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Design and Construction for Sustainable

Industrial Construction
J. K. Yates, M.ASCE 1

Abstract: This article summarizes the results of a research project that was funded by the Construction Industry Institute that addressed
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design and construction for sustainable industrial construction. The research project included a global literature review of articles related to
sustainable industrial construction and a survey investigation of industrial construction firms that was used to determine the viability of
utilizing sustainable practices in the industrial construction industry. Members of the industrial construction industry provided information
on the utilization of sustainable practices in their firms and numerous examples of the types of sustainable practices that they have already
implemented in their firms. The research project also developed several implementation resources that are discussed, such as a quick start
guide for implementing sustainability practices, two maturity models that could be used to help evaluate the level of sustainability on projects,
and a checklist for sustainability evaluation of industrial construction projects. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000673. © 2014
American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Sustainability; Sustainable development; Industrial construction; Construction; Design for construction; Environmental
issues in construction; Planning for construction; Construction materials and methods.

Introduction that are removed from structures should be recycled or reused

rather than disposed of in landfills. Cradle-to-grave considerations
There is detailed information on sustainability practices in the and life cycle analysis techniques also could be used to determine
building construction industry, such as the U.S. Green Building the most sustainable practices and materials. This article summa-
Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rizes the results of a research project that investigated all of these
Guidelines, the Los Alamos National Laboratory Sustainability areas as they pertain to the industrial construction industry that was
Design Guidelines, Green Globes, CASBEE Comprehensive As- funded by the Construction Industry Institute (CII).
sessment, BEES Stars, Green Star, Green Guide to Specifications,
Responsible Sources Model, Design Quality Indicators, CEE
Quality, the World Green Building Council, UN Environmental Problem Statement
Building Program, the Sustainable Building Alliance, Standard
189.1, and others, but there is no concise summary of the types Having access to information on how to incorporate sustainable
of sustainability practices that could be implemented in the development practices during both the design and construction
heavy/highway and industrial construction industry. of industrial projects would help increase the use of sustainable
Implementing sustainable development practices during in- practices. The reputation management of firms is enhanced when
dustrial construction projects is beneficial to the environment, its members have access to information that helps to generate more
especially in the area of material selection. Some of the sustainabil- informed decisions on whether to implement sustainable practices
ity practices that could be incorporated into the construction phase on projects; on how to determine the economic, social, and envi-
of industrial construction projects include designers incorporating ronmental impact of implementing sustainable practices; and on
materials that are reusable, recyclable, or that require less resources how to determine whether the implementation of sustainable devel-
to produce and transport; using sustainable practices to help opment practices is warranted. Reputation management is one of
reduce energy consumption during construction and operation, the major driving forces for the implementation of sustainable prac-
and using renewable energy alternative technologies. In the area tices, because it helps members of firms procure more work from
of waste management, sustainability considerations include pro- clients that desire sustainable projects.
ducing less waste and recycling more waste. On industrial construction projects, the areas that would benefit
Since the construction industry generates over 50% of the haz- the most from implementing sustainable practices include
ardous waste in the U.S. pollution reduction involves having less • Design modifications,
toxic materials in the products used for construction and also reduc- • Material production,
ing noise and spatial pollution (USGBC 2008; EPA 2008; Fonseca • Material transportation,
et al. 2005). During the deconstruction of projects, the materials • Recourse efficiency,
• The selection of materials that are environmentally neutral
Dean, College of Engineering Technology, Ferris State Univ., 1009 materials,
Campus Dr., JOH 200K, Big Rapids, MI 49307. E-mail: [email protected]
• Alternative energy sources,
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 4, 2011; approved on
January 2, 2013; published online on January 30, 2014. Discussion period • Alternative construction equipment and fuel sources,
open until June 30, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for in- • Methods for complying with government regulations,
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engi- • Supplier and vendor social responsibility,
neering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/B4014005(14)/ • Social and community impacts of projects, and
$25.00. • Production operations.

© ASCE B4014005-1 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

In order to provide members of the engineering and construc- Definitions
tion industry with information that would assist them in incorpo-
rating sustainable practices on industrial construction projects, the This section provides definitions for some of the common terms
Construction Industry Institute Research Team 250 Design and that are used in relation to sustainability in industrial construction.
Construction for Sustainability in Industrial Construction investi-
gated these areas in order to determine methods for improving the Sustainability
sustainability of industrial construction projects. “Sustainability is said to be based on five pillars: conservation of
nature, health and safety, reduced use of materials, social ecology,
and cultural ecology” (Cywinski 2001, p. 13). The last two issues
Objectives of the Research are related to education and knowledge, ethics and culture, and
values of heritage. Other areas of sustainability include “manage-
The objective of the research was to investigate sustainable devel- ment and business practices, design technology and procedures,
opment practices that are used during the design and construction
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construction methods and equipment, materials and systems, and

of industrial facilities in order to provide members of engineering public and government policy. A list of sustainability linked envi-
and construction firms with current information that will help in- ronmental factors includes: energy, building ecology, air-water-
crease their understanding of sustainable development practices. landscaping, waste management, cultural change, and behavioral
To achieve the objectives the research team investigated how to issues” (Cywinski 2001, p. 15).
(1) make more informed decisions on whether to implement sus-
tainable practices on projects, (2) determine the economic impact of
Sustainable Development
implementing sustainable practices, (3) determine social and envi-
ronmental benefits, and (4) determine whether implementing sus- Sustainable development became a mainstream topic when in
tainable development practices has a positive effect on reputation 1995 the World Business Council on Sustainable Development
management. (WBCSD) was formed and this organization includes 160
international companies from more than 30 countries. Members
of the WBCSD determined that the use of eco-efficiency as a tool
Purpose of the Research to measure environmental sustainability performance would help
companies to determine whether they were contributing to sustain-
The main purpose of the research project was to gather information able development or not (Bidwell and Verfaillie 2000). During this
on sustainable development practices in industrial construction same time period a Swedish environmental organization, called The
from existing research and from members of the industrial con- First Step, started promoting “organizational transformation as a
struction industry. The research was conducted to provide members key element for society to shift towards sustainable development”
of the engineering and construction industry with (1) information (Bradbury and Clair 1999).
on the types of sustainability practices that are being implemented The Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge
developed a definition for industrial sustainability that is “concep-
and on why they are being implemented on industrial construction
tualization, design, and manufacture of goods and services that
projects and (2) to provide information to assist in the decision-
meet the needs of the present generation while not diminishing
making processes regarding the implementation and evaluation
economic, social, and environmental opportunity in the long term
of sustainable practices on industrial construction projects.
(Paramanathan et al. 2004).
Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, and
one definition characterizes it as “development that meets the needs
Scope of the Research of the present without compromising the ability of future genera-
tions to meet their own needs” (World Commission on Environ-
Numerous research projects have summarized sustainable develop-
ment and Development 1986). This definition was also adopted
ment practices that are used for building construction projects by the Brundtland Report in 1995, along with seven strategies
including residential, commercial, and institutional construction for sustainable development: (1) reviving growth; (2) changing
projects. The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) developed the quality of growth; (3) meeting essential needs for jobs, food,
the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) met- energy, water, and sanitation; (4) ensuring a sustainable level
ric system, and it is currently being used for certifying building of population; (5) conserving and enhancing the resource base;
construction projects (USGBC 2008). A copy of the LEED Metric (6) reorienting technology and managing risks; and (7) merging the
is available at the USGBC website (http://www.usgbc.org), and it is environment and the economy in decision making (Kirby et al.
also included in the Los Alamos National Laboratory Sustainable 1995).
Design Guide (LANL 2002). Sustainable development is also “a dynamic process which
Since the USGBC, and many other organizations, have assess- enables all people to realize their potential and to improve their
ment methods and metrics for the building industry, the scope of quality of life in ways which simultaneously protect and enhance
this research focused only on the industrial construction sector. the earth’s life support systems” (Leadbitter 2002, p. 2197).
The Sustainability for Industrial Construction research project Another definition for sustainable development is “the process
investigated the following industrial construction sectors: of moving towards sustainability” (Leadbitter 2002). In Japan, sus-
• Manufacturing, tainable development is referred to as environmental symbiosis
• Mining, Minerals, and Metals, building, or environmental conscious building (Cywinski 2001).
• Petrochemical, In Finland, “according to the Finnish National Commission on
• Pharmaceutical, Sustainable Development (FNCSD), there are three practical
• Power, dimensions to sustainable development: (1) the ecological,
• Pulp and Paper, and (2) municipal, and (3) cultural dimensions” (European Commission
• Utilities. Enterprise 2001a, p. 1).

