer-aided drafting (CAD); introduction to the CAD
environment; terminologies; and the general operating procedures and techniques in
entering and executing basic CAD commands.
Engineering Economy
This course covers concepts of the time value of money and equivalence; basic
economy study methods; decisions under certainty; decisions recognizing risk; and decisions
admitting uncertainty.
Numerical Methods

A Self-regulated Learning Module 21

This is intended to be a first course on numerical analysis. It aims to present modern
numerical approaches to classical problems in mathematics, science and engineering whose
numerical solutions are essential. The problems that will be touched on include linear
systems, eigenvalue problems, nonlinear equations, unconstrained optimization, integration
and differential equations.

Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits

This course deals with the introduction to quantum mechanics of solid-state
electronics, diode and transistor characteristics and models (BJT and FET), diode circuit
analysis and applications, transistor biasing, and transistor amplifier circuit design.
Software Design
The course includes lifecycle models for software development; software requirements
specification; structured analysis and design; software metrics and planning; software testing;
reusable software management issues.
Operating Systems
The course includes different policies and strategies used by an operating system.
Topics include operating systems structures, process management, storage management, file
systems and distributed system.
Scaling Networks
This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and
switches in larger and more complex networks. Students learn how to configure routers and
switches for advanced functionality. By the end of this course, students will be able to
configure and troubleshoot routers and switches and resolve common issues with OSPF,
EIGRP, and STP in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It will also develop the knowledge and skills
needed to implement a WLAN in a small-to-medium network. An introduction to
cybersecurity is added to the course.
Feedback and Control System
The course deals with the basic concepts of feedback and control systems, time and
frequency response of feedback control systems. It includes time response of first and second
order systems, modeling, transfer functions, pole-zero maps, and block diagrams.
Logic Circuit and Design

A Self-regulated Learning Module 22

The course includes design and analysis or digital circuits. This course covers both
combinational (synchronous and asynchronous) logic circuits with emphasis on solving digital
problems using hardwired structures of the complexity of medium and large-scale
Data and Digital Communications
The course contains basic knowledge necessary for sampling, encoding, transmitting,
receiving, decoding and conversion of digital information using today's digital communication
technologies. Concepts that will be studied include selected material from the Fourier
transform, probability, random signals/noise, spectral analysis, information theory, sampling
theory, encoding/decoding and digital signal modulation/demodulation. Matched filtering
and quadrature detection for binary demodulation will be studied. Sampling theory will cover
impulse and flat top sampling techniques. The modulation techniques covered will include
On/Off Keying (OOK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and quadrature modulation and demodulation.
Information theory will include topics of Channel Capacity, Entropy, and be applied to
encoding/decoding techniques.
Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors
Fundamental circuit techniques and design issues for mixed-signal integrated circuits.
Topics include: switched-capacitor techniques and circuits, analog-to-digital and digital-to-
analog conversion including oversampled coders, along with both system-level and circuit
level modeling. Included in the course is a thorough discussion of sensors and sensor
Computer Engineering Drafting and Design
A study of the principles of layout of electrical and electronic drawings, stressing
modern representation used for block diagrams, wiring/assembly drawings and printed circuit
board layouts.
Microelectronics 1
This course is an introduction to digital IC design. It covers topics on the electronic
properties of materials, the process of fabrication of Digital IC, and the basic concepts in
designing digital gates using CMOS design flow process, and the integration of these basic
cell structures into fundamental system building blocks.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 23

Introduction to Hardware Description Language
This course on digital design focuses on different methodologies and styles in hardware
modeling with emphasis on the use of hardware description languages (HDLs). It covers very
high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language (HDL) fundamental language
concepts and elements and the different levels of descriptions such as behavioral and
Connecting Networks
This course discusses the WAN technologies and network services required by
converged applications in a complex network. The course enables students to understand the
selection criteria of network devices and WAN technologies to meet network requirements.
Students learn how to configure and troubleshoot network devices and resolve common
issues with data link protocols. Students also develop the knowledge and skills needed to
implement IPSec and virtual private network (VPN) operations in a complex network.
Basic Occupational Health and Safety
Evolution of safety management; safety terminology; safety programs adopted by high
risk industries; hazards in the construction, manufacturing, gas and power plants, and other
engineering industries and how to prevent or mitigate them; techniques in hazard
identification and analysis in workplaces; off-the-job safety; disaster prevention and
mitigation; and incident investigation.
Digital Signal Processing
The course includes the fundamental concepts and practical application of Digital
Signal Processing
The course is the study of the design, and applications of microprocessor systems
based on stated requirements. The focus is on the basic understanding of its structure and
function in order to appreciate the architectural design of microprocessor. The students are
encouraged to study various types of microprocessors in order to acquire a better
understanding of microprocessor.
Microelectronics 2

