Allotropes, Metallic Bonding, Structures of Solids

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Comparison of Physical properties of Ionic compounds and Covalent

Physical Property Ionic compounds Covalent substances

State at RT solid Can be gas/solid/liquid

Melting and Boiling High Low
Point (except for Diamond and
Electrical Good conductors when molten or Do NOT conduct since no
conductivity aqueous (ions become mobile) mobile electrons or ions
(exception: Graphite- does
Polarity polar Most non-polar
Solubility Most soluble in water Few soluble in water. Eg.
glucose, ethanol
Most will dissolve in organic
solvents eg. kerosene
hardness Hard Soft

Structure of Covalent Compounds

There are two (2) possible structures of covalent compounds:

1) Giant molecular Crystals aka Giant Covalent Crystals aka


2) Simple Molecular Crystals

Giant molecular Crystals

Diamond Graphite (SiO2) quartz, silica

Allotropes (allotropy)
Allotropes are different structural forms of the same element in the same
physical state
The occurrence(existence) of these different allotropes is known as allotropy
i.e. Allotropy is the existence of different structural… forms of the same element
in the same physical state
Allotropes have the:

⮚ same chemical properties (same element)

⮚ but different physical properties (atoms are bonded differently)

The element carbon exists in two (2) allotropic forms : 1) Diamond C(s)
2) Graphite C(s)
Diamond and Graphite are both composed of carbon atoms. However, their carbon
atoms are bonded differently, therefore, they have different crystal structures and
hence different physical properties.
Both allotropes are naturally occurring
Diamond C elec config 2,4
Bonding in Diamond

● Carbon has 4 valence electrons

● Each carbon atom is bonded to four(4) other carbon atoms

● A tetrahedral unit is formed (tetrahedron)

● Four (4) strong covalent bonds are formed in all directions

● A regular three-dimensional (3D) giant molecular lattice is formed

● A crystal of Diamond consists of millions of carbon atoms

Physical properties of diamond

The structure and bonding in diamond explains its physical properties
Physical property Explanation
Very high Melting Point Very strong covalent bonds between the atoms. Large amounts of heat
(approx. 3550-3600 ⸰C) energy required to break these bonds (weaken forces and separate
atoms allowing solid to melt)

Extremely hard Very strong covalent bonds between carbon atoms throughout
(Hardest naturally cutting and drilling
occurring solid)
Used for jewellery
Does not conduct All the valence electrons are shared between carbon atoms and none
electricity (electrical are mobile. No ‘free electrons’ to conduct an electric current
Insoluble in water Polar water molecules do not attract the carbon atoms out of the giant

Another property of diamond: Diamond has a very high refractive index

Use : To make jewellery

2. Graphite

Bonding in Graphite:

● Each carbon atom is bonded covalently to three(3) other carbon atoms

● The carbon atoms form hexagonal rings of atoms which bond together to
form flat sheets or layers

● The fourth electron of each atom is NOT BONDED to any atom. It remains
‘free’ or delocalised. (mobile)

● The delocalised electrons can move within the lattice of graphite

● The layers of hexagonal rings lie on top of each other

● The covalent bonds between the carbon atoms in the layers/sheets are very
strong covalent bonds

● However, the layers/sheets are held together by weak forces of attraction

called Van der Waal’s forces of attraction.

Structure of Graphite
Comparison of the structures of the crystal lattices of Diamond and Graphite

Physical Properties of Graphite

The structure and bonding in graphite explains its physical properties

Physical property Explanation
Very high Melting Point Very strong covalent bonds between the atoms. Large amounts of heat
(approx. 3600 ⸰C) energy required to break these bonds (weaken forces and separate
atoms allowing solid to melt).
**** similar to diamond

Graphite is used to make crucibles for molten metals

Soft and Lubricating and The weak forces of attraction between the layers allow the layers to
Flaky slide over each other resulting in a ‘soft’ cystal As such,.Graphite is
used as a lubricant. Its softness allows the layers to flake off.. In a
pencil point the layers slip off and leave dark marks on the paper
Conducts electricity The fourth electron of each carbon atom is delocalised allowing it to
(electrical conductor) move freely within the crystal. These mobile electrons can carry an
electric current through the crystal. Graphite is used to make
electrodes in electrolysis
Insoluble in water Polar water molecules do not attract the carbon atoms out of the giant
**** similar to diamond

NB: When equal masses of diamond and graphite are burnt in air, they produce
equal volumes of carbon dioxide gas. This proves that they are chemically the
same !

Carbon (D) + Oxygen gas → carbon dioxide gas

Carbon (G) + Oxygen gas → carbon dioxide gas


1. What is the structure of diamond and graphite? [1]giant molecular crystal

2. Explain fully why diamond is used to make cutting tools? [3]
Hardest material
Very strong covalent bonds between the carbon atoms throughout the crystal
Can withstand a lot of force or pressure
3. Why can graphite conduct electricity? [3]
The 4 th electron of each carbon atom is delocalised between the layers of
hexagonal rings. These delocalised/mobile/free electrons which are charged
can carry an electric current through the crystal of graphite

4. Diamond and graphite are: answer = A

(a) Isotopes of carbon
(b) Isomers of carbon
(c) Allotropes of carbon
(d) Allomers of carbon

5. Sodium chloride, diamond and graphite have very high melting points.

Complete the table below which compares sodium chloride and graphite [15]

Sodium chloride Diamond C(s) Graphite C (s)

Type of bonding
Explanation for Very strong Very strong Very strong
high melting point electrostatic foa covalent bonds covalent bonds
between cations between c atoms between c atoms
and anions. throughout crystal. throughout crystal.