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

Other definitions for sustainable development include “a system • Be sure that the infrastructure for recycling construction and
of changes in public attitude and policy through which the popu- demolition materials is ready and operating from the beginning
lation and vital activities of a community may be continued into the of projects. Set up an on-site system to collect and sort waste for
indefinite future without robbing the community of its usable re- recycling, or for reuse, and monitor the system consistently
sources” (Cywinski 2001, p. 13). “A process of change in which throughout all phases of construction.
the direction of investment, the orientation of technology, the allo- • Create plans for recycling that set goals to recycle or salvage a
cation or resources, and the development and functioning of insti- minimum of 50% (by weight) of construction, demolition, and
tutions meet present needs and aspirations without endangering the land clearing waste from construction sites, and aim for a mini-
capacity of natural systems to absorb the effects of human activ- mum of 75%.
ities, and without compromising the ability of future generations • If possible, choose products and materials with minimal or no
to meet their own needs and aspirations (Cywinski 2001, p. 14). packaging.
A sustainable development strategy for the United Kingdom • Obtain materials in the sizes that are necessary, instead of cut-
was created by the government in 1999. At this time the U.K. ting materials to size at jobsites.
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government also developed a definition for industrial sustainability: • Always monitor the amount of waste being produced
“The objectives are social progress which recognizes the needs of during construction and compare it with preexisting goals
everyone, effective protection of the environment, prudent use of and guidelines.
natural resources and lastly maintenance of high and stable levels
of economic growth and employment” (Paramanathan et al. 2004). Sustainability in the Industrial Construction Sector
Sustainable industrial ecology is another area being explored
Sustainable Construction
by members of the manufacturing, construction, and processing
Sustainable construction involves “creating construction items us- industries. Optimal resource consumption is being studied through
ing best-practice clean and resource-efficient techniques from the a framework that integrates different processes, economic and
extraction of the raw materials to the demolition and disposal of its environmental constraints, and health and safety considerations
components” (Ofori 2000, p. 196). According to the European (Basu and Van Zyl 2006, p. 299). Increasing energy demands
Union publication Proposals for a Response to the Challenges require improved standards and regulations for the industrial con-
of Sustainable Construction, sustainable construction “is the set struction industry.
of processes by which a profitable and competitive industry Sustainability practices should be incorporated into construction
delivers built assets (buildings, structures, supporting infrastructure projects during the planning stage including the selection of more
and their immediate surroundings) which in turn” (European environmentally friendly materials and technologies and the use
Commission Enterprise 2001b, p. 1): of construction processes that utilize less toxic materials and that
• Enhance the quality of life and offer customer satisfaction. consume less energy and produce less waste.
• Offer flexibility and the potential to cater to user changes in the
• Provide and support desirable natural and social environments. Methodology
• Increase investment in people and equipment for a competitive
economy. In order to collect information on sustainability practices in indus-
• Achieve higher growth whilst reducing pollution and maximiz- trial construction, a series of tasks were undertaken that helped
ing the efficient use of resources. to contribute to the body of knowledge related to sustainability de-
• Share the benefits of growth more widely and more fairly. velopment in the industrial construction sector. Each of the tasks is
• Improve towns and protecting the quality of the countryside. briefly described in this section.
• Contribute to sustainable development internationally.
Literature Review of Current Sustainability Practices

Background Information Research projects that addressed sustainability in construction were

located and analyzed to determine their applicability to industrial
This section provides background information about sustainable construction projects. The literature review was divided into differ-
development in the construction sector and in the industrial ent focus areas in order to investigate each of the aspects related to
construction sector. sustainable development. The focus areas that were investigated for
the research project were
1. Environmental impacts and environmental impact statements,
Sustainability in the Construction Sector
2. The social and community impact of projects,
The Department of Engineering Building Technology Program— 3. Supplier and vendor environmental and social responsibility
Energy and the Environmental Guidelines for Construction men- including responsible supply chains and procurement,
tions that in order to promote the use of sustainability practices at 4. Resource efficiency including reducing energy consumption
industrial construction jobsites, it is important to (U.S. Department during construction,
of Energy 2004) 5. Renewable energy,
• Explain methods for protecting vegetation, such as designating 6. Sustainable design,
access routes and parking. 7. Material cradle-to-grave ecological costs including whether
• Require methods for clearing and grading sites that lower the materials are reused or recycled, and reducing energy use dur-
impact as much as possible. ing the manufacturing and transporting of materials,
• Examine how runoff during construction may affect sites. 8. Environmental impact of production operations,
Consider creating storm water management practices, such as 9. Environmental footprint of structures,
piping systems or retention ponds or tanks that can be used after 10. Producing less waste,
the building is complete. 11. Recycling more waste during construction,

