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Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Ultrasound As A Complementary Tool To Mammogram For The Diagnosis of The Breast Cancer?

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Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Ultrasound As A Complementary Tool To Mammogram For The Diagnosis of The Breast Cancer?

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BJR © 2021 The Authors.

Published by the British Institute of Radiology

Received: Revised: Accepted:
07 July 2021 17 August 2021 21 September 2021

Cite this article as:

Mansour S, Kamal R, Hashem L, AlKalaawy B. Can artificial intelligence replace ultrasound as a complementary tool to mammogram for
the diagnosis of the breast cancer?. Br J Radiol 2021; 94: 20210820.


Can artificial intelligence replace ultrasound as a

complementary tool to mammogram for the diagnosis
of the breast cancer?
Women’s Imaging Unit – Kasr El Ainy Hospital- Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Department of Radiology, Baheya Foundation for Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer, Giza, Egypt

Address correspondence to: Dr Sahar Mansour

E-mail: ​sahar_​mnsr@​yahoo.​com

Objective: To study the impact of artificial intelligence 88 (n = 471/1180, 39.9%). AI abnormality scoring of 59%
(AI) on the performance of mammogram with regard to yielded a sensitivity of 96.8% and specificity of 90.1% in
the classification of the detected breast lesions in corre- the discrimination of the breast lesions detected on the
lation to ultrasound-­aided mammograms. included mammograms.
Methods: Ethics committee approval was obtained Conclusion: AI could be considered as an optional
in this prospective analysis. The study included 2000 primary reliable complementary tool to the digital
mammograms. The mammograms were interpreted by mammogram for the evaluation of the breast lesions.
the radiologists and breast ultrasound was performed The color hue and the abnormality scoring percentage
for all cases. The Breast Imaging Reporting and Data presented a credible method for the detection and
System (BI-­ RADS) score was applied regarding the discrimination of breast cancer of near accuracy to the
combined evaluation of the mammogram and the breast ultrasound. So consequently, AI- mammogram
ultrasound modalities. Each breast side was individu- combination could be used as a one setting method to
ally assessed with the aid of AI scanning in the form of discriminate between cases that require further imaging
targeted heat-­map and then, a probability of malignancy or biopsy from those that need only time interval follows
(abnormality scoring percentage) was obtained. Opera- up.
tive and the histopathology data were the standard of Advances in knowledge: Recently, the indulgence of
reference. AI in the work-­up of breast cancer was concerned. AI
Results: Normal assigned cases (BI-­ RADS 1) with no noted as a screening strategy for the detection of breast
lesions were excluded from the statistical evaluation. cancer. In the current work, the performance of AI was
The study included 538 benign and 642 malignant studied with regard to the diagnosis not just the detec-
breast lesions (n = 1180, 59%). BI-­RADS categories for tion of breast cancer in the mammographic-­ detected
the breast lesions with regard to the combined evalu- breast lesions. The evaluation was concerned with AI as
ation of the digital mammogram and ultrasound were a possible complementary reading tool to mammogram
assigned BI-­ RADS 2 (Benign) in 385 lesions with AI and included the qualitative assessment of the color
median value of the abnormality scoring percentage hue and the quantitative integration of the abnormality
of 10 (n = 385/1180, 32.6%), and BI-­RADS 5 (malignant) scoring percentage.
in 471, that had showed median percentage AI value of

INTRODUCTION the mammogram. Moreover, if the tumors were easily

Mammography sometimes is not the suitable choice for seen, the actual extend of the disease may not be clearly
breast imaging especially when the glandular tissue showed demonstrated.2
the dense pattern.1
Recently, the possible use of artificial intelligence (AI) is
Tissue overlap that may display between the normal increasingly studied in the screening of breast cancer. The
tissue and tumors of the breast limits the sensitivity of advances in deep learning will likely present a valuable
Artificial intelligence and diagnosis of breast cancer BJR

