Open Channel Flow
Open Channel Flow
Open Channel Flow
An open channel is a flow system in which the top surface of the fluid is exposed to the
atmosphere. The term open channel refers to liquid flow that is not completely enclosed
by solid boundaries (such as in a river). In open channel flow therefore, the flowing
liquid has a free surface, and thus the liquid is not under gauge pressure at the surface.
open channel is takes place due to slope of bed of the channel only. The Hydraulic grade
line of open channel flow is exactly conceding with the water surface but the total energy
lines lie at a distance of (V2/2g) above the hydraulic grade line at every section as in
closed channel.
Flow classification
Recalling that flow may be steady or unsteady and uniform or non-uniform, the major
classifications applied to open channels are as follows:
Steady and Unsteady: Time is the criterion. Flow is said to be steady if the depth of
flow at a particular point does not change or can be considered constant for the time
interval under consideration. The flow is unsteady if depth changes with time.
Uniform and non-uniform Flow: Space as the criterion. Open Channel flow is said to
be uniform if the depth and velocity of flow are the same at every section of the channel.
Hence it follows that uniform flow can only occur in prismatic channels. Flow in
channels is termed as non-uniform or varied if the depth of flow y, changes from section
to section s 0 . Non-uniform flow is rapidly varied flow If the depth of flow
changes a abruptly over a comparatively short distance; eg. Hydraulic Jump Non-
Uniform flow is gradually varied flow. If the change in depth of flow takes place
gradually in a long reach of the channel.
Steady uniform flow, in which the depth is constant, both with time and distance. This
constitutes the fundamental type of flow in an open channel in which the gravity forces
are in equilibrium with the resistance forces.
Steady non-uniform flow, in which the depth varies with distance, but not with time.
The flow may be either (a) gradually varied or (b) rapidly varied.
Type (a) requires the joint application of energy and frictional resistance equations. Type
(b) requires the application of energy and momentum principles.
Unsteady non uniform flow, in which the depth varies with both time and distance
(unsteady uniform flow is very rare). This is the most complex flow type, requiring the
solution of energy, momentum and friction equations through time. The various flow types
are all shown in Figure 1.2.
Re , for open channel
Re , for closed channel
R= ere A – area of cross
hydrau section of the channelP –
mean Wetted perimeter of the
radius channel.
R On this experimental data it has been found that
Types of Open Channel
Channels where flow occurs under free surface can either be natural, such as rivers and
streams, or artificial. Artificial channels comprise all man-made channels, including
irrigation and navigation canals, spillway channels, sewers, culverts and drainage ditches.
They are normally of regular cross-sectional shape and bed slope, and as such are termed
prismatic channels. Their construction materials are varied, but commonly used
materials include concrete, steel and earth. The surface roughness characteristics of these
materials are normally well defined within engineering tolerances.
Canal: a channel built on ground, i.e excavated to the desired shape and slope with or
without lining, usually having a mild slope. The lining could be made of concrete, stone
masonry, cement, wood or bituminous material.
Flume: a channel built (or supported) above the ground to convey fluid from one point to
another. In the field flumes are made of concrete, wood, sheet metal or masonry.
Laboratory flumes are usually made of wood, metal, glass or a composite of these
Chute: is a channel of steep slopes. If the change in elevation in the direction of flow
occurs in a relatively short distance the channel is called a drop.
Culvert: is a relatively short and usually buried conduit that is commonly used for
drainage purposes, as in highways and embankments. Open channel prevails whenever
the culvert is flowing partially full.
Various geometric properties of natural and artificial channels need to be determined for
hydraulic purposes. In the case of artificial channels, these may all be expressed
algebraically in terms of the depth (y), as is shown in Table 1.1. This is not possible for
natural channels, so graphs or tables relating them to stage (h) must be used.
Stage (h) - the vertical distance of the free surface from an arbitrary datum;
Area (A) - the cross-sectional area of flow normal to the direction of flow;
Wetted perimeter (P) - the length of the wetted surface measured normal to the direction
of flow;
Surface width (B) - the width of the channel section at the free surface;
Hydraulic mean depth (Dm) - the ratio of area to surface width (A / B).
Find the bed slope of trapezoidal channel of bed width 6 m, depth of water 3 m and side
slope of 3 horizontal to 4 vertical, when the discharge through the channel is 30 m 3/s.
Take Chezy’s constant, C = 70.
Given: b = 6.0 m, d=3.Om, Side slope = 3 horizontal to 4 vertical
Discharge Q =30 m3/s, Chezy’s constant C =70
For depth of flow =3 m= CE: Distance BE = 3x3/4 = 9/4 =2.25m
A channel transition may be defined as a change in the channel cross section, e. g., change in the channel width
and/or channel bottom slope. Such a geometrical change may be over a distance or it may be sudden. A channel
transition is usually designed so that the losses in the transition are small. Thus, the energy losses in the transition
may be neglected; and consequently the energy equation is more appropriate for the analysis.
A 4-m wide rectangular channel is carrying 10 m 3/s at a depth of 2.5 m. There is a step rise of 0.2 m in the channel
bottom. Assuming there are no losses at the transition, determine the flow depth downstream of the bottom step.
Does the water surface rise or fall at the step?
Given: Q = 10 m 3/s
B =4m
y1 = 2.5 m
∆z = 0.2 m
No head losses at the transition.
Determine: y2 =?
Change in water-surface level = ?
The flow velocity and the specific energy at section 1 are
V1 = Q/ A1
= 10 /(4×2.5)
E1 = y1 + V 2 1/ 2g
=2 .5+ 1 /(2×9.81)
=2 .55m
E2 = y2 + Q2 /(2gA22)
By substituting values of E2, Q, andA2 =4 y2 into this equation and simplifying, we obtain
y3 2 −2.35y2 2 +0 .32 = 0
Solution of this equation by trial and error yields three roots: 2.29, 0.405, and−0.345 m. The third root is physically
impossible because of the negative depth. In addition, only the first root is possible, since the upstream flow is
subcritical, i.e., Fr < 1; the second root requires that the flow has to pass through the critical depth at the step. Hence,
y2 = 2.29 m is the only possible downstream depth. Let us use the channel bottom upstream of the transition as the