Classification of Engineering Services

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Classification of

Engineering Services
GROUP # 5.
Engineering Services – means any service or
creative work, the adequate performance of
which requires engineering education,
training and experience in the application of
special knowledge of the mathematical,
physical and engineering sciences to such
It includes:

--Consultation, Research, Investigations and

--Design services for construction projects
--Construction services
--Special Services for construction projects
--Engineering Support services
--Academic Services
--Service as Employee
List of engineering services from R.A. 544:
Consultation, design, preparation of plans, specifications,
Installation and supervision of the construction of streets, bridges, highways,
railroads, airports and hangars, port works, canals, river and shore
improvements, lighthouses and dry docks; buildings, fixed structures for
irrigation, flood protection, drainage, water supply and sewerage works;
demolition of permanent structures; and tunnels.
◦ These services deal primarily with collecting, interpreting, and reporting
information, together with formulating conclusions and making
Preliminary and Feasibility Investigations
and Reports
◦ They may focus on alternatives analysis, environmental impact, sustainable
development, operating costs, life-cycle costs, financing considerations, and
expected revenues as bases for conclusions and recommendations regarding
the advisability of undertaking a project.
Planning Studies
◦ These services include the broad areas of developing master plans for long-range capital
improvement programs; preparation of land development plans, urban plans, and regional
plans; and the investigation of environmental conditions and preparation of environmental
impact studies, with subsequent planning to improve or maintain existing conditions. Such
planning often requires coordination of the work of engineering and other disciplines.
Appraisals, Valuations and Rate Studies
◦ These services may include investigations and analyses of existing conditions;
estimates of capital and operating costs, overhead costs, and financing costs;
and forecasts of revenues for property development or for the
recommendation of prospective utility rates.
Assistance in Financial Matters
◦ The scope of services may include an evaluation of capabilities of existing and
proposed facilities to meet present and projected future needs, statements of
probable construction costs, and an estimate of annual revenue
requirements, as well as a determination of
appropriate rates to provide this income.
The consultant also may act as the responsible
agent to certify that certain terms and
conditions of the bond issues are carried out.
Materials and Engineering and Equipment
◦ These services include tests of materials and equipment under established
codes and standards, specialized examination of equipment and materials
used in construction and industry, and other inspections and monitoring
required by the clients.
Direct Personal Services
◦ This includes services such as assistance in preparing for legal proceedings,
appearances before courts or commissions to render expert opinions and
conclusions, and investigation of technical matters in which specialized
engineering knowledge, experience, and judgment are required.
Research and Development
◦ Research is a specialized investigation and gathering of data from existing
resources or through laboratory works and processes related to the purpose
and object of the research. Includes:
◦ (a) Development of new construction materials and methods from concept to commercialization.
◦ (b) Improvement of construction materials and methods through exhaustive studies to reduce total
construction cost and improve quality.
Design Services
(6) Standard phases of construction project:
Study and Report Phase