participation to upgrade the performance of digital mammo- as a heatmap and a representative abnormality score, which is the
gram for breast imaging.3 maximum of the pixel-­level abnormality scores. The abnormality
scores are floating-­point values between 0 and 1.
AI is expected to be potentially applied for the diagnosis of the
breast cancer, determination of its extent within the breast tissue Based on a per-­image analysis of the algorithm, the resulting
and the interpretation of the pathology.4 diagnostic support software provides four-­view heatmaps and an
abnormality score per breast (i.e. the maximum of the cranio-
Ongoing studies suggested the AI algorithm is about to reach a caudal and mediolateral oblique abnormality scores) for each
high level of performance in the context of the detection of the input mammogram to detect breast lesions.
breast cancer at the screening mammography.5
Included cases were also subjected to complementary ultrasound
The purpose of this work is to perform a prospective study on examination (HS60 Samsung ultrasound, Korea, 2019) to support
mammogram scanned with AI algorithm and evaluate its impact the BI-­RADS category provided by the digital mammogram and
on the detection and/or discrimination of cancer in correlation the detected lesions seen at the snapshot images presented via
with mammogram aided with complementary ultrasound. the AI system.


Patients Three readers (25 years experience in breast imaging each)
The current work is an ethics committee approved prospective assessed all mammograms in individual sessions.
analysis that evaluated 1000 patients with total of 2000 mammo-
grams from August 2019 till September 2020. All patients Mammograms were given the five BI-­RADS categories,8 where
enrolled in the study have given an informed consent. BI-­RADS category number 1 was given for the normal appearing
mammograms. Abnormalities detected on the mammograms
Inclusion criteria: cases eligible for screening mammogram (45 included: mass, focal asymmetry, focal distortion or calcifications.
years or older) and patients more than 30 years of age with clin-
ical complaints. The breast lesions detected on the mammogram was then re-­eval-
uated by ultrasound regarding; texture patterns (solid or cystic or
Exclusion criteria: patients with known breast cancer under complex), long axis orientation (in plane with the breast tissue
chemotherapy follow-­ up or performed conservative breast or vertical infiltration) and the presence of secondary suspicious
surgery. Patients with biopsy proven breast cancer and patients signs of breast disease as interstitial edematous changes and
who are not eligible to do screening mammogram as: Cases less dermal thickening.
than 30 years of age and pregnant patients
The BI-­RADS category was applied after the inclusion of the
Methods findings of the complementary breast ultrasound to those of the
Each patient was imaged with digital mammography, (manu- mammography.
facture: Amulet Innovality, Fujifilm Gobal company, Japan).
Mammography machines are supported with a “Bellus” worksta- The AI software provided a localization of detected abnormali-
tion of resolution five megapixels. The breasts were imaged in the ties that was categorized by the system algorithm. AI interpre-
craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views. tation was performed regarding qualitataive and quantitative
criteria. (I) Qualitative criteria: data visualization that represents
Included breasts were then re-­scanned by AI software (Lunit the magnitude of abnormality in the form of a color hue “heat
INSIGHT MMG, v. 2019) for Fujifilm digital mammography map”. The color hue is a mix of different colored patches not
system which was designed to support deep learning reading a pure pigment (i.e. not distinctive colors). These colors mix
of the mammogram images through a provider developed marks the breast lesion on the mammogram images. The colors
algorithms. indulged ranged from the light turquoise blue to the intense red.
Such range of colors was superimposed on each other; where the
The AI algorithm was developed on the basis of deep convolu- degree of hotness of the color was increased in correlation with
tional neural networks (CNNs). The algorithm training consists the increase in the value of the abnormality scoring percentage
of two stages: patch-­level training from scratch for learning which is a reflection to the confidence of suspicion of malignancy.
low-­level features (Stage 1), followed by image-­level fine tuning
from the Stage 1 model for learning high-­level context (Stage 2). (II) Quantitative criteria: numerical estimate of the degree
Only lesion-­annotated mammograms were used in Stage 1 (fully of confidence for the suspicion of malignancy “abnormality
supervised), whereas all mammograms were used in Stage 2 scoring” that ranges from 1 to 100, with the value 100 repre-
(semi-­supervised). Batch-­instance normalization6 and a decon- senting the highest level of suspicion.
volution module7 were additionally adopted to overcome vari-
ance of pixel-­level characteristics and increase of false positives, The study included only the pathologically proven cases. The
respectively. For an input mammogram image (i.e. one of the four pathology data obtained via ultrasound-­guided core biopsy/
views), the AI algorithm provides pixel-­level abnormality scores surgery was the standard of reference.

