Genes and Genetic Engineering v2.0

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Passing on characteristics
What makes this
baby human?
What determines
its gender?

In all living things,

characteristics are
passed on in the
chromosomes that
offspring inherit
from their parents.

This means that all human characteristics must be something

to do with chromosomes. Where are chromosomes found?

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What do chromosomes look like?
Chromosomes are long strands of genetic information
located in the nuclei of cells.

Chromosomes are most visible

during cell division when they
replicate and look like this…

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Homologous chromosomes
Most cells of the body contain chromosomes in matching
pairs. These pairs are called homologous chromosomes.

Where do homologous chromosomes come from?

chromosome from chromosome from

female parent male parent


Each pair of homologous chromosomes contains one

chromosome that has been inherited from each parent.

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How many chromosomes?
Most human body cells contain
46 chromosomes. How many pairs
of homologous chromosomes is this?
23 pairs of chromosomes

You inherit half of your chromosomes

from your mother and half from your father.
Other species have a different number of pairs of
chromosomes; for example:

 fruit fly = 4 pairs  maize = 10 pairs

 cat = 19 pairs  chicken = 39 pairs
All chromosomes contain many different genes.

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What makes organisms different?
Genes are the units of inheritance. Organisms differ
because they have different genes.

 humans have human genes

 gerbils have gerbil genes

 bananas have (yes,

you’ve guessed it)
banana genes!

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Locating genes

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What is DNA?
Chromosomes and their genes are made of a molecule
called DNA.
DNA stands for

Each chromosome
is a very long molecule
of tightly coiled DNA.

DNA molecules carry the code that controls what cells are
made of and what they do.
Which part of a DNA molecule holds this information?
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The structure of DNA

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DNA and base pairs
The double helix ‘ladder’ of a DNA molecule is held together
by ‘rungs’ made from pairs of chemicals called bases.

There are four types of bases, and they are usually identified
by their initials.

A adenine

C cytosine

G guanine

T thymine

How do you think the four bases are paired?

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How do bases pair together?
Base pairs hold the two strands of the DNA helix together.
The rules for base pairing are…

‘A’ always pairs with ‘T’ ‘C’ always pairs with ‘G’


There are millions of base pairs in a DNA molecule, and

they always follow these rules.

It is the sequence of these bases along a DNA molecule

that forms the genetic code – it’s that simple!

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What are proteins?
Proteins are made of long chains of amino acids. There are
20 different types of amino acid from which to make proteins.

molecule 1

amino acids
What happens if the amino acids are in a different order?

molecule 2

Different combinations of amino acids make different proteins.

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How does the genetic code work?
A three-base sequence codes for each amino acid.

base sequence amino acid

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Making proteins
Genes don’t actually make proteins – they just contain the
instructions on how to make them.

DNA stays in the nucleus but proteins are built in the cell’s
Each gene contains a different sequence of bases.

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Changing the code
If a gene changes, the cell makes a different protein.

Do cells use all of their genes, all the time?

No – different cells need different proteins at different times.
An average cell makes 15,000 proteins: 2,000 in bulk and
the rest in minute quantities.

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Genetic jargon

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What is genetic engineering?
Living things naturally create useful products.

Genetic engineering can be used to make living things

produce other, more valuable, products.

For example, yeast naturally converts

sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol,
and is used in baking and brewing.

Yeast can also be genetically

engineered to produce
vaccines for human diseases.

Genetic engineering is about changing the DNA

of a living thing to change its characteristics.

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How does genetic engineering work?
Genetic engineering involves four main stages.

Stage Example
1. Select the product or antigen for
characteristic needed hepatitis B
2. Isolate genes from hepatitis B virus
specialist cells
3. Insert the genes yeast
into target cells
4. Replicate the yeast culture
new organism in fermenters

What is the product in this example? Hepatitis B vaccine.

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GM crops
Crops can be given extra genes for new and useful
characteristics. They are genetically modified (GM).

What characteristics might be

useful in crops?

 pest resistance
 frost resistance
 disease resistance
 herbicide resistance
 drought resistance
 longer shelf life

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Pest-resistant crops
Potatoes can be genetically modified so they are toxic to
pests, such as the Colorado beetle.

The gene for a powerful

bacterial toxin is added
to the potato plant.

If the beetle tries to eat

the potato plant, it is
killed by the toxin.

What benefits might this have for the environment?

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Frost-resistant crops
Crops can be genetically modified so they are resistant to
adverse environmental conditions.

For example, lettuces

could be genetically
modified to be resistant
to frost.

GM lettuce non-GM
Why are some people against the development and use
of GM crops?

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Plants with extra vitamins
Rice can be genetically modified to make beta-carotene,
a substance that is converted into vitamin A in the body.
The colour of the rice is
an indication of how
much more beta-
carotene it contains.

The GM rice is called

‘Golden Rice’ and is
being developed to
help fight vitamin A
deficiency and
blindness in developing

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Should GM crops be allowed?

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Early genetic engineering
People have been doing a simple form of genetic engineering
for thousands of years. This is called selective breeding.
Selective breeding, or artificial selection, is a process where
people try and improve plants and animals by selecting and
breeding only those that have desirable characteristics.

For example, a farmer

might choose the two
largest cattle in his herd
and breed them together
so that the offspring will
be even bigger and
produce more meat.

