4TH Quarter Exam

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Republic of the Philippines 7.

When an interviewer asks you to tell them about

Department of Education yourself what question should ask them, so you can
BROOKE’S POINT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL give them a more direct answer?

2ND PERIODIC EXAM a. Is there a particular aspect of my

PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 background that you would like more
Instructions: Read the questions carefully and encircle information on?
the word for the best answer. Strictly no erasures. b. Would you like me to tell you about my life
Name:_______________ Date:_________ growing up?
c. Do you want to know about my experience
1. How do qualitative researchers interpret working during my high school years?
data? 8. It is the last chapter of the main body of your
a. Conclusions, Data, Causality
b. Conclusions, Coding, Answers a. Chapter I
c. Meaning, Patterns, Themes b. Chapter IV
d. Results, Data, Causality c. Chapter V
d. Chapter III
2. Which of the following represents one of the
FIRST stages of Qualitative Data Analysis after 9. This is a section in the research paper that focuses
collecting data in the field? on providing a comprehensive summary of the findings
and points out what were learned from the study.
a. Making Electronic Copies of Data Collected a. Conclusions
b. Organizing, Categorizing, and Classifying b. Recommendations
Data c. References
c. Drawing Interpretations of Data Quickly d. Summary of findings
d. Making Diagrams of Patterns, Categories, &
Concepts 10. What section in a research paper gives the
researcher the chance to give suggestions to matters
3.Which of the following would be regarded as for the improvement of the research study?
qualitative data?
a. Summary
Interview transcripts. b. Recommendations
Web page contents. c. Conclusions
Photographs. d. References
All of the above 11. Which of the following is not a purpose of the
research conclusion?
4. What is the correct author and year format for a
journal article in a reference list? a. It stresses out the importance of the thesis
a. Brill, J. B. (2011) b. It gives the written work a sense of
b. Brill, JB, (2011) completeness
c. Brill, J. B. (2011) c. It does not leave a final impression to the
d. Brill, J. B. 2011. readers
d. It demonstrates good organization.
5. What is the correct in-text reference format for a
direct quote (narrative style)? 12. For her research project, Jerri interviewed ten
people asking them the same open-ended questions.
a.Veit and Gould (2010) emphasise the importance of What type of research did Jerri engage in?
‘using your own words and your own style’ when
paraphrasing. a. Quantitative research
b. Veit and Gould (2010) emphasise the importance of b. Conclusive research
“using your own words and your own style" (p. 158) c. Statistical research
when paraphrasing. d. Qualitative research
c. Veit and Gould (2010) emphasise the importance of
“using your own words and your own style" (p. 158) 13. LaToya looked for patterns and themes in the
when paraphrasing. answers she got from the customers she had
d. Veit and Gould, page 158, emphasise the visited. What was LaToya doing?
importance of ‘using your own words and your own
style’ when paraphrasing. a. Analyzing quantitative information
b. Re-evaluating the initial goals
6. True or False: The reference list is arranged in the c. Analyzing qualitative information
order of resources cited in your assignment. d. Finalizing recommendations
a. True
b. False 14. Which of the following parts of a research paper
c. No comment should be in the concluding part of the research
a.Summary of findings, conclusions and d. Title
b. Summary of findings, methodology and 22. In presenting the conlusions of the study, what
recommendations should be the guide of the researcher?
c. Summary of findings, conclusions and Abstract
a. Statement of the problem of the study
15. Which of the following contents of the summary of b.Scope and delimitations of the study
findings is considered as the most important? c.Statistical test used
d. Methodology of the study
a. Research findings from which the conclusion
will be derived 23. Why is the conclusion important in the research
b. Lists of research questions and hypothesis process?
c. Brief restatement of the research
methodology a.It provides explanation of the concept
d. Overall research problem of the study b. It improves the pertinent variables of the
investigation undertaken
16. Which of the following statements is answered by c. It addresses other researchers who want to pursue
your research study? similar study
d. it summarizes the principal features of the study.
a. The hesitations of the researchers
b. The questions of the field of experts 24. The conclusion is the first, thus the most important
c. The queries of the previous researchers part of the research study
d. Every research question you have in your a. True
research study b. False
17. Which of the following suggestions should you c. Cannot be determined.
use in writing your conclusion? d. maybe

a. complex words 25. As a student researcher, drawing logical

b. High Jargon Sentences conclusions and formulating unbiased
c. A clear and simple ang language recommendations have equal importance in the
d. Mathematical symbol development of academic excellence of the institution.