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BJR Mansour et al

Statistical analysis Table 1. Variety of breast lesions that was included in the study
The collected data were coded, tabulated, and statistically
analyzed using a statistical package (SPSS v. 20). Descriptive
Pathology (Percentage)
statistics were performed for quantitative parametric data as
mean ± SD, whereas they were performed for qualitative data as Benign Fibroadenoma 234 (43.5%)
number and percentage. Fibrocystic disease 90 (16.7%)
Infectious mastitis 60 (11.2 %)
Standard diagnostic indices including sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) Fat necrosis 40 (7.4%)
and diagnostic accuracy were calculated. Comparisons of sensi- Atypical intraductal 36 (6.7%)
tivity or specificity between the combined mammography and epithelial hyperplasia
ultrasound and the AI performance were performed. Compar- Granulomatous mastitis 28 (5.2%)
ison between categorical data was performed using χ2 test. The
Fibroadenolipoma 20 (3.7%)
level of statistical significance (p-­value) for all tests was set at
0.05. The p-­value is a statistical measure for the probability that Nodular sclerosis 16 (3%)
the results observed in a study could have occurred by chance. Stromal fibrosis/fibrous 14 (2.6%)
Results Malignant Invasive ductal 532 (83%)
500 patients were included in the current work ( 590 breasts/ carcinoma
mammograms); their age ranged from 30 to 63 years old. Mean Ductal carcinoma in situ 66 (10.3%)
age was 49 ± 10.6 years (mean ± SD).
Invasive lobular 21 (3.2%)
Normal assigned cases (BI-­RADS 1) were excluded from the
statistical evaluation. Cases for analysis were those with detected Invasive papillary 7 (1.1%)
abnormalities (i.e. BI-­RADS 2, 3, 4 and 5) on conventional
imaging (n = 1180): The study included 538 benign and 642 Mucinous carcinoma 9 (1.4%)
malignant breast lesions Medullary carcinoma 4 (0.6%)
Inflammtory 3 (0.4%)
Positive cases were those with BI-­RADS 4 and 5 categorizes (n = carcinomatosis
678/1180, 57%).

Table 1 displayed the various types of breast lesions included in = 3), mucinous carcinoma in 1.4% (n = 9), medullary carcinoma
the study. The benign lesions included fibroadenoma in 43.5% (n in 0.6% (n = 4) and inflammatory carcinomatosis 0.4% (n = 3).
= 234), fibrocystic disease in
The histological grade of these breast invasive and non-­invasive
16.7% (n = 90), infectious mastitis in 11.2% (n = 60), fat necrosis carcinomas were Grade I in 16% (n = 85), Grade II in 69% (n =
in 7.4% (n = 40), atypical intraductal epithelial hyperplasia in 367) and Grade III in 15% (n = 80).
6.7% (n = 36), granulomatous mastitis in 5.2% (n = 28), fibro-
adenolipoma in 3.7% (n = 20), nodular sclerosis in 3% (n = 16), On mammogram, breast lesions presented by masses in 65.4%
stromal fibrosis/fibrous mastopathy in 2.6% (n = 14). (n = 771), asymmetrical density and distortion in 18% (n = 213),
asymmetry without distortion in 10.6% (n = 125) and calcifica-
The malignant lesions included invasive ductal carcinoma in tions in 6% (n = 71).
82.4% (n = 529), ductal carcinoma in situ in 10.3% (n = 66),
invasive lobular carcinoma in 3.2% (n = 21), invasive papillary On ultrasound lesions abnormalities represented focal lesions of
carcinoma in 1.1% (n = 7), malignant phylloids tumor in 0.5% (n solid texture in 57% (n = 672), cystic pattern in 20% (n = 236),

Table 2. The correlation between the AI assigned percentage of the abnormality scoring and the BI-­RADS category of the included
breast lesions

AI abnormality
score *BI-­RADS Inter quartile
category No. Median First quartile Third quartile range p value
Likely benign 2 385 10 10 15 5 <0.001
Probably benign 3 117 14 10 30 20 0.741
Probably malignant 4 207 39 17 74 57 0.020
Likely malignant 5 471 88 77 93 16 <0.001
AI, artificial intelligence; BI-­RADS, Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.

