3.PJMS - Vol.19.Issue1.2014 Success & Failure of Strategic Plans

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Industry Report

Isaac Janak

Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Strategic information systems may offer a variety of services for an organization, but
all bolster the organization’s capabilities in some way. These systems are not self-
serving, but are intended to serve the objectives of the organization which employs
them. The level of complexity to which these systems are designed and their
extensive integration into organizational operations, often necessitate a degree of
planning on the part of the organization. To successfully integrate information
systems, they must be strategically planned for, and complement the organizational
objectives to which they serve. Examples of the implementation of strategic
information systems planning are prevalent throughout modern culture, from the
unsuccessful release of the flagship US healthcare exchange website, healthcare.gov,
to the very successful delivery of Apple’s iPhone, which repeatedly pushes the
boundary of mobile device capability and quality. While these two systems serve
very separate purposes, they both uniquely illustrate both successful and
unsuccessful strategic planning and implementation of information systems. In
order to further delineate moderately successful uses of strategic planning, two
additional cases will be examined to better depict the spectrum of degrees of

Unsuccessful Planning – Healthcare.gov

The US federal government healthcare website, Healthcare.gov, was opened to the
public in October 2013, with the intention of providing affordable health insurance
to millions of Americans and their families. The website was created in response to
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is a law aimed at reforming
the healthcare industry in the United States, which was signed into law by President

Barack Obama on the 23rd of March, 2010 (White House, n.d.). A provision of the
Act addresses the creation of health care exchanges, which subsequently developed
into the Healthcare.gov federal exchange in late 2013. While the website was being
developed over a two and a half year period, it experienced significant troubles up
until its release.

While many of the troubles were technological in nature, they are attributed to
failures of adequate management and planning. Straight after the rollout of the
Healthcare.gov website, it was reported that in the first week, only one (1) percent
of the 3.7 million of those who attempted to register were successful (Ford, 2013).
Furthering the troubles, long wait times plagued the exchange, preventing many
more customers from shopping for affordable coverage options. After investigation
of the extensive delays, it was found that, whereas the exchange was expected to
reach up to 60,000 users simultaneously, it was, in reality, only reaching closer to
250,000, which overloaded the site’s servers and caused issues with latency
(Mullaney, 2013). Coupled with continuous glitches and vulnerabilities in the
system, these problems led to an effective failure of the launch of the federal health
care exchange, which was a tremendous blow to the President’s landmark Act.

From the onset of the troubles surrounding the Healthcare.gov website, it was clear
that there had been a failure of leadership in managing the system’s development.
Whereas the workload of the drafting and implementation of the Affordable Care
Act had been handled “in house”, the development of the exchange system was
outsourced to a third party company. Often the effects of senior leadership
throughout the planning process is detrimental to the success of the planning for
information systems. Research conducted by Basu et al (2002), found that the
greater is the involvement of senior management in information systems planning,
the greater is success and the realization of the objectives for the planning. Although
senior leadership was intimately involved with the realization of the Act, it failed to
engage in planning processes for the development of websites. This lack of
involvement by senior leadership led to an uncoupling of business and information
systems strategies, and a failure of the information systems planning process to
reach its goals.

Another planning blunder which jointly caused an ineffective launch of the system,
was the lack of the allocation of sufficient time for its development. From the
passage of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, through to the launch of
Healthcare.gov, a gap of just over two and a half years was devoted to the
conception, planning, development, and testing of the system, all of which needed to
be completed during that timeframe. This short time frame and the sheer size of the
website did not allow a sufficient amount of time to create a robust system. The
importance of the amount of time allotted for the planning of information systems is
highlighted by Dhillon (2014), who states that the success of information systems
planning is dependent upon sufficient time being given to creative thinking and to
allocating sufficient resources to these means in order to avoid handling problems
in a reactive manner.


Whilst two and a half years might have been ample time to design a smaller system,
it was insufficient for the healthcare exchange system, which was reported to have
reached roughly 500 million lines of code on its completion (LaFraniere, Austen, &
Pear, 2013). From the onset of the planning process for the website, senior
leadership should have been kept fully aware of developments, on the
understanding that its development would be an extensive undertaking which
would require a much greater timeframe than that that was allocated. Assigning
more time to the planning process could have mitigated many of the troubles which
were experienced during the sites’ launch.

Moderately Successful Planning – The Virtual Information Sharing

The Virtual Information Sharing Network (VISN) was an attempt made by the
Commonwealth of Virginia’s Homeland Security Program to provide decision
makers and responders with real time information, which is critical for planning,
response, and recovery operations prior to, during, and after a disaster event. Whilst
support for the design of the VISM system was derived at a local level, the
management of the program was handled by the Office of Homeland Security within
the Governor’s Office, and development of the program was delegated to a third
party supplier. Whereas the senior management of the federal health care exchange
failed in the management and strategic planning of the development of VISN, it was
closely aligned to the operational business strategy and coordination with the
vendor throughout the design phase of the system.

