Coinfeccion y Superinfeccion

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than previously thought [7, 8]. Moreover, the detection of many

Coinfection and Superinfection circulating recombinant forms and unique recombinant forms
in Patients with Long-Term, [8] argues that it occurs at high frequency in the natural history
Nonprogressive HIV-1 Disease of HIV-1.
The importance of HIV-1 dual infections is related to their
Concepción Casado,1 Maria Pernas,1 Tamara Alvaro, Virginia Sandonis,1 pathogenic consequences, because most studies have found an
Soledad Garcı́a,2 Carmen Rodrı́guez,2 Jorge del Romero,2 Eulalia Grau,3 elevated HIV-load set point and disease progression after su-

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Lidia Ruiz,3 and Cecilio Lopez-Galindez1
perinfection [3, 5, 9]. However, the clinical outcome of HIV-
Centro Nacional de Microbiologı́a Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and 2Centro
1 dual infection needs to be definitively established. Here we
Sanitario Sandoval, Instituto Madrileno de la Salud, Comunidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Madrid, and IrsiCaixa Foundation, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, report the identification of dual infections without apparent
Barcelona, Spain clinical consequences in 2 patients infected, for 118 years, with
long-term, nonprogressive (LTNP) HIV-1 disease.
Patients and methods. Patient 1 was a former intravenous
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) dual infections drug user followed up in an outpatient clinical center (Centro
are considered important because they have been related to Sanitario Sandoval, IMSALUD), and patient 2 was a homo-
AIDS progression. We identified dual infections in 2 patients sexual man treated in the HIV Clinical Unit (Hospital Germans
with long-term, nonprogressive HIV-1 disease; the first pa- Trias i Pujol, Laboratory of Retrovirology, IrsiCaixa Founda-
tient was diagnosed as being already coinfected, on the basis tion). Both patients were included in the study after they gave
of the first sample analyzed, but a previous superinfection free and informed consent, according to the guidelines of the
could not be excluded; the second patient was diagnosed as
institutional ethical committees. Patient 1 had been infected
having a superinfection, on the basis of the 9-year difference
for at least 18 years, patient 2 for 20 years. Both patients had
between the viral dating of the 2 strains. Dual infections
occur in patients with long-term, nonprogressive disease, remained asymptomatic without antiretroviral therapy and with
with no immediate clinical manifestations. Such occurrences CD4 levels 1500 cells/mL, fulfilling the LTNP criterion. The
could indicate a general phenomenon in natural HIV-1 immunologic and virologic data, together with the samples
infections. analyzed, are summarized in figure 1. Plasma HIV-1 RNA was
quantified by use of the Amplicor HIV Monitor test kit, with
Infection with more than 1 strain of HIV-1 has been considered a detection limit of 50 copies/mL (Roche Diagnostics Systems),
to be an extraordinary event in the natural history of the in- according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
fection. However, the detection of dual infections in patients Five samples from each patient were analyzed (figure 1).
with HIV-1, as either a coinfection or a superinfection, has Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained by use of
been described, mostly in individuals who have engaged in standard protocols, and viral DNA was obtained from 1 ⫻ 107
high-risk practices [1–6]. Obtaining systematic data on the fre- cells by a standard phenol-extraction method. HIV DNA was
quency of HIV dual infections is difficult, but, when different amplified from a single copy in the C2–V5 region of the env
subtypes circulate, the identification of different strains be- gene, by use of limiting-dilution polymerase chain reaction
comes feasible, and superinfection seems to be more frequent (PCR) with different primers [10]. The final PCR products (661
bp), spanning the C2–V5 region of the HIV env gene, were
sequenced by use of primer 27EU and the ABI PRISM Dye
Received 22 February 2007; accepted 10 April 2007; electronically published 14 August
2007. Terminator reaction kit (Perkin-Elmer), according to the man-
Potential conflicts of interest: none reported. ufacturer’s instructions, in an ABI PRISM 377 automated
Financial support: Spanish Ministerio de Educacion (grants SAF 2003/04987 and SAF 2005/
03833); Plan Nacional del SIDA; Fundacio IrsiCaixa (Institut de Recerca de la SIDA/Caixa); sequencer.
Red Tematica Cooperativa de Investigación en SIDA (Red de grupos 173) del FISss. Unique nucleotide sequences obtained from different points
Reprints and correspondence: Cecilio López-Galı́ndez, Servicio de Virologia Molecular, Centro
Nacional de Microbiologı́a, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Carretera de Majadahonda, Pozuelo,
in each patient were aligned by use of the CLUSTAL X program
Km. 2.200, Majadahonda, Madrid 28220, Spain ([email protected]). together with HIV reference sequences (
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2007; 196:895–9 .gov/content/index) and with Spanish-patient nucleotide se-
 2007 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
quences, obtained from the HIV database and from our lab-
DOI: 10.1086/520885 oratory, and then were hand-edited. All positions with an align-

