Complete Parasite Detox Protocol

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& G U T C L E A N S E


Complete Parasite Detox &
Intestinal Cleanse Protocol

Potential Benefits of Cleansing

Get rid of parasites, cleanse your gut, improve

digestion, and rebuild your gut microbiome with our
complete parasite cleanse and intestinal cleanse
protocol. This bundle provides the essential tools for
eliminating parasitic infections from the gut, BUY NOW
removing harmful toxins, enhancing digestive health,
and rebuilding the gut microbiome.

• Improved Digestion • Better Respiratory Health

• Heightened Mental Clarity • Fewer Headaches
• Increased Energy • Stronger Immune System
• Disappearing Rashes or Skin Sores • Enhanced Absorption of Nutrients
• More Stable Mood • Minimized, Bloating, Gas, and Cramping
• Reduced Cravings • More Optimal Overall Health
• Healthier Joints

How Often Should I Cleanse Parasites?

We are REINFESTED DAILY by parasites. It is
the human condition. Just as we have
bacteria that live in us, we have parasites
that eat up essential nutrients & distract
our immune system.

For this reason, it is recommend doing this

cleanse twice for a minimum of 2 weeks
each round to kill the adult, larvae and egg
stages of parasites.

This cleanse can also be taken preventively

long term with 2 week breaks between
Quick Start Guide in How to Make

The Most Of Your Cleanse
It is highly recommend to stick with our protocol to make sure elimination
effective for both adult generation of parasites, second generation & eggs to
prevent reinfestation

Day 0-14 (2 weeks)

Round 1 of the cleanse consist of 2 Weeks On 1 Bottle Of Parasite Cleanse x 1
Intestinal Cleanse. Take 3 capsules of both in the morning on an empty
stomach. Take another 3 in the afternoon with or after lunch: This first round is
to kill the parent generation of parasites, all parasites lay eggs but many eggs
are resilient to parasite herbs.

Day 15-29 (2 weeks)

After your two week detox protocol you should already begin noticing
significant benefits. 2 Weeks off the herbs will allow any possible parasite eggs
to hatch on their own

Day 30-44 (2 weeks)

Round 2 Will consist of 2 more weeks on both herbal blends again. This will ensure
that the second generation of parasites are not only killed but flushed &
eliminated out the body, thus completing the entire parasite lifecycle

Post Cleanse
We recommend doing this 6 week cleanse at least 2-4 times per year.
Optionally, you can do this cleanse more frequently, just be sure to take at least
4 weeks off after an entire 6 week protocol

Parasite Cleanse Die Off Symptoms

and How to Avoid Them
During a parasite cleanse, it is extremely common to experience
parasite die-off symptoms. As parasites die, they give off noxious
fumes that could cause you to feel horrible. It is normal that our
bodies can't deal with the toxic overload of all these harmful
substances being released in such a short span of time. When
this happens, we typically experience die-off symptoms, which
may include any of the following:

• Headaches • Anxiety and fatigue

• Aches and pains • Phlegm or stuffy nose
• Skin rashes • Upset stomach
• Brain fog • Flu-like symptoms, including fever & chills
• Food cravings • Skin breakouts
• Fatigue • Insomnia
• Emotional disorders
Everything you need to
know about Parasites
Bright Retro
What is a Parasite?
A parasite is defined as an organism that feeds on
the nutrients of a host. There are many different
species that are classified as being parasitic, and
many that can infect humans. When we have a
parasitic infection parasite(s) can rob us of receiving
Times New Roman
proper nutrition through stealing our nutrients. They
also release toxic waste inside us which can further
Times New Roman
contribute to poor health

The combination of stealing our nutrients and

releasing toxic waste inside us causes parasites to
be a major threat to our body’s immune system,
which relies on nutrients from food to function

How Common Are Parasites?

Parasites and parasitic infections are common. They
affect millions of people throughout the entire world.
Many people may not notice they have an infection
because they have few symptoms. In fact it’s
estimated around 40% of all animal species are
parasites. So it’s no surprise humans run a risk of
parasitic infection. Yet, many people hold an
inaccurate view on parasites that they only exist in
tropical countries or In third-world countries with
poor sanitation. While parasites are certainly more
prevalent in these places, they exist in every
ecosystem, and are abundant in the U.S. as well.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

has even acknowledged what they call “neglected
parasitic infections” (NPIs), and say that these
parasitic infections in the United States need to be
seen as priorities for public health action based on
the numbers of people infected, the severity of the
illnesses, or our ability to prevent and treat them. The
five targeted NPIs identified by the CDC include
Chagas disease, cysticercosis, toxocariasis,
toxoplasmosis, and trichomoniasis.