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Artificial intelligence and diagnosis of breast cancer BJR

Table 3. The correlation between the pathology outcome (benign vs malignant) of the included breast lesions and the AI assigned
percentage of the abnormality scoring

Pathology *AI abnormality score No. Median First quartile Third quartile Inter quartile range
Benign 538 25 18 37 19
Malignant 642 88 78 94 16
AI, artificial intelligence; BI-­RADS, Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.

complex pattern in 17% (n = 200). The long axis of the detected negative and 45 false positive breast lesions, while AI displayed
lesions were in-­plane with the breast tissue in 23% (n = 274) and 20 false negative and 53 false positive when correlated with the
presented with vertical infiltrative form in 51% (n = 598). No pathology outcome.
focal lesions were detected on ultrasound in 6% (n = 72), where
the presented findings were only edematous changes and dermal Table 4 shows sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV, and NPV
thickening. of conventional breast imaging (digital mammogram and ultra-
sound) and mammograms scanned with AI abnormality scoring.
The BI-­RADS categories for the breast lesions as regards the
combined evaluation of the digital mammogram and ultrasound DISCUSSION
were assigned BI-­RADS 2 (Benign) in 385 lesions with AI median Early detection of breast cancer carries high potentials of successful
value of the abnormality scoring percentage of 10, (n = 385/1180, treatment, that why it is very important to choose the appropriate
32.6%), BI-­RADS 3 (Probably benign) in 117 lesions and median method for screening of the earliest signs of the cancer.9
AI % value of 14 (n = 117/1180, 10%), BI-­RADS 4 (probably
malignant) in 207 lesions, median AI % value equals to 39 (n = The screening of breast cancer by mammogram is more efficient
207/1180, 17.5%) and BI-­RADS 5 (malignant) in 471, that had with the addition of ultrasound examination especially in females
showed median percentage AI value of 88 (n = 471/1180, 39.9%) of elevated risk of developing breast cancer and even in an early
Table 2 displayed the correlation between the BI-­RADS cate-
gory of the included breast lesions (combined evaluation of Recently, the indulgence of AI in the work-­up for the detection
the mammogram and the ultrasound assessment) and the AI of cancer and the probability that it could help the diagnosis, the
assigned percentage of the scoring abnormality. The outcome choice of the treatment, the patient’s outcome, and the workflow
of benign pathology correlated with the AI percentage and areas in the field of radiology in general and breast imaging espe-
presented by interquartile range and median values of 19 and cially has been reviewed earlier in the literature.11–16
25 respectively, while for the malignant breast lesions the values
were 16 and 88. Yet, the performance of the AI should be monitored by the radiol-
ogist in order to prevent the element of an improper management
Table 3 defined the correlation between the AI scoring of abnor- recommendation, incorrect report and the most important to elim-
mality and the pathology outcome (benign vs malignant). To inate the possibility of the miscommunication to the patient.17
determine a cut-­off value for the abnormality scoring percentage
that can suggest benign vs malignant nature breast lesion, the Previous work that focused on the mammograms and AI was
point on ROC curve was used. AI abnormality scoring of 59% concerned with the performance of AI as a standalone screening
yielded a sensitivity of 96.8% and specificity of 90.1% in the strategy or as a complementary reading tool to mammogram for
discrimination of the breast lesions detected on the included the detection of breast cancer.
In the current work, the performance of the AI was studied with
In the current work, conventional breast imaging - presented by regard the to the diagnosis not just the detection of breast cancer
digital mammography and breast ultrasound - displayed 9 false in the mammographic-­detected breast lesions. The pattern and

