Embryology For Summer Session

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Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Hem Raj Aryal

Faculty of Botany,
Structure of Anther
Single layered, protective covering.

It has fibrous thickening of cellulose,

suberin and lignin.
It is hygroscopic(due to fibrous nature)
It helps in dehiscence of anther.

It is 2-3 layered and degenerates at

maturity( short lived, ephemeral)

● In gymnosperm and Archeuthobium there

is fibrous thickening in epidermis called
● Stomium is the site of dehiscence of
❖ It is innermost layer and nutritive in function
Tapetum (provides nutrition to developing pollen grains)

❖ Multinucleated and polyploid due to endomitosis.

❖ It produces biological substances such as CUPS.

C= callase enzyme(dissolves callose) and IAA(a

growth hormone)

U = Ubisch bodies(increases the thickness of


P = pollen kit(sticky coating of pollen garin made

up of lipid and carotenoids, acts as insect
attractant and protects from UV rays)

S = Sporopollenin (Hardest biological

Types of Anther

Monothecous Eg :
Anther Malvaceae

Dithecous tetrasporengiate Most common


Athecous Eg :
Anther Archeuthobium
Development of anther and microsporogenesis
Single hypodermal cell Periclinal division

Undifferentiated cell
Primary parietal Primary
cell sporogenous cell
In Cuscuta Forms anther
formation of more wall Differentiates into
than 4 microspores
takes place due to
repeated mitosis.
This is called Microspore
polyspory. mother cell
Callase meiosis
Microspore tetrad
Development of Microsporengium

Leptosporengiate Eusporengiate

Sporangium develops from single Sporangium develops from group of

cell. cells.

Examples :
Examples : Gymnosperm and
Pteridophytes Angiosperms
pollen grain
➔Pollen grain represents first stage of male
➔Pollen grain is best defined as partially
developed male gametophyte.
➔Pollen grain with pollen tube is called fully
developed male gametophyte.
➔Study of pollen grain is called palynology.
Pollen grain has two layered wall.
1. Exine : outer, thick , ornamented, made
up of sporopollenin.
2. Intine : inner, thin , smooth , made up of
➔ Germ pore represents a area where
exine is absent or very thin .
➔ Germ pore is site of emergence of

pollen tube.
➔Pollen grain of Chenopodium and Amaranthus
causes allergy.
➔Pollen gain of Serjanaia is poisonous.
➔Largest pollen grain- Mirabilis
➔Smallest pollen grain- Myosotis
➔Longest pollen grain- Zostera
Sporopollenin is hardest biological
substance. Pollen grain can be
fossilized due to presence of

Unequal mitosis Generative Cell

Vegetative cell
Pollen cell

Nucleus of generative cell is genetically active but nucleus

of vegetative cell is physiologically active.

Generative cell forms two male gamete and vegetative cell

forms pollen tube.
Stage at which pollen grain is shed

1 vegetative cell
Angiosperm 2 - celled stage +
1 generative cell

1 vegetative cell
Cycas 3 - celled stage 1 generative cell
Prothalial cell

1 vegetative cell
4 - celled stage 1 generative cell
pinus +
2Prothalial cell
Converts into seed
after fertilization.

Converts into fruit

wall after fertilization.
Structure of Ovule Most active part of ovule, base of
ovule , point of junction of
Converts integument with nucellus
into tegmen

Female gametophyte

Connects body of ovule with funicle

Converts into
testa after
Stalk of ovule

Opening of ovule, site Connects ovary with ovule

of entry of pollen tube
Do you know?
Edible part of Litchi is
fleshy aril. It develops
from funicle.
Fleshy aril
Remnant of
nucellus is called perisperm
Caruncle is structure near micropyle
of Castor (Ricinus) seed. It develops
from outer integument.
@ Rici Caca
Rici = Ricinus
Ca = Castor
Ca = cruncle
Types of Ovule
Orthotropous ovule
Erect or upright ovule.
micropyle, funicle and
chalaza lie on straight
most primitive and
simplest type of ovule.
Examples: PPC
P = piperaceae
P = polygonaceae
C = cycas
Anatropous ovule

Inverted ovule.
Most common type.
Funicle and micropyle
are parallel.
Examples : PAAN
P = pinus
A = angiosperm
AN = anatropous
Hemitropous ovule
Half inverted ovule.
Body of ovule is
perpendicular to
.Examples :
HEM = hemitropous
RA = ranunculus
Amphitropous ovule
•Both body of ovule and
embryo sacs are curved.
•Examples : ALISHKO PAPA
ALISH = alismaceae
PAPA = papavaraceae
Campylotropous ovule

•Only the body of ovule is

•Examples : CRUEL CACA
CRUE = Cruciferae
L = leguminosae
CA = Capsella
CA = Capparis
Circinotropous ovule

•Body of ovule is
encircled by funicle

•Examples : Opuntia
Types of Ovule On the Basis Of integument

Bitegmic : ovule containing two Unitegmic : ovule containing

integument. single integument.
Development of Megasporengium and Megasporogeneiss

Single hypodermal cell Periclinal division

Undifferentiated cell
Primary parietal Primary
cell sporogenous cell
magasporengium wall Differentiates into

mother cell
3 degenerate Callase meiosis

Four megaspore Linear megaspore tetrad

Embryo sac

For the formation of mature embryo sac 3 fold

mitosis is required.

Typical angiospermic embryo sac is 7 celled and 8

nucleated. It is polygonum type of embryo sac.

Largest cell of embryo sac is polar cell.

Embryo sac is considered as female gametophyte.

Egg cell is constant feature of embryo sac.