“Parasitic infections affect millions around the world

causing seizures, blindness, infertility, heart failure,
and even death. They’re more common in the US than
people realize and yet there is so much we don’t
know about them. We need research to learn more
about these infections and action to better prevent
and treat them.”
Interesting Facts About
Bright Retro

In the United States alone, more than

300,000 people are infected with
Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that
causes Chagas disease, and more than 300
i n f e c t e d b a b i e s Times
a r e bNew Roman
orn e very year. There
are at least 1,000 hospitalizations for
Times New Roman
symptomatic cysticercosis per year in the
United States.

At least 14 percent of the U.S. population has

been exposed to Toxocara, the parasite that
causes toxocariasis, and each year at least 70
people—most of them children—are blinded by
resulting eye disease.

More than 60 million people in the United

States are chronically infected with
Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that causes
toxoplasmosis; new infections in pregnant
women can lead to birth defects and
infections in those with compromised immune
systems can be fatal.

The Trichomonas parasite is extremely

common, affecting 3.7 million people in the
United States. Trichomoniasis can cause
pregnancy problems and increase the risk of
other sexually transmitted infections including
HIV parasites

As you can see, parasites are quite common, despite

the popular myth that they only exist in third-world
countries. Not only are they common, but they can
cause serious health issues, especially if the infection
is left untreated. Oftentimes parasitic infections go
unnoticed with few symptoms, but many times the
infections cause serious illnesses, including seizures,
blindness, pregnancy complications, heart failure, and
even death. Anyone—regardless of race or economic
status—can become infected with parasites.
How Do We Get Infected With Parasites?
Parasites are everywhere, they can come from a
variety of sources, and they are often microscopic,
so it is incredibly difficult to see or prevent coming
into contact with parasites or parasite eggs.
Parasites are also highly contagious, especially when
you don’t wash your hands often or practice good
personal hygiene. Animals are often hosts to
numerous parasites, and so if you have pets it is
inevitable that you will become exposed to them.
These types of infections are called “zoonot-ic
diseases” and they are very common. Scientists
estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 known
infectious diseases in people can be spread from
animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or emerging
infectious diseases in people come from animals.

Not only owning animals as pets, but eating animals,

particularly raw fish, is a common way to get a
parasite. You can also get parasites from eating
unwashed (and sometimes even washed) fruits and

Protozoa: Examples include the single-celled organism

known as Plasmodium. A protozoa can only multiply, or
divide, within the host. Helminths: These are worm
parasites, such as roundworm, pinworm, trichina
spiralis, tapeworm, and fluke. Ectoparasites: These
live on, rather than in their hosts. They include lice and

You come into contact with parasites from touching

other people, grabbing public handrails or doorknobs,
and drinking unsanitary water. Exposure to child and
institutional care centers—schools, doctors’ offices,
hospitals, and so on. You can get them from coming
into contact with feces, walking barefoot on
contaminated soil, and you can even breathe in
parasite eggs

Essentially, there’s no way to avoid coming into

contact with them unless you live a totally isolated &
sanitized life (and even then, there are no promises).
While parasites are unavoidable, we can get rid of
them. We can cleanse our bodies of them a few times
a year and we can boost our immune systems with
a healthy diet and lifestyle so that we are better
equipped to defend ourselves against parasitic
infection. By cleansing our bodies and eating healthy,
we not only reduce populations of parasites, but we
create an internal environment
that does not allow them to thrive.
What Are the Most Common
Types of Parasitic Infections?
While some parasites are easily identified, such as tapeworms,
roundworms and hookworms, most parasites that people suffer
from are actually microscopic bugs such as amoebas or flukes.
Though the list of parasites that infect humans is extensive,
there are three main types of parasites. These are:

Examples include the single-celled organism known as Plasmodium.
A protozoa can only multiply, or divide, within the host.

These are worm parasites, such as roundworm, pinworm, trichina
spiralis, tapeworm, and fluke.

These live on, rather than in their hosts. They include lice and fleas

Symptoms Of Parasites
Parasites can pass on a wide variety of conditions, so
symptoms are hard to predict. Oftentimes there are
also no symptoms, or symptoms that appear long after
infection, but the parasite can still be transmitted to
another person, who may also develop symptoms.

