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Finite Element Analysis of the

Initial Yielding Behavior of a Hard

Coating/Substrate System With
Functionally Graded Interface
L. S. Stephens Under Indentation and Friction
Yan Liu
E. I. Meletis The initial yielding behavior due to the indentation and friction process between an
elastic cylindrical surface and hard coating/functionally graded substrate system is ana-
Mechanical Engineering Department,
lyzed by finite element modeling. A thin hard DLC film deposited on a soft Ti–6Al–4V
Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
alloy substrate is considered as a model system. Two functional gradient substrate con-
ditions are considered: (i) a gradient in yield strength and (ii) a gradient in elastic
modulus. In both cases, appropriate gradients result in significant benefits to the reliabil-
ity of the coated system compared to the case of an ungraded substrate. The results
indicate that systems with an appropriate gradient in yield strength: (i) can withstand
significantly higher applied contact stresses (3–12 times higher for the present model
system), (ii) shift the location of the initial yield point deeper into the substrate (at least
by a factor of 2 for the present model system), and (iii) can use coatings of greater
thickness. Finally, the results indicate that an appropriate gradient in elastic modulus
results in a dramatic reduction in equivalent stress on the contact surface and at the
interface as compared to the ungraded case. The present results suggest distinct benefits
to the durability of coated systems when using a substrate with functionally graded prop-
erties. 关S0742-4787共00兲02002-6兴

1 Introduction stress states by using the least-squares approach and determined

the distribution of equivalent stresses in the coating and substrate.
Traditionally, hard coatings have been used to improve the tri-
It was found that the position of the maximum equivalent stress
bological properties of metallic materials in many engineering
depends on the stiffness of the coating relative to the substrate, the
components. Due to poor deflection ability, failure of thin hard
ratio of coating thickness to half-contact width and the value of
coatings under indentation and friction is usually triggered by ini-
the coefficient of friction.
tiation and propagation of cracks on the coating/substrate interface
and consequent flaking of the coating material from the substrate A more rigorous analysis has been performed by Komvopoulos
关1兴. Thus, during indentation and friction, the degradation of hard 关6兴 using elastic-plastic FEA to calculate the stress distribution of
coatings largely depends on the nonuniform spatial stress distri- an indented ceramic coating on a metallic substrate. It was shown
bution and the plastic flow in the coating/substrate. Due to the that the coating thickness and the mechanical properties of the
difference in mechanical properties between the coating and sub- coating and the substrate significantly affect the contact pressure
strate, accurate solutions of stress distribution in layered media profile on the contact surface. Also, it was found that yielding in
cannot be extracted from previous work on homogenous media. the layered medium always initiates at the coating-substrate inter-
Proper analysis then requires advanced numerical methods such as face below the center of contact and the plastic zone does not
finite element methods 共FEM兲. grow toward the surface of the indented layered medium but is
Early investigations have produced profound information about restricted to the boundary of the hard coating and the substrate.
the deformation characteristics of sliding contact on both layered Similar FE analysis of a rigid indenter on an elastoplastic two-
and homogeneous media. Hamilton and Goodman 关2兴 performed layered system has been conducted by other investigators 关7,8兴.
both plane-strain and three-dimensional analysis of rigid circular The Hertz theory and FEM have been combined by Djabella and
sliders contacting a homogenous half-space. It was found that the Arnell 关9兴 to analyze elastic stresses in single, double, and
maximum equivalent 共von Mises兲 stress, and hence the point of multilayer systems. More recently, the surface deformation char-
initial yielding, occurred in the subsurface directly below the acteristics resulting from indentation and sliding contact between
slider for a sufficiently low friction coefficient and that this point a rigid sphere and a layered half-space were examined by per-
moves toward the surface with increasing friction coefficient. forming three-dimensional FE simulations 关10兴.
From the crack initiation viewpoint, Kennedy and Ling 关3兴 used Detailed local yield maps for the indentation and friction of
FEM to analyze the indentation problem of a thin elastic-plastic coating/substrate systems were developed by Diao and Koji 关11兴.
coating deposited on different substrates. They showed that the They concluded that for low friction conditions ( f ⫽0.25), local
indenter size, the contact pressure, the coating thickness, and the yielding occurs in the substrate under a wide variety of S f /S s (S f ,
coating and substrate properties affect the yielding event. S s : yield strength of film and substrate, respectively兲 values when
Considering frictional forces on the coating surface, King and t/a⬍0.3 共t, a: film thickness and half contact width, respectively兲.
O’Sullivan 关4,5兴 analyzed two- and three-dimensional quasi-static Only when S f /S s is very close to unity and t/a⬎3, the local
yielding appears in the coating. Between these two cases (0.3
Contributed by the Tribology Division for publication in the Journal of Tribology.
⬍t/a⬍3), yielding initiates at the coating/substrate interface and
Manuscript received by the Tribology Division March 23, 1999; revised manuscript develops into the substrate. For a high friction condition ( f
received July 14, 1999. Associate Technical Editor: J. A. Williams. ⫽0.5), the yielding at the surface dominates when S f /S s ⬍3 and