Preliminary Design Phase

Final Design Phase

Bidding or Negotiating Phase

Construction Phase

Operation Phase
Study and Report Phase
This phase involves determination of project scope and economic and technical
evaluation of feasible alternatives.
The services performed during this phase may include:
1. Reviewing available data and consulting with the client to clarify and define
the client’s requirements for the project
2. Advising the client as to the necessity of providing or obtaining from other
additional data or services and assisting the client in obtaining such data and
services. These additional services may include photogrammetry,
reconnaissance surveys property surveys, topographic surveys, geotechnical
investigation and consultation, seismicity studies, computation of
hydrological data, traffic studies, materials engineering, assembly of zoning
deed and other restrictive land use information and environmental
assessments and impact statements
Study and Report Phase
3. Identifying and analyzing requirements of governmental authorities having
jurisdiction to approve the design of the project and participating in
consultation with such authorities.
4. Providing analyses of the clients needs, planning surveys, comparative
evaluations of prospective sites and solutions
5. Providing a general economic analysis of the client’s requirements applicable
to various alternatives.
Study and Report Phase
6. Preparing a report and presenting alternatives solutions available to the
client with the civil engineer’s findings and recommendations. The report
may contain schematic layouts, sketches, conceptual design criteria with
appropriate exhibits to indicate clearly the considerations involved (including
applicable requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction) and
the civil engineers conception opinion of probable costs for the project
Preliminary Design Phase
This phase involves the establishment of the general size and scope of the
project and its location on the selected site.
The preliminary design services may include:
1. Consulting with the client, reviewing preliminary reports, clarifying and
defining the project requirement, reviewing available data, and discussing
general scheduling, conferences may also be required with approving and
regulatory governmental agencies and applicable utilities.
Preliminary Design Phase
2. Advising the client as to whether additional data or services of the type
described under the study and report phase above are required and assisting the
client in obtaining such data and services
3. Preparing preliminary design documents consisting of final design criteria,
preliminary drawings, outline specifications, and written description of the
4. Preparing revised estimates of probable total project costs
5. Providing periodic status reports
Final Design Phase
This phase of project development is usually undertaken only after the client has
approved the preliminary design phase material
The basic services for the final design phase may include:
1. Preparing construction drawings and specifications showing the character and
extent of the project based on the accepted preliminary design documents.
2. Preparing and furnishing to the client a revised estimate of probable total
project costs based on the final drawings and specifications
Final Design Phase
3. Furnishing the necessary engineering data and assisting in the application for
regulatory permits from local, or national authorities. This is distinguished from
and does not include detailed applications and supporting documents for
government grants-in-aid or planning grants that would be furnished as
additional services described later in this section.
4. Preparing basic documents related to construction contracts for review and
approval by the clients (and the client’s legal and other advisors). These may
include contract agreement forms, general conditions and supplementary
conditions, invitations to bid, instructions to bidders, insurance and boding
requirements, and other contract-related documents
Final Design Phase
5. Furnishing to the client specified number of copies of drawings, specifications
and other contract documents.
6. Providing final design and construction services for design-build contracts. The
engineer generally serves as a subcontractor to a general contractor during the
initial planning and design phase. Services provided by the engineer may extend
through the construction phase, as appropriate
7. Providing periodic status reports.
Bidding or Negotiating Phase
Services under this phase may include:
1. Assisting the client in advertising for and obtaining bids or negotiating
proposals for each separate prime construction contract, maintaining a
record of prospective bidders to whom bidding documents have been issued,
attending pre-bid conferences, and receiving and processing deposits for
bidding documents
2. Issuing addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify, expand or amend the
bidding documents
Bidding or Negotiating Phase
3. Assisting the client in determining the qualifications and acceptability of
prospective contractors, subcontractors and materials suppliers
4. Consulting with and advising the client as to the acceptability of alternative
materials and equipment proposed by the prospective constructors when
substitution prior to the award of contracts us allowed by eh bidding
5. Attending the bid opening, preparing bid tabulation sheets and providing
assistance to the client in evaluating bids or proposals and in assembling and
awarding contracts for construction, materials, equipment and services.
Construction Phase
Services under this phase involve consulting with and advising the client during
construction and are usually those associated with service as the client’s
representative. Most civil engineers are not willing to assume the
responsibilities associated with construction phase services without providing
resident project representative services at the site.
Construction phase services may include:
1. Reviewing for compliance with design concepts, shop and erection drawing
submitted by the constructor.
2. Reviewing laboratory, shop, and mill test reports on materials and equipment.
Construction Phase
3. Visiting the project site at appropriate intervals as construction proceeds to
observe and report on the progress and the quality of the executed work
4. Providing services during construction by a full-time resident project
representative, and by supporting staff as required, to enable construction to be
accomplished in conformance to the construction drawings, specifications, and
other contract documents
Construction Phase
5. Issuing instructions from the client to the contractors, issuing necessary
interpretations and clarifications of contract documents, preparing change
orders, requiring special inspections and testing of the work, and making
recommendations as to acceptability of the work
6. Making recommendations to the client on corrective actions or contractual
measures that may be exercised by the owner.
7. Preparing sketches required to resolve problems due to actual field conditions
8. Determining amounts of progress payments due, based or degree of
completion of the work, and recommending issuance of such payments by the
Construction Phase
9. Observing and assisting performance tests and initial operations of the project.
10. preparing record drawings from information submitted by the contractor.
11. Making a final inspection and reporting on completion of the project,
including recommendations concerning final payments to contractors and
release of retained percentages.
Operation Phase
At the completion of construction, the civil engineer may as a basic service,
assist in the start-up of project operations
The civil engineer may be commissioned to prepare a manual for both operation
and maintenance requirements, and may also provide assistance in adjusting
and balancing equipment, identifying deficiencies and assisting in obtaining
corrections, and performing inspections prior to the end of the project warranty
The civil engineer may assist in operator training, setting up job classifications
and salaries, organizing the purchase of supplies developing charts for recording
operational data, and observing and reporting on project operations
Construction Services
A Civil Engineer can be employed as a:

o Construction Engineer
o Resident Civil Engineer
o Project Manager
o Quality Control Engineer
o Cost Engineer
Construction ENGINEER
Construction engineering involves planning and execution,
transportation of materials, site development based on hydraulic,
environmental, structural and geotechnical engineering