A Self-regulated Learning Module 24

This elective course deals with the concepts involved in the fabrication and
manufacturing of discrete semiconductor device and integrated circuits (IC) toward analog
and digital logic applications. It starts with semiconductor principles, historical account and
trending on integrated circuit manufacturing, microchip fabrication processes and IC
packaging. Also included are different IC packages of digital logic families such as TTL, I2L,
ECL and the recent CMOS, NMOS and PMOS technologies and analog devices.
Methods of Research
This course provides essential ideas, concepts and principles in methods of research, as
well as the important skills needed by the researcher in the various techniques and procedures
in the correct preparation and presentation of research report.
The course includes the journey into the world of entrepreneurship with introspection
of a business idea into a viable venture. The focus is on unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit in
each individual.
CPE Laws and Professional Practice
This course covers the different laws in the practice of Computer Engineering and
Engineering Ethics.
CPE Practice and Design 1
This course covers the application of the concepts and theories of methods of research.
Required output is a project proposal.
Emerging Technologies in CPE
This course focuses on the management and use of emerging technologies (past,
present and future), more specifically on the effective integration of information technologies
(e.g., programming languages, software packages, operating systems, security issues and
hardware infrastructure) within organizations. During the course each student will develop a
broad understanding of emerging technologies in general, while developing their
knowledge/skill in the use of one particular technology. Learning will be accomplished
through assigned reading, class discussion, and hands-on use of state-of-the-art technology.
Each student in the course will research and report on one or more of the emerging
technologies selected for the course; each report will be in both written and presentation

A Self-regulated Learning Module 25

form. Each student in the course will be responsible for demonstrating understanding of each
technology covered in the course at the depth of the course report on the technology.

CPE Practice and Design 2

A course in which individuals or small teams use the principle of computer engineering
in the design; building and testing of special circuits or simple systems. The objectives should
be the scope of the project proposal in the design project 1.
Embedded Systems
This course provides an introduction to embedded systems design. It presents the two
aspects of embedded systems as both hardware and software in a unified view. The first part
is an overview to embedded systems, design challenges, technologies and development and
implementation tools. The second part explores the various hardware implementation
technologies; custom single-processor, general-purpose processor and memory and
peripheral devices interfacing. Finally, the third part covers IC and Design Technology.
Computer Architecture and Organization
The course includes the theory and principles of computer design. The focus is on the
understanding of the design issues specifically the instruction set architecture and hardware
architecture. The students are encouraged to have a case study on the existing architectural
computer designs in order to fully understand its principles.
Microelectronics 3
This course is an introduction to analog IC design. It covers topics on the electronic
properties of materials, the process of fabrication of Analog IC, and the basic concepts in
designing amplifiers using CMOS design flow process, and the integration of these basic cell
structures into fundamental system building blocks.
Engineering Management
Decision-making; the functions of management; managing production and service
operations; managing the marketing function; and managing the finance function.
Seminars and Fieldtrips

A Self-regulated Learning Module 26

The course includes seminars and lecturers on current trends and issues on Computer
Engineering developments. Include field trips to different companies and plants dealing with
computer system facilities.
A course that enables the students to relate their acquired competencies to the realities
and problems of industries. This may include involvement in the industry’s manpower
requirements, development and research concerns, trainings, applications of principles,
environmental concerns, ethical and behavioral concerns, decision making, and equipment
and materials concerns.
Assessment for Module 1
Quiz: Answer the following questions correctly and legibly.
1. Enumerate five subjects that you need to master as a Computer Engineering Student.
(5 points)
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
e. _______________________________________
2. Enumerate five careers of a Computer Engineer. (5 points)
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
e. _______________________________________
3. If you were to have a specialization as a Computer Engineer, what would it be and why?
(10 points)