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Figure 1. Clinical and virologic data on 2 patients with HIV-1, including CD4+T cell percentage (black circles) and human immunodeficiency virus 1
(HIV-1) RNA viral load (black downward-pointing triangles), at various sampling times during follow-up. The downward-pointing arrows indicate the

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samples analyzed in the present study.

ment gap were excluded from the analysis. Best-fit models of clade and unrelated HIV Spanish isolates was 2.2%–17.8% for
nucleotide substitution were selected according to the Akaike clade a and 2.0%–18.3% for clade b; the corresponding values
information criterion in Modeltest (version 3.6; David Posada for patient 2 were 6.3%–19.2% for clade a and 7.4%–20.4%
Web page, Maximum-likelihood for clade b. The presence of 2 statistically differentiated clusters
trees were estimated under the best-fit model by use of the within these 2 patients’ quasispecies, together with the greater
algorithm implemented in Phyml (version 2.4.1; http:// genetic distance between clusters a and b compared with that
www.atge.lirmm-fr/phyml) and by starting the search from a in unrelated viruses, indicates that HIV dual infection with
BIONJ tree. Phylogenetic confidence was assessed by bootstrap subtype B has occurred in these 2 patients.
analysis of 1000 replicates [10]. Identical sequences derived Because the 2 groups (i.e., a and b) of nucleotide sequences
from the same or different samples were used only once to were present in all the analyzed samples from each patient and
reconstruct the phylogenetic tree shown in figure 2. because no samples close to the seroconversion time were avail-
To perform the viral dating of the different viral populations able, it was not possible to determine whether coinfections or
in each patient, the genetic distance of the reconstructed most superinfections had occurred. To address this problem, we per-
recent common ancestor (MRCA) for each clade was compared formed viral dating of the different patients’ clusters, according
with that of a reconstructed MRCA for the Spanish epidemic. to the method that our laboratory had established for Spanish
The viral dating time was estimated by use of a linear-corre- isolates and that has been explained in the “Patients and meth-
lation equation previously developed on the basis of a large set ods” section above. According to this method, we interpolated
of Spanish samples, an equation that correlates the V3 nucle- the year of the nucleotide sequence of each of the different
otide-sequence divergence to the Spanish-epidemic MRCA and patient clades (table 1). The years obtained for clades a and b
the sampling time [11, 12]. (Genbank accession numbers are for patient 1 were identical (i.e., 1992), whereas those obtained
EF517970–EF518214.) for clades a and b for patient 2 were different; for the latter
Results. Phylogenetic analysis of viral sequences obtained patient, the dating year for clade a was 1987, close to the se-
from Spanish patients with LTNP HIV-1 disease and of nucle- roconversion time, and the dating year for cluster b was 1996
otide sequences derived from unrelated Spanish patients with (i.e., 9 years later). The viral dating indicates that a superin-
HIV-1 disease (either LTNP or typically progressive) showed fection had occurred in patient 2, whereas analysis of the first
that all isolates were subtype B. Nucleotide sequences obtained sample from patient 1 showed that he already was coinfected,
from each patient formed monophyletic groups with high boot- although a previous superinfection could not be ruled out.
strap values (175%), except for patients 1 and 2, each of whose Discussion. In the present report, we have presented data
nucleotide sequences were separated into 2 groups (a and b in on dual infections, with subtype B variants, in 2 patients with
figure 2), situated in different branches of the tree, and sup- LTNP HIV-1 disease who had no clinical manifestations. Al-
ported by bootstrap values 185%. though both patients had LTNP characteristics, 115 years of
The mean genetic distances between groups a and b—5.4% infection, and no clinical symptoms and had not received an-
for patient 1 and 11.2% for patient 2 (table 1)—were higher tiretroviral therapy, they showed different levels of CD4+ T cell
than the genetic distances to other nonepidemiologically related counts, RNA viral load, and risk practices. Whereas patient 1
Spanish HIV-1 isolates (table 1), as indicated in other studies showed multiple peaks in viral load and a continuous but slow
[3]. For patient 1, the range of genetic distances between each decline in CD4+ T cell count, patient 2 showed a more constant