There are many types of parasite, and symptoms can

vary widely. Sometimes these may resemble the
symptoms of other conditions, such as a hormone
deficiency, pneumonia, or food poisoning.

Common symptoms of parasites

Skin bumps or rashes Weakness and general feeling unwell
Weight loss, increased appetite, or both Fever
Abdominal pain Gas or bloating
Diarrhea Dysentery (loose stools containing blood & mucus)
Nausea or vomiting Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
Sleeping problems Stomach pain or tenderness
Anemia Feeling tired/fatigued
Aches and pains Passing a worm in your stool
How to do a Parasite Cleanse

Safely and Effectively
To do a parasite detox cleanse safely and
effectively, you will want to follow these key steps

Cleansing The Colon
The colon, also known as the large bowel or large
intestine, is an organ that is an important part of the
digestive system. The colon removes water and some
nutrients and electrolytes from partially digested food,
and sends the remaining waste to the rectum to be
eliminated from the

The average person stores 5-20 pounds of fecal

matter in their colon, and this excess waste can
interfere with the effectiveness of a cleanse. It is
important when doing a gut cleanse of any kind that
you cleanse the colon. The Parasite Detox formula LEARN MORE
helps to kill the parasites, cleansing the colon helps
ensure that the parasites are eliminated
from the body.

2 Enhancing the Bodies Natural Detoxification Pathways

The body has natural organs and systems dedicated to detoxification.
Focusing on enhancing these natural detox pathways will greatly
support and improve your cleanse. The primary organs and systems
related to detoxification are: the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, digestive tract,
lymphatic system, and circulatory system. You can enhance these
pathways significantly through following the right diet (see below),
drinking plenty of high quality water (see below), and exercising regularly.

Additional ways you can support colon cleansing:

• Do not overeat
• Avoid toxic chemicals, alcohol, oxidized oils, and processed sugars
• Eat simple, easily-digested, whole foods, focusing mostly
on plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables
• Drink a lot of water
• Move your body

3 Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important points for
cleansing, as water is the universal flushing agent and hydration
is essential for the health and function of every system in the
body. Aim to drink anywhere from ½-1 gallon each day. Only drink
purified water and avoid unfiltered tap water or plastic bottled
water. Consider investing in a distiller for easy access to
purified water

How To Know If Your Parasite Cleanse Is Working
There’s many ways to know if your parasite cleanse is working. One of
the best ways to tell that your cleanse is working is that you’ll be
eliminating more than usual. Symptoms like bloating and indigestion will also
begin to clear. Additionally, you may experience parasite die-off
symptoms, such as those mentioned earlier. As your cleanse continues,
you’ll likely experience a boost of energy, increased mental clarity, and a
greater sense of well-being. While it is not very common, you may also
notice worms passing in your stool
Post Cleanse

We recommend doing this cleanse at least every 3 months
with a minimum waiting period of one month between each
cleanse. After the cleanse, be mindful of the foods that
you’re eating, as well as how it is that you are eating.
Parasites thrive in a toxic gut full of undigested food and
waste. If we cleanse our bodies of built up toxins, and focus
on properly digesting whole foods and herbs, we can
eliminate the internal habitat that allows parasites to

Cleansing with this formula, & following this protocol several

times a year, eating a balanced whole foods diet, and
following proper eating protocols that support digestion,
absorption & elimination, all while also doing your best to
avoid some of the major sources of parasitic infection is the
best way to maintain a healthy body free of harmful

To rid ourselves of parasites involves cleansing them a few

times a year, and following certain protocols that help us to
prevent contact with them in the first place. While they may
be an uncomfortable reality to accept, they are nothing to
fear, but simply something to understand. Once we’re
educated on what parasites are and how to eliminate them
from our bodies, we can truly take control of our own health

Complete Parasite Detox &

Intestinal Cleanse Protocol
Parasite Detox Diet
While undergoing a parasite detox cleanse, it is
important to support our herbal Parasite Detox with a
proper diet. Many resources are available on how to get
rid of parasites with herbs, but not as many people
discuss what to eat when consuming these anti-
parasitic herbs— and what you eat makes a big

What Foods to Add to Your Diet During Your Cleanse

There are many foods that have anti-parasitic properties. When doing
a parasite detox, it is recommended to include one (or more) foods
that kill parasites with each meal. The most notable anti-parasitic
foods to include in a parasite cleanse diet plan include:

• Garlic • Sunflower Seeds

• Onion • Fermented Foods
• Raw Honey • Stoneground Mustard
• Pumpkin Seeds • Coconut Oil
• Dates • Apple Cider Vinegar
• Pomegranate • Turmeric
• Papaya Seeds • Ginger
• Dandelion Greens • Cinnamon
• Lettuce • Cayenne Pepper
• Broccoli • Chili Spices
• Spinach • Curry Spices
• Pineapple • Cloves
• Coconut • Thyme
• Carrots • Oregano
• Neem

When doing a cleanse, aim to include more of these foods in your diet than
you usually would eat. This will help to support the effective detoxification
and elimination of intestinal parasites, provided that other aspects of the
protocol are also adhered to.

An important point is also to aim for reducing, ideally eliminating any artificial
sugar intake, as many parasites feed on sugar as a primary fuel source.
Natural sources such as organic fruits & honey are of course allowed, if not
encouraged for the first meal of each day, but avoid refined or processed
foods that have high sugar content and focus on eating a simple, organic
whole foods
Foods to Avoid During Your Cleanse
Avoid Overeating
One of the most important things to do while on a parasite detox (or
really any cleanse for that matter) is to avoid overeating. Eating large
amounts of food may strain your digestive system and lead to
indigestion of food. Overeating can lead to buildup of waste in the colon,
and this buildup of waste creates the perfect environment for parasites
and other toxic organisms. When we do a cleanse, we want to eliminate
this waste—not add to it! Therefore, it is essential not to overeat, but to
only eat moderate amounts of food and to stop as soon as you start to
feel full (or even before).

Stay Away From Junk Food & Poor Habits

If we have parasites we must not only focus on getting rid of them, but
also ask ourselves how we got them in the first place. Oftentimes
parasites invade the body from contaminated sources of water, food,
or soil. In this case, prevention and proper sanitation are essential.

However, there are certain foods and habits that compromise our
immune systems, make us more susceptible to parasitic infection, and
create an internal environment that allows parasites to thrive. If we
want to get rid of parasites for good, we need to also get rid of the
environment that attracts them and allows them to flourish within us.

While doing a parasite cleanse, it is important to avoid toxic substances

in foods that may inhibit the body's detoxification. This includes junk foods,
refined grains, processed sugars, artificial preservatives, and any other
one of the toxic chemicals that are so abundant in our modern food
supply. Undercooked meat and raw fish are also high risk sources for
parasite contamination and are best to avoid during your cleanse.

It is also recommended to avoid poor habits like overeating, nail-biting, not

washing your hands, and other things that may either introduce
parasites to the body or may allow them to thrive once they’ve infested.
Additional Recommendations
for Your Cleanse

Cut back on overall sugar intake. If you want to

eat fruit, eat low glycemic fruit such as berries
and avoid overeating higher glycemic foods such
as bananas, cantaloupe, etc.

Make sure to support the liver during your

cleanse with liver supporting foods and herbs.

Include binders in your diet during your cleanse

such as Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll also assists with
chelation of toxins that can come from parasite
die-off. We offer Chlorophyll capsules as well.

Focus on proper hydration with purified, chlorine

and fluoride free water. Add minerals to your
drinking water during your cleanse.

Include plenty of citrus fruits and berries in your

diet, preferably as the first meal of the day as
fruit acts as an intestinal broom assisting the
herbs in removing excess waste from the body.

Make sure to focus on gut health before, during

and after your cleanse as taking potent detox
herbs without optimizing gut health is not
About Alchemy Roots
Here at Alchemy Roots, we pledge to offer the very
best nutritional supplements our team can provide. We
ensure that our standards are of the highest order and
that our products are equally as strict in their quality.
Both we and our families take our products on a regular

Our founder is a studied herbalist, nutritionist, and

eclectic enthusiast in naturopathic medicine who
promises to bring you the very best superfoods,
nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and healing tools we can

With an unwavering focus on product efficacy, purity,

potency and quality

Clean Sustainable Sourcing

All of our herbs and superfoods are organic,
regenerative, and wildcrafted.

All our herbs are sourced directly from trusted herbal

suppliers with no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, and
are third partied tested for purity. We enhance the
effectiveness of these plants by combining our
knowledge in herbalism with high quality sustainable wild
harvested herbs

Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly

Our entire Alchemy Roots line is 100% vegan and
vegetarian-friendly, keeping in mind a safe source for
vegans to get all of their health and wellness needs
without having to worry about what they are putting
into their bodies.
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