A Self-regulated Learning Module 27

Research No. 1: Answer the following question by using online resources. Put your
answer in a short bond paper. Cite all your references using APA format.
Research Question: In the discussion above, there were several occupations that a Computer
Engineer can have after graduation. Select three among the occupations that you like.
Determine the job description of these occupations. Also, determine the skill set that it
Module 2: The Engineering Profession
Engineers are problem solvers. They have a good grasp of fundamental physical and
chemical laws and mathematics and apply these law and laws and principles to design,
develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of millions of products and services. Engineers,
regardless of their background, follow certain steps when designing the products and services
we use in our everyday lives. Successful engineers possess good communication skills and are
team players. Engineers make products and provide services that make our lives better (see
Figure 1). (Moaveni, 2015)

Figure 1: Examples of products and services designed by engineers.

In the following sections, we will first discuss engineering in a broad sense, and then we
will focus on selected aspects of engineering. Also, the we will look at the traits and
characteristics common to many engineers.
Learning Outcome:
At the end of this module, the student is able to:
1. Give examples of products and services that engineers design that makes our lives
2. Describe the important traits of a successful engineer.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 28

Activity 1: Self-reflection.

Answer the following question honestly and legibly.

1. What do you think engineers do?
2. Name at least two products or services that are not available now that you think will be
readily available in the next 20 years.
What is Engineering and What Do Engineers Do?

Engineers apply physical and chemical laws and principles and mathematics to design
millions of products and services that we use in our everyday lives. These products include
cars, computers, aircraft, clothing, toys, home appliances, surgical equipment, heating and
cooling equipment, health care devices, tools and machines that makes various products and
so on (see Figure 2). Engineers consider important factors such as cost, efficiency, reliability,
sustainability, and safety when designing these products. Engineers perform test to make
certain that the products they design withstand various loads and conditions. They are
continuously searching for ways to improve already existing products as well. Engineers paly a
significant role in the design and maintenance of a nation’s infrastructure, including
communications systems, public utilities, and transportation. Engineers continuously
develop new, advanced materials to make products lighter and stronger for different
applications. (Moaveni, 2015)

Figure 2: Various products made by engineers

A Self-regulated Learning Module 29

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:
 The starting salaries of engineers are significantly higher than those of Bachelor’s –
degree graduates in other fields. The outlook of engineering is very good. Good
employment opportunities are expected for new engineering graduates during 2015 –
 Most engineering degrees are granted in electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering,
the parents of all other engineering branches.
 In the year 2013, engineers held approximately 1.6 million jobs (see Table 1)
Table 1: Engineering Employment by Discipline-Data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Engineers earn some of the highest salaries among those holding bachelor’s degrees.
The average starting salary for engineers is shown in Table 2. The data shown in Table 2 is the
result of the May 2013 survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 30

Table 2: The Mean Salary Offer for Engineers (2013) – Data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Activity 2: Answer the following questions to test your understanding of the preceding
sections. (Moaveni, 2015)
1. What are the essential needs of people?
2. Give three examples of products and services that make our everyday lives better.
3. What do engineers do?


A Self-regulated Learning Module 31

Common Traits of Good Engineers

Although the activities of engineers are quite varied, there are some personality traits
and work habits that typify most of today’s successful engineers.
 Engineers are problem solvers.
 Good engineers have a firm grasp of the fundamental principles of engineering,
which they can use to solve many different problems.
 Good engineers are analytical, detailed oriented, and creative.
 Good engineers have a desire to be lifelong learners. For example, they take
continuing education classes, seminars, and workshops to stay abreast of
innovations and new technologies. This is particularly important in today’s world
because the rapid changes in technology will require you as an engineer to keep
pace with new technologies. Moreover, you will risk being laid off or denied
promotion if you are not continually improving your engineering education.
 Good engineers, regardless of their area of specialization, have a core knowledge
that can be able applied to many areas. Therefore, well-trained engineers are able to
work outside their area of specialization in other related fields. For example, a good
mechanical engineer with a well-rounded knowledge base can work as an
automotive engineer, an aerospace engineer, or as a chemical engineer.
 Good engineers have written and oral communication skills that equip them to work
well with their colleagues and to convey their expertise to a wide range of clients.
 Good engineers have time-management skills that enable them to work
productively and efficiently.
 Good engineers have good “people skills” that allow them to interact and
communicate effectively with various people in their organization. For example,
they are able to communicate equally well with the sales and marketing experts and
their own colleagues.
 Engineers are required to write reports. These reports might be lengthy, detailed
technical reports containing graphs, charts, and engineering drawings, or they may
take the form of brief memoranda or executive summaries.
 Engineers are adept at using computers in many different ways to model and
analyze various practical problems.
 Good engineers actively participate in local and national discipline specific
organizations by attending seminars, workshops, and meetings. Many even make
presentations at professional meetings.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 32

