Bahasa Inggris Unit 8

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1. 1 You should / should you / should cut down on the calories you eat.

2 He not should / don’t should / shouldn’t smoke so much.

3 Why I should / I / should I eat oily fish?
4 Do you should have / should you have / you have sugar in your tea and coffee?
5 To be healthy you should eaten / eating / eat a balanced diet.
6 She could die of anorexia, so she must eat / should eat / eats something.
7 It should be / would be / would a good idea to try adding some vegetables to your diet.
8 If I were you, I should / I’d / I drink fewer fizzy drinks

2. 1 He injects himself because he is ...(dia menyuntik dirinya sendiri)

2 Meat and fish are sources of....... . (daging dan ikan adalah sumernya)
3.......... provide the body with energy. (... memberi tubuh energi)
4 A......... advises people how to eat healthily.(....menasehati orang bagaimana makan sehat)
5 Pizzas and burgers are examples of .....(pizza dan burger adalah contoh dari....)
6 Morgan Spurlock had ......for fast food. (morgan memiliki... untuk makanan cepat saji)
7 A balanced..... is healthy. (seimbang... sehat
8 He is..... to fast foods. (dia ... untuk makanan cepat saji)

addicted = kecanduan 1
protein = protein 3
carbohydrates = karbohidrat 2
cravings= mengidam 6
diet = diet7
nutritionist = ahli ilmu gizi 4
junk food= makanaan cepst saji 5
diabetic= penderita diabetes 8

3. 1 What kind of diet does the human body need? carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins,
fibre and minerals
2 What is obesity an example of? If there is no treatment and the diet does not change,
death is a possibility
3 Where is the obesity problem common? One example of this is the problem of obesity –
this is when a person is dangerously overweight.
4 What imbalance causes anorexia nervosa? The imbalance comes from eating a diet which
is high in fat, sugar and salt, and in not eating enough fruit, vegetables and fibre, and not
burning the extra calories through physical exercise.
5 Who usually suffers from eating disorders? Sufferers are mostly teenage girls – they
either starve themselves in order to lose weight, or eat a lot of food at once (binge-eating)
and vomit up all the food later.
6 What is the treatment for eating disorders? psychiatric help and counselling

4. 1 physical = fisik a loss = kerugian

2 balanced= seimbang b overweight= kegemukan
3 weight= bobot c disorder= kekacauan
4 vitamin = vitamin d groups= kelompok
5 food= makanan e diet = diet
6 eating= memakan f exercise= olahraga
7 dangerously= secara berbahaya g deficiency= kekurangan
1= f
2= a
3= e
4= g
5= d
6= c

5. 1 obesity causes many illnesses. (obese)

2 He has an uncontrollable cravings for fast food. (crave)
3 Her fast food addicted is serious. (addict)
4 Everyone needs to eat a balanced diet. (balance)
5 Being overweight depressed her a lot. (depress)
6 His diet makes him constantly constipated . (constipation)
7 She lose weight easily. (loss)

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