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the yielding at the coating/substrate interface dominates when
S f /S s ⬎3. Wong et al. 关12兴 studied the effects of repeated normal
and frictional loading of surfaces with hard coating and homoge-
neous 共ungraded兲 soft substrates. Shakedown limits were pre-
sented as a function of system parameters, including those for
multilayered system. Kapoor and Williams 关13兴 conducted an
analysis involving a hardness gradient developed in steels by
plasma nitriding, but no hard top coating was involved in this
The above analysis shows that under certain conditions 共low
friction coefficient, f兲, yielding will occur within the substrate.
Thus, the properties of the subsurface region of the substrate are
expected to critically impact the coating/substrate system. This
issue becomes more important in the case of soft substrates and is
the subject of the present study.
An innovative approach to accommodate hard films on soft
substrates is to develop a functionally graded or composite inter- Fig. 1 Finite element model and coordinate system for inden-
face with gradient mechanical properties 共yielding strength, S y or tation and friction of elastic cylindrical indenter on a hard
elastic modulus, E兲 as was demonstrated by Meletis et al. 关14兴 and coatingÕsoft substrate system
Voevodin et al. 关15兴. It is anticipated that the more uniform stress
and strain gradient at the interface will have a positive impact on
the tribological behavior of hard films. The reduction of strain
differentials at the interface and of film deflection by establishing model of the indentation and friction process is similar to that
the functionally graded interface may allow the film to operate in found in 关11兴 with an elliptic pressure distribution, N(x), resulting
the elastic regime causing a positive impact on its behavior and from normal load, P, and the traction, F(x), resulting from fric-
durability. tion force, F f .
Up to now, no information related to the yielding behavior of The distribution of normal contact pressure, N(x), on the con-
indented graded media 共graded yield strength and/or elastic tact area is assumed to be of the elliptical form within the contact
modulus兲 under friction is available. The objective of this study, width, 2a, of the contact region 关19兴:
therefore, is to investigate, using FEM, the initial yielding behav-
ior in a system composed of a hard coating deposited on a func-
tionally graded interface developed in a soft substrate. Diamond-
N共 x 兲⫽
冑 1⫺
共 for 兩 x 兩 ⭐a 兲 , (1)