 Engineers generally work in a team environment where they consult each other to
solve complex problems. They divide up the task into smaller, manageable problems
among themselves; consequently, productive engineers must be good team players.
Good interpersonal and communication skills are increasingly important now
because of the global market. For example, various parts of a car could be made by
different companies located in different countries. In order to ensure that all
components fit and work well together, cooperation and coordination are essential,
which demands strong communication skills.
Activity 3 – Research Activity No. 1
This is a class project. Each of you is to ask his or her parents/ grandparents to think
back to when they graduated from high school or college and to create a list of products and
services that are available in their everyday lives now that were not available to them then.
Ask them if they ever imagined that these products and services would be available today. To
get your parents started, here are few examples: cellular phones, ATM cards, personal
computers, airbags in cars, price scanners at the supermarket, E-Z passes for tolls, and so on.
Ask your parents/grandparents to explain how these products have made their lives better (or
Next, each of you is to compile a list of at least 5 products and services that are
available in the next 20 years. Discuss which engineering discipline will be involved in the
design and development of these products and services. Submit your work. As a future
engineer, how do you think you could contribute to the comfort and betterment of our
everyday lives?
Assessment: Impromptu Design 1
Objective: To design a vehicle from the materials listed below and adhere to the following
 You must use all the items provided.
 The vehicle is to be dropped from a height of 10 ft.
 The vehicle must land in the marked area (4 ft x 4 ft)
 Each design is allowed one practice drop.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 33

 The vehicle design with the slowest drop time wins.
 Explain the rationale behind your design.
 Take a photo of the simulated dropping of the vehicle.
Materials: 2 paper plates; 1 paper cup; 2 balloons; 3 rubber bands; 1 straw; 12 self-adhesive
Learning Outcome:
1. Explain the basic steps that engineers follow to design something and to arrive at a
solution to a problem.
2. Describe what is meant by sustainability and its role in design.
3. Explain the roles of engineering economics and material in engineering design.
4. Explain what is meant by a design team and describe the common traits of good teams;
also explain how good teams manage conflicts.
5. Describe the process that engineering managers use to ensure that a project is completed
on time and within allocated budget.
6. Describe why we need standards and codes.
Engineers design millions of products and services that we use in our everyday lives. To
arrive at solutions, engineers, regardless of their backgrounds, follow certain steps including
understanding the problem, conceptualizing ideas for possible solutions, evaluating good
ideas in more detail, and presenting the final solution.
Activity 1: Self-reflection
Instruction: Write your answer in the space provided for it.
1. Have you ever designed something? ___________
2. Did you follow steps in creating your design? __________
3. If so, explain in detail what the steps were?

A Self-regulated Learning Module 34

Engineering Design Process
What is the engineering design process?
A series of steps engineers work through in order to define and solve problems.
What is a human-centered design process?
 It is a creative approach to problem solving
 It is a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new
solutions that are tailor-made to suit their needs.
 It is all about building a deep empathy with the people you’re designing for;
generating tons of ideas; building a bunch of prototypes; sharing what you’ve made
with the people you’re designing for; and eventually putting your innovative new
solution out in the world.
Steps in the Engineering Design Process
Step 1: Identify and Define the Problem’s Criteria and Constraints
Identify the problem - Identification occurs when someone realizes that a problem exits
that needs to be solved.
Define the Problem – Definition occurs when someone realizes exactly what the
problem is.
Criteria – are the requirements the solution must meet, such as what it must do.
Constraints – are the limitations on the solution, such as a maximum size or budget.
Engineers typically start by identifying and defining the problem. While doing this,
they also identify the criteria and constraints. Engineering solutions must meet all criteria
and fall within all constraints.
Example: Students realizing that they are not getting their work handed back from the
teacher is a good example of problem in identification. When students realize that they are
not getting work handed back because the teacher’s desk is too disorganized, they have
begun to identify the problem.
Step 2: Develop and Evaluate Ideas