© ASCE B4014005-3 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

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12. Less toxicity in pollution or generating less pollution, • Spain—The Labor Relations and Social Affairs Committee that
13. Reducing noise and spatial pollution, is developing a set of recommendations for Corporate Social
14. Deconstruction and the recycling of the by-products of decon- Responsibility,
struction, • United Kingdom—The Sustainable Development Policy of 2005,
15. The long-term effects of not considering sustainability during • The French Law on Economic Regulations of 2001,
construction, • The Brazilian Environmental Crimes Law of 1995 that allows
16. The ISO 14,000 Environmental Management Standards, and executive officers of companies to be sued in criminal court for
17. Compliance with government regulations. not meeting environmental health and safety standards,
The literature review included reviewing over 300 articles that • The Chilean Clean Production Agreements Environmental
pertain to sustainability, sustainable development, and sustainable Legislation of 1993,
construction in the industrial construction industry. Of the articles • The Canadian Project Green of 2005 that pertains to the oil and
reviewed, 160 were cited in the original research report, and 95 gas industry, thermal production, electrical generation, mining,
were included in the supplemental references. Due to length lim- and manufacturing,
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itations, not all of the references utilized for this study could be • The Chinese National Committee on Environmental Planning
included in this article. and Coordination (NCEPC),
• The Chinese Division of Development and Construction, and
• The German Waste Disposal Act of 1972, the Waste Avoidance
Review of Global Environmental Treaties and Waste Management Act of 1986, and the Closed Substance
The environmental treaties that were reviewed for the research in- Recycle and Waste Management Act of 1986.
cluded the United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate The results of the Literature Review, the Review of Global Trea-
Change (UNFCC 2005) and ties, and the Review of Government Environmental Regulations are
• The Kyoto Protocol Treaty, summarized in the document, by Dr. J. K. Yates, Sustainable
• The Basel Convention, Industrial Construction, Research Report 250-11, Construction
• The Rio Declaration, and Industry Institute, Austin, Texas. Two additional publications were
• The Stockholm Convention. published by the CII including RT250-2 (2008b) and RT250-3
(2008a) Sustainable Design and Construction for Industrial Con-
struction: A Primer (2009) and Sustainable Design and Construc-
Review of Government Environmental Regulations— tion for Industrial Construction: Implementation Resource (2009).
Domestic and Foreign
Information was collected on sustainable development industrial
Development of the Knowledge Acquisition System
construction practices from domestic and foreign government
agencies including Based on the literature review, and with input from the CII
• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), http://www Research Team 250, a questionnaire was developed that was used
.epa.gov; to collect data from members of the industrial construction industry.
• Russia—The Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Envir- The questionnaire was designed to include questions that could
onmental Monitoring, http://www.meteorf.ru/en_default.aspx; be answered with yes, no, or do not know responses and if the
• Australia—The Department of the Environment and Heritage, respondents answered in the affirmative, they were provided with
http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/; additional space to elaborate on their yes answer by providing exam-
• India—The Ministry of the Environment and Forests, http:// ples of situations where methods or processes were implemented on
envfor.nic.in/; actual construction projects. The questionnaire is included in the
• Japan—The Ministry of the Environment, http://www.env.go.jp/ Supplemental Data. The questionnaire was used to solicit informa-
en/; tion from the survey participants on the following topics:
• The United Kingdom—The Department for Environment Food • The sustainability programs being utilized in their firms,
and Rural Affairs, http://www.defra.gov.uk/; • How sustainability programs are being implemented in their
• Chile—The National Commission on Medio Ambiente, http:// firms,
www.conama.cl/portal/1301/channel.html; • How sustainability programs are evaluated,
• The Congo—The Ministry of Tourism and Environment, http:// • Barriers to implementing sustainability programs,
www.congo-site.net/v4x/instit/gouvernement/home.php; • Drivers to implementation of sustainable development practices,
• Kenya—The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, http://www • The economic benefits of using sustainable development
.tourism.go.ke/ministry.nsf; practices,
• Egypt—The Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, http:// • The social conditions addressed during construction,
www.eeaa.gov.eg/English/main/about.asp; • Sustainable alternatives to traditional construction materials,
• Jordan—The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and the • How the benefits of using sustainable practices are measured on
Environment, http://www.environment.gov.jo/main.html; projects,
• China—State Environmental Protection Administration, http:// • Techniques used to improve sustainable development,
english.sepa.gov.cn/; and • The use of innovative sustainable designs or construction
• Saudi Arabia—The Meteorology and Environmental Protection components,
Administration, http://www.pme.gov.sa/esoon.asp. • How the wastes being generated during construction projects are
In addition, laws and documents published by domestic and being recycled or reused,
foreign governments that pertain to sustainable development prac- • Pollution prevention techniques, and
tices in industrial construction were investigated, including • Whether their firms have a method for measuring metrics related
• The UN Global Compact, to sustainable objectives.
• The World Business Council for Sustainable Development These 14 areas were selected by the members of the CII
(WBCSD), Research Team 250 for inclusion in the survey after a review of

© ASCE B4014005-4 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

over 300 articles that summarized research on sustainable response rate of 27%, the survey participants that did respond
development and sustainable construction. The questionnaire provided extensive detailed information that contributed to the
was pilot tested by members of several industrial construction research effort. The survey respondents that replied to the survey
firms, and their comments were incorporated into the final version represented some of the top firms in the industrial sector. There
of the questionnaire. are only a limited number of large firms in each of the industrial
sectors; therefore, the survey sample was representative of the
Distribution of the Questionnaire larger firms in the industry. The research project was only funded
for one year, and this time constraint precluded the sending of
Some of the questionnaires were distributed through e-mail, and additional surveys.
some were sent through the U.S. Postal Service, by the academic
researcher. Seventy-three individuals were contacted, and they
were sent questionnaires to determine their willingness to partici- Survey Results
pate in the research project. Surveys were also sent to 150 CII data This section discusses the results that were obtained from the
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liaisons (e-mail), the top 50 sustainable contractors (mail), and 129 surveys. The participants provided comments for many of the ques-
firms that perform industrial construction (mail). The number of tions, and the comments were condensed into keywords. Detailed
firms that perform industrial construction is limited, and the survey comments on each of the questions in the survey were also pro-
participants selected represented a large portion of this industry. vided by the survey participants, but they are not included in this
article due to their excessive length.
Data Analysis
The data collected from the literature review and the surveys were General Company Information Results
summarized by focus areas. The questionnaires were analyzed by The first seven survey questions were used to record the names of
computing the total number of yes, no, and do not know responses companies, the name of the person filling out the questionnaire, the
and summarizing the comments supplied by the survey participants mailing address and phone number. Since this information is con-
using keywords. fidential, the responses to the first seven questions are not included
in this section. Table 1 provides a summary of the information pro-
Results of the Data Analysis vided by the firms on the types of firms, and other information
about the firms, that participated in the research project.
After the data were collected and analyzed, the results were sum-
marized to determine the most prevalent sustainability methods and
processes being used in the industrial construction sector. In addi- Corporate and Project Level Sustainability Results
tion, information was summarized on how to implement sustain-
This section provides a summary of the results that were obtained to
ability practices and the benefits of their implementation.
the corporate and project level sustainability questions that were
included in the survey. Table 2 provides a summary of the results
Survey Results and Data Analysis that were obtained to the questions in Parts II and III of the
This section discusses the results of the survey of industry execu-
tives. Information is provided on the number of surveys distributed
to industrial construction industry experts and the number of sur- Data Analysis
veys that were returned to the academic researcher. The section also
presents the results of the surveys along with an analysis of the This section summarizes the results that were obtained from the
results. questionnaires completed by the survey respondents.

