Transport in Plants Notes Bio A Level

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Water stress: is a condition in which more water is lost by a plant through

transpiration than water uptake by roots.
During water stress, the plant experiences the highest water potential gradient from
soil to the roots and as such more water is taken up by the roots though it’s not enough
to meet the loss through transpiration.
During water stress, a plant hormone, abscisic acid is released which results into a
number of responses aimed at reducing water loss; most notably the closure of
stomata. This however has an adverse effect of reducing the rate of photosynthesis.

Plants require a variety of mineral ions which are important in the formation of plant
structures, components of pigments such as chlorophyll and also facilitate
physiological activity of enzymes.
The uptake of mineral ions by plants may occur either passively by diffusion or
actively by active transport. The uptake of ions by plants is largely a selective process
related to the plants need for particular ions.
a) Active uptake of mineral ions.
Most mineral ions required by the plant are selectively absorbed by active transport in
which the ions are moved from the soil solution where their concentration is low to
the root epidermal cells by transport proteins. The transport proteins reversibly change
their shape using energy from ATP during this process.
The figure below shows the relationship between the rate of respiration and
mineral uptake.
From the figure, when potassium chloride
is added, the rate of respiration increases.
This is to supply the required energy for
mineral ion absorption by the plant
The control is of distilled water in which
its presence has no effect on rate of
respiration. It’s absorbed passively
The energy from respiration is also used
to prevent outward diffusion of the
accumulated ions, using the cell
membrane as a barrier.


As a result, mineral ions tend to be in higher concentrations in the root cells as

compared to the soil solution.
NOTE: (i) As a result of active transport, mineral ions tend to be more concentrated
in root cells than soil solution.
(ii) Some ions tend to be in higher concentration with in root cells than others due to
selective active uptake.
Evidence to show that mineral ion uptake is an active process
i. Certain ions are more concentrated in root cells than in the surrounding soil
ii. Certain ions are more concentrated than others with in root cells.
The figure below shows concentrations of different ions in pond water and in
cell sap of green alga Nitella

iii. Presence of respiratory inhibitor results into a reduction in the rate of mineral ion
uptake. In this case, mineral ion uptake is only passive.

The figure below shows the effect of potassium cyanide, a respiratory inhibitor
on mineral ion uptake


iv. The rate of mineral ion uptake is affected by temperature such that an increase in
temperature results into an increase in mineral ion uptake.
The figure below shows the effect of temperature on rate of potassium ion uptake in

v. Cutting off oxygen supply from root results into a reduction in mineral ion uptake
A graph to show effect of oxygen deprivation and metabolic poison on uptake of
sulphate ions in intact barley plants
The curves show that in aerobic conditions, the
sulphate ion uptake is highest with increasing
time. This is because a lot of energy from ATP
hydrolysis is generated to power active uptake.
In anaerobic conditions, little energy is
generated and the uptake of sulphur ions is
lower than in aerobic conditions.
In presence of metabolic poison, uptake of
sulphur ions is lowest and is only due to passive

b) Passive uptake
This is mainly a result of diffusion and is non selective uptake. When mineral ions are
higher in concentration within the soil solution as compared to the cytoplasm of
epidermal root cells, ions tend to move down a concentration gradient into the cells of
the roots. Fewer ions are however taken up by this process.


Once inside the root hair cells, ions dissolved in water move from cells of epidermis
to cortex and into the epidermis through similar pathways as water. The ions tend to
be actively transported by symplast from epidermis to the xylem tissue. This results
into flow of water into the root xylem and results into root pressure.
The mineral ions thus move up the xylem of roots to stem by mass flow resulting from
transpiration pull. The ions are absorbed by the cells in the stem and leaves.
Evidence to show that mineral ions are transported in the xylem
 Mineral ions are present in xylem sap
 There is a similarity between rate of mineral ion transport and rate of transpiration
 When a plant is grown in a solution containing a dye such as eosin, the dye is
present in the xylem.
 Removal of living tissue including phloem does not prevent transportation of
mineral ions.


Translocation refers to the movement of organic food materials from the structures
where photosynthesis occurs to other parts of the plant.
Translocation of organic food materials occurs in the phloem tissue with in the sieve
tubes. Organic food materials are transported from the source structures such as leaves
and some photosynthetic stems where photosynthesis takes place to the sink structures
i.e. growing points such as meristems and perennating organs such as fruits, roots
and stems for;
 Respiration to provide energy required for growth and development
 Utilization by forming structures for growth, development and repair
 Storage.
There are three hypotheses which explain the transport of organic food molecules
from source organs to the sink organs with in the phloem. .i.e
 Mass flow hypothesis (pressure flow hypothesis
 Cytoplasmic streaming
 Electro osmosis



The mass flow hypothesis is based on the principle of pressure flow of solution down
a hydrostatic pressure gradient as described below. (Illustration to enable you
understand. Don’t draw)
During photosynthesis, sucrose is
manufactured by mesophyll cells
and is actively transported into
phloem sieve tubes. This results
into a low water potential such that
water transported up the stem
through the xylem now moves by
osmosis into the sieve tubes. This
results into an increase in the
hydrostatic pressure such that the
phloem sieve tubes in the leaf
region are now the source region
for pressure flow.
Meanwhile, in other plant parts
such as the roots, the sucrose is
utilized during respiration while
some is converted into starch for
storage. This appears to bring
about a high water potential in
these cells such that water moves
out of these cells to surrounding
cells by osmosis. Consequently
there is a low hydrostatic pressure in these regions, which sets up a pressure gradients
between sink regions of roots with source regions.
This results into mass flow of sucrose solution from the source regions, through sieve
tubes to the sink regions along a hydrostatic pressure gradient.
If sucrose continues to be formed in the source regions while sucrose is transpired and
converted into starch for storage in the sink, a gradient is maintained for continuous


The physical model below illustrates the mass flow hypothesis.