Table 4. The statistical indices of the conventional breast imaging (digital mammogram and ultrasound) and those of the AI
scanned mammograms with regards the discrimination of the breast lesions

Modality Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Accuracy LHR +ve LHR -ve
Conventional   98.6%   91.6%  93.3%  98.2%   95.4%  1.0883  1.0655
(mammogram and
AI scanned   96.8%   90.1%  92.1%   96%   93.8%  1.0864  1.0633
AI, artificial intelligence; BI-­RADS, Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System; LHR, Likelihood ratio; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive
predictive value.

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Figure 1. Female patient 30 years old with left breast upper Figure 2. Female patient 36 years old with right breast gran-
outer quadrant invasive ductal carcinoma. A, bilateral digital ulomatous mastitis. A, bilateral digital mammogram (crani-
mammogram (craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views ocaudal and mediolateral oblique views that showed dense
that showed dense breast (ACR c), left breast upper outer breast (ACR c), right breast lower inner deeply seated focal
focal area of increased density (arrow). B, breast ultrasound ill-­
defined area of asymmetrical density (circle). B, breast
(color-­coded) that displayed irregular solid mass at the site of ultrasound that showed suspicious ill-­defined heterogeneous
compliant with increased vascularity. C, AI scanned mammo- mainly hypoechoic lesion (upper row; grayscale left image
gram image that marked the left breast upper outer quadrant and color coded right one). Lower row showed average sized
disease in a heatmap; the disease seen marked by an intense lymph nodes yet looked indeterminate with asymmetrical
color hue larger than the size displayed by the mammogram/ cortical thickening of 0.3–0.4 cm and eccentric fatty hilum C,
ultrasound and displayed abnormality scoring of 99% con- AI scanned mammogram image that marked the left breast
fidence of malignancy. D, digital breast tomosynthesis (as abnormality with a faint light blue color hue (arrow) and a
another tool of breast imaging) exhibited left breast mass low abnormality scoring of 24% that was not coinciding with
(arrow) and moreover an additional nearby partly circum- the suspicious morphology that was presented by the con-
scribed lesion (arrow), that was not obvious at the mammo- ventional breast imaging. The case was assigned BI-­RADS 4
gram or the ultrasound scanning. Such lesion turned out to be by the conventional imaging and so was a false positive. With
a malignant intramammary sentinel lymph node at the pathol- respect to the AI; the presented heatmap and the low scoring
ogy report after surgery. AI not just located the cancer, yet of suspicion matched with the benign outcome of the pathol-
moreover showed the full extent of the disease as confirmed ogy. AI, artificial intelligence.
by the operative data. AI, artificial intelligence.

15% while those presented with intense red will likely be presented
with high scoring of >80% score.

The significance of such color hue on the mammogram images is

intensity of the focal color in the form of heat map was considered to spot the lesions of concern presented in the included breasts, so
for the qualitative evaluation, and thus localization of the abnor- that to localize which portion of the breast was correlating with the
abnormality scoring that is seen at the bottom of the image and also
mality in addition to the integration of the value of the abnormality
to guide the follow up or the biopsy in case further imaging settings
scoring in order to find out if there is a correlation between this
were required.
numerical estimate (i.e. confidence of malignancy suspicion) and
the nature of the detected lesions. The percentage of suspicion of malignancy was then correlated
with the pathology outcome.
Lesions that had low probability of cancer - i.e.<10% scoring-
showed no marking with the color hue, then gradually with the The study included 538 benign and 642 malignant lesions
increase of the scoring a turquoise color could be visualized starting detected in 1180 mammograms.