Distribution of the Survey Part II. Corporate-Level Sustainability Information

Fifty surveys were sent to the top sustainability contractors as This section provides an analysis of the corporate level sustainabil-
ranked by the Engineering News-Record magazine, and 73 surveys ity information that was provided by the survey participants.
were sent to other individual members of CII that had been person- Ninety-seven percent of the survey respondents indicated that
ally contacted to determine their willingness to participate in the their firms include environmental considerations in their design
survey. In addition, 126 surveys were mailed to members of firms documents, they include sustainability considerations in construct-
that perform industrial construction in the following sectors: ability reviews 44% of the time, 86% indicated that their firm has a
• Chemical, 25; corporate strategy on sustainability, and 62% indicated that a struc-
• Forest Products, 8; tured approached is used when considering project design and
• Industrial, 4; material alternatives that include sustainability considerations.
• Mining, 10; Among the survey respondents there were a variety of sustain-
• Pharmaceuticals, 21; ability considerations during constructability reviews including the
• Petroleum, 25; and UN Global Compact, the Responsible Care Program, LEED, fleet
• Power, 23. green energy programs, Department of State Overseas Building
One hundred-fifty surveys were sent to CII data liaisons. The Operations, Federal Leadership in High Performance Buildings,
total number of surveys sent was 326. sustainability goals set by the green board, Executive Order
13423, the global chemical industries performance initiative,
marine systems analysis efficiency, carbon capture and storage,
Survey Response Rate
clean coal, carbon credits and trading, advanced systems modeling,
The response rate for the surveys that were received was 13.5%. proactive legal compliance, and safety and health performance and
Although this response rate was low, in comparison to the average standards.

© ASCE B4014005-5 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

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Number of employees

10,000–50,000 40%
5,000 to 10,000 3%
Some of the sustainable materials considered during design are

1,000–5,000 27%
500–1,000 10%
100–500 13%
recycled steel, certified wood products, environmentally preferable

1–100 7%
products, composite materials, low volatile organic compound

paints, recycled plastic, and recycled metals.
When these results were compared to the questions in Part III, it
indicates that the considerations do not translate into the actual use
of sustainability practices. Only 46% of the firms surveyed use sus-
$500 million—$1 billion 14% tainable alternatives to standard materials in their designs and 42%
said that they are integrating sustainable components into their
Average size of projects

$100–500 million 14%

$10–50 million 30%
$50–100 million 7%

Over $1 billion 7%
$1–10 million 28%

projects. Only 35% of the respondents indicated that a section

on sustainable practices is included in project execution plans
(construction management plans), which is where the plans are

put into practice. In addition, only 22% include sustainability prac-
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tices in mobilization, or demobilization processes, although 45% of

the respondents did not know the answer to this question.
Some of the structured approaches used include life cycle
cost analysis, material use impact, vapor reclaim and recycle,
closed-loop systems, environmental life cycle of expectation costs,
Employee owned 13% $500 million–$1 billion 7%
$100–500 million 21%

durability of materials, design criteria, and specifications from the

Over $1 billion 69%
$0–100 million 3%
Size of company

owner, using local or regional materials, evaluate toxicity, energy

star rating system, and LEED. Procedures implemented related to
sustainable development include quality, health, safety, and envi-

ronment (QHSE); LEED; indoor air quality (IAQ) Management;

low volatile organic compounds (VOC) commissioning; World
Bank standards; and those specified by the owner.
Government regulations are not the only driver to implementing
sustainability practices as 57% of the respondents indicated that
Publically traded 29%
Nature of ownership

Privately held 13%

measures beyond compliance influence their utilizing sustainability

Do not know 5%
Corporation 35%

N/A or other 5%

practices. A large portion of the respondents (45%) did not know

whether their firm was following government regulations on indus-

trial construction projects and 22% indicated that they were not
being followed at all. The government regulations that are being
followed on construction projects by the survey participants include
Executive Order 13423, Department of Energy and Environmental
Countries of operation

Protection Agency guidelines, Resource Conservation and Recov-

South America 3%
North America 7%

United States 33%

No response 3%

Worldwide 51%

ery Act, LEED, and Building Resource Energy Environmental

Africa 3%

Assessment Method (BREEAM).

Sustainability practices are considered 60% of the time in the

expected project life cycle, but only 22% of the firms in the survey
have a method for measuring metrics (quantifying the achievement
of sustainable development). The types of items considered include
maintenance and repair costs, energy efficiency, overall resource
Cost plus % fee 20%
Contractor 21% Cost plus a fee 18%

use, embodied energy, waste elimination studies, demolition recla-

Type of contracts

Lump sum 47%

Unit price 13%

mation costs, emission elimination, environmental impacts of dis-

Other 2%

charge qualify, minimization, reuse consideration process linkage

with other owner enterprises, and minimization or elimination of

Social issues related to sustainability were evaluated by 74% of
the firms, and a variety of different social projects were described
Design/build 16%
Engineering 21%

by the survey participants in the comments section. In addition to

Industrial construction 12% No response 2%
Architect 7%
Type of firm

Supplier 5%
Owner 26%

evaluating social issues, firms are addressing social conditions

Other 2%
Table 1. General Company Information

during construction of projects and 82% of the respondents indi-

cated and elaborated on in their comments. Social issues are

evaluated by the survey participants at different stages ranging
from the risk evaluation stage, design and constructability reviews,
during project planning, in the project development stage, when
deciding whether to bid, and during environmental reviews prior
to design.
Gas production 13%

Petrochemicals 13%
Heavy/highway 6%

Pulp and paper 2%

Manufacturing 5%
Mining/metals 6%

The types of social issues addressed during construction by the

Type of industry

Commercial 6%

Institutional 5%

Residential 2%

survey participants include sweat equity to local organizations;

Building 11%

Utilities 11%
Power 15%

minority-owned business outreach; social impact from noise, traf-

fic, safety, and aesthetics; community development projects; use
of local labor; economic impact of projects on business and local
communities; actively managing community relations; providing

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Table 2. Sustainability in Industrial Construction Survey Results
Questions Yes No Do not know
Part II questions: Corporate-level sustainability
Environmental considerations in design documents 96% 0% 4%
Sustainability issues evaluated that could impact 70% 15% 15%
completion of projects
Considerations due to regulatory compliance or other Regulatory Beyond 0%
compliance 48% compliance 52%
Environmental sustainability considered when 63% 18% 19%
determining expected project life cycle
Evaluate sustainability social issues that impact 70% 15% 15%
completion of projects
Structured approach used when designing and 58% 23% 19%
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specifying materials that include sustainability