As construction firms tend to have higher business risk than other

types of civil engineering firms do, construction engineers often
engage in more business-like transactions, for example, drafting and
reviewing contracts, evaluating logistical operations, and monitoring
prices of supplies.
Create and hand out schedules for construction staff working in the field
Calculate the quantity of material, supplies and equipment needed for each individual project
Perform continuous evaluation on trends and ensure that preventative maintenance is managed at
each stage of the project
Other roles
Quality control engineer Cost engineer
• Test the quality of the • devoted to the management of
materials used project cost

• reviewing and implementing • budget, plan and monitor

investment projects
production checkpoints and
standards, • They seek the optimum balance
between cost, quality and time
Construction Services
Construction Contracting
Support technical Employee in the project
Philippine Contractor Accreditation
Need to first have a license on PCAB to be able to conduct Construction Contracting
This is under the RA 4566, Contractor’s License Law
RA 4566, Contractor’s License Law
RA 4566, Contractor’s License Law
The law was enacted in 1965 to ensure for the safety of the public that only qualified and reliable
contractors are allowed to undertake construction in the country, meaning those obtaining the
Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) License.

For more info :

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through him who
strengthens me.
Special Services
 Value Engineering  Topographic, sounding and boundary survey
 Load Testing engineering
 Environmental Evaluations  Toxic and hazardous waste evaluation
 Traffic Engineering  Permit and application services
 Forensic Engineering for structural and other  Sales and marketing services
failures  Expert witness
 Operational assistance  Representation of municipal or private entities in
 Materials process design projects proposed for privatization.
 Pilot studies
 Computer modeling
 Safety engineering
systematic method to improve the "value" of goods or products and services by using an
examination of function
A person undertaken a prescribed education and training in this field to ensure that they take
into account all features and issues relating to a particular property
is the process of putting demand on a software system or computing device and measuring its
Process of estimating and evaluating significant short-term and long-term effects of
a program or project on the quality of its location's environment. It also includes identifying
ways to minimize, mitigate, or eliminate these effects and/or compensate for their impact.
Traffic Engineers are engineers who are focused on studying the traffic flow they observe how
the traffic goes and study on it in order to reduce traffic.
Engineering investigation and determination of the causes of structural failures of buildings,
bridges and other constructed facilities, as well as rendering opinions and giving testimony in
judicial proceedings, often referred to as Forensic Structural Engineering
Operations management refers to the administration of business practices to create the highest
level of efficiency possible within an organization. It is concerned with converting materials and
is the design of processes for desired physical and/or chemical transformation of materials.
Process design is central to chemical engineering, and it can be considered to be the summit of
that field, bringing together all of the field's components.
pilot project or pilot experiment is a small scale preliminary study conducted in order to
evaluate feasibility, time, cost, adverse events, and effect size (statistical variability) in an
attempt to predict an appropriate sample size and improve upon the study design prior to
A computer-based model is a computer program that is designed to simulate what might or
what did happen in a situation. They are used in many ways including in astronomy, economics
and sciences such as physics and biology.
Are special types of engineers who are designed to ensure each person are safe in order for the
company to have low or 0 hazard.
Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the
terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them.
Sales and Marketing Services is a specialty in which they are the ones in charge of selling a
product and at the same time having a good income for the company. They are the ones who
manage the income of the company.
a person who is permitted to testify at a trial because of special knowledge or proficiency in a
particular field that is relevant to the case.
is the transfer of ownership of property or businesses from a government to a privately owned
entity. 2. The transition from a publicly traded and owned company to a company which is
privately owned and no longer trades publicly on a stock exchange.
Engineering Support
and Academic Services
Engineering Support Services
are services that further helps the construction.

Example: Geotechnical Engineering

General Civil Engineering Support Services
may involve:

Land and construction surveying
Civil estimating
Inspection services
Engineering Support Services
Civil Engineering judgment and guidance for adequate and correct
The validity or security of any engineering decision will always
depend on the accuracy and suitability of data obtained.

Involve full or part time teaching or training of future professionals

Upgrading of knowledge and skills of fellow professionals.

Academic services may include:
1. Teaching of civil engineering
courses in engineering
universities/ colleges on part/full
time basis.
2. Lecturing in civil engineering
courses designed by the Philippine
Institute of Civil Engineers for
practicing engineers who want to
obtain CPD (Continuing
Professional Development) credits.
Academic services may include:

3. Conducting
tutorials/refresher courses
on civil engineering
concepts and related
4. Serving as a Resource
Speaker in Technical
5. Writing technical articles
and pamphlets.

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