Mayuresh Dash

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l l No- 2102153

MIS povs tih
Maunageet oat on eely ddle -Jeve
jonerefimg stvuedoed 20wa2d
Eposts o pes MiS govs,
'Peodic Tepod 2fesiodic e post
7e pod enrdg arse

a the
Re paToL &umary
end epot
oever Mouth. Exomples An ag ec
Semd s adiatal
maskeking Teporto eliewt
eve month, a

Ceception repots -> Ccception Tepot ase

arse vesu,
1 po very
gtout ehorsactes itics MIS. Thes e
Co voL epot
epots ase
Used by taccal Jeve manaaes to mainhah
he dOues s activtieA,

Demand e
povts - Repovts hat
as per he need
a pe Maager awhieh
ase Post periodi C
U>h epoots Periodic seponts ore meat
a set
a manag er but anne po shed to othes
Manaae o ecOsBe actiou fo ecapler
M outhly account Te ievalsle epoat wki eh 1 v sooll

Me an a Ccoouts MnaeTg

,0p, 1,)
faeov ),00un deporst eratol

l0A 04em er
Sogpos La

3Sohorne De op T eni
oiapos ted Cowpone
Lock cowm
ime h
(O woo io Md con

5 Prqe waaou S12e 0nd acfe (od.

- ben
ocpla 4he. tanqble od itomghla
ERP mplen eatafion
M The dets
T h e de dsiou o Pusch ase a new etevprie

EsoUTce planwug se (ERP) owre Was

Du are
a e ou he one handy a new ERP olutm

byigs do zews togbe bo od iwtagble

beAt a he osgaiza0

Ongible beits-
Co: sawing 0nd aeates eien
Better uppl chalw Managem eut
*) wproved data e4,ualty amd acce3ibiis
- Mereased aro atiou,
Ttongble beits
s e epo stng Ond plamuing
nter psige-wide fudeguakon
MoTe complefe 07an zakioual. visb
S t d ardibed2 sigied busiuess proce sse
Bettes degolodaOd 8ecovt cCompliaaee
bTesons a e o(PMZ
*plaiu with
maiu easons Ustower Telaliouskip mouag ee,

C v s e daption =2 louo v Aes adopr10
ae ase he voof Cose MOs cUstouer

seloovship wanag en eu M) prejetrolure

visioun dne the. bigaestMistade
LOwgoies waLe goig to ( M 070et 8is not
Seting apeieas ond taaeis
LacR a soppst-) ln eal world ou a

CRM 0rojec
a a sodtane guide, a

Cheer leader omd poiut perAon 0 0 dow

have CRM
f afalug fo elosely monitos he projeet,

Man ageneut- Co Mm dmel

Nok opeuthe Ruouesge a ued o

Past ee
te ond plad u he 1oes TOT.

ToT Cnovwadiom oHis) ane

StabiJ Bion uteruet -enahled device

Couneted u huge e twork , lange voluwea e
are needed to be procexel,
2 teope Tabili Tedelogi ca standargds ih
wost aneas axe s TqatedThose teèavsis
e chvologie
Te dwolog a be. adjusted,
ac oovT Suppost = Aovt and eolator
bodi es ke F DA showd come vg d bii

Pegulati on b Sing up a gtaudad Comutke

os e setn? odevices ond peoplp

Secui P r ac Teg ul atiok PoviJnq Powey

o &enso , 8toundarsdi&atio ioey

G-6xlain hare Aexi evey To
a TOT A -7
paje e oPosed
gnoposed aM
evee wodel h t ah
soppoat desi
soppo d
ea'n hsir a
Co mou
ndesai. Tt uppost e r
adabtib1 ARM lso
deue idelia
Ydesing Pretocals nd ertare
irelas Sensor Networ
T ad Non TP based
technoloa Aalution
Uesoy NSN .2zbee ane
d L? based
z-wawe are
a wSN.
primar objecie
todesian aneluo
o his
pejert is
orhe uture b
hkegradiug the phaicel. & digital wor.d
S ews ei doo wot
dilferonkot hsien
phsî enl 3
indval objed
plaan e pe DSS wh eronpl

*)Dss (Deision Soppest ste-)ane Ape ofro

desigwed o help he top deve o 3trate ic
devel mama to aRe daisio

aa iven DSSare Used oly mow

daka 1 anoilable oY ectractisn purpose, uki

helps iu detsio waki pspose,

-Model diven appreoch e most sciuC
Mad elig technigoe oY
patteru ideuicofm
7Anali cal sS wod els are Used b
yaieu 0 amisatio) are what it
amalys 3
dnas3,oa Aeeking masi
Os opti mi ation omalsis
- State nd fxplsin hara cloriro T PSrh
c ople.

b ansaction oroceing t meat oY em

0 pevati
oualevel maM ed collek amd 3toy e
dta 30 oucO),

)Sales and mars

heling,The 34te obieekive
1 to
sugpost he &ales and
Kanshesug unioy
mayhesng tuneti oy
2) Mamacr rodefion Ayston
pl daka o
opez ae mouitoz dmd coutro
produ cion coutrol he

3) hccotua nduate 3o dodo ce

epoat Ake ncome
n Come tatemeut imposta
8hee. ztatemeut nd
md balomce
b alom

Humaun esotee Swtem-

' he t
deals ih e«ploee tha
mon an emesr
Proce i2e r e C7viAmot

al sakion eC,

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