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The factors generation Z consumers’ purchase intention

towards green products in Shopee

*First Author's Name1, Second Author's Name2

The first author Institution (Department/Study Program, Faculty/School, University, City, Country)
The second author Institution (Department/Study Program, Faculty/School, University, City, Country)
Address: Building, Street name, Number, City, Country, Postal Code | e-mail: [email protected]


Objective: The purpose of your study is to empirically investigate and/or add to your discipline’s understanding
of the issue. Explain the purpose of the research (font style: Gill Sans MT, 10 points, 1 space)
Design/Methods/Approach: This section should include a concise description of the process by which you
conducted your research. Explain the sample, method, statistical analysis etc.
Findings: Your abstract should list the results or outcomes of the work you have done so far.
Originality/Value: The originality is related to the contribution of the research to the body of knowledge of that
particular field. Explain how your research differs from previous research. (e.g., This study contributes to the
existing literature on …… by …… )
Practical/Policy implication: Explain the implications of the research findings on management and business
practices as well as on policy aspects. (e.g., Given the results, managers should ….. )

Keywords: 3 to 5 keywords are written alphabetically under the abstract

JEL Classification: M42, M48 [author should add 1-3 JEL classification number, information guide for the
Journal of Economics Literature (JEL) can be found at]

1. Introduction

In recent years, many researchers have conducted research related to improving consumption behavior in
green products that are more environmentally friendly. Researchers conduct investigations and studies by
purchasing green products that are expected to help reduce global pollution and repair natural damage.
Awareness of environmental problems that occur has created a new trend that is popularized globally. Even
some countries have implemented very strict regulations related to natural destruction. In developing a
sustainable economy. In addition to the implementation of regulations carried out by the government, the
community is aware of environmental problems. This trend has made a significant increase in environmentally
friendly green products, in recent years which has led to the development of a more environmentally friendly
green product industry. This reason is why many organizations, from service companies to industrial companies,
continue to develop marketing strategies related to their green products to be able to meet consumer needs and
follow trends (Cam, 2023).
However, there is still a lack of research on the impact of the use of green products on consumer
consumption behavior of green products, especially among Generation Z consumers in Indonesia. Therefore,
this study will answer the main question of research about what are the main determinants that influence the
purchase intention of Generation Z consumers towards green products in Indonesia by expanding the theory of
planned behavior models. This research is a development of the theory of planned behaviour by adding trust
variables and brand image (Zhang et al., 2024) . Second, the researcher conducted research on consumers who
made purchases on the Shopee. Finally, this research was conducted in Indonesia after Covid-19.
Environmental problems are one of the negative impacts of human behavior. The problem of waste is
one of the main and most phenomenal environmental issues. In 2024, Indonesia produced 24.5 million tons of
waste, household activities produced 44 percent of Indonesia's waste, while 18.6 percent came from plastic
usage ( Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2024 ). In recent decades, there has been an increase in public
concerns regarding environmental damage. In line with the increase in the number of people who are aware of
ecological problems, public awareness of environmental issues that are happening has also increased
(Wang et al., 2024)
. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) which contain 17 important points,
especially points number 12 and 13. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) number 12 contains important
points that aim for transformational changes towards sustainable consumption and production patterns
(Palakshappa & Dodds, 2021) . Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) number 13 has targets, some of
which are strengthening the resilience and adaptation capacity of climate hazards, natural disasters, setting
policies, strategies, and planning to integrate climate change (United Nations Development Programme, 2024).
The number of consumers who are more concerned about environmentally friendly products in Indonesia
increased by 112% from 2019 to 2020. Indonesian consumers are also increasingly aware of the importance of
practicing a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, with 86% starting to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily
lives, and 74% choosing brands that have social concerns. This data shows that more and more consumers are
starting to look more closely at the ingredients and manufacturing process of a product (Unilever, 2021). In
addition, the government supports the establishment of regulations in an effort to reduce environmental
problems. One of them is Government Number 102 of 2000 regulations that aim to improve the protection of
consumers, business actors, and the community for safety, health and preservation of environmental functions
(Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2024).
This study aims to test and analyze the factors that affect the purchase decision of Generation Z who use
the Shopee marketplace in Indonesia through the expansion of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) method.
In achieving the researcher's objectives, this researcher first investigated whether the variables in the SDGs,
including attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls, will influence the purchase decision of
generation Z consumers who use the Shopee marketplace after the COVID-19 pandemic. Gaps in this study: (1)
to explore the factors that influence the purchase decision of generation z who use the shopee marketplace in
Indonesia. (2) to test and analyze the variables that have the greatest impact in this study. (3) develop Planned
Behavior Theory by adding additional variables. (4) to test and analyze the greatest impact between additional
variables on the purchase decision of generation Z in Indonesia.