Alot of heat Alot of heat energy Alot of heat energy

energy required required to required to
to separate A the separate the C separate the C
ions allowing atoms allowing atoms allowing
solid to melt solid to melt solid to melt
conductivity in
solid state
Solubility in water
6. Some types of sand consist of silica, SiO2. Silica is relatively hard, does not
conduct electricity in any state and has a high melting point.

Describe the bonding which you would expect to find in silica.

- Covalent bonding
- Giant molecular structure
- No free electrons since all are used in in forming covalent bonds
- Very strong covalent bonds between Si and O atoms throughout crystal

Metallic Bonding
The type of bonding between metal atoms in any metal is known as metallic

▪ Metal atoms pack closely together to form a 3D metal lattice

▪ Due to this tight packing, the valence shells of the metal atoms overlap and
the valence electrons become delocalised (they leave the metal atoms)

When the silver metal atoms lose electrons, the silver positive metal cations
are now surrounded by the delocalized electrons
General: M (s) - ne- M n+ (s) + ne-
Cu (s) - 2e- Cu 2+ (s) + 2e-
Al(s) - 3e- Al 3+ (s) + 3e-
Na(s) - e- Na +(s) + e-
▪ The delocalized electrons are no longer associated with any particular metal
▪ These delocalized electrons are known as “mobile electrons” and they form
what we refer to as “ a sea of delocalized electrons” which move around
within the metal lattice

Draw this one

▪ The metal lattice is held together by the strong electrostatic force of
attraction known as the metallic bond between the positive metal cations
and the sea of delocalized electrons.

Physical properties of Metals

The physical properties of metals is a result of its bonding and structure

Bonding : Metallic bonding

Structure: (Giant )metallic

● High melting and boiling points – due to the strong electrostatic forces of attraction
between the positive metal cations and the sea of delocalized electrons. Therefore, a
large amount of heat energy is required to separate the atoms in order for melting to take

● High Densities – the metal atoms are packed very closely together. Since
Density = Mass
Volume (small due to tight packing)
Tight packing results in a small volume. Also metal atoms have a high mass (heavy).
These 2 factors result in a high density.

● Good conductors of Heat and Electricity- the delocalized electrons which are moving in
the metal lattice act as charge and heat carriers throughout a piece of metal

● Shiny Lustre- the mobile electrons absorb and reflect light away from the metal surface

● Hard – strong electrostatic forces of attraction between metal cations and delocalized
electrons. A force can be applied without it breaking

● Malleable and Ductile-These two properties relate to the high strength of the metallic
bond. All the atoms in a metal lattice are identical and are therefore the same size. If
force is applied to the metal, the atoms roll over each other but the metallic bond does not
break. Only the shape will change.

Malleable – can be beaten or hammered into shapes (moulded)

Ductile – can be drawn into wires

● All solids at room temperature. Exception is mercury

● Strong- strong electrostatic forces of attraction between metal cations and delocalized
electrons. A force can be applied without breaking
Structures of Solids
Type of Solid Type of Bonding Particles Physical Examples
Giant Ionic Ionic Positive and Hard, High M.P, NaCl, KBr,
negative ions and B.P, brittle MgCO3
etc, can conduct
(cations, anions) electricity when
1) molten
2) dissolved to
form aqueous soln
Giant Covalent Covalent Atoms connected Very hard, very Cdiamond, Cgraphite,
(Giant Molecular) in network of high M.P, B.P quartz
covalent bonds
Does not conduct exc’p is graphite
electricity wrt cond’y, soft
Simple Molecular 1.Strong Atoms or small Fairly soft, low Ice, dry ice (CO2)
Covalent bonds molecules M.P. and B.P. iodine, Argon,
between atoms Cl2, methane
Does not conduct (CH4), ethanol, O2
2. Weak electricity
forces of
attraction (Van
der Waal forces)
Giant Metallic Metallic atoms Soft to very hard, Cu, Al, Na, Fe Zn
very high M.P, Mg, Mn, K
excellent heat and
(lattice of metal conductivity
surrounded by a
sea of delocalized

Qn: Identify the structure of the following substances:

a) Water (H2O)
b) Iodine (I2)
c) Calcium fluoride (CaF2)
d) Magnesium sulphate MgSO4
e) Diamond C(s)
f) Carbon dioxide CO2
g) Iron ( Fe)
h) Silicon tetrafluoride SiF4
i) Methane (CH4)
j) Zinc chloride ZnCl2
k) Copper (Cu)
l) Graphite C(s)
m) Oxygen gas O2
n) Carbon disulphide CS2
o) (o) calcium carbonate CaCO3
p) (p) lithium oxide Li2O

June 2011 No.2

Depending on their structures and properties, solids can be classified as having giant metallic,
giant covalent , simple molecular or ionic lattice structures. The structure and conductivity of
selected solids are summarized in the table below.
Complete the table to show the structure and conductivity of EACH solid substance listed.
Solid Structure Conducts electricity in the
solid state? (yes/no)
Magnesium chloride Giant ionic No
Iodine Simple molecular No
Zinc Giant metallic yes
Diamond Giant covalent No
Carbon dioxide Simple molecular No
Recall ! For a substance to conduct electricity, it must contain mobile charged particles (ions or
Qn: Explain why all ionic compounds such as sodium chloride (NaCl) are soluble in water.
Water is a polar molecule and is attracted the ions in an ionic lattice. The slightly negatively
charged oxygen in water is attracted to the cations (Na+) and the slightly positively charged
hydrogen atoms are attracted to the anions (Cl-). These attractive forces break up the ionic lattice
in a process called dissolving. Each ion remains surrounded by water molecules.

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