A strength of the planning process for VISN was the fact that the management
employed an incremental planning process as opposed to a comprehensive planning
process. Dhillon (2014) suggests that when managers employ incremental planning,
the “focus is on a limited number of themes and [information systems] decisions are
made on a one-by-one basis” (Dhillon, p. 38). Although this process took longer for
the planning and development of VISN, it allowed for a more focused effort on each
element of its implementation.

While the VISN system was largely supported by senior leadership from its initial
conceptualization through to its development, senior leadership changed with the
political winds. As the old management board departed and the new one took office,
so too did the business strategies. These changes impacted the entirety of the
Governor’s Office, and both the Office of Homeland Security and the VISN system
were impacted greatly. Whereas the VISN system had once earned the support of
senior leadership, it now had to justify itself to a new management team and had to
find its place in the new business strategy. Business strategies often change, such as
in this case, and Dhillon (2014) contends that although information strategies must
be dynamic, IT applications often depend upon some level of stability in order to


A major strength of the VISN system was that its strategy was derived from
engagement with local stakeholders, who would be the ones that would utilize the
system most. Bozarth (2006) explains that a broad participation, with the inclusion
of key stakeholders from lower levels, is an integral element of the strategic
information systems planning process. Whilst the new senior leadership may
disagree with the idea of VISN, ongoing support from stakeholders would provide a
better justification for continuing to support the system. While the VISN system was
at a clear disadvantage as it had to justify its existence to new senior leadership,
such justifications often exist during the strategic planning process. Their existence
is recognized most by Lederer and Mendelow (1987), who state that the successful
implementation of information systems “requires an enormous marketing effort to
convince top management of the value of the information resource to the
organization, and of the necessity for IS management to be aware of top
management’s objectives” (Lederer & Mendelow, p. 397). Although justifying
strategic systems may seem unnecessary, it is quite often required, as senior
management may well not recognize their purpose, or may decide to retain only
some systems when their organization is under economic strain.

Successful Planning – Android by Google

Android was initially conceived in 2003 by Andy Rubin, and was quickly bought by
Google in 2005, to then become the Android mobile operating system, and the first
Android phone was released in 2008 on the T-Mobile network (Kovach, 2013).
Although Google had never been involved in the mobile device market before, their
decision to release the software as an open source operating system allowed the
usage of their system to spread rapidly. Under this business strategy, by August
2013, Android already provided the operating software for 80% of the world’s
mobile devices, whilst Apple iOS only supported 13% (Kovach, 2013). Even though
the use of the Android operating system is so widespread, this does not necessarily
translate into monetary gain for Google. Google decision to acquire Android and
then make the operating system open source, was a result of a strategy that forecast
that as more manufacturers utilized the system, this would drive up demand for
Google’s web resources generated through mobile web traffic (Chen, 2012). Despite
the positive return that resulted from this strategy, Google’s business model lacks
insight into future changes in mobile marketing, and the growing concerns of mobile
security, which could potentially negatively affect the company.

There is no question that the open source status of Android allowed Google’s
operating system to force itself to the top, by becoming the most widely used
operating system software in the mobile market. But, beyond this, it limits the
system from future growth into other markets where other systems might soon
flourish. One such reason for this is the lack of security provided by the mobile
platform. According to Symantec (2014), as the Android mobile operating system
spread, so too did mobile forms of malware, with five new families of malware being


created each month in 2013. While the effects of these threats have not damaged the
Android market, it is likely to hinder its growth in the future.

As Blackberry’s hold on government and business industries loosens, other

companies such as Apple and Google will be vying to fill the void. Having a secure
platform to offer to businesses and governments is essential to gaining their support
for a mobile solution, because of the increase in data theft, as the number and
sophistication of data breaches is increasing each year (Verizon, 2014). The
strategic plan for Android is currently working well, but, depending on how Google
plans to incorporate Android into its business strategy in the future, it will have to
rethink the open source design. According to Dhillon (2014), most organizations
consider information systems planning as a function needed to meet the budget, or
as a means to forecast for the future, but to truly develop future organizational plans,
planning must take on a strategic orientation. Assuming that Google plans to
maintain its mobile system, then it should examine a way to secure its platform in
order to be able to compete better with other systems.

Furthermore, as it currently stands, Android is a key operational or supportive

application within Google’s impressive range of products. Key operational
applications are defined as those which an organization currently depends on, and
support applications as those which are valuable to the organization, but not crucial
to the success of a business (Dhillon, 2014). The open source nature of Android
means that Google does not necessarily gain any form of direct capital from its use
by other manufacturers, but rather depends upon the use of its mobile online
applications as a source of revenue. If Google plans to retain Android as a
competitive mobile platform, then it should seek to align the operating software as a
strategic system, being integral to the company’s business strategy. Dhillon (2014)
explains that strategic applications share strong bonds with the overall business
strategy of an organization and are driven by business objectives. Prioritizing the
Android operating system as a strategic system would improve its ability to react to
changing markets and demands.