Evidence supporting mass flow hypothesis is derived from the fact that sucrose
concentration is higher in photosynthetic regions and lower in growth and storage
regions. This supports pressure build up to bring about mass flow of organic food
Limitations of mass flow hypothesis
 Does not explain difference in speed of movement of sugars and amino acids in
 Does not explain movement of sugars and amino acids moving in opposite
directions within the same group of sieve tubes.
 Does not explain why phloem consists of metabolically active cells along its
 Does not explain presence of sieve plates which would offer resistance to flow
of organic materials.

The figures included for cytoplasmic streaming and electro-osmosis are intended to
help you understand the mechanisms here in described. You may not draw them


2. CYTOPLASMIC STREAMING (trans-cellular strand hypothesis)

Phloem sieve tubes contain cytoplasmic
strands which are believed to bring about
movement of organic food material between
them or through them since they are tubular.
Using energy from the few mitochondria in
the sieve tubes and the majority in the
companion cells, it is believed that organic
food material are moved by streaming from
one cell to the next. It is also assumed that
movement of materials can occur in opposite
directions by aid of the cytoplasmic strands.
The limitation of this hypothesis is
 The slow speed of streaming as
compared to the higher speed with which
organic food materials move.
 There is no conclusive evidence for the
streaming action of cytoplasm.

In this hypothesis, water molecules
move across charged sieve plates in
the sieve tube. This is a result of
active transport of potassium ions
which are pumped from one end of
the sieve plate i.e. lower end to the
opposite end i.e. upper end using
energy from mitochondria in
companion cells.
The stream of water flows towards
the negative end such that solutes are
carried with it in a mass flow.


The hypothesis is important because;

 It explains the importance of sieve plates as potential difference can be
created across them to cause stream of water flow along with solutes.
 it explains the relevance of metabolically active phloem tissue
 explains speed at which substances are moved in the phloem, impossible by
cytoplasmic streaming
Loading of sucrose manufactured by mesophyll cells into sieve tubes for
translocation is mainly an active process carried out by transfer cells and
companion cells. Transfer cells are special parenchyma cells with intuckings of
their primary cell walls and plasma membranes.
The intuckings increase surface area for ATP synthesis to provide energy for
movement of sucrose.
During the process of loading of sucrose, symport cotransporter proteins are
involved in which sucrose from mesophyll cells is moved against its concentration
gradient, coupled with the flow of hydrogen ions along their electrochemical
gradient. The energy required for this active transport is obtained from both the
transfer cells and the companion cells. The sucrose from mesophyll cells is thus
moved into sieve tube cells.
However, when the sucrose concentration in the mesophyll cells is higher than in
the phloem, sucrose may be transported passively by facilitated diffusion into the
sieve tubes.
Once in the sieve tubes, the high sucrose concentration results into osmotic flow of
water into the sieve tubes such that sucrose may be translocated to other regions.
The process of unloading sucrose in the sink regions is mainly passive since in the
sink regions, the sucrose is metabolized to give energy, for growth, development
and repair of structures. Passive movement of sucrose from the sieve tubes to the
cells in roots is also due to conversion of sucrose to starch in some plants such that
a concentration gradient of sucrose from sieve tubes to root cells is maintained.
However, unloading may also be an active process in cases where a concentration
gradient does not exist. In this case, transfer cells and companion cells provide
energy required which results into an antiport cotransporter unloading sucrose into
cells in the sink regions.


Evidence to show that translocation of organic food materials occurs in the

i. Phloem sap exudes from the cut end of an aphid proboscis. This sap when
analysed qualitatively, its chemical composition is similar to the contents of
ii. Most organic substances are at higher concentration in leaves and lower
concentration in roots.
iii. When carbon dioxide labelled with radioactive carbon (14C) is provided to
green leaves illuminated well with light, the resulting sugar formed obtained by
sectioning plant tissues is found to be in the phloem tissue.
iv. Bark ringing experiment. Here, a ring of bark with all tissue external to the
xylem is removed from the stem and the plant left to stand for several months.
The section of the stem above the ring swells while the section below the ring
remains almost same size or reduces slightly in size. The swelling is due to
accumulated sugars possible because translocation tissue was removed, this can
only be phloem since xylem were kept intact.
v. There is a diurnal variation in the sugar contents of the phloem with the diurnal
rate of photosynthesis in relation to light intensity and favourable temperature.
In the figure below a peak in sucrose concentration in leaves results into a peak in
the sucrose concentration in the phloem of the stem.
Since photosynthesis does not
occur in the phloem, the
photosynthesized food from
mesophyll cells are passed on to
the phloem sieve tubes where
translocation occurs resulting
into increased sucrose content.


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