EST 130 BEE Module 2 FULL PDF
EST 130 BEE Module 2 FULL PDF
EST 130 BEE Module 2 FULL PDF
Magnetic Circuits: Basic Terminology: MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance –
comparison between electric and magnetic circuits- Series and parallel magnetic circuits
with composite materials, numerical problems.
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's laws, problems, Lenz's law- statically induced and
dynamically induced emfs - Self-inductance and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling
Classification of magnets
Permanent magnets: materials when magnetized retain their magnetism
for long time even after removal of magnetizing force.
Electromagnet: If magnetization is done by passing electric current in a
coil surrounding the material the magnet is called electromagnet.
The study of magnetic circuit concepts is essential in design analysis
and applications of electromagnetic devices like transformers,
gen-erators and motors.
Magnetic field around bar magnet
•Just as electric field exit near a charged body, magnetic field exist
around a magnet .
•The space in which a magnetic pole experiences a force is called
magnetic field.
•The magnetic field around a magnet is represented by imaginary
lines called magnetic lines of force, these lines of force could
emerge from north pole of the magnet passes through the
surrounding medium and re-enter the south pole inside the
magnet . each lines of force passes from south or north
Magnetic flux(Ф)
B= μ H
Reluctance (S)
•Opposition offered by the magnetic circuit to the establishment of
magnetic flux
•Reluctance is denoted by S and is directly proportional to the
length and inversely proportional to the area of cross-section of the
magnetic path.
•It is analogues to resistance in electric circuit.
Electric and magnetic circuit
Comparison b/w electric and magnetic circuits
Magnetic circuit
• In a magnetic circuit if same flux flow through all part of circuit then
we can say that circuit is a series magnetic circuit
Force on a current carrying conductor
• Fig shows a coil whose terminals are connected to Galvanometer. Bar magnet is
initially at rest some flux is linked with the coil but there is no deflection in G.
• Now the bar magnet is suddenly brought closer to the coil. There is sudden
deflection in G and this deflection exists as long as the magnet is in motion
relative to coil.
• When magnet moved away from the coil there is a sudden deflection in opposite
• The deflection in G indicates production of emf in coil. This emf exists
as long as there is change in the flux linked with the coil.
• Stationary flux however strong will never induce emf in a stationary
• The process by which an emf is induced in a conductor whenever
there is change in magnetic flux linked with the conductor is called
electromagnetic induction
Faradays laws of Electromagnetic induction
Mutually induced emf
The emf induced in a coil due to change the changing current in the
neighbouring coil is called mutually induced emf
Mutually induced emf
Mutual inductance(M)
Coefficient of coupling
Module 2
AC Fundamentals
AC fundamentals
• An alternating voltage is any voltage that varies both in
magnitude and polarity time similarly current.
• An AC circuit is a circuit in which an alternating current flows
and reverses its direction at regular intervals of time.
• A sinusoidal voltage can be generated either by rotating a coil
in a stationary magnetic field or by rotating magnetic field
within a stationary coil.
• Instantaneous values of emf and current vary as sine functions
of angle θ so they are known as sinusoidal voltage and
• e = Em sin ωt and I = Im sin ωt where Em and Im are peak
values of induced emf and current where ω = 2πf.