A Self-regulated Learning Module 35

The next step in the engineering design process is to develop and evaluate ideas.
Engineers come up with many ideas that could be solutions to the problem or challenge. At
this stage, no idea is too crazy! In the evaluate ideas step, engineers consider the pros and
cons of the possible solutions, and check to see if the solutions meet all the criteria and abide
by all the constraints.
Example: Designing an underpass for students to walk safely under a road on their way
to school would solve the problem of “students have trouble crossing the road due to too
many cars,” but it would be very expensive and take a long time to build. Another idea, “to
install a traffic light,” would solve the problem and stay within the budget.
Step 3: Test and Optimize Solutions
After choosing the best solution, engineers test and optimize their solutions. The
testing shows what works and what doesn’t. Optimization fixes the problems and makes the
solution even better.
Step 4: Communicate Solutions
Engineers communicate their designs when they explain to others how they were
designed, why they are useful, and how others might use them.
Additional Design Considerations
Sustainability in Design
It is design and development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. As future engineers,
you will be expected to design and provide goods and services that increase the standard of
living and advance health care, while addressing serious environmental and sustainability
concerns. In other words, when you design products and services, you must consider the link
among earth’s finite resources, environmental, social, ethical, technical, and economical
factors. Moreover, there is an international competition for engineers who can come up with
solutions that address energy and food security and simultaneously address the sustainability
Engineering Economics
Economic factors always play important roles in engineering design decision making. If
you design a product that is too expensive to manufacture, then it cannot be sold at a price
that consumers can afford and still be profitable to your company. The fact is that companies

A Self-regulated Learning Module 36

design products and provide services not only to make our lives better but also to make
Patent, Trademark, and Copyright
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and
artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright, and trademarks, which enable
people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the
right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IP system
aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process
that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to
a problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to
the public in a patent application. The protection is granted for a limited period, generally 20
years from the filing date of the application.
Trademark and Service Mark
A trademark is a name, word, or symbol that a company uses to distinguish its products
from others. It is important to note that the trademark right issued to a company excludes
others from using the same or similar mark, but it does not prevent other companies from
making the same or similar products. Coke ® and Pepsi ® are examples of similar products
with different trademarks. A service mark is a name, word, or symbol that a company uses to
distinguish its services from others. A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it
applies to a service rather than a product.
Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to the
authors of “original works of authorship.” The copyright laws cover literary, dramatic,
musical, artistic, and other types of intellectual works and is obtainable for both published
and unpublished work. The copyright laws protect the form of expression used by the
authors, not the content or the subject matter of their work. For example, an author can write

A Self-regulated Learning Module 37

a book about the fundamentals of physics. The copyright law protects the author’s work from
others copying the exact way things were explained or described.
Activity 2: Answer the following questions to test your understanding of the preceding
1. Describe the basic steps that engineers follow to design something using your own
2. In your own words, explain sustainability.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 38

Project Scheduling and the Task Chart
Project Scheduling
It is a process that engineering managers use to ensure that the project is completed on
time and within the allocated budget.
Benefits of well-planned schedule
1. Assign an adequate amount of time for various activities.
2. Make use of personnel and the available resources for planning, organizing, and
controlling the completion of the project.
3. Improves efficiency of the operation and eliminate redundancy in task assignments.

Engineering Standards and Codes

Standards and codes have been developed over the years by various organizations to
ensure product safety and reliability in services. The standardization organizations set the
authoritative standards for safe food supplies, safe structures, safe water systems, safe and
reliable electrical systems, safe and reliable transportation systems, safe and reliable
communication systems, and so on. In addition, standards and codes ensure uniformity in the
size of parts and components that are made by various manufacturers around the world.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 39

1. ANSI – American National Standards Institute
2. ISO – International Organization for Standardization
3. BPS – Bureau of Product Standards ( the Philippines’ National Standards Body (NSB)
4. IEC – International Electro technical Commission
5. APEC – Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
6. ACCSQ – ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality
Instruction: Answer the following correctly and neatly.
1. List five Internet-based services that are not currently available, but that you think will
eventually become realities.
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________
2. List five products that are not currently on the market, which could be useful to us and
will most likely be designed by engineers and others.
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________
3. You have been using pens for many years. Investigate the design of at least five
different pens. Discuss what you think are important design parameters. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages associated with each design. Write a report explaining
your findings in not more than 500 words. You can use any word processor for your
Research Work #1
Obtain information about what the colors of an electrical resistor mean. Create a table
showing the electrical resistor codes. Your table should have a column with the colors black,
brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray, white, gold and silver, and a column
showing the values. Imagine that you are making this table for others to use; therefore,