2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development

In this study, an analysis of usage intentions and behaviors in Generation Z in Indonesia was carried out
using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) approach. Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory developed by
(Ajzen, 1991) which aims to predict human behavior based on individual intentions. The Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB) was developed by Icek Ajzen to improve the weaknesses of the Theory of Reasoned Action by
adding the green trust and green brand image constructs of Zhang et al. (2024) which were tested in his research.
According to the Theory of Planned Behavior, a person's behavior is influenced by three main factors, namely
attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. First, attitude refers to an individual's assessment of
using green products to better maintain green products. Individuals who have a positive attitude towards the use
of green products tend to be more likely to take the necessary action. This attitude can be influenced by various
factors such as education, personal experience, and cultural values. In the context of Generation Z in Indonesia,
attitudes towards the use of green products may be influenced by environmental awareness, concern for social
issues, and sustainable lifestyles. Furthermore, subjective norms refer to the social pressure felt by individuals to
do or not to perform a behavior. In this case, social norms, expectations from family, friends, and the general
public can influence individual decisions in using green products. Generation Z in Indonesian cities may feel
pressured to use more environmentally friendly green products if social norms in their environment encourage
them to act responsibly towards natural resources and the environment. as shown in Figure 1.

Attitude toward
the behaviour

Subjective norm Intention Behaviour

behavioral control
Fig. 1. Theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991)

Then, trust reflects the individual's belief in a statement and promise given by another person. In this
case, it covers three aspects: integrity, ability and virtue (Zhang et al., 2024) . The trust given by consumers is
very important for the sustainability of businesses or companies that make claims that they use environmentally
friendly concepts (Amin & Tarun, 2021). In this context, consumer trust in a brand is related to product or
service claims that they believe have competence, credibility, and good intentions in terms of environmental
friendliness (Zhang et al., 2024).
In addition to the factors mentioned above, because it is difficult to find products based on physical
characteristics in this case brand image plays an important role (Bashir et al., 2020) . Brand image is a picture
developed by consumers of a product that includes the benefits of the product, symbolic, and experience
(Bashir et al., 2020)
. When the impact caused by an environment is considered, the brand image of green products is
related to the perception of environmentally friendly products (Bashir et al., 2020).
Green purchase intention denotes consumers’ inclination to buy and pay for products that are
ecologically-friendly, indicate their prefer ence for pro-environmental products over non-environmental ones
during the buying process (Vu et al., 2021). Influenced by the information and impressions consumers have prior
to reaching a purchase decision, green purchase intention may result in green behavior as consumers recognize
the environmental value of purchasing eco-friendly products (Hengboriboon et al., 2022) . It is hoped that the
findings from this study can be the basis for developing effective strategies in developing products. The
framework of this study is described in figure 2.

Attitude toward the


Subjective norm

Perceived Green purchase

behaviour control intention

Green trust

Green brand image

Fig. 2. The conceptual framework.