896 • JID 2007:196 (15 September) • BRIEF REPORT

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Figure 2. Maximum-likelihood tree calculated on the basis of unique nucleotide sequences derived from the V3–C5 env region from Spanish patients
with HIV-1. Nucleotide sequences from patients with long-term, nonprogressive (LTNP) disease are underlined, except for those from patient 1 (white
circles, denoted by boldface “1a” and “1b”) and patient 2 (black dots, denoted by boldface “2a and “2b”). Nucleotide sequences from Spanish patients
without LTNP disease are in shown in standard typeface; reference strains from different subtypes are shown in gray and are italicized. Subtrees
obtained from LTNP quasispecies analysis are collapsed and are represented by the gray-shaded leftward-pointing triangles. Bootstrap values for each
clade are denoted by boldface numbers. All quasispecies studied resulted in single clusters, except for those from patients 1 and 2, which formed 2
different clusters. The scale bar at the bottom of the figure represents 10% genetic distance.

CD4+ T cell count, undetectable or low RNA l load, and 2 mitted estimation of the time of origin of either the global
sporadic blips. Both individuals were and remain classified as epidemic or the epidemic in individual countries [13], although
having LTNP disease. the approach depends on the method used. Along this line, we
We used a phylogenetic approach to distinguish between have previously demonstrated that a molecular clock operates
coinfection and superinfection events. It is known that a mo- in the Spanish HIV-1 epidemic [12]. This approach allowed us
lecular clock operates in HIV-1 evolution, and this has per- to estimate the viral dates for different isolates and to detect

BRIEF REPORT • JID 2007:196 (15 September) • 897

Table 1. Characteristics of patients and clades defined in figure 2.

Year Genetic distance, %

First Heterogeneity From
documented Dating of nucleotide within clade, Between unrelated
a c d
Source HIV-1+ test sequences mean  SE clades, % isolates
Patient 1 1986 5.4
Group a 1992 1.18  0.18 2.2–17.9
Group b 1992 4.70  0.50 2.0–18.3
Patient 2 1988 11.2
Group a 1987 0.93  0.22 6.3–19.2
Group b 1996 1.15  0.34 7.4–20.4
Estimated on the basis of the genetic distance to a reconstructed Spanish most recent common ancestor

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(MRCA), according to the method of Bello et al. [11].
Calculated in terms of nucleotides and between all pairwise comparisons of sequences within each clade.
Between the reconstructed most common recent ancestors in the clades.
Between the reconstructed most recent common ancestor in each clade and the nucleotide sequences
obtained from Spanish patients with HIV-1.

sequences with different dates within individual quasispecies the need for samples to be obtained close to the superinfection
[11, 14]. Using this methodological approach, we obtained the event, could contribute to the underdetection of superinfection.
same date for the 2 viruses in patient 1 (1992) and different In general, superinfection has been detected only in patients
dates (1987 for clade a and 1996 for clade b) for the 2 viruses in whom an increase in viral load set point or in other path-
in patient 2. These results strongly suggest that patient 2 was ogenic markers has occurred.
infected with 1 virus and then, 9 years later, became superin- Previous reports in the literature [3–6, 9, 15] have generally
fected with another virus, which showed an 11.2% genetic dis- assumed that superinfection is associated with disease pro-
tance from the first virus. In contrast, patient 1 was coinfected, gression. Therefore, patients with LTNP disease who have not
for at least 18 years, with 2 viruses differing by a genetic distance experienced disease progression for 110 years could be ex-
of 5.4%, although it is not possible to rule out a previous pected, a priori, to have no superinfections—or at least a low
superinfection (table 1). The present study indicates the use- rate of superinfection. Moreover, if superinfection occurs in 2
fulness of a viral dating strategy to clarify situations that occur groups of patients with HIV-1 with different characteristics
in HIV-1 viral evolution in infected patients [11, 14]. These (e.g., typical and LTNP), it can be considered a general phe-
data show that in these 2 patients there was control of the nomenon that probably occurs in every group of infected pa-
replication of not only a single virus but also of a second, tients. In summary, in the present study we have found that
divergent strain. Moreover, the superinfection in patient 2 oc- dual infections also occur in patients with LTNP HIV-1 disease
curred 9 years after the primoinfection and in the presence of and are not associated with clinical manifestations.
an effective immune control of viral replication.
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