like carbon 共DLC兲 coating is considered as a model coating. This where P is the normal load per unit length of cylindrical indenter.
coating is characterized by high hardness and low friction. A rela- The normal pressure is applied to the FE model as a piecewise
tively low E alloy 共Ti–6Al–4V alloy兲 was selected as the model stepped surface pressure normal to the face of each element. For a
substrate material. A hardness gradient can be produced in this large number of elements this approximates the actual pressure
alloy by a plasma nitriding process that results in a nitrogen dif- distribution given in Eq. 共1兲. The tangential traction due to fric-
fusion layer 关16兴. The DLC film can be deposited using ion-beam tion, F(x), along the contact width is accordingly calculated by
deposition which has been found to produce high quality and ad-
herent DLC films 关13兴. In the model, friction is generated by F共 x 兲⫽ f N共 x 兲 共 for 兩 x 兩 ⭐a 兲 , (2)
assuming an elastic steel cylindrical surface sliding on the duplex where f is the coefficient of friction. This surface traction is ap-
DLC/nitrided Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Experimental aspects on this sys- plied to the FE model using the stepped approximation of N(x).
tem can be found elsewhere 关13,15,17,18兴. Note that the Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z) is centered
The present calculations are divided into two groups: 共i兲 a sub- on the coating/substrate interface, therefore z/a⫽0 corresponds to
strate with a gradient in yield strength while the elastic modulus is the coating/substrate interface, not the contact surface. This is
constant, and 共ii兲 an interface with linearly graded elastic modu- important when interpreting results later in the paper. The geom-
lus. Results from group 共i兲 calculations are presented as a function etry of the half-space considered in the FE analysis is dependent
of coating thickness, external contact stress, coefficient of friction upon the value of half width, a. It has been shown previously that
and elastic modulus of coating, in order to obtain an insight into the effect of loading on the contact area becomes insignificant at a
the influence of these parameters on the initiation of yielding in horizontal distance of approximately four to six times the contact
the substrate during indentation and friction. Group 共ii兲 calcula- width of the indentation and a vertical distance approximately
tions are conducted by assuming an array of linearly graded elas- four to ten times the contact width of the indentation 关20兴. More
tic modulus in order to investigate its effect on the stress distribu- recent work has shown this effect to be even less at 20 times the
tion in the coating/substrate region. contact width. In this analysis, the horizontal and vertical dis-
tances are chosen to be 20a. It is assumed that the displacements
2 Finite Element Modeling of Indentation and Friction of each nodal point located on the defined boundary are con-
of a Cylindrical Surface on Flat Surface strained to zero. The half-space is discretized using an array of
2000 to 3000 two-dimensional eight-node isoparametric quadrilat-
Establishment of Finite Element Model. Consider a hard eral elements. To obtain accurate stress distributions on the con-
coating bonded perfectly to a semi-infinite body of the substrate tact area and highly stressed zone near the contact area, the finite
so that the combination of coating and substrate can be assumed element mesh of the half-space was refined in this region. The
to be a single bulk medium. An elastic surface, assumed to be an horizontal and vertical dimensions of the mesh beneath the con-
infinitely long circular cylinder, is indented into the coating and is tact region are 0.039a and 0.0625t 共t is the thickness of the coat-
represented by the resulting Hertzian contact stress distribution ing兲, respectively. The multifunction finite element program
between the indenter and half space with a half-width of 10 ␮m. ANSYS共5.4兲 was used for calculation and processing of the
This value of the contact radius is reasonable for flat surfaces as results.
those pertaining to polished thin film surfaces 关12兴. During inden-
tation of the cylinder on the flat coated surface, the semi-infinite Evaluation of the Finite Element Model. To evaluate the
body is in the condition of plane strain. The indentation condition accuracy of the finite element model, a system was assumed com-
and corresponding coordinate system are shown in Fig. 1. This posed of a steel cylindrical indenter and Ti–6Al–4V alloy sub-

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Table 1 Elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of coating and
substrate materials

E共GPa兲 ␯
Indenter 共steel兲 207 0.31
Coating 共DLC兲* 350 0.3
Substrate 共Ti–6Al–4V兲 113.7 0.321