Based on the theory and framework of thought developed by the researcher, the following hypotheses in this
study are:
According to (Sun & Wang, 2020) research, the results of the study show that attitudes have a
positive effect on consumers' intention to buy green products. Compared to conventional products, green
products will develop a good attitude that will increase consumer interest in contributing to a sustainable future
(Zameer et al., 2020). Consumer attitudes are formed from mature thinking, attitudes can change if consumers
are more wise about climate change, quality of life, and environmental protection (Han et al., 2024). Han et al.
(2024) argued that if consumers have positive traits towards organic products, then they will show high buying
interest. However, in the context of this study, there is still a lack of empirical research on the influence of
consumer attitudes on the purchase intention of green products, especially for Generation Z Indonesia.
Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed.
H1. Consumer attitude has a positive effect on the purchase intention of green products
Research by Wang et al. (2020) shows that subjective norms have a positive effect on the attitude of
apartment buyers. This means that there is a feeling that the higher the product standards formed from subjective
norms, the higher the desire to buy apartment buyers. So, there is a suspicion that subjective norms can form
purchase intention (Han et al., 2024) . However, in the context of this study, there is still a lack of empirical
research on the influence of consumer attitudes on the purchase intention of green products, especially for
Generation Z Indonesia. Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed.
H2. Subjective norm has a positive effect on purchase intention of green products
Buyer research by Wang et al. (2020) found that behavioral control was effective and had a positive
impact on apartment purchase intentions. It is hypothesized that the higher the perception of product control
behavior, the higher the intention of apartment buyers to buy the product. So, perceived behavior control is
considered closely related to efforts to form purchase intention (Han et al., 2024). However, in the context of
this study, there is still a lack of empirical research on the influence of consumer attitudes on the purchase
intention of green products, especially for Generation Z Indonesia. Therefore, the following hypothesis is
H3. Perceived behaviour control has a positive effect on purchase intention of green products
If the product described by the company is in accordance with the customer's needs for the product,
then the interest in buying the product will be part of the customer's behavior. This is also supported by
apartment buyer research conducted by Wang et al. (2020) which shows that trust has a positive effect on
apartment buyers' purchase intentions. For this reason, it is reasonable to assume that the higher a person's trust
in a product, the greater the desire of customers to buy the product. So, the conjecture about the relationship
between customer trust level and growth in buying interest is very important (Zhang et al., 2024). However, in
the context of this study, there is still a lack of empirical research on the influence of consumer attitudes on the
purchase intention of green products, especially for Generation Z Indonesia. Therefore, the following hypothesis
is proposed.
H4. Trust has a positive effect on purchase intention of green products
Brand image plays a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions, which in turn greatly influences
their purchasing decisions (Zameer et al., 2020). Evaluating brand image at the macro level is often seen as an
early determinant of brand preferences (Zameer et al., 2020) . Studies have shown that a positive brand image
leads to increased purchase intent Panda et al. (2020) , As highlighted by (Majeed et al., 2022) , brands that
successfully resonate with positive environmental values can make consumers feel that they are contributing to
environmental preservation when they choose to purchase the product. Importantly, consumers who have a
favorable green brand image tend to be more likely to choose environmentally friendly products (Zhang et al.,
2024). Based on this, (Hengboriboon et al., 2022) found that the perceived green image of a product can predict
consumers' purchase intentions, as this perception can guide their readiness to avoid potential risks associated
with their purchase decisions. Thus, we propose the next hypothesis below:
H5 Green brand image has a positive effect on purchase intention of green products

3. Method
A population is a group or group of organisms of a single species that live in a particular environment
at the same time. Population will signify groups of individuals of the same species. The sample is part of the
number and characteristics possessed by the population (Sugiyono, 2017). In this study, the determination of
sampling was determined using probability sampling with a simple random sampling technique. Probability
sampling is a sampling technique that provides an equal chance for each element or member of the population to
be selected as a member of the sample. Simple random sampling is said to be simple or simple because the
sampling of sample members from the population is carried out randomly without paying attention to the strata
that exist in the population with population members considered representative and homogeneous/relatively
homogeneous (Sugiyono, 2017). Based on research (Hair et al., 2017) where in his research revealed that "10
times the largest number of structural paths directed of particular construct in the structural model" where in this
study there are 5 structural paths directed to certain constructions in the structural model. So, it can be
concluded that this study uses a sample of 10 times 5 structural paths, so it is concluded that the sample is 50
Generation Z shopee users.
The research design that will be carried out uses a quantitative approach with structured measurement
instruments, namely by using questionnaires. The quantitative approach is used to analyze statistical data in
depth., thus providing a more detailed understanding of the relationships between variables and their statistical
significance. Questionnaire measurement is carried out to obtain primary data through respondents who are in
accordance with the criteria from filling out the questionnaire. Measurements with questionnaires are also
carried out to obtain information relevant to the purpose of measurement and conduct testing of variable
instruments. The questionnaire allows for the collection of data from respondents easily and can be accessed
through gform, thus allowing wide participation from different levels of Generation Z society in Indonesia to
cover diverse viewpoints regarding the use of greener products. This primary data is needed as a support in data
processing which will later be carried out through the SmartPLS software analysis tool. In this study, there are 6
variables, namely independent variables of attitude, subjective norms, perception of behavioral control, trust and
green brand image, as well as the dependent variable of green purchase intention. This study uses variables and
operational variables that have been compiled based on definitions and statements as measuring tools or
indicators of variables as well as instruments and priority scales presented in the form of tables.1.