Filliform apparatus are the finger like structures

present in synergids. They guide the entry of pollen
tube inside synergids and help in release of male

Growth of pollen tube towards embryo sac is

Entry of pollen tube

Porogamy Basigamy Mesogamy

Entry of pollen tube from micropyle. Entry of pollen tube from chalaza. Entry of pollen tube from integument.
Most common Eg : Casuarina Eg : Cucurbita
Double Fertilization and Triple Fusion

● After discharging
from pollen tube one
of the male gametes
fuses with egg to
form zygote. This is
called syngamy.
● Second male gamete
with the polar
cell(diploid) to form
polar nucleus to
form triploid
endosperm which is
called triple fusion..

Double fertilization = syngamy + Triple fusion

Before Fertilization After Fertilization

Ovary Fruit

Ovule Seed

Outer integument Testa

Inner integument Tegmen

Micropyle of ovule Micropyle of seed

Polar cell + 1st male gamete Endosperm

Antipodal cells and synergids Degenerates

Three families in which endosperm is not formed

Orchidaceae Trapaceae Podostemaceae

Autogamy Allogamy

Geitonogamy Xenogamy

Geitonogamy is genetically self pollination and ecologically cross

Xenogamy is true allogamy
Contrivances for Self Pollination

a. Bisexuality (Monocliny) : Self pollination always occurs in bisexual flower.

a. Homogamy : Stamen and carpel mature at same time.

a. Cleistogamy : Flower which never open at maturity is called cleistogamous flower.

Examples: Commelina, Viola , Pisum, Arachis, Oxalis .

@car of vip is always closed.
C = Commelina
Ar = Arachis
Of = Oxalis
Vi = Viola
P = Pisum
(Arachis hypogea)

In groundnut flowers are produced

above ground. Once fertilized , the
peg carrying seed- filled pods travel
downward into soil for further
development. Therefore groundnut
shows phenomenon of geocarpy.
In Commelina benghalensis two types of flowers are present in same plant.
Commelina a. Arial flower : Chasmogamous, cross pollination occurs .
benghalensis b. Underground flower : Cleistogamous ,self pollination occurs.
Therefore commelina is called chasmo-cleistogamous plant.

Arial Flower Underground Flower

Contrivances for Cross Pollination

A. Unisexuality (Dicliny) : Cross pollination occurs in unisexual flower(not always).

A. Dichogamy : Stamen and carpel mature at different time. Dichogamy is of two


1.Protandry : Anther mature earlier than carpel. Eg: Cotton , sunflower, salvia,
Jasminum, Capsella etc.

2.Protogyny : Carpel mature earlier than stamen. Eg Ficus, Aristolochia ,Magnolia

D. Herkogamy:
Inhibition in self pollination due to
morphological barrier is called

In Calotropis Herkogamy occurs due

to presence of pollinia and
formation of waxy layer around
stigma .

E. self sterility/ self incompatibility : pollen grain of the flower can not germinate on the
stigma of same flower. Eg : Tea, Orchid, Malva etc.
Methods of cross pollination
A. Anemophily: Pollination by wind.
● Pollen grains are very small, light, dry and smooth.
● Anemophilous plant produce enormous amount of
pollen grain.
● Examples : gymnosperms, grasses etc.
In pinus clouds
are formed in sky
due to pollen
grains during
These clouds are
called sulphur
B. Hydrophily : pollination by
● Hydrophily may be epihydrophily
(above surface of water) or
hypohydrophily (below surface of

● Hypohydrophily : Zoostera ,
Naja , Ceratophyllum. @aaja
zoo ko ratophyllum
● Epihydrophily : Vallisneria.
@epic valley
C. Zoophily: pollination by animals

1. Entomophily: pollination by insect.

 Most common mode of pollination.
 Flowers are large and attractive (colorful).
 Nectar gland is common which secrets
sugary fluid called nectar.

 Pollen grains are sticky, rough and large. Examples: mustard, pea , sunflower,
jasmine , Bougainvillea.
or Turn
in Salvia
Trap door mechanism in Ficus
Translator mechanism in Calotropis
Pollination in Yucca by symbiotic relationship with
Pronuba moth
Pollination in orchid
by peseudocopulation
E. Cheiropterophily : pollination by bat
D. Ornithophily : pollination by bird
Examples : Musa, Kigella ,Adamsia,
Examples : Bombax, Callistemon Anthocephallous

F. Ohiophily : pollination by snake G. Malacophily : pollination by snail

Examples : Rawolffia, Arisaema Examples : Colocasia, Lemna

Rafflesia is pollinated by Carrion fly Gulmohar is pollinated by squirrels.

and elephant.

Development of more than one

embryo is called polyembryony.

It is common in gymnosperm.

Polyembryony was discovered by

Leeuwenhoek in citrus.
Albuminous(Endospermic) seed

These seed contain

persistent endosperm. E
Food is stored in n
endosperm. o
Most of the monocot s
seeds are p
endospermic. r
Castor is endospermic m
dicot seed
Ex-Albuminous(Non-Endospermic) seed

Endosperm is
consumed by o
growing cotyledon. t
Food is stored in l
Cotyledon. e
Most of the dicot d
seeds are Non- n
Perispermic Seed

The seed that

contains persistent
nucellus(perisperm) is
called Perispermic perisperm



Development of embryo
asexually i.e. without gamete
formation and fertilization is
called apomixis.

Development of embryo from egg

i.e. development of embryo from
unfertilized egg is called
Development of fruit without
pollination and fertilization is called
Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless.
Banana and Grapes are
parthenocarpic fruits.

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