A Self-regulated Learning Module 40

include at least two examples of how to read the codes on electrical resistors at the bottom of
your table.
Do this using a short bond paper. Write legibly.
Research Work #2
Write a brief report explaining what is meant by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.


Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the importance of good communication skills in the engineering profession.
2. Describe the basic steps to follow in solving an engineering problem.
3. Explain the different modes of written communication in engineering and their purpose.
4. Describe the key concepts that are followed in giving an oral presentation.
5. Realize the importance of graphical communication in conveying ideas and design
Engineers are problem solvers. Once they have obtained a solution to a problem, they
need to communicate effectively their solution to various people inside or outside their
organization. Presentations are an integral part of any engineering project. Depending on the
size of the project, the presentations might be brief, lengthy, frequent, and may follow a
certain format requiring calculations, graphs, charts, and engineering drawings.

Activity 1: Self-reflection
Instruction: Read the following article and in not less than 70 words share your thoughts in the
space provided.
Communication: The Engineer’s Responsibility
That communication is the engineer’s responsibility is inherent in the nature of
engineering. The engineer’s first order of responsibility is to the organization for which he or

A Self-regulated Learning Module 41

she works. Engineers fill specific roles in business, industry, public institutions, and
government agencies, and their responsibilities are to get things done for those
organizations. The engineer’s responsibility, therefore, is to communicate effectively so that
these changes occur.
The engineer’s second order of responsibility is to society, because he or she belongs to
a profession whose objective is to improve the conditions of human life by changing the
physical environment and systems. Science and technology are considered the basis for the
transition to a postindustrial society and for the postindustrial society itself. The engineer will
have to communicate effectively to establish and maintain relationships between the sphere
of technology and production and the spheres of social services and political institutions. The
engineer’s responsibility to communicate, therefore, is t a commitment the engineer must
accept. Those who fail to assume the responsibility to communication – to interact with the
community – ultimately fail in their responsibilities to themselves.
Basic Steps Involved in the Solution of Engineering Problems
1. Defining the problem
 Taking time to understand the problem completely at the beginning will save
lots of time later and help to avoid a great deal of frustration. Once you
understand the problem, you should be able to divide any given problem into
two basic questions: What is known? and What is to be found?
2. Simplifying the problem
 Simplify the problem by looking reasonable and logical assumptions and yet
obtain an appropriate solution.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 42

3. Performing the Solution Analysis
 Applying the physical laws and fundamental concepts that govern the
behavior of engineering systems to solve the problem will help in the analysis.
4. Verifying the Results
 A good engineer must always find ways to check results.

Written Communication
Written and oral presentations are important parts of engineering. Written
communications might be brief, as in progress reports or short memos, or longer and follow a
certain format requiring calculations, graphs, charts, and engineering drawings.
Types of Reports
1. Progress Report
 It is a means of communicating to others in the organization or to the
sponsors of a project how much progress has been made and which of the
main objectives of the project have been achieved to date.
2. Executive Summary
 A means of communicating to people in top management positions, such as
vice president of the company, the findings of detailed study or a proposal.
This must be brief and concise. It is generally no more than few pages long.
References should be made to more comprehensive reports so that readers
can obtain additional information if they so desire.
3. Short Memo
 A way of conveying information in a brief way to interested individuals. This
comprises of under two pages in length. The header of the memo contains
information such as the date, who the memo is form, to whom it is being sent,
and the subject line. This is followed by the main body of the memo.
4. Detailed Technical Report
 Detailed technical reports dealing with experimental investigations generally
contain the following items:
 Title: The title of a report should be a brief informative description of
the report contents. If the report is long, a table of contents should
follow the title page.
 Abstract: This comprises a complete but concise statements stating the
precise objectives, emphasizing significant findings, and present
conclusions and/or recommendations.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 43