*Reference 关30兴

tension of an isotropically deforming material can be considered

to be one-third of the indentation hardness when the strain-
hardening coefficient is negligibly small. In the present analysis,
the measured hardness of DLC films 共30 GPa兲 关17兴 and hardness
profile determined in the nitrided layer 关16兴 are used to derive the
yield strength profile of the coating and graded interface, respec-
tively. The hardness profile of nitrided Ti–6Al–4V and the cor-
responding yield strength profile are shown in Fig. 3. Note that the
yield strength of the ungraded Ti–6Al–4V alloy is S y ⫽1 GPa.
The mechanical properties of the materials used in the model
are listed in Table 1. The elastic modulus of the nitrided Ti–
6Al–4V layer can be considered to be that of bulk 共unprocessed兲
Ti–6Al–4V alloy since the low percentage of interstitial nitrogen
atoms in the layer 共⬍10 at percent兲 will not create a noticeable
variation in E.
Fig. 2 Comparison between analytical and finite element solu- In the present analysis, the radius of the cylindrical indenter,
tions for t Õ R Ä0 and „a… f Ä0 and „b… f Ä0.5 共R兲, the half-width of the contact, 共a兲, and the maximum contact
stress, ( P o ⫽2 P/ ␲ a), are used to normalize the coating thickness,
共t兲, distance from the coating/substrate interface, 共z兲, and the cal-
strate without coating and loaded with P⫽50,000 N/m and f ⫽0 culated equivalent stress values, respectively.
and 0.5. The results calculated by FEM were compared with ana-
lytical ones of normalized stress distribution along the z axis (x
⫽0) given in the reference by Smith and Liu 关21兴. The results 3 Results and Discussion
from both approaches are presented in Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲, where Spatial Equivalent Stress Distribution and Initial Yielding
good agreement is shown between the FE model and the analyti-
cal results. Point. Figure 4 presents the distribution of equivalent stress at
various depths under the combination of normal and tangential
Yielding Criterion and Properties of the Functionally tractions for a system composed of a low friction hard coating
Graded Layer. For the system considered in the present study, 共DLC with f ⫽0.1) on a soft substrate 共Ti–6Al–4V alloy兲. The
failure of the hard coating typically occurs due to local plastic curves show peak values of equivalent stress passing very near the
flow in the subsurface region of the substrate. Thus, it is important center-line of the contact region (x⫽0). A detailed analysis of the
to determine the initial yield point in the substrate. According to resulting stress data on the individual nodes reveals that the maxi-
the elasto-plastic theory in isotropic materials, elastic deformation mum values of the equivalent stress at various depths lay on a line
ceases and yielding commences when the von Mises yield crite- with the coordinate of x⬇0.0125a, which has negligible deviation
rion is satisfied, i.e.: from the central line of the contact region. Also, a comparison
between the maximum values along these two positions 共i.e., x
␴ ⬘ ⫽ 兵 21 关共 ␴ 1 ⫺ ␴ 2 兲 2 ⫹ 共 ␴ 2 ⫺ ␴ 3 兲 2 ⫹ 共 ␴ 3 ⫺ ␴ 1 兲 2 兴 其 1/2⭓S y (3) ⬇0.0125a and x⫽0) shows no significant change. This bears out
the well known result that a pure normal traction results in a
where ␴⬘ is the equivalent 共von Mises兲 stress, ␴ 1 , ␴ 2 , and ␴ 3 are distribution of the equivalent stress that is symmetric about the
the first, second, and third principal stresses, respectively, and S y z-axis. Further, the addition of tangential traction, due to friction,
is the local yield strength. distorts the distribution of equivalent stress to the friction
In this study, the nitrided substrate possesses a gradient in yield direction.
strength. Based on previous investigations, the yield strength in

Fig. 4 Distribution of equivalent stress at various depths in

Fig. 3 Hardness and yield strength profiles for plasma nitrided the substrate with low friction coefficient DLC coating „ t Õ R
Ti–6Al–4V alloy †16‡ Ä0.07, f Ä0.1…