Corporate strategy on sustainability 84% 8% 8%
Potential barriers to implementing industrial Capital cost concerns 25%; Not sure how to do it or Not sure if it will
construction sustainability programs potential barriers: measure it 13%, Need a be profitable 9%,
competitiveness 19%; practical implementation need to show a
not required by regulations 6% plan 10% positive rate of
return 18%
Drivers to implementation of sustainability Owners 20% Public awareness of Competitive
development in industrial construction Nongovernmental agencies 15% sustainability differentiation 4%
issues 8% Profit 14%
Media 15%
Government 18% Other 2%
Firm participates in Global Reporting Initiative 40% 48% 12%
Firm belongs to Dow Jones Sustainability Group 8% 56% 36%
Firm implemented ISO 14000 series of standards or Implemented ISO 14000 23% Not Implemented Do not know 20%
certified to them Certified to ISO 14000 12% ISO 14000 12% Not applicable 12%
Not Certified to
ISO 14000 15%
Part III questions: Project-level sustainability
Firm has benefited economically from implementing 29% 21% 50%
sustainability practices
Processes used to sell, or reuse, material by-products 60% 16% 24%
generated by construction
Local social conditions addressed during construction 84% 4% 12%
of projects
Sustainable alternatives to standard materials 40% 20% 40%
considered during design
Firm has standard techniques for measuring benefits 32% 60% 8%
of using sustainable practices on construction projects
Using new techniques that improve resource 56% 26% 29%
efficiency, equipment efficiency, material resource
efficiency, or training of laborers
Innovative sustainable designs, construction 39% 19% 42%
components, or construction practices being
integrated into projects
Firm is prequalifying vendors and suppliers on 12% 64% 24%
sustainability practices or social responsibility
Renewable energy sources being used during 20% 44% 35%
Techniques or processes used to reduce the amount of 42% 21% 37%
waste generated during construction
More construction waste being recycled, or reused, 29% 38% 33%
than on projects before sustainability practices were
Techniques being used to reduce the amount of 71% 21% 8%
pollution generated during construction
Mobilization, or demobilization, processes used 25% 37% 38%
include sustainability practices
Sustainability considered during constructability 38% 33% 29%
Project execution plans include a section on 26% 61% 13%
sustainability practices
Firm has a method for measuring metrics related to 21% 52% 17%
sustainability objectives

© ASCE B4014005-7 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

days off on cultural holidays; interaction with the public; building Sixty-one percent of the respondents indicated that they sell, or
schools; building medical facilities; public health impacts; elimi- reuse, material by-products generated during construction, 40%
nating high traffic conditions; and the impact of the workforce are using processes to reduce the amount of waste being generated
on local communities. during construction, and 37% are recycling or reusing materials for
Some of the social, reputation, or economic benefits of using other purposes more than they were prior to the implementation of
sustainable practices are that they provide good neighbor corporate sustainability practices on projects. Fifty percent either did not
reputation, capture market share, competitive advantage, enhanced know or said they were not using processes to reduce the amount
marketability of client’s projects, client satisfaction, positive press, of waste being generated during construction. There may be local
goodwill in communities, recognition by owners, recognition by initiatives being implemented by workers, or construction manage-
local communities and government agencies, and greater value ment staff, that they are not aware of that are helping to reduce
creation for society. waste. These responses indicate that the area of waste management
The most prevalent barriers to implementing sustainability pro- is one that would benefit from further research into the develop-
ment of standard techniques that firms could use to either reduce
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grams during construction are capital cost concerns (24%), poten-

tial barriers to competitiveness (19%), and needing to show a the amount of waste created at job sites or that would use the waste
positive rate of return (18%). If the responses to not sure if it will by-products for other purposes.
be profitable were added to needing to show a positive rate of re- Some of the processes that are used to sell or reuse material
turn that would be the most frequent response at 27%. Two of the by-products were scrap metal is separated and resold, back into
other categories, need a practical implementation plan and not sure corporate inventory to sell to recyclers, refurbish transformers
how to do it or measure it were also a major concern with a total and meters, by-products are recycled, share with other job sites,
percentage of 20%. usable materials are sold to marketers who resell it for its original
The drivers to implementing sustainability development in the intended purpose, and disposable waste is aggregated to minimize
industrial construction sector include owners at 21%, public aware- energy expended in its final disposition.
ness of sustainability issues at 16%, government at 15%, competi- The survey participants indicated that they use a variety of proc-
esses to recycle wastes, including donations to local community
tive differentiation at 15%, and quality of life for future generations
organizations, scrap metal dumpsters, back into corporate inven-
at 14%. Fifty-seven percent of the owners provide sustainability
tory, to dealers, returned to vendors, zero waste landfills, as feed-
guidelines that are followed during design and construction, which
stock for reuse, advertise surplus in the organization, commercial
might indicate that owners as a driver is higher than 21%.
waste contractors, contamination issues, and establishing recycling
For the firms that participated in the survey 50% also participate
pathways for excess materials.
in Global Reporting Initiatives and 57% belong to the Dow Jones
In order to reduce the amount of waste generated at job sites,
Sustainability Index, which evaluates firms based on their sustain-
the survey participants suggested correctly sizing equipment, ma-
able development practices. This indicates that there is a need for
terials, and components; precutting drywall, pipe, and conduit;
more involvement by firms in the evaluation process that deter-
take-off and material ordering control; durable/reusable material
mines their sustainability but not necessarily an indication that they
and product choices; using off-spec concrete or remnants of con-
are not implementing sustainability practices.
crete to make curbstones barrier blocks; reusable concrete forms;
Thirty percent of the firms responding to the survey have either
and modularization.
not implemented ISO 14,000 or are not certified to it. Thirty percent
The number of yes responses that were received to the question
have implemented it and are certified to it. Thirty percent either did on whether firms are using any new sustainability techniques dur-
not know if their firm was certified to ISO 14,000 or the question ing construction that improve resource efficiency was 61%. This
was not applicable to their firm. Since the ISO 14,000 requires a question was addressing items such as labor efficiency, equipment
long certification process, it could be years before more firms are efficiency, material resource efficiency, or the training of laborers.
certified to that series of standards. Most of the firms certified to In the comments part of this question, items were provided on the
ISO 14,000 were in the petrochemical or power sectors. processes that are being used by the firms such as land balancing to
minimize haul distances, eliminating the rehandling of materials,
Part III. Project Level Sustainability Information reusing materials on-site, optimizing jobsite layouts, local sourcing
to reduce pollution, modularization, and productivity programs to
This section discusses the results obtained to the questions related improve labor efficiency. Only 42% of the firms were integrating
to project-level sustainability practices. innovative design, construction components, or construction prac-
Only 28% of the firms who participated in the survey indicated tices into projects that include sustainable components.
that they have benefited economically from implementing sustain- In the area of supply chain management, there were not many
ability practices. But 52% indicated that they do not know if their firms in the survey sample that were prequalifying vendors or sup-
firm has benefited economically or not. This indicates either a lack pliers on their sustainability or social responsibility practices, and
of knowledge or that firms do not have a technique for quantifying only 18% indicated that they follow this practice. In the comments
the economic benefits of sustainable practices. If this question is section criteria that are used were listed, and they included energy
viewed along with the answers shown for related questions, it con- and water conservation, local sourcing, recycled content in feed-
firms that only 36% of the firms have a standard technique for stock, avoidance of greenwashing, using 100% certified renewable
measuring the benefits achieved by using sustainable practice on energy, specifying sustainable products based on inherent charac-
construction projects. teristics, and specifications and the contract require implementation
Some of the economic benefits listed by the survey participants of sustainability practices. Only 33% of the firms were following
were reduced costs due to reuse of materials and equipment, government regulations on sustainability practices during con-
avoidance of negative regulator agency interaction, received more struction.
awarded projects, enhanced reputation, growth of consulting In the area of using renewable energy, only 21% of the firms
business, and obtaining financing from development banking participating in the study use renewable energy during construction
institutions, of industrial construction projects. Thirty-six percent did not know