 Objectives: The purpose of the objectives section is to state what is to
be investigated through the performance of the experiment
 Theory and Analysis: There are several purposes of the theory and
analysis section:
 To state pertinent principles, laws, and equations (equations
should be numbered);
 To present analytical models that will be used in the experiment;
 To define any unfamiliar terms or symbols; and
 To list important assumptions associated with the experimental
 Apparatus and Experimental Procedures: The purpose of this section
 To present a list of apparatus and instrumentation to be used,
including the instrument ranges, least count, and identification
 To describe how you performed the experiment. The procedure
should be itemized and a schematic or diagram of the instrument
setup should be included.
 Data and Results: The purpose of this section is to present the results of
the experiment, as described in the stated objective, in a tabular and/or
graphical form. Include the original data sheets in the appendix of the
 Discussion of the Results: The purpose of the results section is to
emphasize and explain to the reader the important results of the
experiment and point out their significance. When applicable, be sure
to compare experimental results with theoretical calculations.
 Conclusion and Recommendations: This section compares your
objectives with your experimental results. Support your conclusions
with appropriate reference materials. Be sure to state
recommendations based on the conclusions.
 Appendix: It serves the following purposes:
 To provide the reader with copies of all original data sheets,
diagrams, and supplementary notes.
 To display sample calculations used in processing data. The
sample calculations should contain the following parts:
 A title of the calculation

A Self-regulated Learning Module 44

 A statement of mathematical equation
 Calculation using one sample of data
 References: A list of references that have been cited in the report. Use
APA format for this.
Activity 2: Test your knowledge
Instruction: Answer the following correctly and neatly.
What is the main difference between an executive summary and a detailed technical report?
Oral Communication
The oral technical presentation in many ways is similar to written one. Always be well
organized and have an outline of the presentation ready, similar to the format for a written
report. Here are guidelines for a well-planned oral presentation:
1. Present the information in a way that is easily understood by the audience. Avoid
using terminology or phrases that may be unfamiliar to listeners.
2. Keep your talk to about half an hour or less, because the attention span of most
people is about 20 to 30 minutes. If it is a longer talk, make sure to mix the
presentation with some humor or tell something interesting related story to keep
audience’s attention.
3. Maintain eye contact with the audience.
4. Use good visual aids. Use presentation software such as PowerPoint. If possible,
incorporate charts, graphs, animated drawings, short videos, or a model. When it is
available, use prototyping technology to demonstrate concepts for new products
and have a prototype of the product on hand.
5. If possible, hand out copies of the outline of the presentation.
Graphical Communication

A Self-regulated Learning Module 45

Engineers use special kinds of drawings, called engineering drawings, to convey their
ideas and design information about products. These drawings portray vital information, such
as the shape of the product, its size, type of material used, and assembly steps. For
complicated systems made of various parts the drawings also show how various parts of a
product fit together.

Assessment: Complete the following tasks.

Task 1: Electronic communication is becoming increasingly important. In your own words,
identify the various situations under which you should write a letter, send an e-mail, make a
telephone call, or talk to someone in person. Explain why one particular form of
communication is preferable to the others available.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 46

Task 2: Prepare a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation about your plans to receive a rewarding
education and the preparation that it takes to have a successful career in engineering. When
preparing your presentation, consider a four or five year detailed plan of study, involvement
with extra-curricular, activities, an internship, volunteer activities, and so on. Share your
plans in class.
Task 3: Create a table that shows the relationship between the units of mass in kilograms and
pound mass in the range of 50 kg to 120 kg. Use increments of 10 kg. Present your work
incorporating the ideas discussed in this module.


Learning Outcome:
1. Know and apply the code of ethics for Computer Engineers.
Engineers design many products and provide many services that affect the quality of
life and safety. Engineers must perform under a certain standard of professional behavior that
requires adherence to the highest principle of ethical conduct.
Activity 1: Answer the questions that follows the merits of the case mentioned below.
Use of CD-ROM for Highway Design: Case No. 98-3
Facts: Engineer A, a chemical engineer with no facilities design and construction
experience, receives solicitation in the mail with the following information:

A Self-regulated Learning Module 47

“Engineers today cannot afford to pass up a single job that comes by, including
construction projects that may be new or unfamiliar.
Now – thanks to a revolutionary new CD-ROM – specifying designing and costing out of
any construction project is as easy as pointing and clicking your mouse – no matter your
design experience. For instance, never designed a highway before? No problem. Just point to
the “Highways’ window and click. Simply sign and return this letter today and you’ll be
among the first engineers to see how this full-featured interactive library of standard design
can help you work faster than ever and increase your firm’s profits.”
Engineer A orders the CD-ROM and begins to offer facilities design and construction
1. What is your definition for ethics and ethical conduct?
2. Was it ethical for Engineer A to offer facilities design and construction services under
the facts presented? Why?
Engineering Ethics
Ethics – refers to the study of morality and the moral choices that we all have to make
in our lives.
Fundamental Canons
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.