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Initiation of Yielding. By further examination of the equiva-
lent stress and the strength profiles of Fig. 5, it is evident that the
maximum contact stress ( P o ) does not exercise any influence on
the normalized location of initial yielding point (z o /a). This is
true for any given coating thickness as the normalized equivalent
stress profile is independent of contact stress for any given coating
thickness, and the normalized substrate yield strength profile 共ei-
ther graded or ungraded兲 simply scales up and down and is in-
versely proportional to the contact stress. This is also true for low
values of friction ( f ⬍0.1) as those found in DLC coatings. In
fact, for f ⫽0.1, yielding of the ungraded substrate occurs at a
normalized depth of 0.65 which is very close to the normalized
yielding location predicted by the equivalent yield criterion with-
out friction 共0.67兲 关22兴. The small difference is more than likely
due to the applied tangential friction force, which is consistent
Fig. 5 Profiles of calculated equivalent stress and graded and
ungraded substrate yield strength „ t Õ R Ä0, f Ä0… with previous calculations 关23兴.
Figure 6 shows the normalized location of the initial yielding
point as a function of coating thickness, for the graded and un-
graded substrate and for f ⫽0.1. For the ungraded substrate with
thin coatings, t/R⫽0.02, 0.04, yielding initiates in the substrate
Thus, the analysis of spatial equivalent stress distribution can beneath the contacting region and at a depth of 0.40a and 0.22a,
be reasonably simplified by only considering the equivalent stress respectively. For thicker coatings, t/R⫽0.07 and beyond, yielding
distribution along the z axis. starts on the coating/substrate interface, regardless of the
The analysis of initial yielding is based on comparing the cal- P o /H DLC value. In fact, careful analysis reveals that in the case of
culated equivalent stress distribution and the yield strength profile thick coatings, the peak values of equivalent stress 共as shown in
in the near surface region of the substrate given in Fig. 3. The Fig. 5兲 locate inside the coating. However, for a brittle coating
location of initial yielding for an ungraded substrate clearly occurs such as DLC, plastic flow prior to fracture in the coating should
at the depth of the maximum equivalent stress. However, for a
be neglected, thus it is considered that yielding initiates on the
graded substrate this is not necessarily true. In fact, given an ap-
coating/substrate interface. On the other hand, in the case of a
propriate strength gradient, the location of initial yield can be
hard and tough coating, plastic deformation prior to fracture be-
pushed deeper into the substrate, away from the coating/substrate
comes feasible. In the latter case, plastic flow would initiate in the
interface, thus reducing the likelihood of failure. The approach
coating provided that its yield strength is exceeded by the maxi-
then is to compare the resulting equivalent stress profile to the
mum equivalent stress.
yield strength profile to determine at what substrate depth and
For the graded substrate, Fig. 6 indicates that yielding occurs at
applied contact stress initial yielding occurs.
the knee of the graded profile (1.3a) independent of coating thick-
This approach is illustrated in Fig. 5 with the profiles of the
ness. Thus, coating delamination is less likely for the graded sub-
calculated equivalent stress and yield strength of the graded Ti–
strate. This result demonstrates how a gradient in substrate yield
6Al–4V alloy substrate for the case of indentation with no coating
present (t/R⫽0), a loading condition of P o /H DLC⫽0.185, zero strength can alleviate a failure tendency in systems involving hard
friction, and a contact half-width of a⫽10 ␮ m 共the radius, R, of coatings on soft substrates.
the indenter is the free variable兲. In this figure, the normalized Usually, for a brittle coating 共such as DLC兲, plastic flow near or
equivalent stress distribution is independent of maximum contact at the interface may initiate nucleation and growth of cracks along
pressure, P o , but the normalized graded and ungraded yield the interface due to its inability to follow the deflection of the
strength profiles scale inversely with contact pressure. The contact substrate. The interfacial delamination of the coating will be gen-
pressure for this figure corresponds to the yield point of the erated by this plastic flow and followed by crack growth along the
graded substrate. This figure clearly shows that the substrate with interface. Also, the intrinsic highly compressive stress present in
a proper gradient in yield strength is above the initial yield point such coatings 共⬎4 GPa兲 and their brittle nature can trigger the
at all depths, while the original 共unprocessed兲 substrate is clearly initiation and growth of cracks within the coating 关24,25兴. Thus,
beyond its yield point ( P o /H DLC⫽0.059). This figure also illus- for ungraded substrates as the coating thickness increases, the
trates that the location of the initial yield point can be pushed stored elastic strain energy builds up to a critical level that can
significantly deeper into the substrate (z o /a⫽1.3 for the graded cause either coating delamination from the substrate or cracking
substrate versus z o /a⫽0.67 for the ungraded substrate兲. This is
achieved by designing a graded profile with an initial gradient that
is slightly steeper than that of the equivalent stress profile and that
includes a distinct knee. Under this design the yield point will
occur at the location of this knee.
Figure 5 shows a tangent line to the equivalent stress curve that
represents the minimum gradient for the graded strength profile
such that the yield point occurs at the knee. This line is extrapo-
lated to give the minimum required surface yield strength for the
graded case as 0.74P o . 共Note that Muraleedharan and Meletis
关15兴 achieved 1.62 times this in practice.兲
The depth of the initial yield point for the graded substrate is
twice that of the ungraded substrate as shown in Fig. 5. Moving
the location of the yield point deeper into the substrate is advan-
tageous as it moves the initial yield point further away from the
coating/substrate interface, reducing the likelihood of coating fail-
ure. Results are presented below showing the location of the ini-
tial yield point as a function of friction coefficient and coating Fig. 6 Location of initial yielding as a function of coating
thickness. thickness „ f Ä0.1…