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Artificial intelligence and diagnosis of breast cancer BJR

Figure 3. Female patient 42 years old with positive family Figure 4. A 45-­year-­old female presenting with breast density
history of breast cancer complained of right breast mastal- ACR type b and right breast mass proved to be mucinous car-
gia and performed a diagnostic mammogram. A, bilateral cinoma. A, digital mammogram of the right beast (mediolat-
digital mammogram (craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique eral oblique and craniocaudal views) right breast lower central
views) of dense breasts (ACR c). Right breast upper outer ill-­ (six clock) region showed dense partly irregular mass (arrow).
defined area of increased density (lesion 1-­circle) and related B, breast ultrasound showed upper row grayscale and lower
clustered microcalcifications. There was ipsilateral deep cen- row color-­coded; there is a superficial isoechoic purely solid
tral partly obscured lesion (lesion 2-­arrow). B, breast ultra- mass, partly irregular that went with the plane of the breast
sound correlates with the aforementioned right breast two tissue and showed scanty vascularity. The mass was consid-
lesions. The upper row showed ill-­defined hypoechoic lesion ered probably benign and given BI-­RADS 3 (i.e. false nega-
highly suspicious of malignancy in correlation to the lesion tive). C, AI heatmap showed the mass with color overlay and
no. 1. The lower row showed ultrasound image of lesion no.2 a high abnormality scoring of 84%. According to AI the mass
which turned out to be a benign looking circumscribed solid is highly suspicious of being malignant and so it was a true-­
mass. C, contrast-­enhanced spectral mammogram of the right positive case.
breast that displayed i) intense heterogeneous enhancement
of lesion no.1 and ii) fair homogenous contrast uptake of lesion
no. 2 that was comparable to the background contrast uptake
of the breast. So, on conventional breast imaging lesion no.
1 was assigned BI-­RADS 4 and lesion no. 2 was considered
benign. D, AI scanned mammogram image with displayed
faintly demarcation of the right breast lesions (arrows) by the
heatmap and a low abnormality scoring of the right breast of
33% was displayed. lesion no.1 at the right breast displayed
probably malignant morphology and the contrast uptake
increased the suspicion of right breast carcinoma yet pathol-
ogy reported benign lesion that was nodular sclerosis match-
ing with the AI findings and presenting another false-­positive
case regarding conventional imaging and a specific diagnosis
of true negative by the AI.

The current work showed sensitivity of 96.8% and specificity

of 90.1% for the AI in the discrimination of the breast lesions
detected on the included mammograms.

In the current experience; mammograms that were supported with

the AI algorithms were able to diagnose 96.8% (n = 622/642) true
positive breast lesions, in a way comparable to the combined assess-
ment of the mammogram and ultrasound that showed correct
positive diagnoses in 98.6% (n = 633/642), Figure 1. Yet even, the
applied color hue provided by the AI scanning presented a precise
Since mammogram is the modality of screening (i.e. detection) full extend of the disease in the form of intense hot colored hue (i.e.
and ultrasound is the modality of discrimination (i.e. characteriza- presence of red, yellow and orange colors) not just demarcation of
tion) then, the performance of the mammogram together with AI the site of the abnormality, figures 1c, 1d, 6a and 6b.
was studied in correlation with the combined examination of the
According to Stavros et al, AI feature analytic algorithms may
mammogram and ultrasound.
support subdividing the BI-­RADS category 4, thus can prompt
the use of BI-­RADS-­based structured reporting and encourage
To our knowledge, this is a leading study in evaluating mammo-
the reconsider of tissue sampling for these lesions.19
gram scanned with AI as an alternative tool to the use of the
commonly used breast imaging two modalities which are the This was the condition with some cases who presented by suspi-
mammogram and the ultrasound. cious looking lesions on the primary evaluation by mammogram
and ultrasound and then when these mammograms were scanned
The study performed by Dheeba and Selvi showed one of by AI, the suspicious looking lesions were given a faint blue
the highest sensitivity of 96.9% and specificity of 92.9% for color hue and a low abnormality scoring percentage of suspicion
the proposed AI algorithm in detection of the cancer in the (Figures 2 and 3). In these cases, if the AI pattern of interpreta-
mammograms.18 tion were considered in the clinical setting, then biopsy could have