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Examples of selective breeding
Many plants and animals are selectively bred to improve their
characteristics. What are some examples?
 Breeding sheep to produce more wool.
 Breeding wheat to produce more grain.
 Breeding tomatoes to have more flavour.

Other examples include

breeding racing horses to
become faster, and breeding
dogs to obtain unique
characteristics (e.g. bulldog,
greyhound, Chihuahua).

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Changing the genetic code
Bacteria are often genetically engineered to produce useful
chemicals because their DNA is loose in the cytoplasm,
making it easy to modify. They also grow and replicate

loose strand
of main DNA plasmid
– small ring of
additional DNA

A new gene can be inserted into the plasmid and the

bacteria then produce the protein for which the gene codes.

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Using viruses
A virus cannot read its own genes but it can make a host cell
copy them and make the proteins.


This virus is a bacteriophage.

It infects bacteria by injecting its
genetic material down a special tube.

Why are viruses useful in genetic

injection tube
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Replicating micro-organisms
micro-organisms, such as
bacteria and yeast, can easily
be replicated on a large scale.

Tanks called fermenters or

bioreactors are used. These
enable the micro-organisms to
be grown, or ‘cultured’, at
optimum pH, temperature and
nutrient levels.

The product can be

continuously removed
and purified.

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Producing insulin with bacteria

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Genetically-engineering bacteria

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Alternatives to bacteria
Genetically-engineered bacteria are unable to make proteins
that are identical to those found naturally in humans, despite
having human DNA.

This is because the way in which bacteria make proteins is

different to the way that mammals make proteins.

A better way is to use

mammalian cells grown
in industrial bioreactors.
These produce proteins
that are identical to the
ones found in humans.

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Genetic engineering and medicines
How can animals be genetically engineered to help humans?

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What is transgenics?
Foreign DNA, including DNA from humans, can be inserted
into animals. This is called transgenics.

The protein encoded

by the DNA can then
be produced in a
specific tissue of the
transgenic animal at
a specific time.

This method produces higher levels of antibody, more easily

and cheaply, than by using genetically-engineered bacteria
or mammalian cells.

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Transgenic goats
For example, the gene for a human antibody can be
introduced into goats.

Additional controlling
DNA is also introduced,
so the human antibody
is only produced in the
goat’s mammary gland
at a certain time.

The antibody is then expressed in the goat’s milk, where it

can be purified and used to treat diseases.

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Which came first?
The eggs of this
transgenic chicken
contain a human
antibody that could
one day help to
treat skin cancer.

What advantages
does this method of
antibodies have?

Do you think it is right for animals to be genetically engineered

to help treat human diseases?

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A new baby
This boy got half of
his genes from his
mother and half from
his father.

It’s completely random

which ones he
received. He may have
his parents’ best
characteristics or their

Are there any characteristics you wouldn’t want your children

to inherit?

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Sally has breathing difficulties.
Her genes gave her cystic
fibrosis. She risks repeated
chest infections and lung

Molly could be fine, but one

of her genes puts her at risk.
She has a high chance of
getting breast cancer. Some
women with the gene choose
to have their breasts removed.

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Designer babies: fact or fiction?
Total control of a person’s genes only exists in science fiction,
but it is currently possible to:
 screen embryos for genetic diseases – this is called
pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
 screen embryos for the right number of chromosomes –
this is called pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS)
 screen embryos for their sex – some genetic diseases only
affect boys, and in the UK, parents at risk of having a baby
with a disease can choose to have a girl
 repair body cells containing faulty DNA by gene therapy.

In the future, it may be possible to replace an embryo’s faulty

DNA. This is germ-line therapy and is illegal in humans.

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Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
Aborting an embryo can be very distressing, even if it would
have been born with a disease. PGD removes this problem.

1. The woman’s eggs are

fertilized in a ‘test tube’.

2. The embryos develop and one cell

is removed from each to be tested
for certain genetic diseases.

3. Up to two healthy embryos are implanted in the mother’s


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Saviour siblings
Imagine your daughter has a rare
genetic disease. An injection of bone
marrow cells will save her but the
donor must be an exact match.

Donors are hard to find. Your

best hope is to make your
next child a match.

You will need to produce a selection of embryos by IVF. The

best embryo will become your next child. A few cells from its
umbilical cord will save the daughter you already have.

More and more couples are asking for this treatment but
should it be allowed?

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Should saviour siblings be allowed?

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What is gene therapy?
Children with faulty immune systems have been cured by
adding genes to their bone marrow cells. This is called
gene therapy.

1. A ‘healthy’ version of the faulty gene

is cut from normal DNA and copied.

2. The gene is added to a harmless virus.

3. The virus carries the gene into the patient’s

cells, where the healthy gene is released.

4. The patient’s cells can then make the correct product

of the gene. The patient is then cured.

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 base – The chemical in DNA that forms the basis of the

genetic code.
 chromosome – A long molecule of tightly coiled DNA
found in the nucleus of most cells.
 DNA – The molecule that contains the genetic code.
 gene – The part of a chromosome that codes for a protein.
 gene therapy – Curing a genetic disease by replacing a
faulty gene with a ‘healthy’ version.
 genetic engineering – Altering the characteristics of an
organism by changing its genetic code.
 transgenic – An organism that contains DNA from a
different type of organism.

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Multiple-choice quiz

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