18. The following statement show how to draw logical a. True

conclusion? b. False
c. Cannot be determined.
a. Summarize your thoughts and convey the d. maybe
larger significance of the study
b. Present the last word on the issues or gaps 26. When you ise in-text citation within your paper?
raised on your paper a. At the end of each page
c. Draw the inclusion and exclusion of research b.at the end of every paragraph
variables c. whenever information has come from another
d. Demonstrate the importance of your ideas source

19. Which of the following parts of the research 27. For all paraphrased or summarized content the
paper serves as a practical suggestions for the intext citation must include?
future researchers?
a.The authors last name and the last paragraph
a. Abstract of the study number
b. Summary of findings b. The authors last name and date of publication
c. Conclusions of the study c.the title of the document and the authors last name
d. Recommendations of the study 28. Which of the following examples includes a
properly formatted in-text citation for summary or
20. Which of the following statements is the main paraphase?
purpose of the recommendations of your research
study? a. Smith implied the assumptions of the
research indicated a problem…. ( Smith,
a. Determined the main variables of the study 2024)
b. Explain the methodology of your study b. Jones ( 2024) stated the results of the study
c. Provide a beneficial guide to resolve certain directly correlate with challenges
issues that can possibly result in a beneficial c. ABC corporation ( Jones 2023) was
outcome. operating on a significant reduced budget.
d. Discuss the benefits of the participants 29. What does APA stand for?
a. American Psychology Association
21. In writing the recommendations, where should b. American Publication Association
the researcher based its suggestions? c. American Paper Association
a. conclusions of the study
b. findings 30. What line spacing should you use for all text in an
c. Statement of the problem APA Style paper?
a. 1.5 a. Library Catalog
b. Double
b. Online database
c. Single
c. Government publications
31. What type of font and size is recommended for
APA papers?
38. ______ is an example of a search engine.
a) Times New Roman, 12-point
b) Arial, 10-point
c) Comic Sans, 14-point a. Library
d) Calibri, 11-point
b. Google scholar
32. What is the purpose of using APA style in
academic writing? c. Humanities Catalog

a. To make papers look longer 39. The main purpose of the review of the
b. To maintain consistency and clarity in writing literature is to:
across disciplines
a. Acknowledge the work of others by listing
c. To restrict creativity in writing
their findings prior to proposing your own
b. Show how your study is related to, and
33. Which of the following citation formats is extends, other work in the area
acceptable for an article in the review of related c. Show how your study is superior to other
literature section? work done in the area.

a. Smith (2010) 40. A well-written literature review

b. Smith(2021) a. Emphasizes critique and synthesis of the
c. Smith (2005) work of others that is related to your own
research problem.
34. In a review of related literature, which citation b. Avoids summarizing the work of others so
format is appropriate for referencing an article that details of the original work are not lost in
published in the same year as the current year (e.g., the reviewing process.
2022)? c. Avoids evaluation or critique of the literature
reviewed, so as not to bias the opinion of the
a. Smith (2022) reader.
b. Smith ( January 2022)
c. Smith ( Janurary) 41. What is thematic analysis?
a. A method of data analysis that involves
35. These are paragraphs that provide readers with a generating statistical models
quick overview of the whole paper paragraphs that b. A qualitative method for identifying,
provide readers with a quick overview of the whole analyzing, and reporting themes within data
paper. c. A form of narrative analysis focusing on
character development in stories
a. Output
b. Conclusion
c. Summary d. An approach to conducting experiments in
d. Abstract psychology

36. Generally speaking, the best time to begin the

literature review associated with a specific 42. Which of the following best describes the process
research project is: of thematic analysis?
a.Developing a hypothesis and testing it with
quantitative data
a. After the research problem has been clearly
articulated. b. Transcribing interviews and categorizing responses
b. After the data have been collected, but
c. Identifying patterns, themes, and meanings within
before they are analyzed.
qualitative data
c. Based on personal preference; there is no
single best time
d. Before or during the formulation of the
research problem. 43. What is the purpose of coding in thematic
37. If you want to conduct a keyword or author search analysis?
of research reports published in professional journals,
______ will probably be your best resource. a.Assigning numerical values to qualitative responses
b.Categorizing and labeling data segments with
meaningful codes
c.Calculating statistical significance 5. c
d. Generating word clouds
6. a
7. a
44. What is the chapter 2 of the research? 8. c
a. Review of related literature
b. Research methodology 9. a
c. Findings 10. b
d. Summary of findings, conclusions and
recommendations 11. c
12. d
45. What is the chapter 4 of the research?
a. Review of related literature 13. c
b. Research methodology
14. a
c. Findings
d. Summary of findings, conclusions and 15. a
16. d
46. What is the chapter 3 of the research? 17. c
a. Review of related literature
b. Research methodology 18. a
c. Findings 19. d
d. Summary of findings, conclusions and
recommendations 20. c
21. b
47. What is the chapter 5 of the research?
a. Review of related literature 22. a
b. Research methodology
c. Findings 23. d
d. Summary of findings, conclusions and 24. b
25. a
48. What is the primary purpose of presenting findings 26. c
in Chapter 4 of a research document?
27. b
a.To summarize the research methods
28. a
b. To interpret and discuss the results of data analysis
c. To provide background information on the study 29. a
d. To outline the literature review
30. b
49. Which of the following is a key component of 31. a
presenting qualitative findings?
a. Graphs and charts 32. b
b. Statistical tables
33. a
c. Rich descriptions and quotes from
participants 34. a
d. Mathematical equations
35. c
36. d
50. Why is it important to connect findings back to the
37. b
research questions?
38. b
A) To demonstrate statistical significance
39. b
B) To showcase participants' demographics
C) To justify the methodology 40. a
D) To show how the study addressed its objectives
41. b
1. 42. c
43. b
c 44. a
2. b 45. b
3. d 46. b
4. c 47. d
48. b
49. c
50. D

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