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Figure 5. Female patient 50 years old with right breast malig- Figure 6. Female patient 50 years old with right breast inva-
nant phylloids tumor. A, digital mammogram of the right sive ductal carcinoma and left breast complex adenoma. A,
breast that showed upper inner dense mass was seen framed bilateral digital mammogram that showed a right breast upper
by a tissue reaction (arrow) that was given a BI-­RADS 4 cat- outer quadrant indistinct dense mass (arrow). Associate are-
egory. B, breast ultrasound (grayscale). Upper row showed a olar and periaerolar mild dermal thickening and the central
mainly solid isoehoic mass with few cystic changes and mar- portion of the breast showed regional area of asymmetrical
ginal lobulations. The mass was seen extending along the and increased densities not specified to be part of the dis-
axis of the breast tissue and was assigned probably benign ease or just reactionary inflammatory edematous changes.
(BI-­RADS 3). Lower row showed ipsilateral axillary node, with B, AI scanned mammograms that showed intense mainly red
minimal cortical thickening and preserved fatty hilum, and color hue applied to the upper outer quadrant mass, yet the
was considered a reactionary node. C, AI scanned mammo- central portion of the barest was not included in the heatmap.
gram showed intense color hue of mainly red color and a very C, bilateral contrast enhanced mammogram that showed het-
confident abnormality scoring percentage of malignancy of erogeneous intense contrast uptake of only the upper outer
100%. The ultrasound downgraded the BI-­RADS category of quadrant right breast mass (circle) and so contrast-­enhanced
the right breast mass and so the current case was a false neg- mammogram confirmed the scanning presented by the AI and
ative one by the conventional breast imaging yet the category so accordingly, the case was diagnosed right breast unifocal
was upgraded to BI-­RADS 5 and the case was true positive carcinoma and associate reactive inflammatory changes. The
on AI basis. AI, artificial intelligence; BI-­RADS, Breast Imaging left breast showed a small homogenously enhancing circum-
Reporting and Data System scribed mass (arrow) that was not spotted on the AI scanned
images. D, breast ultrasound, left image is a grayscale and
right image is a color-­coded mode, showed the left breast ret-
roareolar solid mass of increased vascularity that proved to be
complex adenoma. E, crainocoded view of the left breast, left
image is a digital mammogram and right image is a contrast-­
enhanced mammogram, retrograde evaluation of the conven-
tional mammogram guided by the contrast enhanced image;
the left breast complex adenoma_ that was ignored by the
AI_ was located on the mammogram (arrow). AI, artificial

been dismissed or even if biopsy was performed, that would be just

to exclude malignancy without unneeded panic and/or anxiety
for the patients. These lesions with low scoring percentage will
be subjected to interval follow-­up and if changes did occur later
(whether in the form of increase in the extension marked by the
color hue on the mammogram and /or increase in the value of the
abnormality scoring percentage that could be visually assessed by
the increased in the hotness of the color hue), then at that stage
biopsy could be an essential.

AI was able to suggest benign disease and presented true nega-

tive cases in 485/538 (90.1%). In the current work, the combined consideration of the color hue
for lesion localization and the value of the abnormality scoring
On using conventional breast imaging such as mammography and presented by the AI helped to diagnose carcinoma in probably
ultrasound, sometimes there is a difficulty to distinguish malignant benign looking masses (Figures 4 and 5).
masses if they possess a benign feature such as a well-­circumscribed
margin, homogenous texture or oval shape.20 These types of masses For malignant looking and suspicious lesions that were assigned
may include: intracystic papillary carcinoma, invasive papillary by the readers as BI-­RADS 4 and 5 category and were proved to
carcinoma, mucinous, medullary, and metaplastic carcinomas, as be cancer by the pathology (n = 623/642) represented 97% with a
well as malignant phyllodes tumors. range of abnormality scoring at the AI of 59 to 100%.