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5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the
honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
Code of Ethics
We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in
affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to
our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to
the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree:
1. to accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety,
health, and welfare of the public, and disclose promptly factors that might endanger
the public or the environment;
2. to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them
to affected parties when they do exists;
3. to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data;
4. to reject bribery in all its forms;
5. to improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential
6. to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological
tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of
pertinent limitations;
7. to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and
correct errors, and to credit properly the contribution of others;
8. to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability,
or national origin;
9. to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious
10. to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support
them in following this code of ethics.
Engineer’s Creed
1. To give the utmost of performance;
2. To participate in none but honest enterprise;
3. To live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional
conduct; and
4. To place

A Self-regulated Learning Module 49

a. service before profit,
b. the honor and standing of the profession before personal advantage, and
c. the public welfare above all other considerations.
In humility and with need for Divine guidance, I make this pledge.
Important Terms
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty refers to behavior that includes cheating on tests, homework
assignments, lab reports; plagiarism; lying about being sick and not taking a test because of
it; signing the attendance sheet for another student, or asking another student to sign the
sheet for you in your absence. Universities have different policies that deal with academic
dishonesty, including giving the dishonest student a failing grade for the course or requiring
the student to drop the class or placing a student on probation.
Plagiarism refers to presenting someone else’s work as your own. You may use or cite
the work of others including information from journal articles, books, online sources, TV or
radio, but make sure you cite where you obtain the information from.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict between the individual’s personal interests and the individual’s obligation
because of the position he or she holds.
Contract is an agreement among two or more parties, which they entered into freely. A
legal contract is one that is legally binding, meaning if not fulfilled it could have legal
Professional Responsibility
It is the responsibility associated with the mastery of special kind of knowledge that a
person possesses and the use of knowledge for well-being and benefit of the society.
Assessment – Case Studies

A Self-regulated Learning Module 50

Instruction: Read the following case studies. Answer the question that follows in the space
Case 1: Gift Sharing of Hotel Suite
Engineer B is director of engineering with a large governmental agency that uses many
engineering consultants. Engineer A is a principal in a large engineering firm that performs
services for that agency. Both are members of an engineering society that is conducting a
two-day seminar in a distant city. Both plan to attend the seminar, and they agree to share
costs of a two-bedroom hotel suite in order to have a better accommodation.
Was it ethical for Engineer A and B to share the hotel suite? Explain your answer.
Case 2: Software Design Testing
Facts Engineer A is employed by a software company and is involved in the design of
specialized software in connection with the operations of facilities affecting the public health
and safety (i.e., nuclear, air quality control, water quality control). As part of the design of a
particular software system, Engineer A conducts extensive testing, and although the tests
demonstrate that the software is safe to use under existing standards, Engineer A is aware of
new draft standards that are about to be released by a standard setting organization—
standards that the newly designed software may not meet. Testing is extremely costly, and
the company’s clients are eager to begin to move forward. The software company is eager to
satisfy its clients, protect the software company’s finances, and protect existing jobs; but at
the same time, the management of the software company wants to be sure that the software
is safe to use. A series of tests proposed by Engineer A will likely result in a decision whether
to move forward with the use of the software. The tests are costly and will delay the use of
the software at least six months, which will put the company at a competitive disadvantage
and cost the company a significant amount of money. Also, delaying implementation will
mean the state public service commission utility rates will rise significantly during this time.
The company requests Engineer A’s recommendation concerning the need for additional
software testing.

A Self-regulated Learning Module 51

Under the Code of Ethics, does Engineer A have a professional obligation to inform his
company of the reasons for needed additional testing and his recommendations that it be
undertaken? Explain your answer.


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