© ASCE B4014005-8 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

if renewable energy was being used or not, which could indicate early in the day to avoid truck use on high ozone days, minimizing
that the decision on whether to use renewable energy is determined the idling of equipment, scrubbers and mufflers in equipment, lim-
by site personnel or it is dependent on the local pricing schemes. iting certain activities at night that cause noise, traffic routes pre-
The only renewable energy techniques mentioned by the survey planned, water run-off and erosion protection, treating effluent and
participants were photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, biodiesel for nonpotable water and reusing it for dust suppression and landscape
generators, and wind towers. Thirty-seven percent of the firms were irrigation.
recycling or reusing more construction waste than before sustain- In the area of mobilization and demobilization, only 22% of
ability practices were implemented on projects. the firms were using processes that include sustainability practices.
Seventy-four percent of the respondents indicated that their firm A higher percentage of firms surveyed were using sustainability
is using techniques to reduce the amount of pollution that is gen- considerations during constructability reviews (44%), but only
erated during construction. Some of the techniques that were men- 35% were using project execution plans that included a section
tioned in the comments section were noise elimination, deliveries on sustainable practices.
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Quick Start Guide

Sustainable Construction Project (SCP)

Project Phase Step Description Actions

• Project Kick Off Meeting and develop Project Execution Plan
0 Project approved and funded • CII Best Practice Implementation Resource IR113-3, Alignment
During Pre-Project Planning
1 Review RT 250 Primer • Review doc ument with Target Projec t implement ation in mind
2 Justify Sustainability Project Implementation • Develop cost benefit analysis
Front End Planning

• Review each Maturity Matrix category for current level of maturity

Perform Gap Analysis between RT 250 Primer
3 • Determine levels of maturity needed to initiate an effective
and Project Expectation, Goal & Commitment
Sustainable Construction Project (SCP)

• Assess Project organization vs. Maturity Model Matrix

4 Align Project Support and Project Expectation
• Compile results

• Prepare results from steps 2,3 & 4 in presentation format

• Review presentation with Senior Leadership
5 Obtain Senior Project Support
• Obtain Senior Leadership commitment to proceed in
establishment of a SCP

• Define resource and time commitment to meet objectives

• Identify potential process champion(s) and obtain approval from
6 Identify & engage champions
Senior Management
• Assign and engage champions in the development of the SCP

• Review Project information and Sustainability goals and

Identify and engage other stakeholders and
7 expectations
community support

• Solicit outside support and concerns to be addressed in Step 8

• Establish Project leadership vision for a SCP (What will success

look like?)
Develop Mission Statement and scope of
8 • Define Project objectives in establishing a SCP
• Integrate SCP into Project Execution Plan and other Project

• Develop roll out strategy in accordance with the organization’s

9 Develop roll out strategy
• Develop process flow map
• Develop Project Controls and standard reports
10 Define tracking matrix and reporting procedure • Develop communication matrix to report updates
• Monitor and report on status of goals and objectives
• Adjust process as required to achieve objectives

• Develop incentives that align and will reinforce the vision of the
11 Develop recognition / incentive program

12 Roll out SCP to Project team personnel • Provide strong deployment and communication plan

• Review SCP program periodically to incorporate alternate

materials, processes, or initiatives for continuous improvement
Assemble, document and publish best
13 • CII recommended practice Implementation Resource IR230-2,
Implementation of Lessons Learned Programs
• Publicize results to influence future projects

Fig. 1. Industrial construction for sustainability quick start guide [Adapted from Yates, J. K. (2008). Table 5.3 pp. 71]

© ASCE B4014005-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

It would be useful if firms were able to quantify the achievement in concrete in place of some of the cement (LANL 2002). The large
of sustainable development, but only 22% of the firms have a kilns that are used to process all of the raw materials, and to evapo-
method for measuring metrics that relate to sustainability objectives rate the water in the materials and to calcine the carbonate constitu-
for construction projects. ents (calcinations), consume 90% of the energy that is used to
produce cement (Naik and Marconi 2006).
The overall pattern that was discerned from the survey
Summary of the Analysis of the Results results is that most of the firms that participated in the survey have
The industrial construction industry experts that participated in the extensive sustainability programs at the corporate level that include
research provided information on the types of methods they use sustainability goals that are reported in the Global Reporting
to address sustainability issues. The types of sustainable practices Initiatives or Sustainable Development Reports. These include
that will be implemented on industrial construction projects will large components on social issues such as initiating, or assisting,
depend on what owners require for their projects and on the local community development projects. The results indicate that
if there were a variety of sustainable options that could be used
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government regulations that are enforced that pertain to industrial

construction. as alternative materials and processes, or if members of firms
The steel industry in the United States has already achieved high were more aware of sustainable alternatives, then sustainable prac-
levels of sustainability by using over 90% recycled steel. Methods tices might be incorporated into more industrial construction
for improving the sustainability of concrete production are being projects.
investigated by some firms. The cement industry generates the most The next few sections discuss three different implementation
CO2 per primary energy input of any of the industry segments be- resources that were developed as part of the research project:
cause of the large quantities of limestone that are consumed during (1) a quick start guide, (2) two maturity models, and (3) an indus-
cement production (Amano and Ebihara 2005). One alternative trial construction sustainability checklist that could be utilized by
that helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by cement members of industrial construction firms to help them implement
production is to use coal fly ash or granulated blast furnace slag sustainable practices during the construction of projects.

Table 3. Engineering and Construction Sustainability Maturity Model One [Adapted from Yates, J. K. (2008). Table 5.4 pp. 72]
Project implementation level
Project phases Level 1: Basic Level 2: Intermediate Level 3: Advanced
Procurement Commit environmental standards for Set environmental and social goals for Social and environmental
projects and investigate realistic projects based on environmental commitments are measurable and
sustainable alternatives. standards and stakeholder incorporated into project
consultations. documentation and contracts.
Business case Develop estimates that include Use life cycle cost analysis for decision Consider additional value-added
rationale/project financing sustainable elements and anticipate making and incorporate cost and activities.
risks. benefits of environmental and social
Design Use a green design rating tool or Commit to achieving a certain level of Measure sustainability achievements
standard to set goals reflected in the certification and incorporating it into and publish case studies of projects so
contract documents. Provide all project documentation. Consider others may use them as benchmarks.
reasonable life cycle payback periods impact on the community (construction Engage stakeholders in the design
for design criteria. through operations and closure) in process and incorporate their concerns.
design decisions.
Cost analysis (including Utilize life cycle cost analysis in value Consider pending regulations in design Utilize tangible and intangible costs for
value engineering and engineering approaches. decisions. carbon and other environmental risks.
life cycle cost analysis)
Procurement Commit to a sustainable purchasing Commitments to local sourcing and Extend sustainability policies into the
policy such as the U.S. Government measure and report progress. supply chain.
Affirmative Procurement/
Environmentally Preferable
Purchasing. Consider local sourcing.
Construction Ensure all contractors and Utilize local labor if possible and focus Maximize the use of local labor and
subcontractors comply with permits on erosion control, storm water runoff provide training programs. Coordinate
and report any deviations. mitigation, noise abatement, and traffic with other entities and projects to
control. achieve goals. Commit to sustainable
construction practices.
Startup and operation Consider all operating and Involve operations personnel in the Employ trained local labor, engage
maintenance costs in design and cost design and commissioning processes. with community advisory boards,
decisions. Use environmental management report data to stakeholders and use the
standards and commit to community ISO 14,001 environmental
health and safety programs. management standards.
Facility end of life Incorporate plans to reclaim the area at Plan for the reclamation process during Consider all of the effects facilities
the end of the useful life of facilities. the design phase. have on the surrounding area both
during operation and demolition and
prepare mitigation plans.