Very Successful Planning – Apple iOS

With the release of the first version in June 2007, iPhone changed how mobile
phones operate, with its Chief Executive Officer, Steve Jobs, proclaiming that it was
“literally five years’ ahead of any other mobile phone” (The Telegraph, n.d.).
Whereas every other system previously mentioned had failed, Apple strategically
planned for the iPhone device almost perfect way. The iPhone device was designed
and planned in synchronization with Apple’s business strategy, and it has become
the cornerstone of the company’s product line. The device’s name is associated with
quality, capability, and security, whilst other devices fail to meet, or match, even one
of its attributes. The reasons for the success of the iPhone and of its iOS operating
system are many. Under the helm of Steve Jobs, technological development and


business strategy were strongly bonded, as he was a businessman and understood

the importance of the two.

One of the greatest strengths of Apple’s iPhone and iOS operating system is the
niche that they have carved for themselves. Comparing the iPhone to Android, Apple
falls quite short of Android’s 80% share of the mobile device market, however Apple
has sought out, and conquered a section of the market, which its products selling on
reputation alone. The thinking behind carving out a niche to subsequently develop a
system further is not new, and is described by Dhillon (2014) as being a legitimate
information systems strategy option. Apple began concentrating its efforts on
mobile equipment with the launch of multimedia players, called iPods, and then
simply integrated mobile data capabilities into this device, in order to expand into
the mobile phone market. A comparative model was developed by Amazon, which
started as an online book retailer, but then expanded as revenue and demand for
other products increased.

Another strength of Apple is its ability to maintain its information systems relevant
and its capability to continuously plan for and develop newer technologies which
are in demand. According to the product life cycle, as a product progresses through
time, it moves through four stages: initiation, growth, maturity, and then ends in
decline. Whilst it is often the case that the life of products result in this pattern,
using product portfolio management allows an organization to manage and
strategize for their products based on their market positioning (On The Mark, 2005).
Apple leverages this capability effectively by reengineering the device, based on the
demands of the market and consumer perception.

Whilst not all organizations engage in strategic information systems planning, it is
nevertheless an essential means of integrating IT and information systems into an
organizational environment. Although the examples provided above are uniquely
different I terms of the type of information systems, they each delineated the dos
and don’ts of strategic planning. Whereas the newly designed federal healthcare
exchange failed to successfully strategize for its own business objectives, Apple’s
iPhone exemplifies good strategic planning for information systems. No strategy is
ever going to fully plan for the implementation and integration of a business’s
information system, but the absence of any strategic planning can, however,
significantly hinder its ability to be implemented.


Basu, V., Hartono, E., Lederer, A., & Sethi, V. (2002). The impact of organizational
commitment, senior management involvement, and team involvement on strategic
information systems planning. Information Management, 513-524.

Bozarth, C. (2006). Strategic Information Systems Planning - An IS Strategy for ERP

Implementation. SCRC. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from http://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-

Chen, S. (2012, December 4). Has Google Android’s Open Source Business Model
Failed? Retrieved May 29, 2014, from Open Source Strategies:

Dhillon, G. (2014). Strategic Information Systems Planning. Washington DC: Semantic


Ford, P. (2013, October 16). The Obamacare Website Didn't Have to Fail. How to Do
Better Next Time. Retrieved May 30, 2014, from Bloomburg Buisnessweek:

Kovach, S. (2013, August 13). How Android Grew To Be More Popular Than The
iPhone. Retrieved May 30, 2014, from Business Insider:

LaFraniere, S., Austen, I., & Pear, R. (2013, October 20). U.S.: Contractors See Weeks of
Work on Health Site. Retrieved May 30, 2014, from The New York Times:

Lederer, A., & Mendelow, A. (1987). Information Resource Planning: Overcoming

Difficulties in Identifying Top Management's Objectives. Management Information
Systems, 389-399.

Mullaney, T. (2013, October 6). Obama adviser: Demand overwhelmed

HealthCare.gov. Retrieved May 29, 2014, from USA Today: www.usatoday.com

On The Mark. (2005). Managing a Portfolio of Products. Retrieved May 31, 2014,
from On The Mark Marketing: http://www.otmmarketing.com/Portals

Symantec. (2014). Internet Security Threat Report. Symantec Corporation.


The Telegraph. (n.d.). Apple iPhone's history in pictures. Retrieved May 31, 2014,
from The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/iphone/54773


Verizon. (2014). 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report. Verizon.

White House. (n.d.). Health Care that Works for Americans. Retrieved May 30, 2014,
from The White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov/healthreform/healthcare-


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