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of the coating itself. However, for appropriately designed graded crease rapidly with normalized coating thickness as the peak of
substrates, the problem of coating delamination due to plastic flow the equivalent stress curve moves toward the interface 共the initial
can, to a degree, be alleviated. yield point is on the steep portion of this curve兲. Once the peak of
Furthermore, the results of Fig. 6 indicate that in a graded sub- the equivalent stress curve moves into the coating (t/R⬎0.7) the
strate thicker coatings can be used and thus, the lifetime of the rate of increase in P crit /H DLC will diminish for the graded sub-
tribological system can be increased. This was not possible previ- strate. Figure 7 indicates that the graded substrate results in an
ously with ungraded substrates since at a certain coating thick- increase in P crit of 3–12 times over the ungraded substrate for the
ness, yielding would have initiated at the interface and reduced DLC system under study.
coating durability. Thus, a twofold effect is produced by using a substrate with a
gradient in yield strength: 共i兲 yielding initiation is moved into the
Effects on Initial Yielding Point. The correlation of normal- substrate away from the coating/substrate interface and 共ii兲 thicker
ized critical applied stress ( P crit : applied stress at which yielding coatings can be used. These effects result in a greater load carry-
initiates兲, P crit /H DLC , with normalized coating thickness, t/R is ing capacity and extension of the lifetime of the tribological
shown in Fig. 7 for the case of low friction ( f ⫽0.1). As previ- system.
ously indicated, when t/R⫽0 共no coating兲, P crit /H DLC⫽0.059 for
the ungraded substrate and P crit /H DLC⫽0.185 for the graded sub- Effect of Friction Coefficient on Initial Yielding Behavior.
strate considered in this paper. As the coating thickness increases, Equivalent stress calculations were also conducted for different
the maximum equivalent stress in the substrate moves closer to values of friction coefficient ( f ⫽0, 0.25, and 0.50兲. It is well
the interface for values of t/R⭐0.07 and into the coating for val- documented that due to the distortion of the equivalent stress con-
ues of t/R⬎0.07 as indicated in Fig. 6. This effect is shown in tour under a higher friction coefficient, the maximum equivalent
Fig. 8 for a value of t/R⫽0.1. Note the discontinuity at the inter- stress profile does not coincide with the central line 共z-axis兲. This
face (z/a⫽0) due to the abrupt change in material property and is illustrated in Fig. 9, which shows the equivalent stress distribu-
the high stress on the contact surface due to surface friction. Cor- tion at different depths (z/a) along different horizontal locations
respondingly, for the ungraded substrate, initial yielding occurs at (x/a) for f ⫽0.25. Clearly, the peak value is no longer on the line
the peak equivalent stress for coating thickness values up to t/R x/a⫽0, as it is for very low friction coefficients. The profiles of
⫽0.07 and at the interface for coating thickness values greater the equivalent stress were plotted along the x-direction for various
than t/R⫽0.07. As a result of this trend, Fig. 7 indicates that the depths within the substrate for values of f ⫽0, 0.25, and 0.5. The
normalized critical applied stress decreases very slightly from maximum value of equivalent stress and its corresponding devia-
0.059 as the peak equivalent stress moves towards the interface tion from the z-axis were obtained and plotted with respect to
(t/R⬍0.7). The critical applied stress then begins to increase depth. The initial yield location was determined by comparing the
slightly once the peak has moved into the coating (t/R⬎0.07) and maximum equivalent stress profile versus depth and the yield
the overall equivalent stress in the substrate begins to decrease. strength profile of the graded layer at the value of x/a where the
For the graded substrate, failure will occur at the knee of the equivalent stress is a maximum.
gradient as shown in Fig. 5, regardless of the coating thickness. The influence of the friction coefficient on the initial yielding
Therefore, the normalized critical applied stress will initially in- location is then shown in Fig. 10 for the graded and ungraded
substrates. As previously shown the location of initial yield for the
ungraded substrate follows the location of the peak equivalent
stress. Under the effects of friction, this point moves from the

Fig. 7 Critical applied contact stress as a function of coating

thickness „ f Ä0.1…

Fig. 9 Distribution of equivalent stress at various depth in the

substrate with larger friction coefficient „ t Õ R Ä0.07, f Ä0.25…

Fig. 8 Calculated effective stress in coatingÕsubstrate system

with normalized graded and ungraded substrate yield strength Fig. 10 The effect of friction on the location of substrate initial
superimposed „ t Õ R Ä0.1, f Ä0.1… yielding point