© ASCE B4014005-10 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

Quick Start Guide and adjustments are made to increase the sustainability of construc-
tion operations.
Fig. 1 provides a quick start guide to help members of industrial
construction industry firms prepare for implementing sustainability
practices that was developed by the CII Research Team 250. The Sustainability Maturity Models
quick start guide could be used to help start a sustainability pro-
gram for construction projects, and it provides steps that could Two maturity models were developed by members of the CII
be followed at the front-end planning stage, the design stage, Research Team 250 that could be used by members of engineering
and during construction. During the front-end planning phase, and construction industry firms for assessing their current sustain-
project personnel work closely with senior management in order ability implementation and progress on applying sustainability
to determine the commitment level and to determine the current practices. The first model could be used to assess overall corporate-
level of sustainability. The design phase is used to establish the level sustainability awareness, and it is a project and portfolio level
project sustainability objectives, and these are then integrated into metric and it is shown in Table 3. The second model was created to
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the project execution plan. During the construction phase the help assess the implementation of sustainability practices on spe-
project sustainability execution plan is implemented and monitored cific projects and it is provided in Table 4.

Table 4. Engineering and Construction Sustainability Maturity Model Two [Adapted from Yates, J. K. (2008). Table 5.5 pp. 73]
Level 2: Project monitoring,
Project phases Essence of each phase Level 1: Regular implementation evaluation, and improvement
Front-end planning (FEP) This phase creates a sustainability Consult LEED or similar Decisions are influenced by a desire
implementation plan that certification guidelines. Evaluate for a higher certification rating.
encompasses all of the phases. the economic environment and the Quantify inputs and outputs related
social impacts of planned decisions. to economic, environmental, and
social impacts.
Project financing Analyze the costs and benefits of Quantify sustainable practices Determine costs and benefits
incorporating sustainable practices. including economic, associated with sustainable
environmental, and social costs and strategies.
Design Include input from stakeholders Utilize sustainable design Utilize building information
into designs that evaluate guidelines to incorporate modeling (BIM) to help monitor the
sustainable alternatives. sustainable alternatives. Review all incorporation of sustainable
project systems for sustainable strategies.
alternatives. Involve contractors in
sustainability constructability
Cost analysis [includes value Evaluate the overall life cycle costs Explore sustainable alternatives by Monitor the incorporation of
engineering (VE) and life cycle to provide data on first costs versus evaluating life cycle costs including sustainable alternatives based on
cost analysis (LCCA)] life cycle costs and savings. cradle-to-grave considerations. life cycle cost analysis rather than
first costs.
Procurement Locate and evaluate sustainable The specifications should include Document vendors and suppliers
materials and products. Review requirements for sustainable that provide sustainable products
established guidelines such as materials and products. Use local and materials. Ensure that suppliers
Energy Star and the Federal Green materials if feasible. Minimize focus on waste minimization.
Construction Guide for hazardous wastes and Cultivate local sustainable
Specifications. Evaluate sustainable environmental impacts. suppliers.
materials and products including
supply chains.
Construction Construction integration of Processes established to implement Monitor construction operations
sustainable alternatives. and document sustainability and continue to document the
practices at all levels. Document implementation of sustainable
deviations from proposed alternatives. Evaluate additional
sustainable alternatives and explain sustainable options as they arise
why they could not be implemented and submit them to the design team
during construction. for approval. Ensure compliance to
sustainable specifications and
provide training if the work force is
not familiar with requirements.
Startup and operation Commissioning and operation to Provide training and operating Monitor operations to ensure peak
ensure operational efficiencies of manuals to ensure proper start-up efficiencies are obtained and that all
the intended design. and operation. systems are functioning according
to the design guidelines.
Facility end of life The demolition phase should have Execute the demolition plan that Monitor the demolition process to
been considered in the initial design includes salvaging materials, ensure the demolition plan is
and a sustainability plan provided recycling materials, and reusing implemented and document
for demolition by the designers. materials. deviations from the plan.

© ASCE B4014005-11 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

Checklist for Sustainability Evaluation of Industrial 4. Plan for postconstruction site restoration
Construction Projects a. Involve local constituents in plan development
b. Plan for erosion control
This section provides a checklist that was developed by the re- c. Plan for restoring similar amounts of vegetation
searcher that could be used by construction personnel to evaluate d. Blend site with local community
whether they are incorporating sustainable practices and materials 5. Exterior dust control and particulate control
into industrial construction projects. a. Analyze the air quality during construction on-site and in
1. Site staging and logistics the surrounding community
a. Temporary parking b. Provide dust and particulate control measures if necessary
(1) Paving materials, and c. Temporary planting during construction
(2) Recycled base course materials. 6. Transportation planning or using mass transit facilities
b. Temporary offices a. Arrange carpooling or mass transit to site for craft workers
(1) Facilities and their placement, and management
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(2) Increase insulation in temporary structures, 7. Waste management