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On the other side, breast lesions with typical benign or probably animal) where objects of interest usually occupy a large fraction of
benign breast features on the conventional imaging that were these natural images.3
assigned BI-­RADS 2 and 3 categories respectively and proved
to be benign by the pathology (n = 404 lesions, 75%) showed a In the current experience, there was a significant correla-
range from zero (i.e. >10%) to 40% on AI scanning. tion between the BI-­RADS category that was assigned by the
combined evaluation of the mammogram and ultrasound and
Pathology proved benign lesions showed AI median value of the the abnormality scoring elicited by the AI scanning with regards
abnormality scoring percentage of 25 and for malignant lesions, the categories; “likely benign, BI-­RADS 2” (p value:<0.001),
it was 88. “probably malignant, BI-­RADS 4” (p value: 0.020), “likely malig-
nant, BI-­RADS 5” (p value:<0.001).
AI abnormality scoring of 59% yielded a specificity of 90.1%,
NPV of 96% and accuracy of 93.8% in the discrimination of the The radiologists need many years to learn from millions of images,
breast lesions that were detected on the included mammograms. yet a neural network can learn and modulate in a few days. There-
fore, it is expected that human-­like AI machines are going to be
False-­negative lesions on AI (n = 20) were invasive ductal carci- used as a creditable method of knowledge discovery so long as
noma (n = 4), invasive lobular (n = 4), DCIS (n = 6), inflamma- their performance is adequately supervised and consequently their
tory carcinomatosis (n = 5), and medulllary carcinoma (n = 1). ability to explain predictions is enhanced.
While, false-­positive lesions (n = 53) were fibroadenolipoma (n =
5), fibrocystic disease (n = 13), fat necrosis (n = 7), fibroadenoma Further research studies are needed to pave the way for these
(n = 3), infectious mastitis (n = 15), fibrous mastopathy (n = 3) neural networks and indulge them for optimization of the
and granulomatous mastitis (n = 7), mammograms in particular and generally medical images.

In the current experience; the AI algorithm sometimes ignored CONCLUSION

typical benign looking masses. As a result, no focal areas were AI could be considered as an optional primary reliable complemen-
spotted by the color hue at the heatmap images, the given abnor- tary tool to the digital mammogram for the evaluation of the breast
mality scoring for the breast as whole was a low scoring of <10% and lesions. The color hue and the abnormality scoring percentage
the breast was assigned as negative for malignancy. However, some presented a credible method for the localization and discrimina-
of these mammograms showed obvious benign looking masses or tion of breast cancer of near accuracy to the breast ultrasound. So
masses that were only conspicuous on the ultrasound. consequently, AI- mammogram combination could be used as a
one setting method to discriminate between breast lesions that
Such final outcome is not accepted in the clinical practice as the require further imaging or biopsy from those that need only time
presence of benign masses requires close follow-­up not neglec- interval follow-­up.
tion and part of them may even require elective biopsy/ surgery
1. Guarantor of integrity of the entire study: M.S.
So, in case of dense breast (i.e. ACR c and d), it is recommended 2. Study concepts and design: K.R. and M.S.
to support the AI-­mammogram findings with an ultrasound 3. Literature research: M.S., H.L., and A.B.
examination. 4. Clinical studies: H.L. and A.B.
5. Experimental studies / data analysis: M.S., H.L., and A.B.
Another point that could limit the inclusion of the AI systems in 6. Statistical analysis: M.S.
the clinical setting is the inability of the machine to explain the 7. Manuscript preparation: K.R., H.L., A.B. and M.S..
presented data to the human user. 8. Manuscript editing: K.R., and M.S.

Human-­like AI systems learn from both examination-­level and CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
pixel-­level labels and require a detailed supervision to be able to All patients included in this research were legible; above 16 years
supply a high performance. However, inter observer variability of age. They gave written informed consent to publish the data
does widen the scope.21 contained within this study.

Medical images have properties that make them very different from ETHICS APPROVAL AND CONSENT TO
images from natural scenes (e.g. images of a tree or dog), e.g. the PARTICIPATE
objects of interest that determine the class usually occupy a large The study was approved by the ethical committee of the
fraction of natural images, objects of interest on medical images Radiology Departments of an academic highly specialized multi-
are often relatively small, which sometimes make it difficult for AI disciplinary Hospital and an informed written consent was taken
system to analyze unlike natural scenes (e.g. images of a plant or an from the patients that were included in the study.

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