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centerline of contact (x/a⫽0) towards the direction of the applied
frictional force and closer to the interface as the frictional force
increases. This is not so for an appropriately designed graded
substrate. As was previously shown, the location of initial yield
for the graded substrate occurs at the knee of the yield strength
profile. As Fig. 10 indicates, under the effects of friction, this
point moves from the centerline of contact (x/a⫽0) toward the
direction of the applied frictional force, but remains at the same
depth (z/a⫽1.3). This is due to the fact that the yield strength
gradient is independent of horizontal location (x/a) in the half-
space. Thus failure occurs at the knee of the profile (z/a⫽1.3),
but moves to the x/a location corresponding to the maximum
equivalent stress. Fig. 12 Linear gradient in substrate elastic modulus „coating
elastic modulus, E c Ä433 GPa…
Influence of CoatingÕSubstrate Elastic Modulus Ratio. The
coating/substrate modulus ratio was also varied to study its effect
on the initial yielding behavior of the substrate. In fact, large
variations in Young’s modulus of DLC coatings 共from ⬍100 GPa
up to ⬎500 GPa兲 have been observed due to different fraction of
sp 3 and sp 2 bonding in the DLC structure 关26兴.
Figure 11 presents the effect of elastic modulus ratio, E c /E s ,
(E c and E s are the elastic moduli of the coating and substrate,
respectively兲 on the normalized initial yielding point for both the
graded and ungraded substrate yield strength, and for a coating
thickness of t/R⫽0.01. This figure indicates that for the ungraded
substrate high ratios of elastic modulus shift the initial yielding
point closer to the coating/substrate interface. A relatively high
elastic modulus of the coating increases the deflection difference
between the coating and substrate and as a result creates a high Fig. 13 Equivalent stress profile at centerline for graded elas-
stress concentration in the region near the coating/substrate inter- tic modulus versus ungraded elastic modulus „ f Ä0.1, t Õ R
face. Thus, in the case of a high modulus ratio, yielding of the Ä0.02…
ungraded substrate initiates in the region near the coating/
substrate interface. For the case of the graded substrate yield
strength, an increase in the elastic modulus ratio still creates a Ti–6Al–4V alloy兲 and exhibiting a linear variation in the elastic
high stress concentration in the region near the coating/substrate modulus. A hard coating (E c /E s ⫽4, t/R⫽0.02) is deposited on
interface. However, due to the steep yield strength gradient, initial top of the gradient layer. The variation of the elastic modulus in
yielding of the substrate still occurs at the knee of the yield the substrate for this multilayer system is depicted graphically in
strength curve and is independent of the elastic modulus ratio. Fig. 12. This material property curve is approximated within the
Therefore, for the graded substrate, initial yield occurs at z o /a FE code using discrete layers of elements with discontinuities
⫽1.3 for all elastic modulus ratios which is far deeper in the between layers. However, the FE solutions are based upon aver-
substrate than the ungraded case. age properties between adjacent layers, thus having a smoothing
effect 共not discontinuous兲 on the stress profile. This is the desired
Effect of Gradient in Elastic Modulus on the Stress Distri- effect as it more closely approximates the linear variation of elas-
bution. Multilayers possess high potential in advanced tribo- tic modulus with depth shown in Fig. 12.
logical systems since they can improve the adherence between a Figure 13 presents the equivalent stress distribution along the
hard coating and its substrate 关27–29兴. An innovative concept is centerline of the contact region for a system with and without a
to develop a gradient in the elastic modulus that can be produced gradient in the elastic modulus ( f ⫽0.1, t/R⫽0.02). For the un-
by depositing thin layers of different composition or different graded substrate, the equivalent stress on the contact surface is
thickness creating a graded composite layer. In this study, a gra- dramatically increased due to high stress concentration. Further, a
dient composite is assumed to be constructed of eight layers 共the larger discontinuity in stress at the coating/graded layer interface
thickness of each layer is a兲 deposited on a soft substrate 共e.g., exists. Thus, under this condition, degradation more than likely
will occur either on the coating surface by crack initiation, propa-
gation through the thickness of the coating or by delamination
from the substrate. Meanwhile, yielding may occur within the
substrate, which may accelerate the deflection and failure of the
hard coating.
In the case of the graded substrate, the calculated equivalent
stress on the contact surface is significantly decreased due to the
uniform distribution of the elastic modulus across the coating/
substrate region. Also, a slight reduction in the maximum value of
equivalent stress within the substrate is observed. Thus, if a modu-
lus gradient is developed in the substrate, yielding can be re-
stricted or even avoided at the location of maximum equivalent
stress. In brief, a more uniform stress distribution develops in the
coating/substrate region in the presence of gradient in elastic

4 Conclusions
Fig. 11 The effect of coatingÕsubstrate elastic modulus ratio
„ E c Õ E s … on the location of substrate initial yielding point „ f The initial yielding behavior of a coating/functionally graded
Ä0.1 and t Õ R Ä0.01… substrate system under indentation and friction was investigated

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