Tabel 1. Measurement Variable

No Variable Description Measurement Skala likert
1. Green green purchase intention is 1. Generation Z purchase this product 1 - 6 skala
Purchase determined as “the because of its environmental likert
Intention likelihood that a consumer concern
(Cam, would buy a particular 2. Generation Z purchase this product
2023; Fu et product resulting from his or in the future because of its
al., 2019) her environmental needs’’ environmental performance
3. Generation Z purchase this product
because it is environmental friendly
4. Generation Z like green products
better than normal products
5. Generation Z would consider
buying green products as it is less
No Variable Description Measurement Skala likert
polluting to the environment
6. Generation Z buy green products
out of concern for our planet
2. Attitude Positive or negative 1. Generation Z like green products 1 - 6 skala
toward the evaluation of an individual 2. Generation Z feel positive toward likert
behaviour of a particular object, green products
( person, institution, event, 3. Green products are good for the
Van Tonder et al., 2023or intention. environment
; 4. Generation Z feel proud when I
buy/use green products.
Naalchi Kashi, 2020 5. Generation Z think buying green
) products is good for the
6. Generation Z think buying green
products is very rewarding
3. Subjective A person's perception or 1. Generation Z will buy green 1 - 6 skala
norm view of other people's products because my family likert
(Van beliefs that will affect the recommends them
Tonder et intention to do or not to do 2. Generation Z will buy green
al., 2023; the behavior being products because it is recommended
considered. by someone who is important to me
3. Generation Z would actively
recommend friends and loved ones
Palomino Rivera & Barcellos-Paula, 2024
to purchase green products
4. Most of Generation Z colleagues
) think purchasing organic products is
the right thing to do
5. Most of Generation Z family
members think purchasing organic
products is the right thing to do
6. Generation Z acquaintances would
approve decision to buy organic
4. Perceived A person's feelings about 1. Generation Z believe it’s entirely 1 - 6 skala
behaviour how easy or difficult it is to decision to buy a green product. likert
control manifest a certain behavior 2. Generation Z believe confident
( about the credibility of the green
Mabkhot, 2024
; product label
3. Generation Z believe can buy a
green product for an ecological
5. Green Consumers' willingness to 1. Generation Z feel that this brand’s 1 - 6 skala
Trust rely on a product, service environmental commitments are likert
(Zhang et with the belief that the brand generally reliable
al., 2024) can have a positive impact 2. Generation Z feel that this brand’s
on their environment. environmental performance is
generally dependable
3. Generation Z feel that this brand’s
environmental argument is
generally trustworthy
4. Generation Z think feel that organic
food environmental concern meets
5. Generation Z think the green
organic product keeps promises for
environmental protection
6. Green brands that exert an eco- 1. the brand is regarded as the best 1 - 6 skala
brand friendly influence among benchmark of environmental likert
image their competitors and can commitments
No Variable Description Measurement Skala likert
(Zhang et influence the purchase 2. the brand is professional about
al., 2024) intention of consumers who environmental reputation
have a high commitment to 3. the brand is successful about
eco-friendly products environmental performance
4. the brand is well established about
environmental concern
5. the brand is trustworthy about
environmental promises
Source: Author,2024
In this study, the researcher uses the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)
method to process data in the study. The researcher felt that it was appropriate to choose PLS-SEM as a
measuring tool used to analyze data because this study is a relationship or influence model for the purpose of
testing the hypothesis predictions proposed. PLS-SEM uses weighted composites from variable indicators to
facilitate the calculation of measurement errors so that PLS-SEM is superior to multiple regressions using
summation scores (Hair et al., 2017). The PLS-SEM can easily handle reflexive and formative measurement
models as well as single indicator constructions without identification problems. Therefore, PLS-SEM can be
applied in various research situations. When applying PLS-SEM, researchers also benefit from high efficiency
in parameter estimation in the power of greater statistical methods ( (Hair et al., 2017).
The measurement model in PLS-SEM called the outer model provides an empirical measure of the
relationship between each block of variable indicators and the construct (Ghozali, 2016). This study is based on
a reflexive measurement model which means the direction of the arrow is from the construct to the variable
indicator, showing the assumption that the construct causes the measurement of the variable indicator. The
measurement model or outer model with reflexive indicators is evaluated with convergent validity, discriminant
validity, and composite reliability (Ghozali, 2016). There are two types of measurement models, namely
exogenous constructs, which are independent variables that affect dependent variables in the model, and
endogenous constructs, which are dependent variables that are influenced by independent variables in the model
(Ghozali, 2016).
The inner model provides an empirical measure of the representation of the relationships between
constructs. Inner model estimation is not checked until reliability and validity constructs have been established.
Therefore, after reliability and validity are determined, the main evaluation criteria for PLS-SEM results are the
determination coefficient or R-Square (R²) value and the t-statistical test obtained through boostraping (Ghozali,
2016). R-Square is viewed for dependent variables. Changes in the R-Square value can be used to assess the
influence of certain independent variables on dependent variables looking at substantive influences. From this, it
can be interpreted that predictive constructs have small, medium, and large influences on the structural level
(Ghozali, 2016). Meanwhile, the t-statistical test is used to measure the significance of the structural path
parameter coefficients that are obtained through the bootstrapping procedure. The t-statistical test is used to
evaluate the stability of the R-Square estimate. The t-statistic value must be above 1.96 or P-value < 0,05.
(Ghozali, 2016).


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