(3) Modular structures, a. Provide systems for managing water use during construction
(4) Sanitation facilities, b. Provide system for recycling waster during construction
(5) Layout to take advantage of natural lighting, c. Provide systems for water management of human wastes
(6) Lease or buy used furniture for temporary offices, 8. Energy and atmosphere
(7) Office equipment a. Heavy construction equipment fleet management
(a) Specifying electronics products environmental as- (1) Investigate using alternative fuels,
sessment tool (EPEAT) monitors and computers (2) Investigate using hybrid electric equipment, and
for site office equipment, (3) Investigate using remanufactured equipment.
(b) Use equipment that has sleep mode, b. Energy management during construction
(c) Use printers that print double-sided, and (1) Investigate alternative sustainable energy sources,
(d) Provide recycle bins. (2) Plan for peak energy use at job site during off-peak
(8) Computerized document control times in the local community,
(a) Paperless sites, and (3) Temporary power,
(b) Use recycled paper product. (4) Contracting with green providers for temporary
(9) Investigate use of building information management power, and
(BIM) computer software. (5) Investigate alternatives for temporary utilities (phone/
c. Layout of structure water/gas/electric).
(1) Reduction of ecosystem encroachment, 9. Materials and resources
(2) Minimize disruption to local community, a. Utilize a method for evaluating the sustainability of suppli-
(3) Reduce noise and spatial pollution, ers such as the industrial sustainability index metric
(4) Minimize removal of natural vegetation, and b. Negotiate supply chain sustainability and ethics contracts
(5) Layout to utilize natural sunlight. c. Evaluate the cradle-to-grave environmental costs of using
d. Material ordering, delivery, and lay down yard materials
(1) Minimize material waste by ordering in lengths that do d. Perform life cycle cost assessments for materials
not have to be cut, e. Investigate alternative sustainable materials
(2) Order in quantities that are packaged in bulk rather (1) Paints,
than individually, (2) Steel,
(3) Select location of lay down yard to reduce energy (3) Wood products,
requirements for moving materials, (4) Cement,
(4) Reduce amount of time delivery trucks are waiting to (5) Concrete aggregate,
be unloaded, and (6) PVC products,
(5) Minimize the number of times materials have to be (7) Carbon fiber composites,
moved around the job site. (8) Investigate the prefabrication of materials to reduce
e. Efficient on-site transportation patterns site wastes,
(1) Perform a traffic study, and (9) Manufacturing concrete on site, and
(2) Perform process analysis study. (10) Prefabricated assemblies for steel structures.
f. Minimize disruption of surrounding traffic 10. Investigate alternatives for material deliveries
(1) Reducing the number of trips, a. Transporting materials consumes between 15 and 30%
(2) Shorter distances for trips, and of total
(3) Perform process analysis study. b. Truck deliveries are less efficient than rail or ship deliveries
2. Site waste management plan c. Using resources already on site
a. Mulching or composting vegetation debris (1) Aggregates,
b. Minimize disruption of surrounding traffic (2) Soil, and
c. Prepare a toxic waste spill plan (3) Crushed rock.
d. Investigate recycling services 11. Waste management
e. Resale reusable wastes a. Recycling wastes
f. Use licensed hazardous waste disposal services b. Landfill diversion of wastes
3. Site erosion plan and control c. Reselling wastes
a. Follow Environmental Protection Agency regulations even d. Formwork—Use certified wood or reusable materials
in foreign countries that may have lower standards (steel/wood/plastic)

© ASCE B4014005-12 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2014.140.

e. Small tools and supplies—maximize benefits and usage construction industry with additional information on sustainability
(minimize disposables and buy for longevity) in industrial construction.
12. Lean construction
a. Just-in-time (JIT) delivery—minimize layout area
b. Material delivery sequencing to avoid off-gassing and Recommendations for Further Research
c. Reducing waste factors in material orders The areas for further research that might be the most beneficial to
13. Indoor environmental control industrial construction industry members are the following:
a. Interior air quality control during construction—proper 1. General Sustainability Research
ventilation a. Investigating whether the ISO 14,000 series of standards
b. Paints, adhesives, and solvents—low VOC and whether obtaining ISO 14,000 certification would ben-
14. Social impacts efit firms that construct industrial construction projects and
a. Low impact to plant productivity during construction whether a method could be developed for quantifying the
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b. Impact to real estate cost benefits of being ISO 14,000 certified when building indus-
c. Community travel delays trial construction projects.
d. Light pollution 2. Social and Community Impact Research
e. Noise and vibration reduction—developing a plan for a. Developing a method for quantifying the social impacts of
reduction industrial construction operations.
f. Relationship with impacted community. b. Developing a method for quantifying the spatial and noise
pollution caused by industrial construction operations.
c. Evaluating methods that are used for reducing energy con-
Conclusions sumption to determine whether they are cost effective when
they are used on industrial construction projects.
The Design and Construction for Sustainability in Industrial Con- 3. Construction Operation Sustainability Research
struction research project investigated all aspects of the processes a. Determining methods for reducing the environmental
required to design and build industrial construction projects in order degradation caused by industrial construction operations.
to determine which types of sustainability practices could be imple- b. Investigating methods for producing less waste by-
mented during industrial construction projects. The information pro- products during industrial construction operations.
vided in this article was written to provide information on current 4. Industrial Construction Materials Research
sustainability practices in the industrial construction industry. a. Developing and validating a method for quantifying the
The topics investigated as part of this research project included environmental consequences of transporting construction
• Definitions for sustainability and sustainable development and materials.
related topics, b. Investigating alternative methods for recycling, reusing, or
• Background information on sustainability and barriers to imple- remanufacturing industrial construction waste by-products.
menting sustainability practices, c. Investigating the feasibility of forming a secondary market
• Current sustainability practices used in the industrial construc- for unused construction materials that includes databases of
tion sector and obstacles to implementing them, materials for resale.
• Social and community impact of projects,
• Responsible supply chain management and procurement practices,
• Recourse efficiency, Acknowledgments
• Renewable energy,
The researcher would like to thank the members of the Construc-
• The environmental impact of production operations for con-
tion Industry Institute for funding this research project and ac-
struction materials,
knowledge the contribution of the Research Team 250 members
• ISO 14,000 environmental management standards,
that included 13 representatives from construction firms, owner
• Environmental laws and their implications,
organizations, and government agencies: Larry Arndt; M. A.
• Economic models for life cycle cost assessment, and
Mortenson; Melanie Berkemeyer, U.S. Department of State;
• Sustainability rends and sustainable industrial construction
Richard Budzowski, SNC Lavalin Inc.; Tom Garrett, Emerson
Process Management; Scott Haywood, Abbott; Nancy Kralik,
In addition, data were gathered about sustainability practices in
Flour Corportation; Catherine McKalip-Thomson, Bechtel Group
the industrial construction industry including the types of issues
Inc.; David Prada, CSA Group; Kathleen Reid, Intel Corporation;
members of engineering and construction firms have to address re- Laurie Robbins, Jacobs; David Stayshich, Flour Corporation;
lated to toxic emissions, the production of hazardous wastes and Russ Svendsen, Dresser-Rand Company; and Paul Wilcox, Jacobs.
nonhazardous wastes, recycling or reusing construction waste The author would also like to thank the members of the industrial
by-products, and other sustainability practices. construction industry that participated in the research and that
The members of the CII Research Team 250 developed a provided extensive information on the sustainability practices
Sustainability Quick Start Guide and two Sustainability Maturity being utilized by their firms. The information they provided was
Models that could be used by members of firms to start implement- greatly appreciated, and it contributed to the success of the research
ing sustainability practices and for evaluating their progress in im- investigation.
plementing sustainability practices. The researcher developed a
Checklist for Sustainability Evaluation of Industrial Construction
Projects that could be used to evaluate whether sustainable practi- Supplemental Data
ces are being incorporated into industrial construction projects.
The next section outlines some potential topics for further The Research Questionnaire is available online in the ASCE
research that if pursued would provide members of the industrial Library (http://www.ascelibrary.org).

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